Steven Furtick On Abortion, Homosexuality, And Transgenderism!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So it has been a while since we've done a video on Stephen Furtick, so I've decided that today is the day to revisit his ministry.
Yes, I've made quite a few videos on him in my time, but this one I think is still seriously eye -opening, and I don't think you're going to want to miss this.
For this video, I took the liberty of investigating what Stephen Furtick's beliefs are regarding the issues of homosexuality, transgenderism, and abortion.
The results of my research are quite shocking. But first, let's establish something very important. Pastors, those who lead the
Church, well they have a moral imperative, a responsibility, to call out major sins in the culture.
And in a broader sense, they actually are responsible to call out all sin in general. Some of the most obviously anti -biblical practices in our modern context are abortion, transgenderism, and homosexuality.
Therefore, if someone has been a pastor for many years, especially a famous pastor, they should be clearly seen publicly rebuking these dangerous and sinful practices.
In Romans chapter 1, Paul directly calls out the sinful culture with a list of sins that are prevalent in it.
In fact, in Romans 1, 28 -30, Paul says the following, This kind of listing and condemning of sins happens several times in Paul's writings.
So it follows, then, that any pastor worth his salt, any pastor who wants to follow the clear pattern of Scripture, must rebuke the popular sins of their culture and not be afraid to do so.
After all, James 4 .4 says that whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
The pastor does not seek to appease the world and pander to the sinful culture, no.
They boldly and lovingly rebuke this culture, and they call the people in it to repent and submit to Christ.
Without clearly calling out sin, there's really no way to illustrate one's need for the Gospel. And that is why
Jesus began His ministry saying in Matthew 3, 2, very appropriately, He said repent, that's what
He started with. So with all of that said, Stephen Furtick says that he's a pastor, and a lot of people mistakenly think that he's a good one.
So let's see what Stephen Furtick actually thinks about issues that the culture and Christianity happen to disagree on.
Let's see what Stephen Furtick thinks about issues like abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism.
And let's start with the issue of abortion. We know that abortion is a grievous sin as Christians. Psalm 139, verse 13 says,
You knitted me together in my mother's womb. This shows us God's active role in forming a human child in the womb.
Exodus 20, verse 13 says, And this verse shows us the serious sin that occurs when we take the life of an innocent person wickedly.
It follows then that abortion is a horrible sin that the culture is committing at an alarming rate. Surely the question of what any particular evangelical
Christian megachurch pastor thinks about abortion should be readily available on the internet, right?
Well not in the case of Stephen Furtick. You see, I went on Google and I looked up, quote, Stephen Furtick on abortion, end quote.
And there was not a single clear condemnation of this practice in all of his teaching that I could find.
There is no well -documented, readily available official statement on abortion anywhere that I could see.
But if you, the viewer, do the same research that I did, and I invite you to do so, you may find some vague references to condemning abortion in a sermon series that Stephen Furtick gave in 2009.
That sermon series is called Cowtipping, and it was basically a sermon series in which Furtick reportedly made definitive statements against things like homosexuality and abortion.
And I was very excited to see this, so I tried to find the series online. I looked up, quote, Stephen Furtick Cowtipping Sermon Series, end quote.
That's a very specific search that should get a very specific result, right? Well, wrong. I could not find this sermon series anywhere online.
All I could find was a vague reference to the series on a super old blog post made by Holly Furtick, that's
Stephen Furtick's wife. In this blog post, there was a link to the sermon series which I promptly clicked. And lo and behold, the link took me to the
Elevation Church website. But the content had been removed. It was as if this sermon series had been wiped off the internet completely.
And what's even more suspicious is the fact that this sermon had clearly been posted on the Elevation Church website, but was purposely removed later on.
But hold that thought and let's try another easy topic, the issue of homosexuality. I looked up Stephen Furtick on homosexuality, and of course, there was again no easily accessible clear statement made by him on the issue.
The only reference to it was in the very same Cowtipping Sermon Series that had been conveniently scrubbed from their website.
And then I looked up, quote, Stephen Furtick on transgenderism, end quote. And can you guess what happened?
Once again, I was confronted with endless search results, and none of them was any kind of clear, well -documented, official statement from Furtick condemning this sinful ideology.
Not even a single quote from a single book or sermon. So here was the conclusion of my findings, ladies and gentlemen.
A pastor is responsible for confronting worldly things that are at odds with Christianity. Indeed, all sins are fundamentally at odds with Christian living.
And the common cultural sins of our age definitely include, but are not limited to, abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism.
And they are particularly grievous sins as well. But despite all of this, there is not one clear statement from Stephen Furtick that can be found rebuking any of these sins.
And what's worse is that the only sermon series that seems to deal with any of these topics was given all the way back in 2009, which was 13 years ago at the time of filming this video.
And those sermons were ever so conveniently removed from the Elevation Church website, and really, from the internet at large.
So I wonder what the motivation could possibly have been for that. Why were they removed? Well, I'm totally guessing here,
I'll admit that, but my assumption, based on my research and based off of what I've seen in Stephen Furtick's ministry, is that Furtick didn't want those sermons to remain online because they are offensive, and because the opinions shared in those sermons make it really hard to grow your church.
Again, that's just an assumption. Don't take it as a fact. You can offer whatever alternative explanation you want, but whatever your view happens to be, one thing you cannot do is make a good case that Stephen Furtick is offering robust biblical teaching at his church, especially on controversial issues that strike at the heart of our very sinful culture.
You cannot suggest to me that Furtick is willing to shoot straight about these things, because he has purposely removed every straight answer he's ever given on this stuff.
This kind of man -centered, culture -appeasing ministry, it may be popular with the world, but it certainly isn't biblical.
Second Timothy 4 .2 commands pastors to, quote, "...preach the Word, be ready in season and out of season, reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching," end quote.
A pastor's teaching should have, at least in part, a willingness to rebuke sin. But Stephen Furtick's ministry does not model this in any way.
Elevation Church is virtually silent on every single issue that may get in the way of growing their church.
And I don't think that's a mere coincidence, ladies and gentlemen. I think it's a fruit of a ministry that has the wrong focus.
It's sad, it's disingenuous, and it's unbiblical. So let's sincerely pray that Stephen Furtick and Elevation Church would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.