The Righteousness That God Provides In the Gospel: Part 1



The Righteousness That God Provides In the Gospel: Part 2

to this wonderful text, Romans chapter 1, a wonderful book, Romans chapter 1, we'll be looking at verses 16 and 17, this
Lord's Day morning, and the next, and the next. And I'm looking forward to this, really, it's glorious.
We're talking about the gospel here, and the gospel never ever gets old. The gospel never ever gets old.
So hear the word of God with me, as the Apostle Paul, under the breath of God, the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, that's what it means, as he speaks this wonderful text from verse 16 and verse 17, and we'll look at these two great verses, and we're going to break this down for the next two
Lord's Days for sure, and I'm going to kind of swing my text to another verse of scripture from the
Gospel of Matthew on the third series, as we look at the righteousness that Jesus provides, that he came to fulfill all righteousness.
So hear God's word. The Apostle Paul says this, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the
Jew first, and also for the Greek, and this wonderful verse here, verse 17, that sparked
Luther, for in it, in the gospel, in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, and he's quoting from an
Old Testament verse, that's actually, it's found three times in scripture here, and also in Habakkuk, and in Hebrews, shows you how important this verse is, that just shall live by faith, amen, isn't that great?
Let's go to God in prayer, as we ask again his blessing.
Our Father in heaven, we come to you to hear your word this morning, and we're thankful that you've given us ears to hear, and Jesus, your son, said it, he that has ears, let him hear what the
Spirit says, and Father, we would pray that your word would so penetrate our hearts this morning, that we would be able to understand and perceive, because we cannot do this within ourselves.
Father, I would pray also to save us from apathy, Lord, of being cold and familiar, or should
I say over -familiar with this glorious truth that we're about to look at. Father, we've read it so many times, and sometimes we think, well,
Lord, we know this, but we would pray, Lord, give us fresh eyes to see
Jesus, give us ears to hear what the Spirit would say to us. Father, we've read this text and this word many, many times, we've heard it preached on and we've heard it explained many times, but Father, we would pray,
Lord, come in your mighty power today through your holy word, because there's much power in your word, and we would have the fresh eyes to see and behold the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ, because he is the gospel.
Father, it's all about you, it's your person, it's about the Father, it's about the Son, it's about the
Holy Spirit. So, Father, we would throw ourselves on you as we, within this hour, worship you in your word, and to hear, to be attentive, to give us understanding, and give us ears to hear what you would have to say, and transform us,
Lord. That's the purpose of hearing your word, as you speak to our hearts, change us, oh
Lord, I would pray, change us more to be like Jesus. Transform us,
Lord, amaze us, surprise us. Lord, we just sit back as children, as listening to the
Master, speak to us, and Lord, we would just open our mouths and you would feed us.
So we pray this, in Jesus' mighty name, and for his sake and for his glory, amen, and amen.
Well, here in this text before us, the Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, has just greeted the
Christians in Rome, and he's given thanks to God, you could see this in the first part of chapter one, he gives thanks to God.
He's told them of his desire to come to visit them. So we see in his prayers, he's giving thanks, what a wonderful pattern that we can see in the
Apostle Paul as being one of the greatest Christians that ever lived, and no doubt one of the greatest theologians.
He told them his desire to come to visit them, incidentally, that prayer of the Apostle was answered, because probably not in the way he thought it would be, he actually came to visit the church in Rome, but it was as a prisoner in chains.
So you must always be careful the way you pray. God can't answer those prayers, but not always in the way that you think.
After all, Isaiah says God's ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts, so God's going to do things the way he sees best, and he deems best.
Have you testified of that? I have, many a time, and it's wonderful, because I sit back in amazement at God, and I said, your way's always best, and Jesus does all things well.
Even though we plan it out, God is the one that is, he's marked it by his providence, exactly the way it should be.
And sometimes we think, wow, I wouldn't have done it that way, but if you look back,
God's way is always best, always best. And here, he comes as a prisoner, isn't that amazing?
He comes in chains. And now having said, in verse 14, notice verse 14, he says,
I'm a debtor, I'm a debtor, both to the Greeks and to the barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise.
So Paul's in debt because of what Jesus has done for him.
And then in our text before us, verses 16 and 17, he goes on to express the gospel of Jesus Christ that he so desires for them to believe.
He had such a passion, don't you love Paul's passion? He had such persuasion to proclaim the gospel to those that needed to hear it.
We need that kind of passion, that kind of persuasion. He was constrained, he says the love of Christ constrains him, but he's persuaded because of the terror of the
Lord, that's what he said. So he desires for them to believe the gospel. Now, as I was studying this,
I'm indebted to Derek Thomas for this, Derek Thomas said this, now Martin Luther, we'll go a little further down the ages of Christian history, the
German reformer that was so aware of in the year 1545, he,
Luther, was to die by the way in 1546. So this is a year before he died, at the end of his life, he is writing a preface to the publication of the
Latin works that he wrote. And as he thinks about this preface, he's thinking back over 25 years or so of how
God used him and how God employed him in changing the face of Europe and the world eventually with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And as he begins to write this preface, he begins to remind himself and his readers that it all began in this chapter of Romans, chapter 1 with the verses of scripture that I've read to you.
And because as Martin Luther read these verses, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the
Jew first and also to the Greek, for in it the righteousness of God is revealed or as Luther would read it in his translation in the
Latin Bible, the justice of God is revealed. It's really interchangeable, it's the same thing.
God's righteousness is God's justice. So the original would read the justice of God and it is revealed in the gospel.
And as he writes in his preface, he came to hate the righteousness of God.
You wouldn't think that, but this is what he says. The righteousness of God, God's justice was something that he hated.
He hated it because for Martin Luther it was something that condemned him.
Now I want you to know he's on the right path because first of all, he saw God's frown constantly.
No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, no matter what self -denial that he would engage in, he even tormented his physical body, he wanted to please
God but no matter what he did, he could not please God. All he could see was
God's frown. And still, a lot of people need to be in this position because you don't have people now mocking
God and scoffing God, but here Luther had a desire, as the
Apostle Paul did too, to please God in everything that he did. So the righteousness, the justice of God would always condemn him.
No matter what he did, he always saw this. His concept of God, as he learned in the early
Roman Catholic Church and as he studied as a monk, his concept of God was always seeing
God as a judge, dark, condemning him to hell.
And as he says this, and as he writes this, I quote his exact words here. He says, I began to hate, these are his words,
I began to hate the righteousness, the justice of God until, until he saw for the first time that the righteousness of God, now listen to this, the righteousness of God demands a righteousness that he provides in the
Gospel. That's the transition. That is the, but now, the righteousness of God.
We saw that last week. That was when God broke through. That's when the light broke through.
And that is when he saw for the first time, it was like, as he says this, he pens this word, quote, it was like the opening of the gates of paradise.
Luther was born again. He was a religious man all those years under the
Augustinian order as a monk, studying to be a monk, a priest. And they gave him, one of the fathers says, well, we want to send you away to study the word of God.
And this is when he, when he started studying God's word. In Romans chapter 1, verses 16 and 17, the
Holy Spirit broke through supernaturally. Isn't that the way it is? We don't know how it happens, but as Jesus said, it's like the wind blows.
You can't see it, but you can see eventually the effects of it.
The wind is effective, but you can't see the wind. We just had a hurricane in Panama City and Mexico Beach, and it was devastating, wasn't it?
Powerful wind. Well, let me say this. That power of the hurricane is nothing compared to the power of God's word.
Because the breath of God is right here. It has the power to transform a hard, sinful heart, transform it where everything becomes new.
All things become new. Even the power of creation cannot compare to what
God can do in the human heart. Isn't that amazing? But the Apostle Paul, his supreme passion was to see men born again, to see men saved, to see men repent.
And he cared nothing for his personal comfort. He never cared for his own popularity.
Unfortunately, a lot of preachers care more about their popularity than getting the gospel out.
And also, Paul did not care about his own reputation. And I love this about the
Apostle Paul, and that should be a great example for us. His example was the
Lord Jesus Christ, the master. Look at the life of Jesus. Jesus could care less about his own personal comfort and his popularity or his reputation.
As Paul followed Jesus Christ, he offered no compromise of the gospel.
He never compromised it. Read that many times. Even when the Apostle Peter could not see it. In Galatians, the
Apostle Paul rebuked Peter publicly because the gospel was jeopardized and Paul lovingly, lovingly, think of that, and Peter was an older Apostle.
He was the one that walked and talked with Christ for three years, and when the gospel was at stake,
Paul knew how to handle it. I love Paul. He's definitely one, he's probably not alone with Jesus in this order.
John the Baptist second, because Jesus said of John the Baptist, there was no man greater that was born of woman than John the
Baptist, because he was the forerunner of Jesus Christ, and then I say the Apostle Paul. Those are the top three heroes in my book.
Jesus, John the Baptist, and Paul, but Paul is right up there. Paul is one of the greatest men that followed
Christ, and here in verses 16 and 17, Paul uses four key words that are crucial to understanding and believing the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I pray that this will warm your heart, it has warmed my heart with these words, and I would like to use them as four headings, and we're only going to look at two today, and Lord willing, we're going to look at three next week, but today we're going to look at the power of God unto salvation, so we're going to look at power, and then we're going to look at salvation.
Lord willing, next week we're going to look at faith, what the scripture says about faith and righteousness, and we'll connect that with believing, but believing kind of goes all together, because that's what it's all about, it's believing, right?
But we cannot believe apart from the Holy Spirit, I assure you of that. When I first came into the kingdom,
I thought, oh wow, it's my faith that takes hold, and it's my believing, and you know, God's not going to believe for us, or God's not going to repent for us, but I assure you of this, there's no way that any of us can believe, or repent, or have faith, or trust in Christ apart from the
Holy Spirit, and that's why we say it's of grace alone, right? And that is the crucial point of believing the gospel, and Luther got that.
So let's first of all look at this wonderful word, power. Power is the first word that goes with the gospel.
The gospel, which is the good news, the gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ.
He is the gospel. Jesus is the gospel. Everything about Jesus is good news, unless you're not in Christ.
It's bad news, because he will judge one day every soul.
The scripture says that it is appointed for once man to die, and after that the judgment, and unless we had the blood of Jesus and his righteousness covering us on that day of judgment, we are in serious trouble.
Why? Because man is condemned already. But the gospel comes to give us hope, right?
A living hope. And Jesus is that living hope. Jesus says he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the
Father but by me. No other way. So after Paul, let's look at Paul now, after he proclaims that he personally is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he says, for the gospel, for in it, it is the power of God.
Now what is the gospel? As I put it in a nutshell, it is Jesus Christ.
It is the message that Paul delivered to the Corinthians as of first importance, and you don't have to turn there, but 1
Corinthians 15, verses 1 -4, says and tells us and identifies what the gospel is.
I guess, let's turn there. How about that? I don't think it's harm to turn there. As a matter of fact,
I think it's a great thing. 1 Corinthians 15, verses 1 -4, he gives us a definition of what the gospel is.
Now this is the resurrection chapter. You know, I like to, it helps me break things up in my little mind because I get confused.
As we read Psalm 119 and Psalm 19, that's all about the word of God. That's God's word about the word.
Chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians is the resurrection chapter. Chapter 13 is the love chapter.
It tells you all about God's love, agape love. Hebrews chapter 11 is the faith chapter.
It's all about faith. Well here, in 1 Corinthians 15, it is about the gospel.
It's the resurrection chapter. It goes in great detail about what the resurrection is, but notice he gives us a clear, crystal, clear definition of what the gospel is and what does
Paul say, moreover brethren, he's speaking to the church, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which
I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand.
They received it and we are to stand in the gospel.
It's just not receiving it, that's part of it, but then we stand in the gospel. We take a stand and we stand in the gospel, the rock of ages,
Jesus Christ and his works and who he is. And then he says in verse 2, by which also you are saved.
The gospel saves us. If you hold fast that word which I preached unto you unless you believed in vain.
So I love that because there is a continuing. The gospel saves us and holds on to us, but we have to continue in it, right?
And even in the continuing is grace. I like to put it this way, we're saved by grace and we are kept by grace and we continue in grace.
That's the way that the scriptures tell us to do. And then in verse 3, and then
I delivered, for I delivered to you first of all, first of all that which
I also received. He received it first, he experienced it on the road to Damascus, right?
And that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, don't you love that? Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.
He didn't say according to my experience on the road to Damascus, according to the scriptures. And then in verse 4, and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
And then he talks about the testimony and that he was seen, that Jesus was seen by Seth, that's us speaking of Paul, not
Paul, I'm sorry, Peter. And then by the 12 apostles, these are the eyewitnesses that saw
Jesus after he died and was buried and then he rose again. And then after that he was seen by over 500 brethren, that's a pretty good testimony, that's a pretty good witness at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present but some have fallen asleep.
And he uses the language that Jesus uses there, but they actually died, but that's what he means by fallen asleep and I love that terminology he uses because even though they died, they're just sleeping.
In other words, there's going to be a resurrection and that's where he goes from there, Jesus is going to raise him up. So that's the gospel, that's the definition of what the gospel is, that's the good news, right?
The gospel is the power of God, it is God's power. And that message is
God's power and it has the power to save to the uttermost. It's not about necessarily just the power of God, it's about the righteousness of God as well, but it is the living and powerful word of God, as powerful as the word
God spoke when he said, let there be light and there was light. That's what kind of power there is, even greater power.
Now you go out there and look at the sun, God spoke that sun into existence, he said let there be light and there was a sun, there was light.
He created the sun, he created the stars, and by the way, the testimony of how he created the stars,
I love it, it goes on, he says and the stars also, it's like no big deal, God spoke them into existence, wow, there they are.
And then scripture tells us even in Psalms, he knows everyone by name. The stars have a name.
God is in total sovereign control of the whole universe and it's his universe, aren't you glad?
This is his world, not our world, not the devil's world, it's God's world. So he said let there be light and there was light, consider each of the crucial terms and the description of the gospel and keep in mind that the word power, going back to Romans 116, the word power is the
Greek word dunamis. It's the word dunamis and it is the Greek word in which we get our word dynamite.
That's where the word dynamite comes from. It is the gospel, in other words, is the dynamite of God, it is the power of God, it's the dunamis of God and in that gospel, it carries with it the very omnipotence of God.
Now this is staggering to us to think about, but when I'm saying omnipotence, omni, the word omni means all and potence is potential, that's where we get the word potential.
Potence, all potential, all power, we're not talking about some power.
You know, you think of angels of God have tremendous power, but they don't have all power.
Even the fallen angel, Lucifer, who is now Satan, has great power, he has more power than us in a sense, but Jesus, the
Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the triune God carries within his person all power.
Take that word all, how much is all? It's infinite and we doubt him.
It's so sad, isn't it? And I'm speaking to myself, I doubt him at times. And shame on me, but God has all power.
Now folks, think of this. When the scripture says that the gospel has the power, it's all powerful.
When the word goes forth, and not my suggestions and not my word, but when the word of God goes forth, it has all power to save to those who believe.
So God is all powerful. His word is all powerful. Whose power alone is sufficient to save men from their sin and give eternal life.
Isn't that glorious? It's glorious. God does not proclaim the gospel and then sits back hoping that some might believe it, but unable to do so, anything to ensure that any will, he doesn't do that.
No, by proclaiming the gospel, God actually generates faith.
Now get me, he generates the faith, it's not a faith of ourselves, it's a faith outside of ourselves.
It is the faith that comes as a gift. And God gives you that gift by his grace and that by faith we lay hold.
You know, faith is the instrument we can lay hold of Jesus. Grace comes to us in the gospel and is the love of God that has sent
Christ to us, but and then by grace he gives us the favor and showed us favor and mercy and compassion, but faith is given to us in salvation to lay hold of him.
Now when you start thinking about all these things, you start saying, it's nothing that I've done. It's all of him.
Even in election, God elects some to be saved and really in the doctrine of election, really
R .C. Sproul, I got this from Sproul and he's so right, Sproul says this, he says in the doctrine of election, it's simply that we get grace.
God's people gets grace. What about all the rest? Do they get what's unfair?
No one gets anything unfair. The elect gets grace and mercy.
That's what scripture says. Read Romans 9. That's right there. I didn't say it. But the rest gets justice and as Keith prayed today, not a one of us is deserving.
And when we really understand that, we fall, we'll fall on our face and we say, Lord, it's not of us. It's all of God's grace.
So the gospel gives that. First Peter 1 .23 says, having been born again, not of corruptible seed, and that seed is the word of God, by the way, but incorruptible through the word of God, which lives and abides forever.
It is the word of God that brings us into the kingdom, yet not by mere vibrations upon an eardrum, not by just something we do.
We know that it's nothing we do, not of works lest any man should boast, but by the word of God, accompanied by the spirit of God.
As God explained through the prophet Ezekiel in his vision of the dry bones, isn't that a wonderful understanding of what
God does? Ezekiel 37, verses 3 through 10, tells us exactly what happens.
Turn with me there to Ezekiel 37, let's just look a brief, this is the power of God. This is
God's word and demonstration of what He can do. Ezekiel 37, look at verses 3 through 10, look at what
God can do. Let me back up. Let's look at the whole story. Verse 1, the hand of the
Lord came upon me and brought me out in the spirit of the
Lord. Just like John on the Isle of Patmos, I was in the spirit. I was in the spirit on the
Lord's day, he said. And here, the prophet says, in the spirit of the
Lord, He set me down in the midst of a valley, of the valley, and it was full of bones, and God was showing him, here's a valley with literally, probably millions of bones scattered everywhere.
And notice how he says, I love these words that are taken there, carefully chosen by the Holy Spirit and as he wrote it, then
He caused me, get that word caused, God caused me to pass by them all around.
He didn't choose to do this, He caused, the Holy Spirit caused him by them all around, and behold, that means to look, to look, there were very many in the open valley, and indeed, they were very dry.
An impossible situation before Him. And then, He said to me,
Son of man, can these bones live? I love the way God always communicates to His creatures.
He doesn't have to, by the way. He's not obligated to, but He chooses to in His love and His mercy, and He's always asking,
He did this to joke. He just throws questions out there, Jesus did this constantly, throwing questions, and notice
God throws a question out to Ezekiel, Son of man, can these bones live?
And then He said, so I answered, and one of the greatest answers I think there is in Scripture, Oh Lord, God, you know, you know,
Lord, that's a good answer, isn't it? God knows. In verse 4, again,
He said to me, prophesy to these bones, in other words, you preach to them, prophesy to them, old dry bones, hear the word of the
Lord, that's what He's to prophesy, not His words, but God's words. That's the only thing that has the power to bring bones to life, and we're gonna see this, notice what
He says in verse 5, thus says the Lord God to these bones, don't you love this? It's not thus says
Ezekiel, thus says the Lord, the Lord God to these bones, surely
I will cause breath, notice that word cause again, cause breath to enter into you and you shall live,
I will put sinews on you, muscles in other words, and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you, and you shall live, and then you shall know that I am the
Lord. Boy, you read on, this is, a lot of preachers have preached this for revival, and I think it's a good one, and in verse 7, so I prophesied as I was commanded,
God commanded Him to prophesy, He did it, and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling, and the bones came together, and bone to bone, indeed as I looked, the sinews of the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over, but there was no breath in them, and He also said to me, prophesy to the breath, prophesy son of man, and say to the breath, thus says the
Lord God, come from the four winds, oh breath, and breathe on these slain, and these may live, the breath is the
Holy Spirit, so I prophesied, and as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and they stood up from their feet, an exceedingly great army, and that's what
God can do, folks, that's what God's did to the church, He's created,
God has created, not only the family of God, the children of God, but an exceedingly great army, that's the church, that's the church, that's
Israel at that time, but that's what we were, we were dead, dry bones in the valley, and God came, and we heard the word, aren't you glad you heard the word, you just didn't hear it physically, you heard it spiritually, and there came a great transformation, you see the gospel of Jesus Christ is like that, it's sufficient, it's effective, it's transforming, and it has the power of God, and God acting, working on the human soul, imparting life to the dead, giving light and darkness, giving understanding to the ignorant, giving wisdom to the foolish, belief to the unbelieving, all which are aspects of regeneration of the new birth, and that's the power, see it's a supernatural thing, the new birth is supernatural, no one can regenerate themselves, even before conversion takes place, and let me explain this, there's regeneration, then there's conversion, a lot of people get this mixed up, but you know what
I'm talking about here, but I want to explain it very carefully, regeneration is an act of God, that God regenerates and creates new life, and in that, then something happens, conversion then says,
I'm going to follow after Jesus, faith takes place, after God gives us faith, we follow, we take a hold, and then we follow after him, but first this act of regeneration, because none of us can be converted and follow
Christ until first God transforms us, see, and we need to hear this, because there are a lot of confusion in the churches today of those two great doctrines, so we must understand biblically what it means,
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1 .18, for the word, the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, go out there and preach about, you mean to tell, people will look at you crazy and say, you mean to tell me my salvation and my eternal destination lies on one man who died on a cross, absolutely, one man,
Jesus Christ, and who he died for, and why he died, see they don't understand this do they, all they think of is blood and something gory and a man dying on a cross, you've got to be kidding me, to them it's foolishness, it's foolish, it was foolish back then, it's foolish to people now, but it is the power of God, because scripture says, but to us, this is what the word says, to us, the elect,
God's sheep, who are being saved, or who are saved, depends on your translation, who are being saved,
I like that word being saved because it is, in a sense, he is saved us, but we are constantly in progress in a sense of a work that's done, the work's been done, but the final salvation will happen when it actually takes place, when we physically arrive in heaven, but we know by faith it's already done, right, you know what
I'm saying, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God, you mean to tell me that the preaching of the cross is the power of God, it is.
Preach the cross, preach the cross, Jeremiah the prophet, Jeremiah chapter 13 verse 23, the
Lord said, can the Ethiopian change his skin? No, he can't change his skin color, neither can we, the
Ethiopian can't, we can't change our skin color, we're born that way, right, but guess what, or can the leopard change his spots?
No, and then it says, then you also can do good who are accustomed to do evil, so you see, it's not within our man's power and our power to change our own nature, that's what
God's saying, no more than you can change our, we can change our skin color, and I thank
God, God has, he loves variety. We have some here
Ethiopian, some Asian, some white, look around the world, there's all kinds, and guess what, we didn't cause that, did we?
That's what scripture's saying, no more than we can cause, we had power in our birth, our first birth, we don't have the power of our second birth, that's what it's saying, we don't have the power to change our skin, but guess what, the power of God can change the heart and heart, now if God wanted to, he could change every one of our skin colors, you see what
I'm saying, but that's the point that the scriptures are making, only the power of the gospel has the power to change a wicked and condemned heart.
Jesus said this in rebuking the Sadducees who tried to entrap him, always trying to trip him up, for they did not know who they were tangling with, they were in the tangling themselves up with the wisest man that ever lived and he was even wiser than Solomon, he's the one that had, he is wisdom in flesh, and in Matthew 22, 29 he says this to the
Sadducees, you are mistaken, not understanding the scriptures or the power of God.
Don't you love Jesus' words, you are mistaken, only the power of God is able to overcome a man's sinful nature and impart spiritual life.
Think of that, even in agriculture and Keith has studied this, they still don't know what causes a seed and the life in that seed and that seed itself from the sunshine and from the rain, a plant, a life coming out of that little seed, every tree that we see out there that exists came from a seed, even the mighty oaks came from a little seed.
Isn't that amazing? They cannot explain the dynamics of that because God's behind it, that's why, because we can't explain
God. You see God has all power, he can do that, only the gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to change men, take them from sin, from Satan, take them from judgment, from death, and from hell, to salvation, to Christ, to freedom, to life, to heaven.
You know, men try other things to change them, you know, we talked about this last week, man tries everything he possibly can to make himself right with God, to earn his way to heaven, but he can't do it because the gospel has done it for us.
We receive it, the trust, the Bible says that some men believe they can change by doing good works and keeping the deeds of the law, we looked at that last week.
And the Bible says the deeds of the law, we cannot be saved. The Bible says the flesh cannot save us, the
Bible says the church cannot save us, the Bible says religion cannot save us. The Bible says who can save us?
Only the gospel can save us. So we need to rely on the gospel. People probably say,
Pastor, you mean to tell me it's that simple? Well, that's what the scripture says, and I'm going to preach what the scripture says.
The gospel of Jesus Christ was the first thing, for neither is there salvation in any other name, for no other name under heaven is given among men whereby we must, we must be saved.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he is the only way to God. When scripture says he is the only way, that means he's the only way.
People may look at you as awful narrow -minded, well, God's narrow, and he has a narrow path.
But I usually, I'd love to tell people this, you ought to thank God there's a way, period. Only the power of God can change people, there is no other way.
Romans chapter 5, verse 6, when we were yet without strength, don't you feel like that?
I'm without strength. We don't even have the strength to say, we don't have the strength. Christ died for the ungodly, the just for the unjust, as Brother Keith quoted this morning.
Only God has that power. In other words, man is powerless. We are powerless. He cannot change himself, and he cannot save himself.
In other words, he's utterly trapped and unable to do anything about it unless grace comes.
And aren't you glad we have the word of God? Sixty -six wonderful books from Genesis to Revelation.
Open it up as often as you can to get this life. The power is there.
The power, let me carry on, I've got a lot to say here, and I'd say my time is moving on quick. My goodness,
I can't beat the clock, I know that. In the 8th chapter of Romans, verse 3, third verse, for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh,
God sending his own Son was able to do. In other words, you could take man and you could give him good standards.
You could take man and give him good rules. You could take man and give him good principles, and still he cannot change himself.
It cannot be done. That is the frustration of man. And we've all been there.
In James 1, verse 18, of his own will he brought us forth the word of truth.
Notice that. Of his own will. That we might be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
And you see this in 1 Corinthians 15, we are the firstfruits. Jesus is that very, we are a kind of firstfruits of his creatures, but Jesus was the very first one.
People say what about Lazarus? Well, Lazarus had to die again. But that was a demonstration of the glory of God and firstfruits.
And then the scripture says when Jesus sat on the crossing, some of the grains was opened up. That's a kind of firstfruits.
But what he's saying is in the resurrection, and only by regeneration.
And by the way, there's going to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous. Everybody's going to be resurrected.
It's just which side are you going to stand on? Are you going to be on the left, goats? Or are you going to be on the right, sheep?
And Jesus makes that very clear. And why he uses goats and sheep,
I was thinking yesterday when we went to a little pumpkin patch and saw a goat, and I said,
I'm so glad I'm a sheep. I don't like goats. They're spooky looking, they really are.
And you notice, it's interesting, you know during Halloween and stuff, you see goat's heads. You notice that satanic people, they chose the goat.
You see goat's heads and all this in the occult. Isn't it interesting that they used goats?
Well, they are goats. That's interesting. It's almost like it's almost evidence that Satan is there.
He knows. Exactly. Well, anyway, the words, what man cannot do for himself,
God can do for him, is actually what Jesus says, for with man, this is impossible.
But with God, all things are possible, and that means salvation. Nothing is impossible with God.
Why? Number one, because God's God. Number two, because God has all power.
That is one of his wonderful attributes. He's all powerful. You know, people, we all marvel, let me give you an illustration here.
We all marvel at the atomic and the hydrogen bomb. It has a lot of power, doesn't it? It's amazing how these atoms just spread and it's made up from elements of the earth, uranium and, help me out
Ben, those other elements. Plutonium. What else? Einstein put it together in a sense in a formula, and God gifted that man a brilliance of understanding these elements from the earth, and they put together a powerful weapon.
It has a power to just demolish a whole city. We've seen it, haven't we? In war.
It ended a war, World War. It just leveled a whole city, just burned people to a crisp.
That's powerful. That's not all power. God has all power.
If God wanted to, he could speak the word, and this whole universe could just burn up instantly. People would think, you've got to be kidding me.
No, I'm not kidding. It's by mercy and grace that we live.
Well, God has all power, so God's word has all power. See? God, the person of God, and this is his word that's been written down by holy men of God in our language.
My beloved, these are the basic principles of the gospel. God is all powerful. Man is sinful. God is all holy.
I tell you, if you really want to go a little deeper, everything about God is holy. What does holiness mean?
That's a good question, because the attribute of God's holiness, it means there's a whiteness, there is a brilliance, and there's some theologians
I've heard down through the years studying this. It's an awfulness. It's not the sense of awful we think.
We think of bad. Awful in a sense of absolutely staggering, breathtaking power of God's beauty.
That's God's beauty is his holiness. His power is his right arm, but God's essence is his holiness.
Now, I'm throwing this out there because everything about God and his attributes of his wisdom, his power, and his mercy, and his grace, and his infinitude, in other words, everything he has is without limits.
So his power is without limits. His mercy is without limits. His compassion is limitless.
Isn't that amazing? You think about these things, it's a wonderful thing that God is God. His wrath, that's one attribute people don't like to talk about, but it's there.
God's wrath and his hatred towards sin, there's no limitation to it. So his infinitude means everything about him has no end to it.
When the scripture says from everlasting to everlasting and die with God, it means from vanishing point to vanishing point.
In other words, it's without bounds. It's without limit. So when we think about God's power, it's no limit to it.
There's no end to it. His love has no end. His power has no end. His wisdom has no end.
And get this, everything about God is absolutely holy and perfect. Now, how can man come to God and say, okay,
I can make my way through heaven by my good works. Forget that. It has to be provided for us.
And God has made the way and he's provided for us in Jesus Christ and he has done it all, beloved.
And that's the gospel. So we're unable to remedy our condition, totally and completely unable because that's why we believe in total depravity.
We are completely helpless and unable to make our way saved or to save ourselves or to make it happen,
I should say. So the gospel comes. The gospel comes and it comes in power and it comes in great force.
And I think the word here would fit. It comes in dunamis. It comes in the dynamite
God is throwing the emphasis on the force rather than the process. And it is the power in that sense that God himself is the source of incredible power and limitless power that can transform us.
Listen to Job. And let's let you know I'm not making this up. Job chapter 42 verse 1 and 2.
Then Job answered the Lord and said, I know that you can do everything and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you.
1 Corinthians 4 .20. The kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
And behind the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God. So much power is incredible.
How much power is behind the gospel? Well God's word gives us that answer. Listen to this. Listen to what the
Bible says. God says God has great power. Psalm 79 .11.
The Bible says God has strong power. Psalm 89 .13. The Bible says that in existence there will be power.
Exodus 15 .6. He has mighty power. In Job 9 .4. He has everlasting power.
In Isaiah 26 .4. He has sovereign power. Romans 9 .21.
And he has effective power. In Isaiah 43 .13.
He has irresistible power in Deuteronomy 32 .39. He has incomparable power in Psalm 89 .8.
He has unsearchable power. In Job 5 .9. He has power.
Now put that together. His power is glorious. It is great.
It is mighty. It is everlasting. It is sovereign. It is effectual. It's irresistible. It's incomparable.
It's unsearchable. And he is power. Jeremiah 10 .12.
It is he who made the earth by his power. Jeremiah 27 .5.
It is I who by my great power in my outstretched arm
I have made the earth. Psalm 33 .8 and 9 says let all the earth fear the
Lord. Fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in all of him for he spoke and it came to be.
What great power. Psalm 62 .11. God has spoken once.
Twice I have heard it. That power belongs to God. Any strength, any power that exists derives from God.
In essence and in submission under his authority you see.
Even what little power Satan has has greater power than us but as an archangel that has rebelled against God what power he has against God, God gave him that power.
But get this. God has all power and can stop him in his tracks any time.
By the same powerful command the Lord maintains the universe. Behind each miracle in the
Bible there is the mighty power of God. And notice the power that Jesus Christ himself demonstrated.
All he had to do was speak the word. Read it for yourself. Go through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. He spoke to the winds.
Peace be still. You see what
I am saying. All he had to do was say the word and it happened.
Isn't it great? Behind each miracle God performed was behind the power.
I am only going to get to one point folks. This may be a four part series. God can part the sea by the breath of his nostrils.
That is what the scripture says. God can bring food from heaven. Man that came from heaven, God did it.
Water can come out of a rock. He said speak to the, he said, one time he was supposed to speak to the rock but he didn't.
He smoked the rock and God got angry with him. In that illustration there, Moses even, the prophet he was, was disciplined from God from entering into the promised land because he disobeyed
God. And he was the meekest man on earth and he got angry and he hit the rock.
Water came out of that rock. Because that rock was a symbol, was a symbol of Christ. God has all power.
God can make the axe head swim in Ezekiel. God can make the donkey speak.
He can make the dumb to speak. He has the power to do all things. Yet the greatest expression of his mighty power is found in the gospel to save us from our sins.
The gospel transforms lives. He is still doing it. It changes their nature. He has changed our nature.
He has given us a new heart. Who can only take a stony heart and make a heart of flesh and write his laws on our hearts?
Only God, through the new birth, to change us for all eternity, for time and eternity.
Psalm 106, 8 and 9, he has saved them for his namesake, scripture says, that he might make known his mighty power.
That's the reason why. The manifestation of his power comes in salvation.
The New Testament presents the same power in Matthew 28, 18. Jesus our Lord says it's all power.
Notice that Jesus said this, all power, all authority is given to me.
He has it, doesn't he? Christ has all power. He had the power to cast out demons, he did it.
He had the power over sickness, he healed them. He had the power over illness, he healed them. He had the power over the universe to provide the needs of his people, he did it.
He had the power to still the storm, as I mentioned earlier, to say, peace be still. The power to walk on the water, he did it.
He has the power over death and he overcame and defeated death. He has the power over hell and the gates of hell will not prevail against this church.
He has the power over the grave, he rose from the grave. He called Lazarus out of the grave by saying,
Lazarus come forth. And I've said this before, you've heard it said, but if Jesus had not called
Lazarus by name, amen. Everybody would have came out of that grave. She's listening.
He gave life to the dead son of widow Maine, of Maine, and he broke up a funeral process, procession as they were coming through with the casket and all
Jesus did was touch it. And that young man came up out of his coffin. I tell you what, it would cause a riot and a ruckus if something like that would have happened, but could you imagine?
That was a funeral procession and Jesus just touched it. And think of it, all the miracles that he performed, they still did not believe him.
He gave life to the daughter of Jairus. He raised himself from the dead. Most of all,
Romans 1 16, he has the power in the gospel unto salvation.
That's the greatest power. It's in the gospel. So he has the power to save to the uttermost to those who come to him.
So there you have it. Power. My time is up. We're going to look at salvation next week.
I'm going to end it right there because it'd be just be too much, but in the gospel is the power of God.
It has the power to save us from our sins. Salvation through Jesus Christ is God's powerful hand, as it were, as he's let down from heaven to lift man up, to reconcile us.
I like to think of it like this, and it's metaphorically because God is spirit, right? But metaphorically speaking,
God has features. He's invisible, but it gives us so we can somehow relate because God is invisible, but he's actually come in flesh in Jesus, right?
The second person of the Godhead. But God is spirit. They that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
But when speaking of God's power, it speaks of God's right arm.
We saw this earlier, didn't we? Look at Isaiah 53. Isaiah 53 1, who has believed our report?
Who has believed our report? Notice what it says. To whom has the arm of the
Lord been revealed? You see that word arm? The arm of the Lord is God's power, and it's in Jesus Christ.
It's in the gospel, and then you read all the rest of that whole wonderful chapter is the person and works of Jesus Christ.
It's all in Christ, and that's what I want to come to a conclusion here.
Salvation brings deliverance from the spiritual infection of this perverse generation.
You and I know the wicked world in which we live. It's not our culture in a sense that makes things depraved.
It's man's evil heart that makes the culture depraved. You get me?
What makes it bad and perverse is the lostness, the depravity, the sin that we are infected with in this world, and the wrath of God abides on all who are outside of Jesus.
So that's what Jesus said. Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
So repentance, and let me quote something from MacArthur. I wrote this down earlier.
I like what he said about repentance. MacArthur says, repentance was and is and always will be the foremost demand of the gospel.
How right he is. Repentance, and let me talk a little bit about repentance.
Believing in faith and repentance go hand in glove.
Scripture says, Jesus says repent and believe the gospel as in Mark chapter 1.
So let me MacArthur again on this. He says repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin.
To repent is to turn from sin, to turn from it, and to believe is to turn to the
Savior. They are inseparable. So you have faith, you have repentance.
And get this, both are a gift from God. Who is able within their own power to turn from sin and turn to God?
No one. That's why we need, and God has provided the gift. He gives us the gift in the gospel, in Jesus.
Later on we're going to look at this that all the righteousness that is necessary to get into heaven and to make us pure and clean and put it to our account by faith.
Imputation means he's put it to our account and it's by faith alone, and by faith alone to take hold of Jesus Christ.
And get this, it's not, when we say Jesus Christ I'm talking about his person and his works.
And we're going to look at that in one of the messages to come when Jesus, at his baptism, remember?
The Father spoke from heaven. The Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove.
People think the Holy Spirit was a dove. No, it was in the form of a dove. Gentleness. But as, and the
Father was all focusing on his Son. This is my beloved Son in whom
I'm well pleased. And then the Holy Spirit came upon him. And when all this was happening at his baptism,
Jesus really didn't need to be baptized because he, there was no reason for him to be cleansed from sin, right?
He was doing it instead of his people. A demonstration, you see?
This is where he was representing us. That's all it means. And in baptism, when we're baptized and saved, right?
The outward ritual is basically saying I'm telling you what's happened here in my heart.
I've died with Christ. I'm buried with Christ. I'm risen with Christ. And it's an outward expression that I'm identifying with Christ and I represent
Christ. That's why it's such a big deal. And plus, Jesus commands it, right? But getting back to that, what did
John, what did Jesus say? Even John said, who am I to baptize you? Well, he knew.
He knew. And Jesus said, suffer it to be so. And what did he say?
This is important scripture and we're going to look at this later on. To fulfill all righteousness.
That's huge. That is huge. Because Jesus's everything that he did in his life was so important for our salvation.
And this is the only righteousness that a holy God will recognize and be satisfied with.
You see? So when we place our trust and faith in Jesus alone, we're placing it not only what he did on the cross.
This is double imputation, folks. Not only on the cross, that's his passive obedience, but his active obedience that we're saved by what he did for us while he lived.
His works. His works. Isn't that wonderful? I tell you what, that's something to make you shout.
It is his works was saved by. A lot of people, it's hard to believe this, but there are people out there that claims to be preachers and they're false teachers.
Don't listen to them. They're basically saying, oh, I'm saved by the death of Christ, but not by his life. You cannot separate the two.
Because that's what Jesus meant when he says, to fulfill all righteousness. So our faith is in the righteousness of Jesus.
And when he dresses us in his righteousness, yes, we're placing our faith in what he did for us.
He died for our sins and we're saved from the wrath to come, but we're also saved by his works.
What he did for us. Let me go back to repentance now.
Act 1730. The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.
Not a suggestion, a command. When Jesus says, repent for the kingdom of God is at hand, or the kingdom of heaven is at hand, he says it's imperative.
You must repent. Just like he said, you must be born again. You must repent.
You must, you must, you must. 2 Corinthians 7 .10, for godly sorrow, godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly sorrow produces death.
God commands repentance. Repent and believe the gospel. MacArthur again says, today sin is called sickness, so people think it requires therapy, not repentance.
So true. That means throw out the gospel of psychology. It ain't gonna work.
Repent and believe the gospel. Repent and believe the gospel. That's man's answer. J .C.
Ryle, one of my favorites. He says, beware of repentance without evidence. Sin forsaking, sin forsaken is one of the best evidence of sin forgiven.
That's strong words, but that's the gospel. The gospel is behind that, and he knew how to write it down.
R .C. Sproul, God himself has supplies the necessary condition to come to Jesus, and that's why it's solely brought by grace alone that we are saved.
Aren't you glad? It has come to us in Jesus. Let me close with this.
Anonymous poet wrote this wonderful, wonderful poem that captures much of the heart of the good news found in the text we heard today.
He says this, oh long and dark the stare I trod, with trembling feet to find my
God, gaining a foothold bit by bit, then slipping back and losing it.
We've all been there, haven't we? Never progressing, striving still, with weakening grasp and faltering will.
Bleeding to climb to God while he serenely smiled and noting me.
Then came a certain time when I loosened my hold and fell thereby.
Down the lowest step my fall, as if I had not climbed at all.
Now when I lay despairing there, listen, a footfall on the stair.
On that same stair where I afraid faltered and fell and lay dismayed.
And lo, when hope had ceased to be, my God came down the stairs.
And there I lay, despairing to me. That's the gospel. God comes to us.
God's provided it all in Jesus. Sin has so blinded and corrupted the human race.
They think it's something that they've got to do. She knows about Catholicism.
That's all they're about. Did I testify right about that? They're all about that. What can
I do? What can I do? What can I do to get to heaven? Then even they have prayers.
Pray people out of purgatory. Pray to St. Clemens and St. this and St. that. Rosary beads.
This is just one system. And that's why it's a cult, because it's all about what you can do to get to heaven.
It's not what Christ has done for you. And that's grace. And we talked about this about a week ago.
And Ben knows. His mother knows. And when a Catholic, a Roman Catholic comes to Christ, they're usually on fire for God, because they get it.
They get it, because all the works and all the human systems doesn't work. And they seek grace.
And that's the way Paul was. Paul was a, he was a very, he was a religious machine. He was a religious fanatic.
But when Jesus knocked him down on the road to Damascus, everything changed. Everything. That's what
Jesus can do. Aren't you glad? Aren't you glad? Let's praise him. Let's pray. Father, we do thank you for the gospel of your
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that has, brings righteousness to us, that has been provided.
We thank you, Father, for your grace that's unmerited favor and that saves us from our sin.
Lord, thank you for repentance that we can even turn from sin. And as your
Word says, Lord, in Ephesians 2, 7 through 9, and that in the ages to come might show the exceeding riches of your grace in his, in your kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
For by grace we've been saved through faith and that not of ourselves.
It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Father, we thank you for your saving power today in Jesus.
We thank you, Father, that it's all been done by your power and what
Jesus has accomplished on the cross and also in his life of all of his works.
So when we place our faith in him, we place our faith in all that he's done in life and in death.