The Perpetual Battle of Worship Music

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You'll you'll note that on your Lesson handouts that I had been giving you we had an outline for ecclesiology the study of the church and the outline had included Well, I have here the outline had included What is the church church structure church leadership church membership church worship was the last one we did Remember worship and I said in that lesson that I was going to do a part two on worship To deal specifically with music and I was supposed to do that last week.
I was out of town preaching in Ocala.
I was driving back I was ready to do it I actually wrote this lesson while I was in Ocala in the hotel room when the kids went to bed and Jennifer was asleep I stayed up late Preparing to come back and then on the way back hope got sick And so I called brother Andy and like a champ He was ready to go and so he led last week the whole lesson and I do appreciate that brother you being able to pick Up the whole the whole time at a moment's notice So this is what we were supposed to do last week.
But again, I was out Tonight we're going to talk about the subject of worship music and I'd like for you to turn in your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 5 And in Ephesians chapter 5 go to verse 18 We're going to read verses 18 to 21 Verse 18 says and do not get drunk with wine for that is debauchery But be filled with the spirit Addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs Singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ That is our passage for the evening To get us started on talking about the battle Worship music and I've entitled tonight's lesson the perpetual battle of worship music and If you are not familiar with why I would title it that way I would say that you probably have never been in Worship leadership because if you've ever had to lead worship, then you will know it is a perpetual battle From people being unwilling to go to a church, which is not play their favorite song to people who believe all modern music is ungodly or Demonic to people who believe there's only one type of music and that's the hymns.
I know and love it is a constant battle recently my wife Had a situation on Facebook where and and I don't know how many of you are on Facebook on Facebook There's groups that you can join and we've joined some local groups like the Ocean Way group the San Mateo group Those are the neighborhoods that we live in and sometimes people in those groups will say do you have a church? to recommend So we'll recommend no, we'll recommend this one We recommend our church and my wife Recommended our church and Amy Fraser recommended our church couple of people that were on the same group all recommended the same church and about five Minutes later the lady changed her post She said looking for a church.
No Calvinists King James only hymns Only so I knew she weren't looking for us It was three she had three criteria.
We didn't meet none of them So that apparently I guess she went looked at our website and realized They're not the church.
I want to go to but the thing and and you know, I understand the King James only argument I don't agree with it But you know Some people are convicted about that certainly understand the difference between Calvinism and non-Calvinism and I understand that But the one that always gets me is when people say I only want to go to a church that sings Hymns now, I will tell you this I did a I recorded a podcast y'all remember John Mercer John Mercer used to be our music leader.
He came up here and we did an hour and a half Conversation on worship music.
It's going to be out next week on the podcast because this week is all Reformation stuff So the the lesson tonight will have an additional hour and a half if you want to go listen to two guys who both led Worship talk about this subject because again time is limited tonight.
I don't want to make this a two or three part lesson so so we talked a little bit about this passage about what the difference between a hymn and a Spiritual song and a psalm and how to understand those words and we talked a little bit about Modern music and and and some of the differences, but one of the things that he pointed out and I thought was really interesting Was the idea of the the hymn itself as Not really being a form of music as as much as it is a simply a description of a song of praise and he made the point in The ancient world there were hymns that were written to the Caesars singing praises to the Caesars and there were Praises that were written to the false gods of the of the Romans and the false god of the Greeks and what the word him Means is a song of praise so in that sense You could put all of our Christian music under the category of hymn If so long as it is a song that is intended to praise God And so when we say when a church when somebody says well, I only want a church that does hymns, okay How do you define? him because most people when they define him they're not thinking so much of a type of song as much as they are talking about a window of time like for instance victory in Jesus I Heard an old old story How a Savior came from glory? Remember that song Would that really be a hymn? in the classic sense of Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty That we would classify generally as a hymn but victory in Jesus I Would classify more in the realm of a country or a folk song I've heard an old old story sounds more like a folk song or what we might say southern gospel song If we were if we were talking style, right But most people who think hymns, they're fine with victory in Jesus Because they know it Because it's been around it's cut its teeth.
It's it's grown up So that's one of the things that is really interesting because the reason for the war of worship songs typically is more about personal preference of style Than it is about the actual songs themselves So tonight I want to talk about the importance of worship music I want to talk about The value of music because I really think music is so important I've now this is we're coming up on a year of me being the leader of the worship team You know we had Devon Steve that was before me and then brother Jim was here for many years before before them and and then John was more you guys were James Harper.
He was the worst leader back and then we had Who was who was his grandfather? James's grandfather because his grandmother played the organ I think is come on.
I'm looking at two three.
Who is it Pat Ralph? Thank you.
Yeah, I know I know Andy doesn't know But there was brother Ralph so I mean we could go back and we could say, you know, we've had eight or ten Worship leaders and it just so happens that at this point.
I'm the one leading and over the last year.
I've learned a lot One I've learned that not all of y'all sing Because I'll be out there singing and I'll look out and some of y'all are You're waiting for the song to end.
Oh Now stepping on toes now, I'm getting to it am I being offensive I'm not trying to be it's true Not everybody sings God has called us to sing In fact, this passage is proof, right? we're to we're to to to speak to one another in songs and hymns and spiritual songs and We are to Be a singing people.
I want to read to you from Matt Matt Boswell's book doxology and theology says this quote when the church is gathered together in the name of God Only singing which glorifies him is appropriate.
We don't sing corporately because it was our idea We sing because it was God's idea for his people since it is God who has commanded us to sing It is God who will also determine what kinds of songs we sing We are to sing to him and for him our songs are not meant to be entertainment or a distraction from God.
I That's really the issue right one we make songs about us when we're like, well, I like this song I don't like this song It's all about this.
It becomes about me More so than what glorifies God.
That's that's one.
But also When we think about who we're singing to and what we're singing for we're singing because God is is worthy to be glorified God is worth it.
You say I don't like singing You know what I don't like playing tea party either but when my seven-year-old pulls out the tea party stuff She's worth it.
That makes sense.
I Don't like getting down on the floor It's hard to get up past 40 things are getting tough But when my five-year-old boy wants me to sit on the floor.
I Sit on the floor because he's worth it All right, so don't tell me I don't like to sing it ain't about us If God calls us to sing it shouldn't be about whether or not we like to sing And it shouldn't necessarily be about whether or not we're a good singer It's not about being the best singer, but here's the thing I learned I will tell you this For those of you who don't know I've had a very musical history and I was seven years in the band I was the band captain my senior year.
I was four years in chorus.
I did I did solos in Pocahontas I did solos in Greece.
I was I was really a nerd in high school But I did love music and I was a part of all the musical things and I learned this When you sing solos, not everybody's a soloist But when you sing as a group everybody can sing Because the song blends us together and Every voice comes together to make that joyful sound So when you say well, I can't sing when nobody's asking you to get up and lead Nobody's asking you to get up and be the soloist.
We don't even do a whole lot of solos here I can't remember the last time we did a solo here and you know why by the way in case you ever wonder why? Because I do believe worship music is corporate I think it's meant to be a group activity Now I'm not saying we would never do a solo but in general worship is meant to be participatory and Therefore we generally don't do solos.
We might one day.
I'm not saying it's a sin or wrong It's just a lot of churches you go to there's always three songs and then somebody's gonna do a special Right, or maybe you're gonna do four specials Because it's four people that want to sing and Oftentimes what happens is that becomes very me me me centered, right? I want to do my special and sister Sarah wants to do her special and sister You know brother brother Jerry wants to his special or whoever they and it all it becomes about the special in fact a lot of contemporary musicians If you ever listen to their stories, yeah I don't know if you've ever seen American Idol or any of those shows where they'll come out.
They always say I got my start in Church Britney Spears Got her start in church Yeah, I know look at her now Who's that one girl a father's a pastor? Big time big name forget her name Katy Perry big time singer Always because the church that's why I don't you know, that's why we don't call our chancel a stage.
I Make a big deal about that The chancel is where we preach the Word of God, it's a platform for preaching God's Word and leading God's people in worship, but it's not a stage and And some of you know, well, you're just you're stuck in the past using those old words.
No, I'm not stuck It's not about that It's for me.
It keeps me from thinking I'm up here to perform.
I Don't get up there to perform.
I God's people to the throne of glory and worship together before the throne.
That's the goal And I believe music is important because it Brings us to the word Why do we sing before we preach? Because the music is putting us in that place where we're ready to hear the word where we're we're in our hearts bowing the knee Preparing ourselves.
What do we do? We sing we pray then we hear the word Right, and we're it's it's all about bringing us to that place where we're ready to be with God and his Word and hear from his Word And we've spent a lot of time thinking about what we're singing How is this bringing the people to this place? We don't just haphazardly throw things together I'm honestly Sunday night.
I am preparing the next Sunday I'm thinking the text I'm going to preach The direction we're going to go because I expose to a creature So I know what text we're going to be in but what's the direction of the text taking us? What's the these the thesis idea of the text therefore? What should we sing? What what will bring us to the point where we're this week I'm preaching My every four-year sermon every four years.
I preach the same sermon.
God will still be on his throne Wednesday Isaiah 45 if you want to prepare your hearts for Sunday read Isaiah 45 because I'm going to preach particularly verse 18, but it will be an overview of the entire chapter God raising up the king and Proclaiming by prophecy his position a hundred and fifty years before he was ever alive amazing prophecy and So that's what we're going to look at God is the one who raises up kings and presidents And we have to be reminded of that and I I want us to be reminded and we're going to sing some songs I mean, we don't normally sing We're going to sing mine eyes have seen the glory a Lot of people think of that as a patriotic hymn, but it's really not It's not about America.
It's about the glory of God Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord He is trampled down to vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored He is loose to faithful lightning of his terrible swift sword.
His truth is marching on And that's coming after the sermon we're going to we're going to sing that to remind us God's truth will march on Whoever is president Christ is King and His truth will continue so with that being said I want to make another point for those who are taking notes if you want to write this down Not only is music important in that it brings us to the throne of God and it has that Purpose in the worship Music also has a catechizing quality.
That's kind of a weird word I'll write it for you The word catechizing Comes from the word catechism and a catechism is a technique of learning which was very What it has a strong historical pedigree in the Christian Church where a person learns by memorizing my children learn We we give them the catechism.
I forget which one I think we're using the the Baptist catechism, but it's a It's in a book we bought it's it's for children So it's a it's a basic version of the Baptist catechism and it you know, the first question is who is God? No, no who made you God? What else did God make God made all things? You know that that's the that's how basic it is, but it gets even further But what's funny is like it says what's one of the questions hope answered? It's so good the other day because it said it said can you see God? It says no, I cannot see God, but he always sees me that's one of the questions and the answer and the other day hope was interacting with Jennifer on something totally irrelevant and Hope said to Jennifer.
She says why can't I see God and hope said what does the catechism say? And she says God is spirit because that's what it says.
Why can't I see guys? So she thought back to what she remembered, okay God is spirit and Then she said and he always sees me She remembered from the catechism and he always sees me so catechisms were intended to memorize Facts about scripture and about God they have a very important value a Lot of people think of them as Catholic, but the Reformers all used catechism So don't don't tie catechism and Catholic together do Catholics have catechism yes But so did the Reformers But when I say music had a catechizing value what I mean is this you will remember a song Much more than you will remember what I preach You may remember one or two things that I say in a sermon, but you'll go home singing the song and therefore this this becomes an impetus to choose good songs Because if the people are going to remember it you you better give them the good stuff Right that that's that's part of it Colossians 316 you can write that down you don't have to turn there But this is what it says it says let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly Teaching and admonishing one another in wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs same phrase he uses Ephesians With thankfulness in your heart to God, but notice what he says in that case He says teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs So not only are psalms and hymns a way to encourage one another But it's also to teach There's a teaching quality to So this is why music must be theologically accurate no matter where we land on hymns versus contemporary music or Whether we sing this one or that one.
It's it's got to be right You know this This is this is really where the rubber meets the road on all this because The big issue today is whether or not we should sing songs written by certain artists Because there are churches that have gone into apostasy Bethel Church is an apostate church.
I say that without any fear of correction I know brother Rob would agree with me sister.
I've seen you know supposed from him the Bethel's gone Cuckoo, they're cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
They are out the door new apostolic reform And by the way, that's a theological term cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
They're they're off and So Bethel is is so far out and then you have Elevation which is led by a man named Stephen Furtick.
They're off the reservation There's a hilt song Which I don't think was always really bad But it's definitely gone the way of the new apostolic Reformation Especially in the last several years and so the big question then is well should we sing songs written by those people? That's another thing John and I talked about in the podcast Because we sort of disagree on that but it was a good healthy back and forth Because I tend to shy away from those songs.
I tend to say if it's written by those churches.
I prefer not to He doesn't feel the same way and that's part of why we had that interaction because we can respectfully disagree But the at the end of the day though what really matters is what it says Because there are some songs in our hymn book that you all would love But were written by heretics when peace like a river Attendeth my way when sorrows like sea billows roll Right.
It is well, you know the song That man fell into grand apostasy does that make the song bad Mean we shouldn't sing it So that so that's a question, right? That does lead to some other things.
How about the Wesley's? I mean, they were hardcore Arminians and a lot of the songs in the hymn book a lot of the songs we love were written by men who believed in a second blessing sinless perfectionism a lot of Kooky kooky stuff.
In fact, I would say this you can trace the Pentecostal Church back to the Wesleyan holiness movement and so a lot of the You know special sauce of the kooky stuff has has come, you know fruit of the poisonous tree So now we have to start really thinking What really matters I think I think the main thing that matters is what the song says Can we have a discussion about who wrote it? Yes.
Should that be part of the discussion? Yes What really matters is what the song says? Yes, dear Two months later Find out yes Yeah, God's truth is or all truth is God's truth right belongs to him Sure, and that's the other point right is when someone says well if it's in the hymn book, it's good The problem is which hymn book Because there are there are hymn books that are exclusive psalm today.
I remember mentioned this a few weeks ago What is exclusive psalm today only the Psalms? Right.
We have two new songs.
Our worship team is working on Psalm 46 and Psalm 119 or Psalm 139 It's two songs that are the Psalms but modern language written for Modern modern hearers, but it's Psalms.
I love that.
I want to do more of that I want to bring more of the Psalms into our preaching but some people think that's all you can do is Psalms and I think that Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3 Was it it was Colossians 3, right? Yeah, Colossians 3 I think they allow for more than just the Psalms because it says speak to each other in Psalms and Therefore adding hymns and spiritual songs but Some people argue.
Well, he's just saying it the same way same thing three ways.
I don't necessarily agree with that We could have that conversation another time Think of how many wonderful songs though have been written and think of this if you sing only the Psalms only the Psalms You will never mention the cross.
You'll never mention the name of Jesus Christ you'll never mention those things by name because those things were After the Psalms were written and I do think that that is a thing to be considered But then there's another question and that is the question of not necessarily What song you sing? But how you sing it Some people make a very big issue Not of what the song is But of how it is played.
I brought my Guitar tonight Because I wanted to talk about this very thing.
All right, so everybody sing Amazing Grace Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now Was blind but now I see All right, you all know that Like me Did anything change Yeah, I Changed it to a minor chord a minor chord If you're not familiar with music major chords tend to sound very bright like this is that E minor or E major But an E minor has a has a diminished sound See the difference it sounds that's a major It's a minor Right, and when you play a minor it sounds very different So all I did was put it in a minor chord and it changes the whole feel of the song And some people would say that's wrong You've you have you've taken something beautiful and you've made it ugly You've ruined it forever And and and that is honestly often how we feel I watched a video the other day about a guy or of a guy who was arguing that Where you put the beat on? the on the note Determines whether or not it's godly or not.
Have you heard this brother? Okay, you ever heard of Bill Gothard? Okay, you know who that guy is.
All right.
Well, this is one of the arguments that was made It's like what's that song Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so that's putting the emphasis on one and three and he said that's the godly way He said the ungodly way would be Jesus loves me this side.
No He said cuz that sounds like hip-hop and that's bad So this is argument.
He said because the the two and the four are Syncopated that's what's called syncopation rather than putting the emphasis on the one and the three By putting the emphasis on the two and the four you're creating a syncopated beat He made this this long argument about how it creates feelings of Trance-like behavior and how it can turn people into mindless zombies.
I Think I disagree But you see though I'll give you an example there's a guy by the name of shy Lin Shy Lin is a it's a Christian hip-hop artist.
He is a rapper and he writes rap but he writes it for Reformed lyrics and His he's written songs about irresistible grace.
He's written songs about total depravity.
He's written songs.
It's about false teachers and He names them by name Don't listen to Oh Steve.
Don't listen to Paula white don't let he like names them off and you may not like rap but That sounds good It's nailing them to the wall now again We're we're kind of away from the concept of what we use for worship necessarily But you understand I think that there's something to be said for the idea of the difference between worship music and worship lyrics.
I think worship music can change depending on the culture of The people that you are in so for instance if I were to go to China or to Africa The culture of music would be different But the words would still be right and accurate and true and therefore when somebody says well I don't like the way the music sounds that is almost always cultural more so than it is biblical However, there are biblical song or biblical reasons to reject certain songs and I'm going to give you a few thoughts about a few songs and I even gave you a hymn book tonight.
I thank you Nicole for helping me because if you'll give me an extra five minutes I actually want to do something fun with you, but I'm gonna give you four songs that I don't like and I'm gonna give you the reason why I don't have the page numbers though so you won't be able to look it up, but I want you to look up maybe you have a song you like and we're gonna look at it, but The first one is called and can it be? Anybody know that one? And can it be? Was written by Charles Wesley.
I want you to listen to this verse and tell me what you think of this verse speaking of Christ 250 okay, maybe I want to look it up page 250 All right it begins He left his father's throne above y'all see that I'm not sure where it is in the song.
I'm not looking.
I'm looking at my page Second verse he left his father's throne above so free so infinite his grace emptied himself of all but love and bled for Adam's helpless race Anybody notice something wrong with that Okay There is a doctrine called the doctrine of kenosis And it talks about Christ Divesting himself of his glory when he came to the earth But Christ did not divest himself of his divinity He did not Divest himself of his nature as God He did not divest himself of all but love Therefore Wesley got wrong and This song causes us to sing something that would not be true Theologically, this is huge problem You may not see it like I see it But this is a problem because it's teaching us something that's not true about God And about Christ now, here's one that's going to cause y'all to maybe get mad at me Look up he lives No, I know I don't get mad at me because I'm You want you just listen to my argument before you throw the tomatoes It's been a while Brother Andy my getting too close to the toes All right, so what we got it I Serve a risen Savior.
He's in the world today.
I know that he is living.
No, no, whatever men may say I see his hand of mercy.
I hear his Voice of cheer and just the time I need him.
He's always Near he lives.
He lives Christ.
Jesus lives today.
He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way He lives he lives salvation to impart you asked me how I know he lives He lives within my heart, how do you know Christ lives because the word says so The song places the knowledge of God's Savior Raising as a subjective thing not an objective thing.
I Think that's a I think that's a huge deal for me.
It's a huge deal I do not think that we should say to someone, you know, how Jesus lives.
He lives in my heart.
No Jesus lives because he is the word says something not because because what if he didn't live in your heart, but that mean he didn't live It's not subjective it is objective now you may take issue with my my argument on this but this is one of the songs that I'm not a huge fan of because I think it places the places the resurrection of Christ into the realm of the Subjective rather than the realm of the object I'm not saying you can't sing and I'm not saying we won't ever sing And I'm just saying this is one of those times where I think this song says something that isn't as Clear as we should be now.
Here's go ahead Everybody has to be fully persuaded in their own mind And I think we gotta be careful that the reason why we will sing or not sing is because we're convicted Not because someone else does Yeah Yeah, again, I'm giving you my opinion on these things I think that a lot of this is subjective a lot of it comes down to that kind of thing But let me ask you this.
These are not in the book.
So you don't have to turn your pages anymore There's a song that came out very recently It is called reckless love And it goes all the never-ending Overwhelming reckless love of God That's the name of the song now a lot of people really like that the same way you really like that last one we just think But could our preference not be because we grew up singing that last one, but we didn't grow up singing the other one And I would say this I don't like reckless love either Because I think it says something about God's love that makes God seem capricious.
I Don't think that it really describes.
God is not a reckless God.
He is a purposeful and and Almighty sovereign so I don't like reckless love as a song.
That's why we haven't sung that one We've sung he lives, but we have not sung reckless love here Um, miss Charlotte miss Charlene you you brother Rod does he who leads the worship of Charles Church? Okay, so but is there somebody at the front at least who chooses the song I guess is what I'm saying Okay, this has he ever come across any of this and had to deal with like reckless loves and they ever asked to play this song Yeah Absolutely That's it, that's right Exactly Absolutely Absolutely, I didn't mean to call you out like that But I think I just you you being from brother Ross Church.
Sometimes I like to hear how other people do it I want to mention this though.
There's another one.
How many of you have ever heard the song? Oh how he loves us another new one That's another thing that's hard too, but it starts with this he is jealous for me Loves like a hurricane.
I am the tree I'm making the face because it really gets strange but it gets even stranger later when it says so heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss and Turns my heart violently inside my chest Now again, some people find great emotion in that.
I I think it's too sloppy for me The sloppy wet kiss is a little more sloppy than I want to get personally.
So Is that song necessarily wrong some would say it's objectively wrong should not sing that song I Think that there is some arguments that can be made here.
Here are basically three things to consider Number one, I think we should be careful with songs that make Jesus sound more like a girlfriend than a savior.
I Then to your Savior it doesn't to me Seem like a worship song.
It seems more like the type of love man to woman rather than Worship her to God.
So I call those the Jesus is my girlfriend song So I try to avoid those the second one is I do take issue somewhat with the extremely repetitive Now I have to consider this the angels around the throne of God say, holy, holy, holy all day long So there is some benefit to repetition and some of our old hymns have some repetition built in but some of the songs are repetitiously Almost to the point of annoyance Hypnotic there.
Yes, I Don't have the video to show you but there's a song and I think it was Hill song that did it It may have been maybe a Bethel, but they sang a song that it went Listen to the rhythm the rhythm of heaven Listen to the rhythm the rhythm of heaven Listen to the rhythm the rhythm and they did it like ten minutes and then at one point she goes I want to hear your heartbeat like she did this one like part and then right back to listen to the rim I tell you what It was more than I could take just watching the video it was just yes Okay, but you know That's right 7-eleven, yeah, it's over and over and over it's It's and again, I don't mind repetition But I think that there is a there is a certain sense in which it is intended like what you said brother It becomes intended to create a hypnotic effect.
That song is hypnotic the one I was just playing just tapping if you listen to it She's playing the keyboard and and I can see it almost like a trance and the people around her are Behaving like they're in a trance.
And so I think one Jesus is my girlfriend.
I think we have to be careful with that to extremely repetitive songs and three songs that are theologically Vapid What that means is that even though they may be correct They don't say anything.
I have to be careful with this one because I I like a few songs that don't say a lot But they just really say something But it's not a lot This was my issue.
I'll give you a song and don't you throw those tomatoes? This is an old one.
I'm Not a big fan of in the garden Only because it doesn't say much in The garden In the garden Jack don't get mad at me I didn't say you I didn't and we might do in the garden.
I'm not saying it's wrong.
I just say it doesn't say a whole lot It seems to be very focused on me.
By the way worship songs will always be focused one of four ways It'll either be to God or about God to God is How great thou art how great thou art that's to God but about God would be something to the effect of great How great is our God? Right, both of those are about God's greatness But once once to God once about God and then there are songs that are to us and about us Onward Christian soldiers, that's to us Still godly, but it's you're telling you're giving the command to go right? So so that's so and then there are songs that are about us amazing grace.
How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like Me right, so it's it's so it's got there's so So that's kind of like how you break it down, right? And a lot of the songs a lot of the newer songs are about me I don't like the the me me me stuff.
There was one song Jesus put mama on the line That was but that wasn't a that wasn't a contemporary song that was an old southern gospel song Jesus I'm calling up put mama on the line Wow, I mean, you know Can you imagine Jesus I don't want to talk to you I want to talk to mama, you know, so So that would I would say that's theologically inaccurate, but that but the theologically vapid There are a few songs that just don't say anything You know back in the 70s when the Jesus movement, you know the Jesus people Jesus Jesus, whoa Jesus Jesus.
Yeah, Jesus Jesus.
Yeah What's that? What is it it's nothing Exactly it's been repeating the name so so you understand this See, this is a pretty broad topic and to cover it in 30 minutes You know, we really don't have the time but but I hope tonight has has kind of given you this thought This is a serious subject One because our songs do teach us things So we should seek to have songs that teach right theology that teach right about God But there's also there is an emotional aspect to music We cannot say that emotions are wrong.
Some people think we should not be emotional.
In fact, I I mean You know the joke about Calvinists is where the frozen chosen So we're not allowed to enjoy.
I I get into it when I sing I Enjoy singing.
I'm not putting on a show.
I You know and I see sometimes I'll look out and I'll see a few people who will raise their hands and I'm thankful for that I'm not telling anybody to raise your hand.
Nobody has to I'm not saying I don't want to see everybody's hand go up Sunday just because you think the pastor wants you to put your hand up No, but like a couple weeks ago.
I'll give you I'll finish with this a couple weeks ago.
We were singing.
I Don't know what it was might have been greater you Lord.
It was something and Brother Mike Call you, you know, he sits right there right in front with with Sybil and Luke and some half for some reason whatever song we sang he was had his hand up and he was praising God and in that moment, I was like whatever it is about this song has is Helping him in his devotion and worship at this moment And I was thankful just to be a Part of that.
I was thankful to be have been leading at that time and I am thankful, you know I see miss Rosanna.
She raised her hand a lot of times.
I'm thankful to see that I'm encouraged and again raising the hand doesn't mean you're worshipping any better or any worse.
I'm just saying it When I look out and I see people that are worshiping it's an encouragement to me It's just like when I talked about a few weeks ago praying on my knees you know, I do pray on my knees and I There's something about my heart the the posture of my body sort of emulates the posture of my heart and I Hope that you guys do enjoy what we are doing as far as trying to bring people to the throne of God I say enjoy it.
I hope I don't didn't sound like I was contradicting myself We're not here to enjoy it, but but we do we should we should enjoy worship we should enjoy being in God's presence and singing to him and And you know the those of us who do come and and and try to lead we put a lot of effort into it because we Want it to be God honoring and we want it to be useful to God's people so I hope that it is and I Know we don't have time for this.
But what's your favorite real quick? What's everybody's favorite worship song and Don't know right off the bat anybody got one over here and don't say it's one Like trust and obey trust and obey and we walk with the Lord in the light of his word It was funny as I learned all these songs as a kid here We sang them all.
How about you? How great thou art Ron Now that's a great one Yes, it is.
How about in the back anybody? Be scared as brother Andy pointed out and I'm not I'm not necessarily right.
I'm just sharing my opinion Great is thy faithfulness Miss Janice Now stop you Okay mighty fortress You got mine mighty fortress is my I told Jennifer when I die haven't played mighty fortress and somebody preach the gospel.
That's all I need I'm still learning.
I'm okay.
Let's pray guys father Thank you for this time together in the in this moment And I do pray it's glorifying to you and edifying to your people in Christ's name.