Getter CEO's Disaster Stream on TimCast

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Alright, man. I was trying to think of what to do with this
TimCast interview with the CEO of Getter. I was going to maybe do the whole segment where they talked about free speech, but it's too much.
I'd be interrupting all the time. But man, my thoughts on this. This was an absolute train wreck for the
CEO. Two things are abundantly clear after watching this interview with TimCast.
Number one, he's just making it up as he goes along. There are no consistent policies.
It's just all just the whims of whoever happens to be moderating at the time.
Tim asked him so many examples, and he couldn't give a straight answer. And his excuse was, well, you know, it's hypothetical.
I'd have to know a little bit more about it. And then Tim would give him more information. And he'd be like, you know, I don't know.
I don't know. And it's so it's just so clear that they're just making stuff up. But the second thing that's so clear is that he really wants to be respectable, like really badly.
Like he wants to be because you know how good because this is the thing he's he's he's working to be not gab, right?
Because gab is is free speech. And it's very clearly free speech. And so there's a you know, there's an ugly underbelly to some of the people that post on gab, but it's very easy.
You just block them, you ignore them, you just move on with your day. It's what adults do, right? But he wants to be the respectable version of gab, the one that's allowed in the app store.
And that's more official. And so but that's the problem with wanting to be respectable. And every
Christian, by the way, has to deal with this because you can't be a respectable, faithful Christian anymore, not in the eyes of the world, the world is too far gone now.
And so in order to be respectable, you have to hem and haw and maybe backtrack and say stupid stuff like, well, you know, you know, sodomy is maybe it's not
God's best for you, sorry, and stuff like that. That's the only way to be respectable. But if you believe what
God says, and it says, you shall not lie with the man as it as with a woman that is an abomination before God.
If you just believe it, and you say stuff like that, you're never going to be respectable. So every
Christian needs to needs to face this reality and be more like Torba and much less like Jason Miller.
But the point is that it gets him into all these contradictions. At one point, he's talking about how he refuses he's, he just he wants a respectable place.
So he will not show somebody being killed on it's not allowed to watch, you know, a news story where someone's being killed on video, right?
Okay, understandable. I don't want to see that stuff either. So if that's your rule, that's your rule. You know, Tim kind of says,
Well, what if it's newsworthy? Like that's, that doesn't make any sense. Because there's sometimes there's these these killings that are newsworthy.
And we want to show that. And but he's like, No, no, no, we're the respectable version of gab.
And so that's his rule, right? But because he wants to be respectable in the eyes of the pagans and eyes of the liberals, the instant question that one of the one of the guys on Tim cast,
I don't even know this guy's name. He says, What about the George Floyd thing? And that was the perfect question.
And I don't think this was a gotcha question. Maybe it was. Maybe it was. But the way he asks it, it makes makes it seem like it was just the obvious thing he was thinking of.
And Jason Miller just melts and he's like, Oh, mine.
He's thinking, Oh, no, because I have to show that because if I don't show that, then they're going to call me a white supremacist.
And they're not going to respect me. But it contradicts everything I just said. And he said, Well, well, maybe that one, if I remember, he died later, right?
Like to try to he tried to wiggle out of it somehow, like maybe that wasn't him being killed. He died later, right?
But he didn't. That was him being killed the video with the guy in the neck and stuff like that. You know, and but that's when he was dying when he was when the neck was the knee was on the neck.
We understand that what he died of, allegedly. Well, we're not going to get into that in this video, because that's not what this video is about.
But the point is that he instantly caved. And the reason he caved instantly on his principles is because number one, he has no principles.
And number two, he desperately wants to appear respectable. Here's another clip that I found interesting.
This guy. Look, I've dealt with a lot of CEOs in my life a lot. And the reason is because of you know, the business that I do.
And there's there's a there's a couple kinds of types of CEOs. And the type that I choose to work with are the type that are straight shooters.
You know what I mean? There's a lot of CEOs out there that tell you exactly what they think exactly what they mean.
And they're amenable to change when they get new information. And if you if you criticize them, they don't take it personally, but they'll respond to you directly.
This guy does the exact opposite and hems and haws and says, let me think about that one. And, you know, stuff like that.
And and it's stuff that's not like hard. These are not hard questions that Tim Tim is not. God bless
Tim. Right. God bless Tim Poole. He is not known for his hardball interviews. That's fine.
It's OK to not be. No, I'm not. I'm not known for my hardball interviews. That's not who I am. I'm kind of similar to Tim in that way.
But the thing is, these are not hard questions. And he melts. Listen to this. And there are some people who say that any restriction, even if it's legal or illegal, is not free speech.
Some people go out there about people in arguments and debates who brought that up. But what I'm going to say is so.
But if you were to say that, hey, what I'm hearing here is that you have political free speech. That's a fair criticism.
But you know what? This is the best place for free speech you have anywhere on the planet.
And I will fight tooth and nail to make that point. OK, so he's trying to make this thing where, OK, well, we don't have total free speech, but we have political free speech.
Right. And it's the best place for political free speech, but free speech on the planet.
Obviously, Gab is better. But but, you know, he thinks that this is the best place for political free speech.
All right. Let's see what he says next. Derek Bell, are you familiar with him? I'm not.
One of the proponents and original authors in critical race theory. He his political opinion is that the
United States should have never passed the Civil Rights Act. He advocates for a policy of separate but equals a black man who believes that white people and black people should be segregated.
Would you allow him on the platform? So so he Tim Pool, you know, he's a smart guy.
Right. Again, I said he's not known for his hardball interviews. I think this is just a logical question. He's not trying to be a jerk here.
So he says, OK, what about this? This is a political opinion. He believes in separate but equal.
That should be the policy of the United States. He believes that the Civil Rights Act should be abolished. I actually believe the
Civil Rights Act should be abolished as well. I don't even I don't even think it's debatable that it's it's been horrible for the country.
So Civil Rights Act should be abolished. I don't believe in separate but equal, though, like I don't believe in forced segregation or anything like that.
But I do believe that if a company decides that they want to, you know, engage in discrimination, that should be their choice.
I think it's a mistake. I think it would be chopping up your your market into smaller pieces.
And I don't think that's wise for a business to do. But if you want to do it and be an idiot, then go ahead and be an idiot.
I just won't shop there if I don't like it. Right. So that's what I think. Right. I don't believe that the Civil Rights Act is a good thing.
I think it should be abolished immediately. And if some idiot wants to discriminate, then they should be able to discriminate.
I don't have to like it. You know what I mean? So I agree with that part. Tim asks the question. That's a political view.
What say you? Is that allowed on getter? You know, his followers to come and follow and all that stuff.
That's a direct political policy position. Great question, Tim. I would need I would need to get a little bit of a more granular understanding of what he's saying.
So I need to I need to I need to know more. Can you tell me?
And he instantly tells him more. Here we go. What do you need to know, Jason? His stance was that the ruling from the
Supreme Court of separate but equal, according to Derrick Bell, was correct. And this is one of the big views among Black Lives Matter and critical race theory proponents.
They feel that there was a separate economy for the black community that was that was thriving, that was that was growing.
And that the end of the that the civil rights era effectively merged the two economies.
But because white people had historical power, were able to oppress with the greater power the black community.
So he's advocated for a return or I should say, never allowing the desegregation as a policy position.
If someone went on your platform and said, I believe we should. Here's a good question. California recently had a proposition that would have stricken the civil rights language from their constitution.
Would you allow the Democrats on getter to advocate for the repealing of California's civil rights provision?
And again, political position, this should be easy, right? This is a this is not a hardball question.
It's a logical question. It's a good question. I'm not trying to take anything away from Tim Pool. He's a smart guy.
There's just no question about it. But it's not a hardball that you should be able to hit a grand slam on this one every day of the week.
Yes, that's allowed. You should be allowed to do that. This is the political free speech juggernaut that will take on big tech.
That's what he says, right? Let's listen to him. I would need to go take a look at that a little bit more.
So he's deciding. So this is the point. He gets to decide him and his little crew of micromanagers gets to decide which political opinions are allowed to be discussed.
This is not free speech. I saw somebody on Andrew Torba's his his feed say together free speech is just a marketing line.
It's a tagline. It's you know, it's not does it mean anything? Because here he's he's saying and earlier in this interview, or maybe later,
I can't remember. He's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, Twitter. We're not doing what Twitter's doing. What Twitter's doing is saying what's allowable to be talked about.
We want to we only want this political view to be pushed forward. That's what you're doing. Don't you see?
That's exactly what you're doing by by deciding whether or not a political opinion is allowed to be discussed on your stupid platform.
It's just my goodness gracious. This is this is just so pathetic. The whole interview is like this, where Tim is asking good questions.
And it's again, not hard balls, not trying to get a gotcha in nothing like that, but just logical questions that arise.
And he can't answer any of them. Not because he's an idiot. I don't believe Jason's an idiot, but because he's got a dual mandate in his mind.
One, he wants to be respectable. And two, he's just he wants to have the power.
He wants the control to decide what's allowed and what's not. He's kind of a bit of a megalomaniac in this regard is no different than Dorsey, except he's more junior.
I don't know if he's I don't know if he's actually junior, but a junior Dorsey with some of the hypotheticals, overtly allowing for the discrimination based on race.
Well, obviously, if you were if you were out there advocating for the the blatant discrimination purely based on race, and that's that's not something.
So Harvard is banned from getter. I would say if Harvard overtly has policies. This is just like shooting fish in the barrel for Tim.
He's not an idiot. Tim, look, he's got that beanie on. Maybe he looks like a stoner, but he's not.
He's not a fool. So he's like, OK, so you're what you're saying is an overt discrimination is not allowed on getter.
And he says, yeah, that's right. And so Harvard's not allowed. And Jason can't catch up because he's just trying to make stuff up on the fly.
He's got no principles. And so it's like he's saying Harvard, this is weird. Well, obviously,
Harvard does discriminate based on race. I mean, they've got discriminatory standards for acceptance and probably for scholarships.
There's all kinds of discrimination based solely on race going on at Harvard, but not just Harvard at many, many places that now wouldn't be allowed on getter because he says so, except they would be allowed on getter.
See, this is the problem with this, right? He's got these standards. Allegedly, they're not real. He doesn't actually have them.
He just wants to appear respectable. And so Harvard, of course, would be allowed to be on there advocating for discriminatory policies.
But undesirables won't. Right. And this is the issue. He asks at one point in this interview,
Ibram Kendi X can't come because he advocates for discrimination to make up for past discrimination.
Ibram Kendi X advocates for sending your way out of sin to make things right. And he goes, well, I don't know.
I mean, I don't really know him. I don't really know him. But of course, we all know what the real reality is here.
Ibram Kendi X, of course, would be allowed because Jason is desperate to be respectable. But Fuentes will never be allowed because Jason is desperate to appear respectable.
Even though it's an obvious double standard, even though there's no fundamental reason one is allowed and the other is not allowed.
Listen, that's just the reality. Are you allowed to say critical race theory on getter?
Of course you are, even though it's fundamentally discriminatory, fundamentally evil. Right.
But you can't say Groyper. Why can't you say Groyper? At one point, they ask him, I think he even says define
Groyper. What's a Groyper? And he has nothing. He has no answer. Why was
Nick Fuentes banned? There's no answer. It's just there is an answer, but he can't say it. It's because let me let me let me let me let me answer for you,
Tim Pool. This is the real answer why Nick Fuentes was banned. Well, well, because I mean, how am
I going to appear respectable to the pagans and liberals if I allow Nick Fuentes here?
That's the real answer. Like SAT scores for admittance for Asians have to be higher than white people have to be way higher than white people.
Admittance scores for white people have to be higher than black people. But but hold on your again. I would need to go and see that just because I haven't seen
Harvard's writing or what exactly that that I didn't get into Harvard. Sorry, guys.
I would need to go and see that exactly. He's talking about affirmative action. You know exactly what he's talking about, but he can't answer even though he knows exactly what he's talking about.
He has to pretend to be a moron because he's not a moron. Jason Miller is not a moron, even though he sounds like one in this interview.
The reason he sounds like one is because he's trying to do something that nobody should ever try to do.
And that is to appear respectable to liberals, progressive pagans, Marxist communists, the whole nine yards.
Every Christian needs to face this reality. I don't know if Jason considers himself a Christian or not. Does it matter? Because this is a reality that my audience is
Christian. You will not appear reasonable. You will not appear nice.
You will not appear palatable in any way to the world if you're faithful.
If you're faithful, it'll never, ever, ever happen. If you just have the audacity to believe what
God says without apology, without backtracking, without softening, if you just have the shocking gall to do it and just say,
God says this and so I believe it. I believe God created the world in six days. I believe that that when
God created the world, there was waters dividing by the waters, but the firmament and all that kind of stuff. I just believe that stuff, right?
I just believe it. That's how God created the world. And then when Noah's flood, the heavens opened up.
I believe that the heavens opened up and the waters from above came down and flooded the whole world. I believe all that stuff.
I believe that David fought Goliath and Goliath was a giant. He was a real giant, not just like Hakeem Olajuwon.
I believe he was an actual giant and there were giants back in the day. I believe in, uh, in, in dragons. I believe that there were real dragons, like not just, you know, a big animal, like an elephant.
No, I believe it was a dragon because God says so a fire breathing dragon. Like you'll never appear smart to them, but Jason is on this mission.
He wants to somehow capture the conservative, you know, free speech, loving audience while still remaining palatable to the mainstream.
And that is not possible. And God bless Torba because he long ago let go of this idea that, that, that remain, that, that, that appearing respectable to pagans was something that was a worthy goal.
He long ago jettisoned the idea that be appearing reasonable to people that are so sick that they don't understand that, uh, that it's not a good idea for demonic creatures to be teaching your children in school.
Um, like it's not a good idea to try to appease them. Jason has not learned that lesson. And Jason looks to me to be trying to cash in on the idea of free speech as a marketing slogan.
And maybe he will, maybe he won't, but it's pathetic. And you know, that's what this interview is.
It's Tim asking common, basic questions, smart questions, but no hard balls.
And Jason melting into a puddle of goo, trying to, to twist things, to make it seem like he actually is free speech.
And it's not just the whims of whatever he thinks he needs to do to keep a getter respectable.
I hope you found this video helpful. I hope you found this Tim cast encouraging because it was hilarious to me.
And it was very encouraging to me. And I, from what I understand, I think Andrew Torba is going to be on Tim cast tonight.
And I don't know if I'll watch it live, but man, I can't wait to see that. Uh, God bless you, brother. And I hope, uh, you do a great job.