Countering GAE's Agenda Is a Top Priority For Christian Politics

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Welcome back to the channel. Hope you had a good weekend. I had a good weekend. Let's just jump right into it today, shall we?
So one of the reasons that my channel exists is because I feel like I have the ability and the willingness and Just like a talent.
Yeah, I guess you could say for not being ashamed of The beliefs that I have you know what
I mean? Like I I I don't think there's anything to be ashamed of that I believe in Giants like actual real, you know
Not Hakeem Olajuwon like actual Giants that were way up there and made us look like grasshoppers
Like I believe that that was real in our in our history I think we've been fighting Giants for a long time and I have no problem with that And and and you know,
I know I'm suppose there are certain things that evangelical leadership over the last few decades has been really good
At I mean they're bad at a lot of things but they're good at some things and they're they're very good at at kind of Promoting and teaching this kind of like apologetic stance for some of the
Embarrassing beliefs of the Bible and of course if you're just listening to this I put those air quotes there because I don't think any of These are embarrassing but like the embarrassing beliefs of the
Bible like creation or or Giants or you know dragons and things like that Big Eva has taught and promoted and pushed and they've done a great job at this
You know sort of if you want to believe that like some of them they just don't even believe But if you want to believe it
It's kind of like you you you hold it very tentatively very like there's no zeal behind it and and you're kind of sorry that You believe it like like that.
That's something that they've been really good at and they've It's kind of like a just an attitude of shame that a lot of Christians have about some of their you know
Non -respectable beliefs, and I think that you know we kind of see this you know in different ways like I if you remember that That interview that Matt Chandler did with I think it was vice.
It was one of these pagan organizations and The whole interview he's just it's he's obviously ashamed of his beliefs now good for him
He still believes some of the things he has to believe and so at least there's he gets some credit for that But he's just almost it's almost like You he doesn't say it in words, but you can tell
I'm sorry This is what the Bible says like it's just that's the attitude that a lot of people have embraced, and I think
What we've seen in the last few years is that? Many evangelicals have taken that attitude with regards to a global homo homosexuality
It's like you know it's almost like even even the most zealous among us. You know It's like oh, it's a lost cause
I guess we're all gay now. You know what I mean and and and and And you know the focus
I think for a lot of evangelicals is not so much the gay stuff But more abortion and and rightfully so I mean abortion is the biggest travesty that That we're engaged in from a justice perspective.
I mean the fact that that babies can be killed with impunity is is It's just it's just hard to even wrap your mind around it like we use euphemisms for it because We are we don't it's just too dark for us to think that that in our country like baby murder is celebrated baby killing babies is promoted and celebrated and and pushed and it's it's gonna be a
Fundamental human right at some point in our country, and it's just hard to even think about it, so we use euphemisms for it
But but I'm here to tell you that that the homosexuality stuff global homo and the push for homosexual dominance in our culture
That's it's it in my opinion. It's it's not as important as abortion, but it's right there. It's like really close
It's almost the same thing you should have as much vigor opposing the homosexual agenda as you do opposing
Abortion it is an evil of that magnitude of that order And and I think that if you read the
Bible, and you just read it. You know what I mean You're not looking for excuses. You're not looking for You know clever sounding ways to get around what it says if you just read it you can see how how high a how high of a position
God puts You know families and the family unit you know in fact in fact in God's system and God's governmental system
The family is the primary unit not not the state the family is and so the institution of what a family is
And and how that's put together and how God invented what a family is and what they're supposed to do in the different parts of it
This is fundamental to the existence of a human of what it is to be a human being if you're not
If you're not doing it that God's way Then there's a certain way that you're almost dehumanizing yourself and and the global homo movement
Dehumanizes people that that's what it does homosexuality Dehumanizes people we see the importance that God places on the family from the very beginning you know
Genesis chapter 1 We know this God created man in his own image in the image of God.
He created him male and female He created them and God blessed them and God said to them
Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it have Dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heavens and over every living creature that moves on the earth
God this is this is written into creation itself. It's one of the focuses of why he created
He wanted to bring male and female together, and why did he do that? I mean if you listen to evangelical sermons
They come up with all kinds of other reasons why God did that But they don't focus on the actual reason that God did that and what the actual reason
God did that is so that we would Be fruitful and multiplying I remember I heard an evangelical kind of you know
You know gay adjacent pastor say that that children were not the a primary focus of a primary reason for marriage
That's just simply not true This is what the book of Malachi said did he not make them one with a portion of the
Spirit in their union? He's talking about marriage the husband and a wife the the covenant between a husband and a wife He says did not did he not make them one with a portion of the
Spirit in their union, and what was God seeking? godly offspring What was
God seeking by making them one in that covenant bringing male and female together husband and wife together in covenant?
What was God doing that for? We don't have to guess the Bible tells us specifically what God was doing that for that he was doing that for godly offspring
And here's the thing. It's like like when you dehumanize yourself, and you embrace this homosexual lifestyle
It doesn't it doesn't end there because it's such a it's such a fundamentally inhuman thing to do
To to say well, you know I know that the that God instituted this this unit of government
Where the whole point was so that you know we would be unselfish that we would we would come together in a covenant?
We become one flesh and then raise godly offspring for God because that's the whole point of this union godly offspring
When you refuse to acknowledge that and you want to do your own thing you you think maybe the union has a different point like I don't know expressing your love or something stupid like that if that's if that's what you think you're dehumanizing yourself
You're not acting the way a human ought to act But it's it's never gonna be isolated to that right and this is kind of what we're seeing you know
I don't know probably a lot of people in my in my audience. Don't watch TV I don't really watch a whole lot of TV either, but recently the
Mets were in the playoffs and my father purchased a YouTube TV plan and he wanted to share it with us so we could watch a few of the
Met you know the Mets games that were For the playoffs in any case so so we still have that you know
I was just thumbing through it the other day Just to see what was on and I there was a there's a Christmas movie on so I I popped it on like a kid's
Christmas movie, but it's still something that an adult could enjoy I popped it on and It was just me there.
It wasn't like the kids weren't there or anything, but it's a kid's movie And you know it went to commercial break because you know that's what
TV is like that's why nobody watches TV anymore I went to a commercial break and If you guys have watched sports that then you know that that there's propaganda in the commercials
And it's pretty intense right like when you watch like a football game or something You know you have to always endure just tons of gay propaganda in the commercials in between you know snaps
For kids shows The propaganda is like ten times more intense
And maybe you don't know that because you probably don't watch TV, and if you if you watch TV You don't watch TV with your kids.
I didn't know this until recently the propaganda for Kids shows in the commercials the gay propaganda
Promoting unions that cannot bear fruit even though God says the Union is in order to bear fruit
Promoting unions that that fundamentally dehumanize you Even though God obviously
You know created the world so that you could honor him right and and it be a human fully in honoring him
This is promoted to your children Way more than it's promoted to you way more intensely way more more overtly and even more disgustingly in my opinion
This is a major issue because it doesn't ever end There it doesn't ever end with like okay
Well, I'm gonna have sex with my boyfriend And that's just kind of where my immorality is gonna end if there's any lesson that that we can get from the the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, it's that it doesn't end there
It's it's at the depravity once you once you dehumanize yourself you do you dehumanize yourself, and then there's no semblance of humanity left
If you let it go unchecked if God doesn't do something to restrain the evil. There's no there's no there's nothing to stop it
There's no there's no Breaks on that train you know once you've rejected God at a fundamental point and my argument here
Is that the gay marriage thing that's a fundamental point of?
Thumbing your nose at God at middle finger at God that is a reject complete rejection of God when you embrace something that is so Fundamental to what it is to be a human
There's no breaks on that train every evil under the Sun will be promoted every evil under the
Sun will be Pursued and so we need to nip that in the bud there is everything good about Standing against every single form of the homosexual agenda every single form
Not only should they not have the right to get married not only should they not have any kind of conjugal rights whatsoever because no
Such thing could exist. I mean it for it to exist God would have had to invent it and God invented no such thing
Not only should they not have that stuff, but homosexuality should be suppressed by it by the force of the law absolutely
It should that is something that there's everything good about that There's everything holy about that everything righteous about that everything just about that and so not only should we be opposing the the the the
Advances of the homosexual agenda has made but once we've done that we should also suppress homosexuality with the force of the law
According to the law of God. There's everything right about that and you should not be ashamed of it. You should not and So the whole idea of like Republicans gathering to celebrate gay rights
You know Trump saying we're gonna fight for gay rights all of that that that is that is at the level
I don't think it's quite at the exact same level, but it's right there. Here's abortion
And here's global homo. This is this there. It's it's it's a fundamental issue.
It's not a small issue It's not you know, it's just what I know, you know win some you lose some it's not like that It is so fundamental to what it is to be a human to honor
Christ to do any of these things That it has to be fought with the same zeal the same vigor that you would fight against abortion
It should be a litmus test if you're pro global homo, that should be a no -brainer You don't vote for someone like that.
If you're pro gay rights, that should be a no -brainer. You don't vote for someone like that There's everything right about that There's nothing to be ashamed of Nothing at all doesn't matter how much the movies that you watch shame you the commercials that you watch your friends your family
It doesn't matter if they think you should be ashamed. There is nothing shameful about doing what
God says nothing in any case That's really all I have to say today. Sorry for the serious video, but you know
Sometimes you have to do these kind of things. I just I couldn't believe when I saw the commercials that were promoted to children I just could not believe it.
Maybe it maybe I'm just naive. Maybe I just didn't know what was going on I admit I didn't I don't watch TV It's gross bro, it's gross in any case hope you found this video helpful.