Walid Shoebat and the Gospel: Quick Response

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A real quick reply to Walid Shoebat’s article of 8/10/2014


Just a real quick screen flow video this morning on the way to church as you can tell
I normally don't sit around the house Wearing a bowtie, but anyway Last two mornings
I have gotten up to some really interesting articles on the web The next dividing line should be very interesting, but this morning
Waleed Shabbat Posted an article Catholics who died defending the Jews during Nazism are all going to hell all going to hell is in capitals and a clip from the dividing line is included and of course the
Shabbats are coming out a little bit more clearly though. I'm still Amazed they won't just come straight out and say yes, we're
Roman Catholics. I listened to the Discussion I guess you can call it that Between Theodore Shabbat and Keith Thompson yesterday morning while I was writing
Theodore would would not answer the direct question. Are you a Roman Catholic? Just just wouldn't answer it.
It was it was embarrassing Why won't you answer a simple question like that?
I mean, that's that's the first thing you got to start with you You know the only way to have meaningful respectful dialogue is to be open about where you're coming from, but anyway
The title and then the argumentation of This article really is extremely important.
It really is extremely important Especially because there are so many who are non
Roman Catholics who have embraced fundamental aspects of Roman Catholic soteriology
There are very few today Who understand what the key issues of the
Reformation were about even those who claim to be of that lineage not only is that there have been tremendous out of Compromise apostasy but There's just so much
Confusion on people's part so much shallow thinking as to what the actual issues are and this is a very clear example
Notice what is said? Catholics who died to feign the Jews during Nazism are all going to hell
Hmm. Well, I never said they're all going to hell I've never said that every Catholics going to hell
I have said that there are people in the Catholic Communion who are saved they're saved in spite of the church They don't actually believe what
Rome teaches about the gospel but The point is of course what
I was saying in the clip and people are pointing this out that he hasn't listened what I was saying in the clip very well, and that seems to be a
Problem with the Shabbat's they don't really listen to what people are saying to them but what
I was saying in the clip is that What takes you into the presence of God is?
Exactly one thing the grace of God in Jesus Christ period end of discussion. There's nothing else all our righteous deeds are filthy rags in God's sight including saving
Jews or Saving Christians in Iraq or anything else if you really think that risking your life
To save someone in Iraq today is enough to wipe out your sins To allow you to stand before the
Holy God that really gets you to the real issue here I realize humanists believe that secularists believe that because they don't take seriously the holiness of God They don't take seriously his law against sin and their own depravity and their own guilt
I Realize that I take a minority position here. I recognize that but Taking a biblical position is a minority position these days and it has always been the issue
It has always been the issue How do I have peace with God The biblical response is there's exactly one way and that is in and through Jesus Christ only
Therefore if as was part of the argument and the Shabbat's don't really concern themselves with consistency of Argumentation either from their perspective or represent anybody else equally and fairly sadly
My if my position is true and that is that Rome's gospel is a false gospel That it is under the anathema of Galatians chapter 1 in Galatians chapter 5
Then if someone was holding that false gospel and did all the good deeds in the world, are they right with God Evidently from Shabbat's perspective.
Yes, and of course a biblical perspective The answer is no ask Isaiah the holiest man in Israel when he saw the holiness of God.
What was his response? I am undone. I'm a man of unclean lips It's so easy. We compare ourselves to other people.
It's so easy. We look at the the animals of Isis and Boko Haram Who are who have just been given over to the the depths of depravity to go?
Oh, I sure am a lot better than they are Yeah, but you're still not good enough That kind of relative righteousness that self -righteousness that Otto soteriology is not gonna get you
Anywhere, that's why you need a Savior and the irony is this kind of self -saving this kind of it's what you do
Not what Christ did that's going to save you idea Wow That's very similar to what the
Muslims say In fact, the scary thing is the more I listen to the Shabbat's the more I realize they're just they're just the radical
Muslims In reverse, they're just on the other side of the of the of the wall This Christian militarism and this taking up arms and yeah, sure wipe out the
Cathars. They were a threat, you know, like They just don't seem to realize that when you oppose something in an imbalanced fashion you end up becoming its mirror image and Here you have the same thing the very same thing that I said in the mosque in Erasmus I have to say here and that is you cannot separate
God's holy nature from God's law and If you think the
God's law can be relaxed because well look someone did something really good Well, I can guarantee you even the people who did good things to hide
Jews didn't always have pure motives. Did they and Do you think that's enough?
That's that's gonna wipe out your sins. That's the Roman Catholic way I understand that you know penances and you know, you've you've got temporal punishments and stuff.
Oh, yeah That's that's the Roman Catholic way But that's why I wish the Shoebox just come straight out and say we reject
The Protestant Reformation and all it stood for we are Roman Catholics. Just be honest. We'd be straightforward about it might
Diminish the number of places you get to speak at but that's just the way it is That's the
Roman way. It's not the biblical way and it's always been the issue the What what are all the soul is about this very issue?
Solus Christus Christ alone not Christ Making a way that I can then
Work to get myself there not Christ making it possible me to do good works that then make me pleasing before God No solus
Christus Christ alone sola fide faith alone. Not my works. Not the things are added to it
So Really? All I'm being criticized for is being a consistent biblical
Christian here rather than following the Gospel of Rome And all of its accretions that fall under the anathema of the
Apostles themselves Much more to be said about this, but I wanted to make that very very clear.
What Walid is saying is hey Those people that did those good deeds that's enough to satisfy the holiness of God and the
Bible says No false gospel false gospel more on this later on.