DUMPSTER FIRE | Heavy Hemorrhoid Issues


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FIRE! Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire.
Now this is a mini dumpster fire that we will be doing today. We're heading over to Redding, California, Bethel Church.
And we're just going to look at what I would consider to be a representative sample of the sound biblical theology, and biblical scholarship, and great doctrine that's so beautifully shown from the scriptures.
That often takes place at the stage of Bethel Church in Redding, California.
And you'll note there's some sarcasm there, because Bethel isn't known for their sound doctrine. They're not known for their biblical scholarship.
They're not known for their doctrinal fidelity. Far from it. So, back in March of this year, they invited, well,
Georgian Bonoff to come and grace their stage and regale them with his stories of his exploits in the spirit.
And I hope you're sitting down, because this one's going to be entitled... Yeah, we've already kind of worked out the title for this one.
Dumpster fire, heavy hemorrhoid issues. Yeah. And we're going to bust the chops of Georgian Bonoff, who does some decreeing and declaring as it relates to the town of Redding.
And we'll take a look and just do some verification regarding his prophetic declarations to see if they came true.
So let's whirl this up. Hope you're sitting down. Drinking straws, padding duct tape, bendy straws, things like that.
Those will all help. Tinfoil pyramid hat may be in order here. But we're over at Georgian Bonoff's Vimeo account.
And this was the sermon, or part of the sermon, he delivered at Bethel in March of this year.
Here we go. Thank you. I mean, Romania is just gypsies, just three million gypsies.
Bulgaria has many, so many favorite people, and they're mainly... Now, he's going to talk about a city in Bulgaria and make claims that no one's verified yet.
But everyone there at Bethel will be clapping and applauding the claims that he'll be making.
Garbage collectors, and they're hard workers, actually. Or cherry pickers or something like that.
In Bulgaria, they're the rose pickers. Because Bulgaria, in the middle of Bulgaria, is the largest rose valley of roses in the world.
And all French perfume comes from Bulgarian roses. And gypsies are the pickers.
And it's hard work. You can only pick for rose oil between like 4 or 5 in the morning when the dew comes.
And once the sun comes up and the dew is evaporated, that's it. There's no more oil. The rose oil is inside the dew.
And so, as soon as the dew comes up at 4 o 'clock or so, they start picking fast and dark, and it's hard work.
Anyways, it's her favorite people. I say her, it's mine too, but I've adopted them because she's in love with the poorest of the poor.
And so we go there every year. Now, he's talking about his wife, Winnie. This particular neighborhood,
I mean violent neighborhood. I mean, selling women and pimps and drug lords and so on and so forth, violent.
And yet, there's a little church there that just loves Jesus. In 1995, we brought this corporate anointing.
Yeah, that would be the so -called Toronto blessing. Love and intoxication in the
Holy Spirit. How many love that? Where in the Bible does it talk about intoxication in the
Holy Spirit? And it actually doesn't say that in the day of Pentecost. Neither Peter nor any of the other apostles who were filled with the
Spirit, with tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost, were actually behaving in a drunken fashion.
You know, you don't bother me to get intoxicated anytime. It doesn't interrupt me at all.
Or if you rejoice or anything. What bothers me more is like...
So go ahead and just get intoxicated in the Spirit anytime you like there at Bethel while Georgian is teaching.
Because he would rather have you do that than what he's demonstrating right now. No, I'm kidding.
I don't care what you do. I'm just too drunk to care. Anyway, anyway.
I'm just too drunk to care. Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self -control.
Apparently, he's lost that. Oh! So the leader of this little church,
I mean, he was all Muslim, the whole neighborhood, just on fire for Jesus.
And he loved this anointing. And so he says, come to our neighborhood and give us this blessing, you know.
And so we did. And it hit this young leader and the whole little church just exploded.
And because we do every night meetings. I mean, part of this anointing is intoxicated and addictive.
Intoxicating and addictive anointing. Where in the Bible are we led to expect that God the
Holy Spirit would do that? You're addicted to his presence. I'm not joking.
This is your brain. Thank God for you. Because it would be a lonely night, imagine tonight without this.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Pastor Bill, for stirring it, for wanting it, for encouraging it.
Wow! And so, anyway, since this anointing has fallen, we minister every night.
Because people are hungry for this every night. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
And now there's people somewhere in the back there completely losing it and just laughing uncontrollably.
With these crazy students. I mean, they don't, they're just riotous, you know.
You should see our school. It takes, it takes, it's kind of like, you know, when they do the rugby or the football and the piles.
That's what happens during the worship. And it takes 10 to 15 minutes to get them to their chairs.
And, and, and, and it's kind of a dilemma. Heaven forbids to stop. Okay, stop it. Get up and go there.
No, he can't do that. In fact, if Winnie teaches, she says, oh, you're fine here. I don't care.
So she's just preaching away. Anyways, this church in this neighborhood, worship every night.
Guys, for, since 96, every night. Woo! Oh, like over 20 years now.
And guess what? The presence of God has camped not only in the little church in the middle of the neighborhood, but on the entire neighborhood.
So the whole neighborhood, you know, God's presence camps there. You know, think like Book of Exodus kind of stuff.
Is, is the presence a pillar of fire by night and cloud by day?
You know, do you guys have attentive meeting and stuff there? And as a result, crime ended.
Drug lords are gone. No more selling. So there's no crime anymore in that neighborhood of Bulgaria.
We don't know the name of the town, so we can't verify this claim. More selling children.
No more doing drugs. Gone. All gone. All gone.
And the police. Now, this is in a city record. I'm not exaggerating. In a city record, the police have not gone in their neighborhood for 20 years.
Yeah, what's the name of the town? I'd like to talk to the police there. That's what the presence of God does.
I'm just releasing. You're doing that. You're changing the city. But I'm just, I'm just agreeing with you that, that, that Reading will be a no, no crime zone.
No crime zone. No crime zone. Freedom from crime.
Releasing the presence of the Lord. Releasing the simplicity of praise, of worship.
All right, so he released that back in March. Now, today did a little bit of research and found the
Reading Police Department's website. I actually had the opportunity to speak to the administrative assistant, to Roger Moore, the chief of police there.
And what was fascinating was that I told her
I was a member of the media, told her I was with Pirate Christian Media, and that we were doing a follow -up to a claim regarding a prophetic declaration that was made in March over at Bethel.
And I said, I just have one question to ask, and that is, is that, is Reading now a crime -free zone?
And she kind of chortled and guffawed with incredulity.
And, you know, I literally invited the chief of police onto this program.
And he decided not to come on the program, but his administrative assistant said, on our website, there is a crime map, and the crime map breaks down all of the crimes that have been reported in Reading by month, and you can actually see what type it is.
And so when you click on the, so we're at the cityofreading .org, and you click on their crime map, let me show you what comes up.
So you see, you know, kind of a Google Earth -looking thing here, the Reading crime map.
And let me zoom in, let me zoom in to the city of Reading, so, you know, you don't think that we're up to anything nefarious.
There's the city of Reading from the Reading crime map. And when you click on the stacks, you know, you can look at crime, and it's broken out.
So let's take a look at, like, February. Wow, sounds like the city of Chicago.
Anyway, we'll look at the month of February, the month before they released this declaration that Reading was going to be crime -free.
And you'll note, you can click on the different things here. You know, on February 6th at 2 a .m.,
there was a theft, and you kind of get the idea of where it took place. It was another theft there.
And then, well, look, on the 17th, there was an aggravated assault. Here we've got a vehicular theft.
And you'll note, I mean, it just really looks like there's a lot of criminal activity that went on there in February of this year.
Now, the declaration by Georgian Bonoff was in March.
So, you know, let's check April. Huh. Okay. Let's check
May. May should be crime -free, because Reading is now a crime -free zone.
Let's check – well, yeah, May is – wow, there's a lot going on in May there, too.
How about June? I'm sure by then, you know, they were a crime – no, not at all.
Wow. So, I mean, let's take a look at the June stats here, shall we?
Let's see here. R. Oh, there was a robbery on June 18th at 2 a .m.
And then on that street, petty theft over there. That looks like a car theft to me.
Why is the house there? Oh, there was a burglary at someone's house on June 9th.
Another car theft, motor vehicle theft on June 5th.
Boy, there's a lot of activity there. In fact, I didn't hear anything.
And I asked the administrative assistant to the chief of police there. Again, his name is
Roger Moore, no relation to the guy who played 007. But Roger Moore's assistant,
I asked if – would there be any layoffs anytime soon? Now that Redding is a crime -free zone, she thought
I'd lost my mind. So, again, this is just statistical data that, you know, like data that's available on the website for the city of Redding.
And I was pointed to this by the chief of police who has definitively helped us come to the conclusion that since the release of this prophetic declaration that Redding would be a crime -free zone in March, that it has – that prophetic declaration has not come to pass.
You know, just saying. But let's return now to Georgian Bonov as he continues.
And this is where it gets really nutso. And we're going to take a hard left into Cuckoo Banana Town as if we're not already there.
But here we go again. Oh, I just release you to go out in the streets and just worship.
This is wonderful. This is training ground. But go out. Go out and worship on any corner.
Just get your guitar and just sing. And from door to door, it doesn't matter.
Just like a caroling on Christmas. Just sing. Worship. That's what she makes us do.
She makes us bring out instruments and just serenade. Wow. So I'm just –
I want to play this video if you want to see and see yourself coming with us if you're into that kind of stuff.
You know? I mean, we worship. So this is a recruiting lecture on his part.
He wants people to come to his school, you know, in Romania, Bulgaria area. Everywhere.
We worship in the West Banks. We worship in inside hospitals where the wounded soldiers in Israel.
We worship inside army bases. We do just like this.
Come on. The kingdom of God is invading. Do you know one of our friends in Israel, what do you call messianic friend, believer,
Jewish believer but leader in Ashdod. Isn't that right?
Is it Ashkad or Ashdod? Ashdod. Ashdod, yeah. It's where the presence of – where the ark was.
Remember the presence gave the enemy – remember hemorrhoids?
Am I right? I'm not exaggerating. So the presence of God gave the enemy hemorrhoids.
I know what text he's referring to. No, it wasn't hemorrhoids. Making fun of it.
It was miserable, right? So those guys who held the – how many have read the
Bible? I'm not making this. This is true. If you don't yield to the presence, who knows what will happen.
I don't guarantee. I don't know. Might as well worship. Anyway, these guys did not worship. They're just like, no way.
And boom, they got heavy hemorrhoid issues. And so they realized it's –
So the people in Ashdod refused to worship. So God gave them heavy hemorrhoid issues.
No. No, no. That's not how that went down.
The text in question is found in 2 Samuel. And we'll note in – it's 2
Samuel chapter 5. And in 2 Samuel chapter 4, if you want to read the context, the children of Israel lost a battle against the
Philistines. And this was really God's judgment against the high priest and his sons,
Hophni and Phinehas, who were fornically mutilating with the women at the tabernacle. And the high priest did nothing to stop them.
And so God actually had Samuel – spoke to Samuel and gave a prophecy that God was going to judge the house of Eli for this sin.
And so the Ark of the Covenant was captured in the battle. You can read that in 1
Samuel 4. Here's what happens. And the Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant and bring it into their territory, bring it into their land.
And we'll read what happened. When the Philistines captured the Ark of God, they brought it from Ebenezer to Ashdod.
Then the Philistines took the Ark of God and brought it up into the house of Dagon and set it beside Dagon.
Dagon is a false god, kind of looks like a merman. He's kind of like a half -fish, half -man kind of guy.
And so when the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, behold, Dagon had fallen face downward on the ground before the
Ark of Yahweh. So they took Dagon, put him back in his place. But when they rose early on the next morning, behold,
Dagon had fallen face downward on the ground before the Ark of the Lord. The head of Dagon and both of his hands were lying cut off on the threshold.
So much for coexisting, right? Yeah, Yahweh doesn't coexist with false gods. Only the trunk of Dagon was left to him, and this is why the priests of Dagon and all who enter the house of Dagon do not tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod to this day.
The hand of Yahweh was heavy against the people of Ashdod, and he terrified and afflicted them with, and here's the word, techor, with tumors.
That's the actual word, techor, tumors. Both Ashdod and its territory, and when the men of Ashdod saw how things were, they said, the
God of Israel must not remain with us, for his hand is hard against us and against Dagon our
God. So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines and said, what shall we do with the
Ark of the God of Israel? And they answered, let the Ark of the God of Israel be brought around to Gath.
So they brought the Ark of the God of Israel there, but afterward they brought it around. The hand of the Lord was against the city, causing a very great panic, and he afflicted the men of the city, both young and old, so that tumors, techor, broke out on them, and they sent the
Ark of God to Ekron. But as soon as the Ark of God came to Ekron, the people of Ekron cried out that they had brought around to us the
Ark of God of Israel to kill us and our people. So they sent therefore, gathered together all the lords of the
Philistines and said, send away the Ark of the God of Israel and let it return to its own place, that it may not kill us and our people, for there was a deathly panic throughout the whole city, and the hand of God was very heavy there, and the men who did not die were struck with tumors, not hemorrhoids, and the cry of the city went up to heaven.
So that's the story. They ended up sending the Ark of God back, and they had made golden rats and golden tumors as an offering to God when they sent it back.
But Georgi and Bonov is under the belief that they refused to worship
God, and so God gave them heavy hemorrhoid issues. I'm going to back that up just a little bit.
Listen again. You know, I mean, we worship everywhere. We worship in the
West Banks. We worship inside hospitals where the wounded soldiers in Israel.
We worship inside army bases. We do just like this.
Come on. The kingdom of God is invading. Do you know one of our friends in Israel, what do you call messianic friend,
Jewish believer but leader in Ashdod? Isn't that right?
Is it Ashkad or Ashdod? Ashdod. It's where the presence of, where the Ark was.
Remember the presence gave the enemy, remember hemorrhoid?
Am I right? I'm not exaggerating. I'm not making fun of it. It was miserable, right?
So those guys who held the, how many have read the
Bible? I'm not making this. This is true. Like if you don't yield to the presence, who knows what will happen?
I don't guarantee. I don't know. Might as well worship. Anyway, these guys did not worship. They're just like, and boom, they got heavy hemorrhoid issues.
And so they realized it's from that Ark of this presence. So they made huge hemorrhoid gold like offerings and then go, go, go.
So they released it, right? I'm not making this up. This is a Bible story.
So there you go. First time ever taught in the history of Christianity and even
Judaism. The story of the heavy hemorrhoid issues that afflicted the
Philistines of Ashton, Necron, and Gath because of the refusal to worship the
Lord. Yeah, nothing but solid top -notch biblical scholarship going on there at Bethel Church in Redding, California.
What an embarrassment. They need to issue an apology to the entire body of Christ and everybody there for the nonsense that they permit to be spewed forth from their stage.
You can't even call that a pulpit. So if you found this helpful, please share the video. All the information on how to share it is down below.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.