The Mercy of the Wicked is Cruel - Starring Brad Pitt and the NFL

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Yeah, it's good. All right, well, one of my favorite Bible verses, which
I know I say that about every Bible verse, but that's just the way it is. One of my favorite Bible verses is
Proverbs 12, 10. This is the word of the Lord. A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast, of his animal, like his livestock, his pet, whatever it is, but even the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
Now this is such a good verse for so many reasons. I posted this on Gab the other day, or yesterday rather, and a lot of people were like, yeah,
I think about this verse all the time because there's just so many examples of this in our culture today.
I mean, our culture, it's a wicked culture, right? People call it the global homo conglomerate.
We've got the cabal, whatever you want to call it. I mean, the people that are pushing all of the wickedness that we've embraced as a culture, we just have a wicked culture.
Let's just face that. And so that means that even the stuff that they do to be merciful actually turns out being cruel.
And I think that sometimes it's like hidden under the surface a few levels, and sometimes it's just very obvious.
But I found two kind of hilarious, but also kind of sad examples of this.
And I happened to find them just while taking a stroll back into the matrix, like, listen,
I don't condone this behavior, but sometimes I do engage in it. I just want to see what the powerful elite are pushing.
What kind of lies are they pushing today? Just so that I can prepare anyone in my family, people
I meet in the street, just so I kind of know where their psychosis is any given day, so that I can sort of help them think through some of this nonsense.
And so I took a quick trip into the matrix again. And I think that there were just two examples.
By the way, this Whoopi stuff is hilarious. I don't know, man, but I never expected
Gab .com to be defending Whoopi Goldberg. Anyway, so the first example,
I saw this one. This is a sad story, but it's also kind of hilarious. What would you say to me if I said, hey,
I got a great idea. We're going to start a nonprofit, and the nonprofit is going to give homes to the people that lost their homes in Hurricane Katrina.
You'd be like, wow, that sounds great. What a great nonprofit. I mean, so many people lost their homes, and a lot of, in fact, a lot of poor people lost their home.
Remember the Ninth Ward and all of that? That was a very, very sad storm. The wrath of God was unleashed in such a massive way during Hurricane Katrina.
I remember I had just graduated from school, I think, or maybe, was I still in school? I can't remember. I think
I had just graduated. And I remember looking up some of the pictures in my little office that I had set up for myself, and it was just so sad, right?
So sad. So Brad Pitt starts this startup to give homes to people who lost their homes in Hurricane Katrina.
That sounds pretty good. Now what would you say, though, if I told you a few weeks later, oh, and the best part is they're going to be sustainable homes.
All of the materials are going to be sustainably sourced, and we're going to have solar panels.
It's going to be sustainable energy. And so it's all the buzzwords of the liberal left.
I'd probably be like, yeah, that still sounds good, because at least they're getting a house. But it kind of sounds like a scam.
My Spidey sense is starting to tingle a little bit. You're saying all the buzzwords.
It certainly sounds like a PR thing. But you know, okay, it's still cool. They get a house, even if it has all this hippy -dippy type nonsense that I don't think really works.
But you know, hey, you're giving them a house, okay? That's nice. Well, what would you say if later you found out, well, we're actually not going to give them the house.
We're going to sell them the house. But it's going to be below market rate. That's where I would have been out, right?
Like in the shark tank, right? I'm out. Because of this reason, I'm out. Right? I wouldn't have supported that. Because what that certainly strikes me as, as you're going to give them this house, that they have no idea what the upkeep on this house is going to be, because it has all this hippy -dippy nonsense that actually probably doesn't really work that well.
Because if it did, it would be standard already. But it probably doesn't. And they're going to buy this house, and then they're going to be in the situation where they don't know how to upkeep it, and it's going to fall apart, and they're not going to get what they need to get out of it, and now they're in it for some money.
I mean, they're obviously going to get a loan, and because they don't have $150 ,000, if they did, they would move somewhere else. And so I'm out for that reason, right?
So that's what this nonprofit did. They sold poor people these hippy -dippy houses and all of that.
Well, it turns out that the materials they used were not appropriate for New Orleans. They're getting mold and stuff like that.
The design of the house, because of the way they were doing the hippy -dippy nonsense, did not hold up to the tropical weather of Louisiana.
And so there's mold, there's water leaking, there's damage, the houses are falling apart. In fact, according to this article, allegedly, only six of the 110 homes that they sold to the poor people are in good shape.
In fact, some of these houses have been condemned. Some of them have been bulldozed. And so it's like, even the mercy of the wicked is cruel.
These people lost their homes in Hurricane Katrina, then you sold them a bunch of nonsense, and it was like, oh, sustainable living, it's going to be awesome, it's going to be green energy.
They didn't know what they were getting into. They didn't know what you were talking about. All they knew was that the news said that this was good, and they bought a house from you, and now they're all falling apart.
Now, there's some lawsuits pending, so hopefully these people get their day in court and someone can help them with the cost of suing a major company.
But the thing is, like, cruelty, cruelty. And Brad Pitt, of course, he looks squeaky clean.
Well, hey, you know, I just wanted to get them some sustainable green climate change houses, you know? And really, he just gave them a bunch of crap, a bunch of crap.
And now the poor people are left holding the bag because they're the ones who paid $150 ,000 for these houses.
I guess that was under market rate. But was it really? Was it really under market rate? Or was it only under market rate when you consider the exorbitant markups of green energy that doesn't really do anything?
And then if you consider that, then it was under market rate. But was it really? I mean, do houses in Louisiana cost, you know, $150 ,000 on average?
Or are they way more than that? Like, I don't know. And this was back in 2009 or something like that. Let me just check real quick.
According to Zillow, the current average house price in New Orleans is above $300 ,000. Now, you've got to consider we've had over 10 years of inflation and market conditions changing.
I imagine the market dropped a lot in New Orleans after Katrina. So I'm not so sure these were actually good deals.
But even the mercy of the wicked are cruel. So I feel bad for these poor people. But, you know, the global homo, you know, powers that be, this is what they typically do.
They help in a very pharisaical way. They want everyone to see them helping. Look at me!
Look at me! But really, they're not helping you at all. And then what they're doing is actually screwing you over. Here's the second one.
This one's even funnier. This one's actually funny, in my opinion. No, we're not talking about Whoopi. We are talking about this beautiful black man right up here.
That's what the Big Eva always says. Whenever they talk about a black man, they always have to add, beautiful. He's a beautiful black man.
He's a good looking guy. Whatever. Anyway, so this is a coach of the Dolphins. Well, he was the coach of the
Dolphins. His name was Brian Flores. And he was hired a year ago and fired right away.
Now, when he was fired, I was so jealous because I'm a Jets fan. And look, I don't follow the
Jets. I didn't watch any games this year. That's how much of a Jets fan I am. But I do pay attention because I do think the
Jets are funny. They're an interesting organization. It's like a circus act. And so anyway, our coach stinks still.
And I was so jealous of the Dolphins because their coach stinks. Our coach stinks. And they did the right thing.
They got rid of their coach right away. And we're going to probably keep ours for two years or three years. Just to prove a point that we weren't fools.
But in this case, the Dolphins were self -aware enough to know that they had made a mistake with hiring this guy.
And so they just got rid of him, right? I was so jealous. I was like, why can't we fire our coach? All right, editing
AD here. Oh, man. So allegedly, this coach doesn't actually stink, although I'm not so convinced about that.
But apparently, I guess he's alleging that the owner of the Dolphins wanted him to break some rules.
They wanted him to groom some young stud quarterback in college when you're not allowed to do that.
And he refused. And then he wanted him to tank some games so they could get a better draft choice. And he allegedly refused.
We'll see how that plays out in court. But that's the real reason he got fired, by the way. Because the thing is, every
NFL coach probably does this because they're all a bunch of cheaters. And it's all a scam anyway.
But he refused. So he got fired. But now he's saying, oh, that's racist because of the
Rooney Rule thing. It's so funny. The Rooney Rule would be like, imagine if you had to like, in order to show positive engagement with homosexuals, like if you wanted to date, you know, in high school, you had to at least date one guy so that, you know, you could be allowed to date the girl that you really want.
Because, you know, we need to give the homosexuals a leg up. Look, don't get mad at me. I'm not comparing homosexuals to black people.
That's what they do. They're the ones that say it's the civil rights issue of our time and this and that.
All these people say that. So that would be, you know, that probably is coming, by the way. I bet you within the next,
I don't know, let's call it, let's call it two years, we're going to get a bachelor show or a bachelorette show where they're going to throw a few gay guys in there and, you know, or transsexuals.
They'll throw a few transsexuals in there, you know, and you have to go on a date with them because otherwise, you know, well, how are transsexuals going to, well, how are they going to compete with actual women?
I think that's coming most likely. In any case. That's my they fired him. And I instantly knew as soon as they fired him that that they would they would there would be some kind of hubbub about race because every article that was written as soon as he was fired, every article that was written was like Flores, who is black.
Flores was fired. Flores, who is black, was hired earlier this year and stuff like that.
And so there's really no reason to mention he's black unless they're planning on some kind of a racist kind of assault.
So anyway, so Flores is suing the NFL for being racist, systemically racist.
And it's so hilarious because some of the evidence of this is so funny. It's have you ever heard of the
Rooney rule? So basically, the Rooney rule says that you can't hire a head coach in the NFL unless you first interview at least one minority.
So even if you know who you want to hire, like you guys on the market, like your dream candidate, and it's like, wow,
I really want to hire him. Like, let's say Bill Belichick was on the market, right? He left the Patriots.
It's like, obviously, every team in the country wants to hire him, right? But you'd still have to go through the motions with the black candidate or a
Latino. Do Latinos count? I don't even know if Latinos count, but a black candidate, you have to interview a black candidate just so that you can be allowed to hire
Bill Belichick. And so every black candidate that you would meet at that point would know, well, I'm just the guy that you have to interview in order to get
Bill Belichick. Like, this is pretty messed up. Well, anyway, he got some word that a couple of teams had interviewed him, not because they really wanted to hire him, just because he's black and they have to fulfill this
Rooney rule. Now, imagine how that makes you feel, right? Like, I feel for Brian Flores in that regard, because it doesn't feel good to be, well, you just have to interview me because of this stupid rule.
And again, the mercy of the wicked is cruel. Like, the idea here is, well, we want to be merciful to black people, so let's force people to interview black people because otherwise they won't interview because there's so much racism here.
And it's like they made this stupid rule. And now, you know, every black person that gets interviewed has to wonder, am
I really being interviewed or is this just the rule thing?
Well, they've already got their guy, but they have to interview me just so that they don't get yelled at or fined.
I don't even know what the penalty is if you don't actually do this, but it must not feel good, right?
But what's so funny about this is he's saying that it's racist because they don't like black people.
It's actually racist for the other reason, because it's a racist rule anyway. If I want to hire a guy and he happens to be a white guy because I think he's the best coach available, what's the difference?
It's about how well you can coach football. It's not about the skin color that you have. If it was about race, then every player would be white also, because it wouldn't be about how well you can play football.
It would be about, you know, you're a white guy. You're one of the guys that I like. And it's like, are you freaking out of your mind?
This rule is so ridiculous. Obviously, it's about who can coach football better. And obviously, whoever didn't hire
Flores took a look at his awful year in Miami and was like,
I don't want any part of that. Good for you. I don't understand. There's so many NFL coaches that they do horrible.
Like Adam Gase, right? This is a Jets coach last year or two years ago. He did horrible in Miami.
And we're like, oh, that guy sounds pretty good. Let's bring him over to New York. But you see, most coaches are like, yeah,
Flores, he obviously stinks. I mean, look at what he did in Miami. He's horrible. But they interviewed him anyway because they're trying to be merciful because of this stupid rule.
And so the mercy of the wicked is cruel. Now he feels slighted. He's going to sue the NFL. And because the
NFL is going to bend over backwards to appease him, they'll probably settle. And they're so racist, even though every player is black.
Not every player, obviously, even though every stadium has the Black Lives Matter thing.
It's never going to be enough. You're always going to be sued by these psychopaths because even the mercy of the wicked is cruel.
So I feel bad for Brian, in a sense, because he was the token black guy that they had to interview just so that they could meet this requirement, this ridiculous requirement.
But at the same time, I don't feel bad because now he's trying to get paid off of it. I mean, as far as I'm concerned,
I don't care about the NFL. Go ahead. Get paid. Get paid, as far as I'm concerned. But have fun looking yourself in the mirror after you get paid for something so stupid.
But even the mercy of the wicked is cruel. Here's a video of a very sick individual, demon -possessed.
It's a man who thinks he's a girl. He's telling his parents that now maybe he likes girls and he wants to get pregnant one day and stuff like that.
This guy is demon -possessed, and that's very, very sad. And yet we've got evangelical leaders like J .D.
Greer and stuff like that saying, well, God just whispers about this. And all that does is it keeps this man in this demonic possession, in this illusion.
And it hurts him so deeply because he's going to reach the end of his life and he's going to regret all of this, right?
He's going to regret all of this. And the mercy of the wicked, by pretending that God just whispers about cross -dressing, even though he doesn't, about sodomy, even though he doesn't, you know, it might seem merciful on the front end, but it's not.
It's absolutely cruel. It's cruelty to pretend that God doesn't care about this.
God cares about this. He gave us his law because he loves us, right? He understands how to be a man the right way.
He understands how to be a human being the right way. And he gave us a law to show us that.
And so to pretend like he didn't or to pretend like he's just whispering about certain things, it's cruelty. It's absolute cruelty.
Another example. Here's another one. Black History Month, right? Every company in the world is promoting black -owned companies, black -owned products, and things like that.
And I said yesterday, this is a boon for bigots, right? Because let's just go with their fantasy that there's all these white bigots out there that want to do everything possible to hold black people down.
That's a fantasy, by the way. But let's just pretend it was true. Has it ever been easier to be a bigot than it is right now?
Because now every company out there is trying to get their marketing dollars from this critical race theory, this race bait.
And so this is a black company, black company selling a speaker. And so now if you're a bigot, if there's thousands of bigots out there, hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, who knows?
Now they know, well, I'm not going to buy this speaker because I'm a bigot. And I don't want to support a black -owned business.
It's like, are you crazy? Obviously, there's hardly any bigots out there.
Because if there actually were, the very last thing a black -owned business would do is try to tell its customers that they were black -owned.
Because there's millions of bigots out there that won't buy my products if I do that. The very fact that we celebrate
Black History Month, the very fact that we promote black -owned products and things like that, it actually shows you definitively that racism is not a problem in the
United States of America. Because if it was, they'd be idiots to do what they're doing with their marketing. But obviously, it's not a problem.
I mean, bigots weren't sweating it out when they went to the store like, oh man, I want to buy this cup of coffee.
Can I be sure that this is not a black -owned company? I don't think that that was the reality a decade ago or so.
Now, if it was the reality a decade or so ago, and they were just stressed out all the time about buying from a black -owned business, well, now you've made it easy on them.
Black History Month has been a boon for bigots in any case.
But yeah, even the mercy of the wicked is cruel. Even the mercy of the wicked is cruel. It always backfires.
But even when it doesn't backfire and it works as intended, it's still cruel. It's still cruel.
I mean, the poverty cycle that is emboldened and perpetuated and continued through welfare programs and things of that nature, through Section 8 housing and things of that nature, that's cruelty.
That's cruelty. Even the mercy of the wicked is cruel. And so as a church, we ought to be merciful.
We ought to be merciful as a church. But we ought to be merciful in a righteous way. And that's a way that accords with God's law, with God's commands.
God talks about having charity on the poor and giving to the poor, but he does so in such a way that requires a bit of a commitment to each other, a bit of a relationship.
It requires that you know them enough to know that they're working if they're able.
In fact, the Bible says that if you don't work, if you're not able to work, that's one thing.
If you're not willing to work, you don't eat. And so how do you have charity on someone if you don't even know if they're willing to work or not, right?
Well, you have to know them, right? You have to have charity around the people around you, the people that you see, the people that you know, the people that you're aware of.
That's how God's system works. And so that way you're in each other's lives. You know, hey, Jack over there, you know, he's able -bodied.
I see him playing golf every day. But why does he need charity? Why does he need charity?
Well, he's not willing to work. He doesn't get it. And you know, what does the Bible say? His stomach is eventually going to force him to work.
You know, his hunger is going to come up when he's going to be pressed. He's going to be pressed to work. And that's a good thing.
And so even the mercy of the wicked is cruel. God's people should be merciful, yes, but they should be merciful according to the ways that God has told us to be merciful because that's really the only mercy that works.