The Deity and Personality of the Holy Spirit
Wednesday evening study, Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, July 7, 2010, on key texts relating to the Deity and personality of the Holy Spirit.
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- Turn with me please to Acts chapter 5, the book of Acts chapter 5, the book of Acts chapter 5.
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- A man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold a piece of property and kept back some of the price for himself with his wife's full knowledge, bringing a portion that he laid at the apostle's feet.
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- Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back some of the price and land?
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- While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not under your control?
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- Why is it that you have conceived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God. And as he heard these words,
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- Ananias fell down and breathed his last. And great fear came over all who heard of it. A young man got up and covered him up, and after carrying him out, they buried him.
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- Now there elapsed an interval of about three hours, and his wife came in not knowing what had happened. And Peter responded to her,
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- Tell me whether you sold the land for such and such a price? She said, Yes, that was the price. And Peter said to her,
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- Why is it that you have agreed together to put the Spirit of the Lord to the test? Behold, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and will carry you out as well.
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- And immediately she fell at his feet and breathed her last. And young men came in and found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
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- And great fear came over the whole church and over all who heard of these things.
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- We have in this text one of those texts that is difficult to preach on.
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- I'm not going to attempt to cover it really this evening. But it is not a comfortable text.
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- It is a text that many today would find to be somewhat unpleasant to think about.
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- You have Ananias and Sapphira, names that have become watchwords in the history of the
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- Christian church for people who experienced judgment at the hands of God in the early church.
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- Now you may recall that there were such incidents in the
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- Old Testament as well. You may think of what happened in regards to Aaron's sons when they offered, as the
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- Bible says, that which was called strange fire upon the altar.
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- Now we don't know exactly what that was. There was something that they did where evidently they rejected the parameters that God had laid down for his worship.
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- And they offered strange fire upon the altar. Evidently they thought they could come up with maybe a better way.
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- Maybe a way that borrowed from paganism. We just don't know. What we do know is that God's wrath was kindled and he struck the men dead.
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- And we remember Uzzah when the ark was being brought back toward Jerusalem.
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- The people of Israel, led by David, are rejoicing greatly. And yet in their rejoicing they ignored the law that God had laid down concerning, again, his worship, his holiness.
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- And the means by which the ark was to be treated and carried. And instead of the priests carrying the ark, they have it on an ox cart.
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- And there is an incident where it begins to tumble and Uzzah reaches out his hand to steady the ark.
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- And the wrath of the Lord breaks forth against him and he too is struck down.
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- Now there would be much worse in the consideration this evening simply of these incidents.
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- And the fact that God is concerned about his worship. But that's not actually what my focus is upon.
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- It is interesting to note, and I think we would be neglecting something if we didn't know, that what we see in Acts chapter 5 is the fact that the
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- God of the New Testament, the God of the Church, is the very same
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- God that was concerned about his own holiness and his own worship back in the
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- Old Testament as well. We have many friends and family who might think that there is the
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- God of the Old Testament and then there is the God of the New Testament. As if they are somehow different gods.
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- This is not the case in any way, shape, or form. And the fact that in the primitive church, the brand new church, we see this concern for holiness that was just as much evident in the
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- Old Testament, in the formation of the people of God there, the giving to them of the rules of worship that were to guide their life, once again demonstrates the unity of God's purposes and actions.
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- But actually, my focus is elsewhere. When we think of what happened here, hopefully as you read it, sometimes we are so focused upon what happened, the historical incident, the fact that, for example,
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- Peter is very straightforward here. When Sapphira comes in, what does
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- Peter immediately do? Did you sell the land for such and such a price? He doesn't talk about the weather.
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- He doesn't do anything. He goes straight for the specific issue and brings that judgment of God to bear in this particular situation.
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- But we are so focused upon that, that we missed some other things. And what
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- I wanted to do this evening is that I want you to see if you can see what the commonality between this text and another text is.
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- Turn with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 12. 1
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- Corinthians chapter 12 is about spiritual gifts. And you might think, I don't really immediately see a connection here.
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- But let's read the first section and see if we can come up with something here.
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- Now, concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware. You know that when you were pagans, you were led astray to the mute idols, however you were led.
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- Therefore, I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says
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- Jesus is accursed. And no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
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- Now, there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same
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- Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things and all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the
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- Spirit for the common good. For to one is given the word of wisdom for the Spirit. And to another, the word of knowledge according to the same
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- Spirit. To another, faith by the same Spirit. And to another, the gifts of healing by the one Spirit. And to another, the effect of miracles.
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- And to another, prophecy. And to another, the distinguishing of Spirits. And to another, various kinds of tongues. And to another, the interpretation of tongues.
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- But one, the same Spirit, works all these things, distributing to each one individually, just as He wills.
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- For even as the body is one and yet has many members. And all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body.
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- So also is Christ. For by one Spirit, we are all baptized into one body. Whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free.
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- And we're all made to drink of one Spirit. Now, what then do we have that ties these two texts together?
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- What we have is the centrality of the Spirit of God.
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- And a demonstration in two of the key texts of the New Testament. Of the deity and personality of the
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- Holy Spirit. And I felt that it would be good to be reminded about this.
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- Because, let's face it. We hear much about the Father. We hear much about the
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- Son. But the Spirit seems to be the quiet member of the
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- Godhead. There is much discussion of God the
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- Father. And there is much inappropriate focus upon God the
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- Son. But God the Spirit? We don't hear as much about Him.
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- And part of that might be because we live in a day where there is great imbalance in some areas.
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- Where there are people who abandoning a biblical foundation. Run about claiming revelations of the
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- Spirit constantly. And the Spirit told me this. And the Spirit told me that. And the Spirit says this.
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- And the Spirit says that. And we see the results.
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- The mockery of the Gospel that comes about by so much of what we see in the quote unquote
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- Christian media. And in the charismatic movement. But at the same time.
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- The fact of the matter is. The Spirit is not nearly as prominent in the
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- New Testament text. As the Father and the Son. And yet we confess the
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- Spirit to be eternally God. We pray for the
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- Spirit's ministry. In the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. We confess that without the
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- Spirit we can do nothing. That we need His ministry amongst us. And yet how much time do we really spend looking at what the
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- Scriptures say about the Spirit? When we think about what took place in Acts chapter 5.
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- Notice the centrality of the Spirit here. But Peter said in verse 3.
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- Ananias why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit.
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- And to keep back some of the price land. To lie to the Holy Spirit. Now may
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- I suggest that you can only lie to a person. You can only lie to a person.
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- We all have the old Trinity hymnals in front of us.
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- And you can look at that Trinity hymnal. And you can say I'm the richest man in the world.
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- The Trinity hymnal will not care what you say. It will not mock you or laugh at you.
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- Though it would be appropriate for it to do so. But it cannot do so. Because it is impersonal.
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- There are many people who will say well the Holy Spirit really isn't a person. The Holy Spirit. The folks that wake you up at annoying times on Saturday morning.
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- Is the one Saturday morning you want to try to sleep in. And they show up on your doorstep in 114 degrees wearing well what
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- I'm wearing. Carrying a book bag and want to talk to you about Armageddon. And you want to talk to them about Armageddon when they wake you up.
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- And those folks do not believe the Holy Spirit is a person. They believe the
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- Holy Spirit is a thing. God's impersonal active force. And so in their mistranslation of the
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- Bible called the New World Translation. Holy Spirit is a small h and a small s.
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- They view the Holy Spirit like electricity in these lights. Like water running in a stream.
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- It's a force. It's an it. But you can't lie to an it.
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- You can't lie to the electricity in these lights. It's not possible. Notice as well though.
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- That Peter said. Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit. In verse 3.
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- But in verse 4. Why is it you have conceived this deed in your heart?
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- You have not lied to men. But to whom? To God. To lie to the Holy Spirit.
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- Is to lie to God. To lie to the Holy Spirit. Is to lie to a divine being.
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- And it is indeed by the power of the Holy Spirit. That what takes place here does take place.
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- Notice even to Sapphira. Why is it you have agreed together to put the spirit of the
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- Lord to the test? So here in Acts chapter 5.
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- The one who observes. The one who knows men's hearts. The one who reveals to Peter. The lie.
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- Is the Holy Spirit of God. And he is identified as a person. And as deity.
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- And it is the Holy Spirit then. That brings about this fear that comes over the whole church.
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- A reverential fear. In light of the holiness of God. The church is to be pure and holy.
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- And here we saw people coming in. Who are going to begin the process. Of adulterating.
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- That early church. God says no. But then we go to 1
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- Corinthians chapter 12. Once again we have some very important.
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- Truths about the Holy Spirit. You notice how central the spirit was. First you have the centrality of the spirit.
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- In bringing about Christian confession. True Christian confession. Not just saying the words.
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- Jesus is Lord. But no. Notice. No one speaking by the spirit of God. Says Jesus is accursed.
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- And no one can say Jesus is Lord. Except by the Holy Spirit. Now I have heard many an atheist say
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- Jesus is Lord. Mocking the sentence. So obviously we are talking here.
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- About the actual confession. The real confession. Jesus Kurios. Words that become extremely important.
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- To those early Christians. Especially with the rise in the Roman Empire.
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- Of the demand to offer a pinch of sacrifice upon the altar. And say not
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- Jesus Kurios. But Kaiser Kurios. Caesar is
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- Lord. The Christians would not do this. It is a spiritual expression.
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- Jesus is Kurios. The very word used of Yahweh in the Old Testament.
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- But then you have all these ministries. That come about by the same spirit. The same spirit that brings about Christian confession.
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- The idea being. A person who has said Jesus is Lord. Properly. Has made a real confession of faith.
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- One that represents their heart. Is a person who is led by. And dwelt by the spirit of God.
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- And therefore the spirit of God. Then places that person in the body of Christ. And gives different ministries.
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- But then did you notice something. About verses four through six. I would encourage you.
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- To be sensitive to text like this. What do I mean sensitive? Listen to them again.
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- Listen to the words. Now there are varieties of gifts. But the same spirit. And there are varieties of ministries.
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- And the same Lord. There are varieties of effects. But the same God. Who works all things in all persons.
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- Spirit. Lord. God. The Trinitarian names.
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- Paul normally refers. Normally. Not always. But normally refers to the father. As the us.
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- As God. He normally refers to the son. As Lord. Kurios.
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- And the spirit. Is the spirit. You have a Trinitarian passage. Here. Talking about the one activity of God.
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- In the church. Spirit. Lord. God. I say we should be sensitive to these.
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- Because the doctrine of the Trinity. Revealed as it is. Between the Old and New Testaments.
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- How is it revealed? In the coming of Jesus Christ. And the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The incarnation, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
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- The outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Is the revelation of the Trinity. The New Testament then becomes the record.
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- Of the faith that flows out of that revelation. And so the
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- New Testament is soaked. In Trinitarian language. The fact that New Testament writers for example.
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- Could say the spirit of Christ. Spirit of God. But not within the same sentence. And not even sense. Any kind of contradiction or problem.
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- So here you have. Evidence of that. And then we have. Each one partakes.
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- Of the Holy Spirit. All the gifts the Holy Spirit gives. But then. If you haven't marked it.
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- You haven't memorized it. You don't know where it is. May I point your attention. Especially. To verse 11.
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- But one the same spirit works all these things. Distributing to each one individually.
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- And what does it say? Just as he wills.
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- Just as he wills. One of the key.
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- Identifiers of personhood. Is the existence of the will.
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- And here the spirit of God. Gives his gifts. He places people in the body.
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- As he wills. That electricity and that light up there.
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- Has no will. It follows certain rules. Just as water flows downhill.
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- Now we can manipulate both. We can use hydraulic systems.
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- To make water go uphill. But we have to use pressure. And there are certain rules.
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- And electricity. If I were to lick my finger. And stick it up there on certain wires. It would follow certain rules.
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- Alright. But the reason it's staying up there. And not doing that to me down here.
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- Is we know what those rules are. And so we use certain. Circuits and diodes and transistors.
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- And resistance and watts and ohms. And all that wonderful fun stuff. That the electricians amongst us know all about.
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- Thankfully. But it has no will of its own. Once you put certain rules in place.
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- It goes where it's supposed to go. Because it's just an impersonal force. The spirit.
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- Distributes to each one individually. Just as he wills.
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- That is the action. Of a person. Not an it.
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- And since this person. Is giving the gifts that form the very body of Christ.
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- The means by which. God, Father, Son and Spirit.
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- Is glorified. In the building up of the body.
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- Then clearly. We here have one of the key texts. Not only demonstrating the personality of the spirit.
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- But the sovereign divinity. Of the spirit as well. No mere secondary creature.
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- Determines the very shape. The very form and substance and function. Of the body of Christ.
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- God is the one who forms that body. For his own glory. This. The spirit does.
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- And so we see then. For even as the body is one. It has many members. And all the members of the body. Though they are many.
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- Are one body. So also is Christ. For by one spirit. We were all baptized into one body.
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- Whether Jews or Greeks. The slaves are free. And are all made to drink of one spirit. What is the supernatural unity.
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- That binds Christians together. Why is it.
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- That I can travel to Australia. I can travel to Sao Paulo.
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- I can travel to Italy. I can travel to the UK. Go up to Scotland. Amongst my long lost brethren.
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- And yet we have. A connection. A unity.
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- We all say Jesus is Lord. And we mean the same thing by that. How can that be?
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- How can it be in November. I'm going to get a chance to go down to. To Peru.
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- And train pastors down there. Why would I even bother to try to do such a thing like that.
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- If I didn't believe. That there is going to be a connection. A supernatural unity.
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- A bond. And a foundation. So that spiritual words will be met by.
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- The spirit in them as well. And yet that's the unity that we have.
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- The same spirit. See. What defines the body.
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- We were all baptized into one body. By that spirit of God.
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- It is the understanding of the apostle. That if you are in the body of Christ. You possess the spirit of God.
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- That's what binds us all together. And that is a supernatural unity.
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- It's not merely of some secondary creature. Or like electricity. An impersonal active force.
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- And so though the spirit is not. In any way shape or form. By and through the divine economy.
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- The forefront person of the Trinity in the New Testament. We need to.
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- Not just skip past. The references to him.
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- But we should be sensitive to these texts. And ponder these texts.
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- And allow the spirit of God. To give testimony. As Jesus said.
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- To Jesus. To direct us to the word. And to our Savior. Always remembering that he is the one.
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- Promised to have been sent to us. The Father and the Son send the spirit to us.
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- We are not left as orphans. Because the Father and the Son. They make their abode in us.
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- How? In the presence of the Holy Spirit. In our lives. For which we should be eternally grateful.