What are some of the most frequently asked questions about the church? - Podcast Episode 163, Part 1


What should I be looking for in a church? Why is church attendance important? How should conflict in the church be handled? Is the priesthood of all believers biblical? Links: Questions about the Church (categorized): https://www.gotquestions.org/content_church.html Questions about the Church (all): https://www.gotquestions.org/questions_church.html Transcript: https://podcast.gotquestions.org/transcripts/episode-163-1.pdf --- https://podcast.gotquestions.org GotQuestions.org Podcast subscription options: Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/gotquestions-org-podcast/id1562343568 Google - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9wb2RjYXN0LmdvdHF1ZXN0aW9ucy5vcmcvZ290cXVlc3Rpb25zLXBvZGNhc3QueG1s Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/3lVjgxU3wIPeLbJJgadsEG Amazon - https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/ab8b4b40-c6d1-44e9-942e-01c1363b0178/gotquestions-org-podcast IHeartRadio - https://iheart.com/podcast/81148901/ Disclaimer: The views expressed by guests on our podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of Got Questions Ministries. Us having a guest on our podcast should not be interpreted as an endorsement of everything the individual says on the show or has ever said elsewhere. Please use biblically-informed discernment in evaluating what is said on our podcast.


What are some of the most frequently asked questions about the church? - Podcast Episode 163, Part 2

What are some of the most frequently asked questions about the church? - Podcast Episode 163, Part 2

Welcome to the Got Questions podcast. Today, joining me again is Gwen. She's the administrator of compellingtruth .org
and also our volunteer services coordinator, makes sure all the answers that are sent out are done so in a quality, biblically -based manner.
Also Nelson, our director of video content. A few episodes ago, we did an episode on what is the church, what is the purpose of the church, so we thought we would continue that today with a little discussion on what are some of the most frequently asked questions about the church.
Consider this our miscellaneous church questions episode. To start off, how about I'll shoot this first question over to you,
Gwen. What should I be looking for in a church? Yeah, first,
I think that's a great question. Not every church you walk into is gonna be the same or is gonna be a good fit for you.
So I think I first start with the statement of faith. You wanna make sure that the church is really biblically sound, that they truly are a
Christian church and that they really value the word. But I think, too, not just the statement of faith, but what is actually the church culture?
Do these people actually really value the word of God? Are they really living as community and loving one another?
So do they preach it and then do they actually live it out? And I look at, too, spiritual nourishment.
Like when you go to this church, is it causing you to grow? Is it causing you to be encouraged in your faith, to be challenged in your faith, or is it just stagnant?
And then I think of having a place to serve. We've talked in past episodes about spiritual gifts and how the church is the body of Christ.
So is there a place in this church where you will be able to use your gifts for the benefit of other people?
Other things to consider are your specific family's needs and season and even your passions.
So for instance, if you really have a passion for the special needs community, is this a church where you could serve that way?
Or if you have kids who are in elementary school, is this a church that will support you in raising those kids and in discipling them in the
Lord? So those are some general things that I would look at. Nelson, I know that you have counseled a lot of people in searching for churches.
What do you suggest people do? You know, the suggestions you gave are excellent. They're all the right things you should look for.
And now with churches online more and more, even having services online and having their doctrine statements online and things like that, before you even walk in the door, you can often research those things as you look around for a church in your area.
You know, one thing I would suggest is, that wasn't mentioned, those are all good things that you said, but in addition to that, one, if you have multiple choices that all fit that criteria, you know, is one closer?
Is it easier to get to? I mean, that's a practical thing to know about because if you find a church that's pretty far away from you, you know, half hour, 45 minutes, an hour away or further, it'll be harder for you to get to that church or wanna participate in some of the events and the things and small groups and youth groups and whatever they might have.
And a lot of the people that you might enjoy doing those things with will also most likely be that far away too.
So even location and how far of a drive it is from you is a consideration. When people walk in the door to a church, they're looking around and oftentimes, like it or not, they've made their decision about that church within the first few minutes through the environment, through the culture that's in that church and seeing what's available to them right away.
And so for church leaders, you know, you wanna be as welcoming as possible to these individuals and you wanna put your best foot forward and present exactly what the church is in a very concise, clear way immediately.
A lot of times churches will have what they really care about or passionate about printed and signage throughout the building and things like that.
And so if I was a new goer to a church and I was walking into a building, I would look for those types of things. I would look for, you know, do they proclaim
Christ like you mentioned or is there a place for me to serve and to plug in to right away?
Will it fit my family's needs as well? And this is a place where I can grow. A lot of times you can go to a church and it might be a really fun message, but perhaps a little too watered down for some believers in the sense where maybe they're serving more milk in the sense of biblical speaking than solid food.
And that's a consideration. You know, is this gonna be a place where I can grow? And so I encourage people when they visit to look at all those things, check out all the things on the website, but give the church, you know, a try or two.
You know, don't just make your assessment right away. Go and listen to the sermon and go back again and see if the
Lord is truly calling to that place. I think you'll feel a sense of peace once you find that church body that the
Lord is calling you to. Excellent points, both of you. The things that you both mentioned are things that when my wife and I moved to Colorado Springs over 20 years ago, we're trying to find a new church.
We were keeping track of these sorts of things. And me being a technology nerd, I actually had in a spreadsheet where I was keeping all these things and even rating the church on the quality of the preaching, the quality of the worship, were we greeted well, how far away the church was.
So all these things, for me, I need a sort of a mathematical formula.
Obviously we're praying, we're seeking the Lord, asking for the Spirit's guidance, but even just remembering, tracking some of these things.
We visited, I think, 20 different churches and it's hard to remember all those things, but we're very happy with how the
Lord eventually led us and not that everyone needs to create a spreadsheet, but just remember the things that God's word says the church is to be and to do, and then look for a church that fits those things.
But it's not wrong to also look for a church that is a practical match for you and your family as well.
So question two, I'm gonna test this one to Nelson. How should conflict in the church be handled?
Well, that never happens, right? There's never a conflict in the church. Well, of course there is.
There's conflict in our families and there's conflict among our friends. And of course, there's gonna be conflict within the church local assembly as well.
And for anyone who thinks otherwise, you're just not being realistic. I am pastoring and I know a lot of people who immediately leave the church because there's some sort of disagreement or some sort of conflict between either them and another congregant or them and the leadership.
Or they just don't like the way things are being done. And so they just move on quickly instead of addressing the conflict.
And so scripture is very clear about what to do in conflict scenarios because scripture talks about all parts of life and it gives us the tools that we need.
And it knows, God knows that these things will creep up. We are sinful human beings in this fallen world.
And so we're going to get into these types of conflict but we need to resolve them biblically. And the passage I always go to is
Matthew 18. Very familiar passage for those who understand conflict resolution. It's Matthew 18 verses 15 through 17.
And it gives us the step -by -step instructions of how to deal in conflict. And it mentions in that passage about first addressing it with the individual.
And I would say, as we do that, we need to prepare our own hearts. We need to think about, is there sin in my own life?
Is there something in my life? Am I contributing to this problem in any way even before I approach that individual about either sin in their life or sin or a conflict in between us?
And so we have to check ourselves first, right? And pray to the Lord, ask for a humble heart to see yourself and to see your own sins and see you as you are, as he sees us.
And then humbly approach that individual to bring up that issue.
And if they don't respond, the passage of Matthew 18 reminds us then, if they don't respond to clear communication from you that's delivered in a heartfelt, compassionate way that's built around resolve and built around restoration, if they won't listen, then it asks to bring another believer or two along with you.
And this is not about gossip. It's not about ganging up on them. And it's certainly not about proving a point and being right.
It's simply about living our lives in the correct way the Lord calls us to do it. And if there's sin in the body of the church or a conflict in between individuals and between you and someone else, you need to resolve these things.
And so we bring in other people, other impartial people, not just people on your side, not just your buddies or your friends, it needs to be other strong believers within that church body who know both of you and can be impartial on the matter and they should be consulted.
And if they also see the sin or the issue that you're talking about, you together can approach that individual and try to work things out.
And hopefully at that stage it's done and it's taken care of and forgiveness is offered and love and restoration is all granted and is there and you move on.
But if the sin is still continuing, if that conflict is still not resolved and we're called to escalate that even more.
And this calls for bringing in the leadership of the church and ultimately the entire church to now, we've identified a sin, we've identified a individual who will not repent of that sin.
And it's very clear that it is sin. And once the church gets involved, they can decide to enact church discipline or how they might then move on from there with the leadership.
And so conflict resolution and those steps again, is to be taken slowly and prayerfully, humbly with all love and compassion, casting our pride to the side, evaluating our lives as well and seeing if we're contributing to that problem.
And then asking other believers who are impartial to join in, point to the scriptures and say, this is our conflict.
Here's the issue that we're having. Here's the sin. Let's resolve these things so we can get back to worshiping the
Lord and be the body of Christ that he's called us to be united together. Nelson, well said,
I agree with you entirely that Matthew 18 is the key passage on this.
And if Matthew 18 was followed, so much damage could be avoided.
I also like what you said about, we shouldn't be surprised when conflict in the church happens.
I mean, I think it's sad when it happens because we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We have the same word that's supposed to be our guide, the same
Holy Spirit who's dwelling inside of us. So you'd think and you would hope that there'd be more unity, but just remembering, as you said, we are still all sinful fallen human beings.
We make mistakes, we commit sins. We make wrong judgments about situations, about people.
There's going to be conflict. So we shouldn't be, oh no, there's conflict. What are we supposed to do? It's like the
Bible gives us very specific instructions on what to do. So let's not be so quick to divide.
Let's not be so quick to leave a church, which we'll be talking about that a little bit more later.
Let's seek after unity, seek after restoration, following the principles that are in God's word.
Next question on our list, and I'll actually take this one, is the priesthood of all believers biblical?
And so I'm not going to go so much into history, but this is an issue that really came up during the
Protestant Reformation, where for centuries, the Roman Catholic Church and the
Orthodox Church built everything around the priesthood, that there are the human priests of your local church congregation is the intermediary between you and God, that you can't go to God directly.
You have to go through your priest. You have to confess your sins to the priest. You have to do all these things through your priest.
The priest is the one who administers the Lord's Supper, on and on and on. And it's essentially created a barrier in between believers and God.
Well, that's not what the New Testament teaches at all. The part of the passage that speaks most directly to this is in 1
Peter 2. I'm going to read kind of a summary of verses 5 through 9. You also as living stones are being built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Some other translations render it as a kingdom of priests instead of a royal priesthood.
Like we are all priests, and since we can all go directly to God. We are intermediaries between a dying world and God.
There's nothing and no one we need to go in between us and God. We do not need a priest to interpret scripture for us.
We do not need a priest to do a special ceremony for the Lord's Supper.
We don't need a priest to oversee every area of our walk with God. It's between us and God, guided by his word, which we are all free and welcome and called to read, to study, to interpret, and to apply to our lives.
And even in some Protestant, Evangelical churches, there's a sense in which we view the lead pastor, the teaching pastor, as sort of a priest, as he's on a whole nother level than we are, that we have to go to him for certain things.
And while the Bible does teach a healthy respect and submission to our church leaders, they are called pastors, they are our shepherds.
There is a degree of authority and guidance and leading involved in that, but they are not someone we have to go through in order to get to God.
They do not stand between us and God in any sense. What Jesus did when he tore the temple veil in two, gave us direct access to God through him.
So the priesthood of all believers is just simply saying that we all have direct access to God through what
Jesus did for us. And through faith in Christ, our sins are cleansed.
We can stand before God. We can bring our requests to him. We can intercede for others with him.
We can have direct communication with him. There's nothing in between us. So that's what the priesthood of all believers is.
It's, again, a theological concept that became very important during the Reformation, but it's also important for us to remember because it has very practical impact for us in the church today.
Yeah, it's a great reminder for each of us, too, to know that we have that direct access to God.
And for so long, before that temple curtain was torn, they didn't have access. They needed others to pray for them.
They needed the priests to step in line for them to mediate between them and God. And the reality of our situation now that we can talk directly to God is humbling, and it's amazing, and it's incredible.
It doesn't take away from the roles that there are at churches with deacons and elders and pastors.
Those are all roles with responsibilities and tasks involved, callings. But yeah, having that direct access to God, each individual, what an incredible thing that is.
Well, I love what you pointed out, too, of how we also help mediate between a fallen world and God.
I mean, it's that whole being ambassadors of Christ is part of like, not only are we reconciled to God and we get to have that direct access, but we get to help show other people that they can have the same.
Absolutely. So Gwen, next question for you. Why is church attendance important?
Or put another way, why should I go to church? Oh, there are so many reasons.
And one, actually, you know, Hebrews 10, 24 through 25 is kind of like the quintessential verse on this.
But actually, if we back it up a little bit, it kind of goes in line with our priesthood of believers discussion.
So I'm just gonna start from verse 19. This is from the ESV. It says, So that, you know, like explicitly says, you know, we're in the spirit of God, having this special kind of connection with God and the house of God.
And then it says, So that, you know, like explicitly says, you know, we're in the spirit of God and we want prayer, and we need to pray, and we need to love one another.
So there's two things I wanna stress here. So that, you know, like, explicitly says, you need to keep gathering together, and it's for encouragement.
It's part of holding fast our confession of faith. As Nelson talked about in our last episode, like, it's also part of we live in this rough culture and this fallen world,
I mean, and the church is our oasis, like, why would we not want to go to get that filling to be with our family members?
Acts 2 .42 is the other sort of, like, quintessential church verse, and it says, so this is talking about the early believers, and they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers, and in that we see a lot of the purposes of church attendance.
So it's teaching and it's fellowship with one another, breaking of bread that's often thought of as communion, and prayer, and then, you know,
I think two of the verses that, like, all these verses that are instructive to Christians and say you, most of those are letters written to, like, a church body, so these are, it's accomplishing the mission together.
So kind of to bullet point it, here are some purposes of why, like, some reasons why you should attend church.
So it's for corporate worship as the people of God, which as we talked about in the last episode is something we just see throughout the
Bible. Like Old Testament believers did this. It happens in Revelation. I mean, we also see it happen, like, in heaven.
So there's just this sense of coming together to worship God is meaningful and important. There's prayer, praying together, praying for one another.
There's teaching, and I think this is the one that we primarily think of as church, and it's like, obviously, it's a huge and important part because we need to know the truth of God's word and understand, like, who, we understand who
He is by that, and then also understand who we are and how we are to live.
And I think this is also the one that people bump into when they think, well, I don't really need to go to church.
I can just listen to a sermon online. But there's a distinct difference when you're actually with a community of people and when the person who is teaching you is part of your community and is a shepherd over this flock.
Like, I think of 1 Peter 5 and the instructions for those elders, or just thinking of local church pastors.
They have been entrusted with those people and to shepherd those people. So not like the interpretation of God's word is any different, but it is still like they are there to help you, whereas, you know, a sermon that you listen to from like 10 years ago or two countries over is not really directed to you.
So I think that's important. And it's also the local churches where we interact with other believers.
So like, not only do we receive teaching, but we live it out together and we discuss it together and come to understand it together.
So there's that, like, it's not just you watching something or listening to something. Those can be great add -ons, but that purpose of the church is still very much needed in the local context.
And I think too, of the local church being an important place for discipleship and mentorship.
Like we see Paul instructing Timothy, you know, what you've heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach also.
That's in 2 Timothy 2 .2. Or I forget where it is, but those instructions for like older women to teach and mentor younger women, or Paul in Philippians says, you've seen me set the example, follow it out.
So like that happens in the context of a relationship with real people. And therefore you need to go to church to be with those people.
I also think of the structure of the local church being important and helpful in meeting needs.
Because I think that's another thing. Sometimes people are like, well, my Christian friends, you know, like that's pretty much church.
But there's no like authority structure there. There's no, there's also not a bigger support structure.
So like, if you have a crisis, hopefully your friends help. But like, if you're thinking about the bigger local church, that can be so much more helpful.
And I think too, that's the same of accomplishing the mission that Jesus has given the church in our context.
Like that gathered body of believers can accomplish so much more than like you and your five
Christian friends. And so like, it's important to have Christian friends, but the church does bigger things.
And then, you know, and kind of, I alluded to this before of that protection against false teaching. I think that's a danger when we are not connected with the local church of getting hyper -focused on something or getting led astray.
Whereas the local church, you're more likely to get the full counsel of God and like study all of the
Bible and also be protected from some of those false teachings that you might otherwise not be aware of.
And I mean, there's also, I'm sure like a ton of other reasons, but those are the main ones that come to mind for me.
What about for you guys? I think I mentioned this in the previous episode, the one and others of scripture, the love one another, encourage one another, spur one another on towards loving good deeds, rebuke one another in love.
There's so many that require believers being together.
I think in the American culture, where for the most part, we are so individualistic, that's why this question even exists as like, well, why do
I need to go to church when I can study God's word on my own? It's like, well, yes, there's more to the
Christian life than you just reading your Bible on your own, which is a great and fantastic thing that you should be doing.
But it's not just even you going to church and sitting next to people listening to the same sermon and singing the same song.
So church is supposed to, we are the body. We are supposed to be serving alongside one another, we're supposed to be encouraging one another, we're supposed to be teaching one another, to be together, to be with each other.
So it's our whole attitude about the church that even brings this question up. But that's what makes it so important, is that so much of the
Christian life, so much of what the New Testament epistles teach us where to do, describe people serving
God, worshiping God, ministering to others together, and that's what the church is supposed to be.
So clearly, we need people attending church in order for these type of ministries to happen.
But I think you're right, too, to point out that, yeah, it's not just attending. It's like, be part of a local church, which does involve attending, but it's more than just like, you don't just come in, sit there and leave, like there's more to church than that.
Absolutely. Yeah, hopefully you're not just going just to sit there and listen. You're going there to make it a priority, and I think some people forget even the example that they're setting for their families, husbands for their wives, wives for the husbands, mom and dad for their kids, by prioritizing this time of togetherness, of worship, of meeting other believers, of looking for needs, of fulfilling those needs by giving, of supporting missionaries as a congregation, by doing projects and things like that that you can't do as an individual.
I love the point you brought up about safeguarding against false teaching. I've seen many small groups go astray because they happen to get onto one specific subject and then they begin to follow some rabbit trails and without proper guidance sometimes, not all the time, but there are times where even a small group can go astray listening to false teachers without them even understanding and knowing that the doctrine or the course of doctrine that they're following is leading down a really dark alley.
So yeah, we need that togetherness, and Christ called us to it. I mean, do we have any other excuse?
Christ called us to the church to be a part of it, to join in with one another. They've been doing it since the beginning, and you can see in Acts chapter 2, woe is us if we decide on our own to say,
I don't need it. I can do this all on my own. Excellent points, both of you.
So this has been part one of our most frequently asked questions about the church.
So tune in next time to part two where we'll dive into some of the other most frequently asked questions.
So Nelson, Gwen, thank you for joining me, and I'll see you on the flip side. This has been the
Got Questions podcast. Got questions? The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them.