Abortion: Modern American Sacrament

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Pastor Andrew talks about the connection between false worship and human sacrifice.


according to your will and that he would be able to present a solid base for us to be able to use with in the public marketplace.
So bless at this time now and may you be good in it. In Jesus' name, Amen. Andrew Sonkrant is an elder over at Apologia Church in I guess
South Jordan, right? Yeah. Where you guys are located and I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you about where he goes to church.
And so he has, along with people from their church, had an incredible ministry on the streets.
And so maybe he's going to tell us a little bit about that. But the information we were hoping to do this weekend, which he's going to do, we're hoping that it will stimulate you to get involved because there's a lot of things going on in the political marketplace.
So let's give Andrew a hand for being here today. Thank you, brother. All right, guys.
Yeah, I'm honored to be here today. It is a sad topic that we are going to discuss today.
And yeah, the goal of this conversation really is to help spur you on into good works because the truth of the situation is that the
Christian has the answer to what is needed with abortion. There's a spiritual problem that people have and it's called false worship.
And false worship always leads to human sacrifice. Whether it be people who think that their own good works will be presented before God one day or that the blood of innocent, the innocent, will cover them and bring them comfort in their earthly life.
Whether it's one of the two, false worship will always bring human sacrifice in some shape or form.
And what's the goal of the Christian? To tell people the truth. What is true worship?
True worship is knowing God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, that God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins to bring us comfort and to bring us peace in this life.
Abortion is antithetical to the gospel. It is the anti -gospel. And it's been going on, at least the serpent has been trying to do this, since the promise given to us in Genesis 3 of the one who is going to come from the seat of the woman to crush the head of the serpent.
So we're going to get into that. Like Eric said, my name is Andrew Songkrant. I'm a pastor at Apologia Church, Utah.
It's actually right down the road near 106 and Redwood. We meet at the South Jordan Community Center on Sundays at 10 a .m.
I'm also a co -host of a podcast called Cultish, in which Jeremiah Roberts, my co -host, along with myself, talk about the cults.
And we focus on exposing the kingdom of the cults with the light of the gospel.
And we don't want to be confused. Abortion and child sacrifice is inherently linked to the postmodern death cult in America.
It's true. They seek to redefine who God is, redefine what life is, redefine what it means to be human.
And they sacrifice their own children and tell you to do the same in order to bring comfort. So I was honored that Eric reached out to me and asked me if I'd like to give a presentation on abortion during Pro -Life
Saturday here at the Utah Christian Research Center. And what's funny is he actually asked me in his initial email, he was like, have you ever given a presentation on abortion before?
I never answered the question because I never have. All I said was like, I would love to do it.
So thank you, Eric, for the experience. And sorry about that. But I'm excited to be here.
So to give you some background on my experience with regards to the topic of abortion, I started attending
Apology at Church in Arizona in 2017. And my very first conviction for going to Apology at Church in Arizona in terms of evangelism was to start doing abortion mill evangelism.
To give you context of myself, I grew up in an
Arminian church, and that's OK. I'm now reformed. But in terms of my theology,
I believed, and this is so bad, and this is what really spurred me on to abortion evangelism.
I believed that abortion was wrong, OK? But I took the stance telling myself that if God doesn't come down and stop people from having abortions, why should
I? I'll give them my opinion if they ask, but I don't need to go out there. Bad theology, right?
We have laws against murder for a reason, and those laws reflect the character of God. And once that finally clicked in my brain, it spurred me on to want to go out there to tell people the truth, right?
I was once an advocate unknowingly for the murder of unborn children.
So when I first got convicted and I went to Apology at Church in Arizona in 2017, I wanted to go to the abortion mill.
So my wife, myself, and my three -year -old daughter made it a point every
Saturday to go to the Glendale Planned Parenthood on Saturday mornings, holding signs and pleading to parents to spare the lives of their children.
And to be honest, the first drive that I took out there, I lived in Maricopa City at the time, which is about 16 miles south of Tempe.
And I drove all the way to Glendale. So I don't know if you've ever been to Phoenix, but it is huge and it is massive.
It was at least like a 60 -mile drive to get there every Saturday. So imagine the first time going, right?
I was in spiritual war, spiritual war. I was absolutely terrified. So it was my wife.
My daughter was three, so she's just like, yeah, let's say babies. You know what I mean? So praise
God for that. The courage of children is unbelievable. I'll tell you that right now. But I'll never forget the tension that we could feel in the car.
We knew that we were stepping into a war zone. It was a battle of worship within our world.
That's the truth. And even today, I woke up at four o 'clock this morning and I was in intense amount of spiritual warfare before doing this.
Even right now, I am nervous, right? Because what are we doing? We're coming face to face with the modern idol of this world.
And I want to spur God's people on in order to make a difference. And the enemy doesn't want that.
The enemy wants the anti -gospel. So to this day, even eight years later, it is still also terrifying to stand outside of Planned Parenthood.
And it should be. We go every single Wednesday to the Planned Parenthood downtown in Utah to try to spur people on.
To be convicted by the power of the gospel to not sacrifice their children on the altar of comfort.
Preaching the gospel that God may also open their eyes and ears to the truth. And by God's grace, we don't really count numbers on how many babies
God has saved. But what I know off the top of my head, at least from 2024, from being out there, there's at least four different babies that I know of that are alive today.
I've got to hold one of them. Actually, my own arms. And the reality is, is in 2017, all the way up till last year,
I had never actually held a baby that I was directly involved with. I don't know how many maybe the
Lord has saved because cars can pass by. And if they see people out there, they're like, oh, I don't want to go. Praise God for that.
But it's it's it's it keeps you very humble to understand that honestly,
I have nothing to do with it. It's the gospel is the power of God for salvation. It's the truth that convicts the hearts and minds of men.
And I would be in the same position of them as them, but be the grace of God. But my hope today is to bring awareness to the gravity of abortion and the wickedness that it is.
So that in your hearts, you can contemplate on how you can help contribute to the fight against child murder here in the state of Utah.
So be not confused. Abortion is a grave evil. It is antithetical to the gospel.
It's the savior of the West. It's the sacrifice of blood for the sake of comfort.
It is the fruit of evil within the hearts of men, which leads to methodical methods of ending life in the womb.
It is the dismemberment of babies, the discarding of human life left to rot and die.
It is blood offering upon an altar in which the majority of our society seeks comfort and peace.
Abortion is murder. And it is child sacrifice revisited. We're told that there is nothing new under the sun.
From the second wisest man ever to live, Solomon, first wisest was Christ, right? From the
Canaanite pagans sacrificing their children to Moloch, to the Mayans slitting the throats of young ones and watching heads roll down their pyramids in honor of their sun gods.
We find that abortion is the modern American sacrament, which is propagated from the postmodern death cult of progressivism, which plagues our society today.
And as we stand here today, I'll bring us face to face with that idol. And the call is to be like Gideon, right?
To be like Gideon. There's a monument. There's an altar within our gates, within the land of God that we ought to tear down.
The altar of Baal and the Asherah within our midst dwells within God's territory. And our job as Christians is to come face to face with the idols.
And regardless of what the populace thinks, the majority, regardless how the men of the world will stand against us for tearing down their idols, we must fear
God rather than men. We must fear God rather than men. And unlike Gideon, who allowed his father to take the blame, we ought to stand face to face with the evil of this world.
So please understand, this is a battle that God's people have been involved with ever since the promise of the one who is to come from the virgin who will crush the serpent's head.
So before we get into some of the modern arguments of abortion, I want to create, I don't even like to use the word really theology of human sacrifice or the theology of abortion.
But I want to go back biblically to understand historically through God's word what human sacrifice was.
So we can think about physically what people thought they were doing, but what was also going on behind the scenes in the waterless places.
And by the waterless places, I mean the world of the devil, right? The world of the devil. So think about this for a second, okay?
In Genesis 3, we are to understand that the serpent understood that a child would be born who would one day reckon the serpent powerless.
It's in Genesis 3, right? The one who will come from the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent.
The serpent was told face to face by God. In that moment, the one who was a murderer from the beginning sought to influence the hearts of men to kill their own children.
For from the womb would be the one who is to come crush the serpent's head. Yet, we must understand it's not only the will of the serpent that causes men to kill their own children.
It's not just the serpent's fault. The hearts of fallen men likewise in their enmity with God sought to kill their own children, right?
Both are at fault and both are judged for their wickedness. So let's develop now our understanding that biblical precedent for child sacrifice through this historical account of Satan, the serpent, who tried to thwart
God's redemptive plan. We need to understand this because God had his redemptive plan before the Messiah, right?
And then in the New Testament, the era in which we live today, God also has a redemptive plan. And the serpent is also trying to thwart that before the second coming of Christ.
So herein lies that biblical precedent. Let's start right after in Genesis 3. What do we find? Cain killed
Abel. The first murder. Genesis 4 detailed that what?
The blood of the innocent cried out from the ground for justice. The blood of Abel.
Fast forward, Genesis chapter 6. What are we told? The wickedness of men's hearts were continually evil prior to the flood, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful.
Whether you believe that those are Nephilim in terms of like an angel -human hybrid, or whether it be the line of Seth, the godly sons, with the daughters of men who were not of the line of Seth.
Regardless of what you believe, there was something at play trying to get the sons of God off of the map to destroy the seed.
Then what do we find after the flood? The Tower of Babel. We also then find Pharaoh's decree.
This is one of the first ones that we see. Pharaoh's decree for the death of the Israelite children in Exodus 1, 15 through 22.
Why is that? Well listen, God gave Abraham a prophecy.
We can find it in Genesis 15, 13 through 14, where God tells Abraham that one day his offspring will be slaves for 400 years in a foreign land.
But that they will one day be delivered from their slavery and that nation will be judged.
Prior to that, in Genesis chapter 12, verses 1 through 3, and even earlier in chapter 15, verses 1 through 6, that through the seed of Abraham, through his offspring, there will be one whom the descendants will be as numerous as the stars.
And in Galatians, we understand that that promise of the offspring is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ. Yet think, during this time in the enslavement in Israel, there must have been some expectation of freedom.
Because there was a prophecy already given. The people of God must have thought something, or they should have at least, through some type of oral tradition known, the words of Abraham.
There was an expectation of a Messiah, a Deliverer. Though it wasn't Jesus Christ, we understand it now as a shadow of the
One to Come, a shadow of the true freedom of slavery we find in Christ as the people of God.
But the serpent still then sought to destroy God's people in God's redemptive plans.
Do you think the serpent understood whether or not it was the Messiah yet? I don't know. But all I do know is he did want to kill their offspring.
And so did Pharaoh. So did Pharaoh. So the Pharaoh, in earthly fear, because what does the scripture tell us?
The Pharaoh was afraid that the people of God, the Hebrews at that time, were multiplying out of control.
He was like, they're going to overthrow us. They're going to take over Egypt one day. So what does he do?
He insists the law to kill the children. But the devil, in fear of the
Deliverer, influences Egypt through false worship and earthly religion, wants to kill the
Deliverer. So man, as we are, we're always trying to make decisions on earthly matters through earthly things.
False gods make false earthly promises for us, right? Kill the children so that your society will live.
Kill the people of God. Kill the people of God. The true God, the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, mocked their false worship. And he thwarted the plans of the
Pharaoh and that of the devil. It's actually quite beautiful what God did.
He, through all of the plagues, denounced every single one of their false gods.
It's amazing. Though it was not the Messiah who led the Hebrews out of slavery, it indeed was a
Deliverer. Again, a foreshadow of the one to come. It was a reminder of the one who will be born, to whom will be the obedience of the nations.
And what happens as the Hebrews are entering into the Promised Land now? God warns them not to take part in the practices of the pagan nations.
And the pagan nations did specific things. And one of the abominations before God was that of child sacrifice.
False worship begets human sacrifice, okay? Leviticus 18 .21
You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Moloch. And so profane the name of your
God. I am the Lord. Are you guys familiar with Moloch, the
Canaanite deity? My shirt right here, I wore it for a very specific reason.
That shows Moloch right there. Moloch was a false god. And essentially, if you take a look, it was an idol constructed out of,
I don't know what type of metal there would have been back then. However, it was massive. You see, his palms are faced up towards the sky.
And the people at that time believed that if they were to offer their children on the altar of Moloch, Moloch would provide them with what?
Good crops, good life, rain, whatever it may be, okay? So what they would do is they would light a fire underneath this hollowed out idol until it would glow.
It would glow. And then the people would bring their children, maybe even their firstborn children, and they would offer them on the molten hands of Moloch, and the children would light a fire in front of the mothers and fathers.
And the screaming would be so loud that they actually constructed massive drums, about 10 feet in diameter, that they would bang and bang and bang to drown out the screams of dying children.
And what was the promise? Give us your child so all will be well with you.
Give us the child. Give us the child. What's the promise in Genesis chapter 3? The child who will deliver us.
What does Satan want to do? He wants to mock the promise by creating false worship which begets human sacrifice to solve problems, rather than the sacrifice of God that will solve the problems.
So what does God do? Again, Leviticus 18 .21, do not do that. Do not be like the pagans who are killing their children.
Don't do it. Further warnings, if you want to write them down, are found in Deuteronomy 12 .31,
Deuteronomy 18 .9 -10, and Deuteronomy 20 .17
-18. What's interesting about Deuteronomy 18 as well, we find, look where we are in context, we're at the
Utah Christian Research Center, we also find the warning against false prophets, right?
If you presume to speak in the name of Yahweh, but you speak presumptuously, and the one thing doesn't come to pass, you are a false prophet.
But there's a whole list of abominations before God in Deuteronomy 18. Child sacrifice is one of them. Sorcery is another one.
Divination. All of these things are inherently linked to one another.
We find that, just a little tangent here, even with Mayan culture, Central American sun god worship, through sorcery, ayahuasca, psychedelic drug use, meeting a serpent god, telling them to sacrifice their children on the pyramid.
All of these things are inherently linked, my friends. Don't go to the son of God for forgiveness of sins.
Sacrifice your own blood. Sacrifice your own blood for comfort. That's why
God warns about it. Interestingly, in like manner, the Lord of Glory tells us in Leviticus 18 .24
-28 that the land will vomit out the inhabitants that practice the abominable sins before God.
The land will spit them out. If we think about our culture today real quick, the fires going on in California, the massive floods that are happening over on the east coast, which happened earlier in 2024.
Let us not forget that the God of the universe controls the weather. He controls the weather.
He controls the weather. And child sacrifice is something in our society that people don't want to give up.
They don't want to give it up. God says the land will spit you out. He doesn't like it. He doesn't like it.
The blood of the innocent cries out from the ground for justice. But again,
I want you to understand, and this is the theme we're going through right now, is that false worship begets child sacrifice.
Humanity seeks to solve their own problems through the works of their own hands, giving up their own children to what they would consider the greater good.
So if just some of us kill our children on the hands of Molech, it'll just be better for everybody. It'll be better for everybody.
The devil and his demons take advantage of the wickedness of men's hearts, and they seek to influence worship in order to kill the children.
And what was the goal? To try to kill the child of promise. Try to kill the child of promise. Understand, the enemy of God does not get more power through false worship.
Only God can receive worship. It's not like these people who go and sacrifice to demons are making demons puffed up and more powerful.
It's not the goal. The authority that the enemy has has been given to them by God, and they don't gain any more authority than that.
They don't get puffed up by false worship. No, they just want you to kill your children. They want you to kill your children, and back then, kill the children so that the one who was to come to crush the head of the serpent wouldn't come to existence.
It's the truth. Understand, the promise is that God would provide the sacrifice through the seed of the woman.
The enemy understands this and seeks to make man do the anti -gospel by providing their own human sacrifice to appease
God. And when we're out there at Planned Parenthood, what are some of the preconceptions that maybe some of you guys might have of what goes on at Planned Parenthood?
Anyone have any ideas of what we do as Christians standing outside of Planned Parenthood? Any idea?
Yeah, a lot of praying. Sometimes people think that we just yell at people.
You know, that we're just angry with people. It couldn't be farther from the truth.
Some of the first things we say to individuals, mind you, you've got 30 seconds before they get in the door, is, how can we help you?
We know people who will adopt your baby. We have everything that you need so you don't have to kill your child.
Do not sacrifice your child thinking it will bring you peace and comfort in your life.
God sent His Son to provide the sacrifice. His blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins.
Only His blood will bring you peace. Please let us help you. Turn to Christ. When the
Son sets you free, you are free indeed. Jesus says, let the little children come to me. In Christ you'll have life and life abundantly.
These are the things we're telling them, because these are the things that are true. Do not murder your child.
The sorrows of those who go after other gods are multiplied. That's what the
Bible says. So going back now into the Old Testament, within the promised land, here's a foreshadow, the promised land is a foreshadow of what
Christ owns today. He's the God of the earth, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Let's go back to the shadow though.
Now within the promised land, the Hebrews, who are the people of God, were told to take no part in child sacrifice.
Furthermore, they were told what? To be the light to all the nations on how to act towards God.
They were to be a beacon of true worship to the world. They were. Yet we find detailed in Joshua and the book of Judges that as the
Hebrews conquered the promised land, they did not do everything that God told them to do.
They just didn't do it. They did not utterly dispose of all the pagans within the land. They made deals with the pagan nations and even allowed them to live within their midst.
Judges two, one through five, details the angel of the Lord confronting the people of Israel and telling them that since they did not uphold their covenant of conquest, that the gods of the
Canaanites will be what? A snare to them. They did not obey God when they entered into the promised land.
Joshua was a victorious conqueror. Yes, and amen. But when you read the book of Judges, you will find that there was failure.
There was indeed failure within the people of God. But here's the theme I want you to understand right now.
The promised land was plagued with child sacrifice and the people of God were called to what?
Eradicate it. Eradicate it. The promised land was to be the central root of where Israel was to be the light to all nations, a beacon of worship to the true
God to make way for who? The Messiah. Over time though, we find what?
The Paganite gods did indeed become a snare to the people of God. Israel becomes corrupted.
They fall prey to false worship and eventually they even sacrifice their own children to Molech under the hand of King Ahaz.
Second Kings 16 verse 3 states this. But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel.
He even burned his son as an offering according to the despicable practices of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel.
This verse refers to King Ahaz of Judah who adopted the idolatrous and indomitable practices of the surrounding nations including child sacrifice which was explicitly forbidden by God.
Second Chronicles 28 .3 And he made an offering in the valley of the son of Hinnom and burned his sons as an offering according to the abominations of the nations whom the
Lord drove out before the people of Israel. Parallel history with kings and chronicles, right? This passage also describes
King Ahaz's actions specifying that he carried out these sacrifices in the valley of the son of Hinnom later associated with what we know as Gehenna, right?
In Jerusalem, a little valley outside of Jerusalem. And that's a place notorious for idolatry and child sacrifice.
So those are just two examples there from historical accounts in the Bible of kings, of a king in Jerusalem.
But the heart of the matter remains true, right? False worship begets child sacrifice.
Why do you not sacrifice your child on the altar? Well, they have precedent. Abraham was told to bring who up to the mount, right?
Isaac. And what did God do? He said, I don't want your child. Thank you for not withholding him from me.
And Abraham says, Lord, you will provide the sacrifice. They were already told that God would be the one who provides the sacrifice.
They had an offering system, a sacrificial system, which pointed to the coming Messiah, right? Their children were never needed.
They had precedent not to ever think that. They already had a sacrificial system.
But this is our example throughout human history. Here in the text of scripture, we have a theology of abortion.
It shows us that this is a fundamental heart issue, one in which only the gospel can cure.
And so what do I mean by that? Abortion will not end in this country purely by pragmatism.
Pragmatism doesn't end abortion. Abortion is a fundamental heart issue that only the gospel can cure because it's people looking for a sacrifice.
People are always looking for a sacrifice. We're created in the image of God to worship God. No matter what people think or what people believe,
I am a creature of God created to worship him. But as a fallen individual, I will look for worldly means to try to seek comfort in my life, knowing that there's some guilt that I have, knowing
I don't have peace with God. And if I listen to the lies of the enemy and what the world propagates, they say, sacrifice your child so that you can go and get a higher education.
Sacrifice your child so you don't have to wake up early every single morning and take care of them, right? Sacrifice your child because it will be easier for you.
Oh, you have an unwanted pregnancy? Sacrifice your child so you don't have to deal with the repercussions of living in God's universe and having sex.
We live in God's universe. It's just the way those things work. Those are the lies of the enemy.
But listen to this. Isaiah was a prophet during the reign of King Ahaz.
This is super interesting. In Isaiah 7, we actually have the King of Israel who allowed
Moloch worship asking Isaiah for a sign. What does Isaiah actually tell the one who's sacrificing children?
Isaiah 9, a child will be born. His name will be Emmanuel. You're sacrificing children.
Guess what? A child will be born. Remember, Satan's plan was to stop the seed of the woman for the
Messiah to come. The child killer was given a promise that the Holy Child will come and rescue Israel from its enemies.
No matter what the enemy wants to do, no matter how evil the hearts of men are, you cannot thwart the redemptive power of God.
And then what do we find after? Continue on in Scripture. We come to the birth of who? The Messiah. The birth of the
Messiah. Then what happens, right? Remember Pharaoh from earlier? We all know the story. The call to kill the children happened again.
Happened again. And that was the true fulfillment of prophecy. The one earlier with Moses was a shadow of Christ.
There was a call to kill all the firstborn children of Israel, and at this time Jesus Christ was one of them.
Here again is the theme, right? False worship begets child sacrifice. Even through the sinfulness of men,
God's plan will not be thwarted. It won't. So stretch out all of the
Old Testament history. For thousands of years, the serpent was unable to stop the birth of the Messiah. We should take hope in that.
No matter what the enemy wanted to do, Jesus still came. The Word took flesh.
Even men in all their false worship with the killing of their own children could not stop the King of Kings from entering into the world.
The one to which all power, dominion, glory, and honor will be.
The one to whom will inherit the nations. So do we truly understand the gravity of that?
Do we understand the gravity of this? When God cut His covenant with Abraham, He spoke the truth.
He swore upon no one greater than Himself when He walked between the animal carcasses. Though the people of Israel failed time and time again,
He upheld His promise. The birth of Christ marked the beginning of the death of death.
It's true. The darkness of the world has been made a mockery of. Christ in His humility with a frame of flesh starting in the womb as an infant stood strong in every way that men fail.
And this is interesting too. Inevitably, we find the death of Christ on top of Golgotha, right?
A place that eclipses where? The Valley of Hinnom. So going from Golgotha, you can look out and you can see the
Valley of Hinnom where people sacrificed their own children in Israel thinking that was going to give them peace. But the
Son of God was on the hill higher. He made a mockery of the devil there. Throughout millennia, the devil sought to kill the children to stop the one of promise and now the son of promise dies with an eyesight to where Israel themselves practiced child sacrifice.
Early amazing. He was the sacrifice which brings us peace with God. His blood was the propitiation for our sins.
His innocent blood also seeped into the earth. Yet what do we know?
Did death stop Christ? No. He resurrected from the dead three days later and our
God lives now with a glorified body defeating death in the grave and he ascended into heaven and he now sits at the right hand of God on a throne not made with human hands and to him has been given what?
Daniel chapter seven. All authority, rule, dominion and power forever and ever. Amen. So what does this mean?
What can we learn from the time that the serpent sought to kill the son of promise and how can we think about that today?
So if we're thinking about the Old Testament as a shadow, right? And Christ fulfilling those shadows of the
Old Testament, the serpent's still at work today. His head has been crushed but he still is trying to accomplish something.
He's still trying to thwart God's redemptive plan, okay? Let us learn. Let's learn about it now. I wanna preface it with this.
All the kingdoms of the earth belong to Christ. They do. Like the
Hebrews of old, who are to enter into a certain section of land that they were to inherit, we are now called to go to the ends of the earth to do what?
Matthew 28, 19 through 20. God says before his ascension into heaven, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold,
I am with you always to the end of the age. So if we were to think of the people of God and the promised land as a shadow, what we see today is that through Christ and his kingship, he inherits all nations.
And the people of God are called what? To stay in a central area? No. To go out to all the ends of the earth.
That's the reality. Teaching them to obey. We are called to teach and preach the true worship of God, made known solely through the sacrifice of Christ.
So how does the devil want to stop that? That's how you should be thinking. We're called to preach
Christ crucified to every square inch of earth. The sacrifice has been made. God sent his son to pay the penalty of sin.
He is the true king and we are to obey his commands. Christ has now sent his spirit, the
Holy Spirit, to convict the world of sin and righteousness. He will accomplish this, his purpose is, they will not be thwarted and he will one day return to judge the living and the dead.
So now how does God accomplish his purposes is the question you should be asking yourself. How is Satan trying to thwart
God's redemptive plan? Well, what does God do? How does he accomplish his purposes? By his will in the spirit, the
Holy Spirit, by the people of God, through the proclamation of the gospel, right? The gospel is the power of God for salvation.
He says, preach the truth, true worship, true law, true freedom in Jesus Christ to all of the nations, all of them.
And what do we know now about salvation? What occurs to the man whom God has given his mercy and grace to?
Ephesians chapter one. We are adopted as sons through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are no longer children of wrath, but we are children of God.
And what do the scriptures tell us in Romans? That the earth groans for the revealing of the sons of God. God has a function within his church as the body of Christ, as a role, right?
And the serpent with a crushed head in likewise manner still looks to thwart that will of God. Hopefully some of these pieces are clicking to you.
So now think to yourself, how will the serpent function to thwart the will of God? There's nothing new under the sun.
He's using the very same tactics he used before. False worship. Kill who? Well, the son of promise already came to him.
He has all power, rule, dominion, and authority. What are you going to do? Well, I'm still going to try to kill children to stop the revealing of the sons of God.
That's what he's doing. He's still at work. There's nothing new under the sun to propagate false worship through influencing the hearts of men to kill their children.
Again, the earth groans for the revealing of the sons of God. Therefore, kill them before they ever take their first breath.
We are the body of Christ. We are to function as the body of Christ. How do you try to thwart that plan?
Kill as many of them as possible. And herein, right now, I want to give you a historical context of abortion within the culture that surrounded the birth of the church and into the early church.
Okay? So I'm going to have some quotes here of abortion that was occurring before Christ, after the death of Christ, how the early church actually handled these things.
Okay? Cicero, writing in the period before Christ, cited something called the
Twelve Tables of Roman Law when he wrote, Deformed infants should be killed. And Seneca, from 4
B .C. to A .D. 39, wrote, So this is how the
Roman culture operated during the time of Christ. Plutarch, from A .D.
46 to 120, discussed the acceptance of child sacrifice. He says,
I don't even know how to pronounce this. Carthaginians? He says,
And cut their throats as if there were so many lambs or young birds while the mother stood by without tear or moan.
These are things that happened. It's wild. And then we find in the
Didache, which is one of the earliest teachings, it's called the
Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles or Nations by the Twelve Apostles. This is very early, first century, at the earliest.
Here's quotes from it. It says, There are two paths, one of life and one of death, and the difference is great between the two paths.
The Didache chapter 2 further states, The Didache is like a collection of teachings that the early church essentially believed.
But see how abortion is being mentioned. In a second or third century letter to Diognetus, an early
Christian apologist, here's a quote. It says, So what we know about the early
Roman culture is that if this child wasn't strong or wasn't wanted, they would essentially throw them away into the trash outside.
And what did early Christians do? What did they do? They took these children. They put them in their homes. They clothed them.
They fed them. Because why? They cared about these children. These children are what? Created in the image of God.
They have value. They're worthy of respect and honor. To do the opposite would be to murder your child.
This was revolutionary in the early world. Children were used in ways
I don't even want to describe in early Roman culture. That has now been put to an end, essentially in terms of law, where children have more rights now than they did back then.
But thank the Christian worldview for that. Thank the Christian worldview for that. Clement of Alexandria, from AD 150 to 215, he chided the pagans because they kept parrots and other exotic birds as pets, but would expose their children born in their homes.
And exposed means to leave them out to die. Tertullian, an extreme prolific
Christian apologist, wrote this. He lived from AD 160 to AD 220.
He states this. Among surgeons' tools, there is a certain instrument that is formed with a nicely adjusted, flexible frame for, first of all, opening the uterus and then keeping it open.
It also has a circular blade by means of which the limbs within the womb are dissected with careful but unflinching care.
Its last appendage is blunted or covered hook by which the entire fetus is extracted by a violent delivery.
There is also a copper needle or spike by which the actual death is brought about in this treacherous robbery of life.
From its infanticide function, they give it the name killer of the infant, which infant, of course, had once been alive.
Tertullian also stated this. In our case, murder is once for all forbidden. Therefore, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb.
This is heavy stuff. And then the Christians were having such a profound effect within the early church that even the last emperor of Rome, Julian the
Apostate, he stated this about the Christians. These impious Galileans not only feed their own but ours also, welcoming them with their agape, with their love.
They attract them as children are attracted with cakes. Whilst the pagan priests neglect the poor, the hated Galileans devote themselves to works of charity and by display of false compassion have established and given effect to their pernicious errors.
Such practice is common among them and causes contempt for our gods. He hated Christians. He absolutely hated them.
Because why? Christians were caring for people. You cannot love your neighbor unless you love God. That's the truth.
So early Christians, they valued life, all life. Jesus Christ is Lord of all, the creator of life.
John chapter one, that's how John begins it, right? In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was
God. All things were created through him. There was nothing that came into being unless it was created through him.
Phenomenal. Meaning what? That God has a plan and a purpose for all of life and if God creates people, people have value.
Christians believe that. But false worship seeks to change who God is and when you get
God wrong, you get a lot of other things wrong as well. All life, every single person, no matter the color, ethnicity, deformity or circumstance of conception, you can name it, whatever it is, all people are given the right to life by our creator and we do not have the right to take their life.
Anyone who takes the life of another, what does God's law say? Their life ought to be taken from them.
That's how highly God values life in his law. To kill another human being, there is no restitution that can occur.
God says your life ought to be taken from you. Thou shall not murder is a command from God and the nations are to obey it.
Remember, Jesus Christ is king of kings, he is lord of lords over every single nation and we are to teach the nations to obey all that God has commanded.
Thou shall not murder. Early Christians understood this and that the nations now would do well to obey the command and the reality is the foundation in which the modern world operates is within the framework of a
Christian foundation. There's no escape for it. Ask yourself, who did Rome worship?
Where did their hearts find their solace? Was it in the true and living God or was it in the Caesar, the
Demiurge or the pantheon of false gods? We know the answer, it was in the pantheon of false gods and what happened?
Rome was overcome by the power of the gospel. It truly was. False worship again leads to child sacrifice.
Hear me clearly. God is the creator of the universe and all the people who dwell in it.
He defines the parameters of life, he is the source of all truth. God has revealed himself and truth in all of creation, whether it be general revelation in which
God, all the things God has made or through his word which we know is special revelation, not to mention in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
In truth, even general revelation will never contradict with what God's word tells us. So now today, if we're to think about how the serpent works, let's unmask the serpent.
Let's pull back the curtain also on the hearts of men. Today, the serpent seeks to redefine the source of truth to sway the hearts of men to false worship and human sacrifice.
The call for us today, living as Christians in God's world, is to not sacrifice the truth for comfort, but to look at the sins of the world in the face and to call it what it is, right?
Love rejoices in the truth and the truth is that abortion is murder, child sacrifice is murder and it's antithetical to the gospel and it's worthy of judgment before the living and holy
God. It's worthy of judgment. Abortion is the number one, this is true, it's the number one human's right issue in the world.
It really is. It's the most important thing that really we should be tackling. But it can only be solved by what?
The power of the gospel. It's the fruit of a fundamental heart issue. It's the fruit of false worship.
Let me give you some current statistics on abortion, okay? This is from the World Health Organization in 2024. Around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.
73 million babies dead. Six out of 10, 61 % of all unintended pregnancies and three out of 10 of all pregnancies and an induced abortion.
73 million in one year, that's worldwide. One year. Since Roe versus Wade, the estimated number of surgical abortions is around 60 million for USA alone.
That's only surgical. That doesn't actually account for chemical abortions.
If it accounted for chemical abortions, it should be triple that amount. How many people do we have in the United States of America? Around 380 million, triple 60 million.
What's that, 180 million? We've decimated and destroyed over one third of our population.
The land will spit you out. Psalm chapter two, kiss the sun lest you perish in his way.
He breaks the nations like a pot shirt. The blood of the innocent cries out from the ground for justice.
Given the theology of human sacrifice, which we detailed earlier, what conclusion do you have?
What do you think is happening in this world today? Why is abortion not only legal, but why is it protected and praised?
Honestly, it's praised within our current era. Why is it protected and why is it praised? False worship begets child sacrifice.
Romans chapter one, people heartily approve of wickedness become inventors of evil.
It's the reality. So living in the context in which we live, I wonder if this might come to a surprise to you guys.
But we know that this is like the Vatican for Mormonism, right? We've got the temple down there.
This is the heart of Mormonism out here. And in Mormonism, essentially what
I'm trying to get at is Salt Lake City and abortion is legal because of Mormonism. It's legal because of Mormonism.
Did you know our very laws out here with regards to abortion reflect the LDS stance on abortion?
Did you know that? Such a godly people who are a cipher for God legalize child murder.
It's true. Trying to remember the laws off the top of my head here. I believe abortion is okay with regards to incest or rape.
And it can be allowed. It can be for the life of the mother or even fetal abnormalities.
Okay? So the circumstances of your conception can determine whether or not you're a human and you deserve to live.
Thus says the voice of God in Utah. You can go read about it on their church newsroom website.
Their official statement says that you need to talk to your bishop about it if you have one of these circumstances. And if you pray about it and you get confirmation through the
Holy Ghost, then go ahead and do it. It's on their newsroom website. So the
Holy Ghost is okay with murder? What does Jesus say? A kingdom divided against itself can't stand.
Be not confused. Though we live in a beautiful area with very wonderful, nice people, there is a yoke of the devil and the fruit of it is made known.
They worship a false god and child sacrifice is okay here because their father is that of the devil.
And they need to know the truth. We need to call them to repentance and say, are you okay with that?
And I'll be honest, this is a position that Chris Martinson isn't here today. And do you guys know who
Chris Martinson is by any chance? Yeah? All right. Chris Martinson, he goes to our church and he's been going to the abortion mill here for years.
For years. He's a warrior of God. I look up to him in so many ways for going to do abortion mill evangelism.
And he found this on their website. And we're working on a documentary right now called The LDS Church and Abortion.
And a lot of people who are LDS are actually really conflicted with this. They're really conflicted.
They're like, I don't like abortion. I want it to end. Well, you bring them to their website, show them what their prophets say about that.
They have an issue. You know what you say? You're not allowed to. Your God's spoken.
Your God has spoken. It's a good thing to bring up because it causes internal conflict.
We want them to know Jesus, number one, right? We want them to know Jesus. We want the people who are killing their children downtown to know
Jesus. Our heart breaks for these individuals. They're looking for the wrong sacrifice. But again, that's just one example.
The source of God within Mormonism is changed. God is no longer the eternal creator of all things, right?
He is more concerned with your personal autonomy, progression to become deity, so that if anything in your life inhibits your personal autonomy, your moral free choice, source of God, you change the source of truth.
And when that occurs, it's a false worship, and it will beget child sacrifice in one way.
Either you will do it yourself, or you won't fight against it. You won't fight against it.
Now, be honest. Does our country, by and large, worship the true and living God? Did it at one point?
Yes, and amen. Yes, and amen. It did. Does it now? No. I heard a quote from R .C.
Sproul, Jr. He says this quote, but it's very powerful. It has to do with abortion.
I want you to think about this. He says, There ought to be a placard in front of every Planned Parenthood that states,
Here, by allowance of the church. It's heavy stuff.
We are to be the light to all nations. We are to be that salt and light. When these things are occurring, naturally, fallen people do.
They worship a creation instead of the creator. In Romans 1, The people of God, right?
The fullness of the people of God and dwelt with the Holy Spirit who are to inherit the nations, disciples of Christ, ought to be preaching the truth to all nations.
And when we don't, false worship begets child sacrifice. The question is, church, have we lost our saltiness?
And have we syncretized with the altars of Baal in the Asherah? So how can we look back in the
Old Testament and see how the people of God in the Promised Land syncretized with their worship?
Like I mentioned Gideon earlier, if you read the story of Gideon, the altar of Baal in the Asherah were in their town.
They're in their town. They're already syncretizing their worship. How have we, church, done the same?
How have we listened to the world instead of our source of truth, which is
God's objective word? How have we entertained false gods? That's the question.
If we take a look at our culture of death, we have a clear answer, right? We have a clear answer. We have entertained false gods.
We must repent and take action. That's the truth. If we love
God and we love our neighbors, we ought to try to rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die.
Remember, 73 million worldwide a year. 3 ,343 in Utah.
On our land, these are babies ripped apart limb from limb in the womb.
On our land, on our watch, Christian. It's very sad.
Breaks my heart when I think about it, and that's one of the reasons why I was so convicted to start doing abortion evangelism around 2017, because I was one of those people, right?
I entertained false gods. I believed a false narrative about the world. Lord, forgive me.
Forgive me. Guys, we are people who know God. We know the truth, and the truth is what these people need.
Why are we silent while children are screaming for their lives in the womb? It's a question we ought to ask ourselves.
Our nation and the kingdoms of the world right now, by and large, have rejected the truth. They have.
They have replaced the sacrifice of Christ with the sacrament of the West. That's the blood of babies.
The postmodern American sacrament is the blood of babies. It's the truth.
The sacrifice that they look for ushers in the ultimate rejection of truth.
Be not confused, church. Abortion is the ultimate anti -gospel. Remember what I said earlier.
They're looking to sacrifice their children for comfort and peace in their lives.
Something is wrong. They know it. There's an innate feeling inside of every single individual that knows something is wrong when they lay their head on their pillow at night.
There is guilt. There is shame, because they live in God's universe, and they're sinners against a holy God. But when they don't know the truth, they look to appease that guilt, that infinite void inside of themselves with the blood of their children.
Whether it be people who are confused about their gender, don't believe that God created people male and female, what do they do?
They sacrifice their bodies looking for comfort, and they mutilate their genitalia and call males females and females males.
Is it true? Does it conform with what God tells us, even in general revelation with science?
No. The methodology of science tells us genetically, you can call yourself a female all you want if you're a male, but genetically, you're a male.
Right? Think about it the same way with abortion. You can, all you want, you can say it's a clump of cells, it doesn't have life, or it's not conscience.
General revelation, right, given to us by God through creation, testifies to the very fact that upon conception, fertilization, a unique human being is made that is alive, there's a separate genetic code different from the mother and the father that is multiplying and growing.
It's just a stage of human development. It is a human, it is alive. But when you change the source of knowledge, you seek to redefine what it means to be human.
False worship begets child sacrifice. It's the truth, it's the ultimate rejection of truth.
Abortion, again, is the anti -gospel. So let's think about our world today, unmasking the serpent, some of the lies that we're told.
Think about them biblically, okay? So the world we live in now is post -enlightenment. What I like to call, we live in a really weird era by the millennial, so that means
I lived without and with like typical internet usage, right? Like I remember what it was like before the internet.
I remember what it was like before cell phones were extremely popular. Like I didn't even have a cell phone until I was like 16 or 17.
It was like that massive Nokia thick phone that lit up on the sides. I could play Snake on it, you know?
If you're a millennial, you know what I'm talking about. Like that's what I grew up in, right? Like I entertained myself by going outside and playing with my friends and building forts and doing weird things that kids do.
It's different now. But what I grew up in was more akin to atheism than it is today, all right?
We live in a society that is rocked from atheism. I like to call it the children that are alive today, even some from my generation are the bastard children of atheism.
What does that mean? Atheism could never give an explanation for what went bump in the night. There was always something weird going on.
There's no explanation within atheism. It's all just matter in motion. But now we have kids that are going back to what?
Pagan practices again. Wicca is super popular. Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age, you name it.
You've been seeing this stuff going on ever since the 70s. Really, it's the bastard children of atheism.
That is what's happening. But the truth is this, it started with some central era. Post enlightenment, truth went from being objective to being relative, to being relative, okay?
What do I mean by that? Man is just one animal, right? It's just an accidental byproduct
I choose. What's true to me is true to me. It doesn't have to be true to objective truth within the modern world.
But in reality, there is objective truth. There is objective truth. There is no such thing as purely an opinion with a truth claim.
Regardless though, within their worldview, humanity has no intrusion. Objection of the
God of the Bible. To the West, God is dead. Nietzsche, there's nothing but the will to power.
In the modern secular society, people are encouraged to make personal choices about their bodies and lives, including whether or not to have an autonomous body.
My choice, you've heard it a bunch, right? Let's dissect autonomy. The definition of autonomy means to be a law unto yourself.
Okay, it's the universe. But you will die showing that you are truly not autonomous. Number one.
Number two, what about the baby's body? What about the baby's body?
What about the autonomy to its final conclusion? All right? I mean, as Christians, we would say, yeah, we're against murder.
We're against a war because that's what
God tells us in his law. Well, all is well until it comes to the baby in the womb.
Why? Because when you have children, give us your child so all will be well with you.
Things about human sacrifice. Sacrifice. How do we combat it?
This is objective, okay? Regardless of the conversation you have with an individual, if you're speaking to them on the topic of abortion, what
God says about them rather than what they say about themselves. What do I mean by that?
You can have a conversation about this. I think that this is my personal opinion.
This is my view. You can go off on all kinds of crazy rabbit holes. But what does
God say about every single individual? If you do not know Christ, you do not have peace with God.
We have the most beautiful truth that transcends the problem with all of man.
We are at distance between God and man. Blaise Pascal, the philosopher, said this.
He said there's an infinite void within all of man that only an infinite being can fill. Believing what
God says about the individual versus what they say is just taking that to its logical conclusion.
God for salvation. For example, if I'm speaking with an LDS individual, they can tell me how good their life is.
They can tell me by feeling that God is with them.
Everything is alright. What do I know about them regardless of what they tell me? When they lie their head down on their pillow at night, they are guilty before a holy and just God.
When you cut through all of it, believe what God says about them versus what they say about themselves. So when you're going to the abortion mill, when you have any conversation with any person with the topic of abortion, believe what
God says versus what they say about themselves. Present them with the truth. Present them with the truth.
God is the creator of all things and life is sacred because God created humans.
Genesis 1, 26 through 27. Human life is inherently valuable. Animals.
We're not. We're human beings. Human life, again, comes from conception.
Life begins at fertilization, conception. I know those two terms can be used interchangeably, but also there are a little bit different.
I use them interchangeably. But regardless, even the methodology of science has confirmed what
God says in His Word. Rejection of the
God of the universe ultimately leads one to reject general revelation. Let God be true in everything.
About the baby in the womb that's alive. Consistent. Understand that today, just like in the past, abortion is.
Just as ancient societies sacrificed children for prosperity, modern society sacrifices the unborn to maintain personal advancement.
Abortion becomes a means of personal salvation at the expense of the vulnerable unborn. And that's the fundamental reality that underpins the severity of abortion, of false god worship.
We as Christians ought to challenge the false gods with the truth.
Jesus Christ, Colossians, we not believe that the gospel is the power of God for salvation anymore.
Early church to today, things changed when Christians actually believed what the Bible says. Let's not syncretize worship with speaking the truth and love.
One aspect I do want to really talk about is that when we go out to the abortion mill or whatever conversation you have with any
Indians, you know death is occurring just a hundred feet from you and you can get angry. You can get angry.
Right? That's the truth. I would be in their position if it weren't for the grace of God. They need to know things don't change in this world when
Christians aren't acting like Christians. Pragmatism doesn't end abortion. Throw people in the Colosseums and die to die.
What ended all of those things? The gospel. That's the truth. That's historical. for allowing me to come here and talk about a topic that is so sad,
God. I know your heart is broken from abortion, Lord.
That abortion, God, is man shaking his fist at you saying, no, I can do it myself. Knowing that the truth is only through the blood of Jesus we can have access to you,
Father. Lord, as your people, your body, to act through God and that you have given us your word, which is a mercy and grace to tell people, you don't need to kill your child.
Father and the Son for uniting all of us together, united to Christ all across the world as your people.
I know, God, that you'll be put under your feet, Lord. Let us be taught by your word. Let us be moldable in your power,
Lord. So that we could speak the truth and love. Please end the wicked child slaughter that happens in our world through the power of the gospel by your people taking action,
God. We are filled in you who is the head of all rule and authority and that is an amazing thing to behold.
We love you, God, and we praise you and we thank you in Jesus' name. The number for Utah, was that yearly?
Yeah. One of the Planned Parenthood hands out like pills, which would be a chemical abortion, which is murder, like Plan B.
Sadly, the earth groans for the revealing of the sons of God.
I believe so. What is that? Yeah.
So I believe that the meek shall inherit the earth, that the innocent cries out from the ground for justice, but God's blood was spilled on the cross for our sins, and that the earth is being renewed by the power of the gospel today because Jesus Christ is
King of kings and Lord of lords, head of all rule and authority. All the kingdoms are subservient to him.
I know there's other people who can take that in different directions, but I believe the overwhelming testimony of the
New Testament is like Psalm 110. It's raining. It's raining today and the last enemy to be defeated is death.
Was that Romans 8? I believe so. It's either Romans 7 or Romans 8. That's what
I understood that period to be. Exactly.
Yeah. He's super sick today, so if you can pray for him, he's really sick.
I know that there was a law that was in 2010, I believe, but of course
Utah doesn't enforce that law, but he's looking right now to bring a case against the state of Utah to sue if he is a minor and indeed worthy of protection.
Yeah. So there are works. There are things to run in this in because typically
I got you, bro. Yeah. I would say pray for the people who are out there.
Different churches have different functions. I should say that. Not every church is out there, right?
But I do think if you pray about it and you get the conviction from out there, we will help you get out there as much as you can.
And abortion now is a good resource that you can go. If you talk to your pastor, if you want to get out there, we can send you all the resources that you need to equip you to be out there with us.
In all reality, there's only one church that does go and it's Apologia Church. We're the only ones that are out there on Wednesday.
So if you want to partner with us, you can go to End Abortion now. You can pray for us or there's other churches that do different types of donations for things of that nature to function as God's body within this.
But the reality is we do need more soldiers out there on the front lines. You mentioned that there were two places where abortions are happening in Utah.
Surgical abortions. And one is in Salt Lake City. Where is that exactly? It is 1 ,000
East... I can look it up. Yeah, there we go. He knows it.
I met you there. Oh, that's right. The other one is
Wasatch Women's Center. I don't know the exact location for that, but it's like right off the I -15 going up more north. So it's
Wasatch Women's Center in Planned Parenthood. There's a go.
Because I don't leave yet. And I saw a couple walk... sat in my car, prayed for the couple.
And then one time I was up there, you know... Yeah. ...person at the desk.
The Planned Parenthood desk? Yeah. I said, oh, it's
Sanger. Oh. ...if
you don't... She's a very interesting individual.
And you should... And then
I left. And I felt like, did I do what God wanted? ...listen to God prompting us so we don't get anything done.
Yeah. And if we just listen to His promptings and say, okay, I'll take that step even if I don't know exactly what you want me to do, then
He kind of pushes us a little further each time. Yeah, amen. I'd say if you're having the conviction to be out there, fall...
Here I am, Lord, send me. You know? Maybe this is...
Oh, no. We can just talk after if you want. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've often wondered in this kind of space, secretism and also, say,
Roman Catholicism that is a victim of the secretism or not from the
Newt Gingrich, a conservative... What's EWTN? Like, their channel. Oh, okay. It's not that conservative, but it's...
You know, they're clear on this kind of thing, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you have any thoughts in that space of...
Is it worth compromising gospel issues with people that do have the same
God in areas like this? Yeah, so let me see if I can explain this, Skyler. Great question, brother.
Because what you'll find out to the abortion... There are Roman Catholics that come. There are.
But what do they do when they're there? The force changes when there's a different gospel even presented or within Roman Catholicism that may die, that know the true gospel, that go see
God. I'm not the judge of the universe, okay? But I would hope that God would pull the abortion mill. Does every Roman Catholic...
I haven't met every Roman Catholic, so I can't broad brush them how they act outside the abortion mill. But from my personal experience, they don't present the gospel at all.
They just sit there and they pray. What do I do when I'm out there with them? Typically, they're women, and I just want to have my eye out because if anyone wants to come hurt them,
I want to be there to protect them. You know what I mean? So, yeah, it's really an interesting thought for individuals who are out there with the pregnancy van where you can do free ultrasounds.
I think it's called Pregnancy Choice Utah. We don't link arms with them, but they're there, right?
So what we will do is we'll present the gospel to the individuals and we'll say, look, there's an ultrasound machine right in there.
Go in there. We have resources for you when you get out that we can help you with, but they're there, so go ahead and go in there.
You know what I mean? But it doesn't mean we agree with everything that they're doing because they'll hand people gift bags when they go in to the abortion mill.
It's like, why are you giving people socks and chapsticks when they go kill their baby to make them comfortable after a surgical abortion?
That's gross. Right. But they already know our position, right? Right. And that's a great parallel.
So you have pagans that aren't Christian at all, and then you have Christians that have become pagan. Yeah.
Yeah, I'll err on the side of life. Parenthood, you're essentially in the front of the gates of hell. Like, that's the reality of being there.
So I don't want them to pull into the back. Once they pull into the back, it's over. It's over, man. It's gone. When they're walking that building, it's over.
Sometimes they come back out. Praise the Lord for that. But we were like, hey, park over here or let's go get lunch and talk about this.
Let's like, I don't like that. And so what do I do? I present them the gospel and I want them to wrestle with it and hopefully that God will save their souls one day.
Like you said, there's people in the church that might come down, but there's no... This is something that the church needs to...
This is something that the church needs to repent of. Apathy toward this evil. Are surrounded by...
Surrounded by... Surrounded by... All the things that we've...
And Joel just brought me with this area. And Joel just brought me with this area was...
Keep going here. One of the things that... And keep going here. One of the things that he said that...
it made me break down silence. Just a point to remember.
It made me break down silence. Just a point to remember. We have laws against murder. If someone was...
We have laws against murder. If someone was going to go murder someone in front of us down there we ought to act like it or we ought to act like it yeah it's true we're there to tell them the truth and we speak the truth and love one of the thoughts like I was saying earlier is we go there and just yell at people that's not it's not true we're like we care about you we care about your baby and we want your baby to live and we want what's best for you here's the gospel patient of your pregnancy we will be there for you that place is just a hired assassin as of the enemy we're gonna present you with truth and God does the conviction yeah so there's actually one a mile down the road from the
Planned Parenthood that does the surgical abortions it's right next to another Planned Parenthood actually and that's called
Pregnancy Resource Center and we try to send their people send people there as much as possible in the moment typically we can call them and they'll make room for people to come in so it's oh there we go yeah asked to actually get an appointment and then they have to watch a video and that video tells them that they're essentially killing a person
Lee there's a whole nother realm of conversation with the selling of body parts to scientific organization sad reality that you spoke of earlier is
Margaret Sanger eugenics all of that stuff that could be a whole nother realm like here's a quote from Margaret Sanger real quick she says we don't want to let the word get out that we want to exterminate the