Haggai 2:20-23 the might of the Messiah



Those are my favorite moments of church. I'm sorry for to disappoint anybody else. I thought that they had another favorite part
That's truly the best part right there Being able to see those little kids and have them talk is wonderful We're gonna be in Haggai chapter 2 today and Today is gonna be the last text that we have in Haggai for for our messages go
I'm sure we'll read out of it in weeks to come as We look at things and consider things and whatnot
But this is going to be the last message from the book of Haggai that we have today. So it's Haggai chapter 2 verses 20
Through 23. So before we read that text before we consider what it says, let's go ahead and just pray right now
Lord God Be glorified Lord let us know you
Lord I pray for everyone in this church today Lord in the ways that we hurt in the ways that we walk in the ways that We have difficulties and hardships
Lord I pray that your providence might be clear and that we can have faith in a God that is
Sovereign and has a plan and a purpose in all things Lord and God I pray that your light would shine in this darkness
That's before us Lord that we would we would lean evermore upon that that true light you
Jesus Christ Lord I pray that we can have a an Unconditional love for our neighbors
Lord and our community that's around us that we're so blessed to be a part of Lord. I just pray That we just know more about your goodness today
Lord. I just pray that this text today would refine us reform us bring us to a better and deeper knowledge of who you are
Lord and That's we would glorify you in the hearing and the preaching and the teaching of your word today we say this in your name
Jesus Christ. Amen. I Have absolutely loved going through the book
Haggai with everyone today And so it's a little bit of bittersweetness to read the final message for today as we look at this
But Haggai chapter 2 verse 20 through 23 says this
Then the word of Yahweh the Lord Came a second time to Haggai on the 24th day of the month saying speak to Zerubbabel governor of Judah saying
I am going to shake the heavens and the earth I Will overthrow the kings the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations
And I will overthrow the chariots and their riders and their horses and their riders will go down everyone by the sword of another on that day declares
Yahweh of hosts I Will take you Zerubbabel son of Shatil my servant
Declares Yahweh and I will make you like a signet ring
For I have chosen you declares Yahweh of hosts
Let's pray specifically over this text Lord God. I do pray that we would
Correctly and appropriately understand what you have here before us today Lord in these four verses Lord I pray that we would
Take these things that we would apply them and understand them in a way that would glorify you And that it would encourage us to know and to seek your face and to tell the world about This great
God who has shaken both heaven and earth Lord God I pray that we would be that much more understanding of what your kingdom is today and That we would look to the might of our
Messiah Jesus Christ as the one that has established this kingdom the one that has
Built an unshakable house that we are a part of Lord and God I just say these things in your name
Jesus the Christ Amen, let's talk a little bit about context here
Just as a reminder as last week we had brother Habs Addison teach us through Ephesians chapter 1 and verse chapter 2 as a as kind of a
Overlook of what takes place in that text and then the week prior to that we had Christmas And so it's been a little while since we've been in this text here before us
Haggai chapter 1 chapter 2 takes place in the years of 520 ish
BC We see in here that there's four prophecies or four letters that has been given to Haggai the prophet unto
Zerubbabel unto these different individuals into the the remnant of Israel as we would see in chapter 2 and All these things are meant to encourage it's meant to push
It's meant to be applied to the people in that day to whom they do apply and they do listen to these words and they build the temple the second temple in 516
BC after 20 years of no building or just laying a foundation and not Finishing what they had started to take in place.
This word does what it was meant to do It encourages those people it lights that fire underneath their their bottoms
They get up and they build they do what God commanded them to do And so we should see that that God in this this text and all the book of Haggai has a glorious redemptive plan
For his people. He has a glorious redemptive plan for his people
He he has set this up in such a way that there is a new number of shadows prefigures types prophecies about what he was going to do in 500 years from then and 2 ,000 years ago for us and we're gonna discuss a little bit about this
But let me read verse 9 of chapter 2 is I think that this whole book Especially what comes after verse 9 needs to be centered upon this reality
Haggai chapter 2 verse 9 the latter glory of this house So so imagine that you are again you are in that day
The foundation has been laid you've had a hardship and heartbreak and you haven't been satisfied by the works of your hands
You are seeking these things and you see the foundation and the foundation is already smaller than what the first temple was
You're discouraged. You're having a hardship of trying to understand what's before you what's coming after and does
God really have a redemptive plan? for you still and They see the small foundation and this is what
God says to them the latter glory of this house Will be greater than the former says
Yahweh of hosts and in this place. I Will give peace declares
Yahweh of hosts This is the very temple The the one that is being discussed here in the entirety book of Haggai is the very temple that Jesus himself would go in and cleanse
It's the very temple that he would point to and say I am the true vine It's the very temple of the people the
Pharisees that crucified Christ Those high priests would go into this temple that we're reading about right now
And so when we read this we need to consider what is being spoken about in this whole book
What what was the temples for? What were the priests for what were the people for they were all pointing us and bringing us about to the
Messiah? They were bringing us to the better temple to the better Messiah to the better covenant to the better, right?
That's what we've been seeing in this whole book of Hebrews for our Bible studies is that we have the better Jesus Christ And in fact in Hebrews chapter 8 through chapter 10,
I'd encourage you to go read this later It says over and over and over again that the things of this earth this temple that standing then back then 2 ,000 years ago that was a mere copy of the heavenly
It was a mere copy of the reality that we have in Christ Jesus that Christ when he ascended
He actually entered into what the reality and the substance was for those shadows the copies and So when we read in here the latter glory of this house will be greater than the former says
Yahweh of hosts and in this place I will give peace declares Yahweh. Do we ever get peace by entering any building made with human hands?
No Do we get atonement for our sins through the suffering of sacrifices other than Jesus Christ animals?
No, that only comes about in Jesus And so this whole text is saying look
Jesus is coming The Messiah is coming the might of our Savior is going to be present with us soon
Israel don't give up keep on going build this shadow build these copies because Jesus is right around the corner for you
And so when we look here in Haggai chapter 2 verse 20 through 23
This is the immediate context that is going on in here and it's speaking about a day that is somewhat near for these people
So in verse 20, it says that the word of Yahweh Came a second time to Haggai on the 24th day of the month saying so this is the fourth message that Haggai is delivering to these individuals
This is the second message that he's received this day If you look at the prior context the prior prophecy that he had received it's the same day
So this is the second one that he's receiving this day that he's giving to these people again, this is going to be the final final message from Haggai and I hope as it did back then it served as an encouragement for those people.
I Hope that it serves for an encouragement for us today. I really do That's the whole point that I wanted to go through the book of Haggai with us as a church
Was that there's some sweet things about the reality of what Christ has done for us in here So let us heed what this fourth message has for us verse 21
What I plan on doing today before I read this is I plan on reading this giving a little bit of narrative and context for Us what's going on and then
I want to go to the New Testament and see the ways that this applies directly to us So just know that that's what the plan is for today
So God says in this speak to Zerubbabel, who is this Zerubbabel?
Who is Zerubbabel? That's a constant theme that takes place all through the book of Haggai is this individual named
Zerubbabel the son of Shattail Well, this son of Zerubbabel We will talk about a little bit more in depth here most likely in verse 23
But just know that the son of Zerubbabel or the speak to Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel himself
What what line is he from in the twelve tribes of Israel? Judah Judah Where is the
Messiah prophesied about coming through which tribe? Judah we would see in the book of Revelation that the lamb that was slain comes as the lion of Judah and stands before the father on the throne that he's this lamb standing as if slain the lion of Judah So we see
Zerubbabel is the governor of Judah. He's from the tribe and lineage of Judah Okay This will be important for us to understand here in a moment
And he says in here speak saying or saying I am going to shake
The heavens and the earth now This is the second time this phrase has been used for us in the book of Haggai and as we looked at last time
How does the New Testament so whenever we apply? Text whenever we try to understand what the Bible is saying to us
We need to look and see how other authors other writers of the Bible how they applied this text and we actually have a quotation of this verse for us in the book of Hebrews We'll go there later
But just know this that the book of Hebrews applies this to today as well as 2 ,000 years ago that at the cross
Christ did something that was remarkable for the people. He did something that was remarkable now think about this now
Why would God say this to the people of Israel to 2 ,500 years ago? You see this this foundation before you you see that you've gone to the vat the wine vat and you've drawn 50 troughs
But you've only received 20 you're unsatisfied. There's there's heartbreak and disappointment everywhere around you
You're not satisfied by the work of your hands You're not bringing home the wheat from that you were thinking that you were going to receive and this temple that still lays in ruin
Is there before you you are are are shaking your your neighbors the surrounding nations?
You have more enemies than you have neighbors as this nation of Israel goes. This is hard times for the nation of Israel You just got released from captivity of Babylon and you don't know what's coming next
You might even be thinking in your head. Well, God promised this to us many many years ago. Does he still remember his promise?
Does he remember what he told us that was going to come about it's heartbreak It's it's difficulty that they see before them.
And so think about this again We talked about this the last time we talked about I'm going to shake the heavens and the earth if I said to you that I was going to lock horns with an individual
What do you guys think? I'm meaning about I'm gonna get into a fight. Maybe an argument of some kind.
It's gonna be Spectacular. It's gonna be amazing. What's taking place, right? And so this disappointed heartbroken stricken nation that sees enemies around them.
What does God tell them? What's coming is going to shake the heavens and the earth.
It's going to be remarkable nation Don't don't don't look and just see what's presently before you and lose hope for the future
What's coming is going to be great Don't forget what
I've promised to you nation Like we read about in the beginning of this book in Haggai that they are to remember the cutting of the covenant
They're to remember what God has promised to them and it's supposed to help them move forward as a nation So he's saying
I am going to do something remarkable. I'm going to shake the heavens and the earth themselves and In verse 22.
So again, this nation is surrounded right now. Israel is surrounded geographically by more enemies than they have neighbors in this day
And so this is a this is a this is a fearful type of people This is a people that don't feel secure in their houses again
They're not able to fill their bellies and their needs that they want and it says I will overthrow so God promises to them
I will overthrow thrones of kingdoms and Destroy the strengths of the kingdoms of the nations
I will overthrow chariots and their riders and the horses and their riders will go down Everyone by the sword of another
Think about this now, so you're this nation that is fearfully of living It's this nation that that's having a difficulty seeing the promise of God before them
They're worried about what their neighbors there in these other nations are going to do to them and God says to them
Don't you worry what's going to actually happen? Is that they're gonna bring about their own downfall their own sword is going to kill them
They're gonna be slain by this and you don't have anything to worry about Israel I have a plan for you
Redemptive plan and this redemptive plan is going to be far superior than anything that you can think of Israel Far better than anything that you can think of now, it doesn't take much to understand
What were the Jewish Pharisees looking for when Christ came? They were looking for this
Conquering Messiah this one that was gonna ride in the horseback with a sword and they were gonna be the mighty nation of the whole
World, right? That's what they were looking for looking for this this mighty Messiah Little did they know that this conquering
Messiah that's prophesied about right here would come about in swaddling clothes Little did they know that it was going to be this all -powerful all -knowing all -present and God dwelling amongst them
That was going to bring about this great redemptive plan of salvation through his very own death
Little did they know that little did they know that that's what this text is still pointing towards So it says in here that these other kingdoms not not you as an as an as a nation of Israel You won't be destroyed, but these other nations will fall by their own hands.
They will go down their horse riders They will fall off of them. Essentially. They will be killed by the sword of another and in verse 23 says this on that day
Declares Yahweh of hosts. This will be the last time the second to last time that we see that term Yahweh of hosts applied on that day declares
Yahweh of hosts I Will take you Zerubbabel son of Shattai My servant declares
Yahweh And I will make you like a signet ring for I have chosen you declares
Yahweh of hosts What does this text mean? Did this ever take place in the day of Zerubbabel?
It didn't so this seems kind of strange to God's promise failed And if it didn't take place to the to the son of Shattai el -zerubbabel did it fail?
Absolutely, not. This is prophesying about something that is going to come about Listen to this again on that day declares
Yahweh of hosts I will take you Zerubbabel son of Shattai el -zerubbabel my servant my servant my servant my servant
This is common language that is used all throughout the Old Testament You know who it's always prophesying about you should go and read
Isaiah 53 and see you are my servant whom I have chosen And it's prophesying about Jesus Christ Jesus Christ has prophesied about by being the seed of Abraham right that in Abraham in him in Abraham all the nations would be blessed
We see this language over and over and over again that in this individual in this individual in this seed and this promise
The Messiah is going to come my servant whom I have chosen. It's prophesying and pointing us to the
Christ Now Zerubbabel who is Zerubbabel as we have mentioned before and in passing in Matthew chapter 1
We would read that Zerubbabel is the great -great -great -grandfather of whom? Jesus Christ so in Zerubbabel His servant has been chosen in Zerubbabel The seed is going to come about that God has not forgotten his promise that he made to Abraham that in Abraham all the nations would be blessed because Zerubbabel is an offspring of Abraham himself
What tribe is he from? Judah what day is he living in he's living in a day where he was just recently released from captivity
Now let's think about this for a moment longer What does it mean when it says
I will make you like a signet ring so in that day
Kings Would often have Symbols rings that they would wear that would show their power
Right, so I have a ring on today and what would take place is that they would take some wax and they would imprint
Their their signet their symbol of their authority in that wax and it would send letters off or they would do that We'd even see that in Daniel chapter 6 when when
Daniel is put into the lions then that Nebuchadnezzar goes with his signet ring
And he stamps it saying that this is by my own authority. This is my authority that's done this
Right, we see that often in the in the Old Testament Well, the grandfather of Zerubbabel had some language that was said to him as well.
Let's go to Jeremiah chapter 22 here Jeremiah chapter 22 Verses 24 through 25.
We might just read a little bit more around it just for helping us understand this but Jeremiah chapter 22 verse 24 through 25
Jeremiah chapter 22 verse 24 through 25 this just in context goes
This is prior to the captivity in a Babylon. This is prior to those things 24 through 25
So it says in here as I live declares Yahweh declares the
Lord Even though Kona the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah were a signet
Ring on my right hand. So God's saying I have this signet ring on my right hand
So this is symbolic language of authority that it's speaking that God's authority was in for this person
This king of Judah back in this day. It then says it's on my right hand yet.
I would pull you off So God just told these people this individual you were my signet ring my authority here
I'm going to actually pull you off my right hand. Is that a good thing?
That's just been told to him This is bad This is not good
And in verse 25, I will give you over into the hand of those who are seeking your life
So he takes his signet ring and he sets it over to the hand of these kingdoms Says you're you're over there now
Into the hand of those whom you dread even to the hand of Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon and into the hand of the
Chaldeans So the signet ring has been given to the
Babylonians What takes place in this day they get conquered they get taken into captivity
So now fast forward 150 years or so we now go to Haggai in chapter 2 and what is the promise now made?
to Zerubbabel the grandson of the individual that spoken of in this text the one that was like a
Signet ring on God's right hand that was taken off and removed and given to the hand of another He is now saying
Zerubbabel this Davidic Kingdom line this line of Judah.
I have a plan for you Zerubbabel I am going to make you the signet ring
I'm going to take what was lost and I'm going to put it back on Zerubbabel and I have a plan that's coming for you
This is remarkable when we understand that it's his grandfather That was like the signet ring that was taken off.
Now. The signet ring has been put back on On that day
Claire's declares Yahweh of hosts I will take you Zerubbabel son of Shattah ill my servant declares
Yahweh and I will make you a Make my I will make you like a signet ring for I have chosen you
Declares Yahweh of hosts now think about this for a moment Was it the Zerubbabel son of Shattah ill that is choosing
God that's choosing him saying you are going to make me like this God No, this is
God's plan that's taking place in this We're living out his history his story and it says that I will make you
I have chosen you Zerubbabel To be the signet ring for me to be this this picking back up what was lost in the day of your grandfather
I've chosen you So now let's let's consider this There's there's been several things that have been mentioned here in this text that I really
Want us to pay attention of and glorify God through we see in here that there is a shaking of the heavens and the earth
We're gonna read Hebrews chapter 12 here in a little bit But first I want you to consider this
Colossians chapter 1 verse 15 through 22 Colossians chapter 1
Colossians chapter 1 verse 15 through 22
So this is speaking about the Christ and I wanted to back up and read a multitude of these verses to Emphasize the fulfillment of who
Christ is in this text verse 15 Who is the image of the invisible
God the firstborn of all creation for in him? all things were created both in the heavens and on earth both visible and invisible whether thrones or Dominions or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him and He is before all things and in him all things are held together
He is the head of the body the church Who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead so that he himself will have come to have first place in everything?
for in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile all things
To himself having made peace through his blood on his of his cross through him whether things on earth or things in Heaven and though you were formerly alienated and enemies in mind and in evil deeds but now he has reconciled you in the body of his flesh through death in order to present you before him holy and blameless and beyond reproach the
Jewish people 2 ,000 years ago Couldn't recognize Christ as the fulfillment of all things
In this text it says that he has reconciled everything in heaven and on earth
Through what how did he make this peace as we read the latter temple of the latter? Glory of this temple will be greater than the first for I will give you peace in verse 9 of Haggai chapter 2
It says that we have peace through his blood and then he's reconciled things in heaven and on earth and that all authority and all
Power has been given to him in this text The shaking of the heavens and the earth
Is found there in the cross It's found in the cross.
That is the most remarkable thing This is the the glory of what Christ and God has been speaking about since the beginning is that the
Messiah the promised seed is Going to be a conquering Messiah as far as he's going to crush the very head of the serpent and That you the enemies me the enemy
Who is a part of these other kingdoms are going to be shaken and we're gonna fall and we're gonna be planted upon the unshakable kingdom
We're gonna read about that here in a moment But let know this that Christ has reconciled things in heaven and things on earth
Ephesians chapter 2, let's read this next Ephesians chapter 2 verses 1 through 6
Again speaking about us It says and you were dead in your transgressions and sin in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world
According to the ruler of the power of the air. Is this ruler of the power of the air still active today? Absolutely Absolutely.
He is But you who were formerly walking like this have now had something happen to you
It says among whom we also formerly conducted ourselves in the lust of our flesh Doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature children of wrath even as the rest
But God being rich in his mercy because of his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our transgressions made us alive together with Christ by grace you have been saved and Raising us up with him.
He seated us in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus you me
We used to be a part of the power of the air we used to be a part of that kingdom
Formally walked in the power of that air But we've had a conquering
Messiah not one that had came with a physical sword But one that has cut our very deep and has brought about a redemption far greater than anything that we could have fathomed
He shook both heavens and earth. I Messiah this conquering
King that has saved you and I who were dead in our sins Ephesians chapter 2 just with a few verses later in verse 19 through 22.
It says this So then you are no longer Strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the
Saints and are of God God's household having been built upon the Foundation of the apostles and prophets
Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone in whom the whole building being joined together
Is growing into a holy sanctuary in the Lord in whom you are also being built together into a dwelling place of God in the
Spirit The latter glory of this house will be far greater
Than the past I'm quoting from the book of Haggai right our our chief cornerstone.
He is the foundation before us He is that foundation and we are being built up as the church upon whom upon him
This is remarkable. So we understand heaven and earth. We understand conquering King. We understand the foundation is
Christ Let us now read Hebrews chapter 12. We're gonna go and read a few verses out of Hebrews now
Hebrews chapter 12 verse 18 and Verse 22 through 24.
We'll just read partial of Hebrews chapter 12 verse 18 here Hebrews chapter 12 verse 18
For you have not come to a mountain that can be touched
Old Testament mountains were always signified as kingdoms You have not come to a mountain that you can be touched in verse 22 through 24
But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the
Living God The heavenly Jerusalem and to myriads of angels to the festival gathering and assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect and to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled bud
Which speaks what's the word that we talked about in the book of Hebrews every single Bible study better Which speaks better than the blood of Abel?
It speaks better than that very first blood that was spilt many many many years ago I want to now continue to read in verses 25 through 29.
I want to make note of these things See to it that you do not refuse him who is speaking for if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth much less will we escape who turn away from him who warns up from heaven and His voice shook the earth then this is speaking of the day of Moses when the whole mountain before them shook
Says his voice shook the earth then but now this is a current thing.
He has promised Saying yet once more I will in the shake not only the earth but also the heaven.
Where did that just quote from? Haggai chapter 2 now, this is expression yet once more indicates the removing of those things
Which can be shaken as I've created things so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain therefore since we are
Therefore since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken
Let us show gratitude by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and offer
Our God is an all -consuming fire It's a consuming fire
Think about this when you win I've never done this before but you've gone gold panning or you've seen it done before you you go and you you dip
The the pan and the dirt in the water and you shake it right and why do you shake it?
What's the purpose of the shaking of that that gold pan? You're separating the dirt from the gold.
You're separating those things It says in here that the shaking that it's being spoken of is speaking of that which is created so that we
Can see and recognize the thing which cannot be shaken the thing that remains
And what is that thing that remains it's speaking of the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven
When we look here on all these verses that we have read We see in this
That Christ has reconciled things both in the heaven and on earth what he has done 2 ,000 years ago is far more remarkable than what even the
Jews 2 ,000 years ago thought could be done It's far more better than anything that you can
I could ever conceive and it took place there on the cross That through his blood we have been have this peace
We have entered into this better temple this better city this better Mountain and this is all because we have entered into a better covenant that has been offered by the better blood and It has been done.
So by the better mediator Jesus Christ Himself and because of this we have entered into a kingdom that cannot be shaken
So when you go to Haggai chapter 2 and you see in here That God is promising that in Zerubbabel the son of Shattail that he is going to bring about this this making him a signet ring
And you go to Matthew and you read why does Matthew even start out with genealogy? It's teaching that Christ has a significant purposeful plan for the people of Israel That it's going to be through this lineage through this road that the might of the
Messiah is going to come and he is going to conquer and he did conquer if you don't see yourself today as The ones that were at war with God and he has defeated you
He has conquered you and he has taken you captive in this way He's released you from that kingdom and he's put you underneath the feet of himself
You don't understand what the Messiah was 2 ,000 years ago for us He was not just this weak
Messiah that just happened to bring about the redemption of man No This is the most purposeful plan that we could ever see and it's the most wonder with wonderful plan that we could ever think about and it's one that is
So Remarkable that we must say that this is something that shook the heavens and the earth.
It was that great It was that great Brothers and sisters
Let's finish on this in Knowing that we worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords the mighty
Messiah that has come and has conquered you and I And he's coming again
He's coming again Upon which we say Lord Jesus come quickly
Let us pray Lord God, I do. Thank you for the opportunity and time It has been going through this entire book of Haggai and seeing week after week after week you promising
Coming Lord and we thank you for this coming that you you have you've came and you've ransom. You've broken down and You've built us up Lord And Lord, I thank you so much for being a part of this.
Holy heavenly temple that we have here and Lord I pray that as we go out into this world that we can recognize you and all that we do and that we can tell
All those that are in under the heavens and those that are of the earth here with us today Lord That you are
King and that you deserve to be recognized You deserve to be feared
You deserve to be professed with her with her mouth and our hearts God Be glorified in our final singing today and be known that much more better and that more it's more intimately in our lives