Ray Ortlund - King Propagandist of Evangelicalism?

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Ray Ortlund here has given us such a tremendous gift. Nobody has been a bigger simp than Ray Ortlund.
Nobody has mastered the art of the weasel word more than Ray Ortlund. If I were to say who's one of the prime movers and shakers of Big Eva and who's one of the most damaging members of Big Eva, it would be
Ray Ortlund. And you might find that interesting because Ray Ortlund has a reputation for being like a conservative stalwart and a very winsome and wise person.
But I read his stuff and I don't think anything could be further from the truth. Ray Ortlund is one of the worst out there.
And I'm not saying he's one of the wokest out there, although he is woke. But to be honest with you,
I'd rather be friends and have a beer with someone who's as woke as you can possibly be than to have a drink with someone like Ray Ortlund because Ray Ortlund's one of these guys that he's like a white knight.
He's one of the guys that allows the woke church movement to continue through his limp -wristedness.
He's mastered the art of the weasel word. He's mastered the ability to say things but not actually say anything.
And actually, that kind of person is way more damaging, way more dangerous, and way more offensive in almost every single way.
I read his tweet stream and I just feel like I need to take a shower after reading it. It's just so manipulative.
It's so weaselly. It's so dishonest is the right word that it just makes me feel gross.
So listen to this. I want to take you through just a couple of days. Actually, just really two days of tweets from Ray Ortlund.
And again, I recognize that this guy has a squeaky clean reputation. But to be honest,
I haven't done hardly any content about him because I've honestly just been trying to figure him out.
I may have mentioned a tweet or two of his in the past. There was one tweet where he's talking about being woke and saying how, well, he doesn't care if he's woke because he's decided to follow
Jesus. No turning back, no turning back, no turning back. It was one of the gayest tweets I've ever read in my entire life.
But anyway, there may have been a couple of tweets I've mentioned, but I really haven't done a deep dive into Ray Ortlund's stuff because I just find it so perplexing that he's got such a good reputation.
I find him to be one of the most manipulative people that I've ever read in my entire life. So let me take you through why
I'm saying that, and I think you'll see why he might be the biggest simp ever. On November 6th, this is after Election Day, he tweets out this article.
It's an article called Every Reputation Matters to God. I'm not going to read the whole thing, but I do want to read a quick excerpt from it.
And it starts off with the commandment against bearing false witness against your neighbor, Exodus 20, verse 16.
This is the ninth commandment. And so here's what he says. He says at one point, To diminish a person's good name by spin, lies, exaggerations, slanders, incomplete accounts, misrepresentation, self -serving narratives, one -sided versions of events, not including the facts unfavorable to oneself, there are many ways we can violate the ninth commandment, and we do.
It is one of the primary ways we do violence to one another, dishonor God, deconstruct a gospel culture, and replace it with an anti -gospel culture that God cannot bless and scare unbelievers away from our churches.
God deserves churches in this world marked by beauty, humaneness, restraint, kindness, humility, where every reputation is guarded as a sacred thing for Jesus' sake.
He tweeted this on November 6th. This is a good, decent article, you know, about the command of bearing false witness.
If you read the Westminster Catechism about the ninth commandment, there's a lot of good stuff in there. And I think it's, you know, well worth reading.
But then on November 7th, here's a couple of tweets that he said the day after he talks about, you know, you can break the ninth commandment by a one -sided version of events or exaggeration or by spin.
The very next day, he starts spinning the results of the election. Now remember, mind you, what
I've been saying the last few days is the amount of inconsistencies and irregularities and things that should at the very least make you go, hmm, about the election, the list keeps growing and it keeps growing more and more credible every single day that passes that there has been some shenanigans going on right now.
Now I've taken the approach that this whole thing appears to be very scripted. It appears to be very fantasy -laden.
It appears to be the upside down, so I'm not getting too uppity about it. But the reality is that there are legions and legions and legions of Christians, and Ray Ortlund knows this.
He understands that when he's speaking to people about this, he's talking about the Christian church, and he full knows that a lot of people are seeing the same inconsistencies that everybody's seeing and saying, well, hold on a second.
We need to actually figure out what's going on here because this election doesn't appear to be over. It appears to be very much in question, even though the media, everyone's in lockstep saying that Joe Biden's vice president or president -elect, well, really vice president -elect because we all know
Carmen Kamala, whatever her name is, is going to be the president.
So the next day he's talking about, so one day he's talking about spin, exaggeration, one -side versions of events, how that's breaking the ninth commandment, and we ought not to break the ninth commandment because God cannot bless a culture that breaks the ninth commandment.
I agree with all of that stuff, by the way, which is why I'm not woke, but let's see what the next day
Ray Ortlund says. Here's what he says. Listen to this. Then he tweets a few minutes later.
He tweets this. So do you see what he's done here?
He is in lockstep with the propaganda machine. Joe Biden won fair and square.
There is no voter fraud, even though you can plainly see that there is voter fraud, or potentially, or at the very least, let's just give him the benefit of the doubt here because love believes all things, right?
I think I might have learned that from a Gospel Coalition article. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt, and at the very least, it's in question.
The election is in question. We have things that we can look into. We don't know if there's voter fraud, but there certainly seems to be a lot of very shady -looking things that we should probably look into before we go coronating a new warlord, right?
Maybe we should look into it. But no, not Ray Ortlund. Not Ray Ortlund because Ray Ortlund is thirsty.
He is thirsty to please the liberals and the progressives and the people of color and the beautiful, precious, beautiful saints of color and all of that kind of thing.
And so what does he do the day after? He tells you that breaking the Ninth Commandment is a serious sin, and you can do it by spin, lies, exaggerations, incomplete accounts, misrepresentations.
And listen to this. Not including facts unfavorable to oneself. The very next day, because he's so thirsty and probably worships in a very real way people of color in his community, he says, you won fair and square.
There's not even an inkling, not even anything we need to look into. The media has spoken.
You won fair and square. This is so gross because on the one hand, he writes a pretty decent article.
I don't have a lot that I would like to say about this article. He wrote it a long time ago, yes, but he tweeted it out the day before he engages in bearing false witness to hundreds of thousands of people that read the
Gospel Coalition. And so this is just so preposterous. Not only that, but he also spins this whole idea of Joe Biden somehow not being an extremist.
He's like, Joe, you can restrain the extremists in your party. Joe is an extremist. Listen to this.
This is another brother from the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network. Pro -revolutionary Christian, right? He says this to Ray Ortlund.
Who exactly are the extremists in his party? Pro -aborts? That's him. Pro -LGBT?
That's him. Socialism? That's him. Gun control? That's him. Envy? That's him. Critical theory? That's him.
Like every single extreme position that the Democratic Party holds, Joe Biden holds.
So Ray Ortlund is simply lying to you here. This is a lie. And not only is it a lie, but he certainly seems to be very invested in getting you to believe the upside down, getting you to believe the fantasy narrative that Joe Biden won fair and square.
All that stuff you're seeing with your eyes? Don't trust it. Don't trust it.
It's the godly thing to do to just accept the narrative that is spoon -fed to you by the mainstream media.
Do you see how it all starts to connect here? You see Joe Carter writes an article about how believing a conspiracy theory is satanic.
And then, you know, you ask Joe, OK, so Joe, do I believe CNN now or then? Because, you know, oftentimes
CNN contradicts each other. And he gets all mad. Then he deletes his tweets. Then he apologizes later.
But the article stays up. And then Ray Ortlund over here is beating the same narrative, the same drum.
No collusion, no voter fraud, no nothing. Just accept it. And if you don't accept it, you're a sinner.
But if you believe the conspiracy theory, you're definitely a double sinner. You see how it all basically just amounts to one important lesson that you need to learn from Big Eva?
Ray Ortlund, I don't know how much of a leader he is in Big Eva.
But he certainly seems to me to be one of the godfathers, one of the guys that kind of sits back. And he kind of sets the narrative.
He sets the tone. When Ray speaks, other people speak in the same way. He certainly seems to be one of those guys to me.
And he seems to have a very good reputation even among people that are kind of hip to the game of Big Eva.
You see how this all works out here? The one thing that they want you to believe desperately is the official narrative.
You see, Big Eva, and Ray Ortlund is part of this, and Gospel Coalition is definitely part of this, they are part of the propaganda machine.
They want you to believe whatever propaganda is being promulgated by the liberal progressive elites.
And it's essentially upside down narrative. Biden's a moderate. Biden's a moderate, guys.
Did you know? You're seeing all these people come out and they're just like pretending to be shocked. I can't believe it. Joe Biden's for quarantine.
You saw Naomi Wolf posted that. I would never have voted for Joe Biden if I knew he was for lockdowns.
Are you crazy? No, they're not crazy. They're not crazy. But they want you to think like you've gone crazy.
They're not crazy. They knew full well he was for lockdowns. They knew full well he was an extremist on abortion and LGBT stuff.
And I got to say, God help Ray Ortlund if he actually doesn't think Biden is an extremist on abortion and LGBT and stuff like that.
I mean, that's like the worst case scenario. But again, love believes all things. And I read that in a
Gospel Coalition article. I'm going to assume he does actually know that that is an extreme position that Biden holds and he's just lying to you.
Because to me, that's actually slightly better if he's just lying to you than if he actually doesn't know that Biden's an extremist on abortion.
Because that to me signals a conscience that is way more seared. You understand what I'm saying? Way more seared.
And here's why it's all important to me. Because I don't care about the fantasy land. You know what I mean? Like they're trying to get you to believe.
Ray is part of the propaganda machine. He wants you to believe the fantasy that's popular. Even as the day before he's talking about not doing that, not bearing false witness against their neighbor.
Well, I guess when the media says to bear false witness, then I guess it's okay, Ray. But whatever. But beyond all that, this is why it actually matters to me.
Because I care about the church, right? I care about the church. And today, this is what
Ray Ortlund tweeted out. And people aren't stupid, right? Like, Ray, I know you think people are stupid.
I know you have contempt for the people in the pews. Kind of like the random people, the country bumpkin types that just voted for Trump.
I know you really don't dislike those kind of Christians. They're kind of simpletons to you. I know you think you're above it all.
I get it. I understand that. But I actually care about those people. And they see this stuff, right?
And they see how one day you're talking about one -sided stories and leaving out details.
That's bearing false witness. The next day, you're leaving out details and you're pushing propaganda. They see all that stuff.
And that doesn't make any sense to them. And then today, you tweet out this.
Leslie Newbigin said this. How can the church declare with any authority the restoring and reconciling power of the gospel of Jesus when there is too little reconciliation and too much hostility within the body that claims allegiance to his reconciling power?
And then you tweet out kind of sanctimoniously, I believe this hypocrisy we complacently settle for ranks in urgency with the highest theological and moral issues.
But when we humble ourselves and face into this, however embarrassing, the blessing of God will be poured out upon us with historic magnitude.
Like this hypocrisy, man. Like you're doing that right now.
You're causing division. You're the one that's holding back reconciliation. Because you're trying to get people to not believe what is patently obvious in front of their faces.
How could anyone see that with anything except I have contempt for you?
You should just fall into line, you simpleton. He won fair and square. I know you see with your eyes that he maybe did not.
But don't believe that. That's a satanic conspiracy theory. And they see the contempt that you have for them.
How can there be any reconciliation when someone has such disregard and disrespect for something that's so obviously not the case?
You're like the crazy guy in the street, Ray, who says that the sky is purple when it's so obviously blue.
We can see it with our eyes. We see that it is blue. And you're telling me it's a different way. This is the problem, man, because this is all...
You connect this. You choose to connect this kind of stuff with the gospel. And so people see that.
And I know you have contempt for many, many people in the Christian church, but not everybody does.
And so we see this kind of stuff, and that's why we come after it. That's why we fight against you.
That's why we do the videos and the podcasts and the articles and stuff like that. I know you think that we're just jealous, and we're just trying to get attention.
I'm just trying to get clicks and stuff like that. Yeah, I am trying to get clicks. to expose how duplicitous you are,
Ray, so that people don't take what you say seriously. Because you say you believe about this hypocrisy being a big deal, but your actions prove otherwise.
And I want people to know there's another way. You don't have to go with the duplicity of Big Eva.
You don't have to go with the simping of Big Eva. You don't have to be cucked to progressives like Big Eva.
That's not the only way that there is out there. You can just simply tell the truth. Ray, I'm not saying you have to say
Biden didn't win. But what you do have to do is say, this is a contentious election. Hopefully we'll look into this.
We'll get to the bottom of it. And whoever won fair and square, that person will win fair and square. But instead, what you choose to do is take whatever
CNN's saying, that's what I'm saying. And, by the way, it's satanic to believe otherwise. And then you're complaining.
It's the same thing that Biden's doing right now. Well, unity, unity, unity. You're asking for unity today. It's all in the script here,
Ray. You're doing the same thing Biden's doing. You're asking for unity and reconciliation, all while you're calling 50 % of your congregation white supremacists.
It's just, we see that it doesn't add up. We see how it is. We see how limp -wristed what you say is.
We see how weaselly it is. You don't really give us all the details and stuff like that. And then we see your own words, that that's a
Ninth Commandment violation. And the reality is, Ray, we don't like it. We don't like being talked down to by the likes of you.
And so this is why I say that probably no simp has ever simped more than Ray Ortlund.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. It's a little scattered here because there's a little bit, a lot going on here with these tweets from Ray Ortlund.
But I just thought it was interesting, so amazing that in consecutive days, and actually in consecutive tweets, he talks about spinning stories, you know, spinning yarns and how evil that is.
And then he spins a yarn in the very next tweet. It's unbelievable. I mean, God has a sense of humor that he makes it so that Ray doesn't see this.
It's so obvious to me. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. I know that I said that nobody simped ever bigger than Ray Ortlund.
But I got to give the Presbyterian Church in America a little credit. Look at this Joshua Torrey guy. This is a ruling elder in the
PCA. I know some are frustrated with today's outcome. But I'm excited to see a woman in the office of vice president.
And I look forward to having a woman as the president. Oh man, we have a new challenger.