Young Convert to....What?
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The similarities between this conversion to Islam and what we see in Evangelical churches all the time should be obvious to anyone. Something to think about.
- 00:07
- This is just a real quick video. Turret and Fan in my chat channel linked me to a video online of a conversion to Islam.
- 00:17
- YouTube is filled with these. This one might even be on YouTube someplace. I don't have the time to go looking for it.
- 00:24
- And it wasn't in a form that would allow me to link to it, so I'm putting it here on my YouTube page so I can throw it up on the blog.
- 00:31
- But it's always interesting for me to watch these.
- 00:37
- I've watched many of them, partly to try to understand, gain information about the motivations and reasons that converts have and telltale things that they say.
- 00:51
- I post these things and I realize that they bother Christians and I do so purposefully.
- 00:59
- We live in such an insulated environment that it is my purpose to disturb your comfort.
- 01:08
- It should be disturbing for you to watch someone embracing a religion that specifically, in its very definition, denies the fundamental truth claims of the
- 01:20
- Christian faith. But beyond that, and beyond the example of seeing how a person, the mechanical means by which a person becomes a
- 01:32
- Muslim, over against the biblical understanding of the God -centeredness of Christian conversion, there should be something else that's hauntingly familiar to many in watching this.
- 01:45
- Because the sad fact of the matter is, you have here a young man, and you can tell in light of the environment that there's peer pressure being put upon him, and how many
- 01:59
- Christian evangelists use the exact same methodology to create, well, what
- 02:06
- I would call false conversions. How many Christian evangelists do the exact same thing you will see here?
- 02:14
- In fact, honestly, if it wasn't somewhat of an Arabic -looking individual standing with him, and if the sound wasn't turned all the way up, if you just happened, if you were in an airport or someplace and you just looked up and you saw this, what would you assume was actually going on?
- 02:35
- That's how similar these types of conversions are. I just present this to you very quickly as a thought -provoking thing to see once again that it's so important to contrast the biblical understanding of what conversion is, regeneration, what saving faith is.
- 02:58
- Why does it last? Why do I have saving faith 40 -some -odd years after my conversion?
- 03:05
- Is it because I'm better? Is it because I'm stronger? Or is it something about the nature of what saving faith is?
- 03:12
- It's the work of God in which I can have absolutely no boasting. Or are the methodologies of many evangelicals that create all these conversions through the use of 32 stanzas of just as I am, or the peer pressure, or all the rest of the things, especially happen in youth contexts.
- 03:35
- Is that really biblical? Is that really godly? And how does it differ from what we're going to see right here, converting someone to a different religion?
- 03:42
- How can we say it's a supernatural thing when it's being used to convert people to religion and say that Jesus Christ did not die upon the cross, he did not rise from the dead, he's not the son of God.
- 03:52
- Some things to think about. Take a look. I'm 13. So Henry, is anyone forcing you to embrace
- 04:03
- Islam? Did anyone force you? No, not at all. And what made you come to Islam? How did you see the light?
- 04:10
- Basically, over the summer holidays, I had never really followed a religion in my life, and I guess
- 04:17
- I just looked into it because I was curious, and it's just so amazing and so overwhelming that I can't believe it.
- 04:28
- Okay, so I want everybody to be quiet for this, because Henry is about to embrace
- 04:34
- Islam. Please remain silent while this very special moment takes place for Henry.
- 04:39
- So Henry, I want you to repeat after me. I bear witness that there is no
- 05:03
- God worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is his servant and messenger.
- 05:21
- When you see
- 05:32
- Henry walking around, give him a great hug and congratulate him, because Henry, you are part of billions of Muslims around the world, and every single one of these people in front of you and more will love you for it, because you are
- 05:49
- Muslim, and we have something in common now. We all worship Allah. How do you feel? I feel amazing.