Midweek Review #26 (Acts 15:36-16:10)

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God is not merely a compartment of our lives. He is Lord of all. Join with us in praying that we will give Him the rightful place of preeminence over all things in our lives. Pray that His Holy Spirit would take absolute control of us.


where you would guide us. I pray for a fresh filling of your Holy Spirit on this congregation, on myself.
God, Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on us. Fill us, Lord, with a passion for the name of Jesus that we would recognize that He is worthy of our entire lives, not just a compartment.
God, change the desires of our hearts to love you with all of our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all of our strength.
Fill us, Lord Jesus, with your Holy Spirit, and lead us on. In Jesus' name, amen.