In Defense of Russell Moore - And UFOs, ETs, Aliens

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Smooth AD Defends the Russell Moore YouTube Channel and offers some unsolicited advice to the good Dr.


Hey there, A .D. Robles here, hoping to Give you some smoothness again for a
Thursday afternoon. I hope this is smooth enough for you. I hope it's winsome I hope that you get a lot of value out of this and I just wanted to Revisit dr.
Russell Moore's YouTube channel yet again. I told you the other day. I'm very impressed with it I'm very impressed with it, and I wasn't lying
I think a lot of people thought that I was being you know Sneaky a little yeah, maybe
I was mocking him a little bit, but I wasn't baby I wasn't I think it's a good channel You know one of the things
I thought I found very interesting about this channel is that it is a discernment YouTube channel in discernments kind of got a bad rap these days, baby
You know a lot of people will try to insult you by calling you a discernment ministry And there's nothing wrong with discernment, baby
You gotta be winsome about it though, and that's what you gotta do and that is what dr. Russell Moore is excellent at I might disagree with him on some things like we did in the last video
You know I disagreed with him on a few points. He made up some Bible verses to you remember that one that was funny, baby But anyway,
I wanted to just say how much I appreciate dr. Russell Moore's YouTube channel, and I hope to emulate some aspects of it
One of the things that I said the other day was that this aliens video. I was very intrigued by it
I thought hey this this means he might be having a little fun with this YouTube channel And if you know me, you know
I like to have a little fun with my YouTube channel So I wanted to watch this video, but I wanted to just comment on something too wanted to defend dr.
Russell Moore a little bit today. I wanted to defend him because I feel like he's being unfairly criticized here, baby
You know we got to be fair with our criticisms And I think I saw some people look at this aliens video, and they were like hey, this is this is stupid
We got more important things to deal with and I agree we do we have important things to deal with that's very very true
The Church of Jesus Christ is being torn apart at the seams right now by critical theory and all kinds of nonsense
But you know there's no mean there's there's not room to talk about other things. I think aliens are important I think talking about aliens is important, too
I mean at the end of the day this video this this video wasn't what I let's just be honest This video wasn't what
I expected it to be I Expected it to be a little more fun, but it was more It was very serious, and I gotta be honest
I did not disagree with much of what he said I think when it comes to aliens a lot of people are curious
Hey, what if there were aliens out there? Wouldn't that disprove the Bible and dr. Russell Moore has the correct answer
I completely agree with everything he said about that No, of course it wouldn't just disprove the Bible just because they were extraterrestrials little green men and all that kind of thing
Now of course it wouldn't a you got to think about these things logically and I got to be honest I think in this video dr.
Russell Moore thought about it very logically I was impressed But anyway, I do have a criticism for dr.
Russell Moore is it more piece of advice for him And this is coming from you know one youtuber to another all right
Let's let's watch the last part of this video because I watched the whole thing and all of it was kind of like this I'll show it to you.
Let's watch the last minute It were to be a scene to be true, but we oughta every time we hear something about Alien hold on there.
Did you catch that? Did you catch that? So he had a hard swallow He does this from time to time and and I think dr.
Russell Moore does this when he's a little uncomfortable talking about what he's talking about He'll he'll swallow real hard.
I think he'd almost look like he was about to laugh. I don't know why you're gonna laugh Aliens a serious business, baby.
Let's just watch that again. Watch this watch his heart swallow Seem to be true, but we oughta every time we hear something about Alien there it is.
Did you see that one? Dr. Russell Moore there is no shame in talking about aliens.
I think aliens are a very interesting topic in fact yesterday I was watching a show about UFOs and aliens, and I thought it was extremely interesting.
I do a lot of that I do a lot of that Popular culture every time that we see a scientist speculating about whether or not
Extraterrestrials exist that ought to remind us to think about the fact that humanity is different Humanity is small in the scope of the universe and yet the glory and honor of God is there because The word became flesh human flesh and is standing before God right now on behalf of us
Amen baby. Amen over the entire Created cosmos so aliens do they exist?
I don't know. All right All right. Well, that's the end of it and you got that music again
There's that music that very winsome very calm very serious corporate training video music
I wonder do any of you guys know if that music is scientifically proven to increase persuasiveness
Because if it is I'm gonna start to use that music I gotta say all those kind of videos that use that music
But the point at the end that he's making there is is that no aliens wouldn't disprove the
Bible Aliens wouldn't have anything to do with the incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I agree with that I completely agree with that.
But here's my unsolicited advice for dr. Russell Moore You know, you got to have a little fun with it. You know aliens is a fun topic
Aliens is a serious topic in many ways, but it's a fun topic and you know Look, we watch a video like this.
We see it hashtag aliens and we want the goods, baby You gotta give us the goods and the goods are what is your real opinion and let's not be diplomatic about this
Let's just give us the goods. We want to hear what you really think. Dr. Russell Moore We want to hear what you really think about aliens and UFOs and all that kind of stuff
All he said was oh, I don't know. I don't know about aliens and UFOs and things like that And I got to be honest, we watch these
YouTube videos, you know, we watch to the end nine minutes We wanted to hear the goods, baby I'll give you the goods you want to know what
I think about UFOs and aliens and all that kind of thing Like I said, I've spent some time thinking about this.
I've spent some time reading and watching materials about this. I think That extraterrestrials if they do exist they have not come to earth
I think by now we would know if they came to earth and we would have bodies and we would have that shared with people
I think that aliens do not Exist at least to our knowledge in the
United States or the world at large But at the end of the day if they did exist, I would not be scared about that.
I would find that miraculously interesting Now, this is the real fun part, baby
UFOs The UFO phenomenon is to be honest. It's really undeniable
At this point we just have so many eyewitnesses. We've got eyewitnesses in high places
The government is starting to admit this UFOs are real We don't know what they are.
They're a craft of some kind. I think I think that much is clear But aliens,
I don't know about the aliens. Those are the goods baby. You gotta you gotta give us your real opinion Even if you're gonna use that seriously winsome and delicious music at the end give us your real opinions.
Dr. Russell more we want to know That's why we watch your YouTube channel. We want to know what you think We want to see we want to hear your discernment, baby.
You don't have to hide. You don't have to be political Give us the goods next time. Dr. Russell more and keep up the good work
Anyway, this is smooth ad. I hope this was helpful. God bless Hey everybody, thanks for watching.
Do you agree? Do you disagree with what we talked about today? Let me know in the comments below. Go ahead and leave a comment.
I agree with what he said today I do I agree and you know, honestly People ask you to leave a comment
It's very polite to leave a cup You don't have to if you'd like to leave a comment go ahead and leave a comment. It helps the algorithm
But if you don't want to leave a comment, no, it's pressuring you know, it's all it's all it's all smooth, baby It's all good.
It's all love Also, let me know what you'd like for us to talk about in the future on this channel
And don't forget to like or share this video if you found it helpful and make sure that you subscribe and hit
Notifications so that you can get all of our new videos This is something that I don't do. He's a real pro. I don't
I don't ask you to subscribe every video I don't ask you to click notifications. If you notice I just did I click the notifications
I I want to see every video that he puts out I want to make sure I see it just in case I want to watch it
So I'll put that I'll click that notification spell. He's good at that He's a real pro and I gotta say there's a lot to emulate here about this and dr
Russell Moore if you are listening, one of the things I would like to see on this channel is A little interaction a little bit of back and forth if you know what
I mean, I we care about your opinion Of course we do but but all of us we look we get we gain so much more and we hear point and counterpoint