Talking To A Hero of Children


This is an EAN conversation with a hero. Listen as Bobby McCreery tells us his story about how he got involved and about the incredible fruit of his ministry. We hope that it challenges you and inspires you to get involved and join us. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


At the abortion mill, just like anywhere else, it's a gospel ministry. Abortion is murder, and Jesus said that, you know, out of the abundance of the heart flow all forms of evil, and one of the things he said there was murder.
So abortion's a heart issue, and the only solution to the problem of the heart is the gospel. The church should be involved because, again, if we don't go, babies will die, but even a bigger deal is people will perish and go to hell for eternity for killing their children, like God calls the fruit of the womb, and for all the other sins they've done against the
God that they know, and he says to hold back those who are stumbling to slaughter, rescue those who are being led away to death, speak for those who can't speak for themselves.
I mean, who's more voiceless than a, you know, a child in the womb? Anyone who's thinking about setting foot on the sidewalk in front of an abortion clinic should pray a lot.
Counsel with the elders of your church as well, and if you've never been out there, look, it's just different than what the culture has had you to believe about it.
You know, it's a common question, right? Is it safe? A pastor friend of mine early on in my Christian life said the safest place to be is in the will of God.
Safety, I think, as Christians, is something we've become very accustomed to as people in Western civilization and in America because we haven't faced what most
Christians have faced for thousands of years, right? Success in Christian ministry can only be measured by faithfulness to the
Word of God. I mean, anybody that's watching this, I just want to be honest with them. There's days that I get up and I say, I don't want to go,
Lord, and I say, just help me to be faithful. Just help me put my feet on the ground and go out there and preach the only hope that these people have, and it's the only hope for me.
What I would say to a mom contemplating an abortion would be, please don't do it.
God gave you a gift. You know, maybe today, maybe right now you can't see it that way, but it's a promise from God's Word, Psalm 127 .3.
Every child is a blessing from the Lord. Every child, the ones conceived in rape, the ones conceived in incest, the ones that are inconvenient timing or inconvenient financially for us or whatever, you know, the obstacle you have in your mind may be,
God calls that child a blessing. And that eternity also hangs in the balance.
You know, we were created by a God and your child was created by a God who says you shall not murder. And he says he hates the hands that shed innocent blood.
There's no one more innocent than an unborn child. And so consider your eternity.
Know that there's hope in Jesus Christ, that even though the guy standing here speaking to you through this camera doesn't know your situation,
God knows it. He's the God of situations and he can work in any situation. I would say reach out places like End Abortion Now, other places where you can get help so you could know as you contemplate an abortion that there's
Christians around who love you and who will help you. There's Christians who will adopt your baby.
There's no unplanned pregnancies in God's economy. He planned before the foundation of the world to put that child in your womb for you to be its mother.