The Seven Sayings Of Jesus On The Cross - [Luke 23:32ff]


Pastor Mike preaches The Seven Sayings Of Jesus On The Cross - [Luke 23:32ff].


Famous last words Queen Elizabeth the first all my possessions for a moment of time
Winston Churchill I'm bored with it all Groucho Marx die my dear why that's the last thing
I'll do Karl Marx go on get out last words are for fools who haven't said enough the writer of the rise and fall of the
Roman Empire Edward Gibbon all is lost irrevocably lost all is dark and doubtful
Sir Thomas Scott until now I thought there was no God or hell now
I know there is both and I'm doomed Sir Francis Newport Oh eternity
Oh eternity Oh the insufferable pains of hell forever and ever
Thomas Hobbes I'm about to take my last voyage a great leap in the dark
Tony Hancock nobody will ever know I existed nothing to leave behind me nothing to pass on nobody to mourn me that's the bitterest blow of all and then one last one by Luther Burbank I don't feel good last words insightful illuminating revealing the true person today we're going to look at the seven words of Jesus on the cross so we can see who he is his nature his person and his character if you have a
Bible please turn to Luke chapter 23 is anything wrong with the topical message why of course not if delivered properly there's nothing wrong with topics in the scripture and we're going to look at this topic exegetically or expositionally so every one of the seven sayings that Jesus uttered on the cross combined into all the four
Gospels we're going to look at those in a verse -by -verse fashion because I want you to see them because you really will see the heart of Jesus you'll see what he says on his proverbial deathbed and it'll be a lot different than the ones that I quoted to you to start the sermon while obviously truly
God he was truly man and is truly man now what were his words was his were his words of of hatred of wrath of venom of imprecatory
Psalms what did Jesus say when he was dying and does it speak to his nature and his character by the way it was difficult to speak on a cross it's difficult when you're really sick on your deathbed to say anything let alone on a cross remember what's happening your hands and your feet are nailed to that beam and you can inhale a little bit but exhaling is difficult and you'll have to get your feet positioned just in the right way to lift up so your chest cavity has enough strength to exhale that's why by the way they would they the
Roman soldiers would eventually just break the legs of the soldiers because they wanted to have the crucified ones die more quickly seven sayings of Jesus on the cross it's sad when
I read some of the critics one man said that these seven sayings are weakly rooted in tradition and sees them as elaborations in the diverse retellings of Jesus final hours in other words it just kind of made up but we have scripture to tell us exactly in Matthew Mark Luke and John what
Jesus said and why he said it surrounded in centers around three time periods from noon from nine to noon from noon to three and then three o 'clock seven sayings of Jesus and if you're wondering will we get through all seven of them today the answer is
I was trying to do
Ephesians two sermons a chapter and hold that firmly but this one will just go until we're finished if the
Lord comes back and takes us to this next week that's fine but we're gonna look at all seven of them and this week and probably next week saying number one
Jesus on the cross Luke 23 verses 32 and following father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing here we're going to get an insight into Jesus it's like a window into his his his person in his nature and his character what is
Jesus really like Luke 23 verse 32 to others who are criminals were led astray or let excuse me were led away to be put to death with him when they came to the place that is called the skull there they crucified him and the criminals one on his right and one on his left and Jesus said father forgive them for they know not what they do and they cast lots to divide his garments and the people stood by watching but the rulers scoffed at him saying he saved others let him save himself if he is the
Christ of God his chosen one soldiers also mocked him coming up offering him some sour wine and saying if for you are the king of the
Jews save yourself there's also inscription over him verse 38 this is the king of the
Jews now already you should probably have things floating through your mind if you're thinking about the
Bible and Old Testament and how do people die even in the Old Testament I can think of one character when he died he made sure a lot of people died with him and I'm not even saying that's wrong but unlike Samson the
Lord Jesus is forgiving people on his veritable deathbed father forgive them
I think it be fair for me to tell you that some people look at the old manuscripts we have lots of manuscripts from antiquity some manuscripts contain this sentence and some don't but I think it's pretty certain in my mind that this is authentic one of the reasons why
I think it's authentic is it's in some good manuscripts but also there's a real parallel between Luke and Acts one writer
Luke writes both Luke and Acts and what happens in Luke you see and in Jesus in in Luke and you watch
Jesus in Luke you see in the disciples work and action in Acts so for instance
Stephen when he was falling to his knees cried out with a voice what
Acts chapter 7 Lord do not hold this sin against them and when
Stephen had said this he fell asleep certainly this sentence genuinely reveals the heart and grace of the
Lord and Savior forgive them I mean what could he have said damn them punish them execute them put them on the cross instead of me pay back them in full justice must be meted out but that's not what
Jesus did Jesus came to seek and save the lost he came to forgive he came to give his life a ransom for many and now he bestows forgiveness graciously freely without merit this group of people that he's forgiving could not merit deserve forgiveness that they deserve grace of course nobody deserves grace what does the text say very fascinating father forgive them for they know not what they do they don't understand the extent of it they don't understand the cosmic repercussions remember 1st
Corinthians chapter 2 for if they had understood it they would have not crucified the Lord of glory yes they're guilty yes they'll have to answer for those things without a
Savior but it's it's almost like Jesus is saying in the vernacular they have no idea they have no clue they can't get their arms around really what's happening of course the two thieves can hear him the rulers are still laughing soldiers are mocking and Jesus utters father forgive them here's a good question who's the them father forgive them
I will say this from the get -go if Jesus prays for someone to be forgiven will they be forgiven yes was he saying father forgive
Judas right there you should start limiting it a little bit thinking this is more restrictive prayer this is not the general them of the world each and every person every person on on every island in the world he says father forgive them and right away we see who the them are and they at the end of verse 34 cast lots to divide his garments he's talking about the soldiers that nailed him to the cross they don't get it
I think the Jewish leaders got it I think the Sanhedrin knew about it I think the
Pharisees knew exactly what they were doing but these Roman soldiers they were just following orders matter of fact if you skip down to verse 47 we see the father answering the
Lord Jesus right away with one of these centurions now in the centurion verse 47 saw what taken place he praised
God saying certainly this man was innocent Jesus praise and I think he's praying for those soldiers right there he's obviously not praying for each and every person that lives on the planet there's a context here but most importantly that Jesus would even pray forgive them is so unlike us it's so unlike the people back in those days do you know the
Romans worshipped the God of revenge if you dare touch me you're going to pay that's not like the
Lord Jesus I don't get mad I get even that's not like the
Lord Jesus Jesus could have said I'll take one angel please father and annihilate them
I could have he could have said I'll take one legion of angels 5 ,000 angels and just destroy them all
Thomas Manton said we may give a reason of other things but we can't give a reason of his love if you continue to ask but why did
God love us we have no other answer but because he loved us can't you see the
Lord Jesus when people talk about humbleness when people talk about gentleness strength under control can't you see it right here tempering justice with mercy no wonder
Jesus said I'm gentle and humble in heart father forgive them the criminals are swearing and cursing not the
Lord Jesus Jesus had taught his disciples love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you pray for those who mistreat you
Luke chapter 6 and by the way the tense here is an imperfect tense what does that mean it means he kept praying this father forgive them father forgive them father forgive them they don't know what they're doing true or false the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working
James 5 Christ also suffer for you leaving you an example for you to follow in his steps who committed no sin nor was any deceit found in his mouth and while being reviled
Jesus did not revile in return while suffering he uttered no threats but kept in trusting himself to God who judges righteously first Peter chapter 2 verses 21 through 23
I would think with you that this is a good example for us as we look at our enemies in this life
I think this would be a good example for us I wonder if there's anyone who's beyond the reach of prayer do you anybody like that in your life
I think I've told you the story about my brother he was class president high school and was not a good guy grew up in Lutheran Church and moral and all that stuff to some degree but then behind the scenes no there was a youth pastor that said to the youth group
I want you to begin to pray for people and pick one person in particular that you think is beyond the possibility of getting saved you know somebody like that in your life there's no possible way they would get saved and this guy started praying for Patrick Abendroth I mean they're just crucified
Jesus they're the soldiers there's a centurion and Jesus prays for them no one
I don't think is beyond the reach of prayer A .W. Pink said the greatest need we ever have that we will ever have is to have our sins forgiven and Jesus is addressing that on the cross he could be thinking about his own pain he could be thinking about revenge he could have been thinking about all kinds of things and we realize here the most vital fundamental thing that every person needs including people in this congregation is forgiveness and I think it'd be fair to ask the question now to those that are here are you certain that on that day you die that hour that minute that you're forgiven because the
Lord Jesus is the only way you say well what really is forgiveness when I forgive people they do something to me and I just say you're forgiven it seems inconsequential it doesn't really mean much
I just say it but divinely doesn't work that way because justice must be upheld and now
Jesus is dying for the sins of all those the father given him and by the way you're a
Christian because of the Lord Jesus and simple faith in him you are forgiven
Sinclair Ferguson said when we behold the glory of Christ in the gospel it reorders the loves of our hearts so we delight in him supremely the other things that have ruled our lives lose their enslaving power over us
I'm forgiven doesn't that motivate you to want to obey and be faithful and walk with the
Lord and if you're here as an unbeliever I I offer you free and full forgiveness trusting in Christ Jesus alone you want to know what the heart of Jesus is towards enemies like you unbeliever mercy and grace well that's the first saying father forgive them there's another one that directly follows it in Luke chapter 23 father forgive them is the first saying of Jesus on the cross and now we move to Luke 23 the second saying truly
I say to you today you will be with me in paradise more insight into the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and related to the last one and you'll see how in just a moment one of the criminals who were hanged verse 39 railed at him saying are you not the
Christ save us in yourselves I say I save yourself rather than us but the other rebuked him saying do you not fear
God since you are under the same sentence of condemnation and we indeed justly for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds but this man has done nothing wrong and he said
Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom and he said to him truly
I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise who did
Jesus pray for certainly the soldiers can you think of anybody else Jesus prayed for right here this thief he prayed for that thief and guess what the thief did he responds with saving faith one of the reasons why
I like Luke is that Luke the gospel of Jesus according to Luke shows
Jesus hanging around misfits miscreants what's another word that starts with him mischievous people the real losers of this world people just like us we might look good on the outside we know how to tie a tie or put a dress on but Jesus is a friend of sinners that's what
Luke shows and I could see it right here oh what a friend we have in Jesus I see it here don't you they were just heaping insults they were throwing insults at Jesus as fast as Pedro Martinez could throw a fastball in Fenway Park how many years ago
I'm trying to contextualize for you so you're paying attention he was a pitcher
Red Sox and they are screaming at him hurling insults at him remember
Jesus doesn't wait for people to do something first this is not how salvation works
I move toward God and he moves towards me because God has to justify I'm gone we were dead in trespasses that thief was dead in trespasses blinded by Satan spitting cursing would hit
Jesus probably if he could have but he's crucified and what does he say he's now been quickened his mind understands we deserve this he doesn't deserve it he is the innocent one we are getting our just due can you imagine the
Lord Jesus faith he wasn't a friend of sinners would you quit bothering me thief I'm dying for sinners
Isaiah 63 who is this who comes from Edom with garments of glowing color colors from Basra this one is majestic in his apparel marching in the greatness of his strength it is
I who speak in righteousness God said mighty to save could there be someone more hopeless someone more desperate his not days were numbered his hours his minutes were numbered he's one step away from the grave doom hell one man said if ever there was a case that seemed lost gone and past recovery it was him if there ever was a child of Adam whom the devil sure of as his own it was this man you can just sense
Satan thinking I got another one but as Ephesians 2 verse 4 says what music to this man's ears music to our ears and what does
Jesus say today you will be with me in paradise
I mean looking at Jesus doesn't he seem weak emaciated guy can hardly breathe and now he's gonna save people how can he be a strong deliverer remember
Hebrews 7 hence also he is able to save forever those who draw near to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them not only the wonderful prayer on earth but also in heaven from blaspheming to a request remember me
Lord could you remember me sometime after you do all your work and maybe you you're gonna come back the second time could you remember me then no today
I'd like you to just think about me and remember me no you'll be with me in paradise
I know I might maybe have to have my sins purged in purgatory or go someplace else and there's a the abode of the dead and I might have to float around ethereally for a while and might have to be somewhere else and what does
Jesus say no today you'll be with me in before the setting of that Sun that very day as one man said
I think it's true this was the happiest day of that thieves life and it was only gonna get better isn't that just like Jesus to give abundantly beyond what we ask or think remember me today you'll be with me in paradise exceedingly abundantly beyond that we ask or think can't you see the love of Jesus for sinners
John 15 Jesus said greater love has no one this that one lay down his life for his what friends from enemy to friend in this is love not that we love
God but then he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation our wrath assuaging for our sins including the thief
Ephesians 5 walk -in love just as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us no wonder we sing the song the wonderful grace of Jesus it's kind of got a little oompa beat to it but I love the words the wonderful matchless grace of Jesus I mean think about the things that make you go wow have you seen
Niagara Falls you think incredible have you seen I don't know the Royal Gorge in Colorado have you seen
Petra you've seen on TV at least man walking on the moon or that illustrious set that just the flags there's no wind up there but the flags going everything shrinks in compare shrinks in comparison to thinking this is amazing sinner offender rebel revolter treasonous a wall and I'm not talking about the thief
I'm talking about us absent from the body present with them what does
Jesus call this wonderful place we call heaven he calls it paradise truly
I say to you with emphatic with emphasis truly are verily amen I say to you today you shall be with me in paradise some people think you know what
God doesn't want you to have assurance of salvation Jesus true or false grants this man assurance could there be any better assurance you say yes because no because it's in red letters yes it's true
Jesus said this but of course all the Bible is inspired by the Spirit of God and all valuable
Psalm 116 precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his godly ones from ungodly to now godly that thief became and what does
Jesus say you can be with me in paradise how do you describe heaven with its beauty with its wonder with its verdant green just just lusciousness
I mean think back in those days to desert arid lots of places like that and now
Jesus basically saying it's like an oasis heaven's like an oasis it's like a park or a garden kind of reminds me of something back in Genesis the first few chapters the garden of Eden now there's gonna be even a better garden a pleasure of Park garden of delights 2nd
Corinthians 12 Paul said I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago whether in the body I do not know or out of the body
I do not know God knows such a man was caught up into the third heaven and I know how such a man whether in the body or apart from the body
I do not know God knows was caught up into paradise and heard inexpressible words which a man is not permitted to speak
I mean it's so great it's so wonderful we can't even talk about it and Jesus gives us a hand here he's able to talk about it and he says heaven's like a garden it's like a paradise that's where we're going
Christian that's where we're going promised by the Lord and Savior Spurgeon said there are three great wonders in heaven you know this the first wonder we should see so many there we did not expect to see second that we should miss so many we did expect to see there but the third wonder will be the greatest wonder of all to see ourselves there the grace and mercy of the
Lord Jesus I watch this man and I think you know it wasn't that long ago where the disciples they were vying for position
I'm the greatest I'm the greatest Jesus who's the greatest this man did not care who was the greatest he just wanted to be by the
Lord Jesus I don't need a place of honor I just want to be with you let us fix our eyes
Hebrews 12 on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith including that thief
Titus 3 he saved us think of the thief not on the basis of deeds which he had done in righteousness but according to his mercy by the washing and regeneration and renewing of the
Holy Spirit why do we teach to this church that God alone is the Savior that he's the
Alpha and the Omega that we contribute sin and sin alone God does all the work he alone works for many reasons including this here this man could do nothing he could not get baptized catechized anything else circumcised nothing and he trust in the
Lord Savior Jesus Jesus said in John 14
I go and prepare a place for you and I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may also be and Jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise death brings glory to be more alive once you're dead it's true
Paul said in Philippians 121 sitting in a jail for to me to live as Christ and to die what think of the thief now think of you
Paul I'm hard -pressed from both directions having a desire to depart and be with Christ for that is very much better it's a superlative in the original language it was it's incredibly better do we have any kids sitting here here's how much better it is it's super duper better and if I didn't want to quote a
Walt Disney show with some kind of witch stuff I'd say super califragilisticexpialidocious better but I know better it's above and beyond better better better there's a little girl and she was dying and the mom said to her there in heaven you'll have no pains no sickness you'll see your brothers and sisters who have gone before you and you'll always be happy and the well -taught little girl said but there's one thing better and all better than all and this is that Christ will be there the
Church of England burial service we give thee God hearty thanks for that it has pleased you to deliver this our brother out of the miseries of the sinful world and then unto glory now lots of times we come to a passage like this and I think we miss out the big picture and we're thinking okay how can
Jesus on Friday say to this man you're gonna be with me in paradise and doesn't Jesus have to do something else and first Timothy first Peter chapter 3 and doesn't
Jesus ascended to heaven on on Sunday what's going on with all that I don't want you to get bogged down with any of that you could be thinking divine nature human nature you could be thinking whatever
Jesus said is it's true where Jesus is that's paradise but that's not the big picture today you'll be with me in paradise and Jesus meant it remember two weeks ago when
I was in Revelation 2 Jesus said he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches to the one who conquers that's a
Christian I will grant to eat the tree of life which is in the paradise of God aren't you thankful for your salvation aren't you thankful to have such a
Savior I feel sorry for people that don't have a great Shepherd like Jesus that's that's the
Shepherd I have and too bad other people unbelievers don't have such as Shepherd actually the
Bible teaches that death is their Shepherd sad saying number three seven sayings of Jesus on the cross revealing who he is as nature as character fulfilling scriptures father forgive them today you'll be with me in paradise and now let's move to John chapter 19 woman look your son look your mother behold your son behold your mother
John chapter 19 Matthew Mark Luke and John are for gospels and gospel generally means good news good news is the
Lord and Savior Jesus has come to rescue sinners and we're going to see definitely good news here in John chapter 19 some people have argued what is the right way to harmonize all these and which happens first and all that we're cognizant of the fact and I think this is the third one woman behold your son behold your mother
John 19 let's pick it up in verse 16 please John 19 16 so he delivered him over to them to be crucified so they took
Jesus and he went out bearing his own cross to a place called this place of the skull so we get our word cranium it's the cranium place which in Aramaic is called
Golgotha there they crucified him and with him two others one on either side and Jesus between them pilot also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross it read
Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews many of the Jews read this inscription for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city and it was written in Aramaic in Latin and in Greek so the chief priest of the
Jews said to pilot do not write the king of the Jews but rather this man said
I am the king of the Jews and pilot answered what I have written I have written before we go further let's stop there for a moment in three different languages it was written this is king of the
Jews Aramaic local people Latin officials and then the lingua franca the the language of the day was
Greek and so it was written in that as well and can't you see pilots desire to get back at these
Jewish leaders that were so manipulating him can't you see the irony of it all the sarcasm even this is what
I'm gonna say and here's my revenge on you and I'm not gonna change it I'm not going to erase it I've done enough work for you
I've done enough dirty work for you verse 23 when the soldiers had crucified
Jesus they took his garments and divided them into four parts one part for each soldier also his tunic but the tunic was seamless woven in one piece from top to bottom you don't get paid much to be an executioner matter of fact in medieval times if you were gonna have your head chopped off you would want to make sure you gave your executioner enough money so that he would do the job quickly and efficiently here you're a
Roman soldier you get your wages your salt your salary for being a Roman soldier but you get extra for doing dirty deeds and the extra you get is clothes because clothes were expensive it was not like now
I mean you probably are many of you were old enough I'm old enough to remember that if you had a pair of socks and you got a hole in them what did you do we say dang them we don't say darn you take him to grandma's and she would darn the socks and now it's just throw away right clothes were expensive clothes were valuable and part of the job required this nasty bit of crucifixion so you got the person's clothes in but there's four guys got to chop them up into four but they didn't chop everything up into four verse 24 so they said to one another this is in reference to what we just talked about in verse 23 the tunic that was seamless so they said to another let's not tear it but cast lots for it to see whose it shall be this was to fulfill scripture it says they divided my garments among them that happened and for my clothing they cast lots and by the way scripture had to be fulfilled and it's very fascinating six
English words that resonate with divine purpose and divine sovereignty so the soldiers did these things they freely did them orchestrated by God right from Psalm 22 verse 18 you can see it in quotes there in your
Bible or maybe in large print this is right from the Old Testament scripture and think about it for a second here we see the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in his mercy his grace his kindness father forgive them today you'll be with me in paradise and what the
Roman soldiers would do is they would say you know what what can be more humiliating than stripping people down many think it was naked and they were there naked but even if there was still something worn by those getting crucified what can we do let's take their last early possessions their clothes and divide it up right in front of them for the final insult shameful you crucified man and we'll put the explanation point on it verse 25 but standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother not named but we know who his mother's name is and his mother's sister not named but probably
Salome marry the wife of Clopas and Mary from Magdala right by the
Sea of Galilee and we call her Mary Magdalene so the ladies are there now we come to our passage for the third saying of Jesus on the cross to reveal who he is and what kind of Savior he is not just to them but to you and to me when
Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby he said to his mother woman behold your son then he said to his disciple or the disciple behold your mother and from that hour the disciple took her to his own home
I mean it's wonderful is it not Joseph is dead by now so Jesus the oldest son is responsible for his mother
I don't know why Jesus didn't say to the other disciples I mean to his other brothers take care of her but Jesus now entrust his mother to John the beloved disciple he's on his deathbed and he's thinking about other people he's thinking about his mother
I regularly hear from people especially in the ages between 18 and about 28 I don't have to do what my mom and dad say right this whole honor your mother and father that's the
Greek word for mother this whole honor your mother and father thing
I'm big enough now I'm old enough I pay my own bills I do this and I do that and I always like like to say to them is there ever a time that you're to stop honoring your father and your mother when's that stop
I go so too far so far to say I think you should honor your father and mother even when they're dead on how you speak about them and hear
Jesus taking care of his mother making sure everything's right you think okay
I'm gonna die and someone needs to take care of my mother can't you see the contrast in all this soldiers brutally soldiers mockingly soldiers uncompassionately throwing dye to say
I want some of his clothes and then the flipside you see Christ in his compassion soft tender truly human perfectly human remember the prophecy in Luke chapter 2 the prophecy of Simeon about Mary a sword will pierce your own soul too and it's getting pierced right now
Mary's the Lord Jesus on the cross preoccupied with others self -sacrificial love the fifth commandment honor your father and mother this is really a copy is it not
I always remember that story when you probably heard me say it many times
I'm taking Luke and his friend Tony to a skate park down in Taunton and the
Avendross love to look at churches and see oh that's Unitarian that's that's called radical that's called this that's called that and then we talk about the names of the church
Lutheran what's that mean Methodist what does that mean Catholic what does that mean and Luke saw a copy
Baptist Church he said dad look a copy
Baptist Church and the kid next to Luke he said it's a gape you idiot that's what a gape is and I looked at Tony in the back and he respected me
I said Tony it's a gap a you idiot I'm gonna tell that to just let us have a little breath here because you you realize what's happening at the cross and it's intense it's wonderful but it's intense it can you not see
Jesus a gap a love here self -sacrificial love that cost me for someone else husbands love
Christ like Christ loved the church you get the idea now and what's
Jesus doing here difficult breathing agony sadness truly man and there's
Mary Mary's sister Mary of Clopas and Magdalene and you know what
Jesus is doing dear friend he's obeying the law for you and for me
Christian he's obeying the law Jesus not just paid for sins not just paid for our transgressions although he did but we know it's when there's a law there's two things about a law there's a penalty if you break it and Jesus in the next saying is going to talk about his substitutory penalty atonement but there's a positive side of the law that you have to keep it that you have to obey remember
Adams in neutral in the garden before the fall God said put it in gear and obey me do these things don't do those things and Adam jams it into reverse now
Adam needs to be having his sins forgiven God kills an animal clothes
Adam and Eve and he's back to neutral but God had originally said obey do this do this and live do everything
I've commanded you we might call that loving God and loving neighbor we might call the Ten Commandments written on Adam's heart so now we need somebody to perfectly obey and who's going to perfectly obey who could perfectly obey and honor his mother and father every time all the time answer who could honor and obey his mother perfectly and we see it right here at the very end of Jesus still meriting our righteousness obeying the law
Mary was a widow Jesus takes responsibility to take care of her you say well why did he say woman why did he say mother lots of conjecture but just back like in John 2 it's not it's nothing negative
Jesus obviously didn't sin I think his earthly relationship he knows is over and now it's time for him to die but he dies honoring his mother
Exodus 20 verse 12 honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that your
Lord your God is giving you anybody here ever dishonored their parents anybody here some raise their hands good we all could disobeyed
God in that area thought wrongly thought they were too harsh to this to that to the other we've all disobeyed the commandment and by the way that commandment one of the
Ten Commandments is one of the most important commandments that you could ever keep and unless you keep it perfectly entirely exactly perpetually you deserve to go to hell
God is a creator we're the creatures and God the Creator says the creatures you want to honor your mother and father you know what they've done for you and how they taking care of you
I guess I could turn this into a Mother's Day sermon could I not but I will not only thing you get here is happy Mother's Day from Scott Brown and that's true the text it's the
Lord's Day right so now you have a representative next week it's the substitute to die for your transgressions and my transgressions of not honoring my father and mother but now it's to earn that it's first gear
Christ perfect obedience on the cross earning your righteousness don't you love that so now when
God sees you dear Christian he doesn't see someone who was in the past dishonored their father and mother how does he see you he sees you in Christ and Christ always honored his parents and if anybody didn't have to honor their parents it probably would be
Jesus since he was perfect and his parents were sinful yes both Joseph and Mary needed to be saved they were sinful and Jesus honors them anyway we're forgiven people we're gonna be with him in paradise and we have
Christ's perfect righteousness credited to our account one day you'll die short of the
Lord's return I wonder what your last words might be what are you gonna say what's the last thing that might go through your mind will you be thinking of others will you be thinking of yourself how do
Christians die I started off the message with some unbelievers what they said on their deathbed let me end with a few believers who died what did they say on their deathbed
John Owen I'm going to him who loves my soul or rather who has loved me with an everlasting love that is the sole ground of all my consolation deal moody
I see earth receding heaven is opening God is calling me John Knox the
Scottish Reformer live in Christ die in Christ and the flesh need not fear
Joseph Everett a dying saint said this on his deathbed glory glory glory and for 25 minutes he kept saying glory until he died
Charles Spurgeon on his deathbed I can hear them coming he sat straight up in bed don't you hear them this is my coronation day
I can see the chariots I'm ready to board bow with me please father we are thankful for the
Lord Jesus what a picture into who he is thank you for such a great
Shepherd a good Shepherd the chief Shepherd we as Christians today want to give you praise and glory and Thanksgiving we would like to live a life commensurate to our calling because the
Lord Jesus and his great grace we'd like to respond as we ought to with holy obedience and reverent love and faithfulness of course not because we could ever do that to earn your care but the
Lord Jesus earned that for us I pray if there's someone here today that's not a
Christian that you would quicken them you would make them think today they're going to die one day and that's one thing father