Apologia: Utah Mission (Part 1)

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Our Mission is simple, we want to see the state of Utah come to know the true and living God. Will you help us get there? We are so grateful for this opportunity and we would love to have you join us if you are in the area! You can donate and partner with us by going to http://apologiautah.com​. #ApologiaUtah We've seen so many Mormons come to Christ through the outreach ministry given to us. Now we hope to see Utah won to Christ. Join us! Apologia: Utah Mission (Part 1) Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaUT


Apologia: Utah Mission (Part 2)

Apologia: Utah Mission (Part 2)

Hi friends. Hi family. Hi brothers and sisters in Christ. We are the Songcrants. My name is Andrew This is my wife
Casey my daughter My beautiful daughter Marley over here my son poet and we have a bun in the oven right now and we are in Utah So the question you're asking yourself is why are we in Utah?
Well, we're planting a church. I'm a missionary church planter We've been sent by Apologia Church in Mesa, Arizona to plant
Apologia Church, Utah We're out here to preach the gospel of the true and living
God Paul warns us in 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 4 that there are people Who will come they will preach a different Jesus a different gospel who have accepted a different spirit
And even Jesus himself says unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins So there are people out here.
It may come to your surprise that our Latter -day Saints There's members of the occult and there's even the secular realm
They believe in a fundamentally different Jesus for example quickly The Latter -day
Saints believe that Jesus is the offspring of Elohim and one of his goddess wives That means he's a created being that he's the spirit brother of Lucifer However, the
Bible teaches us differently it teaches that Jesus created Lucifer in Colossians chapter 1 that he created all things visible and Invisible whether on heaven or on earth thrones dominions rulers or authorities
So if someone believes in the wrong Christ, they don't have peace with God and they're headed to hell That's important to us because we care about these people
We're set not only by Apologia Church But by God himself in the Great Commission when he commands us to go out and preach the gospel, right?
So we're out here. We want to see this city turn to Christ We want to see people bow their knees to the true and living
God We want to see all of the altars and high places come tearing down. We want to see abortion ended in this city
There's so many great things that can happen We just need you to partner with us by going to ApologiaUtah .com
There you can learn more about our mission. You can also click the donate button there You can donate one time monthly or annually.
You can even reach out to us personally if you have any questions We just need your support. We need your prayers
But by God's grace, we're coming out here and we are ready to see this state bow to Christ We want to do addiction support and recovery.
We want to preach the gospel to the LDS at their wards. They come to our homes We're going to their wards
We're gonna go to the abortion mill and we're gonna make sure that women are not murdering their children We have to protect the most defenseless of us all right?
This is what we have been sent to do Please consider partnering with us as we go about this mission.