Trump Victory, Christians in the New Coalition, and Evangelical Reactions


Jon gives his interpretation of the election results and explains how this will change the political and evangelical landscape.


Well, good afternoon everybody and what an afternoon it is boy. I'll tell you I Didn't know what was gonna happen.
I was optimistic about Trump winning but because of 2020
I Wasn't sure and last night. I went to bed around 12 and thought this looks great
But am I gonna wake up and find out the ballot counting stopped at 3 in the morning? And we don't know who the president is
Is it gonna be a repeat and it looked like it was gonna be harder for it to be a repeat because the numbers were Coming in so big for Donald Trump, but I'm just very happy.
I'm thanking God. I'm really thanking God last night. I was this morning. I was My wife actually did wake me up at 2 in the morning
So I got to go flip around the channel see the meltdown that was happening on some networks and it is good
I mean, there's an entertainment factor to it But it's good when people who hate your way of life and hate the gods you serve and all the rest are
Freaking out and they're worried about what's gonna happen As far as their own policies going down the tubes and Donald Trump's and the
Republican Party's Gaining sway and so I saw some of that and then I watched
Trump's speech and I'll give you some thoughts on that but really optimistic about everything that happened and the
GOP controls the Senate now it looks like and things are just going in a nationally at least a
Better direction than they had been before now. I'm I'm not naive. I'm not I'm I'm not looking at this like an
American revival of some kind or a spiritual revival of some kind necessarily
I'm looking at it for what it is. The Democrats pushed really really hard and This is the backlash against that and I'll go into why
I think that But this was too big to rig and I didn't know if that was possible
I thought my Suspicions and my confidence in the
Democrat Party's ability to rig things was pretty high and Donald Trump exceeded those things which
I'm very happy about I've been actually driving through many states the last few days and I've only seen
Trump signs my wife said she saw a few in Cookville, Tennessee, which I didn't notice but from Pennsylvania to Ohio to Indiana to Kentucky to Tennessee and obviously
Pennsylvania swing state the rest being red states, but I only saw Trump signs I was kind of blown away by that that and a lot of them a lot of them and creative Trump's I in fact yesterday
I was driving in This was actually in the morning. So I was in Cookville and we were about to leave to my brother's house right now and And Heading east and on the way
I noticed there was a sign that said votes Harris and I thought oh, there it is there's the first one and Right next to it was this huge sign saying just kidding vote
Trump and I thought she's a joke. She's a joke They're comfortable Putting up a sign that says vote
Harris just to make a joke about it because they know no one's doing it at least in Cookville, Tennessee so I Was encouraged by that and I'm assuming many of you are encouraged this morning and and it's good to be encouraged
I mean, I think I'm gonna probably go buy some steaks and just I mean, that's what do you do to celebrate, right? That's one of the big things for guys at least right?
we like to get some red meat and I'm gonna find the finest steaks I can find and we're gonna grill them up and just have a good old time
But I want to talk about a bunch of things in this particular podcast
Including the new coalition that's forming the we're entering new territory.
We really are and The conservative movement if you want to call it that even though I think
Christian Evangelical movement is changing quite a bit in a lot of ways and I can't comprehensively go over all the ways that I'm seeing it
Change, but I think last night there was a shift and I want to talk about that shift a little bit and what?
We should be thinking about and what we should be doing in a practical way Moving forward and what we can do that's helpful for the future of our country the future of our children and grandchildren and so forth so I Saw last night
Going back to last night in the election a lot of meltdowns happening.
I think the Young Turks was the most entertaining of those meltdowns because sank If I'm pronouncing his name correctly,
I think it's or Cenk Uyghur or Uyghur, but he had it behind him
It was like a train track in an urban setting and there was fire everywhere And I noticed a number of the other anchors had fire in the back like cities burning and I'm like what?
Message are they trying to send but he was just going crazy. And of course Jen Saki had
A I think it was a tweet this morning. It's going around everywhere where or no, not a tweet. Sorry. It was a it's in tweets, but she was
Declaring Trump to be the winner. It was the moment. I think on MSNBC that Trump was declared the winner. She had the
The privilege but she didn't consider it that of announcing that particular fact and then of course she goes on this whole rant highlighting all the things she hates about Trump and his career and There's a lot of that.
There's gonna be montages I'm sure by this afternoon that have a lot of different people having meltdowns and I think this is significant
I think it reminds me of 2016 to some extent I think when the people who have been enemies of the truth of the good the true and the beautiful really of God and his order the most aggressive enemies of God and his order and the people who represent that meaning
Christians in the United States. I Think that there is cause to to be emboldened.
There is cause to celebrate there is cause to Be excited that the potential pitfalls that the enemy was
Planning for us have failed and that's only by the grace of God. I don't care How much human effort went into this and there was a lot of human efforts
I've obviously I care that human effort went to it. But as far as giving credit Ultimately, it doesn't really matter how much human effort went into it if God was against it, right?
We know this is believers God Obviously is giving us some kind of a reprieve he's giving us four more years of Some freedom a safety net.
I know for being in New York. This is huge because New York passed I think it was called
Proposition 2. I voted against it, but it's an insane law. Go look it up It's it's not even a law.
Actually, it's an amendment to their Constitution. I don't know how many other blue states had similar measures I think some of them did someone told me
Some state in the Midwest it must have been Wisconsin or Minnesota or Michigan had a similar measure but in New York, it was this there was a non or an anti -discrimination quote -unquote clause that they were adding to their very state
Constitution and It was so expansive. It did not just include the LGBTQ Panoply it also included abortion status.
It also included immigrant status and the way you read this it could definitely be interpreted by lawyers to mean that if you spoke out against abortion and specifically if you
Talked against abortion spoke out against it and applied it to a particular person
Like you said an individual should not get an abortion or it was wrong for them to get an abortion that kind of thing
You'd be in danger of a hate crime I mean, this is the kind of thing that's happening in deep blue states and it's scary for people who live there and I'm one of them currently at least and This gives us a safety net this gives us a reprieve this gives us at least the satisfaction and confidence that on a federal level if Something like that went to court that we have a
Supreme Court. That's hopefully going to Make sure that those state's laws and state constitution amendments aren't applied in manners that actually do suppress our freedom to worship
God and freedom to Spread our religion Etc. I Think you know having
Donald Trump in there obviously gives us an opportunity to appoint more Supreme Court justices that will reinforce that kind of thing so if you live in a deep blue state and there's tyranny on the horizon at least you have that that security that buffer that There is a system of adjudication
With Kamala Harris. I knew if that amendment got passed in New York and Kamala Harris was the president
It's just a matter of time. You know, you might have some court cases where this amendment is applied but Eventually the numbers aren't going to work.
You're gonna have too many judges on the federal level who decide to Uphold a measure like that and I think you know
At least I have some confidence that we've bought ourselves some time and that's huge. That's a big thing. That's a good thing so so anyway,
I saw these meltdowns and One of the things that I noticed right away, I was very curious of course for this platform, right talking about evangelical and specifically big
Eva big evangelical Influencers influencers that push the needle for social justice.
I'm talking about Matt Chandler and JD Greer and David Platt and A whole bunch of other people
Russell Moore David French Karen Swallow prior Beth Moore I could just go on and on and on Eric Mason to be the end of wheel a
You know a lot of the guys I would say at nine marks But a lot of the guys at the gospel coalition a lot of the guys at Christianity Today all of these people
More or less on one level just about there's a few exceptions I'm sure but more or less they've pushed the needle left for years and they've done so in I would say careful ways at times subversive ways sometimes stupid and obvious ways, but Depending on the person we're talking about but they were silent last night.
I was going to the various Twitter pages just to see who's weighing in and and there wasn't much
I'm gonna give you today Who's weighed in as far as I know? Few of the names that you might recognize but there's been a lot of silence and and to be honest with you
I even think that's a good thing For a number of reasons but a lot of these guys do not understand it seems civics and how politics works and when they weigh in on these things and try to give their gospel centered view supposedly or their
Their their Christian view of what political engagement looks like it's anything but a Christian view.
It's a naive view It's an unhelpful view It's a view that attempts to ensure that their churches are politically diverse and Democrats are welcome there and feel comfortable
As well as hopefully Republicans so you can get the widest net possible but in an urban setting more or less, but I I I don't think a lot of these guys were knowledgeable enough to even weigh in on it and the ones that were were ideologically on the left and The wind is taken out of their sails the wind is taken out of their sails and that's not just the doing of a
Donald Trump victory that's the doing of a lot of us. That's the doing of this podcast That's the doing of Megan Basham's book.
That's the doing of 80 Robles and what he's been doing and so many of the the newer younger podcasters and pastors who have in the last
Few years since 2020 started to create platforms and have been getting on the same bandwagon
That's the doing of capstone report and protest EIA and I could just go on and on and on there's there's too many names to mention, but that's the doing of a lot of people who have taken time and effort to care about what evangelicals think and what their how their leaders are misleading them and a lot of people and myself included
Didn't really need or want the aggravation that comes with that and there is aggravation that comes with it when you challenge those authority structures
For sure You're gonna be raked through the mud. Just look at what Megan Basham went through this year You're gonna be smeared and told you're a liar and told you're racially insensitive or you're a misogynist, whatever
They're gonna smear you in some way. They're not gonna represent you and they're in oftentimes. It's passive -aggressive And it's not the way it's not like a man faces another man where it's very direct it tends to be indirect and Manipulative and and you go through this and the reward usually isn't all that much
I mean you take pay cuts to I mean, I know I've done that I've taken a Large pay cut to be able to spend time researching some of this writing about it
I'm not complaining. By the way, I'm I think this is what the Lord wanted me to do. And so I'm not a victim I'm not saying any of that, but I just know it's a sacrifice and more so for you for many others
I mean look at the people that just came out on this David Platt documentary. These are regular average -day
Joe's They didn't need their names in the limelight They didn't need anyone to know who they were and now they've taking a big risk because they're putting their reputation on the line
And if there's backlash and a most of the backlash is probably gonna be personal. It's not going to be necessarily public
You're not gonna see it But these are people that have to share a community with people who attend
David Platt's church who own businesses, etc And they're willing to risk it for the truth So that you aren't deceived so that you know that these guys aren't who they say they are behind closed doors
So that they're their judgments impaired Maybe they don't care as much as they tend to make out like they do and and this has been
This has been a team effort. And so I just want to say thank you to everyone who's supported this podcast and bought my books and all the rest because I Saw the evidence last night.
This is just one little piece of it, but there's Not the boldness that I remember in 2016 and certainly well certainly not in 2016
But also in 2020 not seeing that same kind of spirit come from evangelical bigwigs and I have no doubt
They probably feel the same many of them, but they're not saying it They know that there's gonna be backlash and that's a huge huge victory
And and this was one of the things that threatened the evangelical vote In fact, I I don't have the numbers in front of me.
But at one time I know I had said that Based on I think it was 2016 and 2020 results.
There was evidence that there was a break happening in the evangelical ranks still overwhelmingly
Republican but it was starting to shift and some of these efforts of guys like like David Platt who wrote the book before you vote
Which essentially argued hey you can vote for these liberal Democrats and they there's a lot of life issues and they're also supporting certain life issues because they're for racial justice and other things and That arguments not having the same effect that it used to have and I'm really happy to see that.
I'm really just I'm glad we're in the spot that we're in in so many ways.
It's it's a good spot to be in There's always dangers. There's always things to talk about and be concerned with and I'm going to honestly in the coming weeks
I already have a podcast scheduled to talk about something that I see that's potentially Could be harmful to some people and so I'm we're always gonna see that but I'm not one of these guys who's going to make out to you like you know the
Everything is a stage for cancer threat and you you must have me to interpret all of these things for you because You know,
I need job security and you know, I don't believe that I actually I think a lot of the work that we work toward is having an impact.
We need to continue doing it There's no doubt because there's still ways in which some of these evangelical influencers are trying to Have an impact in a different way.
I think in a more indirect way So I'm gonna still expose some of this stuff
But look you can take a victory lap if you've been supportive of this podcast You can take a victory lap So just wanted to say that I'm gonna get to some of the reactions that were online
But I I'm very positive about what I've been seeing What else
I wanted to just also say this is a really good thing some of the abortion measures I know they're Florida amendment for got a lot of press and it failed and we just thank
God for that that Florida is they rejected a
Policy that would have been expansive for abortion and then of course, Arizona a policy that would have been expansive for abortion also
Failed and we're so we're very grateful for that as well now Abortion and there were
I haven't looked into this deeply yet Apparently there were other measures in other states. I guess that did get voted through so I'm grateful for those two things
In Arizona, I guess the saving grace was there was a very high threshold for This particular law and they or referendum
I don't know how they categorized it and that threshold was not net and I think it was like 65 % or something it was some somewhere around there.
And so the majority voted in favor of abortion and It didn't matter because the threshold was too high.
They couldn't meet it So there's still concerning things out there we I'm gonna talk about that when we get to the new coalition that's forming but but we thank
God we thank God for that for those two things and The other thing I would say about abortion too is it's not a winning issue for the left compared to other issues and that's something
We can also thank God for Even though the left really made this the issue of the election and it is a winning issue for them in many ways
There were other issues that people cared about more and so you had people who were pro abortion who broke ranks to vote for Donald Trump and maybe because of immigration or economic policies or other things, but the net effect of that is you at least have four more years of latitude to work on the state level against abortion and you have the security that there's not going to be a
Equivalent to Roe v. Wade type law passed on a national level So that's a good thing and I think there's other things
Trump will probably bring back. They'll probably be I mean he had an executive order Basically saying that you can't kill a child after the child's born
Mexico City City policy Perhaps some defunding of Planned Parenthood I'm positive that there will be some things on even the national level that can get done in a more anti -abortion direction
So I think that's a very good thing too. And I know a lot of evangelicals care about that and for good reason
Of course, I think I already mentioned New York Amendment to Not that that's more personal for me
That's not a good thing And that's that is one of those things you have to consider if you're in a deep blue state like that You have a window right now and in this window
Are you going to stick around because hey at least on the federal level? I have a safety net or are you going to use this time to consider?
where should I relocate because I see the direction my state's going in the pendulum will likely shift at some point and I have the freedom right now and hopefully the economic prosperity etc to make a move and I'll tell you what.
This isn't an advertisement This isn't Josh abattoir didn't put me up to this but I spent a day with him in Gainesboro, Tennessee He showed me around the properties they have he gave me the vision he talked about What they want to do their socially politically
How they want to strengthen the community This is actually so much healthier and I might make enemies saying this but I think this is so much healthier
Than some of the other schemes out there and specifically I'm thinking of honestly Doug Wilson's you know stuff in Moscow and nothing against moving to Moscow or Moscow rather, but What I would say is this
When you are around people from the internet who appreciate a ministry and they move there nothing wrong with that that can be a good thing, but it's a little bit like online dating and You don't know what you're gonna get you you might find out
Hey that person that I liked online you might find out about me right if you saw me in a personal setting
And I didn't know he was he was like that. I thought he was a serious guy, man He really is he's a goofballers.
Who knows what people think but You realize that the ideas that you build up in your head aren't always accurate and real life sets in and So anyway,
I'll have to say not to pick on Moscow because I think look if I was in that situation I would want people moving to my town to my church to strengthen that area
But you're getting one type of person you're getting a person who is immediately already putting themselves under a particular hierarchy, right?
They're not just moving there for the area they're not just moving there for freedom They're not just moving there for politics or social stuff
They're moving there for an entire lifestyle a church very specifically a certain specific leader that they want to be under Josh is doing it differently, and I think this is actually if you're going to start out
Doing something like this. I think this is a healthy way to do it I Have a they're the very basic threshold that we want the liberties we grew up with we want the
America we grew up with We want to make sure that our children inherit that we want economic mobility
We want them to have property and be able to play outside to live in a high -trust society. We want them to be able to Express and live their
Christianity in a free manner uninhibited we want You know
The jobs available for them all the things that you want for your children and This is the place we're gonna do it.
This is gonna. We're gonna make this our stronghold. There's not one particular leader There's not one particular denomination or church.
There's not the The bunker mentality or the culty kind of mindset that can often form when it's just one type of person moving to an area there's a lot of diversity in what
Josh is trying to do and and I I Appreciate that because so many people have asked me about the
Highland Rim project and the Just the Ridge Runner project and John.
Do you realize in fact one guy? You know, he subscribed to the podcast and everything and kind of had to stop listening because he just thought you know
I can't abide this you're going into these deep red areas and you're bringing all these kinds of people that are different and Isn't that gonna ruin the area and I'm tired of seeing and I get it.
I totally get it I'm tired of seeing northerners move down south and bring their values with them and All of that and and don't you think this is you know, this is potential to be a disaster right right because you you're all
Hoping to go there and you have a dream and what if that dreams unrealized or you don't get along and they've thought through that Josh has really thought through that and so he didn't pay me to say any of this
But look if you're wanting to use this four years as a reprieve and you just want to be with some at the basic level
Like -minded people whether they're Presbyterians or Baptists or you know, maybe some of them won't even be
Christians. They'll just be conservatives who Respect Christianity and want to live in a culturally Christian area you know you want that kind of an area for your kids and you you want to Be with people who want to come in support and integrate and assimilate into the culture.
That's already there Consider it consider getting on the waitlist for the Highland Rim project in Gainesboro, Tennessee, and you can
I don't know the website You can probably just go online and type that in and find it But that's one area a lot of people are moving to,
Florida A lot of people are moving to other places not telling you to do it but it's something you want to consider especially if you have kids you have you have a window of opportunity here and It may not always exist
So that's one very practical very personal thing that you can think and maybe it maybe it is Moscow, Idaho It could it could very well be that so I'm not telling you not to do that By the way,
I don't want to Put a knock on people doing good work in other places and and so forth.
That's just my personal opinion though I think it's much better when you move to an area and it's it's with the expectation of you're going to be
You're gonna be a Tennessean. You're gonna you're you're there for the people You're not there for a particular personality and that kind of thing
Anyway moving on from that probably shouldn't have said that but there you go. That's that's me. I'd say what I think I think that Christianity is still receding and and this is an important thing.
I think to consider I already mentioned that in the victory speech Donald Trump didn't thank
God Dana White actually got up there and he referenced karma Donald Trump did say god bless America, but you know, this was a little surreal for me.
I really thought I Mean I was I wasn't like so I don't know.
It wasn't like super surreal, I guess but it was a little surprise I'll put it out. It was a little surprising That he didn't thank
God after the assassination attempts and everything. I just thought that would be the top of his list now
He was tired. He was Fatigued. I mean, yeah, I never seen Donald Trump looks so old and I get it
He's been just non -stop probably not getting sleep and speaking and hopefully he gets a long long
Joe Biden length nap but I really I really think we're secularizing and we're continuing to secularize and In fact the polls seem to show and was it
Steve Dace? I think it was Steve Dace who had said something along these lines. Let me see if I pulled up the tweet
Yeah, Steve Dace said only 22 % of the electorate was white evangelical the smallest turnout of evangelicals
Trump has ever had 26 % turned out in 2016 and 28 % turnout in 2020
And matches the lowest evangelical turnout since Romney in 2012 He did win 81 % of them, but Trump paid no penalty whatsoever for watering down his pro -life messaging even if it hurt his evangelical turnout and You know that I look at those numbers
I'd view this a lot differently than some of the abortion abolitionist types some of whom I appreciate but some of whom
I think have gotten very ideological and I'm actually very glad that Enough people did not listen to them that Donald Trump was able to win
I don't think actually the abortion abolitionist movement from my perspective does not have a
Whole lot of momentum power or influence outside of a few very deep red states like perhaps
Oklahoma and Idaho They really they have more state -level influence in places like that, but nationally like they're they're not that big of a
I think Threat to the Republican Party and what the
Republican Party wants to do The pro -life movement Larger than them the the you know broadly speaking anti -abortion movement will say including the pro -life movement.
They do have significant influence but I think that influence is even waning and I do look at this differently,
I think that Donald Trump the way Donald Trump works is and I've been watching this for years just being in New York and before his political career
I mean where you watch the impretus and you can see this. He's all about making deals. He's all about he's a loyal guy loyalty is the big that's that the currency
Trump deals in and so When you have a group of people like the pro -life anti -abortion or even evangelical
Christian crowd and they say hey We're gonna help you get elected But this is what you got to do for us
Trump has respected that for the most part he respected that in 2016 and he got a Supreme Court justices who
Gave us the Dobbs decision. That's a huge victory. I know I didn't actually think I would probably see that in my lifetime
I didn't know that that was actually possible Trump got it done. And that's the way Trump is he makes the deal and then he carries through more so than any other president in my lifetime in my opinion and and so Trump had a problem this time around in that abortion all the polls and I looked at them
I mean, it's crazy, especially for Gen Z the polls show that this is not a winning issue for Republicans at all and The bean counters
I'm sure in his campaign told him you're gonna do better if you actually start getting away from the pro -life messaging
Maybe even signal that you're open to pro -choice and if you do that, then you can at least appeal to these voters who are pretty adamantly against the pro -life cause and Trump listened to that and I think
Trump Trump struck a deal with other people. He struck a deal with RFK I mean you look at Elon Musk and Joe Rogan.
I mean these guys are I think they're all pro -choice to some extent They're not you're conservative, they're not typical conservatives, but they were gonna deliver him
I think more votes and and so that I think the logic the thinking with some of the hardcore abolitionist types is you should all
We should all withhold our votes if we're against abortion To teach the Republican Party a lesson
And of course, I argued against this very strongly and I said look you do that. This might be the last election
I mean you got if you have four years of the kind of migration we've seen over the last four years and Enough of them are able to get identification cards and you don't have voter
ID laws. We become California and I really believe that and Thank God we we didn't have that happen.
But if that happened and if that happens still in the future, you're gonna have permanent Unrestricted abortion because the
Democrats will have permanent majorities and if it's not the Democrats, it'll be you know it'll that liberal thinking will at least be there and Will hold sway the radical end of it
So anyway, I made the case strongly. We have to you have to vote for Trump and you have to show him some loyalty on a political level for what he was able to accomplish the last time around and push the goals where you can because you can
Work in a Trump administration. You have latitude to work. You can try to cut deals where it's like leave us alone in,
Oklahoma we're gonna push hard to get an equal protection amendment or something and You know, that's you know, try to cut a different kind of deal with Trump, but don't don't if you if the numbers work out that He's gonna go with the pro -choicers who are concerned about things like the economy and immigration and they will deliver more votes for him that's exactly where he's gonna go and he'll cut the deal with them and they will get more of their agenda passed and that's just the way politics works and anyway,
I Think it was honestly bad that we had a suppressed evangelical turnout. I think that evangelicals now
Even though they went 80 % for done 81 % for Donald Trump Evangelicals are essentially in the backseat of the car of the
Republican vehicle. They are not Backseat drivers. They don't get to call shots. Really.
They're in the coalition they have a seat at the table, which they don't with the Democrats, but they do not have the kind of influence that they used to have and And There's reasons for this but most notably there's the direction of the entire country.
This isn't even just a political thing This isn't because all the lesser of two evils were voted in every election and evangelicals keep compromising.
That's how we got here I don't think that's it at all. I think that there's something far bigger than that happening. There's a general secularization
We're becoming Europe go to the Northeast or the Pacific Northwest See what it's like in those regions.
It is very This is shocking actually for people in the Bible Belt. They just don't have a concept of it, but they are so Secularized and now paganized because nature of course a vacuum that you feel the darkness
You just feel I feel where I live in New York. You just it is not Christian at all and The the
Christian the Catholic I guess you could say in that area influence is so negligible now you go past these historic churches and it's you know rainbow flags or a restaurant or abandoned and You might have some little evangelical
Strip mall or you know, like some some church satellites in a strip mall, but Not many people are attending it's nothing like the
Bible Belt and That's the direction though. The whole country is going in they're sliding there at a different speeds and this is the conditions we have to do politics in and in those conditions where evangelicals have a waning influence and For whatever reason less of them decided to even vote this election
Republican Party takes note of that and That means Evangelicals get a smaller piece of the pie.
They get a smaller reward bag when Republicans get in control We still get things but it's not going to be like it used to be
I can see good things about this But mostly bad I can see but the good things are you know, the evangelicals that were arising in the ranks
Were I think wanting to steer us into an iceberg and they wanted to form a new coalition Where it wasn't we weren't, you know, so tied to rub the
Republican Party and that you know The Democrats aren't going to offer you anything I think they were under the false assumption that if you signaled left, maybe the
Democrats would also Offer you something and that's just not true the
Democrats Have no use for evangelicals you either get on the train and go with their entire agenda and you're okay with it or you get off There's nothing they have in return for you
The Republicans do still have things to give to evangelicals. And so we need to work to expand that we need to work to educate
Christians and most of all All that's important, but we need to work to ensure that there's good
Christian leadership that now a young right -wing demographic and the young people are mostly still left, but the ones that are
Ascending in the Republican ranks that are very secular some of them more pagan But the secular ones
I think are looking for an answer they're looking for religion they're looking for something to fill that void and When they look at the evangelical landscape when they look at the
JV Platt and a you know, JV Greer's and David Platt's rather and Matt Chandler's and Other mega church leaders.
What do they see? Nothing to attract them They're being pushed away. So There's an opportunity right now for the for Christians to actually expand into that demographic if they can stop tripping over themselves to signal their support for LGBTQ stuff and and same -sex attraction and Left -leaning things and you know how much they care about the marginalized meaning we need
Socialism and that kind of thing if they can stop doing that and start signaling more to the right
They will and it's closed naturally from a biblical understanding. They will I think Expand their influence in politics in the
Republican Party. And so it's a win -win You did that, you know, it's a potential for Evangelizing and making converts as far as I'm not saying use this as a use the
Gospels the evangelism strategy So I'm not saying use this as a strategy to like like a drawcard that you we're gonna go right because the demographics say that I'm saying more though that there's people that have been neglected you use a fishing lure that attracts all kinds of fish and the evangelicals have been trying to use a particular fishing lure that only attracts or Selectively attracts left -leaning people and urbanites and so forth and there's a whole bunch of fish out there that would bite a lure if it was
Broader and if it just just be Christian about it. I mean a lot of these even secular conservatives are
Operating in very Christian ways with the how they view society and how it should be arranged and how they view
Morality and it's it's a it's a hand in glove guys like no -brainer Why do you think Mark Driscoll of all people is making the comeback?
He's making because he's doing this kind of thing I'm not saying do it exactly like him at all but I do think that there's this opportunity out there and Just just preach the old old story the way you used to and stop with the social justice nonsense
That's really all I'm saying and there's an opportunity It's a win -win you do that. And I think you also start attracting the people who have written you off So that's free advice,
I suppose Let's see what else it's not time to slow down.
I want to say that it's not time to slow down We need to keep moving. We this is the beginning not the end
Obviously, I've already said look at where you want to live and then get your 10 or 15 -year plan together
Look at where you want to be Look at the people you want to live with you want to live with people who are gonna support you good neighbors and all of that Also, though see where you can get involved politically see where you can get involved socially
It's time to turn it up not turn it down. I talked to my wife the other day about this and I Will probably be making some announcements about myself personally in the next
Year year and a half I'm I'm I'm looking at moving in a certain direction that I think is more needed
Because I see a leadership vacuum a severe leadership vacuum. I see severe just stupidity and immaturity in Big Eva and I just I don't see enough people coming to kind of fill that void and I have some plans that I'm forming in my own mind for what?
What what even this platform will look like going forward because people need leaders they don't just need guys who
Can do good work cataloging everything that's wrong and and being apologists and showing you the error that is needed
I still think there's more work for me to do in this but we need some some people in very official leadership capacities
I encourage you all to think through that think about what God has given you what abilities and what influence and all that and where Where can he put you?
We have a window of four years to figure that out and to do it We have a window of four years to evangelize.
We have a window of four years to operate politically so Get busy. That's all
I got to say on that start voluntary associations or shore up the ones that are already there There's a lot of voluntary groups
You know the veterans groups. I think of like, you know sons of Confederate veteran veterans even and sons of I don't know if they call it
Union veterans, but the equivalent for the north there's daughters of the American Revolution, there's There's there's those kinds of things.
There's also like you're you're you're I was gonna say Boy Scouts I guess I can't not trail life, you know, there's
Outdoors organizations their sports organizations. There's all kinds of voluntary Associations that need to be strengthened right now that will form the hierarchies that we need to resist statism
Get involved in those things as much as you possibly can not saying to kill yourself but you know think of the ways that you can not just be an island and Not just be a pew sitter on Sunday and not just go enjoy your hobbies
You should enjoy hobbies, but take take some buddies with you form a group. Hey if you like You know cycling.
I like cycling. I've been thinking about this, you know, I should find some people start a cycling group That's an opportunity, right?
So this is the kind of thing I'm talking about. We have four years to to do this and At least hopefully we have more than that Maybe I don't know who would be the
Republican nominee in four years But we have four years to to get some work done and then
God has given us this it is a gift So as Christianity is receding more broadly
I think that God is you know, why I don't know why God's given us this opportunity fully, but I think
It may be that we have an opportunity to To trust him to pray to turn this around so pray about that Um, well,
I mean what else I Want to do a breakdown a little bit of the just a new coalition and talk about that briefly
I've already mentioned that I think things are a little more secular But I think there's more going on. So ethnically speaking white men
Overwhelmingly were Trump's demographic only 28 % of them or sorry. I rather rather 24 % of them voted for Kamala Harris only 24 % and they make up 28 % of the nation's voting or the country's voting demographic white women
And and I wanted to point this one out specifically I noticed Lizzie Marbuck on Twitter pointed this out and she she's a hundred percent right about this
You see a lot of guys. I know Joel Barry did this recently from Babylon B and real What is it clear truth media
He was you know bashing though the white women who vote for Kamala Harris in this and that and I've always been skeptical about this
I've always been skeptical about this. I think yeah, there is a white suburban woman Person that I I guess, you know like pure flicks markets to in the gospel coalition markets to and so forth
But I I still thought you know white women as a demographic are overwhelmingly still
Republican and Yeah, they not like the men but they're still Republican so white women they make up 29 % of The demographic that voted and 31 % of them 31 % voted for Kamala Harris.
That was it. That was your that's the demographic That's you know Controlling the country.
I don't think so and you have to wonder why Picking on white women has become kind of a standard thing in right -leaning
Social media Christian circles because I've seen that a lot I Don't understand it quite
Maybe it's because they're safe to pick on you can pick on the Karen's right? We even
I mean we you can talk about a Karen and that's acceptable, but you can't do that right for other racial minorities
It doesn't work. So That's my theory of why the white women are picked on but stop picking on them because it's not accurate black men
They make up 12 % apparently of the the demographic that voted 81 % of them went for Kamala Harris black women they make up 18 % 90 % of them went for Kamala Harris Latino men they make up 4 % 50 now this is interesting to me and I'll get to this more in a moment, but Latino men 4 % and They 53 % for Kamala Harris, that's interesting
Latino men are kind of split evenly Trump Harris Latino women make up 4 % 59 % for Kamala Harris now
They are still leaning left this there's still that demographic is still pretty much every minority demographic
I think it's not on the list, but I've known I've read in other places that Native Americans tend to go Republican So there's that but other than that all the minority groups tend to go hard Democrat for the most part, but that may there may be some inroads being made here with Latino men, especially
Age with wise you 55 % of 18 to 29 year olds went for Kamala Harris That's actually not as bad as I thought it was gonna be 30 to 44 percent 51 percent one for Kamala Harris that's
You know more or less split and then 45 this is the demographic that one so it's you know, white males
But it's this demographic of 45 to 64. So that what is that Jen? The generation we don't talk about right it's between the boomers and the
Millennials and Gen X went for Donald for a
Kamala Harris 45 % that was it 45 % So good on them and then 65 or over so that the boomers went 50 % for Kamala Harris, so that's interesting to me.
I thought the boomers would be much more I I even made a tweet that I'm gonna vote with the boomers because I figured they'd be pretty much more for Trump So that's interesting
So when we talk about religion Protestant and other and you know Christians that aren't
Catholic 27 % for Kamala Harris, right and they make up 30 % of the voting demographic
Catholics make up 15 % 37 % of them for Kamala Harris. So Catholics is one of the things that's interesting to me.
The conservative movement is controlled mostly by Jewish people and Catholics and Jewish people make up 2 % of the voting demographic 80 % of them went for Kamala Harris 80 % overwhelming for Catholics 37 % so they're mostly conservative, but still
Nothing like the Protestants the Protestant when Stephen Wolf said was it over a year ago that it was the
Protestants Or it was a white Protestants that demographic is the bulwark He was a hundred percent right and he got so beaten up for it his own publishing company can impress that this is stupid and James White went after him and Did I mean there was all kinds of backlash he got he was a hundred percent, right?
All the voting numbers I'm looking at right now back that up a 110 percent It's Protestants and it's mostly and it's white people mostly white men.
That's the voting demographic that is Keeping that is the moral conscience of the country
If in Jewish people 80 but that's crazy 80 % that's higher than the nuns the nuns they mean no religious affiliation 72 % no surprise there for Kamala Harris Jewish people 80 % for Kamala Harris.
It's the highest of any religious group white born -again or evangelical Christians 81 % for Trump and only 17 % for Kamala Harris so that's some of the breakdown among Hispanic women
Harris underperforms slightly in 2020 nearly 7 and 10 Hispanic women backed by it in this year about 6 in 10.
So 60 % of Hispanic women supported Harris still It's more than you know, but it's not as much as voted for Biden in Ohio Union households
This is another thing made up about 1 in 6 voters according to early exit polling and about roughly 6 in 10
Supported Trump so Union households veering towards Trump, which is different So we have a new coalition forming in this new coalition according to these exit polls it is
It primarily white people evangelical Christians Protestants, that's that's what makes up the core of This demographic
But the momentum the shifting is happening So you have on an economic level
Union households that are now making up Starting to make up more and in their shift in Latinos It looks like starting to veer more towards I don't think it'll ever
I could be wrong but I don't think it'll ever they'll be fully Republican, but there's there's a shift happening in that direction, so That's that's interesting to me
I would say less pro -life than they have been in the past That has was revealed since the
Dobbs decision really and I think we were just we were there but we didn't know it there was So much propaganda in the pro -life movement saying we're the pro -life generation and all this kind of stuff.
It just wasn't true That's really we just we peeled the bandage back and we saw how bad the wound was on that stuff.
So It's there's an overall. This is what I want to say. There's a secularization happening and The battle lines are very much becoming
I Think I think they're going to be less less
Religious even though that's still very much there, but I think that's waning and I think it's gonna be more based upon racial and ethnic identity
Regional identity is gonna factor into that obviously as well But you know when you have
Union households who usually vote Democrat Democrat for economic reasons and they vote a Democrat forever
You have West Virginia now. They have their senator Jim Justice flipped. He went from Democrats a
Republican you know these the lines that were there before were Democrats really had a
Coalition of white people also a working -class whites that coalition is gone that coalition is gone
The They're they're all in the Trump camp now That's the new realignment and we also have a bunch of kind of soft liberals in that camp
We have the Elon Musk's we have the RF K's now who want to get stuff done because they think the radical left went way too far
So they're in that camp now and so this presents an opportunity but also a threat you want their support
But you don't want them in the driver's seat. So who is in the driver's seat makes a lot of difference we're going in a good direction when it comes to I think a
Rejecting the proposition nation and understanding that we need to have an America first kind of agenda
I think if that's taken to its logical conclusion that actually will eventually mean more pro -life Policies just because if you're about your people you have to start thinking
Hey, our people are being killed in the womb and that kind of thing But I could be wrong on that, but I think I think there's some good things happening in that direction
But that this is what I'm seeing and I didn't even give you the stats on the college educated stuff, but obviously
Like it usually is, you know, the more college educated people went for Harris. So it is a working -class white
And now with a growing slightly growing Latino presence and You know
Protestant but also kind of like secular Alliance of people that's what you have now in the
Republican Party. That's the coalition And that is a different coalition than we used to have and it's more social policies and economic policies
I think that are making the difference, you know, I remember My uncle had said this years ago that I think this was like during Romney.
He said look we're at this tipping point You have enough people on welfare They're going to vote for the
Democrats because they want to expand welfare and the deep state is so big You know, they're gonna vote for their own interests
That's true to an extent there's no doubt that's true But there's what we're finding out is there's actually things that people care about even deeper than that.
There's people who are Teaching ESL for example who realize a
Harris victory means more job security for them But they still want Trump to win because they want their children to inherit the kind of America they grew up in.
I Think that's making the big difference. I think that it's people even the Elon Elon Musk wants
He's not a Christian and he wants a Christianity that's aggressive that's willing to fight that takes offense when
The Last Supper is mocked. I mean, that's that's a difference I mean These people who didn't live a
Christian lives at all are waking up and realizing that a world without Christianity is not the world they want for themselves or their kids or their grandkids
That's a shift. They see the importance of having that they see the importance of having a moral standard somewhere
So obviously this creates an opportunity But it also creates liabilities so this could go, you know many different directions and a lot of it hinges on are there going to be
Christian leaders who rise in the ranks who make stands who are able to Talk and they're taken seriously because they mean what they say.
I'm talking masculine leaders We don't produce those in big evil world, but we're going to need to produce them and not jerks, by the way
This is very important for me to say this masculine leaders who are not jerks who are not immature who have the best interest of their people their country their church their you know, all of that in mind and Set a good personal example.
It's not gonna be your Mike Pence's. It's not gonna be your kind of cookie -clean I'm I'm squeaky clean, but I'm not going to fight when it really matters you're it's gonna have to be people who fight when it really matters and have a priority and and respect the order order of Mars and that's the order of loves is what people are waking up to in so many different areas in Christianity and broadly speaking the electorates waking up to that.
I think I think that's a lot of what's going on now You can say that the pro -life stuff doesn't reflect that I get that but I think that a
Lot of people think of the abortion issue in terms of like well if other people want to do it This is wrong. Obviously if other people want to murder their kids, that's what it is
I'm not gonna do it for mine No, I want the best for mine, but other people want to get married if they want to have a gay marriage, you know
That's hopefully though people will start connecting dots and they'll realize hey these moral issues actually
When other people do them it does affect me. I live in New York and I can see that every day You know, yeah the idea that this was just letting people do their own thing is wrong
I mean, it's enshrined now You know It's in murals that you have to pass by and your kids ask questions that the
PDA is now public with homosexuals I mean I have to explain to my kids these kinds of things in the future and it's
It brings the moral bar for you from your society down and in places where that hasn't taken root yet People can't see it.
But as that happens, I think people will All right, we're almost an hour in so I want to I wanted to make the podcast an hour
So I got to land the plane soon. So here's as promised some of the reactions from Some big evil leaders, right?
so soon Chan Ra a professor of even evangelism at Fuller he's on the board for What's the organization?
That oh now I'm blanking on their name World Vision. He's on their board He posted this on Facebook stress -eating dumplings and ice cream also looking for a potential job in Canada So I'm sure
Canada would love to have you Soon, Chan Ra and then we have JD Greer who can said congrats to Donald Trump and JD Vance much to be hopeful for We will be praying that you lead in ways that protect liberty and life and promote peace and justice for all praying for God to Prosper you give you wisdom and strength now
I want to say something about I'm glad JD Greer by the way said this JD Greer is no fan of me, by the way He does not he does not like me not one bit and neither does
Neil Shenvey who goes to his church I don't get that impression but JD Greer has in the past signaled pretty hard against Trump and Certainly against the
America first policies and that kind of thing The fact that he feels the need to congratulate Donald Trump today, and this is very nonpartisan
This is I mean, but he's got people in his You know commenting under it all over the place saying basically, how can you do this as a member of the
Summit Church? I'm well, yeah, because you've marinated these people in social justice for so many years Of course, they're surprised that you're coming out and doing this
Because it's it's off script and the fact that he feels the need to kind of go off script to correct because you know
Megan Basham is really traced him down and nailed him down. He I think he feels the need
He's got a signal right somehow and this is probably as far as he can go, but he this is what he's doing And I I'm here for it.
I'm here for it. Never would recommend his church, but I'm here for it This guy named now Ben Marsh is Ben Marsh Biggie Eva I don't even most people don't even know who
I'm talking about unless you're on Twitter and even then you probably don't But uh, you know I'm kind of thin in the ranks as far as trying to find reactions because most of these guys aren't reacting at all
But Ben Marsh, I thought it was funny. He was having a meltdown. He's a pastor in North Carolina I think it's North Carolina.
He said there are no words to say to young men To constraining their abuse of women now,
I guess just men are gonna abuse women now You can be president rape away young man a bitch your bitcoins revel in your power abuse the women all you want
And why not with her morality it is dead with her virtues. Now. He's going all King James on us It does not matter winning alone is the standard of virtue and morality
Provided you win add zeros take the women and we will still call you a Christian if you run for office
All right, well eat your heart out Ben Marsh, that's I don't think for the record that Donald Trump is he's getting not given evidence that he is an evangelical
Christian But he does respect some form of cultural Christianity and for that we are thankful and Yeah him him raping.
I'm not so sure about that. I don't think so But Raymond Chang the question Republicans need to ask themselves is to do they want?
MAGA to define them or if they want to be the principled conservatives that many of them claim to be
MAGA is Right -wing extremism that has become a fundamentalist norm for the right It's not that's the funny thing about this
MAGA is not extremism America first is we are actually so magnanimous so welcoming so Diplomatic so easygoing in this country.
I can't believe how Welcoming and expansive we are inclusive we are with all the people that we allow to come here and be call themselves
American and reap the benefits of America and We just want the people who live here to be benefited by the policies of our own government
Is that too much to ask? I mean that's extreme though The Democrat Party has an opportunity to find a way
He says to expand its base by becoming more expansive as a party and moving away from a leftist fundamentalism I think you will see this.
I think you will see the Democrats. I don't know. I don't know for sure I mean they got a really hard left base where we will see but they you're gonna see
Democrats some of them I think trying to be more subversive Gavin Newsom for one. I think is gonna try to steer more
Moderate and you'll see that even with his policies. I'm sure in, California Jamar Tisby this moment.
He says I'll just for kids. I don't know parents want them hearing this word But I'll say this moment stinks.
All right He says it feels like we're entering into a new nightmare and I want to take every we will resist and we'll get through this
And hurl it against a wall. I am tired. Well good Jamar Tisby. I hope you don't work towards suppressing
Evangelical conservative votes ever again, that would be nice David French is blaming
Biden this morning for everything You know Biden didn't get out early enough and so he praised Biden when Biden got out
But now he's blaming Biden for not getting out sooner So Christianity Today ran a piece two days ago the evangelical voters who changed their minds and encouraging people really to vote for Harris and now they have to Eat some humble pie because Donald Trump is president and they obviously had to run a piece about it.
So So I'm this is what I'm seeing. I'm seeing The people who are weighing in who are more from that evangelical kind of social justice
Lane are obviously discouraged are trying to place blame are They're jaded and it's a wonderful thing that they are feeling that way because them winning
This would not have been good at all. So in closing, I'll just say this I think that in big evil and you are going to see
I think JD Greer is a good example of this folks Who are gonna start trying to veer more? Moderate sounding or you know, they're gonna hide their leftist tendencies
I think this has already been happening at places like Southern and Southeastern Seminary. In fact, I just talked to someone Connected to Southern Seminary and he told me he goes
Yeah, he goes it's worse than you realize John at Southern Seminary and he's like, they're just suppressing it.
They're not talking about it But the stuff is still the social justice stuff is still there So for you know, throw that out there for what it's worth
I'm I've been told the same about Southeastern and other places, but I think that there's gonna be more of an intentional
Effort to suppress that stuff being made public and You're gonna see guys Clinton Presley's even a guy like this right the president of the
Southern Baptist Convention who was you know Advocating for the illegal migration and all of that now he's you know, he wants to signal more
To the right, you know, really Willie Rice to his credit in the SBC Admitted he was wrong and I respect him for that.
There's very few people willing to do that Like hey, I was on the left. I realized this is wrong and now I'm not but I think you're gonna see more the momentum
Politically is in that direction and they realize a lot of people are that way and so in order to keep power
I think a lot of big evangelicals are just gonna be neutral sounding or you make you know They're try to spin things.
So you hear what you want to hear? So just be skeptical of that realize that's probably gonna be out there and then you're gonna have a group of evangelicals
Jamar Tisby is definitely one of these guys who they just break with the tribe. They were at before, you know
They're not speaking at Southern Seminary. They're not at Covenant College. They're not our RTS anymore They are they're joining they're forming coalitions with sojourners.
They're you know, the BDN of wheel a those kind of guys I mean, they're they're gonna be with the Jim Wallace types
Moving forward because that's where they are They're not you're gonna see less of them with the nine marks types more of them with the
Jim Wallace types That's my prediction on all of this so that the hardcore ideologues Not the pragmatic ones who thought they could use social justice to expand the ranks of their churches and so forth
But the the ideologues who really believed in egalitarianism They are gone.
They are there they're now probably gonna be less relevant than they used to be but that they found their tribe and their tribe is the traditional mainline
Protestants left and So I think even this is all good
The important thing though is not to let the people who steered us into icebergs Get back into the steering wheel at least not without a lot of time and them
Admitting that they were wrong and that kind of thing Be thankful when people signal towards the right but we need a new crop of leaders who can take the steering wheel and we'll do it in very
Competent ways and that's one of the things that I'm dedicated to working toward over the next few years and One of the ways that you know, if you want to work towards that with me, you can pray
You can also support me on patreon. It's patreon I'd never plug the patreon but there's a good opportunity for it patreon .com
forward slash I think it's worldview conversation or you can go to johnharrispodcast .com and go to the donate tab
I think it's donate and you can find the link their partner with me there I'm gonna have more exclusive patreon content coming soon
And this is one of the things that I'm gonna and I give you a behind -the -curtain view of things often
Truth script another organization that I'm involved in we have a conference. I mean, I'll announce it now to be honest
It's the last full weekend of April. It's gonna be near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It's Christianity in the founding conference it's
I think the website is Christianity and the founding comm or maybe it's Christianity the founding conference comm try one of those.
I forget which one it is. You can sign up It's only 30 bucks and we got some great speakers coming but my goal with the events that we're gonna be doing with true script is
I'm gonna be putting leaders in front. I'm gonna be putting pastors in front of you Also some of these guys you may never have heard of but these are gonna be the guys also who
I think can competently lead us and And there's a lot of guys I know who fit the bill
They just don't have the platforming truth script is gonna be all about that So hey if you want to help us it's gonna be as big or as little as as you want it to be
As the Lord wants it to be but as he uses you as a mean So that's 501c3 go to truth script comm scroll down to the bottom and donate if that's something you're after I realize a lot of people were giving to this
Trump campaign and now you can rest easy You're not giving to that anymore consider the organizations that are working to build the future
And and that's what we're trying to do. So God bless those those are my reactions to the election very happy and there will likely be more podcasts coming later this week
But just wanted to let you know what I'm thinking and how I'm thinking about the results last night.