A #BigEva Mentality is ALL OVER the Ravi Zacharias Situation

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Well, I did it. I did it. The very first time, I did it. Now, you might be asking yourself, what are you talking about?
You did what? You can't just say you did something and expect us to be able to read your mind and know. I used to have a friend who used to do that.
He used to always, like, call me up and he'd say, hey, are we doing it? That's what he'd say. Like, we were in the middle of a conversation and I'm like, dude, what are you talking about?
Like, you just called me and you said, are we doing it? I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, but that's the kind of friends I used to have. We used to yell at each other a lot.
But anyway, I did my very first GabTV exclusive, which means
I did a video, a 14 minute video. It's right here that if you don't watch me on GabTV, you will never get a chance to watch.
And I think it's a very good video. It's called Christians should not give an inch to the pagans because the inch is not ours to give.
I think this is a very good video. You should head on over to GabTV. It's TV .Gab
.com slash channel slash AD Robles. That is TV .Gab .com slash channel slash
AD Robles. And I've got a bunch of content here. Most of it I've already uploaded to YouTube as well.
But if you want to hear about why you should not give an inch to the pagans, not a single inch. I was just heading on over to Gab right now.
I'm going to play a quick portion of this video so you can get a sample for what you're missing.
Right? Like the world wants to demoralize you into denying obvious facts. But God is
King. Christ is King. That's right. And he doesn't want to demoralize you.
He doesn't want to dominate you. Right? But the reality is he is the Lord. He is
God. And so he makes everything to be what it is. He made Bruce Jenner to be Bruce Jenner.
Right? And so for someone to try to deny that, it's preposterous. And so we should treat it like it's preposterous.
Now we could have some sympathy for that person because obviously there's something not right in the head. There's some kind of influence, some kind of demonic influence that that person is fighting or not fighting, as the case may be.
And we can have sympathy for that. Right? Of course, we can empathize with someone fighting a personal demon or all that kind of stuff.
But what we cannot do is go along with their lies because of that sympathy or because of that empathy.
We cannot go along with lies. We cannot give it an inch because that inch isn't our inch to give.
It's Christ's. Right? So that's why we can't even bend, we can't be flexible even for a moment, even for one single centimeter.
Because that's not our centimeter to give. Christ is king. That's the point. Christ is king, not us. No, we always have to be that stick in the mud that says, no, we're not going to lie about what
God has created. We're going to go with God here because for us to be flexible is it would be for us to usurp authority from Christ.
Right? If we want to pretend to bend one of God's rules, you can't really bend one of God's rules.
But if we're going to pretend to bend one of them, like what we're doing is saying, yeah, I know Christ is king.
I know he's the Lord, but yeah, you know, he gave us the authority here. No, he didn't.
No, he didn't. This is why you do not go along with a lie even for a moment. If somebody tells you that it's pronoun hospitality, that they're a she or an it or a dragon kin or whatever they tell you they are.
And so a lot of people, a lot of big names in evangelicalism, J .D. Greer, well, it's just pronoun hospitality.
Pronoun hospitality. Go along with their lie a little bit. Give them that inch. It's just hospitable to give them that inch.
It's like, no, J .D., that inch is not yours to give. I'll stop it right there.
There's about 12 other minutes of all of that fantastic content, and you can get it right now if you went to tv .gab
slash channel slash AD Robles to watch it. I agree. Like this. I agree with that guy.
Imagine that. I agree with that guy on the screen. It's not like this, this, this idea of like being flexible, meet the culture, you know, that kind of thing.
And, and, and, and pragmatically like kind of bending the truth a little bit and stuff like that. Is this some kind of an example of hospitality and humility?
No, it's not. You can't bend Christ's inches because he's the one who invented what an inch is.
You can't, you can't bend his rules, his law, none of that. That's not arrogant. It might seem arrogant to pagans are, are, are humble to pagans, but it's actually arrogant.
But anyway, so you want to watch that video, go on over to gab right now and watch that video. It will not be uploaded to YouTube.
No, it will not. Anyway, I wanted to just make a quick comment. And you know, a lot of people have been messaging me to comment about the
Ravi Zacharias stuff. I'm not going to really comment on it at all. I've, I've read a little bit about it.
I haven't looked into it too much. This is from protestia .com. And they have kind of like the, what
I appreciate about Protestia here is that they link to a lot of things and also they bullet point it as well.
So you can kind of easily consume. I can't, I can't, I honestly, I don't have a study for a lot of this stuff.
I really don't. I don't look into the latest controversies like in depth a lot of the time, unless it's directly relevant to the content that I do.
But people keep asking me, what do you think of the Zacharias stuff? What do you think of Ravi stuff? It's horrible. It sounds horrible.
But there is one thing that I wanted to comment on that really jumped out at me and it's really not so much about Ravi, although it is, but it's about this kind of a mentality.
And I think that there is a, a, a, a pandemic, if you will, of this exact kind of line of thinking where it's like, if you even question or you want to get some oversight over, you know, the
ERLC or, or the, or, or, or NAMM or, or any big evil organization, you want to, you want to like look into things and you want some accountability, you want some, some, some details.
You want to see where their funding comes from. You get this kind of response that just like completely denies any kind of accountability or, or any kind of oversight.
And it makes you a sinner for even asking for it. Like, like that's just, to me, it's, it's rampant in big
Eva. If you do any research into big Eva topics, questioning funding, questioning motives, questioning associations and stuff like that, you've seen this mentality.
And this is, we have to reject this mentality. When somebody has a mentality like this, you just have to don't give them another dime.
If this is the kind of mentality that they have, I've encountered this personally, myself with big
Eva. I've encountered how many of us have, have heard from our friend. How dare you? It's like our track record of successful ministry for years.
How dare you question him? Who do you think? I've been called a thunder puppy, all kinds of stuff for daring to even like critique some words a little bit.
I'm not even talking about hardcore, like, like, like a rebukes. I'm talking about like slight critiques of their words.
And you get the, the hammer dropped on you. Like you're some kind of an evil sinner. This, let me just read this, just jumped out at me at all.
It all is jumps out at you, but this, this, for some reason, this particular line just got me.
Cause this is how this kind of stuff is allowed to happen. Here's what Protestia says, quote, we did consider his statements and actions when confronted with similar situations in the past, most notably the
Thompson matter, several, several RZIM staff reported to us his quote, shifting narrative as emails and other relevant facts were publicly leaked.
And he was forced to explain them. Now get this, listen to this, listen to this lean in rather than fostering an environment of truth seeking and transparency,
Mr. Zacharias was strident and inflammatory. He described his critics as quote nasty people and quote lunatics who were engaged in quote satanic type slander and falsehood end quote.
Now Robbie's not here to defend himself, right? But this mentality is, it rings so true to me because so many big
Eva people have this mentality where if you criticize them, you're nasty, you're a, you're a lunatic.
And that's satanic slander. You're on the side of the accuser. And it's like, yeah, but I'm just actually trying to get your phone records.
So like we can see if these, you know, these, these nudes that were sent to you were really sent to you. Like, how about just a little oversight?
No, no, that's slanderous. And it's like, are you, are you out of your mind? It's the same thing with the, with the election stuff.
It's like, well, how dare you ask for an audit? How dare you? Who could oppose an audit? Who could oppose an audit? The only people that oppose an audit are people who are guilty as sin.
You know what I mean? How dare you? And it's not like, I'm not talking about like, like private businesses where they have like trade secrets that they might want to, you know, keep a lid on and stuff like that.
I get that. Trade secrets make sense. You know, you, you got to have private communication sometimes. Right. But this is a, this is a public nonprofit, right?
This is a public ministry. This is a public kind of a thing. You know, the same thing with the voting. It's a, this is a public, there needs to be transparency there.
Right. It's like, I just, I just don't get it. I just don't get it. It's just this mentality where it's like, that's slander.
Like slander has to actually be false though. You know what I mean? Like, and it's interesting that this is on Protestia because they get this all the time where it's like, you're just slandering brothers.
And it's like, yeah, but okay, so, so show us where we're wrong and then we'll apologize for slandering.
And the reality is that, that websites like this and then Capstone, you know, they've been wrong before. And guess what they do when they're wrong.
It's like, well, yeah, I got this one wrong. You know what I mean? I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have printed that one. You know what I mean? It's just like, anyway, but that, that jumped out at me because that, that's endemic, endemic is it endemic or pandemic, endemic to Big Eva, man.
This mentality of where you, you criticize, how dare, I've got a track record of ministry. You slander and slay
Satan as they sip their soy latte, you know, all that kind of stuff. I'm not saying, I'm not saying Robbie likes soy lattes, but you know,
Big Eva. Anyway, um, that's all I wanted to say today. The main video, like I said,
GabTV, tv .gab slash channel slash 80 Robles. Go to it to watch my video about why, if you're a
Christian, you should not yield an inch to the pagans because you don't own that inch.