Jesus Is No Less Than God (John 5:18-29 Jeff Kliewer)

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Sermon Notes: Jesus Is No Less Than God


He has do you have me on All right now we do well. Good morning. Welcome to cornerstone my name is
Michael and I'm gonna start off with Just letting you know that if you're new here you can
Contact us through contact dot cornerstone sj org. It's just a little form just your name just to let you know that we
Glad that you're with us this morning If you need to reach out to us in any way you can use that that form online
Connect dot cornerstone sj org we do have an app the
Church Center app is what we use to give you a ton of information about small groups and Anything that's going on in the events of the church
So if you need that you can go to either the Apple or the Google stores and download the
Church Center app find cornerstone church and Log in so This morning.
We're gonna be so blessed to have John Laskin. Give us some further announcements What an introduction
Whoa, this is this is brand new I mean this was not here first service
My wife and I were down the shore earlier this week and on our way back
Tuesday Just looking at the colors of the trees and just the beauty of the day
It's it is incredibly inspiring The question is when you're doing an opportunity like that.
What is it you actually see? Now the the world will tell us many things
But the truth will tell us that we have a creator God. I Have had the blessing a number of times to be whitewater rafting with my brother and his friends down the
Grand Canyon and From the down, but I can't do heights so I could never do the canyon from up top
But from down below the beauty every time you turn the corner is Is really impressive and for my brother and his 14 atheist friends they saw the evidence of whatever it is they think it's evidence of But I mean to tell you when
I turn those corners and I look I can see God's glory in So many so many ways
Psalm 104 verse 33. I will sing to the Lord as long as I live
I will sing praise to the Lord while I have being What God has provided for us what
God gives to us how God blesses us should be Enough of a of an inspiration for us to just honor and praise and to glorify
Him but I want to give you three challenges about this again I will sing to the
Lord as long as I live and the first one is that my heart needs to be focused on God there are so many lures and and and Temptations of this world that will draw your attention in many many ways
But we need to intentionally keep our hearts Focused on God and then intentionally see
God So when we were driving down the road and we saw these colors of the trees
It could have been aesthetically pleasing or I can choose to see God In so many of the ways that we we experience things are we're being blessed to this weekend with One of our daughters and her family and four grandchildren coming up.
I can see God I can see God and I can sing to the Lord as long as I live because you see anything
That you get to experience if you look at it from a viewpoint of the world
You might enjoy it and you might even find joy in it, but it does not last
But if you find joy in God it lasts forever it is everlasting when we find joy for God I will sing to the
Lord as long as I live I have some announcements for you. This is again a beautifully busy time of awesome things going on Operation Christmas Child we are in the midst of it and it's ongoing
You can see this little pile is starting to grow the boxes out front that are empty take boxes
Get them filled give them to neighbors and as you fill them bring them in so that that pile We want that pile to be so big you can no longer see the drummer
Seriously we want these for the children for God's kingdom because we can gift them with gifts
But we can also give them with the Word of God gentlemen Our retreat is coming up in less than two weeks.
If you have not signed up for it yet This is an incredible opportunity to get with the men and to hear from the
Word of God What men are in the eyes of God according to the Bible? It's called the builders summit if you desire to go, but it's not the end of the world
It's just not fitting in your economy I understand with all of the inflation and everything that goes on But if you really would like to go see us see pastor
Jeff see myself see John Detoli We have scholarships available so that if you would like to go we want you to be able to go
So so see us we've been talking about our ministry to the Evesham police that we are going to honor them
We do have a sufficient Excuse a number of people willing to participate to get this started.
So we will If you are interested, there are lots of openings for you to participate for six months
We will go every Wednesday on a rotational basis to the police station in Evesham with food at midnight a
Little bit of a hardship to have to stay up till midnight and to hand it out That's a good thing because we want to honor the police the ones that are working that night shift
We give them some food and some encouragement. So if you aren't all interested in it, please contact me pastor
Jeff we'll get you on the list I will be going with Stan will this week over to the police station and set up our
Relationship with the police so that we can start doing this join us for our regular weekly schedules of opportunities to pray to fellowship to Disciple tonight with our prayer meeting
Mondays and Tuesdays the men's and women's studies Wednesday Thursday Friday the small group
And this coming Wednesday our typical Noontime Bible study.
We're going to have a small break from our study in Ephesians, which has been really exciting
But just gonna take the opportunity for a few weeks to teach us what the Bible has to say about the
Trinity It's going to be an amazing time. I encourage you if you can be here at noon great.
That would be awesome If you can't be here at noon Jeff's pastor Graham links you to the studies and so you can watch it on your own
Gentlemen, we're going to also resume a an activity that we used to do and we took a break from it for some while We're gonna have a turkey bowl on third on Thursday Thanksgiving at 10 o 'clock 12 years and up According to the guys.
There's no limit on how old you have you my wife said I'm not allowed to play my
Anyway Gentlemen, come on out. It's a great time of fellowship for a turkey bowl Thanksgiving Day at 10 o 'clock
Jeff in his pastor Graham This week highlighted Reformation Day tomorrow.
The rest of the country is going to be celebrating all Hallows Eve Trick -or -treating
Halloween all that other stuff costumes. It's gonna be all that other stuff, but you know tomorrow is also
Reformation Day It's when the theses were put on the wall at the castle in Wittenberg This is an important time in our in our church history because it returns us back to the truth of Scripture and gets us away from apostasy that can be taught
There are two kingdoms in this world according to the passages Jeff wrote it in his in his pastor
Graham We have God's kingdom But we have Satan's kingdom and they're in conflict with each other and our choice is to set your mind on the correct one in fact in Colossians 3
It says set your mind on things above not on things of the earth
We have choices to make and in Galatians 5 16 It says it says walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh
We're encouraging you Continue to reread what Jeff had to wrote set your mind on things above not on things of the earth be protected from the attacks of Satan We are going to have a very special presentation from some of the ladies of our church
So I just came into the church and the table on the left, you know I have the information and I found this box
I seem to be drawn to boxes and this one says connect care what do we know about that connect care is a ministry of Cornerstone Church to encourage people by the glory of God that might be experiencing one of life's transitional changes such as death of a spouse or a child or a parent or going into long -term care or Hospitalization or childbirth or loss of a job or things like that, you know one of life's changes
Wow, this box is gonna do all that well We'll have something that goes in the box.
That'll help that It's gonna happen by volunteering people From this body of Christ.
I'll offer to volunteer on a form called a volunteer form and you will volunteer to minister in a way such as Write a note or a card or email or a
Text or a phone call or pray for them simple ways like that that volunteers can
Connect with people who need care. Oh my goodness. This is so exciting This sounds like first Corinthians 12 where scripture speaks of a body of believers
Encouraging each other where it says where one suffers all suffer together and where one is honored all rejoice together
Absolutely, that's great that you knew that scripture Kristen. Okay, so so who's involved with it.
Is this like a women's ministry? Oh, absolutely not. We want men involved because men can call or text men or Email men and we want young people old people anyone can participate in this anyone who has youth group youth group anyone who has a
Hand that could write a note who has an ear that wants to listen to someone talk or has a heart
That wants to pray or a heart that wants to serve in ministry to someone else Wow, it sounds like the body being the body right to each other.
So How does this work? Well, we have a volunteer form that is in the back and there will be some at the front today, too and there's ways to volunteer you can choose what you'd like to do you put your information on and then
You put it in a box Like that what else well, what else goes in the box is maybe you need care yourself or you know someone in the body of the congregation here that needs some care and so there's you can put information about yourself or about them what their need is and how they could contact you and Only put this in the box if it's it doesn't have to be confidential
We'll have a way that you can connect on line the church app But right now if only put this in the book box if it's not confidential
But you can put your request for care in the box Well, then what happens is a coordinator will take the things out of the box and she will connect the person who needs care wants care with the person but some volunteers who are going to give the care and then they'll connect with that person so they connect care
Connect care you get it amazing who is on our connect care team well
One of the people is Barbara Kurtel and Barbara's gonna come up because she's gonna connect people our coordinator
So good to see all of you and to introduce connect care, and he said
I'm supposed to speak louder Closer to the mic so I'll try to do that anyway
You've heard all about our purpose and the details of the ministry that God asked us to Help pass on to all of you so we can all be involved as a church family
Because we care about you And I know there are many of you who want to reach out to those going through storms who who need some sort of?
Encouragement so I will be here in front of the church And I have forms and in the back
Carol Griffith is by the entrance where the information table is She also has forms, and we'll be glad to answer questions
So I wore red so that you could see me. I'm right here And please pray for this ministry so that we can all learn and to love each other and help each other more
Let's pray for these ladies and for this ministry So father God we thank you so much for the body of Christ And how you've given us all gifts in the body
We pray Lord for these ladies who are heading up this ministry that you would bless them and keep your hand upon them
In the ministry we pray for us as a church that we would do well Caring for one another and carrying one another's burdens and so fulfilling the law of Christ, so thank you for this ministry
We play we pray for blessing upon it that those with needs would be cared for Deeply in love in Jesus name.
We pray amen An amazing opportunity for us to show that love that God has poured within us so that we can share it with others a
Reminder this is not a women's ministry. This is a church ministry the women are
Controlling it or not controlling the coordinating it for us, and so we're very grateful for you doing that but If a man is in need of something it would be better for a man to contact him
And if a woman is in need it would be better for a woman To contact him and what a powerful thing for youth to actually step up with youth, so this is a churchwide ministry
Time for us to go to prayer Lord we come to you Proclaiming as the psalmist
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live Lord that our heart would turn to you would see you that we would always rejoice because of the blessings
You give to us Lord. We rejoice in the new life and the new identity that you've given us
The relationship that we have with you O Lord because of the shed blood Lord God we acknowledge our sin
We confess our rebellion against you And we admit that our sinful heart could not even turn to you except for your grace the
Holy Spirit We say thank you Lord. We accept the truth That without your son's sacrifice on the cross we would be without hope we could not earn our position
It's the obedience of the Son Who died on the cross for us father we thank you for your love
Jesus we thank you for the blood that you shed and Holy Spirit. We thank you for your indwelling in our heart teaching us
Convicting us drawing us to you Lord as your children we sing praise to you
You've cleansed us you've redeemed us we say thank you for the many blessings for the hope that we have
Through you we say thank you Lord for those in need we pray and even as this connect care ministry could be an
Opportunity for us as brothers and sisters within this body to care for each other in real ways
Lord we pray for those in need Lord for those serving as missionaries spreading your word to a dark world hold them up we pray
Today as pastor Jeff comes to us and expounds upon your word that we would understand the deity of Christ We pray that you would speak through him prepare the words in his heart and prepare our hearts to hear
We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen Let's sing together
A Risen King who delight to bring him praise
Come on Our hearts to sing to the morning star
From the shifting shadows of the earth we will lift our eyes to Steady arms of mercy reach to Rejoice His morning sun and those weeping through the night
One and those drugs Forever change and his mercies never
Was through all our days the sir Rejoice rejoice
Let every Boy Every land men and women of the faith
Those full or empty hands by the riches
Oh Great singing this morning
It's amazing how The passage that John shared with us. We didn't plan
Psalm Really is a whole book of joyful songs to the
Lord No matter what bad things are happening in our lives. We just have to remember that God is for us
He has us in the center of his hand. We are his children. He loves us so deeply
It says in James 1 Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance
Let's sing together God is for us We won't fear the battle we won't fear the night
We will walk the valley with you by our side You have gone before us.
You will lead the way We have found a refuge only you can say
Sing with joy now our God is for us The father's love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice No, love is greater who can stand against us if our
God is for us Even when
I stumble even when I fall Even when I turn back still your love is sure you will not abandon
You will not forsake You will cheer me on with never -ending
Praising sing with joy now our God is for us
They Is Neither height nor depth can separate us hell and death will not
Defeat us he who gave his son to free us holds me
In his love Neither height nor depth can separate us
Sing with joy now our God is for us the father's love strong and mighty
Fortress raise your voice now. No love is greater
Who can stand against us if our God is for us sing with joy?
Our God is for us The father's love is a strong and mighty fortress
Raise your voice No, love is greater Oh It says in Zechariah 14 9 the
Lord will be king over all the entire earth That one day there will be one
Lord and his name the only name We can put our our whole basis of our faith that Jesus Christ is the one and only
Savior and that he is God No other religion can say that and we can hold true and and know that he has redeemed us and One day we will stand before his throne singing praises like we do on Sunday So this is our practice time.
So come rehearse with us as we stand before the throne of God and sing praises to his name Let's sing together.
I believe in Christ Risen from the dead
He now reigns victorious His kingdom knows no end through his resurrection
Death has lost its hold. I know on that final day.
I'll rise as Jesus rose on that day
We will see you shining brighter than the Sun on that day
We will know you as we lift our voice as one till that day
We will praise you for your never -ending Grace, and we will keep on singing on that glorious day
Oh Though not tired and worn We will spend eternity around our
Savior's throne Though we grieve our losses We grieve not in vain
For we know our crown of glory waits beyond the grave
On that day See you On that day
You Our voices We will praise you
We will keep on singing on that glorious day
Oh Hallelujah, what a day it will be For at home with you my joy is complete
As I run into your arms open wide I will see
My father who is waiting for me Yeah, what a day it will be
For at home with you my joy is complete As I run into your arms open wide
I will see My father who is waiting for me
On that day We will see you Shining brighter than the
Sun on that day We will know you as we lift our voice as one till that day
We will praise you for your never -ending Grace, and we will keep on singing on that glorious On that day
See you Shining brighter than the Sun on that day
We will know you as we lift our voice as one till that day
We will praise you for your never -ending Grace, and we will keep on singing on that glorious day
And we'll keep on singing on that glorious day
Maybe see amen to that song brother father.
We do look for that day When standing in the presence of the
Son of God Surrounded by the brightness the refulgence of the glory of the true
God We will praise you we will fall down before you We will shout with joy
And cry tears of joy Worshipping from our hearts Lord.
We thank you that you have saved us Lord we would go nowhere else you have the words of life
We pray now as we open the word that you would draw near to us and that we would draw near to you
Speak to us by the word in Jesus name we pray amen When my mom was about 61 years old we began to notice some changes
In her she began to shuffle she began to hold her hand slightly clenched and Her handwriting began to get small and we noticed signs that there was something wrong and within a short period of time she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and As Parkinson's took over her body her body slowed so at first it was
Things that could be dealt with but before long she began to lose a lot of the the function of being able to from fold laundry to to the simple tasks of life and About four years ago it got to the point where she needed to go into a memory care
Unit because not only was her body slowing down, but her mind her brain was also slowing
So it was a very difficult time as she transitioned into that But I want to tell you my father is my hero
Because this man for years now has gone in to see my mother every morning and stays with her all day
Ministering to her needs and caring for her as a true husband to his wife in this distress
But for the last couple years because my mom's mind has been slowing she hasn't said much in fact
I think it's probably been about a year and a half since she said something to me that I could understand
And she hasn't recognized me when I came to visit a Couple days ago well last week last
Sunday I got on an airplane and flew down to Florida to see my parents and was back on Wednesday But just spent
Monday and Tuesday with them And when I went in to visit my mom the first day there was again
No sign of recognition, and it was kind of sad, but the second day I Was sitting and talking with my father sharing some of the problems
But also some of the blessings the growth of the church the people being baptized and saved The new land that we have and how we were able to dedicate it to the
Lord But how some Sanbalat and Tobiah tried to resist the building of God's work
Sharing my problems how we're in a theological battle for a true
Biblical understanding of justice and how I fight these battles and but celebrating all the victories that God is giving us in these things
I was talking to my dad and then my mom
Began to light up Her eyes got wide she began to smile, and I could see in her eyes that she recognized me
Which had been a couple years and so I hugged her and she was smiling ear -to -ear filled with joy and I was filled with joy and then she looked right at me and Said a complete sentence, don't you want to know what she said?
Before I tell you that remind you my dad said she hadn't said more than a word or two for many months
So to string together a full sentence is powerful, but when you hear how profound it is
You like me hopefully will know that the Lord was speaking through her leading her to say this she said
We have no problems if we trust in God What did she mean we have no problems if we trust in God you could take that one of two ways one
Some of our problems that we have are because we don't trust in God We have problems because we're beating our head against the wall we keep sinning in the same way and so we get the discipline of a loving father and The problems that we experience could be alleviated if we would just trust
God and obey his revealed will But I think she meant it a second way And that is like this
Jesus said in this world you will have trouble problems but take heart
I Have overcome the world You see we have no problems when we trust in God because when we hold on to the promises of God When we take
God at his word and we rest in him. It's not us that has to carry our problems alone
His yoke is easy his burden is light we have no problems when we allow
God to carry our burdens And we trust him to carry us through the hard time if you look around in the world
You will discover that people are worried about many things Like Martha everything seems like an insurmountable problem whether the the chores will get done in the house as Jesus sits right there in the very room and Mary sits at his feet.
She has chosen the better part Problems we all have them, but the key issue of life is taking
Jesus at his word It's to know him in his word turn with me to John chapter 5
The words that we are about to read from John 5 verses 18 to 29
Are very doctrinal they're very theological in Some ways they're more difficult to preach and for us to hear than an exciting story
If we're telling the story of the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead that's exciting But when you have a long passage of teaching sometimes we fall into a rut of thinking you know what
I've got this I already know this I have a category in my brain That already believes that Jesus is
God So you don't need to prove to me that Jesus is God equal with the
Father But there are some reasons why we need to take these words to heart first of all the more we look into the perfect Law of the
Lord it gives us Liberty It teaches us trust our trust in Jesus goes deeper than where we are right now today
We're gonna dig deeper and deeper and deeper to find Christ in his glory at rock bottom secondly there are many who name the name of Christ and They say they believe in the
Son of God, but they do not believe that Jesus is equal with the Father Jehovah's Witnesses think that Jesus is the
Archangel Michael created by the Father and they say he is a God but not equal to the
God Mormons think that Jesus is a spirit offspring of Elohim who with a spirit mother procreated
Jesus And he had that origin point It's a different Jesus Here in the text today.
Let's read it. We see the picture of Jesus fully equal with the
Father having existed for all time before the creation of time With his father and with the
Holy Spirit John 5 18 to 29 this was why the
Jews were seeking all the more to kill him Because not only was he breaking the
Sabbath But he was even calling God his own father Making himself equal with God So Jesus said to them truly truly
I say to you The Son can do nothing of his own accord But only what he sees the
Father doing for whatever the Father does that the Son does likewise for the
Father loves the Son and Shows him all things that he himself is doing and greater works than these will he show him so that you may marvel
For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life. So also the Son gives life to whom he will
The Father judges no one but has given all judgment to the Son That all may honor the
Son just as they honor the Father Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the
Father who sent him Truly truly I say to you whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life
He does not come into judgment But has passed from death to life truly truly
I say to you an hour is coming and is now here when the dead will hear the voice of the
Son of God and Those who hear will live For as the Father has life in himself so he has granted that the
Son also to have life in himself and He has given him authority to execute judgment because he is the
Son of Man Do not marvel at this for an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs
Will hear his voice and come out those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment
Here we have one of the clearest places in all the Bible For establishing that Jesus is
God that he is equal with the Father He is no lesser than the
Father. There is complete equality between father and son We're gonna see that in the passage, but it comes out when opposition arises to his teaching in a similar way the doctrine of the
Trinity was not fully established and understood until the 300s
Council of Nicaea and then Constantinople in 381 These define the
Trinity but understand this teaching of the full deity of Christ was already present in the church
It came about that a man named Arius began to deny the full deity of Christ He was essentially like a
Jehovah's Witness Arius was teaching that Jesus is a created being and So the church had to rally together and at a council define what had always been taught and establish these things from the word
That Jesus is fully God. Let's look into the passage now And what we find is there is opposition to his teaching.
The first four chapters of John are the presentation of the Son He's presented as being the
Christ the Son of the Living God. John says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the
Word was God John the Baptist says behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
Nicodemus learns of him the Samaritan woman learns that this is the Messiah and the
Samaritans of all people Proclaim this is the Savior of the world So he's presented in John 1 to 4 chapters 5 to 12 are the opposition to his claim
Okay, so now we have opposition and it begins when he heals on the Sabbath day
He heals the man at the pool of Bethesda And he goes on from there to claim his authority as the
Sabbath giver His father is always working and he is always working and he makes a further claim
That he is the Son of God my father is Always working and I am working.
So look now verse 18 the first point That proves that the
Bible presents Jesus as equal with the Father is spelled out plainly in verse 18
This is why the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him Because not only was he breaking the
Sabbath But he was even calling God his own father
Making himself equal with God you see it right there in the text
Now the reason this is so poignant is that he doesn't refute that He lets it stand
This is a huge claim claiming to be equal with God remember in Revelation chapter 22 when
John had received this revelation from an angel and John's response being overwhelmed in the presence of an angel was to fall down and worship the angel and The angel said to John get up don't do that Literally don't do that.
I am a servant of God just like you worship God an Angel refused worship, but what's so amazing about this verse?
The claim and the understanding of the people at the time both the Jews and John who recounts it
They understand him to be claiming to be God and he doesn't refute that You get that he lets it stand
That speaks volumes right there But not only does he let it stand that's the first point verse 18
Not only does he let it stand he doubles down Let's read it beginning in verse 19 so Jesus said to them
Truly truly I say to you now whenever you see truly truly
Take that as Jesus Doubling down anybody here grew up reading the King James. I did so how do we have that memorized?
verily verily Truly truly he's doubling down. Don't miss this.
It is true. It is true. I Say to you the son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the father doing
For whatever the father does that the son does likewise To do something of one's own accord
Means you are operating in your own independent purpose
You have your purpose for doing what you do Jesus says he does nothing
From his own accord of his own purpose What he does is in accord it is in agreement in harmony with the purpose of the father
What is he referring to in this verse? Well, what caused the
Jews to question him his healing on the Sabbath this refers to the the healing that he performs on the
Sabbath day the raising of a lame man He says
I don't do this because I just want to apart from my father I am in lockstep in harmony with the purpose of God Then he goes on to say in verse 19 for whatever the father does don't miss this that the son does likewise
Not only does he claim to have the same purpose as the father He claims to have equal power
Whatever the father does he does the father raised paralyzed people before the coming of Christ through the miracles of people like Elijah and other prophets
God performed miracles. Jesus says I do the same thing as my father So the first thing to notice he's claiming the purpose and the power of God, but notice that little word in Verse 19 that you might have missed before whatever it says for whatever
Whatever What is that word for doing in the text this is very important because if you look at the next verse it begins with for and the verse after that begins with for The word in Greek is gar
For what does that word exist to do? It's very important because it gives the ground
The reason for something that's being said it digs down Deeper underneath the statement to give the basis for that statement.
Let me give an example of why this is so important John 3 16 God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son. Is that how that verse goes? Correct Barb you got that For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son The word for is often glossed over but it's very important because for grounds
The basis for something that was just now said so John 3 14 and 15 says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
So must the Son of Man be lifted up so that all who look to him who believe in him will be saved
Moses lifted up a serpent in the wilderness and we understand why he did that in the context of numbers 21
God had said if you just look at this serpent, then you'll be healed of your snake bites But there's a comparison made there between the serpent lifted up in the wilderness and the
Son of Man lifted up Lifted up on a cross and so the question becomes on What basis what is the ground?
What is the reason for the lifting up of the Sun? Why must the Sun be lifted up on a cross why does
Jesus need to die? And the answer comes in verse 16 3 16 for God so loved the world
The basis the reason why Jesus needed to be lifted up and crucified is love
God Loves a sinner like me who deserves to go to death to crop to the cross to die a bloody death that I deserve
But the Sun would be lifted up because God so loved me and you
That rather than giving us the just desert of our sin he loved you so much that he let
Jesus stand in for you and Be lifted up in love
To save you from your sins to save me from my sins So the word for is very important in the scripture gives us the basis now
I stress that because something interesting happens in the text today go back to chapter 5 verse 20 the first use of for happens in verse 19 and What Jesus will do in verse 19 is give you the basis of something he just said
He says he does what the father does whatever the father does he does The father is able to heal he is able to heal why on what basis what is the ground?
For Jesus being able to heal That then is given in what follows
Verse 24 The father loves the son and shows him all that he himself is doing and Greater works than these will he show him so that you may marvel the basis of the power that Jesus displays is
That he is all -powerful he is omnipotent and More than that.
He is omniscient. He is all -wise. He knows all things Look what it says in verse 20. The father loves the son and how much does he show the son?
All that he himself is doing I Was 29 years old when our firstborn came into the world
So this one has no way of seeing The things
I did for 29 years The only thing that she could know
Was the things that I recount of those first 29 years of my life right
I'm a legend in my own mind. So So I tell her all my legendary stories the funniest things that happened the coolest highlights of those years
But she didn't even exist To have seen them herself Consider what
Jesus says in this verse For the father loves the son Who didn't come into existence at a point in time?
29 years later or however many eons of ages The father loves the son and shows him all
That he himself is doing Now we need to follow the argument of John here to understand how big of a claim this is
Remember the Samaritan woman When Jesus told her that she had had five husbands and now the man she was living with was not her husband
She ran off into Samaria. And what did she say come and see a man who told me everything
I ever did She marveled because he saw what she did
Nathaniel under the fig tree. He shows up and meets Jesus for the first time and Jesus says I Saw you when you were under the fig tree
He sees what we do He sees everything. This is a huge claim that he is able to see but in this verse
We take it to the next level. Not only does he see Nathaniel Not only does he see the Samaritan woman and you and I he sees everything the father does
In John 1 18 no one has seen the father But God the one and only the monogamous
The unique and only son he makes him known Don't miss what's being said in John 1 18 and here in the verse
Chapter 5 verse 20. He shows him all he doesn't just see us
Jesus sees God the father and He sees everything he does
Now the one who sees not only what humans do under fig trees and in relationships
But who also sees what God does from the beginning of time in the creation of the world.
My father is always working. I Am always working that one is omniscient
This is a claim to have been with the father from all time This is his omniscience and though it goes on in verse 20 and greater works than these will he show him
So that you may marvel Now at this point we need to stop and dispel a major heresy that runs wild in churches
It's called canonic theology Canonic comes from the word kenosis in the
Greek in Philippians 2 the the humbling of Jesus where he empties himself that word emptying in Philippians 2 5 or 6 right in there
Canonic theology says that he leaves attributes of his deity behind When Jesus comes into the world, he cannot perform miracles of his own accord on his own by his own power
He can only do miracles when the Spirit fills him canonic theology makes
Jesus dependent and unable to do what God alone can do and So, of course if you watch this canonic theology on TBN You'll be told if you can be filled with the
Spirit To the level that Jesus was you will do the same kind of miracles that Jesus did
Our text this morning says exactly the opposite Our text and throughout the book of John the things that Jesus did are called signs and wonders and Each sign and wonder is to point to him as God here in verses 20 and Following the father loves the son and shows him all that he himself is doing
So God does these great miracles and greater works than these will he show him so that you may marvel
For there's our word again, let's go a little bit deeper Watch this for the
Bible says as The father raises the dead and gives them life.
So also The Son gives life to whom he will
The great miracles that God can do because he's God Jesus likewise can do and at whose will
The will of the Son That's an important teaching If you look at that word circle will in your
Bible if you take notes Verse 21 that word here is they lay it comes from they lemma.
The idea here is the will of God God's will
Controls everything that happens. Do you realize that? If you have time later look up Ephesians 1 11
We're told that God works all things according to the counsel of his will
Every sparrow that falls from the sky Every hair on your head that falls out as you're combing your hair or taking a shower and it gets in the strainer
Every hair is numbered every casting of the lot Proverbs 16 33 that lands on a certain thing comes from the
Lord This teaching about the will of the Lord is very prominent in Scripture It has two senses
One is the sense of the revealed will of God and this is what's prescribed for us his prescriptive will
This is the Word of God. This is how we are to live our lives by the will of God by the
Word of God But there's another sense called the secret will of God or his decree
It is everything that will happen under the Sun that according to Ephesians 1 11 is written
That it is it comes from his will it comes from his decree So in first Peter Paul will use the word they lemma four times
I'm sorry, Peter will use the word they lemma four times twice He refers to what he is to do in obedience to God's will
But twice he refers to the secret will of God where he'll say if it be
God's will I Want to come to you if it be God's will he submits to God's sovereign plan his purpose his will
So what lies underneath the omniscience of God of Jesus who knows everything
Underneath that as we dig down for the Bible says this is very important. Look at verse 21 underneath the omniscience of God is the will of God and Jesus claims to share that will with the
Father They share the will of God the decree of God It is within the purview of being the
Son of God to will freely those whom will be saved
It's what he says Look at verse 21 as the father raises the dead and gives them life
God saves God takes dead sinners and this is the point of John that you would believe and have life
Which ultimately is resurrected life, but here it's referring to being born again. You're dead in your sin.
You'll you'll come alive Even as the father wills this according to his sovereign election
Ephesians 1 11 uses that term Predestination it says here So also the
Son gives life to whom he will so what accounts for this power in this man who comes across a paralytic in Bethesda and Says pick up your mat and walk
It's because he has the same purpose and power as the father how much power Omnipotence because he's all wise and all -knowing
Why does he know everything and here's where our minions and Calvinists differ. Our minions will say
God has to learn He looks down the corridor of history and he sees what will happen and he learns
By looking down that's how he has omniscience. He learns what people will do But I want to tell you that Jesus his omniscience does not come from learning
God was the eternal one before anything existed the basis of him knowing everything is
That he has willed it What is underneath what look at verse 21
I Know we're digging deep right here. But that's the point of this passage. Otherwise, we'll miss it If we don't connect the thoughts with the word gar for we're not understanding what this all leads to Underneath this omniscience
Him seeing everything he's the all -seeing one of verse 20 It all comes down To the will of God he has willed he has decreed and that's how he knows
So what? Verse 22 the father judges no one but has given all judgment to the
Son. Did you know that? When Isaiah saw God seated on the throne and The train of his robe filled the temple with glory and angels were singing.
Holy. Holy. Holy Isaiah was undone. He was falling on his face Until an angel took a coal from the fire and touched his tongue see it's touched you and now he becomes a prophet to the
Nations. Do you know that John tells us in chapter 12 verse 41? That Isaiah saw
Jesus He saw his glory the glory of the
Son Jesus it sits there on the throne It was Jesus that Isaiah saw and in Revelation chapter 20 verses 11 and following the great white throne judgment
According to John chapter 5 verse 22 It will be
Jesus who judges the world Now that's evidently connected to the fact that he became a man to stand in judgment over men verse 27 will tell us that But the father has given all authority to judge to the
Son and So we come to the biggest verse of all in this passage and the answer to the question.
What's the big deal? The answer in verse 23 follows that word that Or some translations so that What did this miracle point to?
That he shares purpose and power and then he's omniscient that he has the will of God But it's ultimately that here it is verse 23 that all may honor the
Son Just as they honor the Father whoever does not honor.
The Son does not honor the Father who sent him The bottom floor the basis of all of this is that Jesus deserves to be worshipped
Psalm 2 kiss the Son lest he be angry with you He is to be honored as much as the
Father is honored and this is the dividing point of history The question who is
Jesus? There are many people that are concerned about many things many problems in this life
But they don't bat an eye or have the least concern about this question who is Jesus They think of it as simply like a theological debate people have different views of theology
It's just philosophical and in the mind what really matters is my problems here on earth, but they're missing the thing that truly matters who is
Jesus and Those who will worship Jesus and honor
Jesus Also honor the Father and have eternal life and those who reject the
Son and Refuse to honor him to the highest place the name that is above every name and refuse to bow down and worship the
Son Are without life you see
Jesus was just criticized by the Pharisees For healing a man on the
Sabbath But Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath The giver of the Sabbath and understands what the
Sabbath was given to do and the right interpretation of the law surrounding the Sabbath and Jesus doubles down on that and says he is the
Son of the Father and They rightly understand he's claiming to be God and they reject that claim.
So he Layers it deeper and deeper and deeper to the point where he is shown to be the one worthy
Worship, they reject him, but he claims the right to be honored And from that point on He's simply doubling down Do you see that?
For for for we're getting to the bottom floor here and then at verse 24 and following he doubles down truly truly truly truly
Don't miss this truly truly. I say to you whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life
He speaks for God more than that he speaks as God do you see this?
Whoever hears my word the words of Christ as Jesus is speaking to hear him and Believe him is to believe the
Father He's speaking as God and then he says
He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life
Anybody who tells you that you can lose your salvation having truly been born again, you can lose that is a liar
Because this verse says that this person who has believed in the Son of God truly believed
Past tense has passed from death into life. That's how important this is You come to believe in the
Son of God you have passed from death into life It's a done deal 25 and 26 a truly truly he's doubling down.
Have you missed it? Are you what are you hearing the words of life? I say to you an hour is coming and is now here when the dead will hear the voice of the
Son of God and Those who hear will live For as the
Father has life in himself So he has granted the Son also to have life in himself
This is definitional to God God is life
The rest of us are derivative We don't have self -existence
He is the I am who always had life and our life is derivative from his remember
God formed Adam out of the dust of the earth and He breathed into him and made him a living being that's derivative life
But Jesus like the Father has life in himself He is life.
And so he says I am the way the truth and the life. I am the resurrection and the life and The Jews did not believe this they marveled that he would make such a claim.
He says do not marvel in Chapter 8 verse 58 they're saying who do you think you are?
Are you greater than Moses and Abraham? Who do you think you are? Jesus says Before Abraham was born.
I am He has life he is the eternal existent one
Verse 27 and he has given him authority to execute judgment because he is the
Son of Man Now Son of Man does refer to his humanity And some people have said well the synoptic
Gospels don't have these big claims to deity that you find in the book of John But nothing could be further from the truth whenever you see
Son of Man, okay, listen, whenever you see Son of Man in Matthew Mark Luke and here in John think
Daniel chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 in Daniel 7 13 and 14 the
Ancient of Days. That's God. The Father is on a throne Presented before him is one like a
Son of Man The Messiah But the
Messiah being a Son of Man being human listen to the language of Daniel 7 13 and 14 to him was given honor and glory and Dominion that all the peoples of the earth would serve him
Daniel foresaw a man a Son of Man but the point of his coming is that like the
Father who sits on a throne the Son has a throne and The Son is worshipped and given glory honor
Dominion and a kingdom that all the nations of the earth would serve him
The name that is above every name to the glory of the
Father There's no competition between father and son so when you worship the
Son you honor the Father You are to honor him even as the
Father is honored that's the point of verse 27 His judgment is based upon this fact.
He is God and he is man. The Son of Man is to be worshipped Lastly verses 28 and 29 still doubling down on this claim of equality with God 28 29 do not marvel at this
No, I thought he said you will marvel You are to marvel at the power of God that he would raise a crippled man
But do not marvel in the sense of grumbling and complaining that this seems too incredible.
This seems too much Do not marvel at this For here's the clencher an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice that's the voice of the
Son of God and Come out those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment
The good there refers in John's theology to believing This is the work of God to believe in the one that he has sent and from that belief to bear good fruit
That's the good person here who has been redeemed by faith in the Son of God and made new and Those who have done evil will go to a resurrection of judgment
Guys that line between Those who have been born again through faith in the Son of God and those who have rejected his claim to deity
That line in our culture is getting very stark and obvious, isn't it? There was a protest at the
University of Wisconsin this week and a young man 19 years old Went out to that protest where they were were rallying for some, you know leftist thing
I think it was a Matt Walsh had had done a presentation there or something and they were up in arms
So this young man went out there with a Bible legacy standard Bible. That's MacArthur's new translation a $100
Bible that he studied from all the time and he began to street preach and those in attendance snatched the
Bible from his hand tore it to shreds and Physically consumed the pages if that's not demonic.
I don't know what is but you see what you see in the culture the difference between The Christian ethics and the non ethics of the left.
It's not so much a political difference At the heart of it when you dig down It's the difference between those who believe the words of life of the
Son of God and those who despise the words of Christ But in the end we're told that just like Lazarus who had laid four days in the tomb embalmed and covered in like a mummy for four days behold, he stinketh as The King James translates it
Jesus would say roll away the stone and by his voice say what? Lazarus come forth and by the power of his word
He resurrected the dead and Lazarus walked out of that tomb that will happen again
At the end of time at the trumpet of God at the resurrection of the dead the voice of the
Son of God will call to life all those who have lived on the earth who are buried in the earth or under the sea and All will rise to stand before the
Sun and he will stand in judgment He stands justly there to judge the world because he's
God, you know how people say only God can judge me It's like the most popular tattoo that the world has only
God can judge me Should be a scary thought Who cares if someone like me judges you?
You'll stand before God and Jesus here is saying as the judge of the world He will judge the world.
So he is God. I'm closing
Application of this. Here's how we are to think about Jesus.
Who is he? Who is Jesus? That's the question and here's the answer Jesus is equal with the
Father sharing his purpose and power omniscience and omnipotence and his sovereign will and his glory and honor
Jesus is the one who will resurrect the dead and judge all people and Even now he speaks for God and gives life to those who believe that he is the
Son of Man and the Son of God Do you believe that this morning? Do you believe in Jesus?
Listen if you say yes to that You have no problems if you trust in him
That's what my mom said to me Which was miraculous in and of itself
But it's what we need to hear this morning we have no problems if we trust in him if he is going to resurrect the dead as He promised to do and we have him and we have life we pass from death to life
You can't lose that you have eternal life What can man do to you that man consumed the
Bible physically? But we are to eat his words and have life
Not physically But the Word of God to consume and to be satisfied with the
Word of God Let's go to the Lord in prayer. I just want to say if there's anybody here that has not yet trusted
Jesus as God Who came in the flesh? This is your opportunity to pray and talk to him
Ask him to bring you from death to life Let's pray Jesus you have the words of life the things that you said in John chapter 5 are
Astounding no one in the history of the world has spoken like this you claim equality with the
Father and We believe you we believe in Christ Lord my prayer right now is for those who have not yet trusted and believed the words of the
Son of God That you would grant them to have life That you would speak into their hearts right now as they listen that they would know
Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God Call them out of the tomb of Sin and death and into your marvelous light
Awaken their dead heart give them life help us
Lord as Christians to go out preaching The true Jesus Equal with the
Father Son of God and Son of Man Thank you for your words of life and Lord I pray for those who have problems
Lord Trouble in this life Let them turn to the one who can carry burdens
Let them lay their burdens down and Look at you We have no problems if we trust in you
Thank you for your word this morning We bless your name. You are worthy of everything we could ever sing to you
Lord. It's far more We worship you this morning in Jesus name.
Amen. Let's stand and sing What is our hope in life and death?
Christ alone Christ alone What is our only?
Confidence That our souls to him belong
Who holds our days? Within his hands what comes apart from his command
And what will keep? Us to the end the love of Christ In which we stand.
Oh sing Hallelujah our hope brings eternal
Oh sing Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death What truth can calm the troubled soul
God is good God is good Where is his grace and goodness?
No in our great Redeemer's blood
Holds our faith when fears arise Stands above the storm
Sends the waves that bring us back unto the shore the rock
Our hope Eternal Oh Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death To the grave what shall we sing?
Christy lives Christy lives What reward?
Will heaven bring? Everlasting life with him there.
We will rise to meet the Lord sin and death
Will be We will feast in endless joy when
Christ is ours Forevermore Sing Yeah, our hope springs eternal
Oh sing Hallelujah now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death Oh sing Hallelujah our hope springs eternal
Oh Sing Now and ever we confess
Christ our hope in life and death
Spurgeon said that a time will come where people will not put up with preachers feeding the sheep, but only
Entertainers entertaining the goats But I want to thank this congregation because you want the deep things of God you want the food you want the meat
Not entertainment and I thank you guys for that It is awesome to be part of a church that loves his word and the depths and the layers of it the grace of the
Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and The fellowship of the