The Perpetual Battle of Worship Music

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In our study of ecclesiology, we took time to look at the subject of worship music and how this has been. point of great contention in recent church history.


You'll note that on your lesson handouts that I had been giving you, we had an outline for ecclesiology, the study of the church, and the outline had included, well I have it here, the outline had included what is the church, church structure, church leadership, church membership, church worship was the last one we did, remember worship? I said in that lesson that I was going to do a part two on worship to deal specifically with music and I was supposed to do that last week, I was out of town preaching in Ocala, I was driving back, I was ready to do it, I actually wrote this lesson while I was in Ocala in the hotel room when the kids went to bed and Jennifer was asleep, I stayed up late preparing to come back and then on the way back Hope got sick and so I called Brother Andy and like a champ he was ready to go and so he led last week the whole lesson and I do appreciate that Brother, you being able to pick up the whole time at a moment's notice.
So this is what we were supposed to do last week but again I was out.
Tonight we're going to talk about the subject of worship music and I'd like for you to turn your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 5 and in Ephesians chapter 5 go to verse 18 and we're going to read verses 18 to 21.
Verse 18 says and do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery but be filled with the spirit addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
That is our passage for the evening to get us started on talking about the battle of worship music and I've entitled tonight's lesson the perpetual battle of worship music and if you are not familiar with why I would title it that way I would say that you probably have never been in worship leadership because if you've ever had to lead worship then you will know it is a perpetual battle.
From people being unwilling to go to a church which does not play their favorite song to people who believe all modern music is ungodly or demonic to people who believe there's only one type of music and that's the hymns I know and love it is a constant battle.