TBN Took This Video Down But I'm Putting It Back Up

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters

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This is the full video that TBN removed a few days ago. Prophecy Today UK article exposing Shawn Bolz (3 part series): https://prophecytoday.uk/comment/edit... Shawn Bolz: Exposing A Fraudulent Charismatic Prophet https://www.patheos.com/blogs/atheolo... The Messed Up Church channel (do a search on Shawn Bolz - there are many videos): / @stevenkozarmessedupchurch Fighting For The Faith (Chris Rosebrough) on Shawn Bolz: • DUMPSTER FIRE: Shawn Bolz Google Prop... My video on Shawn Bolz and Joni Lamb: • Who Is Joni Lamb's Most Trusted Proph... My two videos on Bethel and angel feathers: • My Open Challenge to Bill Johnson, Kr... • I Contacted Bethel Church Church: The... ______________________ ➡️➡️➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here: https://linktr.ee/justinpetersmin


Hello, dear ones. Some of you have already seen this video, but long story short,
I posted this video originally about four or five days ago, talking about how
Sean Bowles gets his words of knowledge from God by looking up people's information on social media, exposing him as a fraud.
This has been done before. It's been known for a decade now. But I talked about him. I talked about others who are covering for him, specifically
Bill Johnson, Chris Vallotton, knowing full well what a fraud this man is, and yet they cover for him and endorse him anyway.
Well, I put in a clip, about a 45 -second clip of an interview that Bill Johnson did with Sean Bowles on TBN.
And this interview was in 2023, so several years, a number of years after it was already well known that Sean Bowles was a liar and a fraud, getting his information from social media, claiming it was from God.
These people have no fear of God at all. But at any rate, so I put that video up, got a lot of views, like 150 ,000 or so.
And then the other morning, I woke up and checked my YouTube channel.
I'm like, huh, where's my video? It's not here. Well, wouldn't you know it,
TBN filed a copyright claim because of that 45 -second clip.
Now, if you're not familiar with the Fair Use and Copy Act, that allows you to use segments of copyrighted material, even though it's copyrighted, belongs to someone else.
You can use portions of it in your own material, teaching resources.
And as long as you don't use the whole thing, you're well within the parameters of fair use and copy.
And TBN knows this. And hello, TBN, if one of you folks happens to be watching this, please do know that you're not going to win this fight.
And someone who noticed that my video had been taken down, got me in contact with an attorney.
So TBN, I would recommend you not try it again. So I'm putting this video back up.
I'm well within my legal parameters to do so. This is for the purpose of educating people, warning people about false doctrine, false teachers, and equipping them so that they will not also fall prey to these wolves, hirelings, and deceivers.
Bill Johnson, you are one. Chris Valentin, you are one. Sean Boltz, you are one.
Sid Roth, so are you. And I have absolutely no compunction, no hesitation saying that at all.
So for those of you who have already seen the video, you saw it when I put it up the first time, that's fine.
You don't have to watch it again. But for posterity's sake, I am re -uploading it and posting it on my channel.
For those of you who have not seen it, here it is. I married a psychopath who almost ended up killing me because a prophet said that God was giving me to him.
And it is now proven that he got all of his prophetic words based off of Facebook. And Bethel of Bethel Music has been protecting him and not letting their congregation know what he is up to.
And I'm going to share with you guys what I know. We're about to expose not only Sean Boltz, but also
Chris Valentin, Bill Johnson, Daniel Kalinda, and others.
Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
I want to thank you so much for joining me. Yes, indeed. We are about to expose
Sean Boltz as a complete fraud and charlatan and others as well.
And I will do my best to keep my composure in this video.
But friends, I have just about had enough from these big name charismatic people with massive platforms and putting words in God's mouth that he did not say and wrecking people's lives.
It is rampant in the charismatic movement. It is not the exception. It is the norm.
It is the norm. And so we're going to I'm going to expose a lot of people and I'm going to talk about some people that have been giving them some undue and very undeserved cover and doing so very foolishly.
And this has consequences. You'll want to stick through the entirety of this video because the hits will keep coming throughout this video.
All right, dear one. So many of you have heard about Jubilee Dawn. If you have not, she is a young woman who got married to a man primarily on the supposed word of knowledge that was given to her boyfriend at the time by Sean Bowles, B -O -L -Z.
You're And Sean Bowles, I've done videos on him before. Others have as well. I'm going to show you some videos, some segments from other videos done by Steve Kozar from the
Messed Up Church channel and Chris Rosebro from Fighting for the Faith. These men are friends of mine.
They do really good work and I'll have all the pertinent links down there below in the description. You'll want to check those out if you want to see more information and fuller context.
I'm going to have everything here documented and I'm going to try to I'm going to give you kind of like the the most important points.
If I were to give you all the evidence here, this video would be six hours long and I know you won't sit through all that.
But I'm going to try to hit the most important points as quickly as possible. Make the case. And Sean Bowles is not he's not the only huckster here, but the people who give him cover and who have known about his deception.
But I get ahead of myself. All right, let's continue this. Watch this from Jubilee Dawn.
She gives us a little bit more of the story and the horrific consequences that came from this charlatan named
Sean Bowles. This is Sean Bowles. He is someone very heavily affiliated with Bethel.
His books were sold in the bookstore. He did a lot of conferences with them and he is known for his prophetic words and words of knowledge.
Words of knowledge are where the Holy Spirit tells you something specific about a person that you are going to give a prophetic word to.
So you might say, I heard the numbers seven, eight, five. Does that mean anything to anybody here?
And then somebody might say, oh my gosh, that's me. That's my home address. Okay. And then he would have them stand up and give them a prophetic word from God.
The purpose of these words of knowledge is basically to bolster people's faith that, oh my gosh, if God told him this specific piece of information about me, then what he is saying must be true.
It is now known that he got all of that information based off of Facebook and online. He would Google people before the conferences and then he would call them out and it would be a, ooh, ah, that's so amazing that God really speaks through this man.
She is exactly right, dear ones. Sean Bowles does get amazingly accurate words of knowledge, but he's not getting it from the
Lord. No, he's getting it. He's getting his words of knowledge from social media, from the internet, from Facebook, from Instagram, from X or whatever it is.
How do I know this? Because he's been doing it for at least a decade. I want to show you a video, a clip from a video.
This is an interview that Sean Bowles did with Sid Roth. Shocker.
And Sid Roth, you'll hear in this little clip that Sean Bowles is one of the most accurate prophets that Sid Roth has ever seen.
But I'm just going to show Sid Roth, excuse me, Sean Bowles in action. Well, Sid Roth too. And I'll watch the clip.
I've shown this clip before, so some of you may have seen it, who are faithful followers on my channel. But just in case you haven't, there's going to be a, there's going to be a, there's going to be a clue in this video as to just how
Sean Bowles might be hearing from the Lord. I had one more username.
I never get usernames, but I ask God for new information that I never get. TerryBishop911. Terry Bishop, you're working on the show and we're getting you.
That is my username, TerryBishop911. The Lord says you live in a pleasant place.
What does that mean to you? I live on Pleasant Hill. Come on. Sid Roth says that Sean Bowles is the most amazingly detailed prophet he has ever known.
He has ministered to thousands, from royalty to people on the streets. Now he wants to share with you the secrets he has learned concerning the gift of prophecy and wants to activate you to do the same as he does.
Call now and get Sean Bowles' brand new book, Translating God, and his anointed three -part audio CD teaching,
Everyone Can Hear God's Voice, exclusive for our It's Supernatural! audience. Yours for a donation of $35.
Did you catch the clue? I bet you did. Sean Bowles gets words of knowledge, supposedly from the
Lord, but he's getting it from his smartphone or his iPad, his device, whatever.
And what is so astonishing to me is he does it in plain view of everyone.
He's literally looking at his phone, looking at his iPad as he's calling out people's usernames.
Just use a little common sense. Do you really think God, the
Alpha and Omega, Yahweh, is giving people words of knowledge about other folks' usernames and their social media accounts?
Seriously? And he's doing it in front of everyone in broad daylight.
And Sid Roth talks about how he's the most accurate prophet he's ever seen.
Unbelievable. And you too can learn how to be a Google prophet for $35.
Sean Bowles, this is his difference, hearing from God and teaching others how to hear from God.
That is his entire identity. It's what he's known for, and he's been an obvious fraud and con artist and charlatan and huckster for at least a decade.
Michael Brown took real issue with Jim Osmond and myself calling
Sid Roth a charlatan. Sid Roth is every bit as much a charlatan as is
Sean Bowles. Because that video that I just showed you, yeah, that goes all the way back to 2016.
A, if Sid Roth was even halfway sincere in his faith, he would have done just a teeny tiny little bit of homework and maybe,
I don't know, opened his eyes to his own guest on his own show as he's obviously deceiving people right in front of the live studio audience.
But he didn't. He let him go on, do the program, put up the advertisement, $35 to huck his garbage resources.
And that video is on Sid Roth's YouTube channel right now.
The screenshot I'm showing you right now, I just took that screenshot tonight, as in like three minutes before I did this recording.
It remains on his platform. This has been known about Sean Bowles for at least a decade.
And it is inexcusable. And the hits are about to keep coming. We're going to see more evidence of this.
But I want to right now return to Jubilee Dawn and let her tell a little bit more about the prophetic word that she got about the man that she was supposed to marry from Sean Bowles, supposedly hearing from the
Lord. And you're going to see this in action. And then you're going to see here the almost fatal consequences for her.
Now, Bethel is aware of this situation and they have not said a word. I actually have some text messages from one of the leaders of Bethel on why he decided to not come forward with this information.
And I wasn't sure if I wanted to share those text messages, but a podcast did. So I feel kind of okay sharing it now because I am not the one releasing it to the world.
It's already out there on this podcast. But first I'm going to tell you about how it directly impacted my life and almost killed me.
In 2015, I was dating a man, let's call him Ted, and we had only been dating for about a month. So this church conference happened and I am still getting to know this guy.
He was 10 years older than me. It's a long story. But essentially at this conference, my ex was called out by Sean Bowles and I'm going to play that clip for you now.
When you handed me the phone last night, um, I saw 50, but I know that 50 is Jubilee year. There's something about God's giving you a Jubilee. What does that mean to you?
Oh, your girlfriend's name is Jubilee. That's awesome. Well, God's giving you this girl. And when we ordered the food this morning, they, by the way, this is a huge, huge advertisement in the midst of prophesying.
And it's a prophetic advertisement that that tomato pie cafe place is like level 10 awesome. And we've been eating there for the mornings and it's like they've been bringing us food kindly enough and they're amazing.
But does she have something to do with the tomato pie cafe? Does she, she works? Okay. Jubilee from tomato pie cafe.
So that is the clip. And that is where he said that God was giving him Jubilee. Now, in hindsight, I know that where I worked was on Facebook.
The fact that we were in a relationship was also on Facebook and he had met my ex the day before.
So he was able to go home and find all that information. Sean Bowles met her boyfriend the day before met him, got his name and everything from there is on Facebook, her name, where she worked, all of this on Facebook.
That's where Sean Bowles gets his words from the Lord. He is a complete and total charlatan.
Back to Jubilee doll. It's hard to put into words how highly esteemed this man is in these religious circles,
Bethel being the main hub of these religious circles. And essentially you just kind of believe that anything that this man says is like the word of God because he was a very esteemed prophet and had a stamp of approval from Bethel.
We ended up getting married later that year and he immediately turned abusive. And I suffered through about four years of horrible physical, spiritual, mental abuse.
And it was absolutely traumatic. And he ended up strangling me a couple years into our marriage.
And I did not leave this relationship because of what Sean Bowles said. I thought that God wanted me to be with this man and it was mental anguish to unpack all of that.
Obviously I've deconstructed a lot since leaving Bethel. But at the time I was still drinking the
Kool -Aid and thought that this prophet knew what God's will was. She married this man,
Ted. She married Ted because she thought Sean Bowles was hearing from the
Lord. And once they got married, he began to abuse her, choked her, abused her physically, emotionally, to the point of strangling her.
He almost killed her. And she stayed with him because she believed
Sean Bowles was hearing from God. Sean Bowles, you are a fraud.
Your conscience is completely and totally seared. You absolute monstrous fraud.
This young woman almost got killed because of you.
And notice how she said that she drank the Kool -Aid. What an appropriate reference to Jim Jones.
Another charismatic, by the way, who also spoke in tongues, who also claimed to get words of knowledge from the
Lord. How appropriate. So it took the second time that he strangled me for me to finally leave.
And even in leaving, I was so tormented by this decision because I didn't know if I was outside of the will of God.
He strangled me for the last time in January 2020, and I wasn't able to swallow without pain for 10 days.
And it was a very, very scary situation. Look up the statistics on your likelihood of being unalive after you have been strangled.
I'm very lucky to be alive. Strangled twice. Couldn't swallow without pain for 10 days.
He almost murdered her because of a prophetic word from Sean Bowles that he knew full well was fake.
And just so happened in 2020 is when everything came out about Sean, but it came out behind the scenes and nobody said a freaking word.
Jubilee said that all of this was known about Sean Bowles since 2020.
We're going to get to get that in just a little bit. She is mistaken on that because this was known back at least 2015.
I showed you the clip from Sid Roth 2016, but he was doing this kind of stuff even before then.
So people knew about this long before 2020 and I'm going to name names.
Let's start with Bill Johnson. Shall we? Bill Johnson, the pastor of Bethel Church.
I'm going to show you segments of a video that Steve Cozart did on his channel, the
Messed Up Church channel. Links, of course, to everything down there below in the description. So watch this.
This is footage taken from 2016 and we're going to see Sean Bowles in action again right there with Bill Johnson looking on.
One of our dearest friends, one of our most trusted friends is Sean Bowles. So we're going to try this out.
Please Jesus come. Is there a Kenny or Kenneth Ray and a
Patricia Lou who came together? A Kenny or Kenneth Ray and a Patricia Lou who came together?
Help me find them. Are they here? Are they real? Come on. So there's Sean Bowles doing his thing again right in broad view of everyone and there you see
Bill Johnson. Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church, whose dear and trusted friend
Sean Bowles is hearing from the Lord through his cell phone. In this video, dear friends, yeah, the footage is from back in 2016, but Steve Cozart put this video on his
YouTube channel back in 2016 as well. So this has been up for almost a decade.
So back in April of the year 2016, Chris Roseborough and myself were already warning people about this obviously fake prophet.
In case you didn't know it, Chris Roseborough had a Fighting for the Faith podcast before he had a YouTube channel. And I was the guy doing most of the writing for pirate
Christian media at that time. In fact, I wrote this really funny satire article, Sean Bowles does Google cold reading at the send as Holy Spirit takes a nap.
I'll put a link to it. It's actually really funny. I forgot I even wrote this. Here's the first video. I'm pretty sure the first video that Chris Roseborough did on Fighting for the
Faith in October of the year 2018. I'm going to play just a little excerpt of that. But I saw a
Dana who's connected to a Michael John. Does that make sense to somebody? A Dana who's connected to Michael John right here.
Are you Dana? Now note here, he's claiming, is there a Dana here related to a
Michael John? And we'd like to point out that there on the table in front of Sean Bowles is an internet connected device.
Looks like an iPad to me. Does to me too. Dear friends, this is nothing new.
Okay. This has been known about Sean Bowles for a decade at least.
Steve Kozar and Chris Roseborough started doing their videos. First one that Kozar did back in 2016.
But people knew this about Sean Bowles. Everybody knew this, including
Bill Johnson. I mean, Bill Johnson was on the platform with Sean Bowles looking at him as he was looking at his phone.
Come on, come on. Tell me they didn't know about it. Of course they knew about it.
Chris Vallotton knew it too. Chris Vallotton is the senior associate leader.
Leader? Leader? How about pastor? I mean, I know he's not a real pastor because he's a charlatan and a false prophet, but leader, that's odd.
I'm looking at Bethel Church's website. Bill Johnson is a senior leader. Chris Vallotton, the senior associate leader.
But I guess we should not expect Bethel Church to use biblical terminology.
I mean, they sure don't have biblical theology, so why would they even use the terminology? I guess it's just as well. So Chris Vallotton, Bill Johnson's right -hand man, he knew about it because text messages have been released proving that he knew about it.
A friend of mine sent these to me the other day and I want us to take a look. Okay, so I want to show you some text messages.
I'm actually going to start with a Facebook message. Now this was somewhat redacted when it was sent to me.
I'm going to redact it further just out of, I've been in communication with someone and I want to kind of be overly cautious in protecting this person's identity.
And honestly, I don't know who it is, but I don't want to give away too much information that people could connect the dots.
In fact, I don't even know if this is a man or a woman actually, but this person used to work, I would just say, very closely with Sean Bowles.
Very closely. And he or she says this as a Facebook message.
I worked for Sean Bowles and I knew the words of knowledge weren't real.
FYI, I know Bethel leaders have been presented a packet of proof that the prophetic words were fake and social media event pages created by host churches were one source, was the main place he got info.
Chris Valentine flew to LA to confront Sean about it and some other things I won't mention here.
Chris proposed to Sean that he come to Reading and he would assemble 200 random people that Sean would have no knowledge of, who would be in attendance and do prophetic words.
Sean refused. I could go on. Chris banned Sean from speaking at Bethel and even had all of his books removed from their online store.
However, when I asked Chris why he wouldn't release a public statement to warn the church of the fraudulent words of knowledge, he said it would be too damaging to the prophetic movement.
I wouldn't say all this if I didn't have the receipts. I still have the texts.
So, this person who used to work very closely with Sean Bowles says that he or she knew
Sean's words of knowledge were fake. He went data mining.
He was finding this information on the internet, on social media. This is someone who used to work for Sean Bowles and apparently
Chris Valentine was informed of this and he flew from Reading, California, flew down to LA where Sean Bowles lives to confront him.
Now, you might think that speaks well of Chris Valentine. No, it does not.
Not in the least. This is self -preservation at best.
You notice that this person says that even though Chris Valentine knew that Sean Bowles was faking these words of knowledge, confronted him on those things and other things.
We'll come back to the other things in just a few minutes. So, Valentine went down there and said,
Hey, Sean, we'll take you up to Reading. I'll get 200 people together and give prophetic words on people that you've never met before, don't know anything about and see how it goes.
Sean refused to do that. So, at least from that time, and this happened back, as best
I understand, this happened in 2020, 2020 or 2021. It may have been 21.
So, let's just call it four years ago. And Sean Bowles, I mean, Chris Valentine knew this about Sean Bowles, that he was a fraud, but he said nothing.
He didn't make a public statement because to do so would be too damaging to the prophetic movement.
You know, it's damaging to the prophetic movement. Here's the most damaging thing to the prophetic movement is the prophetic movement, because they just cover for each other and they are every single one of them are false prophets.
And they know the truth. They know the truth about each other and they don't say anything.
It would be too damaging to the prophetic movement. But there are other texts.
These are texts from Chris Valentine himself. So, we're going to see what
Chris Valentine himself said about this. And this is going to be really bad for Chris Valentine, for Bill Johnson, and for others,
Daniel, Daniel Kalinda, Heidi Baker, Chris Reed. We're going to talk about a lot more people before this is done.
So, I have screenshots of text messages that Chris Valentine sent back in response to this about Sean Bowles.
So, let's look at this. Chris Valentine, he says, person's name, you're going to have to understand that I have no authority over Sean.
He doesn't work for me. He doesn't belong to my organization. And I flew down to meet with him and spent the entire day there and flew back.
I asked him to clean up his mess and he has evidently decided not to do that. We have decided to not have him minister in our network anymore and made it very clear that until he repents, you can't have any influence in anything that we do.
If he worked for me or was licensed through our organization or even had a deeper connection to us,
I would certainly be able to do more. If you feel like you need to sue him, then maybe that's what you should do.
Again, I'm not telling you to do that. I'm just telling you that if you want to take this further, then I would recommend that you do something that light a fire under him.
I'm very sorry for your pain. I totally understand how you feel. It's just that I have no authority in his life.
So, Chris Valentine, fully aware. And he says, I'm, you know, sorry, there's just nothing
I can do because he doesn't work for me. And, you know, hey, you could sue him if you wanted to, but, you know,
I'm just, there's really nothing I can do. My hands are tied. Really sorry for your pain. Totally understand how you feel.
What a joke. What an absolute joke. Chris Valentine says that he's not going to say anything public because it would be too damaging to the prophetic movement.
Never mind all the thousands of people that Sean Bowles has given false prophetic words to.
Never mind the reproach that has been brought upon the name of Christ. Never mind all the people in the future who will be damaged by Sean Bowles.
That is, no, that doesn't matter. What matters to Chris Valentine is the damage that would be done to the prophetic movement.
I'm going to get into this more. We've got some more texts to look at, but you know what's going on here.
All these people, they have dirt on each other. They have dirt on each other and they don't want to hurt.
They don't want to come out and say something against some other public figure in the charismatic movement, because they know that it would come right back on them very quickly.
That is exactly what's going on here. Let's look and we'll flesh this out. Look at some more texts.
Valentine says, at this point we don't intend to make a public statement about Sean. As you pointed out, a public statement wouldn't just hurt
Sean, but the entire prophetic ministry worldwide. I noticed that Sean doesn't do any more words of knowledge.
I also think that he lost his house. At least that's what I heard, but I don't know if it's true. Blah, blah, blah. I don't have a relationship with him anymore.
Sean Bowles, this is a whole other story that Steve Cozart and Chris Rosebrough have covered, but he sold his house to a member of BLM, Black Lives Matter, and there's a whole scandal in and of itself with that.
But at any rate, Chris Valentine keeps saying that we're not going to make a public statement because it would be too damaging to the prophetic movement.
Never mind all the people who have been hurt. Never mind all the people who will be hurt.
No, we're just going to quietly disassociate with him.
What a joke. Valentine continues, we also have talked to his board individually and together.
We've asked them to pull him out of ministry. At this point, they don't want to do that, which I think is a major mistake, but they have official authority to remove him.
I honestly don't understand why they don't. Danny laid out all of them facts and evidence.
I've talked to Cheyenne, Ed Silvoso, John Arnott, and the Bakers about Sean.
They have all canceled him from their conferences. Ed Silvoso was doing a major event with Sean in California, and he canceled him.
My take is that God is going to I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, Chris Valentine.
You're just as guilty as Sean Bowles is. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
He's talked to Cheyenne. Cheyenne knows about this, a major voice in the prophetic world,
NAR, Bethel kind of circles. Ed Silvoso saying John Arnott of the
Toronto Blessing, that John Arnott, oh, he knows about Sean Bowles too, and the
Bakers. Which Bakers? Heidi Baker. Heidi Baker, she knows. Of course, she knows.
Here she is on the platform with Sean Bowles while he's doing his
Google prophesying. Literally, at this very moment, he was doing some of his
Google prophesying, and Heidi Baker is right there. So is Daniel Kalinda. Daniel Kalinda knows about it too.
Of course, they do. Again, dear friends, expose videos were being done on this back in 2016, and these texts are from 2021, five years.
They knew full well. Heidi Baker, who got glowing praise from the
Remnant Radio guys, and Heidi Baker is an official missionary with Bethel Church, Redding, California, Bill Johnson, Chris Vallotton.
Heidi Baker is a regular preacher at Bethel quote -unquote church.
It's just the whole charismatic movement is such a cesspool, an absolute moral cesspool.
Vallotton continues. He says, We no longer have a contract with TBN. I haven't seen
Matt Crouch in over a year. But I'm not going to take the role of going from ministry to ministry and telling them that Sean was giving bad prophetic words.
I don't have time to do that. I have no desire to call around every time I see
Sean on a new platform. I have told many leaders in our network about Sean's dishonest prophetic ministry.
Most of them have canceled him. Others have called me and asked me what I think. I told them the truth about Sean's antics.
I didn't realize that Sean's books were still in our bookstore. I will have them taken out of the store and off our site.
I did have a conversation with him about four months ago and told him that he wasn't to ask any of our team to be on his podcast.
I told him that he needs to clean up his mess before he has a relationship with any of our ministries.
He goes on to say that he's talked with the Bethel music team.
Bethel music also knows not to have Sean Bowles in any of their stuff.
So what a farce. Bethel music of course led by Brian and Jen Johnson.
Jen Johnson is the woman who repeatedly on multiple occasions says that the
Holy Spirit reminded her of the genie in Aladdin and the Holy Spirit is blue and he's funny and he's sneaky.
Sneaky that Holy Spirit is. Yeah, that kind of nonsense. So Bethel music knows full all about this, all about Sean Bowles.
Sean Foyt, by the way, I'm sure you've seen him around. He's got a huge platform, huge name.
Well, he used to be part of Bethel music and was one of their leading artists. I think he was with Bethel up until about 2020, but undoubtedly he knows about Sean Bowles too.
There's no way these people don't know. No way. So he says that he doesn't have a contract with TBN anymore and he says he has neither the time nor the desire.
I have no doubt that that's true. Desire anyway. Oh, he's got the time, but he has neither the time nor the desire to go to every ministry.
Every time I see him platformed by some ministry to follow up and go to that ministry contact, you don't have to do that,
Chris. You don't have to go to every single minute. Every time you see him interviewed by somebody and say, oh, by the way, you shouldn't have him back home because he's giving false prophetic words and other things that we will come back to here in a little bit.
You don't have to do that. All you have to do is just make a public statement. Sean Bowles is lying to people and lying to God.
He's getting his words of knowledge from social media. That's all you have to do. Chris Valentin, you are one of the biggest names in the charismatic movement, the charismatic world.
You are one of the biggest names. You are arm and arm with Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, the mothership.
All you have to do is make a public statement. Will you? Nope. Nope. Because you don't care.
You really don't care. You care more about your precious prophetic movement that is an absolute joke than you do about people whose lives are being devastated by it physically, spiritually.
And in one young woman's case, false prophetic words almost cost her her life.
But you just don't have time. What a lie. But you were very truthful when you said you don't have the desire.
That's true. You don't. And shame on you. You know it.
You know who Sean Bowles is. Heidi Baker knows who Sean Bowles is. Daniel Kalinda knows who
Sean Bowles is. Rodney Howard Brown knows. Benny Hinn knows. Michael Koulianos knows of Jesus' image in Orlando, Florida.
Oh, yeah, he knows. Todd White knows. All of you know.
Every last one of you, every name in the prophetic movement, you all know.
And you do nothing because you don't care about the people who follow you and you do not care about God.
Bill Johnson knows, too. And I'm about to get to one of the most indicting parts of this video.
There's more to come. But I'm going to show you an interview that Sean Bowles did on TBN with Bill Johnson.
What year was it? 2023. Let that sink in.
2023. And ironically, Sheila Walsh is going to ask
Bill Johnson about the very book that Sean Bowles wrote, Translating God, that I showed you a little bit earlier in this video that was featured on the
Sid Roth program for the low, low price of $35 as Sean Bowles was looking at his cell phone.
Remember that just a few minutes ago. How ironic. This is 2023.
This book that Sean wrote, and I'm sure you wrote it a little while ago, so you probably got tons of new things
God's placed on your heart. But Bill, you wrote the foreword to this book. It's called Translating God, Hearing God's Voice for Yourself and the
World Around You. So honestly, if you've been in a place where how do I possibly hear God's voice? Stay tuned.
But you wrote that this was one of the most exciting books that you had read. Why was that?
Well, the book by itself is incredible. Knowing the life that backs it up adds a power to it.
Bill Johnson says that the book by itself is incredible, but knowing the life that backs it up is powerful, makes it all the more powerful.
He's talking about Sean Bowles, and he knew full well that Sean Bowles was and is to this day a liar defrauding people and bringing reproach upon the name of Christ.
And he has the audacity, the temerity to go on TBN, shocker, and give his endorsement to a man like that.
Sean Bowles is nothing but a con artist and a greasy snake oil salesman.
My sincere apologies to all greasy snake oil salesmen out there. And Bill Johnson endorsed him, knowing who he is.
Blessed is a man who is not condemned by what he approves, Romans 14, 22.
And Bill Johnson, giving his blessing, giving his endorsement to Sean Bowles makes him every bit as guilty as Sean Bowles is.
And same thing with all these other people, all these other well -known, high -profile charismatics who also knew.
Daniel Kalinda, Todd White, Heidi Baker, and Roland Baker, her husband,
Rodney Howard Brown, Benny Hinn, Michael Koulianos, Jesus Image, everybody at Bethel Music, Brian and Jen Johnson, all of them,
Carol and John Ornott, the list goes on and on and on. In fact,
I dare say, I highly, highly, highly doubt that there is anyone in the prophetic, charismatic movement that has a large platform who did not know what
Sean Bowles was doing. Very few, if any, because word gets around.
Kenneth Copeland knew, undoubtedly. Jesse Duplant, they all knew. And so they are all complicit in Sean Bowles' sin and every bit as guilty as he is.
Blessed is the man who is not condemned by what he approves. And all of these charismatic prophets, men and women, all of them, condemned themselves by giving their approval, knowing who he was and remaining silent.
And in some cases, not only remaining silent, but endorsing them. You know who else knew about Sean Bowles?
Charisma Magazine. Charisma Magazine is the flagship publication for the entire charismatic movement.
I mean, they represent everyone from your more, if there is such a thing, careful charismatics to Kenneth Copeland and all the wackadoodles that you'll find on TBN and Daystar and Bethel.
I mean, the whole lot of them. And Stephen Strang, Stephen Strang, the founder and CEO of Charisma Magazine, voted by Time Magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America.
Boy, that term has pretty much lost all meaning. He has interviewed four
U .S. presidents. He's been featured on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBN, James Dobson's Family Talk.
That's a bad thing. Daily Caller and blah, blah, blah. He's an influential guy,
Stephen Strang is. You think he doesn't know about Sean Bowles? Oh, he knows. Oh, of course he does.
Of course he does. And in case you're thinking, well, maybe he doesn't know about Sean Bowles.
Sean Bowles writes for Charisma Magazine. He's got many, many articles that he has written for Charisma Magazine recently.
Look at this. Three steps to address your children's demonic fears, night terrors, and night anxieties.
August of 24, January of 24, December of 23.
This is recent stuff, and it goes on and on and on. There's pages.
I don't even know how many articles he's written for Charisma Magazine. I mean, it's pages and pages and pages of them.
You think Stephen Strang doesn't know? Of course he does. Of course he does. It says nothing.
The entire charismatic movement, friends, I've just about had my fill.
The entire charismatic movement is just, yes, I've got to throw this in.
Yes, there are some sincere charismatics. I know that. But the rank and file, the people who have any kind of influence in this movement, top to bottom, corrupt, corrupt, top to bottom.
Paul said to Timothy in 1 Timothy 5 .22, he said, do not lay hands upon anyone hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others.
Keep yourself pure. Do not lay your hands on anyone too hastily, because by laying your hands on them, giving them your blessing, your approval, if they are in some sin, then you are thereby participating in that same sin.
Keep yourself pure? Are you kidding? I mean, this is more, what they're doing is far beyond simply violating
Romans 4 .22 in this text. It's not that they laid their hands too hastily, not knowing who
Sean Bowles was, you know, just being a little foolish and too naive.
Oh no, they knew. They knew. And they said nothing.
Jude describes false teachers. In fact, the whole book of Jude is devoted to false teachers.
And in verse 12, he makes a couple of observations about them. He says, they are hidden reefs in your love feast, feasting with you without fear, caring only for themselves.
That is one of the hallmarks of a false teacher. A false teacher does not care about you, does not care about God, cares only about himself or herself.
Mark it down. They care only for themselves. And this that we're talking about in this video, this is exhibit
A, because you have so, so many high profile, charismatic prophets and apostles and NAR type folks that are implicated in this, because so many of them knew and they said nothing.
And at least some of them gave Sean Bowles their endorsement.
Charisma Magazine, do you think they knew? Of course they knew. In fact, it's not only, and maybe you're thinking, well, maybe they just didn't know about Steve Cozar and Chris Roseborough's videos that were done back in 2016 and several since then, by the way.
Well, A, I don't believe that. But even some charismatic news outlets picked up on Sean Bowles' deception.
Let me show you this. This is from Prophecy Today in the
UK, United Kingdom. Now you can tell by the title alone that this is a charismatic outfit, and they did a three -part series, three parts, mind you, on Sean Bowles and his fake prophetic words.
Three parts. Prophecy Today in the United Kingdom. You think that didn't get the attention of the charismatic prophets in this country?
Oh, you better believe it did. This was dated December of 2023.
You better believe it got their attention. That's not the only one, though. This news outlet also did a story on Sean Bowles' fake prophetic words.
Sean Bowles exposing a fraudulent charismatic prophet. May 16th, 2017.
So this has been out for eight years almost.
Eight years. And they did a whole article showing the exact same thing that Sean Bowles gets his words from social media.
It's a Google prophet. Everybody knew this. Everybody knew it.
And they said nothing. The reason they said nothing is because they care only for themselves, just like Jude describes false teachers.
They do not care about you. They want to exploit you. That's how Peter describes them. In their greed, they will exploit you with false words.
Boy, if that doesn't ever fit, can they care only for themselves?
I mean, you look at the criterion as to how to discern false prophets and false teachers in Scripture, Old and New Testament, but even the
New Testament specifically. I mean, every single one. It's like every single criterion is like, check, yep, check, check, check.
They're that, they're that, they're that. It fits to a T. Fits to a
T. But as I said, Bill Johnson is not new to deception.
He has been deceiving people for many, many, many years at his own quote -unquote church.
Many of you know that he's been talking about angel feathers and gold dust. Bethel Church has been known for this.
Angel feathers and gold dust show up in their services because the power of God is certainly moving at Bethel Church.
They have angel feathers and gold dust show up. He's talked about this on a number of occasions. Here's an old clip of Bill Johnson.
I don't know the exact date. I'm thinking this is probably 2010 or so. This clip is probably 14, 15 years old.
Here's Bill Johnson talking about angel feathers. Take it away, Bill. It would be about 15 or maybe 14 years ago, somewhere in that area, 14 years ago probably, the feathers started just appearing and falling in meetings.
Then they started falling in our homes and in restaurants and things like that, just unusual things.
There are signs that make you wonder. People say, where's that in the
Bible? Well, he said he'd cover you with his feathers. Yes, Psalm 91 .4 does say that he will cover you with his feathers, but that is obviously symbolic language.
God is not some cosmic chicken up there flapping his wings and every once in a while shedding a feather.
How absurd. But they say these are angel feathers.
This is something that Bethel is known for. In fact, Chris Vallotton has written an article about at least one.
This one dated April the 19th, 2016. So yeah, right about that same time that Sean Bowles is doing his, at least in a big public way, doing his
Google prophesying. But he says this, the phenomenon tends to come and go.
No one at Bethel has ever preached on feathers that I know of, but at times it is nearly impossible not to mention them when we are teaching because several of them are falling right in front of the pulpit all at once.
I have witnessed this myself a couple hundred times in several different buildings.
A couple hundred times in several different buildings.
Okay, let's do a little math here. So he has seen angel feathers a couple of hundred times.
Feathers, plural. And so let's be conservative here. Let's be conservative. Let's say on every occasion he sees, let's just be real conservative, two feathers because that would be the minimum to make a plural.
You go from feather to feathers. So bare minimum, two on each occasion. And this has happened a couple of hundred times.
You're like, where are they? Surely he didn't throw them away.
I mean, these are angel feathers after all. I mean, this is not a pigeon.
This is not a goldfinch. This isn't a crow or something.
These are angels, angel feathers. Surely you kept some of them. I mean, you don't throw these out with Use Dixie cups, right?
In fact, I did a whole video on this This is this is not just a one -off bill. Johnson has made this claim.
Chris Vallotton has made this claim Supposedly they should have hundreds of these things and just a little bit less than a year ago
February of last year Heather and Ben Armstrong to staff people at Bethel Church.
They came out on a Wednesday night service and they made the claim Again this is 2024.
Watch this Hey, how is everyone?
It's here the angel feathers are already falling. Oh, come on. Here we go Thank you,
Jesus. That's just like Jesus. Come on on Sunday night We had quite a few feathers falling in Sunday night service as well
So the feathers just keep calling and recently so and so I did a video on my youtube channel
I'll put a link down below in the description if you haven't seen it and I just made a
I made an open challenge, okay Surely you've got some of these things now. My open challenge is this take one of these feathers to a
University to a college any university any college with a
Biology department or a wildlife department. I mean, California is swimming in colleges and universities
Take it to the California Department of Wildlife have these feathers have one of them at least one of them tested and if if the feather cannot be attributed to any known species of bird then
I will immediately and permanently shut down my ministry You could immediately and permanently.
I give you my word. I'll shut it down. I'll give you an apology and shut it down You would immediately silence one of your most vocal critics.
This would be a Ratings bonanza for you This would this would restore so much of the credibility that you have lost over the years
With all your failed prophecies and fake signs and wonders and all this kind of stuff show us an angel feather
Give us one of these feathers. You've got to have them They haven't done it
I even followed up with them I put the video out This was a February of 2024 and I waited a few months and I sent three typed letters to One to Bill Johnson one to Chris Vallotton and then one to Ben and Heather Armstrong on my own ministry letterhead
Typed them out signed it handwritten well hand signature signed it myself with my own hand pin and Mailed them to Bethel Church Gave them my email address gave them my phone number
Mailing address everything get in touch with me do this And if you can prove that these are angel feathers with no known bird origin
I'll immediately and publicly shut down my ministry. Did I ever hear anything from them? No crickets
Friends they are lying to you if you are a Bethel student or if you go to Bethel Church Your leaders are lying to you
They don't care about you They are doing exactly
What Jude and Peter said they would do? False teachers they care only for themselves
Many will follow their sensuality Because of them the way of truth will be maligned and in their greed
They will exploit you with false words all these prosperity preachers word of faith
Big -name charismatic preachers. They are fabulously wealthy fabulously wealthy
How'd they get that kind of wealth by exploiting you? Lying to you if you're a student at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry your leaders are lying to you.
They do not care about you If they cared about you, they wouldn't be lying to you
They keep doing it because their consciences are seared They know about Sean Bowles.
I think they they're they're one of him They're just like him And if you think
Sean Bowles is the only prominent charismatic who is a Google prophet? Well, you would be wrong
Chris Reed is also a Google prophet and he does the exact same thing that Sean Bowles does
Chris Reed was at Morningstar Ministries head led by Rick Joyner and then
Rick Joyner kind of passed the baton to Chris Reed He took over and then there's all kinds of there was a falling out and it was kind of a big mess there for a while Still is but at any rate
Rick Joyner is back at Morningstar and he oh, he'd be happy to know that none other than Todd Bentley has
Been restored by Rick Joyner for like the 79th time or something like that. I don't know.
I can't even keep track anymore Todd Bentley. Yeah the guy who want claims that God tells him to kick elderly women in the face with his biker boot
Yeah that Todd Bentley so he's back I mean just what a what a what an absolute dumpster fire
The charismatic movement is what an absolute dumpster fire. But at any rate, I digress
Chris Reed. He is Also a Google prophet. He also gets words of knowledge and very specific words of knowledge here
I want to show you Chris Reed in action. He is at I hop At this particular event
I hop formerly led of course by Mike Bickle Mike Bickle widely respected even by some of the more careful charismatics like Sam Storms Sam Storms said that he knew
Mike Bickle to his core and would vouch for him and his character And of course now we all know that Mike Bickle was a
Was a sexual predator Did Sam Storms know this no, of course he didn't and I don't blame
Sam Storms for not knowing it But I do find it interesting that with all of these charismatics
All of whom claim that God speaks to them outside of Scripture God never seems to give any of them a heads up about gross
Egregious sin that is going on in the lives of some of this movements more most prominent leaders
But at any way any rate watch this from Chris Reed now This is a clip that I downloaded from Steve Kozars channel the messed -up church
And of course, he gave me permission to do this So if you have not yet subscribed to Steve Kozars channel the messed -up church,
I would highly commend you to do that He does some really good work so this is taken from his channel a video that he put up not too long ago watch this from Chris Reed and then in August of 2023
I made this video where I showed some of the same clips from those previous two plus I showed a lot more of Chris Reed Doing the exact same thing at the
International House of Prayer with Mike Bickle This is Chris Reed at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City Mike Bickle just loves it when he comes and does these
Christian psychic cold reading stunts as you will see in just a minute Basically, he calls out somebody's name or somebody's address or somebody's birthday or maybe a number of some sort
I saw three four numbers as well 3605 3605 something like that Wait 3605 your address and as soon as he gets somebody to respond to that piece of information
Which he got off the internet. He does a generic prophecy quote -unquote basically God sees you
He knows what you're going through everything's gonna be okay Or sometimes especially if there's old people in the audience
He declares them to be healed some kind of injury from years ago or some kind of injury from years ago and some kind of Agitation the
Lord's is healing your hip right now lift up your hands. Would you you know what I'm talking about? God's gonna touch you and it's gonna flow right into your hips right now
And it's gonna balance your walk in the natural and bring balance to your walk in the spirit says the
Lord and people think this Is actually a word from God himself Petri Petri That's your last name and Angie Okay, so you probably know like Margaret and Tom and all that, okay?
What's that? Let's say to you They're watching They're watching and so are they on the phone, too?
When I offer a little gentle pushback to my brother
Steve Kozar here because that graphic he put up said Mike Bickle being clueless Or is clueless something something like that.
I don't think Mike Bickle was clueless. I think Mike Bickle knew exactly What Chris Reid was doing because Chris Reid was doing it right in front of him
They're on the platform together and Chris Reid keeps going back to his iPhone or his iPad or whatever it is his device looking down getting words of knowledge by looking down at his
Wi -Fi connected device So, I don't think Mike Bickle was clueless I think he knew exactly what
Chris Reid was doing, but he's just like Chris Reid He's a false teacher He's a liar
He is exploiting people or was I mean now it's known that Mike Bickle Was a sexual predator and so he's no longer the head of IHOP So dear friends this stuff is just rampant.
I want to show you one more clip. This is also from Steve Kozar's channel One more clip of Sean Bowles in action and you'll see him on the platform with Heidi Baker and Daniel Kalinda and all these others and this is a very revealing look as to how exactly he does what he does and just the
Blatant deception of it. So watch this and then we'll begin to land the plane, but I have some very important observations
At the end. I've kind of been saving one of the one of the biggest things for for last But stay tuned watch this
Sean Bowles in action. This was from 2016 Here's that video
I made in March of 2020 and you can see how Sean is using his smartphone and he's calling out
Information that I will show in this video comes directly from various social media accounts of the young man he's talking to and I'm looking for a dentist who you're either from the
Ukraine or your parents were and You moved to America and I think to Washington State or Washington DC There's a dentist who your parents were from the
Ukraine. You moved into America. Help me out here. Is there a dentist? We've only done this in stadiums this big a few times
It's a little hard every single thing that Sean says comes directly from the social media accounts of dentists
This is not prophecy This is a trick all of the personal details about this young man were very easy to find on the internet here
Let me show you what? I mean, I'm looking for a dentist who you're either from the Ukraine or your parents were
My family comes from my Ukrainian background and you moved to America and I think to Washington State or Washington DC to Washington State or Washington DC and I just see like Pennsylvania Pennsylvania not just send you but commission you over the
Ukraine and Eastern Europe and something's gonna happen like you can't even dream up Something's gonna happen like you can't even dream up really
This is supposed to be God talking a God who apparently can't even be specific Watch how both
Chris Reid and Sean Bowles talk on behalf of a God who isn't really sure what he's talking about See how it's done
Unreal You can go to Sean Bowles his website right now and you can buy his books and DVDs on how to hear the voice of God there's classes you can sign up and take and you can spend pretty much
As much money as you want to spend upwards into the thousands of dollars The more access you want to Sean Bowles The more you would need to spend of course
It's all through a computer screen But you can do zoom calls with him and get some one -on -one time with Sean Bowles through the through the computer screen for a very very pretty penny
Difference let me let me help you a little bit. Let me save you a lot of time and money I'm gonna show you how you can prophesy just as accurately as Sean Bowles.
Here's how you do it Saved you a lot of time and money, didn't
I? That's how you do it They're all frauds. They're all frauds and they're all in on it
I want to show you one more clip from the TBN interview Sheila Walsh as she's interviewing
Sean Bowles and Bill Johnson and boy, this is rich Watch this. I just first ask both of you a question
It feels as if the world is in a very strange place at the moment. Really? The fact that there's you read reports where so many people are leaving the church you read reports of people who just don't believe anymore who are you know, kind of Sidelining the faith or more than that people who are struggling at epidemic levels with anxiety and loneliness
What do you see when you look out at the world and when you talk to God people are in pain? And there's only one cure for that pain and they're leaving a church because they're looking for the authentic they're leaving the church because they're looking for the authentic and he thinks you're gonna find the authentic at Bethel or with Sean Bowles with the
Angel feathers that don't exist and the words of knowledge from God that's coming from social media
You can't make this stuff up friends. I mean you cannot make this stuff up It's just unbelievable the the depth and the the widespread
Nature of the deception in the charismatic movement is breathtaking. It is absolutely breathtaking
I Did a video on my youtube channel. I don't know a couple of years ago on the history of the charismatic movement and I Gave it a kind of an overview of some of the more prominent leaders early leaders of the
Pentecostal slash charismatic movement People that charismatics today refer to as God's generals
I'm talking about like John Alexander Dowie Charles Fox Parham William Seymour Smith Wigglesworth Amy simple
Macpherson Catherine Kuhlman John G Lake William Branham some of those folks and to a man to a woman
All of these people these are these are men and women that are revered amongst charismatics
Every single one of them was a theological heretic Was a proven false prophet conartists hucksters charlatans and Most if not, all of them were sexually immoral all of them that the gods generals of the charismatic movement and that pattern continues today, why is that because When you're dealing with false teachers, which all these people are
By definition a false teacher is not regenerate They're not saved
Therefore there is no indwelling of the Holy Spirit Therefore there is no restraint on their flesh there is no divine restraint on their flesh a false teacher cannot muster up any more
Restraint on their own flesh than any random lost person out there and so that's why you see in this movement such a preponderance of Men and women who had these huge platforms widely respected and revered followers followed by millions of people and yet Eventually as John MacArthur says time and truth go hand in hand and and their sin is exposed
Well, they're not saved they don't have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that's that's why They're they live such lives of immorality.
That's why they can look you straight in the eye and lie to you Now I know some of you are thinking boy
Justin you're really coming down hard on these people. Yep. I sure am Jesus reserved his most blistering rebukes for false teachers
But Is there sin in my camp in my in in the more theologically or soteriologically reformed cessationist camp
Yep, there is Sadly there is sadly from time to time we see
Some well -known people in my camp that come out and it's it's it's exposed that they're they're leading double lives
Like all these people that we've been talking about are but I will say a couple of things one it's
It does happen, but it's not nearly as common in The reformed cessationist camp as it is in the charismatic camp not nearly as common
I mean just in the last couple of years. We have seen an avalanche an absolute avalanche of well -known charismatics
That have been exposed for living lives of immorality. I mean Mike Bickle Robert Morris Brian Houston What's -his -face
Carl Lentz out of Hillsong a few years ago, but I mean on and on and on and on It's just and as I said all the history the whole history of this movement is littered with these kind of kinds of people
So it's not nearly as common in my Theological camp, but it does happen.
But when it does happen in my camp We actually deal with it
If you live a life of immorality in my theological circles You're done preaching you're not going to preach again and Sadly in the last five months or so Steve Lawson, it was discovered.
He was living a double life and He'll never preach again not in our circles he's done but in the charismatic movement, no
You might sit out for a few weeks or maybe a few months but almost without exception You get right back in the preaching saddle, but that doesn't happen in my camp.
We actually take it seriously being above reproach So those are two differences
But and I hope and pray by the way that Steve Lawson will come to a place of true repentance
I hope and pray that he will and he can be restored to fellowship with a local church
But he'll never preach again But with these false teachers, there is no restraint on their flesh
There is no indwelling of the Holy Spirit. They can muster up no more restraint on their flesh than any random lost person as I said, and so I have
I would fully expect that we have not heard the last of Of The duplicitous life that Sean Bowles is leading.
I think there's gonna be some other stuff to come out now full disclosure I've got a couple of reasons kind of inside tips as to why
I think that but even before I learned That something else is gonna drop with Sean Bowles even before I heard anything about that I just knew
I mean, it's he's a false teacher. He can't muster up any restraint on his flesh So lost people do what lost people do and there's gonna be more.
I'm almost almost 100 % convinced There's gonna be more to come out About Sean Bowles.
We haven't heard the last of his double life so Friends, I hope this has been helpful
Bethel oh My goodness, there's just so much. I I don't hate these people.
I don't hate Bill Johnson I don't hate Sean Bowles and I know I've gotten worked up especially for me in this video,
I do hate With a passion what they're doing because they are lying to people deceiving people
Exploiting people and bringing untold reproach upon the name of Christ making a mockery out of the gospel.
I Hate what they're doing, but I don't hate them Sean Bill Chris Valentin all of you
Benny hand I mean all of you I Would love to see you repent come to a place of true repentance true faith in Christ.
I don't want you to go to hell But that's where you're headed right now That is where your head one of the ironies is that Charismatics Pentecostals and word -faith all these folks
They would look at someone like me and I cannot tell you how many times I've heard this They they criticize me and other cessationists they say oh you don't believe in the
Holy Spirit You don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to the contrary as A cessationist
I cede no ground in my pneumatology the fancy word for the doctrine understanding of the
Holy Spirit of God I cede no ground to charismatics in my view of the Holy Spirit because as a cessationist
I Have such a high view of the Holy Spirit of God that I do not believe someone can be indwelt by him and Teach the things these people teach
Lie the way they lie Exploit the people they exploit shamelessly and do it for years and years and years
And I do not believe they can put words in God's mouth that he did not say and have no prick of conscience and At the same time be indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. It's not possible If they were truly indwelt by the
Holy Spirit of God The Holy Spirit would drop them to their knees under such heavy conviction and yet there is none
They keep doing it and they keep covering for each other and even promoting them knowing that they're deceiving people
They say nothing because they don't want to hurt their movement Never mind hurting people never mind
Bringing reproach upon the name of Christ that doesn't matter to them and that's not a
Christian That's not a Christian So it is not Cessationists who have a low view of the
Holy Spirit of God. I would submit to you that unfortunately it is the vast majority of Charismatics who have a low view of God's Holy Spirit Because I know very very few very few charismatics who would actually come out and say yes.
These people are Unregenerate not saved. How could they be?
How could they be? So dear ones the real gospel is this
Anybody watching if you're not certain of where you are in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ Admit that you are a sinner.
You are a sinner. We're all sinners all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God We are all liars.
We're thieves We are blasphemers. We blaspheme the name of God in word and deed and by the way
Giving false prophecies or Quoting God as saying something that he did not say
God told me this God told me that when God didn't tell you this he didn't Tell you that that's blasphemy
And we are adulterers at heart at least Because we have looked at other people with lust
Go through the moral law of God. We are all lawbreakers. We have all broken his laws Thousands of times we're sinners by nature by birth.
We are sinners by choice by our actions by our deeds and Because we have sinned against God we have broken his laws.
The punishment is eternal we have sinned against an infinite eternal God and The punishment is also infinite and it is eternal
And if you die in your sin, you will very rightly and very justly go to a very real place that the
Bible calls hell The worm will not die the fire will not be quenched There will be wailing weeping gnashing of teeth the full undiluted
Fury of the wrath of God will be poured out on you for all of eternity and it will never end the smoke of your torment
Will rise up Revelation 14 9 10 and 11 will rise up day and night. It will never end
That's what your sins have earned you and You cannot save yourself. You have no righteousness on your own
There is none righteous. No, not one Romans chapter 3. You must have the righteousness of someone else
And his name is Jesus God sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth and Jesus was the perfect man the
God man one person two distinct natures truly God truly man and As the
God man Jesus lived a perfect life. He never broke any of God's laws. He was perfect in Jesus willingly gave his life on the cross and on the cross all of the sins that have ever been committed
For everyone who will eventually believe in Christ all of all of God's people his his elect all those sins were placed on him and Jesus became our substitute
Our sins Imputed to Christ on the cross and God poured out his fury on his own son
God treated his own son as though he were a sinner even though he was not in Jesus drank in every drop of the full undiluted fury of God's wrath and he died on the cross satisfying that wrath
He had to be the God man because man is the only one who owes a debt to God God is the only one who is able to pay that debt and Jesus paid it died on the cross
Three days later bodily raised from the dead proving himself to be who he said he was God in human flesh
And if you will repent of sin turn from sin And place your trust in Christ in him and him alone in his finished work on the cross
He will save you Both faith and repentance are gifts of God And if God saves you if God grants to you that saving faith and repentance from sin
That repentance will flesh itself out in fruit Every good tree bears good fruit and some of the fruit the evidence of your repentance your changed heart and I'm speaking now to Bill Johnson and Sean Bowles and Chris Vallotton and Benny Hinn and all these others and Heidi Baker and the whole lot of The way your your repentance will be evidence to everyone is
You will all come out publicly and say that you have been lying to people
That you have been teaching heresy That you've been putting words in God's mouth that he did not say all those times when you claim that God has spoken to you
You'll say God never talked to me I've been blaspheming the name of God every time
I've said that God hasn't talked to me. I've been deceiving you And I now realize that I am unqualified to be in ministry and so I'm shutting my ministry down all of it
Bethel church You need to shut down He'll saw all the all these fosters and he's shut down you sell everything the ministry has shut it all down and Find a good doctrinally sound church led by biblically qualified men
And you'll never again be behind the pulpit. You'll be in front of the pulpit in a pew sitting and Learning and I want that for you.
I truly do I don't want you to go to hell. I Don't want any of these people to go to hell.
I want them to be saved But they're not saved right now But if you'll come to Christ empty -handed
Confess your sins and ask him to forgive you he will Jesus said the one who comes to me
I will in no wise cast aside and That is a promise for anyone who hears this message whether you have a big platform or not.
I Want you to be saved All right, dear ones Thank you very much for joining me
Until our next time together. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the fellowship of his
Holy Spirit Be with you all. I had one more username. I never get user names, but I asked
God for new information I never get Terry Bishop 9 -1 -1 Terry Bishop. You're working on the show and we're getting you that is my username