Why I Will Still Vote Against Marxists, & Why Crusades Were Still Mockery of the Cross & the Gospel


Two topics today. First forty minutes on my thoughts on the upcoming election and how, if the Marxists are victorious (and that may be a foregone conclusion), it could be the last even pretend election in our lifetimes, and how this should, in my opinion, impact those who have decided that not voting is their best choice. Then, in the last twenty minutes, I expressed my astonishment at how so many ostensibly Reformed brothers are lionizing the Crusades without even trying to touch the reality of their religious nature. Don't forget, on Thursday we will be joined by Dr. Jason Lisle to talk about a paper he has written challenging the standard cosmology of the day. 0:00 Christian Voting Concerns 40:05 Reformed Lions Crusading on X 1:02:37 Jason Lisle on Thursday's Show


Well, greetings and welcome to the dividing line, my name is James White. Hopefully this is working I don't have any screens up or anything in here to tell whether anything is working, but Hopefully it's functional and we'll drive dive right into our topic today as best we can
When you know folks that you know are supposed to have all this stuff working beforehand and things like that Aren't on the ball getting things done, you know
Anyway, I said from the beginning we'll skip past all of the little chitter -chatter and Get to the the key issue to start things off a lot of discussion online right now about voting and the
Christian conscience and Very little of it is about voting for the
Marxists If you vote for Marxists you are voting for your own enslavement you're voting to enslave
You're voting to close your church Enslave you and your families your children your grandchildren and to Enshrine Darwinian Secular humanism as The religion of the state now it already is in many ways
But the progress that direction while accelerating rapidly
This this would be an Amazing situation to see open
Marxists and I and I realize there are There are some benighted folks out there that oh, they're not
Marxist you don't have any idea what you're talking about you don't understand what DEI is you don't know what equity is.
You don't understand that. This is Karl Marx all over the place You don't understand how much in opposition to the
United States Constitution This is you don't understand how an opposition to God's law. This is
It and you seemingly haven't kept up with the Corruption In the
United States government on all sides. I mean, let's just be honest you can send a good person to Washington and it takes like about ten days to corrupt them, so Yet as it may we are
It's one thing to talk about electing Marxists. It's another thing To then deal with objections to voting for the only people that aren't the
Marxists And look I fully understand the betrayal
That many people feel there is a massive difference between how
Trump and the Republicans are approaching The abortion issue now in comparison to 2016 and It seems to me
It's just been a political calculation. I Don't it's not like there's been it's very obvious that in 2016 when
Trump was talking about His judicial picks for the Supreme Court and that is of course
About the only breaks That are currently on the system keeping us from just flying straight into the
Soviet Union Back in 2016 that Was an important conversation.
A lot of people didn't believe he would follow through he did He was given certain a
Certain list of the best possible nominees, and then he picked from that list
Funny I haven't heard anything about that this time around have you Have you no
I haven't heard a word about it Now it's not like I'm sitting around. I am NOT a political junkie. Okay.
I we have to we're facing The final days of the
American Republic in my opinion if If things go the direction that things going
But I Don't sit around following all this stuff. And so if someone has said something, you know,
I could miss it. That's fine But It seems pretty obvious to me and I'm just giving you my own personal opinions here
It seems very clear to me that some political Calculations were made in light of Roe v.
Wade and in light of what happened in Ohio and in light of other elections have taken place since the
Dobbs decision came down that Clearly the Democrats believe that baby murder is a winning thing because We have an electorate
That is deeply influenced by a tremendous number of extremely immature worldly rebels against God and They want the ability to burn murder babies
Dollars to it. I think it's right. They think it's awesome. They think it's great. It's a good thing So when you have a morally decrepit people like that And you want to get elected
Then you have to pander to their moral decrepit see in essence And so a decision has been made they changed
The platform it's it's not It's not an inappropriate observation to say that the
Republican Party of 2024 is the Democratic Party of 2000 and that's my shot to them 14 2004 maybe
I was gonna say about 20 years and It's true and That is a betrayal and Here's what
I'm hearing. Here's what I'm hearing people saying and and For a while. I bought this I I agreed and that is look if You know because I left the
Republican Party in the late 90s as I recall I may have in middle 90s because they
Were giving money to pro -choice Republican candidates
So that the National Committee would give money to people who were pro -choice as long as they're running as Republicans and I'm like Nope not going there.
So I went independent left the Republican Party Because I was more conservative than the
Republican Party so I'm to the right of the Republican Party on almost everything certainly the cultural issues
So, here's what here's what people are saying they're saying look if we keep voting for them Then they'll keep moving that direction
Rewarding them. They know that they're gonna if we're gonna vote we're gonna vote for them and I could vote for the other side
Unless you're David French and then you're just completely suicidal but So, you know less you can't keep voting for the lesser of two evils you always keep getting evil, okay
I 20 years ago would have agreed with that with that thinking
I really would have I Don't anymore why because And people keep saying
I think you're a post -millennium again, hello has nothing to do with recognizing that you're living in a culture under the judgment of God and I Am NOT I Actually lean away from this conclusion but I Lean away from the conclusion that we are going to have a fair and free election in a matter of weeks.
I I Don't see how what happened last time has actually been fixed.
I've seen a few things I've seen a band -aid over here and a band -aid over there and you know
One state over here decide, you know, well we got we kicked a million people off the voter rolls.
Well, okay great How many millions of others have snuck on since you know, who knows
So I'm Really having to try to work up positive hope to actually think there is any chance
That the Marxists will not be elected In November to be honest with you, but the corruption issue aside the reason that I Now I live in Maricopa County.
So I've even got less reason to believe that my vote will even be counted or be counted for the people
I gave it to or whatever. I It's just where I live Sort of like living in Chicago but Despite all of that The difference and and every four years it's this is the most significant election of our lifetimes this is it you've heard it over and you've heard it so many times that it's just like You know, it's a boy who cried wolf.
You just you stop listening to you know, don't even hear it anymore when you look at the level of evil and I mean evil
Biblical moral ethical evil represented by the
Marxists in this election, I mean, I'm looking I'm looking at a federalist article that effective
July of 2025 Teacher licensing rules passed last year in Minnesota under Democrat governor
Tim Walz Will ban practicing Christians Jews and Muslims from teaching in public schools Why because you must affirm all the gender ideology
Insanity to teach in the public schools in Minnesota, that's evil That that is a that is a
Bare -faced we hate you God. We hate your creation. We hate how you've made everything
Do your best to destroy us Perspective. Okay, that's Tim Walz That's what these people are there's video of The Minnesota well, not only is there video of the drag queen stuff that they had in the capital under Walt But there's video of him signing that barbaric
Abortion up to birth law as Well as the one that protects doctors if an abortions botched you have a live birthing just let it lay there until it dies
We're talking Nazi level inhumanity Mengele level inhumanity and I don't think you can vote for Mengele Okay, so people who have the same moral world view
Probably can't vote for them either This situation we're facing right now
Let's say there's a there's a chance of a of a of an election taking place in a matter of weeks that will that would actually somehow
Reflect A meaningful representation of the people because I if if you didn't have the constant election interference we all
Y 'all read the Facebook letter yesterday, right came out yesterday afternoon where Facebook says
Yeah The Democrats asked us to do this this and this and we did we
We censored everything that you folks that you people are conspiracy that none of this ever happened another gun yet it
And have you forgotten that you know when Elon Musk bought Twitter and he released all those documents they did the same thing
Censorship election interference. I mean it's the amount of Chinese money running the
Media spots that I'm seeing When I watch them, I don't watch almost any television.
Okay. I I just don't have time to or an interest to but I'm a big cycling fan and so, you know, it's summer and We cyclists we get our
Super Bowl for nine weeks Out of the summer. You've got the
Giro d 'Italia. You've got the Tour de France and right now the Vuelta a Espana three long three week long
Grand Tours This Vuelta is incredible over 200
Thousand feet of climbing and it's been over a hundred degrees. They've literally had people, you know
Being carted off in an ambulance because of heat stroke and stuff like that. It's it's been rough anyway, uh man, the the ads running on peacock
You know for for for, you know certain audiences Ruben Gallego probably 10 ads per Day of watching the thing.
It's just just in multiple languages English and Spanish Oh, yeah, where'd that money come from?
Let me tell you It's got CCP written all over it really does so All that aside let's say
That there's a small chance of Hitting the brakes for four more years before Marxism Topples the
Constitution United States. How much is that worth? Here's here's the point the argument that well
We can't keep voting for these people. They'll never learn after this one.
I don't think it's gonna matter There's not going to be a 2028 election that has any
Actual meaningful hope of Dislodging the quote -unquote deep state or anything like that Like I said 20 years ago it made sense
Because you're sort of thinking well, we've got a while to go, you know, we can we can hope for the best here
There's nothing to hope for the best after November 5th of this year. Is it fifth or sixth? I think it's a fifth
I think it's a fifth Uh, there's there's There there is absolutely positively.
No reason Is the fifth, you know, I'm not even sure
I'm gonna be back by then so this may be completely academic for me But So my response to Those that are saying well, you know the
Republicans will never learn If we don't if you know if we vote if we if we vote
One way in this in this If we don't vote in this election, we just we're gonna we're gonna punish you
We're going the wrong direction on abortion Okay You you may punish the
Republicans and with the result that You will never have anyone to vote for in the future that will even give consideration to any kind of End of human abortion at all.
The Marxists aren't going to do that Nobody in China gets to vote To abolish abortion
That's that's that's they don't they don't get to do that Because that's Marxism. They don't get to do it
North Korea In Cuba They don't get to do that kind of stuff and So I just don't see that we're in the arguments that I once went.
Oh, yeah, that makes sense We're not in a situation like that anymore You're you're literally
You're literally going but what I would say to people is Think about it as your last vote.
This could be your last vote Because look I know people in China get to vote
I know people in Russia get to vote and they all know It's for play
It doesn't mean anything. They all know that they know who's gonna win in a Marxist country
You know who's gonna win when the election starts? It's all for show So this could be your last non show vote it may already be a show vote
You know, we may we may find out 15 20 years from now that You know, it was just a huge hiccup whoops in 2016 and that everything had already been in place and It was just a brief interruption.
I don't know But from my perspective if there is any chance at all that we could hit the brakes for just four more years
Um Who knows what gonna happen in four years, uh,
I know for people who are still seriously seeking to Get states.
I mean my own state, you know, there's gonna be this There's gonna be abortion
Initiative on the ballot it was Completely inappropriately presented
We presented evidence to Judges that the law had been broken and how it was put forward they didn't care
Uh, and so it's going to be there and we could follow we could follow Ohio Can you it's just amazing when you think about what's happened
Arizona if you want to see the poison of? California look it was what has happened, Arizona Um Tucson, for example is about as deep thing when you think about what's happened there is
Is Tucson is about as deep blue? As Austin, Texas, it really is
Because their university towns, it's always how that ends up working. So we could end up Calling for God's wrath upon our
State because that's what that's what you're doing You're calling for God's wrath upon your state
And almost nobody says that anymore. By the way, it was it was widely believed for a long time, but Almost no one actually believes that anymore that the actions of the electorate and Of those that they choose to lead them could actually bring
God's judgment Upon them as a political unit. I don't think the vast majority of Christians even believe that him
It's sort of hard to speak prophetically To a people when you don't really believe and Not only that There is also the short -term
Problem, you see cultures that will outlast ours think long -term We think short -term
Um, this was not initially Necessarily a problem with the
Constitution the American system But it has become a problem. We think very short -term
Societies that think long -term and plan long -term will outlast those that think short -term and that's where we are we
Are we are people now filled You see them you see them on social media these
Self -centered childish adults They think about no one but themselves
They don't think about their culture don't think about their nation they don't think about the church if they call themselves a
Christian all they think about is their retirement and You know if everything falls apart after I'm dead who cares because most of them don't want to have a family
And you would think that eventually that would mean they would all disappear well It's not working out quite that way
Sadly people come here from other countries even illegally and even though they might bring a
Actually a higher level of morality in some ways Especially from many of those
Hispanic countries They get infected by the self -centeredness of the
American experience today and so we don't We don't even think about our voting in that way.
We just think about it personally rather than Long -term and so can you imagine how different things would be if?
We still had the way of voting that was envisioned by the founders
I Mean none of this would be happening Can you imagine if we had paper ballots only only on election day one vote per land owning citizen
There wouldn't be a Democrat left That there wouldn't be because their power has
Come from promising to take other people's wealth and give it away, that's
We've gone well past the tipping point. I've spoken about this for years For years.
I've said there's a tipping point where you get to a point where there are more people Wanting everybody else's money then there are people who have money and Once you get over that it's just it's a matter of time.
That's why we're thirty five trillion dollars in debt And Can can barely service the interest on the debt?
Let alone start paying the debt down It's all gonna come apart It's good.
It's gonna fall apart And if you have people like Kamala Harris with her
Rent controls and food controls all the standard
Marxist tripe It'll come down a whole lot faster You're talking
L L depression. Oh very very fast. Oh with with a someone like her so so my my
My thought to my fellow believers, I I know a number of you your dear brothers and sisters and you've said
Never gonna do it. I can't vote for anyone Who is
Pro abortion now It no matter what you I have seen some people trying to say
That Donald Trump is as pro -abortion as Kamala Harris come on He's not
I Don't think he was ever overly In a meaningful fashion pro -life.
I think it's always been a political thing for him. It's a it's a New York thing But Kamala Harris Is the
Celebrated Servant of Planned Parenthood. I mean, wow, I Mean, I've just never seen anybody so completely sold out worldview wise to Planned Parenthood and the culture of death as Kamala Harris, so Let's at least
Try to chill out enough to go extremely disappointed With Trump extremely disappointed with Vance coming out doing that interview.
Hey, at least they do interviews and Saying, you know, he'd veto an abortion ban
What abortion ban? There would have to be a massive swing in both the
House and the Senate to have any kind of abortion ban that that's that's
We've got a whole lot more work to do before anything like that can happen by a long shot
So I don't even get any of that stuff, but let let's just let's just be honest
Trump's a compromiser Harris is a zealot and So, who do you want making the appointments to key positions the next four years
We've already seen what the Biden regime has been like the damage that's been done to the fabric morality ethics of this nation
By the Biden regime may not be reparable It may not be
I mean if God gave us lots of time protect us from our enemies changed a whole lot of hearts Sure, God can do anything but It Seems to me that at this time
If we if we will if we will step back and recognize the danger of this moment and the impact that the continuation of the
Biden regime now under Kamala Harris because they're trying to make make it look like Trump's the incumbent and She's the brilliant Newbie when it's the exact opposite.
It's it's astonishing how many people I I know people call themselves Christians They're buying into all of us and I just stare at them going
How can you be so naive? there just seems to be a Spirit of stupor of Deception I it it makes me very concerned.
God said this nation is Going into judgment and it's gonna happen now it
I would like to think otherwise has nothing to do with eschatology, by the way But I'd like to think otherwise so to my dear brothers and sisters
I Don't agree with you Because of the time that it is.
I don't agree with you because We are literally
For the first time in our lives openly facing The possible election of Marxists to the highest offices of the land and I know what
Marxism is Yes, I'm one of those greatly derided and Disliked boomers
Which means I remember the Soviet Union Soviet Union wasn't isn't just something you know
While the younger generations don't read books about things like this, but you read about in a history book We lived through that and They were the you know,
I mean the axis of evil as was said by some of our presidents, so That's what that's what we're facing and in that context voting now might
Give you an opportunity to vote again in four years It might give you four years
To change people's minds it might give you four years To regularly contact your representatives and move them
Toward an understanding of what equal protection is, but if you don't vote
You are you are basically saying let's just get to it.
Let's just get to the Marxism let's do and That just means all
Limitations will be pulled they won't just reestablish Roe v. Wade in law
They will go way beyond Roe v. Wade as we've seen as they want to do here in Arizona as they've done in,
Ohio Once as they did in Minnesota once these one once these people get power
They make Roe look like a conservative document And it just seems to me at this point in history
If you don't take a stand and say no Give us more time to fight.
Give us more time to educate pray do something It's it's like oh, let's capitulate now it's done
Let's let the whole thing burn down and there are a lot of people that's where they are let's just let the whole thing burn down and It may
It may there's You can't this is a nation divided
And Someone really smart said Divided nations cannot stand a house divided against itself will fall
And when I when I look around My own neighborhood my own city my own state
There's two nations in one one border and I don't know how long that can last
I Really don't It's like we built something really really good people want to be a part of it.
They don't realize what's necessary to keep it But for now, it's still holding together One starts coming apart.
I don't know what's gonna happen. I really really don't So there that's where I'm coming from personally
Doug Wilson did a blog a may blog. I think it was today or yesterday. I Didn't get to listen all of it
But I heard enough of it. Basically. He was saying what I just said probably was significantly bigger words
He likes to get the thesaurus out once in a while and just throw a few Zingers in there for the fun of it make us all look feel stupid
But I think it was pretty much saying the same thing he said he's going to vote for a particular candidate and when he walks out of the
Voting booth. He's not gonna have any feelings of guilt or anything long lines And here's why and basically said what
I said but I I Think I'm emphasizing a little bit more the fact
That we live The terms don't overuse but in a day where this in my opinion if it goes certain direction will be the last even
Possible pre -election that we will that we will face and Have I known that's possibility for a while.
Yes. I just didn't think what happened this fast. I Did not think it could happen But it has and that's that's where we are.
So Yeah Someone apologies studios just posted my sermon from Sunday if Any of you would like to hear a sermon on justification by faith
I Started in Galatians popped over to Romans and it's up on the web now and we're doing a core
Doctrine series and so that's where we are in our documents. And so I did that and then
The kind lady who used to sort of run things at the seminary Regina she
Had mentioned over the weekend that her son had forced them to sit
And forced them to sit down and watch the Steve Tassi debate And She said it was so painful.
My husband had to break the chocolate out When you when you have to get the chocolate out and you know what, you know what
I need to do. I Decided this yesterday. I think you know, I've never listed that on my list of debates.
I think I need to put it on because it it was it fit if it's all the parameters and the only reason
I didn't list It was because it was just so Much of a
Walloping, I mean there's wasn't a competition But I've had other debates like that.
There were a couple of the Muslims I debated that pretty much along the same lines and I do list those so I I should go back through and And and go ahead and put that on there because it is for some people it is an entertainingly enjoyable and It is still my favorite part of Radio Free Geneva the theme song
Every time I hear that I just I just sit there and go I You keep playing with that microphone,
I don't know Why you're doing that? I To me while you were talking there that shortly after her name kind of, you know
All the names that through got thrown in the bucket after They started talking about getting rid of Big Joe. Yeah Elizabeth Warren was
I believe the first Commenter in an interviewed about the possibility of Kamala and The interviewer caught her completely off -guard and asked her.
So So what has she accomplished right and It struck me the one thing the one thing that Elizabeth Warren Could come up with was that she's the first vice president to ever walk into an abortion clinic
There you go that all by itself. She could think of nothing else. There was nothing else offered but that all by itself should speak volumes and then you speak about what we both remember regarding the
Soviet Union and what The things that were discovered after the breakup of the
Soviet Union confirmed That it wasn't just the Nazis that murdered people.
Oh, yeah, and the mass graves throughout the Soviet Union Consider this thought if we are so bent on the idea of preservation of life and We must absolutely abolish abortion and our candidates must be for complete abolishment of abortion
What about the lives of the people that are walking around right now? Because the people that are lining up to work for this administration should she win
Believe that there are seven billion people too many on this planet. It's true and they believe it religiously.
They don't and They Have flat -out said they want to see a non -violent elimination of bringing down The number of 8 billion that's currently on the planet down to 1 billion
Maybe 2 billion in a current in a in a dictatorship could survive
But they want to do it in a non -violent manner, I don't know how you do that But this is what they talk about amongst themselves.
This is what they're out there Preaching and so where's the concern for those lives?
Yeah Yeah, so there you go. Look I If your conscience won't allow you to do it your conscience won't allow you to do it.
I just want this ask your conscience to consider the 120 million people who died last century under Marxism and Ask the question
What will be the worldwide result of having Marxists elected in the
United States? and You're talking a lot more abortion a lot more death.
I mean they are the culture of death You're gonna have more Boys mutilated more girls mutilated and you're gonna get more of the same but with on steroids
That's That's what heading our direction. It would be a perfectly just judgment
But we are called to seek life. So that's what we need to do. All right, so there's there's where I am on that agree disagree
Just wanted to put that out there like I said Doug Wilson his current blog ma blog
Pretty much along the same lines All right Next Hey Yeah, I Don't even know how to The the level of frustration is very high
Right now for me. I don't even know how to start In the last 19 minutes of the program to express the amazement that is mine
At what is going on in What was once called the reformed community now, maybe
Maybe we've always just had way too malleable definitions what it means to be reformed maybe
We just figured if everybody shows up at the same conferences. That means they're reformed. I am I don't know but the red avatar blue -eyed gang and I don't see as many of them over the past couple days because I've banned of blocked so many of them and So maybe they're saying all sorts of stuff about what
I've been saying. I don't know. I I don't think they are because normally When people have blocked are commenting on my stuff, you'll see it in your thread
You'll see, you know that little this person protects their who gets to read their whatever
So you sort of see that it's interrupted. You see some of your friends responding to people and You can recognize you've blocked somebody and you you can look and see what's being said.
Anyway, I Started teaching church history
Professionally In 1990 I Was scholar in residence at Grand Canyon University, I think it had become
University about it and I Was asked to teach church history
Which I love doing I can sort of tell all the students when they came in were, you know requirement we got so I get through it
I was really proud. It made it as my goal. Honestly that first year To have them excited about the subject by the time we got done with the semester and I think
I accomplished that but one of the subjects that I had to address was the subject of the
Crusades and there was very little controversy in That particular point in time
Regarding the Crusades 9 -11 hadn't happened yet Militant Islam Was not a major issue in the
West at that point in time and so When I Presented the
Crusades I Presented them From a Protestant biblical perspective
And that is They were Originated By the papacy and by key figures within the
Roman Catholic Church and they Were given a religious
Foundation now there wasn't any question the papacy was already very politically involved and you had all the
Political division and Italy and very powerful city -states that you know, you had to work around those things and and Certainly for example the time when the
Crusaders sat Constantinople Because they were basically paid to do so by the people are providing them with transportation instead of it's a long walk
From Europe to the Middle East. Okay. Yes We don't even think about stuff like that when you think about it that was a long walk
You know, it'd take months and months and months and a lot of people died along the way and there's disease and there's there's rivers and there's storms and you've got to find food and Not easily done
Anyway You had politics involved there's no question but the motivation
Was not some pure Christian society fighting off the horrible infidels
In fact the Crusades were offensive not defensive The situation in Spain Portugal had stabilized by that point
And would start reversing itself eventually And if it hadn't been for the
Crusaders sacking Constantinople Who knows how much longer Constantinople would have held out than it did falling in 1453
But the city was weakened by the fact that even hundreds of years earlier It had been sacked by the
Crusaders for political reasons but the point is that I presented the
Crusades as A in a theological context
Because what you have is you have nominal Christians Vast majority of the
Crusaders were not theologians what they had been given by that point in time was a thoroughly
At best semi Pelagian Tradition encrusted gospel of merit and works
Were there Exceptions here there and everywhere. Okay, there were exceptions but for the vast for the vast majority of people who painted a cross on their armor and headed to the
Middle East The promise of salvation which was provided to them was
More than enough and as a reformed
Protestant it was sort of a given That a gospel that tells you that you can have peace with God By Dying in battle and killing the infidel is not the gospel of Scripture.
It's not the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a Demonstration of the level of corruption that had already been achieved within the
Roman Catholic Communion And so you're sending nominal Catholics from Europe to the
Middle East To hack Muslims up and get hacked up by Muslims.
There is no Apologetic Gospel outreach
To the Muslim people There is no, you know, you're not training these people to witness to the
Muslims. You're training them to kill the Muslims, but You're doing it with a cross on your shield
This is the very essence of sacralism crying out loud I think it's one of why some of these
Christian nationalist guys that are big Steve Wolfe of Stephen Wolfe fans Don't have a problem with this because he's a full -blown sacralist
That's that's the kind that's the kind of Christian nationalism that he's promoting is sacralism and Again Silly me
When that book first came out and we did a sweater vest dialogue did to him
To myself and Doug Wilson, what was what was my concern in the very first one?
Very first one and the second one sacralism So I've been really consistent nothing new here
But the sacralism of that time period Which continues into the
Reformation? The original Reformers were sacralists That's why
Fritz Erba died in that cell with Martin Luther knowing he was there
Because it was a sacral situation There was an inappropriate unbiblical and always damaging intertwining of the authority of church and state and so That sacral system produced the
Crusades. And so there wasn't
There wasn't a whole lot of dispute The the
Christian states that were briefly founded By the Crusades all collapsed they couldn't last they couldn't be supported and the idea that this somehow
You know kept the Muslims at bay. Well, he really didn't Europe fought for its life in the 15th and 16th centuries when
Vienna was being besieged and but that was army versus army and I suppose by Crusader language was used at that time, too
But it never crossed my mind
That in the summer of 2024 I Would have ostensibly
Reformed men OPC PCA and enough 1689 errs
To start a number of Reformed Baptist churches because we're normally pretty small literally saying to me
The Crusades were great This is what we got to do. In fact within the past 24 hours
I've got a guy waiting to be a Christian going they didn't go far enough we need more of this and I'm just like and so I have
Yeah, there's a pastor Joseph Spurgeon It has to be on the screen right now.
Um, I had written a tweet
I Said okay for the folks are still going what what on earth the Crusades did not stop the expansion of Islam.
In fact, they were not intended to That was done the old -fashioned way armies representing nations fighting against each other other armies
The sacking of Constantinople by Crusaders all done on the basis of money and politics Actually hastened the fall of that last bastion holding back the
Muslim expansion westward. It was disastrous, but folks listen, please Have you seen the images these mainly young men are posting?
What do you see in them all? Yes, the cross prominently displayed on the armor of men slashing and hacking the infidel to pieces
The Crusades were definitionally religious in nature I know I know Rome was quite involved in politics and like by that time and very corrupt
No question about it, but here's the point they joined religion their avarice and thirst for power They promised eternal life to those who died fighting the infidel the entire foundation
Was a fundamental and outright denial of the nature efficacy and truth about the gospel of Jesus Christ What completely and utterly shocks me is that outside of the
Romanists who are promoting this stuff ironically against the views their own current Pope The majority of the wild -eyed zealous I'm seeing are reformed
Well, they claim to be anyways. I truly wonder how anyone with a semi form theology
That is even slightly reformed can buy into this stuff But the fact is these folks are saying the
Crusades did not go far enough far enough in what? Blaspheming Christ Disparaging the gospel promoting hatred
What would you like to see more of exactly? What would be far enough? And so in response to that This Joseph Spurgeon says
James White has lost his mind here Yes, the
Crusades had the effect along with the wars to retake Spain to slow and stall out Islamic advance
This doesn't mean I defend every atrocity but it was war war involves atrocities
James has an ideology driving his comments To rather than the truth. What was the vast majority of what
I read you? It was discussion of how the Crusades denigrated the gospel of Jesus Christ It was about sending people out with the promise of eternal life if they hack the infidel infidel to death
I don't care how many times I say it these guys can't hear it It's like there's a filter that filters out all of the gospel part because that's 90 % of what
I've been saying Here I am. I Self -professed they want me to debate this guy debate that guy.
They're not even Christians Why I'm Presenting a
Christian perspective. You guys are Christians and you're ignoring the Christian perspective You want to refute me open your
Bible up and come at me You can't and you know it. That's why you just ignore all of it
It's astonishing to me It's astonishing to me. I don't get it.
I Really really don't but I've lost my mind. This is this is a pastor
After everything I just said, which was completely Non Controversial only a few years ago
If I'd said what I said in that tweet Ten years ago.
Everybody would've been like ho -hum. Boy. This is this dividing line was really boring No one would have given a second thought
Now all of a sudden I'm insane. I'm not based is what
I'm hearing from a lot of folks. I got based and it's like What is going on I Don't get this
I I I don't get it if you're gonna respond what
I'm saying with well Look at what's happening in Western Europe. Western Europe's not a
Christian a Christian nation is it? These these the people this is the
European Union. This is this is The Christian faith has been a small minority there for a long long time
Are you literally going to lionize and Say we need to look back at the
Crusaders. They saved Western culture By doing what?
promoting nominalism False gospel and then and I don't think this has impacted almost any single one of them
I've asked the question, you know those of you Who think we should be sending
Crusader crusading armies to hack Muslims up Look I know
Christians are being persecuted by Muslims around the world. I've talked about it for years For years, but what's your response?
bomb them nuke them Are you Christians?
What is the one power that's been given to the church? What's the one power that we've been given that can change hearts and minds and the courses of nation
It's the one thing you guys don't want to talk about anymore. I Actually had a guy saying and don't say it's about the gospel.
You're starting to sound like John Piper Wow Congratulations John Piper if that's what he's known for And I'm just gonna ask
I'm gonna look at every single one of you real simple When was the last time you let a Muslim to the Lord do you even know how to?
Do you even know enough to even begin the conversation? The vast majority of you are afraid to even try
You are and you know it and You're mad at me for pointing it out to you but you know what if I'm still alive ten years from now a
Bunch of you as you mature are gonna come up to me and go. Oh my goodness. I Am so sorry what
I said about you That's what's gonna happen. Lord willing if not in gulags by then
I I am truly left astonished when
Christian ministers in our day are Literally saying the Crusades didn't go far enough.
I Don't even know what to say. I When I look at what's happening in the world and I look what's happening in the church
I just go There is a spirit of stupor even in the church itself, you know 20 years ago all of us would get together in the few conferences we had and We just get along because We had the same focus
And I'll just say to you just really honest I can document the fact I haven't changed
But you all have and you're demanding that well you got to change because you're just You're not encouraging young men.
I'm trying to tell young men how to make really not to make really stupid mistakes That they will live with the rest of their lives
Don't make these mistakes Don't chase after these These things that appeal to your flesh
Because picturing yourself as an Arnold Schwarzenegger sized knight in armor slashing away at dragons and the infidel really
What that's where we are. That's gonna lead you to a life of service and self -sacrifice.
Oh my I I Don't even know what to say do not even know what to say but anyhow one guy a guy named
Henry He he had said
No, where was their advice from an old saint on how young men wake waking up to their strength and responsibility?
Should stand against an ancient evil as the ancient evil Islam not all are called to preach the gospel and I said
Quote not all are called to preach the gospel end quote. Well, there you go. Thanks the summary statement I figured that's far as that was gonna go
He says oh really no guidance not even a crumb from the table of insight the Lord gave you only
Condemnation and I responded Henry The church has been given one power one divine power one world -changing power
It does not scratch the itch of those wanting glory or power or adventure It is foolishness of the world to academia to culture.
It is the message of the cross the message of a despised betrayed mocked scourge crucified
Messiah and Someday that message will completely transform the world in God's time at his will not ours till then
We patiently proclaim build invest and serve Nothing new here. Nothing revolutionary
That's why some folks grow impatient like I said,
I Truly have been left going Wow, what is happening?
What is happening? so You know two subjects not meant to increase my listening audience
Really really not but you've got to say what you got to say and you've got to say it in the time that the
Lord gives you and This is where you've been called to serve We do the best we can direct you to the
Word of God and go from there. So on Thursday make this quick announcement here should have made it at the beginning on Thursday We will have a special guest
What? You know who it is. Okay good want to make sure I think I had mentioned it
I didn't you know didn't want to leave you going on Thursday you actually this time did tell me yes.
Yes. Yes, and I'm hoping for another one next week I'm hoping that Bill Roach can join me at some point.
I've got to get through a book first. But anyway Dr. Jason Lyle the smartest man
I have ever met in my entire life Has written a paper and You can go read on his website biblical science
Institute it's on his Facebook page But the fact the matter is sometimes
Sometimes I read stuff Jason writes and I just go Okay Could you translate that into English for us people whose
IQ is not quite up above 150, you know I mean, I've got a science background and still
Jason can just leave me going Okay, so he explained it to me while we were stargazing while I was up in Colorado Springs.
That was really fun So if he can do it in the dark, well actually he did fire up his phone and showed me the graph that we will display
But he has written a paper Fundamentally questioning certain assumptions in current cosmology based on the results of The James Webb Space Telescope because he said from the time it launched this space telescope certainly will be interpreted within the secular worldview and But the data he said
Will substantiate biblical creationism and he's been right. He's one of the few people
Smart enough to be actually utilizing the direct data from James Webb Um but I I said you got to come on the dividing line and You got it.
You got to explain it to us non -specialists because I get what he's talking about But there's one part of it that has just gone right over my head.
And so maybe Maybe I'll get it. Maybe I won't I don't know but on Thursday We will have
Jason Lyle on and that will be really really cool because like I said He's and if we finish up the entire thing, there's all sorts of other stuff.
We can be talking about because He he does it all and like I said smartest man.
I have ever met and I Have had the opportunity now one two three times to go stargazing with him and this last time it was just he and I and If you feel a sense of Envy and jealousy
That's exactly why I mentioned it to you It's all there is to it now there is do it
Yes. Well, anyways nice to start end with something a little bit less Heavy, so so that'll be on Thursday Thanks for watching the program.