April 13, 2020 Show with Bhanu Gadde, Pharm.D. on “A Pharmacist’s Counsel on the Coronavirus”


April 13, 2020 BHANU GADDE, Pharm.D., a New York pharmacist who owns & operates Lee’s Drugs of Floral Park, Long Beach Chemists, & Prescription Center of Long Island in Hempstead & an elder at New Hyde Park Baptist Church on Long Island, who will address: “A PHARMACIST’s COUNSEL on the CORONAVIRUS”


Live from the historic parsonage of the 19th century gospel minister, George Norcross, in downtown
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, it's Iron Sharpens Iron. This is a radio platform in which pastors,
Christian scholars, and theologians address the burning issues facing the church and the world today.
Proverbs chapter 27 verse 17 tells us, Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Matthew Henry said that in this passage, we are cautioned to take heed with whom we converse and directed to have in view in conversation, to make one another wiser and better.
It is our hope that this goal will be accomplished over the next two hours, and we hope to hear from you, the listener, with your own questions.
And now, here's your host, Chris Arnzen. Good afternoon,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Lake City, Florida, and the rest of humanity living on the planet Earth, who are listening via live streaming at ironsharpensironradio .com.
This is Chris Arnzen, your host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio, wishing you all a happy Monday on this 13th day of April, 2020.
I trust you all had a blessed Resurrection Day celebration yesterday, even if you were alone, as I was, due to this quarantine that's going on globally.
And I know some of you had the privilege and blessing of being with family, because they live with you anyway.
But I hope no matter how you celebrated or where you celebrated, the Holy Spirit gave you the joy of celebrating the resurrection of Christ our
King and the celebration of the empty tomb. So I trust that you are refreshed and eager to hear a very important program today.
I have a guest on today that I've known for quite a while, but I've never had him on the program before.
I'm so excited to have him on for the very first time. His name is Banu Gadi. He has a doctorate in pharmacy degree, and he owns and operates
Lee's Drugs of Floral Park, Long Beach Chemists and Prescription Center of Long Island in Hempstead.
And he's also an elder at New Hyde Park Baptist Church on Long Island, a church that is a very prominent place in my own life.
In fact, when I was a brand -new Christian in the 1980s, I frequented a singles
Bible study that was hosted by New Hyde Park Baptist Church and have maintained friendships there ever since.
And today we are going to be addressing a pharmacist's counsel on the coronavirus.
And it's my honor and privilege to welcome you for the very first time ever to Iron Sharpens Iron Radio, Dr. Banu Gadi.
Thank you so much, Chris. Glad to be on with you. You're so generous in saying what you said about me.
Oh, my pleasure, brother. And I'm still waiting to be invited over your home to have the best lamb vindaloo that has ever been cooked on an
Indian oven. You got it. You got it. Anytime you pass by this way, you stop by.
You don't even need to knock on my door. And you better have the samosa and the chicken pakora and the raita and the naan and all those other things.
Well, you know what? Then if that is the case, you need to plan on spending one week here. Yes, anybody who knows me knows
I love my Indian food. And before we go into your personal testimony of salvation, a brief summary of it because that is a tradition we have, here on Iron Trip and Zion Radio, whenever we have a
Christian guest on the program, since this is a Christian program, I like to have that first -time guest give a summary of their salvation story.
But why don't you just briefly give a plug to the three pharmacies that you own on Long Island, New York?
Yes. Long Beach Chemist is located in Long Beach, New York.
And Prescription Center of Long Island is in Hempstead, as you said. And Lee's Drugs is in Floral Park.
Our passion is people's health, not just giving them medication. But there is a lot that goes on when you take the medication.
And there are a lot of aspects which control how that medication works. So we are aware of the totality of how a person is and how the medication works to improve their health.
So all these three pharmacies specialize in bringing that kind of pharmaceutical care to the communities here.
Great. Well, if anybody wants more information about those pharmacies, you can go to leesdrugsrx .com,
lees, L -E -E -S, drugs, R -X, dot com. And you could ask them for the other locations of pharmacies owned by Banu Gadi when you contact them, if that is not the one that is in your area.
Well, as I said before, I would love to hear your personal salvation testimony, including what religion you were raised in, and how our
Sovereign Lord providentially raised up circumstances in your life that drew you to Himself and saved you.
Well, obviously, if my accent didn't give it away, I'm from India. I thought you were from Hoboken, New Jersey.
I'm sorry. That could be true, too, nowadays, you see. And our family's introduction to Christ, we are from a
Hindu background, and my maternal grandfather, he was suffering from an unknown illness for quite a while.
And he was introduced to a Christian congregation, and he was asked to go there for prayer.
And as they were praying for him, as he closed his eyes, he received miraculous healing.
And that is how my mother was introduced to Christ, and she became a believer.
Wow. Yes. And this is coming from an elder at a
Calvinist Baptist church. He's not Charismatic, nor Pentecostal.
Yes. And also, one more thing. When my parents got married, my dad was still a
Hindu, and my mother was a believing Christian at that time.
And I grew up witnessing this tussle between a
Hindu father and a Christian mother. And she did not complain to anyone other than just spend hours and hours and hours on her knees, and just pouring her heart out about her husband, who was not saved.
And in time, I have witnessed that ever since I was born, my mother's prayers.
And about eight years into their marriage, and my father was so broken, one day he just wakes up and looks into her eyes and says,
Why do you do all this? And I want what you have. And that is how he got saved.
Praise God. Yes, praise God indeed, brother. And that is how
I was raised. And also, I was not saved by any means then.
But around when I was about 16 years old, my uncle, my mother's brother, is a pastor in India.
And there are these open -air meetings. When these open -air meetings are conducted, and I was there,
I was listening to one preacher preach from Revelation, and I was so convicted about my sin and my need for a
Savior. And that night, the Christ came and saved me from my sin.
And that was quite a while ago. I was 16 years old then. Wow. So that was about three years ago?
Yes. I'd like to think so. And so, when did this interest in becoming a pharmacist, in fact, even earning a doctorate in pharmacy, come about in your life?
How did that occur? That is a long road. I went to school in India, and I went to a university, and I got my master's in physics.
And I was two years into my PhD program doing theoretical physics, quantum optics.
That is when I had applied to come to the U .S. to go to school here. That was in 1991.
1991, August, I stopped that PhD program, and I stepped foot on the
U .S. in August of 1991. And then, I went to various schools, and by 1994, in 1992,
I got married. And in 1994, there was a job opening.
End of 1994, there was a job opening in information technology. So, I took that, and I did not, you know,
I was in master's in electrical engineering in the University of Dayton. And I did not finish that, and I went to work for a company.
And I worked for several companies in the South. One is a South Texas project that's a nuclear power project.
And then, I worked for Oracle Corporation as a consultant, and I worked for Alcatel, and I worked for DSC Communications and Telecom.
And after that, so that is when there was a pharmacy that came up for sale in around 2002 timeframe in New York.
And because my brother -in -law and sister, both are pharmacists, it is a pharmacy that came up for sale, so we decided to purchase that.
And that is when I was not a pharmacist then. I got the pharmacy, and in 2003, thinking about it,
I know, why owning a pharmacy? You know what, let me go to the pharmacy school. I've always been interested in the health issues, and I used to delve into, delve a little deeper into the health issues.
And we purchased that pharmacy, and I decided to go to pharmacy school in 2003, and I became a pharmacist in 2009, and that's where we stand.
Praise God. And how did you discover and eventually join, and then even subsequent to that, become an elder at New Hyde Park Baptist Church?
Well, coming from Texas, one of our major concerns was finding a good, well -balanced church.
And my sister and brother -in -law, they lived in an area called Garden City Park on Long Island, very close to the
New Hyde Park Baptist Church. And one
Sunday when I was visiting in 2002, I went there for the first time.
I heard Pastor Gary Scott preach, and I was just so thrilled to hear him preach and give full counsel from the
Word of God and expository preaching. And that is when we knew that New Hyde Park Baptist Church is the place that God is leading us to.
Praise God. And that was two pastors ago. In fact, the
Lord had me and His providence spoke in the wheel of all of your pastors since Gary Scott coming to be given the call to pastor there,
Gary Scott and Fred Zaspel, and now Doug McMasters, who is a dear friend of mine and a mutual friend of Dr.
James R. White of Alpha Omega Ministries. And it's such a blessing to know him and my dear friend
Brian McLaughlin, who I have known for quite a long time. He began attending the debates that I began orchestrating on Long Island in 1995 between Dr.
James White and Roman Catholic apologists. And Brian, from what
I remember, he was already an evangelical and attending a
Pentecostal church, but he was still open to be convinced by Roman Catholics.
And he was, I think, on the edge. And the debate that he had, that Dr.
White had with Jerry Matitix, I think, really blew him way into the
Protestant side of the Tiber River. That's wonderful, yeah. And so if anybody, by the way, wants to learn more about New Hyde Park Baptist Church, I'm always happy to plug a fine congregation like that.
The website is nhpbc .com, NHP standing for New Hyde Park, bc for baptistchurch .com.
And hopefully I'll remember to repeat that information later on in the broadcast. Well, this is a very bizarre day that we are living in.
A very strange day, a very frightening day for some, some more so than others.
And even those that are still strong and healthy physically, many of them either have already lost their livelihoods, or at least they have been put on hold, which has damaged their lives in many ways, especially financially.
And as I have even told you off the air, this radio program has been negatively affected financially because two of our largest advertisers are on hiatus because their businesses have been so negatively affected due to the coronavirus scare.
Tell me right off the bat, when you started hearing about the coronavirus, I'm assuming on the news, unless it was through patients coming into the pharmacies, but tell us what immediately began to turn as far as the gears and wheels in your brain.
What were you thinking when you started hearing about these reports, about this disease which started in Wuhan, China?
Well, I started following this when it started in China.
And the first thing that went through my mind is, you know, having known how these viral illnesses, and I followed previous
MERS, that is Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome and SARS, the importance of vitamin
D in controlling this viral illness.
And immediately I was struck by the fact that we are coming out of the winter months, and the vitamin
D deficiency is a pandemic in the U .S., not only in the U .S.,
all over the world. So that's what went through my mind. Did you say that the vitamin
D deficiency is a pandemic throughout the world? Is that what you said? Absolutely, yes. Yeah, vitamin
D deficiency is almost 50 -60%, if not 70 % of the
U .S. population. It is either deficient in vitamin D or insufficient in vitamin
D. Now, could you briefly explain why that is? Yes, the vitamin
D is a steroid hormone, which is made from our exposure to the sunlight.
If we have proper cholesterol levels in our body. And also our active avoidance of sun exposure during summer months.
And in the U .S. latitude, most of the latitudes, you don't make vitamin D until April or May.
So it's kind of like a gamble, do I get skin cancer or do I get vitamin D deficiency, right? Well, there is a lot of debate there.
And I don't want to go into that aspect now. But vitamin D deficiency, I knew right away that it could be a problem.
And this virus has been affecting some more than others. And in January itself,
I started telling all my employees to get on high doses of vitamin
D. And I've been advocating them taking vitamin D supplements.
All my family, we take vitamin D supplements. And also the previous Merck and Park data, if we go through that, there is published data that is available.
People who have a vitamin D level between and above 50 nanograms per mL, or even better, 60 to 100 nanograms per mL, did not get affected as much with those illnesses.
So I assumed, not assumed, but it's an educated guess, that vitamin
D levels being high would provide a level of immunity to this illness.
And as time went on, I cannot tell you how right this assumption was.
And also that I started digging into this literature, and I started posting on March 23rd on Facebook, going into the science and going into the mechanics of how vitamin
D works and in preventing exacerbations from this disease.
Now, how about if you already have it? Does a vitamin D therapy, if you will, does that help cure or hasten the virus from completing its illness within the one who already has it?
I think we need to look at how, what is a virus?
A virus is not a living thing. I'm like bacteria. Bacteria can replicate on its own, but virus cannot.
A virus is not a living thing? No, it is not. I didn't know that until just this second.
Yes. What it is, is virus has to access the cell. First of all, it has to get into the cell.
It has to attach itself to some receptors on the cell and gain entry into the cell.
Then it has to access the cellular replication mechanism, the cellular transcription mechanism.
What it is using is the cell has the transcription mechanism, which is in the nucleus.
It makes all these proteins and all these substances that we need, our body needs.
What it does is it taps into that mechanism. It unravels itself and it injects its RNA that's the
RNA imprint into the nucleus and hijacks the cellular replication mechanism to make the viral protein.
Once all these viral proteins are made, it reassembles itself and the cell bursts open and the process starts all over again.
That is how this virus replicates. Also, according to some early reports, the viral replication is so rapid in SARS -CoV -2, that is this coronavirus, which is causing
COVID disease. The replication in this, even though MERS and SARS, the previous ones, were deadly and caused far higher casualties in percentage terms than this, that one was not as contagious.
It was not as virulent as this one because the throat swabs in the initially infected people, people, even though they did not have the active disease or active symptoms, their throat swabs revealed that their viral counts were almost four orders of magnitude higher.
So, you just by speaking to somebody who doesn't even know that has a disease, it can be communicated.
That is the most sinister part of this illness, the way, the rapidity with which it can spread.
Now we know, now we all know, because in January and February we did not know that it could wreak havoc on our society here, but now, right after six weeks, seven weeks ago, the first death of coronavirus happened in the
U .S., and since then, we all see how rapidly it's spread. I'm going to give our listeners our email address if you have questions of your own that you'd like to ask
Bhanu Gadi. Our email address is ChrisArnzen at gmail .com
C -H -R -I -S A -R -N -Z -E -N at gmail .com
Please, as always, at least give us your first name, your city and state, and your country of residence if you live outside the
U .S .A., and only remain anonymous if it is a personal and private matter over which you are asking.
I completely understand if anybody listening has the coronavirus or has a loved one with the coronavirus that you may not want to identify yourself.
Things like that, I can understand you wanting to remain anonymous, but if it's just a general question, please at least give us your first name, city and state, and country of residence.
We have already a listener in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Susan Margaret, and Susan Margaret asks,
I have been listening to hours and hours and hours and hours of television broadcasts explaining in full detail what the coronavirus is, how it spreads, and of course, very often, the information that you hear the very next day is outdated and sometimes contradicted 180 degrees.
But one thing that I cannot remember anyone ever mentioning is the positive results in preventing this virus through vitamin
D. Am I missing something? And why would they omit this in these televised broadcasts, especially when they have scientists and doctors being interviewed?
See, the problem is, I think this is the soft underbelly of our healthcare system,
Chris, because we probably are not used to a disease spreading this quickly and exploiting the nutritional deficiency or deficiency of something this rapidly.
And also, we are used to this, you know, a drug, let's say, if something works, a substance works for some disease, that has to be put through this rigorous clinical trial, which takes a long time for that to happen.
And I think in the medical system or the medical professionals have come to understand that more than I for such a long time.
And I do not know, perhaps we are used to that system so much and we are for a problem such complex as this one, the solution could not be this simple.
I do not know. I do not know why, and I have been reaching out to so many doctors around this area, and some are taking it positively.
And also, some of them themselves have become very sick and used vitamin D in high doses and they have completely recovered from this.
And also, a lot of their patients, yes. So, it does have positive results on occasion with people who already have it.
Oh yeah, not on occasion. We have patients who are positive, these are documentable cases and with several primary care physicians around this area who are using this and they are seeing, and the other day one doctor called me and one of his patients, his levels were through the roof and some of them there is something called
D -Dimer test. So with this, with the SARS -CoV -2, this coronavirus, it breaks apart the hemoglobin the when
D -Dimer levels are high, that means there is a blood clot or something that is that is breaking apart, breaking up and releasing these compounds into the bloodstream that are measured.
So, D -Dimer being high points to something called a blood clot breaking up.
But here, without any blood clot, D -Dimer goes up. That means now we are learning more and more.
This is a mystery illness. We are learning more and more every day. Now we know that it breaks apart.
There is something called hemoglobin which carries oxygen to the cells and that hemoglobin has to have these iron ions in it, the iron ions.
And see, usually the iron ion, if it's just pre -floating in the body, it can be very toxic.
It can cause so much oxidative damage to various systems of the body.
But here, SARS -CoV -2, this virus, has found a way to decouple that iron from the hemoglobin and so that see, and also later parts of the disease, what is happening is people are not able to get oxygen.
Their oxygen levels go down so quickly because if there is no oxygen, if there is no iron in the hemoglobin, it cannot carry oxygen.
And people are gasping for air, even without see, and also mostly initially we thought it was this tremendous pneumonia or the
ARDS, or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, which is treated by ventilators and now the doctors are finding out it is not that.
And just to apply the treatment of ventilators to this disease is proving to be damaging in the end.
So, it decouples the iron from the hemoglobin and that is what is showing up in the
D -dimer test. And this one patient, whose D -dimer levels were going through the roof and his hemodynamic parameters were pointing to almost him not surviving.
And five days after vitamin D, he is completely normal. And this doctor, on Saturday, he called me to thank me about how quickly the patient recovered.
Praise God! Have you heard about or experienced or witnessed anybody who had no positive results from a good vitamin
D protocol? Everybody who is on this has improved. Everyone. And also, let me tell you, we have these pharmacies, three pharmacies, and everybody comes into the pharmacy and all my employees have been on this vitamin
D for the past eight weeks. And everybody is working, serving patients, and we hear so much thankfulness from the community that we are open and we are serving the community.
Well, we have to go to our first break and we ask of those of you who are waiting to have your questions asked and answered to be patient, but if you'd like to get in line to ask your own question of Dr.
Banugati, our email address is chrisarnsen at gmail dot com c -h -r -i -s -a -r -n -z -e -n at gmail dot com.
And as always, give us your first name, city and state, and country of residence if you live outside the USA. Only remain anonymous.
If your question involves a personal and private matter, don't go away. We'll be right back with Dr. Banugati. Chris Arnsen, host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio, announcing a new website with an exciting offer from World Magazine, my trusted source for news from a
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If you live near Franklin, Tennessee, and Franklin is just south of Nashville, maybe ten minutes, or you are visiting this area, or you have friends and loved ones nearby, we hope you will join us some
Lord's Day in worshiping our God and Savior. Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions about Grace Church at Franklin.
Our website is gracechurchatfranklin .org That's gracechurchatfranklin .org
That's gracechurchatfranklin .org This is Pastor Bill Sousa wishing you all the richest blessings of our
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That's PTLBibleRebinding .com The Coronavirus pandemic has rapidly changed our way of life bringing so many uncertainties.
When will it end? Why do disasters like this happen? How do we deal with anxiety, fear and the like?
Well, join us each Friday on the program Iron Sharpens Iron with your host Chris Arnzen and Pastor Joe Jacowicz as they explore
God's Word for answers to this and other of life's related issues. Tune in at FirstLoveRadio .org
that's FirstLoveRadio .org each Friday at 1pm
Pacific, 4pm Eastern. That's Iron Sharpens Iron on FirstLoveRadio .org
Fridays 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern to hear what the Bible has to say about pandemics and how we should respond.
Welcome back, this is Chris Arnzen if you just tuned us in. Our guest today for the full two hours with a little less than 90 minutes to go is
Dr. Banu Gadi. He is a New York pharmacist who has earned a
PharmD which is a doctorate in pharmacy and he owns and operates
Lee's Drugs, a floral park, Long Beach Chemists and Prescription Center of Long Island in Hempstead.
He's also an elder at New Hyde Park Baptist Church, Long Island, New York and today we are addressing the theme
A Pharmacist's Council on the Coronavirus and as we've discovered Dr.
Gadi has a lot to say about his enthusiasm and excitement over the wonderful results he is witnessing firsthand when people have been using vitamin
D as a preventative and even as something to get through the virus if they already have it more quickly.
Our email address is chrisarnzen at gmail .com chrisarnzen at gmail .com and Dr.
Gadi before I go to listener questions were you finished saying what you were saying before the break or do you want to conclude in any way?
No, I forgot what I was saying so... I'm new to this format so yeah, go ahead, yes.
Got to turn down the volume a little bit here because you were over modulating a little that's our fault on our end here okay, we have
Tom in West Islip, Long Island, New York he has actually three questions so I usually don't take that many questions from one listener but since it's about something as serious as this and also because they're good questions
I'll ask all of them first Tom wants to know about the effectiveness of the hydroxychloroquine
HCQ plus Z -Pak drug combo against the virus yes, hydroxychloroquine is something the way it works is it is a zinc ionophore so it brings zinc ions into the cell we all know there is a product there was a product some time ago called
Zicam which is a zinc which is applied in the nasal passages and the zinc lozenges are used in flu outbreaks in the literature we see that zinc has prevented not this particular virus but in the other viruses rhinovirus in some study they have discovered that zinc has reduced the viral replication rate by almost 1000 to 1 ,000 ,004 so yes, zinc as a zinc ionophore this can work but the thing is it has to be the intervention has to be early enough to prevent and suppress the viral replication especially when the virus is replicating so fast any approach has to be early enough and if you wait until all this these exacerbations in the last two days where things can happen so fast that may or may not work
Now, is there any danger of using your protocol with vitamin
D in addition to using the hydroxychloroquine? No, not at all this is the thing see,
I have some of the emergency room doctors and physician's assistants we have friends and I'm having them measure the vitamin
D levels of people who are going on the ventilators and none of them none of them came above 15 that is a severe severe deficiency of vitamin
D none of them and also we all know that people who are going on the ventilators 80 % of them are ending up in the body bags this does not prove anything but the thing is we need to ask these questions because when we are facing such an epidemic and which is progressing at such a rapid rate and killing people these symptoms are very mild, sometimes very benign and also about 10th day or so this thing, everything starts unraveling and body is compensating and compensating and compensating and at some point it cannot compensate compensate and that is when this serious exacerbations happen and by then it is too late
We have a second question from Tom in West Islip, New York effectiveness of drinking tonic water has quinine he has in parentheses in combination with taking a high potency multivitamin high in A, C, D, 3 with zinc the poor man's
HCQ plus Z -Pak combo You know absolutely quinine is known to be a zinc ionophore as well so that has the potential to bring in zinc ions into the cell and yeah that can definitely work and high potency multivitamins all with vitamins can definitely work
Tom's definitely done his homework here Absolutely The third question is the effect of drinking lots of water and gargling with salt water to halt the virus spread into your lungs
You know that is a great question The thing is salt water gargle not only in this viral illness but in any viral illness salt water gargles have proven to be effective and study after study after study they prove that salt water gargles are effective whether it works by suppressing the viral replication in the throat we do not know how it works but salt water gargles are definitely effective and also drinking plenty of fluids is absolutely imperative because dehydration is one of the main causes where people end up in the hospital and you know people end up in the hospital and they are put on IV fluids and within 2 hours without doing anything they start feeling better so dehydration is one of the serious issues so drinking water is very good and also when body is dealing with it and when the virus is being cured off all these viral particles and this is something called an enveloped virus it has an envelope membrane outside when these viral particles are being broken up and all the toxins endotoxins from that envelope can overwhelm our system so water is a very good way of getting rid of those and Tom reveals something very interesting here he says
I have since recovered from having the virus I take a high potency multivitamin with zinc everyday and during the sickness drank a large amount of water and gargled with salt water my case would likely have been considered mild given extreme symptoms only lasted 2 days
I'd like to know what extreme symptoms are, is it shortness of breath and those things well
Tom if you're listening still I hope you are and I'm sure I'm very sure that you probably are why don't you just answer
Banu's question with another email and he wants to know what the severe symptoms were we have a mutual friend of both of ours
Dr. Banu we have Pastor Mac Tomlinson of Providence Chapel in Denton Texas warm greetings to Chris and Dr.
Gatti, my question is what is the single most important way to pray for New York City in the days ahead oh that's a different kind of question absolutely,
Pastor Mac this is people in other areas may not realize how serious it is, here it is there is fear everywhere so pray that God would be glorified even through this and people will receive the comfort through many efforts that we are doing here thank you
Pastor Mac Tomlinson and by the way I always love to take advantage of the opportunity to promote an excellent church when a pastor emails a question so if anybody lives in Denton Texas or nearby
Denton Texas the Providence Chapel in Denton Texas can be found at their website providencedenton .org
providence d -e -n -t -o -n dot o -r -g and I'd like to ask my audience to continue to pray that my oldest brother
John who is in his mid -seventies when he is able to after the hysteria over the coronavirus scare dies down somewhat that my brother agrees to meeting again with Pastor Mac Pastor Mac visited him in the hospital when he had to be rushed to the hospital not long ago, it had nothing to do with the coronavirus but he has an aortic aneurysm and Pastor Mac visited him unannounced, which was the only way he probably would have been able to because my brother has been very apprehensive to meet with Mac because my brother is not a
Bible -believing evangelical Christian but he was very very accepting of this visit and gave me a very good report my brother, that is so hopefully he will be up for more visits
I would appreciate you all praying to that end and especially that he gets saved by the grace and mercy of Christ.
He has critical stage emphysema on top of everything I mentioned Thank you,
Pastor Tomlinson and I look forward to the next time I get a chance to interview you on Iron Sheriff and Zion Radio I have another question that I will ask you and then you could answer it when we return from the break
The question is from CJ in Lindenhurst, Long Island, New York and CJ wants to know
Do you think the reason we hardly ever hear anything about vitamin D in the media when nearly 24 hours a day on some stations we are hearing nothing but discussions on the coronavirus is that doctors by and large are not trained in health and nutrition and the use of vitamins it seems that they are typically only regurgitating the line have a balanced diet which, what on earth does that mean and they prescribe drugs and other things but they very rarely get into the benefits of vitamins and other matters when it comes to health and nutrition ok, so you can answer that when we come back our email address again is chrisarnsen at gmail .com
c h r i s a r n z e n at gmail .com give us your first name, city and state and country of residence if you live outside the
USA and by the way folks, this is our midway break, it's the longer the normal break, so please be patient because Grace Life Radio, 90 .1
FM in Lake City, Florida, requires of us this longer break because the FCC requires of them to localize
Iron Sharpens Iron Radio and all their programming to Lake City, Florida, so therefore while we air our commercials that are heard globally in the midway break, they air public service announcements and other things that are local to Lake City, Florida, so please use this time wisely since it is a longer break, write down the information provided by many of our advertisers so that you can more frequently and successfully patronize them because once again we need our advertisers to exist the funding that comes from their advertising is the only way that Iron Sharpens Iron Radio continues to air in addition to the generous donations that we receive so please try to patronize them even sometimes when it's a church that may be very far away from you why not just write them and thank them for sponsoring
Iron Sharpens Iron Radio but also send in a question to Dr. Banu Gadi to chrisarnson at gmail .com
chrisarnson at gmail .com when it comes to any topic regarding the coronavirus.
Don't go away, God willing we'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors as host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio I frequently get requests from listeners for church recommendations a church
I've been strongly recommending as far back as the 1980s is Grace Covenant Baptist Church in Flemington, New Jersey pastored by Alan Dunn Grace Covenant Baptist Church believes it's
God's prerogative to determine how he shall be worshiped and how he shall be represented in the world they believe churches need to turn to the
Bible to discover what to include in worship and how to worship God in spirit and truth
Grace Covenant Baptist Church endeavors to maintain a God -centered focus. Reading, preaching and hearing the word of God singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs baptism and communion are the scriptural elements of their corporate worship, performed with faith, joy and sobriety discover more about Grace Covenant Baptist Church in Flemington, New Jersey at gcbcnj .squarespace
.com that's gcbcnj .squarespace .com
or call them at 908 -996 -7654 that's 908 -996 -7654 tell
Pastor Dunn that you heard about Grace Covenant Baptist Church on Iron Sharpens Iron Radio every day at thousands of community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions coffee shops and local hangouts
Long Island Youth for Christ staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus we are rural and urban and we are always about the message of Jesus our mission is to have a noticeable spiritual impact on Long Island, New York by engaging young people in the lifelong journey of following Christ Long Island Youth for Christ has been a stalwart bedrock ministry since 1959 we have a world class staff and a proven track record of bringing consistent love and encouragement to youths in need all over the country and around the world help honor our history by becoming a part of our future volunteer, donate, pray or all of the above for details call
Long Island Youth for Christ at 631 -385 -8333 that's 631 -385 -8333 or visit liyfc .org
that's liyfc .org When Iron Sharpens Iron Radio first launched in 2005 the publishers of the
New American Standard Bible were among my very first sponsors it gives me joy knowing that many scholars and pastors in the
Iron Sharpens Iron Radio audience have been sticking with or switching to the
NASB I'm Pastor Brandon Scalf of Cruciform Bible Church in Indianapolis, Indiana and the
NASB is my Bible of choice I'm Pastor Chris Hatton of Grace Chapel in Sanford, Florida and the
NASB is my Bible of choice I'm Jack Wilke, Minister of the Forney Church of Christ in Forney, Texas and the
NASB is my Bible of choice I'm Pastor Mike Wachowski of Westminster Chapel in Ball Ground, Georgia and the
NASB is my Bible of choice I'm Pastor Steve Cooley of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts and the
NASB is my Bible of choice I'm Pastor Brock Evans from Wading River Baptist Church in Wading River, Long Island, New York and the
NASB is my Bible of choice I'm Pastor Tom Lasser of Crestview Baptist Church in Big Spring, Texas and the
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Coronavirus pandemic has rapidly changed our way of life bringing so many uncertainties
When will it end? Why do disasters like this happen? How do we deal with anxiety, fear and the like?
Well join us each Friday on the program Iron Sharpens Iron with your host Chris Arnzen and Pastor Joe Jacowicz as they explore
God's Word for answers to this and other of life's related issues. Tune in at FirstLoveRadio .org
That's FirstLoveRadio .org Each Friday at 1pm
Pacific 4pm Eastern That's Iron Sharpens Iron on FirstLoveRadio .org
Fridays 1pm Pacific 4pm Eastern to hear what the Bible has to say about pandemics and how we should respond
Chris Arnzen host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio here I want to tell you about a man I have personally known for many years.
His name is Dan Buttafuoco. Dan is a personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer but not the type that typically comes to mind.
Dan cares about people and is a theologian himself. Recently he wrote a book titled
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Dan Buttafuoco's number is 1 -800 -669 -4878 1 -800 -669 -4878 or email me for Dan's contact information at chrisarnson at gmail dot com that's chrisarnson at gmail dot com
James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries and the Dividing Line webcast here Although God has brought me all over the globe for many years to teach, preach and debate at numerous venues some of my very fondest memories are from those precious times of fellowship with Pastor Rich Jensen and the brethren at Hope Reform Baptist Church, now located at their new, beautiful facilities in Corham, Long Island, New York I've had the privilege of opening
God's Word from their pulpit on many occasions have led youth retreats for them and have always been thrilled to see their members filling many seats at my
New York debates. I do not hesitate to highly recommend Hope Reform Baptist Church of Corham, Long Island to anyone who wants to be accurately taught, discipled and edified by the
Holy Scriptures and to be surrounded by truly loving and caring brothers and sisters in Christ.
I also want to congratulate Hope Reform Baptist Church of Corham for their recent appointment of Pastor Rich Jensen's co -elder,
Pastor Christopher McDowell. For more information on Hope Reform Baptist Church, go to hopereformedli .net
that's hopereformedli .net or call 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 that's 631 -696 -5711 717 -697 -1981, 717 -697 -1981, or visit
SolidRockRemodeling .com. That's SolidRockRemodeling .com.
Solid Rock Remodeling, bringing new life to your home. This is
Pastor Bill Sousa, Grace Church at Franklin, here in the beautiful state of Tennessee.
Our congregation is one of a growing number of churches who love and support
Iron Sharpens Iron radio financially. Grace Church at Franklin is an independent, autonomous body of believers, which strives to clearly declare the whole counsel of God as revealed in Scripture through the person and work of our
Lord Jesus Christ. And of course, the end for which we strive is the glory of God.
If you live near Franklin, Tennessee, and Franklin is just south of Nashville, maybe ten minutes, or you are visiting this area, or you have friends and loved ones nearby, we hope you will join us some
Lord's Day in worshiping our God and Savior. Please feel free to contact me if you have more questions about Grace Church at Franklin.
Our website is gracechurchatfranklin .org. That's gracechurchatfranklin .org.
This is Pastor Bill Sousa wishing you all the richest blessings of our
Sovereign Lord, God, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ, today and always.
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And if it's a lost person, obviously, these books may be used as a tool of God Himself to draw that person to eternal life and salvation in Jesus Christ.
Go to solid -ground -books .com, solid -ground -books .com, and please, always mention that you heard about Solid Ground Christian Books from Chris Aronson on Iron Trap and Zion Radio.
Before we return to our interview with Dr. Banu Gadi, who is a
New York pharmacist owning three drugstores in the
Long Island, New York area, and also an elder at New Hyde Park Baptist Church on Long Island, before we return to our discussion on A Pharmacist's Counsel on the
Coronavirus, I just have some important announcements to make. First of all, if you have not yet registered for the free spring
Iron Trap and Zion Radio Pastors Luncheon, which we still intend to conduct, barring any unforeseen continuing of the ban on public gatherings, the event is being held,
God willing, on Friday, May 29th, 11 a .m. to 2 p .m., at the
Bongiorno Conference Center in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. That's the first time we've ever had it there, and I'm looking forward to that very much, and I'm also looking forward to having as our guest speaker, for the very first time,
God willing, Dr. Conrad Mbewe, who I believe is the most powerful preacher alive on the planet
Earth, and I do not exaggerate in the slightest when I say that. Dr. Mbewe is the pastor of Kobwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia, Africa.
He's also the former vice chancellor, or actually the former chancellor of African Christian University, where he is currently lecturing, and he is a highly sought -after conference speaker.
Just absolutely mind -blowing how this man is gifted to proclaim and declare the
Gospel with such power, and without playing any games and candy -coating or deluding the pure truth of the
Holy Scriptures. If you want to join us, if we are still permitted to have this event, send me an email to chrisarnson at gmail .com
chrisarnson at gmail .com and put luncheon, or pastor's luncheon, in the subject line. I will register you immediately, absolutely free of charge.
Not only are you going to be able to hear Dr. Mbewe speak for free, and not only will you be fed a sumptuous meal by the
Bon Giorno Conference Center for free, but you'll also be receiving a ton of free books, a heavy sack of free books, brand -new books that I have selected personally, that have been donated from major Christian publishers all over the
United States and the United Kingdom, all for free. As I've mentioned before, this event was the brainchild of my precious late wife,
Julie, who came up with this idea to treat my pastor friends to a
Christmas lunch every year, and we began doing that, and she went home to be with her
Lord God Savior and King Christ Jesus for eternity, and after she passed, after several years of a hiatus,
I relaunched the luncheons, after relocating to Pennsylvania, I relaunched these luncheons in her tribute and honor and memory, and I hope that you can attend by sending me a free registration at chrisarnson at gmail dot com and that's
Friday, May 29th, 11 a .m. to 2 p .m. Even if you're very pessimistic that we will be able to have this gathering as early as May 29th, well, send me the email anyway, because this way, if we have to change the date, you'll be already on our list, and we will contact you with any new date should we need to arrange a new date.
That's chrisarnson at gmail dot com and put pastor's luncheon in the subject line,
Friday, May 29th, 11 a .m. to 2 p .m. at the Bongiorno Conference Center, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Also, folks, this is very important, and I hate asking this of you every day during this show, but it's something that needs to be done for this program's survival.
Please, if you love this show, you don't want it to disappear from the airwaves, you love the fact that I interview guests and cover topics that very often are not heard anywhere else, you love sharing the free downloadable
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During this coronavirus scare, we are in more need of your financial assistance than ever before because our two major, our two largest advertisers had to postpone further financial support of the program because their businesses have been so negatively impacted by the coronavirus scare.
So please help us make up for that loss of income, please help us to remain on the air, if indeed you love the show, go to ironsharpensironradio .com,
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You don't have to believe identically with me, but you need to be promoting something that's compatible at the very least with what we believe.
Send me an email to chrisarnson at gmail .com and put advertising in the subject line,
I surely could use the advertising dollars to help us remain on the air. Also folks, if you are not a member of a local
Bible believing church and you're not prayerfully even seeking for one, you're living in rebellion against God and so you have to rectify that situation.
There's no such thing as a lone wolf maverick Christian in the New Testament who is not under the headship of local elders in a biblically faithful church.
There's no such thing as a Christian in good standing with God who's just bouncing around from church to church to church and never joining any of them or never going to any church.
So please, if you need help finding a biblically faithful church in your area, anywhere in the world, I have lists of biblically faithful churches all over the planet earth.
So I may be able to help you find one right near where you live. I've already helped many people find churches near where they live all over the planet.
So send me an email to chrisarnson at gmail .com chrisarnson at gmail .com and put
I need a church in the subject line. One thing that I forgot to mention folks, when it comes to donating to Iron Trump and Zion Radio, I know that churches all over the world are hurting financially due to the coronavirus scare, not only because the folks are unable to show up physically for worship services due to the bans on public gatherings but also because members of churches have lost their jobs or at least been laid off temporarily and they can't afford to even give to their local churches.
So I'm asking you when you donate to Iron Trump and Zion Radio please don't siphon money away from your regular giving to your local church in order to give to this program and never put your family in financial jeopardy by giving to this program.
Those are two commands of God in the scriptures to provide for your church and your family.
Providing for this radio show is obviously not a command of God. But if you are financially blessed above and beyond your ability to obey those two commands you have a lot of extra money perhaps because you're not going out to eat in fancy restaurants anymore.
You're not going to the movies. You're not going to theatrical performances and plays and concerts.
You're not going to sporting events. You're not doing many things that you used to do because you are isolated in your home most of the time.
Well please use some of that money any percentage of that money that you want to, even all of it, to give to Iron Trump and Zion Radio if indeed as I said you love the show and you don't want it to go away.
So go to irontrumpandzionradio .com, click support, then click to donate now if you are donating.
And if you have a question for our guest Banu Gadi a New York pharmacist who owns and operates three drug stores in the
Long Island New York area and an elder at New Hyde Park Baptist Church on Long Island if you want to join us with a question on a pharmacist's counsel on the coronavirus our email address is chrisarnson at gmail .com
chrisarnson at gmail .com and Dr. Gadi before the break
I got a reply from Tom in West Islip. You had asked him what the severe symptoms were?
Yes. And I don't think I read his answer before the break.
My memory is going pretty badly. Tom in West Islip, New York.
I'm looking for his reply. Oh, he said the severe symptoms were severe headache, fatigue, and fever.
And he also wants to know if you have any recommendations for Indian restaurants on Long Island.
If he can come to my house. Well you better have me there first or at least with him.
No problem. I've been waiting for years to come over there.
Thank you very much Tom and we also have now Michael in Princeton New Jersey. Please present these three questions to Dr.
Gadi. What have you read or heard about taking large doses, about 2 grams a day, of ascorbic acid, vitamin
C as a part of a regimen to minimize the impact of infection with COVID -19?
And I'll read the other two questions after you answer that. Also, before we went to break there was a question about why doctors do not recommend.
Oh yeah, that's right. I believe that was CJ in Lindenhurst. I think. I wanted to know why the he was surmising that doctors know little about health and nutrition and vitamins because even though they may go for many years to medical school that's not a part of their training typically.
At least that's a common understanding. I don't know if that's still a truth today in this day and age.
Well, let's address that. And as a society and as people we have become busy in more ways than one.
And we are from morning to evening we are running around and also we do not have any time.
Everything is so mechanized and so organized if you will.
And it's like most of the understanding that we have is take a vitamin pill, multivitamin pill and everything will be okay.
And we will deal with the symptoms as we go along. And that is how the medical science and medical professionals have evolved over time.
And that is to our detriment. And we stop looking at these levels. As long as we have sufficient levels not to cause any trouble we are okay.
And there is no doctors also the way they most of them they are so inundated with taking care of the symptoms and we cannot place the blame in one place.
Neither doctors nor us nor the whole system has to change.
I hope I think this coronavirus as urgent as it is I think it brings our attention back to these nutritional deficiencies.
And also I'd like to touch on how this vitamin D really works in doing what it does.
So vitamin D in the nucleus there is some vitamin D receptors are everywhere.
These receptors these are the lock and key mechanism where vitamin
D fits into that vitamin D receptor very well and after opening that lock it can do what it is supposed to do.
So vitamin D receptors are in the nucleus and vitamin D is extremely important in those transcription mechanisms that I mentioned before and if vitamin
D does not occupy that and that may be available for anything else and virus has to use that mechanism to replicate itself.
So vitamin D if we have good levels of vitamin D that can suppress the viral replication that way.
The second way it works is there is an immune system and previous understanding of our vitamin
D is you know we take as long as we have enough vitamin D it prevents rickets and it is good for bone building.
That's all the classical understanding of vitamin D was and for the past 40 -50 years that's what our understanding was and later on for the past 20 years or so there is more research into this and how vitamin
D regulates our immune system has been known in recent years and there is something called there is two branches of our immune system.
One is innate immunity and the second one is the adaptive immunity and in the innate immune system the vitamin
D present will up -regulate the compounds that are up -regulated that means they produce more only in the presence of vitamin
D. These compounds are known to suppress or kill viruses by attaching into this as we said before it is an enveloped virus and there are areas in that envelope where these compounds that are generated in the presence of vitamin
D latches onto and pokes holes into the virus and that virus cannot survive and the second way it works is there is an adaptive branch of this immune system and there are two ways it works.
One is one branch is pro -inflammatory and the second branch is anti -inflammatory and the severe symptoms that people are experiencing with respect to this breathlessness and gasping for breath and there is something called these cytokines in this branch of the immune system.
The cytokines these are the chemicals that are generated in the immune system in the hopes of killing the pathogen.
What happens is it's been observed that most of this adverse effects that are being observed in the later stages of this disease this, our body's immune system is generating this form of this inflammatory cytokines but the presence of vitamin
D what it does is it shifts from that inflammatory branch and pro -inflammatory branch to the anti -inflammatory branch so vitamin
D can prevent the cytokine storm so it works in multiple ways the importance of vitamin
D cannot be overlooked in treating this disease or in preventing contracting this disease so why the medical science has not looked into it because we have not experienced this urgency before.
I think we have gotten used to the status quo. I think now this pathogen is making us rethink again so that would be my long answer to that.
Yeah, but this has been going on for months and as our listeners said before, and I agree, you could listen to Fox News or any other network on television for hours, maybe even 24 hours and never hear vitamin
D mentioned at all. It's just amazing to me. It is amazing and also that is the reason why I decided to write these posts on Facebook starting
March 23rd and I tried to explain the detailed mechanism, how vitamin
D is important and also there are other natural compounds that can aid in this and also the second listener asked a question about vitamin
C. Let me read the question again What have you read or heard about taking large doses about 2 grams a day of ascorbic acid vitamin
C as a part of a regimen to minimize the impact of COVID -19? Yes, there is a lot of evidence for the benefit that can benefit that regimen can benefit a patient who is fighting
COVID but we need to understand how and why this works and also when
I talked about this decoupling of the iron ion from the hemoglobin, these iron ions they can cause a lot of oxidative damage
If one iron ion happens to be there the lungs and the lung tissue, the alveoli where the gas exchange happens, it is equipped with mechanisms to deal with that antioxidant deal with that ion and with antioxidants and other mechanisms carry it away and before it does its damage but now if thousands and thousands and millions of these ions are floating around and that can overwhelm the system and we need good antioxidants and vitamin
C is a great antioxidant and whether 2 grams is sufficient to do the fighting, maybe it definitely does not hurt in the initial stages of this disease taking 2 grams can definitely help and also maybe even higher until we can tolerate it, maybe people can take it up to a level that can be tolerated
Okay, the second question from Michael in Princeton, New Jersey Do you have any opinion on the relationship between viral load on initial exposure to COVID -19 and severity of symptoms?
I believe it may explain in particular why medical workers may be at greater risk than the general population
You know, as we talked about it already the viral load in this is tremendous if in fact it is 4 orders of magnitude higher that is 10 ,000 times or more higher the replication potential that is where most of the damage occurs where people are asymptomatic and generating these viral particles in magnificent levels and they are they don't even know that they got the disease and they are walking around, running around and also they are spewing these viral particles and that is the reason why wearing the mask can mitigate the spread a little bit
Yes, medical professionals are definitely at a greater risk of contracting this.
Yeah, I could never figure out why initially many of these so -called health experts and physicians were on Fox News and other places telling people, don't wear the face mask it is not going to help you at all, blah, blah, blah now they are saying, oh, please we urge you, wear the face mask and it was really strange because if everybody for years has been saying if you have to cough or sneeze when you are in the presence of someone else do it in the sleeve of your elbow where your elbow is.
Now, if that is supposed to be a help to people, why wouldn't they wear a face mask?
True, we cough into our elbow and we elbow bump somebody, right? By the way, our friend
Pastor Mack Tomlinson of Providence Chapel in Denton, Texas, wanted you to clarify something he said, is it vitamin
D3 that you were mentioning? Yes, absolutely, that was the differentiation
I was going to make a little later there is something called vitamin D2 which is only available by prescription which, in the studies, it has not been proven that effective with respiratory illness.
It can fix the numbers it can bring up the numbers but it's not converted in the body properly and also vitamin
D2 can result in vitamin D toxicity that is talked about by many doctors and whenever I approach doctors with mega dosing of vitamin
D they talk about vitamin D toxicity and vitamin D3 is definitely not toxic and long -term use of vitamin
D3 in high doses has not been proven toxic but vitamin D2 can prove to be because it is not converted properly in the liver and various tissues of the body as easily as vitamin
D3 is converted Well, that's a very vital distinction then because you're saying it's impossible to overdose on D3 but not on vitamin
D2 Yeah, not impossible but the thing is mega doses, high doses of vitamin
D3 over a long time have been proven safe We have
Arnie in Perry County, Pennsylvania and in fact I'm going to ask his question and then we're going to go to our final break which is a much quicker break a much shorter break we'll have you answer it when we return
The question is from Arnie in Perry County, Pennsylvania Do you suggest any kind of specific diet that would help us to have the proper levels of vitamin
D in our system in order to prevent getting a virus such as the coronavirus in the future
Very good question and we'll have you answer it when we return and if anybody else has a question we do have a couple of people waiting and if anybody else has a question and you want to get in line do it quickly because we're rapidly running out of time chrisarnson at gmail .com
don't go away, we'll be right back with Dr. Banu Gadi after these messages from our sponsors
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Monday through Friday between 10am and 4 .30pm eastern time We are now back with the final segment of our interview with Dr.
Banu Gadi and we are addressing a pharmacist's council on the coronavirus.
Our email address is chrisarnson at gmail .com chrisarnson at gmail .com There is no question here from Barbara Ann in Hendersonville, Tennessee She just wants to thank you for giving such great advice
And going back to the questioner before the last break
Do you have any advice or recommended diet that is high in vitamin
D? Absolutely, how much time do I have? Right now you have about 14 minutes
No, no, that's ok. Absolutely, there is a diet
The thing is we need to understand where how the vitamin D is made Vitamin D is made from a molecule called cholesterol and the much maligned and much talked about molecule for the past 50 -60 years
The cholesterol when it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation in the sun that turns to an inactive form of vitamin
D And if we have proper cholesterol levels in our body and if we go exposed to full sun for about 10 -15 minutes that can generate up to 10 -15 ,000 units of vitamin
D So that is how the vitamin D is made And the foods themselves, eggs have a good amount of vitamin
D They can supply us with a good amount of vitamin D And also cod liver oil has vitamin
D And salmon And also when taking vitamin
D other minerals are very important as well like magnesium Magnesium helps in the vitamin
D conversion All the green leafy vegetables they have magnesium in it
And also magnesium is something that we do not get enough of Maybe we can take magnesium supplement as well
So well -balanced diet I think once we come out of this crisis we all need to seriously take a look at our nutrition, our diet properly so we can maintain these important and very crucial vitamins and minerals in our body at an optimum level
So we will not have to go through this what we are going through now in the future
Doesn't, or should I say, don't carrots have a lot of vitamin D? No, carrots have vitamin
A How about milk? Milk can have vitamin
D if cattle roam around in the pastures But if they don't, they do not have enough vitamin
D But it is fortified with vitamin I believe it is D2 So that's not the greatest vitamin
D Does lamb vindaloo have a lot of vitamin D?
Well, it can Because I'll never get coronavirus ever if that's the case
We shall see We have, let's see here
Ronald in Eastern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York who asks, are there any brands of the vitamin
D3 that are far superior to others? See, we carry something called
Bronson vitamin D3 and K2 There are good brands like Thorne Labs or there are a few
There are a few of them I don't remember all of these But vitamin D needs to be taken for long term
All the recommendations that I'm giving here for high doses of vitamin D is to get through this crisis
But for the long term, vitamin D has to be taken along with, there is another vitamin called
K2 Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and vitamin K2 is instrumental in calcium transport mechanisms, like K2 tells the body this calcium that is absorbed, where to go
So it doesn't end up in the wrong places in the body Let's see
We have a similar question Somebody was asking about brands We have, let's see here
I just was looking at it and it disappeared Oh, B .B.,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania B .B. in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania says, how do we know or how can we check to make sure that we are not being ripped off by some fly -by -night company manufacturing something that they label as vitamin
D3 but is really an inferior or perhaps even phony product Yeah, there is that concern out there
But stick with reputable companies like Bronson or talk to your pharmacist or your health food store
They should be able to guide you to a good product There are lots of reputable companies out there
So in other words, you wouldn't advise somebody just ordering something off the internet that they saw advertised The thing is, this is where I land on that one
You can get a lot of vitamins from the internet, but you will not get the same advice talking to your local pharmacist or local healthcare professional along with that Well, I want to make sure, before we go to any more listener questions that you have about five minutes to really provide the information that you most want etched in the hearts and minds of our listeners on this subject before we go off the air
Okay, so this is what I want to say If anybody has contracted this virus please do not presume or assume the benignness of your symptoms
You need to treat this very seriously because these symptoms may be very benign for the most part until they get very serious
If your vitamin D levels are low you must fortify you must supplement right away
Talk to your local pharmacist or you can reach out to me as well
I'm on Facebook You can message me on Facebook or you can contact me
I'll give my email or through our website you can contact us
And also, if anybody is having any serious symptoms at all and has to be taken to the hospital please insist that they be given at least two to three hundred thousand units of vitamin
D3 before they do anything before the doctors do anything You must insist
Vitamin D has to be on board for this fight If you do have vitamin D on board for this fight more than likely they will come out of it without any problem
Okay, let's see here We have John in Bangor, Maine who wants to know, are any hospitals that you are aware of adopting the vitamin
D regimen? No, I do not know of any hospitals that I'm aware of I spoke to several doctors and some doctors said they would try to use it
With respect to vitamin D there are hard ops in the pharmacy systems in the hospitals
They cannot give more than 50 ,000 units a week Doctors have to get special authorization to give it to their patients
This system is not conducive for vitamin
D therapy I don't think doctors are convinced that vitamin D works the way it does
Wow, your answer really surprised me It's mind -boggling
It's really mind -boggling Let's see here
We have Harrison in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania who says, has it proven to be false the commonly repeated phrase that young people are far less susceptible to the coronavirus?
No, that has been proven to be false In the cases that we see here in these hospitals, most of the people even young children as young as 18 years old have succumbed to this illness
Most of the people that we are seeing here in the local hospitals are in the range of 30s and 40s
That seems to be a myth The only common thing that we can see in the cases that I have seen is vitamin
D deficiency Do you know if statistically these younger people have a pre -existing condition which initially for weeks they were saying that everybody who has severe effects negative effects from the coronavirus has a pre -existing condition like diabetes or something but that seems to have vanished as a fact
Is it true with the younger people that almost all or a high percentage have a pre -existing condition?
In the two young cases that I have seen and I have known, not personally but from friends they didn't have any pre -existing condition
These young people, 18 years old and about in their 20s
What is your advice? They want people to stay home until the symptoms become serious without giving them any proper advice as to how to take care of them at home
That is the most concerning part I think people need to know that there is a lot they can do right at home
Vitamin D is available over the counter D3 is available over the counter and they need to drink plenty of fluids and also salt water goggles and keep yourself hydrated and also breathing exercises that need to be done
You need to oxygenate your lungs and Vitamin C is a great addition that you can do Yeah, that is correct
They are being advised to stay home until the symptoms get worse So you agree with that advice?
Yes, I do As long as the people who are recovering are suffering at home they have all this information how to take care of themselves at home so that these symptoms will not be exacerbated and result in something very serious
RJ in White Plains, NY says I just recently watched a documentary that has been circulating on Facebook and the internet very widely that gives the idea that the coronavirus actually began purposely as a tool of war in China in a laboratory and although the root is bats it is not a mistake that occurred in the wet market
Do you have any of your own theories on this? No, I do not The current question is how do we protect ourselves from it
I think there are ways to do it All those details will be sorted out by experts in the days to come
LeesDrugsRx .com That is L -E -E -S DrugsRx .com
You can find out the information on the other locations on Long Island, NY where Banu Gadi has a pharmacy that he owns and operates
Do you have any other contact information you care to share? My email address is
B -G -A -D -D -E at N -Y -R -P -H dot com and my
Facebook handle is B -H -A -N -U -G -A -D -D -E and if you search for that I have several posts and all this information
I try to capture in those 4 or 5 posts that I have done in the past 4 or 5 weeks
Can you repeat your email address again? It is B -G -A -D -D -E at N -Y -R -P -H dot com
Well thank you so much Dr. Gadi and I look forward to having you back as I already stated and I look forward to accepting that invitation to have an
Indian meal at your home Yes, thank you Chris, thank you so much I want to thank everybody who listened today
Oh, let me one more time also plug New Hyde Park Baptist Church where Dr. Gadi is an elder
The website there is N -H -P -B -C dot com That's N -H -P for New Hyde Park, B -C for Baptist Church dot com
I want to thank everybody who listened especially those who took the time to write and I want you all to always remember for the rest of your lives that Jesus Christ is a far greater