Matt Slick Bible Study - Apostasy of the Church - 5/24/17




Okay, no, I didn't intentionally now we're good Now we're live with sound now.
All right. Why do we start a half -hour late? I'm gonna just tell you that the people who are here heard the story of how
I lost the radio show and so I'll give you a very brief synopsis in that apparently the station owner and I didn't see eye -to -eye and a few things and said see ya and But if someone said what was the reason
I don't know the reason and that's the way it is but you all heard the series of events so we can theorize but I think
I'm just too orthodox For a lot of people and to in your face for a lot of people and and that's it.
Right you jerks, right? That's right guys. You see how insulting I can be and everything what? But nice and orthodox, that's true.
So we'll just continue on right now but because of what's happened and I'll just let people know
I When Hank Hanegraaff went south a few weeks ago about 75 % had heard the stations dropped him
And so I got approached by the truth Network to take over 11 of his stations actually, it's 13 and so I said, okay and didn't have any money and long story short some donors came in said
We'll do this. We got a three -month thing going on. So next week Supposed to be
I didn't tell you guys this but supposed to be starting at four o 'clock So I'm going to change that what
I do on Facebook and YouTube to do four o 'clock Because it should be consistent for the same time and I'll put that up on on CARM And so because of all of this contacting
Contacting the techs for the new stations and stuff and working with stuff and trying to use it
Just cleaning up problems I didn't have any time to prep literally anything and But I do have some notes from the issue that I did a week ago on Apostasy in the
Christian Church. What I want to do is go over some of the stuff. I've got here I'm gonna wing it. So if you don't mind that so we'll just wing it and And then what we'll do is take a break in 20 minutes half hour and then we'll just do normal Q &A
I just do it like that because What I will talk about some stuff here that are signs of false teachings and false things in the
Christian Church and So just bear with me as I kind of like I said wing it so I have
In my notes, which I intended to fill in and do a lot of research on Was the issue of religious humanism?
And that we will be like God and I've already gone to Genesis chapter 3 1 through 6 This is a pericope that you should all know.
You should really go to John Genesis 3 1 through 6. Yes. Oh Pray didn't pray.
Thank you. Thank you very much. Let's pray Lord, thank you for this time and just ask that you'd bless it and that our words would glorify you and be truthful
Jesus we thank you for the opportunity to speak to hear your word to discuss these things and to learn hopefully
For what you had to say, so we thank you Jesus. We ask this all in your precious name. Amen all right, so It anyway
Genesis 3 1 through 6 is a pericope you all should know and be very familiar with I've been doing apologetics for 37 years since 1980 and Over the years.
I've gradually come to realize how important Genesis 1 2 & 3 are it just just what
I've seen and lately Genesis 3 1 through 6 has become even more important Particularly when we get into the issue in the
Christian churches I spoke on last week the necessity the supremacy of the Word of God and The lack of faith in the
Word of God that's held by a lot of Christians. It's not basically what it is It's calling God not Excuse me.
Whoops calling God a liar because they're not trusting him for what he says in the things he says and they twist his word just like Eve did and then contradict his word and then they're in sin and This progression in Genesis 3 1 through 6 is there is prevalent today and notice that You know,
I read last week of a notebook, which I've got where some of the people these heretics like John John Paul Crouch Where Paul Crouch said, you know that we're little gods and I read where Joyce Meyer Has says there's no problem with calling us little gods because God makes his kind the
God kind And heresies like this and notice what Satan said in Genesis 3 1 through 6 you will be like God knowing good and evil now
If someone were to say Matt, how are you like God? I think
I can talk I Exist I'm not gonna be going
Very far Well, you know, we're the same kind if I said something like that You guys said all after you throw things at me walk out of here
If I were to say, you know, it's I'm gonna were to ask that question. It's gonna be as vague as possible
Because the only way I'm similar to God or have any qualities like or anything is he exists I exist
Okay, that kind of thing. That's about it. All right But to say you will be like God knowing good and evil
What that is is an appeal to the flesh you're gonna be able to decide what's true morally and That entertaining of an idea is actually sinful.
We are not the one to decide what's morally right morally good God is Because he's a perfect standard of righteousness and we need to see what he says because he knows all things
And so therefore what we do is we trust what he says Because he is the moral pure one and We need to understand what he says
You know, sometimes we'll say to our children Just trust me on this Just trust me.
I can't explain it to you. Just trust me Why because you need to trust me once my child asked me something about that, you know something
I forgot it was and you know, I said I think it had to do with the car well because you see when you use a transmission and you're going that far with that with the oil that comes
I gave this technical explanation and She goes Okay, and she clear she'd understand
And I said see there's some things you don't know and that's how it is. We don't when God says look Just trust me
That's what it is. No, I will decide no you will know you'll be like him knowing good and evil really,
I Will be like him knowing good and evil Where'd you get that and how is that possible?
I'm telling you the only reason that I can say what is good is because I read it in Scripture Lying is a sin.
That's why I say lines of sin Murders a sin. That's why I say murder is a sin. That is a sin.
That's why I say theft is a sin People go you're judgmental.
Well, he says I can make spiritual judgments first Corinthians 15 or 2 for 2 15 and I think it's
John 7 34, I think And find that verse So I'm just gonna try and say what what what
God says because that's what we need to do Right. This whole thing is really important because I want you to understand 24 yeah 724 you're not judge according to appearance but judge with righteous judgment.
Okay, 724 John 7 24, so We can make these judgments, but we judge righteously.
The only way to judge righteously is with the Word of God I keep coming back to this issue the supremacy and the sufficiency of the
Word of God Because without it you will say things like we're little gods
And it's just it's a horrible thing And this is taught by Joyce Meyer Kenneth Copeland all
Crouch Paul Crouch passed away and he's finding out that he's not a little
God Another thing that is an error in the Christian Church today is free will ism
Free will ism. It is a self deification self -aggrandizement
Free will what is free will free will is the ability to make uncoerced choices that are consistent with your nature
Reason I say it that way because God has to be included in what free will is he is the example of free will
His freedom is restricted to only choosing holy things good things.
He cannot choose to do anything evil He cannot choose to lie. He cannot lie Titus 1 2 So he cannot do that and because he can't do that He reveals what his character is to us and it's codified.
You shall not lie for example, and so When we talk about free will we're talking about the ability to make choices
But the choices have to be consistent with your nature the reason I say I'm gonna reiterate reason
I say consistent with your nature because we Can make choices and the only thing you can do is make them in a consistent manner with what you are
The unbelievers a slave of sin a hater or God who does no good. He will only make sinful choices
The Christian is redeemed and dwelt by God can make sinful choices and non sinful choices
God can only make holy choices So free will ism Which is semi
Pelagian ism and is taught in a lot of churches is the idea that an unbeliever in his sin In his enslavement to sin
Romans 6 14 to 20 his hatred of God Romans 3 10 11 and 12 His lack of ability to receive the things of God first Corinthians 2 14 his heart has desperately wicked deceitful cannot be trusted
Jeremiah 17 9 These conditions that the Bible says it's the state of the unbeliever.
People say oh they can choose God They can choose all they need is just prevenient grace
Now prevenient grace is the grace that comes before I'm talking about this in other shows prevenient grace the grace that comes before What is prevenient grace in?
Molinism according to Kirk McGregor who wrote on Molina and I had a good conversation with him good guy
He said prevenient grace is God's movement of bringing a person into a place where they can then freely choose
God And as long as he's as he's bringing them By circumstances into a place to be able to choose as long as they don't resist his work along the way
They'll get to the place. They can choose God now I consider that to be very bad and I'm gonna write about that but Because still the question is then why does he choose another one does not win all this works
It still doesn't answer the question. The Bible does answer the question Because he grants that we believe
Lippin's 129 our believing is the work of God John 6 28 29. So Molinism falls flat
And because what it's doing along with open theism, which is under error Open theism like Molinism in my opinion
Though there are differences Some pretty substantial differences the commonality between them is the elevation of human free will
Because in open theism God doesn't know everything exhaustively but in Molinism he does
But in open theism, he doesn't know everything exhaustively because if he knows exactly what you're going to choose on that day
Then you're not free to choose anything contrary because what he knows has to happen Their logic is pretty bad
So they reduce God and they say that man is the the standard because his free will can't be violated
Molinists say the same thing and I just ask questions. Why not? Why not?
And Well, then it's not really true truly free will come into Christ. And why is that a problem? Seriously, why is that a problem?
Well, because it's not right who says show me that in the Bible Show it to me in the scripture where it says
God can't do that or God won't do that It's a philosophical imposition the
Molinists have they put upon the very nature of God Now may might be that that's the case
But show me in scripture that it's the case. Otherwise, you're just imposing a philosophical position and saying this is what has to be and this how
God's going to be and therefore This is why free will has to be what it is. But the point is here. I'm trying to make is this free?
Will is man -centeredness Man -centeredness you will be the one who knows right and wrong
You were going to exercise your free will and your wisdom and you're gonna be able to be the one who's gonna do this Now I'm gonna tell you
I know what my free will is capable of I Don't believe it's capable of a single thing.
That's good Even as a Christian, I don't believe anything I ever do is perfect. And I mean perfect I mean perfect by the standard of God because that's the only standard that matters.
I Have never yet in my life that I'm aware of Ever wanted to do something speak publicly be on TV beyond radio write books that hasn't also included.
Hey, look how great I am It hasn't always included something like that in there. I don't care
What it is. I don't think I've ever done anything with a pure motive and therefore nothing I've done is of any merit
I believe that My free will is free to act in a manner consistent with what
I am a Redeemed person who's fallen He's not perfect and I'm glad that God predestined me from the foundation of the world and That it wasn't up to me in my wisdom and my ability and when
I got saved it wasn't me When the Lord came and overpowered me with his holiness and all
I could do was weep in repentance That was all Him I Was a long for the ride in that tornado of holiness being tossed to and fro against various degrees of sin that my corpse of a soul was being slammed against repeatedly and With each impact with each reminiscing with each memory of sin pain
That's what I was involved with and I got saved by God's grace Free will ism is a heresy
It's in the Christian Church When it says that salvation is up to the individual and his ability to choose
God That's not what the scripture says. You cannot come to me unless it's been
Unless the father draws you John 6 44. You cannot come to me unless have been granted to you from the father
John 6 65 You're born again not of your own will John 1 13 It's when
I say things like this as I get older. I can say with more confidence more assurance the more
I am convinced that the Christian Church is Weak and anemic
Because it's relying on its own strength and own wisdom because its own ability to make choices are what's predominant its own wisdom
You see as I've said before to you guys, you know, I've got Asperger's I've got some autism and My friends over here.
They've seen me at my worst She was some pretty bad times and some pretty whatever much other for four years.
I just you know as anybody would and And I just rely on God do
I rely on him perfectly But But I've learned the older I get the less to trust myself
So I've been praying lately Lord what you want me to do? That's what
I want to do Lord what you want me to say That's what I want to say Lord where you want me to go. That's where I want to go
You know sometimes and I'm sure all of us would wish that God would come down and say okay I have some specific instructions take notes
Yes Okay. Yeah, you know and I don't care what it was
I want you to go to so -and -so store in the corner and be the janitor for the rest of your life. Yes Praise God You know, that's what
God want me to do I'm in I don't care what it is he's gonna bless one way or another
Okay, and I don't care. I just tired of being myself in wine wine wine
I mess up too much screw up too much Free will hasn't done me too well
But when we want to elevate ourselves Our free will gets elevated along with it and what people will do is judge doctrine and judge truth by their experience
Now what did Eve do John? Genesis 3 6 when she saw that the fruit was good.
She experienced. She was a sensuality or personal this. Okay So what we do a lot of a lot of churches do a lot of Christians doing or taught is that I?
Chose God Then he saved me. I was in my sins. Someone gave me the gospel.
I saw what I needed. I chose God and that's why That's called doctrine by experience
They buy with the experience. I Say well, that's not what happened biblically. Oh, man.
Of course it is. I was there Matt. You're so dumb Excuse me creature in some scriptures
I've talked to people when they've had conversations like this and I've said do you take credit for your salvation? Oh, yeah
You know, I just want to go like this, you know You know a little vapor thing going up, you know and so but people do that and yet God loves us and yet God will work with us even in our arrogance and I've certainly got mine
But the free will ism is one of the heresies that is in the Christian Church today
What needs to happen is a Christian Church needs to repent and start on its own The Christian Church needs to start saying things like God you are sovereign
God You are the Lord God if you want me sick Then I want to be sick if you want me rich that I want to be rich if you want me poor then
I want To be poor whatever you want God You know as John the
Baptist said in John 3 30, he must increase I must decrease This is the attitude. We're supposed to have before our
Holy and Living God. It's easy to get up here and say it It's not so easy to live it Okay, it's not
That's just the way it is But the church needs to repent and put God back on the throne The Edenic lie you
I call the Edenic lie Eden Edenic lie echoing down the corridors of time through our respective hearts that have been affected by the fall in a very severe way and We all hear it and I know
That if we were to do private interviews with each one of you and I say, where's your issue of arrogance?
Well now that you've mentioned it, let's start with A's You know, we would all have our list of things and we would
When we face God Even in our own prayers and our hearts we have our problems. We have our issues, but yet God loves us
But the church has got to repent of its free will ism of its man -centeredness Of its idea that it's up to them and their wisdom to choose
God up to them and their wisdom to keep their Their place with God. All of this is foolishness it's absolute foolishness and The Christian church has got to stop believing and exalting itself
And putting God back on the throne. He won't say stupid things like I've heard down at church on Eagle Say that your words have more power in your life than God's words.
The pastor said that I'm like Flat -out heresy. No pastor should ever say that It's just heresy
You know, I read those quotes last week God didn't have any way to do anything here on earth unless he had a contract with a man
Somebody here on earth had given permission to work. He stuck the reduction of God at least in my reformed theology
Right or wrong? What it does is it exalts God and it demotes man to be perfectly honest,
I like that and I like it because I know what I am and Reformed theology describes it perfectly and I know that in light of that The only way
I can be saved if God elects predestines grants moves pulls Yanks because I know
Now my judging all that by experience, you know, because what I my experience is it's consistent with Scripture. I am a sinner
And I can only be saved by his mercy and by his grace and Reformed theology does that and that's why
I can never see myself abandoning that a Lot of people think oh you got this imposition that you put upon Scripture.
No, I just Believe that God's greater than me And I mean,
I really believe this God squared me and I'd read I'm capable of anything good Even choosing him in my sin.
That's me And I want a theology That best describes
Who he is and his great majesty and by necessity Then I must be demoted
That's not the way of the world the way of the world Is to exalt itself. That's why
I deserve to have my bank account, right? That's why I deserve Have a nicer car.
That's why I deserve But to be healthy, that's why I deserve Etc because I'm a child of the king
That's what I deserve He only loves the best I'm the best because he's given it to me and he deserved to be healed
And the problem with this attitude that I'm giving you is that and we can take it too far though And say oh,
I'm supposed to be miserable. I got some worms to go eat outside Yeah, and we can take that to her, you know and make a mistake out of that as well
But we're gonna follow the God we have constructed I've already talked about the prosperity gospel and Molinism and this issue of preaching to unbelievers
I want to talk about that. We'll get going for a little bit longer, I guess but preaching to unbelievers Now should a pastor preach to unbelievers in one sense?
Yes, and another sense. No You should preach the preaching of the gospel if an unbeliever comes in church
Let's say that I'm pastoring a church and some event down the road And we happen to know that a lot of unbelievers for some strange reason are gonna come into church that day
Then I'm gonna preach the gospel I'm gonna preach the gospel while I'm equipping the Saints okay, but You know aside from something that it's unusual the purpose of the church in Ecclesiastical sense is to equip the
Christians Ephesians 4 11 and 12 for the work of ministry the work we're to do That's the purpose if I were to preach again, which
I want to preach And teach I want to equip the Christians Not interested in people who want to be babysat
Then go listen to Joyce Meyer Or Joel Osteen if you want to be breastfed and your diapers changed
What I'm interested in is teaching Christians who want to know the truth Who are willing to be changed by God's Word?
Be confronted by God's Word and who are willing to face themselves before a holy
Lord and Ask that he would super condescend to lower his standards to use you you know
Lord if you could just like lower your standards like a kabillion times and You know just work it so that I can maybe say something true about you in the gospel to some unbeliever
Sure like that and then he does and you go man. I sure did a good job, didn't I? But the church is supposed to equip the
Christians but to equip the Christians is difficult We equip the
Christians if I were a pastor of a church I Would want to equip the Christians on Sunday to get a sermon
Out of the Word of God they get the truth during the week. I'd have classes on come and get equipped
And we have elders Who were in charge of outreach? That outreach
I'd tell people so -and -so's in charge of it not me. I don't have time This guy or these guys are in charge of this this outreach what outreach the outreach
God gives you You know what if it's knitting little hats for newborns to take to a hospital
Praise God little scripture reference on it or nothing And you just say it and you're looking for an opportunity to witness while you're doing that Perfectly great ministry awesome
You know I want to go into the military in order to witness to the guy go for it
You know as long you don't do that. Oh, he's Wanna go to the gym and get buff so that I can pick up boxes my wife you know
We'll work on that one as being really okay But the idea is that we can all
Be used of God, and it doesn't have to be evangelism street corner this holding up signs
Some people like doing that so people can do that so people don't want to do that some people just want to do things different ladies are a little bit more genteel and The idea of standing up with a megaphone you pigs
Oh, sorry, you know they wouldn't do that guys were like oh, that was that wrong
You know how we are And so ladies have a you know they do just touchy -feely stuff what the ladies talking about Things girly stuff kill
They could do that. I don't get that universe. You know I just go in there I got to have a full protection radiation gear.
You know the cooties You know that's me But I like it when the ladies are ladies.
I like that. I like to observe observing to like aliens observing things that are odd and You know
I like to observe weird things stormfronts and women You know as they're when they're together talking with this mutual
Interrupting conversation thing that jumps around that they all understand they have a secret code thing or some radar
Communication stuff in their brains. You don't let any guy know about Let's switch now what he's listening. We'll switch to this topic.
I bring okay, and then guys going what what is going on? That's what happens. It's gotta happen
So I you know I like to watch that you know I'm Good, but that's okay.
It's a girl world. I Tell my guy my wife about the guy world. I said the guy world
Say you upset me yesterday, how so well you said I was dumb. Okay. Sorry all right.
We're done Guy world girl word you know Yesterday when you said that my shoes weren't right
You know I kind of feel like no, maybe that it kind of hurt you feel
I'm so much well Yes, you see, but I was thinking well you were also 20 minutes later.
They're hugging and kissing the guys like don't touch me kick Okay the worlds are different, but the ministries and get back on track
I Don't know what these tangents come from portal squirrel squirrel
What kind of squirrel anyway, so what Calvin a squirrel
Five -point bushy tail or something five whiskers you know anyway, so The whole thing is is
Where was I oh? Yeah, ministry so the idea of equipping the Christians.
I believe in letting people do what they're called to do The way they wanted I knew what they're called to do
It's important That's what that's where the things are doing they go. He's like man. I'd be in the woods right now building a cabin
I mean, but I asked God to be used I had no idea it'd be helping you Like you
I actually said to him a while back you asked for it He goes yeah, I know I Said yeah,
I'd be careful what you asked for it. Yeah, yeah, can you imagine use me God? Okay, the vision comes up you can be helping a guy named slick.
Who's really irritating. He's got autism and He's kind of arrogant, and he likes to rip on people the first time you see him.
He's gonna insult you He'd be like that's obviously not from God, okay
Yeah Cannot be true because it's too whacked, but that's what happened and so here
We are but anyway see God can use us in different ways and the Christian Church needs week To encourage you to be used and to go out there and do stuff, but I don't see that happening
I don't see it happening I don't see I just don't see you know people need to know and I like it when people make mistakes because it means are doing something
You come and you know I'm in pastor and I try this Well you know
I figured making bombs for further the Christians wasn't a good thing
Bombs forget I went off in the house and Okay, that we probably should have talked about that one first, but yeah, there are extremes so anyway, that's an issue that's an issue and I'm gonna say a couple of more things here psychology and stories over egotistical preaching psychology and stories
If you're gonna give me a story you better be short sweet to the point that is Basically used to illustrate something in Scripture in a way that we don't always understand
That that's okay when I was checking things out churches in Southern, California Crystal Cathedral Robert Shuler and I went to his church
And I said I want to hear how long it's gonna take before he talks about Jesus And so 20 minutes into a sermon after illustrations and after this isn't that's the stories of psychology.
He mentioned Jesus 20 minutes So I said not gonna work
I went to Calvary Chapel Chuck Smith Got there, so let's see how this guy does and he opens his
Bible and says Jesus said I go here. I am first word out of his mouth literally was
Jesus and You know that's what I want. I don't want a psychology.
I don't want I don't need story occasional stories Okay, you know people like stories. You know a little story here there.
That shouldn't be the main thing of a Sermon usually doesn't mean you can't have a fantastic story.
That's very illustrative to illustrate something Okay preachings dynamic but when
Sermons are characterized by stories and human psychological ideas and stuff.
That's the problem. It should be governed by Scripture Scripture needs to be the final authority and the place we draw stuff from and of course
I've already mentioned the issue of man -centered theology. God's here to please you and No, he's not
Actually, he says in Isaiah 43 7 he creates us for his glory That's why he created us
Now, how can we best glorify him? And for some it might be in perpetual pain and then
Praising God some it might be autism and preaching something might be other mental problems and they're trying to help out
Okay, who knows? But We want to glorify
God Not ourselves. Actually, I want to glorify myself, but you know what? I mean, we don't want to glorify ourselves want to glorify
God the church is in dire need of a new apostle
I wish Paul the Apostle was back and He could go around man would he write the epistle to the church in Houston?
Yeah, you know you just say This just mail this one out and It's got a lot of flame in it, you know
What would he write? To the churches today the church at Houston, right?
There'd be some churches he'd be talking crap about but you know
Jesus said when he returns we find faith and As we gather in the last days as the prophecy is we gather to ourselves teachers that tickle our ears 2nd
Timothy 4 3 and 4. I think it is 1st Timothy That's what's happening
I'm standing up against it I'm going to continue to speak the truth what God says and That's it the best of my ability to teach what it says if it says we're predestined we're predestined says we're elected we're elected
People don't like that it says we're born again not of our own will then we're born again not of our own will Don't like it take it up with the author as I used to say on the radio don't like it turn the channel
We'll need people who are gonna say the truth and Women shouldn't be in the pulpit doing it men need to be many to stand up that's what needs to happen the church has got to repent and Move forward that's where repentance begins in the household of God Then it'll be it'll happen in society
We start getting off the Spiritual wagon train feed me feed me feed me
What do I get? What do I get? It's our nature and because reformed theology in my opinion is not predominant and Arminianism is
Which in my opinion is a little too man -centered Then it is the bedrock for narcissism
That's not to say every Arminian is that way Not to say every Calvinist is perfect But generally speaking
Human -centered free will ism, which is based not on God's sovereignty, but upon man's ability
That's the bedrock for heresy Subtle over time becomes more and more defended
Believed and then those who preach the truth are accused of heresy That's how it works
And the Bible warns us They will persecute you thinking that they're serving
God in the process. All right, that's depressing
Let's pray. We'll stop. We'll take a break. Then we'll get some Q &A. We'll see what happens Lord Jesus.
Thank you again for this time and just ask Lord that you would bless it and Bless everyone here and those listening.
May you be glorified in our words. Thank you. Lord Jesus We ask this in your name.