FBC Daily Devotional – August 6, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, a good Friday to you coming to the end of the work week and looking forward to the weekend
And I hope your week has gone well well today we're We come across a couple of verses that there's not a lot of fanfare about them
But to me, they're kind of like July 4th 1776 kind of verses and that day in our nation's history is profoundly significant when we declared our independence from from Britain Great Britain and became our own independent nation and we see this kind of a kind of significant day in the history of Israel and What I'm referring to is specifically in chapter 19 verse 49 says when they had made an end of dividing the land
When they made an end of dividing the land as an inheritance according to their borders
They gave a parcel to Joshua and then this 19th chapter ends with this statement
So they made an end of dividing the country Now I want you to think about how significant that is
Just a just a couple of years prior to this The the children of Israel the
Israelites are on the east side of the Jordan River There's a few million of them include all the women children men
And and there they are in the east side of the Jordan River. They're looking across the river at Land they can see the land on the other side of the river.
It's not like, you know So far away. They can't see it. They can see it But they don't own any of it
They don't own they don't own any of it Yeah to be sure there's the parcel of land a burial property where?
you know some of you know Jacob is buried and so forth, but but that's it and and as far as Staking a claim in any turf in Canaan other than that burial plot
That's it. And none of these Israelites have ever even been in there. Well except for Joshua and Caleb, they're the only two none of the others of the couple million people
Have ever set foot in this land and now here we are a couple years later and The Israelites have been engaging in battles from the time they got into the land.
They crossed over that Jordan River battle of Jericho battle of AI battling the northern confederation of city -states battering battling the southern confederation of city -states and Although as we saw the other day they
In many cases were not they did not drive out all of the Canaanites in all of the towns and villages and cities
Like they were supposed to or should have instead made save slave laborers out of them
Nevertheless, they got complete control of this entire land so much so that they were able to divide it up and Specify okay, this tribe gets this territory this tribe gets this territory this tribe and so on and Joshua here's a parcel for you just for you because of your leadership in your bravery
In bringing us into this land. This was a huge day.
It was a significant day Because it marks a day of the fulfillment of the promise of God God told those people on the east side of the
Jordan River You're gonna cross this land this river and I'm going to give you this land
God promised Jacob 400 some years late earlier
I'm going to bring your descendants out of Egypt back into this land
Don't fear going down into Egypt. I'm gonna bring your people back to this land God made a promise to Abraham hundreds of years earlier
Every every place the foot of your your footsteps I'm going to give this land of Canaan to your descendants and here we are
Here we are finally on this day The division of the land has been completed all the tribes have been have their assigned inheritance
The land is ours for the taking God is faithful to his promises
What he says he will do He may not be on our timetable and the fulfilling of them.
I mean after all The promise to Abraham was hundreds of years earlier. The promise to Jacob was 400 years earlier the promise to the
Israelites on the east side of the Jordan River was a couple of years prior to that and had a lot Of battles to do to get to where they are.
But nevertheless, what did God promise? I'm going to give you this land What has happened here?
The land is ours Till hand is ours God is faithful to his word.
He keeps his promises and Just as that was true for the
Israelites in Joshua chapter 19 it's true for the child of God in the year 2021
And has it has always been true Our God is faithful to his word.
He keeps his promises Our father in our God we do. Thank you for your faithfulness
We thank you for the promises that your word contains for us and we can count on those
We can trust you to fulfill what you have said you will do may we indeed?
Trust you this we pray in Jesus name. Amen Go forward this weekend
Counting on the promises of God and if you can make it to the Lord's house and our church on Sunday I'd encourage you to come we'd welcome you
Otherwise, you can always watch the services of the day by live stream though, it's so much better when you're