LDS Man is Rescued from Christians

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What happens when you are witnessing to an LDS Man in Downtown Provo and he is listening intently and receptive to the truth? Well, you snatch him away of course! That is exactly what happened during this conversation. A young LDS Woman saw that this man was receptive in the conversation and then came and snatched him away. Watch as this young LDS Man is Rescued from Christians. Apologia Church is planting a church in the state of Utah. Would you consider partnering with us to bring Christ's Gospel to the lost there? Let's see His Kingdom grow, brothers and sisters. If you'd like to support what we are doing, please go to to see more of what God is doing or to donate. You can also check out our Facebook page:


How's it going? Gospel track? Hey gospel track Can you tell us a little bit about your faith background what you believe?
I just I mean I've been I was born LDS. Oh you are yeah, so and I was just Like I was raised in that but we started becoming an active like throughout my own
Looking into it. I just realized this is what I wanted. Yeah, did you grow up here?
I'm sorry So I grew up in toilet. That was Not more than a year and a half ago.
Okay. Yeah, your parents still kind of inactive a little bit. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, so my whole family's pretty much inactive
But like I just decided you know, I kind of missed yeah on the church and like I felt yeah
Okay. Yeah. Do you are you a student here? Yeah, I just I just moved up here today
Okay from where Wow It's 30 minutes West. Oh Okay Is that past Magna and all that?
Yeah. Okay. All right right on well yeah, we're just Christians from a local church and we're trying to get into dialogues with our
LDS neighbors and stuff and Just see what you guys believe and yeah, you know You know just different things come to our minds.
We were we were just looking at a prophecy of Joseph Smith and it said that That he had promised that Jesus Christ would return in his generation no less than 50
And that and that didn't happen. So when we consider that and we've we've seen other things where he said that He said he promises in God's name that basically
The u .s. Will be come to waste and they'll not be so much as a pot shirt left in all the nation and that didn't
Happen either we look at we look at that and we compare that to what's called the test of a prophet
In Deuteronomy 13 and 18. It gives us the test of a prophet like if someone speaks in the name of God These are the conditions and so you always accurately explain that go ahead
Deuteronomy 13 is the first test that's given to us. Deuteronomy is the second giving of the law This is
Moses giving the law the second time to the new generation That's going to inherit the promised land because the first generation died off because of their disobedience, right?
Deuteronomy 13 says this says, excuse me, but dreamer of dreams if a prophet just pulled it out dreams arises among you and produces
Miracles signs and wonders so even if it looks legit, right? But if they lead you after other gods gods, which you have not known to not believe in them
So the prerequisite here is well, how do you know if you're being led after other gods? Well, God has previously revealed to them through the
God of Abraham Right and through their generations and generations and through Moses leading them out of Egypt through the power of God And then we have
Deuteronomy 18, which is the second test of the cross Yeah, and it says if there is a prophet who speaks in the name of Yahweh Jehovah Yeah, and if they speak presumptuously if that thing does not come to pass one false prophecy, right?
They're spoken in the name of Yahweh presumptuously false prophet. Don't believe them and then the law of God It says right underneath that it says put that man to death because they leading that's how serious
God takes it Like they give one false prophecy To not fear him to not obey him.
So it kind of you know from our observation it undercuts all of the origins of Mormonism and stuff.
So I don't know. What would you say to something like that? I just so we believe that like God reveals things little by little okay, so like That could have been
Joseph just because I mean read the scriptures and you can take them a thousand different ways Like the wording we don't quite understand because we didn't speak that just and there's multiple translations of the
Bible and stuff So it's really difficult to figure out which one because I mean, there's the King James that that's the one that we right
Yeah So, how do you think the Bible was was translated you think it went from Greek to King James from King James one of the
Modern English like how and they use the King James or like how do you think it happened? Yeah, I'm not a hundred percent sure on how the
Bible is translated I mean we have the Book of Mormon as you guys yeah So we just so I I don't know how the
Bible like came about I just know that You've been taught that it's been many by missing part part.
Yeah, and like Martin Luther translated it from Okay So, I don't know.
It's just kind of difficult to to fully understand it because I mean let's can I just say some real quick to you like I By the way,
I already admire you just like you coming up I really appreciate you talking with us and I already see like, you know
You you were inactive for a while and you're passionate about it again, and I can tell that We we don't want when we challenge when we have loving challenges to you like we are now
I don't want to tear down your faith. I want to see that faith placed in truth and in solid rock truth and so, you know, we have
You know some differences that I think are pretty significant between evangelical Christians and an
LDS So that's that's where I'm getting at So I just want to say that because I really can tell you know You're excited and you're strong in your faith and we're not here to tear that down So for example, just to go back to the translational issue the way it works if you go to textual criticism is what it's called
We actually have a textual tradition, which is our manuscript history that we have all throughout the last 2 ,000 years throughout church history and actually modern translations are derived from the
Greek and we have Texts in documents of it. We have over 13 ,000 different copies of these texts
So it's not a translational game of telephone whispering through one person's ears in the other No, you can go back in time and actually scientifically you can look this up The Bible is ninety nine point seven percent accurate is the most accurate ancient book in the world
It's not an argument like you can go to Bart Ehrman modern biblical skeptics though they agree on the inspiration of Scripture they won't deny that this is the most accurate ancient book more accurate than Plato because we have
Thousands upon or the Odyssey or something like that So if someone tries to change something in the text guess what we do we go back to our manuscript text tradition
And it sticks out like a sore thumb So actually the way the text has been received and given to us through the inspiration of Holy Spirit We can actually look back and we can look through the copies right manuscript tradition the changes we see in texts are changes from scribes small words like and or a
Articles things like that. Yeah Differences, right? So in terms of the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit in the Word of God actually the text remains secure God's preserved his word.
Yeah, our biggest issue is this though Number one if we if you're being told essentially that you know,
Joseph Smith received revelation. I'm down with that Let's test it right because the Bible says in 1st
John 4 it commands us to test the spirits don't despise prophecy Right, but hold fast to which is good in 1st
Thessalonians and then also 1st John 4 test the spirits test the prophets So according to the two tests of prophet we see
Joseph Smith fails and I'll go into Deuteronomy 13 real quick for you Okay, so I'll use the deity of Jesus just for an example, and I think
Jesus is extremely important, right? I mean the Church of Jesus. Yeah, it's in the name Yeah, super important so 2nd
Corinthians 11 verse 4 we're told that there are people who will come they will preach a different Jesus a Different gospel who have accepted a different spirit.
So we're warned about According to going to people who preach different Jesus not that there is an actual different one
Yeah, like Galatians says but no people Misconstrue, right? So, how do we know that the
Jesus of Scripture or the Jesus you're being taught is the actual one of Scripture? Well, I'll say this John chapter 1 is one of those beautiful verses of the
Bible It says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was
God All things were created through him. There was nothing that came into being that was not created
Living and in Colossians 1 16, it says he created all things on heaven and on earth
Invisible and visible including Lucifer, but Joseph Smith in his Revelation says that that's not true
He says that Jesus is the offspring of Elohim and one of his goddess wives And then he says this he's the spirit brother of Lucifer not the creator
Well, I actually have biblical text previously revealed to me as Deuteronomy 13 shows that warns me also 2nd
Corinthians 11 that not according to my own subjective standard, but the objective Word of God to say actually
Joseph I'm sorry my friend you failed you failed but instead what he does is he gets you to question it
Just like the serpent made Eve question right in the garden The first thing the serpent says to Eve is this because doth
God say that did he really say it and guess what? You'll become just like God It's the same lie.
My friend if you look at every world religion other than biblical Christianity, it's this it's
Is God's Word true you will never? You'll have to work yourself to obtain
God Could you take a picture of me in front of the temple? Yeah, no problem My friend test the spirits.
We'll be right here. Okay. Okay. She's trying to save him.
She's trying to save him. Yeah Did he say why he just gained photos taken with her?
Huh, so he had a lady taking photos of him earlier. Oh, why? Okay, so his whole family's inactive and he just became active in the church again and She rescued him because she could see that Something was happening.
He was doubted. Yeah, he was doubting. I mean, he's got a lot And I'm hoping he comes back