That 5th Commandment


Sunday school from November 12th, 2017


All right, grab a Bible something to write with We're going to be in the book of Exodus.
We're gonna be taking a close look at the fifth commandment today. You shall not murder and Let's begin with prayer
Lord Jesus again, we come to open up your word We ask that you would send your spirit your your word is so clear that we cannot understand your word apart from the working of The spirit so send your spirit so that we may rightly understand it
Properly understand what we are to believe confess and to do we ask in Jesus name. Amen So we're in Exodus Exodus chapter 20 remember we did a little bit of an excursion into first Samuel in the opening part of 2nd
Samuel and this was all that was all predicated by our in -depth study of the fourth commandment and the doctrine of the kingdom and we've properly understood then that in relation to the in relation to the fourth commandment that God has ordered society in a particular way and that Obeying the fourth commandment involves
Well, it involves paying attention to your employers and put your fathers your mothers and things of that nature the fifth commandment as we continue to look at what
God has revealed to the children of Israel as they are camped at the base of Mount Sinai the fifth commandment is
You shall not murder now a little bit of a note here and That is the text is very clear that we shall not murder and it doesn't say you shall not kill in general if your translation says you shall not kill that's
Not exactly a proper understanding of what this text is forbidding for instance
Let me ask you a question Did David not Pave the bridal price for McCall with 200
Forskins of the Philistines and we noted that Philistines do not give those things up willingly
Okay, that's just kind of how that works. And so that meant 200 dead
Philistines. Did David not kill? He did Okay, so it's important for us to understand that the prohibition in the fifth commandment is you shall not murder
When a soldier goes to war and a soldier kills
Other soldiers the enemy soldiers. Is that soldier sinning in doing soldiering work?
No, I'm gonna have to say it this way not necessarily and You'll note that our u .s.
Military is under the Department of Defense it is not under the
Department of Land acquisition right if the
United States decided that it was going to Declare war against Canadia.
Those are where the Canadians are from And and decided that for whatever reason we really wanted
Quebec and Manitoba and British Columbia and that we're just dying to have more snow in our nation.
That would be a war for the purpose of land acquisition and that would be a war of aggression and in a situation like that I do not personally believe that we could participate in such a war
And that to obey the government in such a thing would be not something conducive to Christian sanctification
And I am saying this as a fellow who has several great uncles who
Whose gravesites are somewhere in Russia? because they fought for Nazi Germany and My great
Grandmother I think she had what 18 children 10 of them boys
Six of them died on the Russian front Fighting for Nazi Germany and The reality of the situation is
I cannot come up with a single biblical justifiable reason why anybody Should as a
Christian fight for such a deplorable Cause as Nazism, right?
So we have to make a decision, you know, and we Christians we talk about the difference between Just war an unjust war a war of aggression as opposed to a war of defense
Now in relation to the United States of America, did we start World War two?
No, how did we get involved? For Harvard we were attacked In fact, the
United States went out of its way to stay out of that conflict as much as possible In fact at the time there were a lot of outspoken people
You think of Charles Lindbergh? You know, this is the fellow who flew across the Atlantic in the spirit of st.
Louis This is a fellow who dedicated much of his time prior to the war Arguing that we should not be involved in that war and there was you know
Getting getting the people in the United States on board to be a part of that war was a very tricky thing
Until we were attacked and you think well the Japanese attacked us How come we fought the
Nazis answer because as soon as we declared war against Japan the
Nazis and the Italian fascist government of Mussolini at the declared war in the
United States and So now we were in a defensive war and it's weird for us to think of it in these terms but when somebody is soldiering and defending our freedoms and They are killing in order to fulfill their duty as a soldier.
They are not doing they're not sinning They're doing a good work it's
Strange to think in these terms, but such is the weird
Problems that we find ourselves in caused by our own sin and the curse that we are under So when we pray for our soldiers each and every
Sunday You'll notice that I don't have any qualms praying for our soldiers nor do
I if you find You know if I were to see some fellow in in uniform, I would never tell him you are a
Christian You need to get out of the military Now I understand that the the movie hacksaw
Ridge was about a fellow who had you know Believed that the Bible forbade him from from killing and so he was a conscientious objector
And it's a very fascinating story that even in the midst of the horrors of war This guy could not go against his conscience now granted.
He had misread the scriptures He really had but in in that particular case his conscience not rightly understanding the scriptures did not permit him to hold a weapon and to kill the
Japanese and God and his providence Used this fellow to save a bunch of soldiers.
So it's an interesting historical story in that sense But there clearly is no biblical prohibition against being in the military conversely, also the scriptures do not forbid us from defending ourselves and Even defending ourselves with lethal force if necessary and you think back a few weeks
What happened a few weeks ago a few weeks ago that church in Texas that fellow came in who should not have had a firearm he had a firearm and he gunned down all those people in church and I can tell you in talking with other pastors from around the country and Participating in some online discussions that there are a lot of people that live in states that now
They you know, I talked with one gal in Oklahoma that in their church they have somebody who is the designated gunman and this is somebody whose job is to conceal carry a
Loaded firearm and sit at a place strategically within the church that they have an eye on the back door
You know and so the question then is is that you know If we find ourselves in a situation where we have an active shooter at Kongsvinger would would a member of Kongsvinger be sinning?
To pull a firearm and defend us from being murdered answer. No. Yes Okay Do you see the irony here because what's your boat designed to do?
Yeah, and in people who are conscientious objectors, they have to kind of sort that out themselves and Although I'll point out that they're not rightly understanding
Scripture, they're they're they're improperly understanding this commandment When somebody does that you don't
Ramrod the truth down their throat and waterboarding with them You have to let the Word of God work in them for them to sit there and go.
Oh, whoa. Whoa I totally misunderstood that and we get this from the epistles specifically in regard to eating meat the sacrifice to an idol and And also is in regards to what we drink
The Apostle Paul is very clear that although we have the freedom to do such things
So we do not exercise our freedom in a way that would destroy the conscience or the faith of a fellow believer
And so in a situation like that if you have a friend who is a conscientious objector The idea is you you work with that person to help them understand
God's Word But you don't push them to go against their conscience until God's Word opens their eyes to the truth that they've misunderstood it
Yeah, exactly exactly and so that what was funny is is he didn't even see the irony of the whole situation
He was and he was willing to guard the boat, but the boat itself is one ginormous weapon
It's designed for one purpose and it is not deep -sea exploration
Yeah now that Los Angeles class sub yeah Okay, yeah, yeah those subs are designed to do one thing kill
Think destroy No, they're not you guys were not playing shuffleboard on the
Lido deck, so All right. Yeah, so you'll notice him that you know, there's there's clearly he doesn't see the issue
So scripture then tells us you shall not murder, yes
Yeah Right, they weren't they weren't
SS Yeah Didn't even know
Yeah, so this this gets into a thorny bit of history Where do you draw the line?
I'm gonna be blunt The German people knew what they were getting into with Adolf Hitler if you read
Mein Kampf, he made it very clear what his goals were and With his ascendancy to power there was nobody in Germany that could
Legitimately say I had no idea It's a lie in Mein Kampf, he makes it very clear what his grand vision is for the
Aryan race and for the German people and How he wanted, you know, basically
Elbow room, you know room for you know for the German people in the Aryan race and his hatred of the
Jews was was put on Display for all the world to see now granted there were some
Germans who thought this guy is a crazy guy no one would ever elect him and It's fascinating that if you study the history of Germany at the time how many?
intellectuals Seeing the handwriting on the wall and where Germany was heading and How the
Nazi Party was gaining more and more power and influence within Germany. What did they do they left?
Albert Einstein was among them they left The reality of the situation is is that the
German people knew what they were getting into they knew what they were electing They knew what his plan was because this was not something said in secret.
It was written in a best -selling book all right, and So where they should have put their foot down was at long before he came into power now
The average German citizen doesn't have the money and things like that to leave at this point
But they should have fought against him and many of them if you talk to them They would have said if we had spoken out
We would have been arrested and shot To which I Say then let them arrest you and shoot you you are to obey
God not man and believe me when I tell you the worst thing that can happen to you is not that somebody shoots you or that you end
Up in a concentration camp and die That's not the worst thing that can happen to you the worst thing that can happen to you is
That the king of glory says to you depart into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and all of his angels.
I Fear Jesus far more than I would fear any Adolf Hitler or anybody like him we
Yeah, but they were sheep and so sheep doing what sheep do it think in coming up with some ways of justifying it
Then that's what they did. They end up justifying it and you look at what happens to the German people after World War two
I yeah, I would recommend right reading the writings of a felon by the name of vague line V o e g l i n e and Vague line.
This is a fellow who really understood what the German people were doing. Their excuse was this guy was a madman
We had no idea to which vague line says that's garbage
Yeah, they're basically saying they're the victims of a madman. No They elected that madman because that madman
Reflected what they wanted and desired for themselves and the desires were evil and They got swept up in a whole movement of evil and they are culpable for their sins and the sins of their leaders
Yeah There were those that resisted but Right Yeah, and there were pastors
Herman Sasse being most notable Lutheran pastor Herman Sasse he was he fought against and resisted what the what the
Germans were doing because it crept into the church and if you If you read about what was called the
Deutsche Christian movement or the Deutsche Kirche movement in at the time of the
Nazis Literally, they would replace the altar crosses with swastikas
Could you imagine getting rid of our cross off that altar and putting a swastika up instead and They not suffide
Christianity indeed judaized Christianity and We're teaching that they had their own
Aryan version of the gospel in their own Aryan version of Christianity for their community
Such rank idolatry you cannot as a Christian participate in such things and Over and again
You'll see this that oftentimes all it takes for evil to take over a society is for people who know the truth to stay tight -lipped
To sit there and say if I speak up I will die
You probably will but God requires you to speak up He absolutely does so where they should have drawn.
The line is long before Hitler came to power Because what the Nazis were was not hidden They were quite vocal about what they wanted what their goals were what their plans were
Again, if you're not sure read Mein Kampf None of this was in for the for the
German people to say we had no idea and there's a concentration camp, you know
Half a mile outside of their village We had no idea hog wash
They knew exactly what was going on No and We're way off topic but while we're on it, let's talk about it
Okay In our day there is a rise of white supremacists and and anti -semites
You can find them online. They are part of a group that is known as the alt -right the alt -right and They are the opposite and equal heretical reaction to Liberal social justice warrior types and you kind of have to kind of kind of think of this this way
They are the flip side of a bad coin. Both of them are wrong They are you know, they're there one is the yin to the others yang and so in the in the liberal world
You have the liberal social justice warrior types and you can hear this and read this in their rhetoric
Where they say that white people are the scourge of humanity That's the alt -left on the flip side of it is the alt -right and the alt -right
Says no why you know, it's okay to be white and they are literally mimicking and Reciting the same rhetoric that was occurring in the in the 20th century
Saying that the Jews have all this power over our monetary system and over the world and that they're there
They're a scourge of humanity and that we have to be our own people.
We it's we are white We've got to remain white and that we're the pure race and all this kind of stuff. Both of them are complete evil and Unfortunately, I hate to say this that the rise of this really
Vodka, it's like overtly evil on both sides left and right it is growing by leaps and bounds dangerously, so And it's funny do the parallel work in history
It was this exact rhetoric that led to the rise of the Nazis and so we're seeing it there's a resurgence of it in our day and it is wicked beyond all belief and There's no way
I mean seriously if there's somebody here Who claims to be a good penitent believer in Jesus Christ and a good and a member in good standing and they are harboring these?
beliefs That you know that the whites are the pure race and that Jews are evil and all this kind of stuff
We would move against that person in church discipline and if they didn't repent they would find themselves out of here
There is no way on earth That as a Christian pastor, I could tolerate somebody who's harboring that kind of murderous hatred in their heart towards their brothers and neighbors
Oh Yeah, they do so denying the Holocaust is a big part of this and so when it comes to this alt politics alt left and alt right
One of the big things they have is these conspiracy theories. Okay, the alt -right denies that not only the
Holocaust they deny That that the United States actually put men on the moon.
I'm not making this up No, they they believe that Stanley Kubrick that Stanley Kubrick was the one that actually put men on the moon actually
You he's the director behind all of the footage of men on the moon and That this was all some elaborate ruse on the part of the government and that's a vital part of their narrative
Because the Holocaust didn't really happen. That was a fictitious. That was fiction. The moon shots didn't really happen
That's a fiction the the attack against New York City on 9 -11
That was a false flag event and so the I a big part of this has to do with this big conspiracy of the
Illuminati and these you know and this this Jewish cabal who's got control of the world and they're the ones who are controlling the media and the narrative and that What we we think is actually going on is all just a
Deception that what's really going on. We don't see and so this the design then is to create this suspicion towards all of the current
Western governments believe that they're actually there's puppet masters behind them that are
Jewish and That in order to be a good patriot you need to be a white supremacist and fight against the
Jewish influence Behind what's going on because they are they are Manufacturing the news in history and what's really going on.
They're keeping from you. That's this that's a big part of their narrative. Oh Yeah, yeah
So, I mean seriously, I don't have anybody who would buy into this couldn't sleep at night. Yeah. Yeah Yeah Yeah Right, have you have you have you ever been in a part of the
United States where there is a large cattle ranch? Yeah, how many miles out of Sioux City do you begin to smell that?
Yeah Yeah, yeah, you don't have to be
Yeah, you can smell momaha right so yeah The Germans who say we had no idea are not telling the truth
The stench from the concentration camps was overpowering and One thing
I know about wind is that sometime the wind comes from the north? sometimes it comes from the south sometimes it comes from the east and other times it blows from the west and Whatever is happens to be in the wind
You can kind of smell it and I've if I've even noticed this in town that this is only what my fourth year here
You know, I've been here for three years now I've been to my fourth that there's a smell in the in the fall that kind of tells you that the harvest is right around The corner you can smell it if the winds are coming from this area into town
It's like I can say oh that smells like it's about time to harvest these crops right
So I refuse to believe that somebody with just one or two miles outside of their town a concentration camp
Which is a factory of death? That they had they couldn't smell it They had no idea that nobody was out wander on a walk in the and saw the fences and this is just nonsense
This is what people tell themselves in order to somehow give themselves an absolution
Rather than say, yep. I knew and I did nothing about it. That's the thing. They couldn't bring themselves to saying yeah
We are going to be when we are the Supreme Nation of Oregon and supported him through that.
Yep. Okay, so they It was What Yeah, and and and the people who are survived to this day
They were very young when they were swept up into this They will talk about those days, you know before the horrors of the war really kind of set in That's like the the pinnacle moment in their life.
They were happy. They had a vision they had They knew where they fit in the community in the in the
Volkermine shop. And and it for them that these were glory days and And some of them actually wanted to figure out how to kind of bring them back which is frightening and scary all in of itself
Yeah Preach the word rather than Yep, you probably would have had the resistance.
Yes, the few who did do that Yeah Pastor in 1939 first Christian martyr pastor
Yeah Yeah yeah, so if If message to the pastors out there you preach the truth, even if preaching the truth will cost you your life
Period You know, there's nothing that this world can offer me
Nothing that this world can offer me Not comforts not luxuries not houses or cars or whatever
That compares with what's coming when Christ returns All of this is going away
I mean seriously you think I'm gonna sit there and keep my mouth shut So that I could enjoy ten years of living in luxury.
You've got to be kidding me, right? That's right
Yeah That's right yeah, and I confess that Being put in a concentration camp and being starved to death or being shot or that's going to be uncomfortable and painful so Be it
All right. Let's take a look at our text then All of that was preface that maybe not
Mm -hmm Yes, you have to protect your neighbor and this will talk about this but this does not this does not include
Like say you're working on a construction site, you know And you and your buddy are putting up a wall and or you may be working on the roof or whatever
And your buddy says hey Could you toss a hammer down to me sure sure hair catch and he misses it and it bonks him on the head and he dies
All right, that's that's that's just manslaughter and then and scripture actually makes a difference
Between an accidental death as opposed to a death that is caused where it's premeditated murder or it's negligence on your part and for instance
You can be stoned to death if you know that you have you own a bull and your bull is ornery
You know uncontrollable and is known to goring people and yet you didn't fence it in properly and your bull gets out
And it kills somebody you're guilty of murder in that sense scripture makes that clear Yeah, I remember them
Yes, yeah and That's those are tough decisions to make
I remember the LA riots I was in college at the time and one of the stories that kind of came out at that time was
There was parts of Koreatown where things were so volatile that that was one of the places where the police had pulled back and they had decided that they would
Not be involved and the store owners in Koreatown Their stores were not looted
Why because those guys got on their roofs and they had firearms and anybody who would come their way
They would fire a warning shot at him and then shoot to kill if it was necessary they they used deadly force to protect their the property in their in their bodies and That was kind of a pocket of that.
But yeah, this it's I mean a riot is a That's that's a living and dangerous thing volatile to say the least
So All right. Let's take a look. You shall not murder.
You shall not murder I'm gonna use this the catechism or the helps in the catechism to help us out here in the small catechism
Luther writes what does this mean and I love what
Luther writes because you're gonna note that with the negative Commandments There's also a positive expectation you when you flesh it out in Scripture.
You can see this We should fear and love God Luther writes so that we do not hurt or harm our neighbor in his body
But help and support him in every physical need So it's not enough that I haven't plunged a knife into Don Matheson's chest today
And I know he's happy that I chose not to do that There's always tomorrow
Yeah Yeah, so Mark and I will be working against you Don moving forward You have not fulfilled this
Commandment unless you have also said of your neighbor and this is not neighbor just reserved for Christians You're gonna see that this revolve this involves everybody who is created by God Who is a son of Adam or a daughter of Eve whether they are your brother in Christ or they are your mortal enemy?
That does not matter That not murdering Includes then looking out for their physical well -being especially in times of trouble and need especially in times of trouble and need and So that's the idea.
We have to physically care for each other so if Don loses his job and Don is at the brink of Not being able to pay his bills not able to feed his wife not able to meet his own needs
Not murdering means us saying Don We're gonna raise a collection to help you so that you your physical needs are taken care of.
That's the idea The fifth commandment requires this of us so a
Good example of this and You're gonna know this. This is a complicated text.
We're gonna take a look at Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 and a parable that is often really really
Misunderstood, but it's also quite instructive in several different ways It's the parable of the
Good Samaritan And I would like to remind you of the context of that Jesus tells this parable in and the context is this is that in first century
Judea although they were under the Roman occupation at the time. They were part of the
Roman Empire by conquest The Jews did not get along with Samaritans, it's kind of one of the subtext of the
Gospels, you know, let's just say The Samaritans were the remnants of what was left of the northern kingdom they had
Intermingled with unbelievers and idolaters and had set up their own place of worship and Jews and Samaritans did not get along at all and I will say this quite bluntly
You can see it very clear in Scripture that the Jews at that time engaged in a form of racism That is akin to how whites treated
African -americans before the time of the civil rights movement They had disparaging racial effortless that they would call them
They treated them very poorly and the hostility between the two was quite
Well over the line, in fact if Jews found themselves in a situation where it was
Necessary for them to travel through Samaria they were instructed by the
Pharisees that as soon as they got to the border of Samaria and Israel they were to shake the
Samaritan dust off their feet and to not pollute the land of Israel with Samaritan dirt that I mean that's what we're talking about here and With that you'll kind of see the scandal then of what happens in this because over and again the vast majority of the parables that Jesus tells
Jesus is in the parable. He's one fellow or another in the parable and so in this particular parable
Jesus shows up and Jesus shows up in this parable as the
Samaritan I Scandalous if you think about it, but the story begins a lawyer stood up and see that's you see this sounds like a joke
But no, it's not You know, this is proof that lawyers are evil but and accountants
I'm just saying alright, so a lawyer stood up to put Jesus to the test saying teacher
What shall I do to inherit eternal life? I feel like at this point Jesus should have asked this attorney
Where did you go to law school? You clearly don't understand how probate works, right? This I mean, what must
I do to inherit eternal life? We talked about this in the sermon today What must you do to inherit something?
Nothing wait for the fellow to die and then the will is read out and you're given the inheritance.
It's kind of that simple So he's thinking he's got to do something in order to inherit eternal life
Which means theologically this guy's all screwed up now watch what Jesus done does then is is that?
This fellow is an attorney So he thinks in terms of the loss of Jesus does the rabbinic thing and he answers his question with a question
What is written in the law? How do you read it? he answered You shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength in all your mind
And your neighbor as yourself Real quick question. How many of you are doing that? All all all all right
And So Jesus said to him, all right, you've answered correctly do this and you will live is he doing it
No, not even close the text makes that very clear Verse 29, but he desiring to justify himself and as the mechanic would say well, there's your problem right there
Yeah, that's the reason why your car won't start Yeah, but wanting to To justify himself.
He said to Jesus You can almost hear the snark. Who's my neighbor? Who's my neighbor?
All right so Jesus replied a
Man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. He fell among robbers who stripped him beat him and Departed leaving him half dead
That's you that's me All right You have to think of these highwaymen as the devil and his demon horde and this is their attack against us now in this particular case
It says half dead and the reason why is because the parable doesn't work if the guy is fully dead because nobody knows CPR At this point, so we can't exactly bring him back from the dead
But the reality is is each of us is born dead and trespasses and sins we have been severely beaten
By the devil and You're gonna note also kind of an important thing is the geography comes into play here
Jerusalem is at a higher elevation than Jericho So in order to travel from Jerusalem to Jericho, you have to go down a windy road
Down down down down down, you know You ever been like on like a tour bus that went on one of these mountain roads
Maybe in the Rockies or something like that Oh man, like your heart stops like you turn a corner you can't see the road below you but you know, thankfully the bus driver can but you look out the window and all you see is
Right, yeah, that's kind of what it's like traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. How do I know this other people's vacation photos just that's my standard answer, right?
So here we've got this fellow Beaten bleeding half -dead
By chance a priest was going down which means he's traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho Down that road when he saw him
He passed by on the other side Okay Why would he do that?
Well, it's a little more than just being bothered He might that may be the case, but he's got a he's got a
Torah reason why he wouldn't Not no, we don't know anything about the nationality of the person who's been
He that's right. If the fellows dead What happens to a
Jew if he comes in contact with the with a corpse? He's unclean and it's seven days and there's this washing ceremonies and all this kind of stuff and he's a priest
So if he comes in contact with the corpse, I mean, I don't know the fellow He doesn't look like he's a member of my family. I'm not gonna let myself become unclean for some stranger
You know if he's dead so here this guy is alive, but He won't you know, this guy doesn't want to become unclean.
So he has no mercy for him at all Doesn't even call 911 just passes by on the other side next a
Levite okay, Levite means he hasn't he's Not doing his priestly duty, but he could when he came to the place.
He saw him also pass by on the other side but a
Samaritan now to kind of understand the gist of what Jesus is saying here
It would be like if Jesus was down in Alabama, and it's the 1950s before the
Civil Rights Movement really gets rolling down in Alabama and the attorney happens to be practicing law down in Birmingham and rather than saying
Samaritan Jesus uses the n -word and a neat comes by That's the gist of how scandalous this is so Jesus says but a
Samaritan as He journeyed came to where he was and when he saw him he had compassion
And you'll note here over and again. Jesus has compassion the Greek word here is blog needs.
Oh my Blog not as your guts, right? So this is compassion that comes from your innards you see this fellow and you're you're moved
You're wrenched down in your guts to have compassion on him and to help him And this is the same word that is used when it talks about how
Jesus has compassion on Jerusalem Oh how he wished he could gather them like a hen gathers her chicks or he had compassion on the crowd the multitude because they were like sheep without a
Shepherd Jesus had splug needs them. I can't compassion for them same word Which tells us alerts us to who's who we're dealing with here
So Jesus makes an appearance in the parable of the Good Samaritan and guess who he is
He's the Samaritan so he went to him Bound up his wounds.
Did we not hear the Lord say that in our text from Ezekiel today? I will bind up your wounds you injured sheep bound up his wounds pouring oil and wine and then he set him on his own animal brought him to an inn and Took care of him and the next day.
He took out two denarii Gave them to the innkeeper saying take care of him.
Whatever more you spend. I will repay you when I come back So, you know this poor fellow is saved
Because of the great compassion of the despised Samaritan who out of his own pocket out of his own wealth
Takes care of all of his needs pays for his hotel Gives him the medical attention.
He needs this fellow has done nothing except for receive
This is us. We are the receivers of God's mercy and grace and his compassion
So then Jesus now addresses the attorney Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?
Now he won't even say the word Samaritan watch what the attorney says The one who showed him mercy
He can't even say the word the one who showed him mercy
So Jesus said to him You go And you do likewise show mercy
Now granted it's a parable and the parable itself is a picture of our own salvation but remember the cross
Not only informs us what God has done for us what Christ has done for us
Over and again the cross is held up as an example for us to follow in our relationship with others
That same mercy grace and compassion that God has shown you in Christ By bleeding and dying for you and saving you you then turn around and you do likewise
You show that same mercy and compassion and grace
Even to the people who hate you it's not just the people who are kind to you, but the people who actually hate you and I'll kind of bear this out by giving you a text on this
Although I'm getting ahead of myself on this Let me find this oh, yeah, let's take a look at this
Romans 12 verse 14 bless those
Who persecute you? Bless him Bless and do not cursed them
Rejoice with those who rejoice Weep with those who weep
Live in harmony with one another Do not be haughty associate with the lowly
Never be wise in your own sight Repay, no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all if Possible so far as it depends on you
Live peaceably with all Beloved never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God for it is written vengeance is mine
I will repay says the Lord to the contrary if Your enemy is hungry
Feed him if he's thirsty Give him something to drink
For by doing so you will heap burning coals on His head Do not overcome be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good
So you'll note then verse 20 if your enemy is hungry this is dealing with your enemies physical needs
You feed him He's thirsty. You give him something to drink If he's naked you clothe him if he's sick
You care for him. So you'll note then the commandment you shall not murder
Doesn't merely apply To everybody here it applies to everybody
That you are in contact with And so then you look at it this way.
Let me ask a question What opportunities has God given you to obey the fifth commandment?
Huh? There's secrets. Yeah, you don't have to tell everybody here, but that's it. That's for you to consider within your own heart
Each of us has a different answer to that question. Each of us has a different way of answering that what opportunities has
God given you? All right Let's see here
So you're gonna note then in answering the question who is our neighbor
Everybody everybody doesn't matter if they're white Somali Japanese Chinese Norwegian Russian Czechoslovakian none of that matters
It's everybody if they are a human being created in the image of God They are your neighbor period now this then leads to an interesting discussion as Christians and in order to answer the question properly you're gonna have to tease out the right in the left -hand kingdoms big controversy in our day
Syrian refugees it's a big controversy as Christians Can we legitimately raise concerns about Syrian refugees?
Yes, why? Why because we've seen where there are
Syrian refugees in other Western nations There has been an increase in rapes.
There's been an increase in murders. There's been an increase in terrorist activity
So the job of the left -hand kingdom is to punish the evildoer so we can legitimately say we have concerns but if our government says no, we're going to let
Syrian refugees in and we're going to have a group of them in Grand Forks, North Dakota as Christians then
What do we do Welcome them treat them with kindness help them meet their needs bodily
If they're hungry we feed them For thirsty we give them something to drink, but they're
Muslims and they might plan to blow up our mall They would do us a favor if they did that I'd like to see a better one, but Yeah, that's
God bringing the mission field to us exactly So you'll sit you you'll note then in the one context we can raise concerns in the other context
That now that they're here. We show them love mercy kindness now. Let's stop for a second
I don't think we have any Syrian refugees here But you know who we do have Somalis We do
I mean in are we threatened by them? Some people are
But they are our neighbors who we are to show kindness and mercy and love to and we are to protect them.
Yes I would beg to differ you with you scriptures clear that we are not at war with Islam.
We are at war with the devil Yeah, so and there are enemies
But not because we've declared war on them. There are enemies because they've declared war on us But we don't have to reciprocate
Jesus. In fact scripture what we just read in Romans forbids us from Responding in kind Come on over.
Yep. They have declared war on us. Wouldn't it make more sense to bring?
Christian refugees from Syria. Oh, of course, but of course, it's the United Nations and the
OIC who is controlling this Plan that it's
Muslims being sent over not Christian. Uh -huh, and and it's creating all kinds of problems I have no problem to sit there and say in the realm of the left -hand kingdom
That some of the decisions that have been made regarding Muslim immigration Have been probably very bad decisions and they actually are having negative consequences not just here in the
United States, but also negative consequences in European nations and In a situation like that.
It's a left -hand kingdom issue so How do you address a left -hand kingdom issue then as Christians answer peaceably in the book and in the voter voting booth
You know if you don't like these decisions and how they're being made and you think they're compromising our security and our personal well -being and Endangering us physically
Then the way you resolve the issue is you Get politicians or you yourself put your hat in the ring and say
I'm gonna run for Congress I'm gonna run for the State Senate or I'm gonna run for this whatever and you run for office and you say my platform is that we make wiser decisions and Consider our security in light of these immigration decisions now
You'll be crucified by the liberal left for saying such a thing, you know, and that's the cost of doing politics nowadays
But so be it. All right, and so the idea is is that there's a mechanism for addressing these things But the decisions being made these people are in the ground.
They're in our community now as Christians what's our posture towards them enemy combatant or neighbors that I love
Yeah, of course, yeah, and they may not be but they are neighbor to love Yeah, of course
Just experience from the Gideon's Some of our fellows have been handing out testaments on the parks
Interestingly the reception among the Somali Muslim community community is sometimes greater to receive those testaments that are our local
Yeah, I'll be blunt we all are Very uncomfortable when somebody speaks differently than us and dresses differently than us and has a different culture than we do and it's very difficult for us to be willing to put aside our anxiety and fears and strike up a conversation on purpose with somebody who's different than we are and yet this commandment and the scripture as a whole tells us to put all of that aside and To love our neighbor as ourself
Regardless of whether or not they are enemy or not, and I and I understand I mean you get in a conversation with a with a
Muslim Somali Male, he might be absolutely hostile to you and punch you in the face
Okay, that's the cost sometimes of loving your neighbor It's possible
Yep Yeah Yeah, and sometimes So remember no good deed goes unpunished not there's no good deed that goes unpunished now before I get to you
Marilyn I saw the hand over here with Dwayne Yeah Yeah Yeah, you'll notice a lot of pride yeah, and yeah
Yeah, they may have flipped it yeah, but you know at least you know the biblical text right yeah, um Over and again you will be surprised that we and they
How do I put this Underestimate each other we and and they do it with us and we do it with them and You'd be surprised that just what a good human conversation put the assumptions aside and ask questions to learn is a good way to Have a conversation and you find you might find yourself pleasantly surprised and made they may find themselves presently surprised
But I mean what if what is happening in Europe were to happen here? And we talked about this a few weeks ago that in Europe.
You know especially in Heidelberg at st. Mary's there that Muslims are showing up because Christ is appearing to them at least they say that Christ has appeared to him in a dream
What would happen next Sunday? if a Muslim family showed up and said
Jesus appeared to us in a dream and told us to come here and listen to the message Right But I'll be blunt.
I know for a fact that you know if a woman showed up with a hijab on And some of us would be pretty uncomfortable
Probably myself included But there they are they listen, you know in the hypothetical situation they come and they hear
And what if in hearing they believed and then in believing they wanted to be baptized and After being baptized wanted to be confirmed
Yeah, they would happen. Yeah, that's right We have to protect them and protecting them could endanger our own lives see but our prejudices are going to be on display in our own anxieties the second they walk in the door and You'd be lying if you told me that you didn't have any
Yes, now that's a different thing, okay Yeah, yeah, yeah
That's where the Glock and the Walther come out, you know, if somebody shows up and says a hula
Akbar That's not a welcome. That's not a hey, we're happy to be here. That's that's that we're you're about to die.
So Yeah, yeah, and I would push it even a little bit beyond that our battle is not against flesh and blood scripture so clear you have to understand this that Muslim the
Islam itself is a demonic religious system and Its ultimate origin is not the mind of Muhammad.
Its ultimate origin is is the demonic realm? all right, so I Have compassion and love for anybody who was caught up and deceived by this demonic system
Exactly. Yeah, and by God's grace not by your great Religious acumen you've been brought to faith in Christ given that as a gift and so when we say we heard it said a thousand times therefore for the grace of God go
I And that's true for all of us. It's true for all of us
It is God's grace his compassion his love his action That has brought us to penance and faith in Christ don't ever think for a second
It's because you're so great or you're the bees knees or that you are so good. It's none of that and so we now can pray for and Love and speak to and plead with our neighbors who are whatever religion including
Islam and Muslim, right and Our battle isn't against them. Our battle is
For them, which means we can show them all kinds of kindness