Supreme Court and Churches, Remember that Covid Stuff? Hyper-preterism Debate


Meandered around a bit today touching on the fact that Rich is French, that “Parler” should probably be pronounced with the French pronunciation (and yes, I have joined Parler, @Eleutheros) , that the Supreme Court declining to give an injunction in California, while disappointing, isn’t the end of the world, and some other stuff about the current melt-down in the US. Also discussed the very interesting hyper-preterism debate that took place last week on Chris Arnzen’s show, Iron Sharpens Iron. Check it out! Visit the store at

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Greetings welcome to the buying line. My name is James white along with reach Pierre behind the the controls
Trying as best he can to rehabilitate the the reputation of the French people tall mountain to climb mountain to climb
Really really rough. I'm I'm I thought I'd you know, bring you along into the introduction, you know
And I mean you're you working hard in there or hardly working one of the two. I'm not sure which you know, but You know,
I mean, it's rough days Neither one of us knows where you get home, you know, so do you just Want to make sure one?
Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right And we'll take a lot of them with them with us if we don't so that's sort of how that's working.
I Commented on a Video that people are now seeing
Where this guy? Runs up behind this woman this
Mark Dice and You know, she's walking along Of course wearing her mask you know doing her virtue signaling and then he actually asks her to get down on her knees and ask for forgiveness for Her white privilege and she does now could that have been staged?
Of course, of course It could have been I don't know whether it was or wasn't the scary thing is
I Think in a lot of places today if this were to happen in reality, and it may have
That would be the kind of reaction you would get and I added a I said just a note
Not a good idea to rush up behind me or a lot of my fellow Americans right now could result in sudden onset violent lead poisoning
Which you know someone coming up behind you If you haven't if you've been living in a lead mine and you haven't been watching the beatings
The people come up behind people and just cold cocking them just taking them right out right then and there
You haven't been paying attention. Of course, I'm Not gonna be walking along where this lady was walking to be proven.
Honestly, you're probably not alone But what we're seeing
And the reactions that we're getting it because I I haven't looked yet, but I I sort of rhetorically asked yesterday if Ed Stetzer had withdrawn his wild and crazy tweet that he had
That he had posted and Yeah, I don't
I don't I don't see that I don't see that he has I really wouldn't suggest I wouldn't really wouldn't expect that he that he would but We are seeing
Such a scattered response. There's not it is not a unified Christian response to what's going on.
That's That's because there's not a unified Christian understanding and that's not because of scriptural insufficiency.
That is because of human tradition In fact,
I think this is a beautiful illustration of the importance of solo scriptura if you if you cannot see how external traditions and beliefs and authorities are
Determining exactly how people are responding to the current crisis, then you're just not looking if you actually think that the
Bible can be twisted and turned in all these dozens of different directions and on the one hand
Have such clear. I mean just in arguable statements about human behavior
God's law Which which includes property rights and safety and We were talking on the last program the the need to have multiple witnesses and we looked at excess 22 and the fact that Someone tries to break into your house and you crack them over the head and they die
That's what you get for breaking into somebody's house I mean just straightforward So you've got you've got that and you don't have anything in the
New Testament that changes any of that You don't have any there. There's just no way to go. Well, that was just for Israel.
Yeah, okay a Certain offering on a certain feast day was only for Israel the moral content of how human beings are to live amongst other human beings wasn't just for Israel and If you want to see the evidence of that then just look at at Leviticus chapter 18
And the fact that the nations were cast out of the land for certain behaviors
That are then repeated in there being prohibited to the people of Israel But the land cast them out for having done these things so There was application outside the people of Israel to these things.
There are certain Moral realities that simply cannot be escaped. So you've got that level of clarity and then you have others who are literally running about saying that to follow
Jesus is To march with the protesters now if all you're talking about if all you're talking about is to do
What Jeff and Luke did on apology radio last week? Broke down what happened with the
Floyd murder and said yeah, this is murder. Okay, that's that's straightforward there
Isn't it amazing? I think someone panicked Because there was pretty much
Complete unanimity everybody All agreed. Yep. That guy was that guy was in the wrong that there needs to be charges filed
And you you you but I didn't see anybody running around saying all that that cop needed to do exactly what he did
And but I didn't see that you had everybody together and I think that panicked people We can't have unity like this
We need to divide we need to we need to get a race war going and that's what they did and so Do you literally have people?
Who are saying well, you know, in fact, there was this one guy and I tweeted to him I don't know what
I got a response. I haven't been able to find a response But some professor at Midwestern, I think
I think it was at Midwestern Where he he basically said we're we're we're reaping what we've sown well
Yeah in the sense of sinful rebellion Detestation of God's law love of rebellion against God's law, so We love the perversion of the marriage bed.
We love the murder of unborn children we we love all all kinds of things that are just Directly opposed to God's will and we make these goods in our society.
They're good things. It's it's a good thing to do this kind of stuff Gender confusion and we're abusing our children and and all the rest of this kind of stuff
If you mean that kind of reaping, yeah, but it looked like the context was
In Regards to the looting I mean in regards to an
SUV running police officers over last night In regards to a
Las Vegas police officer being shot in the back of the head he has since passed away That we are
Reaping what we have sown in other words Social justice the social justice movement the neo -marxist social justice movement intersectionality all of this stuff has
Invaded over the past number of years it became really clear in early 2018 with the
MLK 50 celebrations That's all it's all of a sudden when The words that were being used became understandable to us slow people
It's not that I hadn't had Votie Balcombe on in 2010, I think
Talking about ethnic Gnosticism and stuff like that, but we're slow and It took time to go
Whoa, you mean that you mean, I mean that will just destroy that just that's like battery acid
It would destroy churches. It would destroy societies. Yep That's what it's designed to do
That's its intention. I Mean it is perfectly designed to do exactly what it is doing right now break everything down Destroy everything make every person separate from every other person my needs in Contrast to your needs break everything down that used to bind us together
That used to allow us to overlook differences to work together blow all of that right out the door
And once it's all gone and you've got utter chaos Then you rebuild it the way you want to rebuild it, which would be a socialist utopia
Which of course doesn't exist no such thing as a socialist utopia Once socialism gets that point it becomes communism and we know what communism results in There is no communist or socialist utopia because of something called sin
Okay, just doesn't work can't work won't happen But with the technological advancements that have been made
If you go along Bow the knee Then you can live you can't have freedom you can't think differently you can be it's a drone
But you can live you can have physical life if that's all that's all
That's the best you can do that's what you got in China and That's what people want to bring here and they're working right now to accomplish that right before our eyes right before our eyes this is happening and The church is
Silent or is on the side of tear it all down. This is this is terrible. I mean when you think about it
I'm hearing so many people saying we just got to start all over again Constitution is done get rid of it and you go, what are you gonna replace it with and Anything you can replace it with is going to be based upon a secular worldview
Which has no basis whatsoever for transcendent values for true liberty for true justice and Yet all these
Christians Self -proclaimed Christians helping to promote this either out of sheer naivete or very devious intentions and purposes
But that's where that's where we are and Because obviously in 1990 if this if this had been tried in 1990, it would have failed because the
The groundwork the preparation hadn't been done yet. They're working on it. They're getting in positions of being able to do it but it hadn't been done yet and Anybody with a
Bible in their hand would go. Whoa, wait a minute No, we we have to stand firm
But they've had 30 years there to be working and now they're in positions of leadership and they're doing their doing their tweet things and so you got more and you got
Stetzer and you got these folks out there doing their thing and and Yeah, pretty effective pretty effective they've
So we'll see what's gonna happen I I don't know what the future holds.
I just again Have said the same thing for a long long time our our job is to determine what faithfulness looks like in any given situation we're placed in and that situation can change radically and That's my problem
And some of you are like me. I don't like change in fact There was a
There was a word of the day recently There it is Got a ever since I've done the sweater vest dialogues with Doug I mean,
I've gotten the word for the day going so I can at least I Got to come up with something, you know, because when you're talking with Doug Wilson He's just gonna make you look like your vocabulary.
You have a vocabulary of a five -year -old Misonyism misonyism hatred or dislike of what is new or represents changes
Misony is misony ism. So miss that owes to hate. So Nia's it must be something new.
So hatred of what's new so misony ism, yeah, and then Yesterday was
Scyther ism stars of the peace Scyther ism the sound of the wind through trees.
I Like Scyther ism. I really really do like Scyther ism Which is why
I live in a place that only has one tree and a bunch of cacti That way
I can continue to like Scyther ism when I get to go north and enjoy it, but anyway
Misony ism. That's me. I'm a mizzen mizzen nia's mizzen nia's mizzen nia this I Just don't like change and but we got change coming and it's it's coming at us really fast over the weekend
Supreme Court Declined five to four to take a case from a church,
California seeking an injunction to grant them immediate relief from the burdensome onerous restrictions of the governor of California Remember remember a couple weeks ago
We were we're all about to die of a virus instead of being killed by mobs
That was just a couple weeks ago heart like to realize hard to remember things are moving so fast that the the big subject conversation back then was
Something that and this has been buried. This would have been the top story. But did you see the
Italian reports the Italians say that coronavirus in Italy is dead and It has lost the ability to infect anyone now,
I don't know if that's due to herd immunity I Didn't follow what was being said, but Italian medical experts were saying
It's basically a non -issue in Italy now. There was a report about a month ago from the
Israelis Yes saying that they were reading it that it had about a 70 day life to it.
Yeah Yeah, that one of these things to where it suddenly just disappears So in other words, if we just let it run its course, yeah
We would have been done with it long time ago and that would have been it right right dick and that and the Italians are basically saying that no one's interesting talking about this because Everything else is going on But isn't it funny that right as this is happening all this other stuff starts happening.
Oh, no, this is this is all coincidental It's all what it's all coincidental. Oh, I know Absolutely, no all those pallets of bricks and rocks that are showing up in cities of complete
Maybe aliens the the part maybe aliens that want us to rebuild the part that I found most
Fascinating was also the cars with no license plates that were staged Oh, well, and then there's that big old bus that looked like it was a child care place
Yeah, and filled with with with Molotov cocktail makings in that great So random that this stuff would all be happening at once.
Yeah, maybe the chaos theory guys can come. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah chaos theory The guy from Jurassic Park.
Yes, because he mentioned fractals by the way, and I thought that was always cool. So If you haven't noticed the sarcasm it's it's because it's it's obviously not random
None of this is but um, yeah, do you remember just a matter weeks ago?
We were talking about this and the restrictions are still in place and Outside the u .s.
This is still a major topic But we've pretty much forgotten about it and All the looters are still isn't it wonderful that we?
Back in February don't buy masks because we don't have enough for our medical people and Now we have enough for hundreds of thousands of looters
Because they're all wearing masks and I can guarantee you it's not because they're afraid of coronavirus
That's not why they're wearing masks. No, that's that's not that's not what's going on.
Oh Goodness Anyway back to the Supreme Court And the way it was first announced certainly made me go
Oh Lovely Roberts joined the four liberals and the minority dissenting opinions
Were rather scathing It this was not a Supreme Court case when it's not the same thing.
I mean because they even said That the plaintiffs would be free to refile petition if anything had changed
So this is not like it's this it's not like a precedent -setting thing or something like that, but It was disappointing
It might be that Roberts looked at it and Realized it was not not the case to use
For whatever reason I don't know That's a possibility but We still have these onerous
Restrictions not only in the United States, but I know in at least one of the countries where I have a lot of connections very onerous restrictions so much so that even though some
Liberty has been given for the churches to meet the restrictions are so extreme that a lot of churches like that's that's not meeting
You know having one person in a chair over there one person chair over there one person down front and no singing and sign language only that's that's
You might as well meet online in that in that situation There's no no reason to get together is the thought at that point.
So this continues all around the world even where there's not violence taking place and Burning cities down and and that kind of thing going on and so We will see what's going to develop from that My concern obviously is
We have become so accustomed To running the
The algebra the numbers on the court not realizing that means our system is no longer working
That the the founders never Intended the court to have the role that it has right now.
That was not what they intended and the fact that we now make presidential decisions and sometimes solely based on What the balance of the
Supreme Court would look like not realizing The Constitution does not determine the number of justices on the
Supreme Court Roosevelt tried to pack the court to get his
Agenda through The leftists have already said that's exactly we're gonna do
As soon as we have control we pack the court at that point You just need to understand
Once you fill the Supreme Court With individuals who believe the
Constitution is a living document Please understand what living document means.
That sounds so wonderful sounds so really scholarly What it means is we don't have to worry about no stinking words on a page
We can make up anything we want we can do anything we want that's what the living document thing is all about and once you all you gotta do is say, okay, we're gonna
We're gonna make it 15 judges. And so now it's 11 to 4
Our side and whatever we want the Constitution to say, that's it. It's done finished
Finito nothing nothing more to be said and What do we do then?
Yes, if I recalled Roosevelt had a supermajority in both houses and even the leftist of his day thought that was a bridge too far and Stopped him from doing it.
Yeah, so but I Look around now and it's like all bets are off. Oh, yeah, it's it's it's it's the wild wild west
You've got Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez literally sending out Instructions as to what to bring to the protest, right?
So you can pick up smoke canisters and throw them back at the cops The enemies are not outside the gates.
They're in charge of the government. It's done. Yeah Yeah, the the Trojan horse is already empty. Yep. So the horse is emptied out the gate the
It's open and running among us. There we are It's yeah, yeah, so to be honest with you
I'm not sure that all the stuff we were really really really concerned about in regards to government overreach just a few weeks ago
Is gonna make any difference Because Look it's 2020.
It's an election year. This is all happening in election year This is all intended to influence the outcome of that election.
Everybody knew That if you go into the election in November of 2020 With unemployment at record lows
Employment amongst minorities at record highs And your candidate
Can't remember where he is for the other side, they're not gonna win and so somebody hit the panic button and said, okay, let's take this place apart and That's exactly what they've done.
And so now we're doing the mail -in stuff. I Personally will not accept the validity of a if you can as it has been well said if you can show up in person
To loot you can show up in person to vote Yeah There is a sad level of ironic truth to that statement
Well, obviously I'm well aware of that but there there you go
So, I don't know what's gonna happen in November I don't see any
Good choices at all I Continue to stick by my statement
That I cannot believe That Joe Biden is going to be on the ticket in November.
The only way would be if he doesn't basically have to say anything between now and November Because I've listened to the man talk
He cannot string three sentences together without wandering off and talking about his hairy legs or something
The man is not functional. It's I don't know how anybody can argue that he is not mentally functional and so at some point
He's gonna have to come out and say Folks my my dear loved ones have come to me as if it as if they shouldn't have already done that And I don't know what they're gonna do.
I don't I Don't know if there is a process in place. I have no earthly idea, but I just can't believe it's gonna be him but whatever happens even if Donald Trump were reelected
All that means is we've got four more years of this kind of insanity Because it has become very very plain that just as in every other socialist revolution
The left is willing to take the nation into utter destruction
So as to get their way, that's that's what they've done every time in the past It only takes it's interesting.
There is a parallel here There I was I was listening to some discussion on Islam and the percentage of Muslims in a society that is considered to be the minimum to begin to move it towards Sharia law
It's not a large percentage. It's not 50 % It's not 70 % It's somewhere between 11 and 15 percent and Interesting parallels to what's going on now the vast majority of Americans are not running through streets the vast majority
Americans are not burning down buildings the vast majority Americans want to work and watch football and Send their kids to school and whatever and get to go stop at Wendy's on the way home
I mean that that's that's what they want and they're not out there doing all this stuff they're not the ones who make the decisions though and When you get a sufficiently large
Minority To be willing to destroy that you change everything you change everything
We already know with the Equality Act and now we're seeing
Folks New Year's was not that long ago Really was not that long ago and we have seen such radical change in such a fast time
This happens elsewhere in the world when we you know, we we look out at other nations and we we go man
I remember Italy at one point it had more governments since World War two than there have been years since World War two and We look at that and go.
Oh, man, that that that's hard on the economy You can never really get anywhere without that the blessed
Consistency that we have had as a result of the Constitution Well that kind of stuff can change quickly and How quickly well, we're watching it.
We're in the middle of it. We're in the middle of it so All that foundational stuff that we've been talking about for a long long time, man
I'll tell you I'm getting really focused on it again because no matter what we're facing That's going to be
Absolutely vitally important for all of us. We have to have foundations Upon which to have principles by which we will respond to whatever situation it is.
We see coming at us and One of the big challenges for us as American Christians is we have
Grown up and become accustomed to the blessings of freedom and liberty We have many of our brothers and sisters who live in lands that do not have freedom and liberty.
What if we lose ours? What do we do then? What are we gonna give up what are we gonna be willing to give up what's our principles
We can't offer the pinch of incense to to Caesar. And so remember
I Don't know when it was Just over the past number of months. Remember I read from the letter of Cyprian to the
Christians in the mines when when you hear
Something like that when you hear about Christians Who have suffered the loss of everything
They're separated from their loved ones or their their husbands their wives their children. They have nothing the they wear rags and eat grubs and You look at that and you go.
Whoa, they were wonderful. I'm glad that could never happen here It's almost like it's an unreal thing.
Like it like it just that could never God would never call me to something like that. Yeah You just triggered a memory a number of years ago when we were in the midst of a controversy
You reminded those who were running around fearfully explaining what Oh got you in there.
That's not good. Let's try this again I'm sitting you're going Both cameras red lights are on I'm Not sure what to do here.
You you were reminding people who were screaming bloody murder about how we were
Playing footsie with Islam and how Islam was gonna take over and all this other and you were reminding people that the secularists
Were by far and away a bigger threat. Oh, yeah, and here we are. Oh, yeah. Look around people
Look around wake up the secularists are the ones who want you under their boot and They have the ability to do it
That's the key. They have the ability to do it and they're showing us it just a glimpse of it you know as I as I think about The Threat of Chinese style technocratic totalitarianism, you know that a system
Like that because it is based upon the suppression of the knowledge of God and therefore fundamentally denies man being
Made in the image of God it cannot last It contains within itself the seeds of its own self -destruction
The Chinese communists are particularly pernicious and dangerous because the fact that they have actually realized
That the Soviet Union blew it Because they
It was so painfully obvious that you had the elites You know like animal farm you had the animals that were more equal than the other animals.
You had the elites and They just left The vast majority of the people in in bankrupt poverty
So what the Chinese are doing is hey, we've got to give the people toys
We've got to give them bread and circuses. We've got to give them health care. We've got to give them a nice place maybe a car video games and most people will trade their
Liberty and their freedom and their individuality For video games so when you're in China You know and this story is years old now but the the social crediting system you're walking down the grocery aisle and the cameras are literally watching what you're putting into your cart and you are getting credit and D and demerit depending upon the balanced
Nature of what you're purchasing in the grocery store, and you put up with it and You actually go yeah,
I'm okay with that because they then you know they take care of me when I get sick, and they you know
I'm never without food and that's that's good enough for me and So the question is how long could it last given the technical capacity to?
Basically know everything about everyone every action every word How long could that last is the question?
Man, I didn't want to be talking about all this stuff, but these are things I think about Because I'm thinking about the future.
I'm not looking toward the past Right now in our society where our heads are being dragged toward the past We've got to deal with what happened in the past meanwhile.
We're running directly into a brick wall called Chinese Communist Party CCP But we're not allowed to look forward
Gotta be looking back because you gotta get on your knees and beg for forgiveness for something that allegedly your ancestors did even though mine came from Scotland anyway
You know you've got to beg forgiveness for for white privilege and for just being who you are and all that kind of stuff
So you got to look back back back back back right off the cliff into the future That's that's what we are.
That's what we're facing and It's it's gonna be a challenge now. I totally spaced this yesterday, and I I apologize for having done so but on Thursday and Friday of last week
Chris Arnzen The world famous host of Iron sharpens iron we can only hope to someday
Have the the just the the acclaim in the broadcasting world that's iron sharpener sharpens iron has and of course the
Perfect announcer voice of Chris Arnzen Just you know just we all look up to Chris in that way
Just want to be like him someday I Can hear him laughing even now
Anyway Chris worked for like I think he said once like a year to put together a debate now
What I heard the very end of the debate is it's not over they're gonna do a Third program at some point hopefully fairly soon
Where audience questions can be handled because there wasn't time for audience questions in in what was done
But Don Preston and mr. Frost Debated the subject of hyperpreterism and And Man there's there are there are so many questions that that encounter raised that were not answered
For me especially because you know, I'm familiar with the outlines of hyperpreterism
Of the two days the second to me was and just look up iron sharpens iron
Chris Arnzen Grab the archive of this because it is really really
Well worth listening to the the encounter. The second day was most helpful for me
Both days tended to get a little bogged down I thought in Some Less than helpful weed tromping through Through some obscure passages,
I mean When you sit back and listen to the second day The fundamental point that I got from Preston's Presentation was that the primary context in which first Corinthians chapter 15 has to be interpreted as Hosea 13 and that's not the context of first Corinthians chapter 15
And so the actual meaning of Anastasis the actual issue that Paul is addressing with the
Corinthians All that just sort of gets lost and you get this framework This complex framework based upon time passages and things like that Is put together by Preston that then takes over everything
Thankfully in the process of having this discussion Frost who is a
Who used to sort of be Preston's right -hand man? They spoke at the same conferences that but he's come out of hyperpreterism
Thankfully he brought out The fact that once and and this is true from a number of different perspectives.
I've seen this I've seen people fall into this stuff from a lot of different directions
You get the idea that you have seen something that no one else has ever seen Because It seems like Preston did admit that pretty much the only people that have ever seen this has been he and his group and everybody else has been wrong from the start on this and Once you really convince yourself of that that that's
Yeah, I'm the only one that's gotten this Then to make it work to continue to make it work as it becomes questioned and cross -examined
Fundamental central doctrines get sacrificed and so the idea of the resurrection body of Jesus becomes totally redefined in hyperpreterism in this form
That's the other part. That's the other problem is this form of hyperpreterism So, I'm sure somebody else has a different form and takes a different, you know, you've got all these different perspectives it could be taken but Thankfully it came out
Preston did basically say that If I understood him correctly he was saying that Jesus rose the self same body in which he died and He ascended in that body but he no longer has that body if I was understanding where he was he was making the assertion that there was a
True physical resurrection of the body, but Jesus doesn't have that body any longer He's put aside somehow if you're familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses, they say the same thing
Either his body was dissolved in the gases or it's on display as a memorial to Yahweh to Jehovah's love somewhere in the universe or something like that, but but He is no longer the
God -man even though Preston would say oh, yes he is Because a man doesn't have to have a physical body so there is this whole a complete overthrow of what anastasis means
And the importance of physical resurrection Saying well, but obviously
Jesus was still a man Before the physical resurrection while he was in the grave. He's still a man
Even though he went and proclaimed the spirits in prison so and so forth so but the point being that God made us to be a body soul unity and that's why the resurrection is so important that it's an unnatural state to be
Disembodied and that's why the resurrection is going to take place but at least that came out with a fair amount of clarity and So you could start seeing
Just how many? Cardinal central aspects of the faith are
Sacrificed to just maintain this one framework system and in the first Program it was brought up that you know from this perspective.
We are in the eternal state There is there is nothing this is just how it's going to keep on going
And going and going and going we're in the eternal state and you're just like oh
Great That's that's that's a bad thing
What are all the ramifications that would have to come from that there would there would be there would be a lot of them so it's
It's yeah I'm really thankful that it was done. I'm looking forward to the third program.
It will help I think a lot of people could be very confused by it because It is just so far outside of what anybody is accustomed to that You know,
I mean, I'm not saying don't go and listen to it. Yeah, go ahead and listen to it, but You might find it somewhat difficult to follow
Because it's all bets are off. Let's just put that way The foundations are completely different and The debate was not designed to give you the background
To really understand it. It would almost be worth the effort to to have somebody do a program that would give you a
Clear summary statement of what the issues are So that once the debate starts you're like, oh, okay
Well, that's why that guy is concerned about this or that or the other thing and it might be helpful along those lines but it was very very very interesting to me and so I wanted to make mention of it make reference to it and Go from there.
Um, I Did and I I forgot to I forgot to pull it up but Evidently, there are some new
Resources being presented In defense of Ken Wilson's dissertation and One of them
I found really really really interesting And I'm gonna be doing some some digging into this
But there is a book called
Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies as a second book Well, that's the that's the series
I'm sorry that there's a book called Augustine and Manichaean Christianity edited by Johannes von
Ort from Brill 2013 and And What caught my attention was one of the contributors to This book that is being promoted by Leighton flowers and and others and I haven't had a chance to be looking at all the other contributors as yet.
I'm gonna be digging into You know where these people teach and what their teachings are and and things like that Because a couple of them the names making me going
But the first name that caught my attention and made me chuckle was
Jason David Badoun Jason David Badoun and why would
I he has a Chapter called not to depart from Christ Augustine between Manichaean and Catholic Christianity And If the name
Badoun does not ring any bells with you That would indicate that you probably have not done a lot of work in the field of Jehovah's Witnesses If you have
Then you know what? Yes, you can go to a omen org.
What what but what's the lot? What's the lot the most recent article on that? 11 years ago.
Oh Mike Porter. Yeah, Mike Porter have been doing stuff on that. Yeah Dr. Badoun teaches up at Northern Arizona State University has for a long time so just up the road from us here in Phoenix and The only thing
I've known about him Other than he's clearly rabidly opposed to Christian Orthodoxy Was the fact that he's one of the few people who has
Risen in defense of The New World Translation of Jehovah's Witnesses Which is a horrific mistranslation of the
New Testament biased to the nth degree Filled with doctrinaire mistranslations and yet defended by Jason Badoun of Northern Arizona State University so lo and behold
Not to depart from Christ Augustine between Manichaean and Catholic Christianity Augustine's debt to Manichaeism Augustine's mediating position between Manichaeism and Catholic Christianity by Jason David Badoun so I'm just wondering
You know, I just got hold of this material and I'm just wondering once Okay, see let's let's leave
Augustine to the side for just a moment There is a tremendous body of literature that exists out there that is
Directed at the Apostle Paul the anti Pauline Corpus of literature is huge much larger than most
Christians have any any idea of and You can You can put together quite a bibliography of people who will go after Paul for any number of things
I mean When you write that many books in the New Testament, you're gonna have people coming after you and of course
You can then create alleged internal contradictions with him You can mess around with his canon what he did and didn't write allegedly.
There's just so if you're looking for a Dissertation topic and they generally want you writing on something and no one's written on before That's that's the best way in the world to create heresy
Paul is just the best best guy to go after and so I've gotten accustomed to the methodologies of the anti Pauline Type people and They tend to quote from each other and sort of create sort of a cabal, you know type of a thing and you start getting an idea of what these these folks are are like and So I Just have a feeling that as I dig into this
I'm gonna get a good idea That we're we're drawing from a particular
Spectrum of folks here. Now. Let me just look here real quick Yeah, he's still at Northern Arizona University Yeah, Van Orte University of Pretoria shut down Yeah To say that the
University of Pretoria is on the left -hand side of things is to Say that Bernie Sanders does not wear a
MAGA hat Okay Sort of a obvious straightforward thing
So yeah, this is gonna be this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting my experience is that once you
Come up with a theory That has a theological Foundation to it in the sense that you're you're trying to promote a
Theological position you will end up being attracted to the sources that will help you to substantiate that theory and Fundamentally the history of the church tells us that when you
Align yourself with those who are seeking to emphasize the capacities of man
You will end up in forms of rank liberalism or as I prefer today rank leftism because Liberal comes from a term that is no longer descriptive of the left politically or theologically
Just look at Union Theological Seminary It was liberal It's not liberal anymore
Because liberalism allows the expression of multiple perspectives You don't you don't get to do that at a leftist seminary today.
It's just not gonna happen So I'll definitely be looking at What is
Especially what Dr. Badoon has to say and see what kind of background there is to to these things and I just remind you that at a omen org
Brother Chris continues to post materials there I have gotten a lot of people who have
Been commenting on how helpful they have found the inquiries to be the discussion especially and that's certainly
What I wanted the discussion of background materials and especially how to do fair unbiased
As Best as you can anyways study of church history
To not abuse the early church fathers, but to allow them to be who they were to appreciate them
For who they were in the context where they where they lived so that hopefully
You yourself should you ever become an author? Will be treated
Will be treated will be treated kindly I just I Just looked over at my
Twitter feed and by the way for those of you who are interested there is
There is a new forum that has come online That and you're all like yeah, we've heard of all these before that's true
But I'm starting to see more and more and more people showing up and stuff that I'm writing
There is getting a thousand views and that's not up to where it's not up to Twitter yet It's not up to Facebook yet.
What's called parlor par LER Maybe that's
French parley. I'll do that for rich I What I We're all we're all talking about our ethnicities these days.
And so, you know, I Did you just not want it known? boat in 1777 it was a sergeant
Lafayette's army. I'll have you know, so there There you go see,
I won't let's not talk about any of France's many many defeats since then, but that's okay
Things have changed things things didn't let's just say Napoleon was the high -water mark and he wasn't very tall
So there you go What were you talking about Oh parlor? It's sort of a mix between the two
Instead of 200 see on on Facebook. You can write a book I mean, I'm not really even sure what the actual maximum length is.
There is a maximum length I was not sure what it is, but you can you can Put a lot into an article on Facebook.
And of course Twitter is 280 characters Parlor is 1 ,000 1 ,000 characters.
So that's that's a couple paragraphs It's not it's not long But you can say a whole lot more and you can put your pictures and stuff like that and do your thing
I've been trying to be wise and not use the term a lot on Twitter and Facebook because I sort of have a feeling
They're not really happy if you do things like that. I'd assume I don't know but my at Id in parlor is
L. Uther Ross e l e u t h e r o s. It's Greek for freed
It was a term. That's a Luther actually used for himself fact. He signed letters Using the same same one
That just that just happened When I signed up and I decided
I liked it better than dr. Oakley 1689 and I'll be honest with you part of the reasons for that is
Not only is it a biblical term, of course used many times in New Testament, but the 1689 part
I've just had so many people that also had a 1689 in their ID That just ripped my face off that I was like, yeah,
I think well, I think we'll dump that for now But so what what were you going all about?
well, our good friend Colin Smith has pointed out that apparently it is a
French term to speak. Well, yeah parlay means to say so I mean, I was supposed to be how it would be pronounced is what he's saying parlay now.
I Do play our label from say? See I Will be setting up an ailment org account over there and You're actually already way ahead of me and how that thing works over there and being able to make it propagate over to Facebook and Stuff like that.
So I've got some catch. I don't know how to get to propagate to anything. I just copy and paste Well, there's a rock and stick level right now working harder so and by the way
I am told this morning that we are very very close to migrating the new a omen org site
Over great to write as the world's ending. We're finally gonna get a new website Good time.
So we've assembled a really good team of guys. They're working hard to make it happen
So good just thought I'd mention that good. All right. Yeah, so if you want to come over give me a follow
I'm trying to do searches and follow other people and stuff so that we can get conversations going and stuff, but parlay
If we're going to do the French thing parlay I Studied French for a year and I got
A's in it but I was taking German at the same time and I had already taken three years of German before that and So the
German just blew the French right out of my mind and it there's a real easy understanding of why it did
When you pronounce German you pronounce the whole word when you pronounce
French You pronounce about a third of the word. I mean, it's true
Let me see Je parle, tu parles, il parle, nous parlons, vous parlez, il parle, right?
Did I did I conjugate to speak correctly? But each one of those parles were spelled differently
But they sounded the same only nous parlons and vous parlez looked sounded a little bit different It's so contextual
It's so contextual Ich spreche, du sprichst, now it's German Straightforward Much easier for my mind to memorize and to keep and so the
French went Right out the door and the German said no vive, vivez
They chased the little French man away That's what it did so that's what happened to my
French it went and it's beautiful to listen to it really is but It just didn't it just didn't stick so anyway,
I looked over and you had liked a tweet from Scotty Crawford Dr.
Oakley 1689 and Richard C. Pierce are national treasures and must be protected great dividing lines
Must be protected Hmm, I think we could protect ourselves just fine.
Yeah, that's that's We are prepared to do yes, yes, I do want to remind folks also that pastor
Rob Brunansky is also now joined The contributors at amin .org
and I expect to see his first article brother. Oh, yes. Yes, and So Rob is he is that going to be the notes from the response to Jonathan good because I have some friends in another country that really really want that information.
So it's that's gonna be good to have up there So don't forget about amin .org we may in the That'll be our last bastion, you know, that'll be our last bastion is
Finding offshore what means of communication and things like that That that you know, so I had even started and I tried to it's just so hard to just take so long to Link in social media to the blog and then put the main body at the blog because you're less likely to get bounced off of For social media if you're linking to stuff that their bots aren't their bots aren't gonna be going out reading my article someplace, right?
so The other thing is that That same team that has been working on rebuilding the website.
Yeah is also been Developing behind the scenes a process under history of France.
I Did not put that on their schedule no but the they basically been setting it up to where in case something did happen and We lose all these different mediums and have to even
Relocate the website in a great big hurry They've been putting that together where that can happen
Yeah Six months ago someone would have said wow you all sound conspiratorial and now it's like nope.
I didn't yep That sort of seems like a basic thing. You got to do these days. That's that's sort of sort of how it is.
So But thank you Scotty Crawford for that. I don't think that I'm a national anything
But I do appreciate that fact. So anyway Rich has got some tinfoil.
He's just got got eyes get wrapping around his head there The conspiracies are all around us.
Anyway, I was gonna wrap up the top of the hour went a little few minutes afterwards not planning on on a program on a
Wednesday because I'm I'm going out and Doing another solar show for homeschool kids and I'm in I don't know if you can tell but I enjoy doing that I enjoy talking to kids about God's creation because that's going to be true.
No matter what the governmental system is around us Those are things that remain true
No matter what man does to himself here on this planet. And so while we have the opportunity to do so I Want to introduce them to some awesome stuff that God has done
I'm really looking forward to the fall and the winter Where I can do some star shows and show them planets and stars show them alberio and andromeda and See if I can track down some some nebula forum and all sorts of fun stuff like that.
That's Love our homeschool kids we We started did you start the music already?
Okay we Couple weeks ago. We started doing what we've done in the past for the last song.
We go up front and I just love seeing the children we hit we have so many kids and It's you know, it's a funny thing
Just one one one one thing when I first started going there and when I first when I would first preach there before we went there
You hear the kids if you're used to being in a church that has a nursery and child
Stuff and everything else and it's as quiet as a tomb in there Then you hear the kids and even when you're preaching you hear the kids
It only took two or three weeks and I don't hear the kids anymore. I do but I don't in the sense of it having any level of distraction or anything like that and so now it's just I Don't know what it would be like To just have a bunch of adults around it really wouldn't and When we all sing the doxology to hear those little voices ripping into into that and some of you saw the
Program where my youngest granddaughter January was singing the singing the doxology
Jeff said there was a little Chinese in it, but it was still it was still definitely recognizable as the as the doxology
That was great stuff that's that's that's really that's really really neat so I love having a chance to get to Talk to the kids and tell them about God's creation.
It's it's a wonderful thing. So I'll be doing that tomorrow morning. It doesn't mean I couldn't get back in time.
It just makes for a real rushed situation and So we'll be looking at Thursday Friday. And by the way
Just if you are interested or are making plans or things like that and for you rich The three weeks from now the 22nd through the 26th
I might be able to do something on the afternoon 26th here, but We're gonna have to find a way to do some remote broadcasting
So if that other stuff you were talking about it might be a time to do some testing of that because I'm going to be up north and I normally am at this time of year and you know, why
I need I There's too much oxygen down here It's too much oxygen down here
I'm still hoping still praying That the final rides up in July in Colorado are still gonna make that not gonna be put off And one of them that was put off.
I've just I've created my own I'm gonna go up Salt Lake City, and I'm gonna I'm gonna
Recreate it on my own What else can I do because they they moved it back to September and Lord willing?
I'm gonna be on a ship when the when it's taking place. There's not much I can do about But 20 seconds at 26, we may be looking at Figuring out how to make that to make that all happen.
So that will be coming up but we're gonna try to stick with you keep doing as many programs as possible and I'm hoping that so that is useful to you.