The Bad Theology of American's Biggest Pastor


Pastor Robert Morris leads the largest church in the US however shocking new revelations have just come out. Why do Christians only care about personal scandals but they don't seem to care about false doctrine & heresy?


Hello, in this video we're going to be talking about Robert Morris. So this has been quite a week, first with Tony Evans stepping down and now
Robert Morris. There's no word that Robert Morris has or plans to step down, but certainly he should.
News came out, a revelation of something that happened, like with Tony Evans, something that happened years ago came out and the difference here is we know what it is.
It's Tony Evans, it's still a secret sin. Robert Morris apparently has admitted to this and what's different with this is it's actually a crime.
I'm not going to get into the details, basically it was something,
I don't want to get into the details. It's bad, he should have gone to prison for it and it's disqualifying for sure.
Here's the thing about Robert Morris and this is what I did with Tony Evans.
These guys should have been removed because of doctrine. They should have had to step down because of the false doctrine and the heresy that they taught and yet people just turn a blind eye to this or even support that idea of whatever false teaching that they're putting forward.
I'm going to show you the clips from Robert Morris in a moment, but it's sad that you have to wait until there's this huge scandal.
We should nip things in the bud when a false teacher comes out, denies scripture, denies the exclusivity of Christ, teaches that Jesus stopped being
God or something. The kenosis heresy, which is what Robert Morris has taught, maybe that's his most well -known heresy, teaching the kenosis false doctrine from total misreading of Philippians 2.
But this is my whole point of keeping things doctrinal, not getting into the gossip, but keeping things doctrinal and showing that these people are not reliable Bible teachers.
So if the church would just do the right thing, if we would just be good Bereans, if we would just test the spirits, 1
John 4, 1, you know, beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether or not they're of God.
Why? Because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Robert Morris is a false prophet and the first clip
I'm going to show, he claims to receive direct revelation from God. See, if God speaks to you directly, that's what makes a prophet a prophet, that they get direct revelation.
And Robert Morris not only claims direct revelation, the revelation, quote unquote, that he gets is totally at odds with what the
Bible teaches. So let's listen to the first clip. And the Lord said to me, I want you to write your priorities.
So I got out and I wrote a piece, I got a piece of paper and I wrote number one, God. And the Lord said to me,
I didn't tell you to write that. And I said, yeah, but I know what you're going to say, because see
God, I've actually taught this. So I know about this. It's God, family, business.
Y 'all ever heard that? God, family, business. God, family. If God's one, one, family, then business, right? So I know what you're going to say.
You're going to say number one, God. And the Lord said, I didn't tell you to write that. Got ready. And he said, number one.
I knew you were going to say that. So I wrote number one. And then this is what the Lord said, Debbie.
And I said to him, Lord, that's not right. You're supposed to be number one. Here's what he said.
And it's changed my life. He said, son, when you're married, if you'll put your spouse as number one, you are putting me number one.
Okay. Does the Bible really teach that? See, I think we could just point to the great commandment, right?
In Matthew chapter 22, that God comes first. You should love the Lord, your God with all your heart, mind, body, soul, strength.
Everyone knows this isn't something that I really need to convince anyone of that you put God first.
If you put your wife first above God, then your wife becomes an idol.
I wouldn't want my wife to put me above God. Everyone knows better than this.
And yet Robert Morris claims that God spoke directly to him and gave him this revelation.
And then it's at odds with the Bible. So I mean, this clip alone, just the fact that Robert Morris claims direct revelation is problematic enough.
And then that the revelation doesn't line up with scripture. Okay. So that's the first thing.
So Robert Morris, based on that alone, you can call him a false prophet. He's not getting revelation.
God was not speaking to him. God did not tell him that. It doesn't line up with the Bible. So that's the first thing.
The next clip, Robert Morris claims that Jesus ceased from being
God. So this is a misreading of Philippians 2. Basically what Jesus did is he laid aside his divine privileges.
Jesus didn't cease from being God. He didn't lay down his divinity. He laid down his divine privileges.
Jesus is the Lord of glory. And yet he came, you know, born in a manger to a poor family.
He suffered, he died. He didn't have to do that, but he laid aside his divine privileges.
Jesus was a king and yet he lived as a man who had no place to lay his head. But Robert Morris teaches that Jesus, in a sense, ceased from being
God. He laid down his divinity. So this is known as the kenosis heresy.
Watch. Even though Jesus was fully God, he completely laid down his divinity when he was on this earth, completely, so that he could be fully human.
If you want to know how he did the miracles that he did, the Bible tells us he did them by the power of the
Holy Spirit and his personal relationship with the Father. That's how he walked on the water.
That's how he opened blind eyes. You know what that does for me? It gives me hope. Okay. And if that wasn't bad enough,
Robert Morris, while saying that Jesus laid aside or laid down his deity,
Robert Morris himself, he claims to be divine. So yeah, this is unbelievable.
So Jesus stopped being divine. But then Robert Morris preaches a sermon where Robert Morris himself, he claims to be partly divine.
Yeah, he said that. Watch. I am not fully divine.
I know that surprises some of you, but I am fully human, but I am partially divine.
Okay. So that, what is that? That's the little God's heresy. This is what the charismatic, and listen,
I want to be fair. I always try to be fair. Just because someone is Pentecostal or charismatic, it doesn't mean that they all believe this because they don't all believe this.
But if this is very common among the charismatic leaders like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, you know, they all have taught this little
God's heresy. What they do is they pull Jesus down and they elevate man.
And what they try to do is they try to get Jesus and you,
Jesus and us, on the same level. Bethel Church does this. So Jesus, they pull him down.
He laid aside his deity, whatever they say. Kenneth Copeland said Jesus was just a man while he walked on earth, right?
Joel Osteen's wife said that Jesus was not God at all until his baptism.
So they pull Jesus down, try to make him just a man who worked by the power of the spirit.
And then they elevate us as well. We're little gods. We're partly divine. So if we just work by that same power of the spirit and just trust in the spirit, this is how they get away with the signs and wonders.
So whatever Jesus did, you can do. So if Jesus raised the dead, Benny Hinn has claimed to raise the dead.
If Jesus healed the sick by laying on his hand, you can do that. So whatever Jesus does, you can do.
So we can, you know, get divine revelation. We can work miracles because we are little gods.
So Robert Morris is in that group. He teaches the little God. That's what you heard.
That's basically the little God's doctrine. And now I'm going to show you a clip that demonstrates that Robert Morris, I mean, he is, this is proof.
He is part of that word, faith, Pentecostal, charismatic, that, that heretical stream.
That's without a doubt, heretical like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland types that he's part of that word of faith, prosperity preacher crowd that teaches little
God. So watch as a Creflo, excuse me, not Creflo Dollar. Watch as Robert Morris promotes people like Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, and Joyce Meyer.
Watch. We have a great speaker tonight. We have a fantastic speaker tonight.
I've listened to Bishop TD Jakes for years. I have actually, for those of you who are members of gateway,
I've actually preached some of his messages, but you didn't know it. He is one of my pastors.
I love to listen to him because he is full of the word and the spirit of God and God is using him.
God is using him in an incredible way. Not only does he endorse the teaching of TD Jakes, he calls
Jakes one of his very own pastors. But TD Jakes in reality is one of the most notoriously false teachers in America today.
He is a charlatan who twists the word of God constantly. So if Robert Morris genuinely looks up to him and supports his teaching, that is a huge red flag.
Next we have Creflo Dollar. Watch this. And your pastor is one of the greatest teachers of the word of God that I've had the privilege of hearing.
And I thank God for his life. I thank God for his wife and his family, and I thank God for you being here.
Now for those who don't know, Creflo Dollar is a notorious word of faith and prosperity gospel teacher.
His doctrine is horrendously unbiblical, yet Robert Morris invited him to speak to his church nonetheless.
And finally, we have Joyce Meyer. As recently as ten months ago, Joyce was invited to preach a sermon at Robert's Gateway Church.
Joyce is a false prosperity gospel teacher and a manipulator of the biblical text. But more than this, 1
Timothy 2 .12 says that women are not permitted to teach or to exercise authority over men in the church.
So the fact that Robert invited her to preach indicates that his church has compromised to the modern feminist culture rather than obeying the standards of God's Word.
Meanwhile, Romans 16 .17 tells us to mark and avoid those who teach false doctrine that does not accord with Scripture.
And by contrast, it does not tell us to partner with them in ministry and introduce more people to their deceptive content.
When you put all of this together, it paints a picture. Robert Morris claims to have direct messages from God which are often completely unbiblical.
This makes him a false prophet, and a very dangerous one at that. Moreover, Robert also teaches that Christians are themselves partly divine beings, which does not accurately represent the
Bible's teaching. Also, he puts a huge emphasis on money and wealth in his semi -prosperity gospel preaching.
And the outcome of this is Robert's utterly unbiblical offer to give people their money -back guarantee on their tithing if they don't make all the money they want.
And finally, Robert actively endorses false teachers to his audience, and he admits that he himself has been directly influenced by their spiritual leadership.
All of this is plenty of evidence to confidently say that Robert Morris is not a reliable source of biblical teaching.
Okay, so that's from the channel Fight for Truth, and need I say more?
This is proof that Robert Morris, he's part of this prosperity gospel, little gods, charismatic, hyper -charismatic movement where they teach the little gods doctrine, and all of these heresies.
Here's the point of this video. The stuff that's coming out now about Robert Morris and what he did, which is literally criminal behavior, is he disqualified?
Absolutely. Now, I don't even like the idea of people going into the past and dragging up things that happened 30 years ago or 3 years ago.
That should have been dealt with at the time. So I don't even like that, and I don't want to turn this channel into where we speculate or even talk about some of this perverse stuff because I'm not interested in the salacious nature of the story that's coming out about Robert Morris.
Here's my point of why I'm doing videos like this. It's just proof that the average church, the average professing
Christian out there, they don't care about doctrine because when a scandal comes out, okay, maybe they won't care about it,
I don't know, but they'll maybe make somebody step down because of that, but if a pastor teaches heresy, oh, that's no big deal.
So if a pastor preaches false, if he denies the gospel, if he says there's other paths to God, I don't know if Robert Morris has taught that.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has. I don't know that he has, but this other stuff is bad enough.
The kenosis heresy, I mean, that is heresy. So why isn't he disqualified because of that?
Or Tony Evans saying that there's other ways to God that you don't have to believe in Jesus to be saved.
You can still be saved without the gospel. Why isn't heresy and false doctrine disqualifying?
So that's what I really find sad. One other thing, this is just a side note.
I attended a church last night, attended a service at a different church, and the pastor there, hardworking guy, faithful, faithful in his doctrine, just very biblical, and at that church service last night on a
Sunday night, there was like, what, nine people? And then a guy like Robert Morris, who's literally a criminal, should be in prison, okay?
A guy like Robert Morris, who's a clear false prophet, he has the largest church in America while this faithful pastor has a service and only nine people show up.
I mean, this is just, you know, if I didn't have hope for the future,
I mean, this is really, would be very discouraging. Just the world that we live in, everything is upside down.
You know, the wolves are just, you know, Robert Morris is filthy rich, like I said, largest church in the country, and it's just, why, why?
Because there's no discernment. Because we're living in, you know, some would say the Laodicean church age, or, you know, we're living in the last days, or whatever it is, the great falling away.
It's just, everything in the world right now is totally backwards, you know? Right is wrong, wrong is right, up is down, and, you know, the way it should be, it's like the exact opposite.
So I just want to leave you with this, you know, don't be discouraged. I know some of these stories that we look at, a lot of the stuff
I do on Christian news and discernment, you say it's, you know, it's like the news, cable news or nightly news.
Most of it is not good, right? Most of it could be seen as being negative, and the temptation is to sometimes get discouraged and throw your hands up and say, what's the use, or something like that.
Here's the thing, God will bless his people, okay?
God never promised us that we're going to be millionaires in this life. He never promised us a rose garden, right?
But God has promised us eternal life. So no matter what happens in the world right now, here's where we draw our hope from.
No matter what, no matter how crazy things get, and things are pretty bad.
That's true. On the one hand, you got to focus on the good things. You know, you have friends, you have family who care about you, you have a church family, you know, focus on your grandkids or whatever it is that, you know, those things that give you joy in your life.
Keep that in focus. Also just know that things are not going to be like this forever.
If we really are living in the great falling away, and the return of Christ is drawing near, these wicked people are going to get what's coming to them.
You know, it's like, remember that Rolling Stones song, Sympathy for the Devil, right?
I guess there are people who have sympathy for the devil. Well, we should have no sympathy.
But here's the thing, sometimes people envy the devil, or the devil's crowd.
People will be envious of what the wicked have. Like they're living it up, and they have things, so Robert Morris has the largest church in the country, and you know, the temptation would be to be envious of him.
Here's the thing, and I'm not going to judge his soul, but evil people are going to get theirs.
Now, by the grace of God, those of us who are saved, what do we get? What's in our future? Eternal life, joy, blessing.
We have a bright future. For the wicked though, they have a very dark future. So while they're maybe living on top right now, just remember what the
Bible says, the first shall be last, and the last first. So try to remain hopeful, and again, focus on some of the good things.
We have to do that, and keep these things in perspective. But this is the world we live in.
This is the modern state of evangelical Christianity, and this is what we have to do.
Be good Bereans. We have to study the word of God. We need to test the spirits, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.