Donald Trump Accepts Comparison to Jesus? Why It's Kinda Hard To Blame Him.
In a compelling episode of Didaché, Justin Peters discusses the concerning phenomenon of Donald Trump accepting comparisons to Jesus Christ, sparked by social media interactions and commentary from his supporters.
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- Welcome to the program ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
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- I want to thank you so much for Joining me. You can probably tell this is not my typical surroundings here.
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- That's because I am on the road I'm in Kentucky preaching and I'm just in my hotel room with my laptop.
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- Don't even have an external microphone here So please do forgive the rather Spartan environment here and probably not so great audio quality but I wanted to do this little video because recently in the last few days former president
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- Donald Trump has put up a post on social media that is Raising a lot of eyebrows and one of his supporters sent him a message that Really encouraged him apparently so I want us to look at the message
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- Trump's response to it and why Trump may think the way he thinks
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- So this person says quote It's ironic that Christ walked through his greatest persecution the very week
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- They are trying to steal your property from you But have you seen this verse in quote
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- Psalm 109 3 through 8 and Trump said of this Received this morning beautiful.
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- Thank you So the comparison here is unmistakable. This person is comparing the persecution that Jesus Experienced to the opposition.
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- I won't even say persecution But the opposition that Donald Trump is facing from his political opponents trying to steal this property and all of that that's been going all these court cases that have been going on for months now and the the comparison is absolutely unmistakable and notice the person makes a point of saying that Christ walked through his greatest persecution the very same week that People are trying to take
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- Trump's property from him's referring to Passion week and that's what we're in the middle of right now, right?
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- So the comparison is absolutely unmistakable and Trump says receive this morning beautiful Thank you.
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- Now my gripe here today is not nearly as much with Donald Trump as it is with those who profess to be
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- His some of his Christian supporters Donald Trump is no theologian.
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- Not only is he not a theologian Donald Trump is not a Christian and Lest you get mad at me for saying that Please do keep in mind
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- Donald Trump is a man who has on multiple occasions When directly asked if he has ever asked
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- God for forgiveness Has on more than one occasion said no
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- He doesn't think he's done anything that is worthy of the need for forgiveness
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- He doesn't think he has anything to be forgiven of and so by definition
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- Someone who has never asked God for forgiveness is not a Christian So Donald Trump is no theologian and he is not even a
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- Christian But Donald Trump ever since he ran for the
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- White House the first time back in 2001 he started running in 2015 but ever since then he has been surrounded with this spiritual advisory board that is populated almost completely with word -of -faith new apostolic heretics charlatans false prophets and Paula White as she was the chairwoman of his spiritual advisory board when he was president and He's been surrounded by a bunch of other word -of -faith heretics as well
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- Guillermo Maldonado and Kenneth Copeland has also been a very
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- Vocal supporter and has had a lot of access to Donald Trump. And so I see some people today in evangelical circles pointing out
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- The blasphemous nature of this and that is right and appropriate
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- But it seems like a lot of the ire is directed towards Trump whereas it should be directed towards those people who profess to be
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- Christians and Know better or certainly should know better. So I want to give you just a couple of clips of why
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- Donald Trump may have such an inflated view of himself This from Kenneth Copeland and a hat tip by the way to my friend
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- Stephen Kozar for this video if you're not Subscribed to his channel yet. I would encourage you to do so.
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- So, thank you Stephen You were born again of the spirit.
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- You were born of the spirit you were born exactly with the same
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- Spiritual DNA is Jesus. You were born with the DNA of God Almighty You're not a little like Jesus.
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- You are exactly like Jesus. You're not a little like Jesus You are exactly like Jesus.
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- You're born of his spirit. You have his name you have his word You are not only in his image you are in his likeness
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- Copeland says you're not a little like Jesus. You are exactly like Jesus.
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- Oh Certainly, that's just a one -off from Kenneth Copeland, right? He just kind of got carried away there.
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- Huh? No, not so much Let this mind be in you.
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- Let this be the way you think let this mind be in you Which was also in the anointed
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- Jesus Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God?
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- And you do not think it robbery you don't it's not taking anything away from God To be equal with our
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- Father To be equal with our Lord Jesus He's the one
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- That caused it to happen and our good God said, oh, yeah
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- They're my children, of course, they're equal to me I gave birth to them
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- Well, of course we are equal to God says Kenneth Copeland the heresy and the word of faith movement has gotten so bad
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- That they've pretty much dropped the little from the little God's doctrine Many word of faith teachers now just flat -out teach that we are equal to God And this is this is standard fare from Kenneth Copeland course
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- Sam Storms and Michael Brown said, oh They're not aware that Kenneth Copeland teaches such things
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- So he teaches this stuff on every day that ends in why he has been teaching this for?
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- decades Literally for decades I could give you hundreds upon hundreds of examples of him teaching this kind of stuff so kind of hard to blame
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- Trump when he has such a inflated view of himself when he's surrounded by Theological heretics from the word of faith movement like Kenneth Copeland now.
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- I want to show you another clip This is from the Los Angeles International Church.
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- I'm actually believe International Church of Los Angeles and It was pastored by a husband -wife team
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- Mark and Denise Goulet I think some there's some new blood in there now but this is a false church word -of -faith
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- Church and back in 2016 they had a very special guest at their church and it was none other than President Donald Trump he was there for a
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- Sunday service and Donald Trump is about to take the stage and again, this is not a knock on Trump This is a knock on Pastor Denise Goulet, of course, if you have a church with a female pastor, you have neither a pastor nor do you have a church?
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- But that's a topic for another video listen very carefully to what Pastrix Denise says about Donald Trump and Listen very carefully for the source of her information
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- What I was hearing the Lord say was This is my son
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- With whom I'm pleased What I was hearing the
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- Lord say was This is my son With whom
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- I'm pleased This is my beloved son in whom
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- I am well pleased She said that about Donald Trump Is it any wonder that Trump has an inflated view of himself, is it any
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- Mystery as to why he has no problem with accepting comparisons to Jesus Christ He was in this mega church in Las Vegas a word -of -faith
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- Church and he the pastor the pastrix Denise Goulet Said those words about him conferred upon basically conferred upon him
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- Deity this is unbelievable and Not only is that jaw -dropping heresy.
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- Not only is that blood -curdling blasphemy? But the source of this blasphemy according to Denise Goulet is
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- None other than God himself She heard the Lord say those words to her
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- She is laying this blasphemy at the feet of God it is just unbelievable within evangelicalism if you look for the most egregious heresy the most brazen false prophets in charlatans and hucksters
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- They all find a welcoming home in the word of faith new apostolic reformation movement
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- Which comprises the majority of the charismatic movement? There are they're not even
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- Sam Storms and Michael Brown would come out and definitively say Kenneth Copeland is a heretic and a false prophet false teacher who was on his way to hell
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- Not even they would do that. And if dear friends if Kenneth Copeland is not a false teacher.
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- No one is No one is so My gripe here is not so much with Donald Trump but with these people who know better and Just teach this kind of jaw -dropping blasphemy.
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- It's hard to blame Trump for having an inflated view of himself when this
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- Pastrix Denise Goulet and by the way, if you're in a church with a female pastor, you have neither a pastor Nor do you have a church, but that's subject matter for another video
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- When Pastrix Denise Goulet says she hears from God and God confers upon Donald Trump those words that God said about his only begotten
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- Son Jesus the Christ unbelievable unbelievable
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- Only off chance that Donald Trump may somehow watch this video.
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- Mr. Trump You are not a Christian by your own admission you have never asked
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- God for forgiveness But you are in dire need for God's forgiveness and I say this not as a slight to you.
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- I voted for you twice You are not a Christian, but you do need God's forgiveness because you are a sinner
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- You have broken God's laws like everyone has thou shalt not lie.
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- You have told lies Everyone has thou shalt not steal if you have ever taken anything that does not belong to you
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- You're a thief thou shalt not commit adultery But Jesus says if you look at a woman with lust you've committed adultery already in your heart go through the
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- Ten Commandments, sir You have broken God's laws Thousands upon thousands of times we all have we have all sinned against God in word
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- Indeed and in thought and because we have sinned against God who is eternal the punishment of that sin is also eternal in Anyone who dies in his or her sins will face the full undiluted fury of God's wrath in hell
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- For all of eternity the punishment will never end the worm will not die. The fire will not be quenched
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- You cannot earn your salvation Your works are as filthy rags before a thrice
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- Holy God Your greatest need is to be forgiven of your sins and God has made a way for you to escape his wrath
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- God sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth Jesus was the perfect God man one person with two distinct natures
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- Truly God truly man and as the God man Jesus lived a life of perfect Satisfaction and pleasure to God the
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- Father Jesus never sinned never broke any of God's laws he was the lamb without blemish and Jesus willingly laid down his life on the cross, sir, and He took the wrath of God that burns against the sins of his people
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- Jesus was treated by God the Father as though he were a sinner Even though he was not a sinner in the full undiluted fury of God's wrath was poured out on Christ and he drank in Every last drop of it died on the cross three days later bodily raised from the dead proving himself to be who he said
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- He was God in human flesh And the only way to be saved The only way to have the wrath of God removed that your sins have earned you is to repent of sin turn from sin and place
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- Your trust in the risen Lord Jesus Christ and what he accomplished on the cross
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- There is salvation in no one else There is no other name given among men under heaven by which we must be saved only
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- Jesus Christ And mr. Trump if you're watching this please
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- Surround yourself with with real Christians Because the likes of Paula White is not a
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- Christian Kenneth Copeland is not a Christian all these word -of -faith heretics prosperity preachers Not a
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- Christian and I and I grieve that they have presented before you such a horrible
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- Horrible example of what Christians should be. These are wolves. These are false prophets How many of them serve prophesied that you would be serving a second consecutive term in the
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- White House right now and you're not They're false prophets. They're not hearing from God.
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- They have made a mockery of Christianity before you and I agree for that because These are not
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- Christians. These are false teachers. These are the kinds of people Jesus warned his followers about wolves in sheep's clothing so Mr.
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- Trump, I if by some chance you're watching this I just gave you the gospel I pray that you would go to Christ and confess your sins before him if I can be of help to you
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- Reach out to me through my website Justin Peters org I won't tell a soul that you have contacted me at all
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- I just want to get some good resources in your hands to show you what a what true
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- Christianity is about and These folks have not been doing it sadly All right, dear ones.
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- Thank you very much for watching until our next time together May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the fellowship of his