Yikes! - Dan Darling Explains His Faith to Joe Scarborough

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All right, so let's jump right into it today. I hope you had a good Lord's Day on Sunday. I definitely had a great weekend and I didn't do a video yesterday because, well,
I decided to go fishing instead. I actually got another bass. This one was a 12 -incher, something like that, about a pound, and that was cool.
And then today, this morning, I went early and I got another one, the one you're seeing on the screen right now. This one's the smallest one yet, 10 1⁄2 inches, nine ounces roughly, but we had to keep it because it swallowed the hook super deep.
But it's been a lot of fun. It's been cool. My fish are getting progressively smaller, but at the same time, that's cool.
You know, at least I'm getting fish. That's a lot of fun. My son here is holding it. He said, when
I'm older, I can hold it by the mouth, right? And I was like, I'm gonna do it right now. But anyway, so that's a lot of fun. So I hope you had a good
Lord's Day. On Sunday, I was actually teaching Sunday school again. I've got one more Sunday to do that.
And we covered this idea of Pharisees. And I think that the Pharisees were definitely misunderstood.
Now, I don't think they were misunderstood in the way of they're actually good. They are bad, but I think what's wrong with the
Pharisees is often misunderstood by modern people. And what the
Pharisees would do is, first of all, one thing we need to understand, the Pharisees were well -liked.
You know what I mean? These were people that were respected, that were honored. I think sometimes we read the
Bible and we don't like the Pharisees because we know that they're villains. But at the time, people didn't really know they were villains.
You know, they were well -liked. They got the greetings in the marketplace. They got the best spots at the table kind of thing.
Like people enjoyed the Pharisees. And what the Pharisees would do is that they would create rules that weren't in the
Bible, right? They would create rules that God didn't command, but they were rules that people liked.
And I think that the reason they liked them was because they were very easy to follow.
They didn't really compromise you very much. Like in the eyes of the world, like they were fairly easy to follow.
And even if people didn't like you, you could still kind of pat yourself on the back because you're so godly because you follow these easy rules.
And here's the key of it. They were easy rules that were highly visible.
High visibility. It's not something that's secret between you and God. It's a high visibility, easy rule to follow that makes you look really pious.
It makes you look really good. It's in everybody's face. Everybody can see it. You know, when Jesus talks about the loud greetings at the marketplace.
So everyone was hearing that, right? The prayers that are just loud and everyone was hearing that. It wasn't like a secret prayer closet where you're actually being faithful.
It's, I wanna be seen doing this holy thing. That's what the Pharisees would often do.
And today, what happens with modern Pharisees is that they do the same exact thing.
This is a video that I saw, woke preacher clips post from Rick Warren.
And the people right now, let me just say this again. I've said this many times. If you are saying that Christians ought to get the vaccines because Christians need to love their neighbor as theirself, you are adding to the law of God.
There is no law in the book. I've read it many times. There's nothing in the book that says you need to inject yourself with a chemical in order to love your neighbor.
If you don't want people to die, you must inject yourself with this chemical. That's a requirement of the law of God.
There's nothing like that. So when you say that love your neighbor as yourself requires wearing a mask, getting a vaccine, whatever it is, you're adding to the law of God.
And I am making the case here that you're adding to the law of God in the same way that the
Pharisees did. In other words, it's a very easy one to follow and very easy command. It's very visible, and it's gonna get you a lot of accolades.
It's gonna get you pats in the back. Let's listen to what Pastor Rick Warren has to say here.
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Any thoughts about the pastors who are saying, hey, the government's trying to suppress the church by not allowing us open, or now there's a conversation about, well, we're going to get shut down on YouTube or social media accounts because we're
Christians. Anything you want to say into that space to those who are worried that freedoms are being curtailed in a discriminatory way?
Yeah. Yeah, I totally reject that. The very fact that people tried to politicize a pandemic is just dumb.
Those were just liberals politicizing the pandemic over and over and over and over again. And so this is the scam that these idiots run.
It's like your enemy politicizes it, and then you say, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no.
And then because you said no, now you're the one politicizing it. Don't fall for that scam. It's ridiculous.
This is a safety issue, not a First Amendment issue. Now, you might have a case if everything else opened up except the church.
Okay? But we're not being discriminated against. We went an entire football season.
Sporting events are shut down. There are no concerts going on. The theaters are shut down.
Restaurants in Southern California are shut down. If we were the only ones, yeah, I would be the first to raise my hand and say we're being discriminated against.
No, you wouldn't. You would never, ever, ever raise your hand because you're a coward and because you worship the state.
You would never, ever raise your hand, you wuss. This is not a discrimination issue.
This is a healthcare issue. Yeah, this is a good point.
I mean, again, and I don't know if you heard this during the middle of the video, but woke preacher clips, man, you get a thumbs up for me.
Your editing has been killing it lately. But yeah, this is a losing argument anyway.
This is a stupid argument anyway. Only an idiot would make an argument like this where it's like, well, as long as everybody's shut down, then it's totally not a
First Amendment issue. It's totally not a religious freedom issue. It's like, that's ridiculous, right? That's not the standard.
The standard is God says, I go to worship, you have no authority over me. That's it. That's it.
And of course, it's very easy to find examples of that in the scripture. Daniel's a good one. He didn't say, the king didn't say, well, it's just the
Jews that can't pray or whatever. He didn't say that. He said everybody, right?
Well, according to Rick Warren, that's totally fine because it was not discriminatory.
Guys, it takes like five seconds of thinking to think that one through. Don't let these idiots think for you.
And the Bible says, love your neighbors yourself. The most practical way right now you can love your neighbors yourself, wear a mask.
Look at them. They're all like, yeah, totally, man. Totally. No, no. That's pharisaical.
And this is the point. The Pharisees back then would make these easy to follow rules. Like you couldn't take a certain amount of steps or whatever it was.
You couldn't take up your bed on a Saturday. And it's very easy to follow those. It's very hard to be holy, but it's very easy to follow their stupid rules.
And everyone could see it highly visible, just like a mask. Everyone can see it, right? Look, if you want to wear a mask,
I'm not saying you can't wear a mask. What I'm saying though, is that Rick Warren can't make a rule that says, love your neighbor as yourself means wear a mask.
That's a practical way, excuse me, to follow it. That's a Pharisee thing.
It gets you pats in the back. It gets you kudos, and it's very visible. Everyone can see how holy you are.
It's the equivalent of the loud greetings in the marketplace. It's the equivalent of the praying in order to be heard.
It's the equivalent of that. And so everyone here is like, yeah, right on. This is the Pharisee crew right here, where they want everyone to think that they are super holy.
And so they do the things externally that they'll see, that they know they'll get a pat on the back. And they'll never, ever, ever do the thing that's actually hard and say, look,
God said we got to meet on Sunday. We got to meet on Sunday. I know you think that's dangerous, and maybe it is dangerous, but I've got a
Lord. I've got a master. I've got someone here that tells me how to order my life, and it's not you.
That's the thing they'll never do. That's actually how to love your neighbor, by the way. That's actually two things.
It's loving God, and it's also loving neighbor because God says that we should do it, so therefore we should do it. So we love God, and we do it, but also keeping your church open so that you can lay hands on the sick, and on the dying, on the downtrodden, on the despairing, and all that.
You're loving your neighbor as well, but that's the hard way to love your neighbor. Excuse me, the actual way to love your neighbor, and none of these three will ever do that.
They will only do the easy way that gets them the kudos and the greetings at the marketplace. That's what they want to do.
They want to stay part of society, and so they'll do anything society tells them, even if it overturns the law of God.
Now here's the other guy. This guy makes me sick. Absolutely sick.
So here's Dan Darling, and I want to play this. So here's his reward, guys.
He got his reward, and Dan Darling is the kind of guy that is desperate for approval from the pagans, and he got his just desserts.
This is what he wanted. He wanted to be on MSNBC. He wanted to be on whatever it is, and they gave it to him.
At least Dan got it, right? Sometimes they don't give it to you. You try to get attention, and they just ignore you.
This time, because I think this is the hot button issue right here, mourning Joe, that woman, that creepy woman, and that dude.
Isn't that dude involved in some kind of alleged murder or allegedly? I don't know, but let's just listen to this, because I want you to see this is
Dan Darling basking in his reward. Caesar put the crown on his head. He's getting what he really, really wanted the entire time.
And yet, in spite of this cloud of confusion and era of mistrust, I felt it was important for me and my family to get the vaccine.
The discovery and technology are one of the most amazing feats of discovery in modern history.
It was made by dedicated scientists and doctors, many of whom are people of deep
Christian faith. I believe in this vaccine, because I don't want to see anyone else die of COVID.
Our family has lost too many close friends and relatives to COVID, including an uncle, a beloved church member, and our piano teacher.
He believes in the vaccine because he doesn't want people to die. So it certainly sounds like a move of desperation, like a last resort.
I believe in this because I don't want to see anyone die. It kind of reminds me of that propaganda video.
He was like, I had no choice but to believe in it, dog. I mean, like that kind of thing. Like you do have a choice, obviously.
Everybody knows that. But the first stuff he said, not so bad. Okay. So he thinks it's a tremendous scientific feat.
I'm not sure why he thinks that, but that's fine. If he wants to believe that and he thinks that's a good idea for him and his family.
I mean, that's his family, right? I personally don't think he should allow his kids to get the vaccine, but hey, I'm not his,
I'm not the parent of his children. I think he made a mistake there. I think he did something bad for his children, but that's not my kids.
So he can do whatever he wants with his kids. Just leave mine alone, obviously. But the point is though, that Dan Darling is saying that, you know, he likes the technology.
He thinks it's good. For some reason, he thinks in an era where everyone is doing things that are bad, mistrust is everywhere.
For some reason, you trust this. For some reason, he doesn't really explain in this clip anyway.
But whatever, that's not the objectionable part. But this part about believing the vaccine because he doesn't want to see anyone else die, that's really weird, man.
Believing it because you think it works, that makes sense, but because I don't want to see it, it's like desperation.
My goodness, we're not in that desperate hour yet. You know what I mean? I've often told my wife,
I would get an experimental treatment if I was on death's door, right? If I had cancer,
God forbid, if I had cancer and I had a month to live, but they said, hey, there's this experimental treatment, you know, we don't know if it really works, but it's a shot.
Well, I'm going to die anyway, so I'll take the shot, right? No issue. But for something like this, it's like, we're not at that desperate hour at all.
And so why take the experimental? I don't really get that, but that's not the point. Let's listen in. There are not many things in the world today that are worthy of our trust, but I sincerely believe the
COVID -19 vaccine is one of them. As a Christian and as an American, I was proud to get it.
So, okay, so he got the USA Today article. That's what he really wanted. Now he gets his heart's desire in this clip because they actually interviewed him.
Joe. Dan, talk about your faith and the role it played in you making that decision.
Talk about your faith and the role it played in you making that decision. Like, Dan Darling strikes me as the guy who's like, he's like, wow,
I'm finally in the cool kid club after all these years. Probably got beat up in high school and all that stuff, and now he gets what he's desperately wanted, the spot on Morning Joe.
Here we go. Let's see what this guy has to say. Tell me about your faith, Joe. Tell me about what a
Christian would just be. Wow. Imagine if you were on cable news.
Now, I'd never accepted an invitation on cable news, obviously. Those people can, well, it's going to be nice, but I'd ignore any requests for comment, of course.
But imagine if you were on cable news and an opportunity like this. Tell me about your faith,
Dan. Well, I think there's two things to think about. I think one of them is this idea that we're to love our neighbors, and one of the things we do when we get a vaccine is we not only protect ourselves, but we also do our part in keeping our part from spreading the virus and hurting our neighbors.
Secondly, I also think the way to persuade people to get a vaccine is not going to come top down.
It's not going to come from elites, but it's going to come from people closest to people, their doctors, their pharmacists, their pastors.
As I said, there's a great deficit of trust here in this country. Much of it is earned because our institutions have failed us in many ways.
And yet this is one area where I do think we can be confident that the vaccine works. It has had rigorous protocols.
It's a uniquely American success story with our companies coming together. And we've had a bipartisan push on it.
President Trump helped shepherd this vaccine through, and then President Biden is helping us to get the vaccine out.
And so I really encourage folks, I don't shame anyone into getting it. I know it's a very big decision to put a foreign...
What a liar and a little snake. Tell me about your faith, Dan. Tell me about your faith,
Joe is saying. Tell me about the faith. Is that Joe Scarborough? Is that his last name? Yeah, Joe Scarborough.
Tell me about your faith, Dan. Two things. Two things, Joe. The first, and then he makes up a
Pharisee lie. It's about loving your neighbor as yourself. That's how you get the vaccine. It protects you and it protects your neighbor.
Well, actually, Dan Darling is about, I don't know, a couple weeks behind the science.
Yeah, a couple weeks behind the science because the CDC has already said vaccines don't prevent you from spreading
COVID. They don't protect you and they don't protect others from getting COVID. It's just not the case.
It doesn't protect anybody. So there's that. So that's just factually incorrect.
But it's also lying about the law of God because when you say it's love your neighbor as yourself, you are lying through your teeth because that's a summary of the law and there is no law that talks about getting a vaccine.
So when Dan is asked, tell me about your faith, please. How does he respond?
Well, he responds like a Pharisee. Tell me about your faith, Shlomo. Well, let me tell you because how you get holy is that you make sure that on Saturday you don't take a 51 steps.
You could take 50 steps. That's okay. But once you take 51, then you're doing work and breaking the
Sabbath. Tell me about your faith. Tell me about your faith. Well, let me get my robes on and I'll tell you about my faith.
On Saturday, you do not push the button in the elevator. Tell me about your faith,
Dan. And he comes up with a fake law from the word of God. It's not in there.
That's from Dan's book. I don't know what book is Dan's reading, but it's not that. Then he says the second thing.
I couldn't believe this when I heard this. The second thing about, tell me about your faith, Dan. The second thing about his faith.
The first one's a lie about the law of God. The second thing is, well, you know, people trust.
In order to get people to do this, you got to find people you trust. And since I'm a pastor,
I'm a Christian leader, they trust me. And so that's how it's good. It's not going to be top down.
It's going to be bottom up. And look, I don't shame people. I don't shame people about this. I just say, well, how much can you hate grandma if you don't get the vaccine?
But I don't shame people. Love your neighbor as yourself. It's only the most beloved verse in all of scripture.
But I don't shame people for not getting the vaccine. I just tell them, how could they be such a hateful, evil bigot?
It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. But, you know, Dan knows who, who, what, what, you know,
Dan knows where his, where his meal comes from. Dan understands who, who butters his bread, so to speak.
And this is what he wants. He's there and now he's going to give them what they want to hear.
Tell me about your faith, Dan. Well, let me tell you about my Lord and Savior, the CDC. See, that's the thing.
I don't want anyone to die. So prayer and repentance. Yeah, no, the
CDC didn't require that. No, the CDC said, get the vaccine, even though the
CDC also says, well, you know, it doesn't even prevent spread or anything like that. Tell me about your faith,
Dan. I would never, ever answer a call to be on MSNBC because I'm not going to help my enemy make money or, you know, make their points or whatever like that.
I'm done with that. I'm done. I'll tell them to go pounce in. Go ahead and reach out to me, MSNBC. I guarantee you
I will not be responding. But if somehow I did end up, someone, tell me about your faith.
I can guarantee you I'm not going to make up verses in the scripture. I'm not going to do it.
And I'm not going to also, I'm also not going to say, well, yeah, I'll do the state's bidding. And, you know, people, you know, they tend to believe people they trust.
And so I'll gladly be that propagandist. Gladly. What a snake. It's all new.
But I do encourage folks to talk to their doctor and really consider it just because we just don't want to see anyone else unnecessarily die of this lethal virus.
God's in the midst of judging our nation. And you get asked by the mainstream media, tell me about your faith.
What should be being said right here is we need to repent in sackcloth and ashes.
And perhaps if we repent, God will stay his hand. Maybe, maybe, just maybe if we change our ways, we stop this insanity with the
LGBT stuff. We stop this insanity with the wars. We stop this Holocaust of abortion.
Just maybe if we do that, it'll be like in Nineveh when, when they stopped and they repented, they realized, oh my goodness, we're going to be destroyed by God.
Maybe God will stay his hand and he won't do all the calamity that he's going to do to us.
That's what your faith actually says, Dan, at least the faith that you claim. But, but no, instead you say, well,
I don't want God to judge us anymore. So let's listen to the CDC, no matter how insane what they tell us to do is.
Tell me about your faith, Dan. I'm fired up today, man.
I'm fired up. But this is the thing. Like, like this is, this is lawlessness. I had my, my friend, my online friend,
I've never met him, but I've talked to him online. Non -tenant from It's Good to Be a Man talk about how this is all lawlessness.
This is, this is, this is not lawful at all. Dan Darling is a lawless man. He creates a law, but it's lawless compared to the, when you, when you consider
God's law, right? It's lawlessness. The Pharisees, they didn't, they weren't focused on the law of God.
That's a mistake a lot of people make, that the Pharisees were just too focused on the law. No, no, no. That's not what Jesus says.
Jesus says that they're lawless. And Dan Darling is lawless.
Tell me about your faith. No, no, it's not repentance. It's not sackcloth and ashes. It's not, we need to kiss the sun lest he be, lest we be destroyed.
Like, like we need to pay homage to Christ in our nation. Otherwise we will be destroyed.
No amount of vaccine shenanigans, no amount of CDC edicts, no amount of nonsense will stay
God's hand. It's only repentance that will do so. Only repentance that will do so.
Tell me about your faith, Dan. So Dan, uh, I've asked this question before of other evangelicals that have come on this show and what
I don't understand about many of my friends and family members are the, um, the conspiracy theories that they seem to be more prone to on Facebook.
Um, he, he's like, this is why Dan was brought on MSNBC because Joe knows that Dan is a faithful, faithful follower of the state.
And so whatever he wants, whatever point he wants to make about how Christians are idiots, they're hateful, they're just reckless,
Dan will make the same point. This is so disgusting. This guy is a complete snake.
And just look at him. I mean, he's, he's loving this. I mean, he's obviously an awkward dude, but this is what his goal has been since the beginning.
He wants to get this exposure. He thinks this is going to be his jumping off point. Are you kidding me? You know, as I say, we, we as evangelicals believe we have the greatest story ever told as the foundation of our lives.
We really don't need some Christian Chinese, some, some
Chinese religious cult sending conspiracy theories across the world to influence us.
We don't need conspiracy theories on Facebook to wrap our arms around.
Why is it that many of our fellow brothers and sisters are not listening to their pastors, not listening to their doctors, not following the words of Jesus, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
And instead, I mean, and not listening to their family members and instead clinging to lies that are spread on Facebook.
What, what explains this? It's deeply disturbing to me. What explains that people, the evangelical faith, especially
Joe, this, this is all a fabrication. This is the caricature that you want to push forward about evangelical
Christians, that they're all essentially idiots. They're all essentially barbarians and they're not following Christ.
Anyway, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That's actually literally the case that I make about the vaccine mandates and stuff like that.
I don't want anyone to have to put into their body something that they're not interested in putting into their bodies. I don't want people manipulated in that way.
I don't want people coerced in that way. I don't want people lied to about that, doing that as well because people was, oh, it's totally safe.
It's totally safe. And the reality is that you don't know that. Even if you think it's totally safe, you don't know that because nobody knows what the long -term effects of this are.
Nobody. That's not a conspiracy theory. That's just the facts. That's the, so do unto others.
Okay. So then leave me alone. Stop trying to coerce me into doing something I don't want to do.
I don't have to listen to my pastor when he says something ungodly. I don't have to listen to the CDC director because I just don't have to.
But here's the point. Morning Joe knows that Dan Darling is on his team, so he's gonna drag evangelicals through the mud as well.
Let's hear what Dan Darling has to say. Well, I do think actually there's some good news. Vaccine hesitancy among evangelicals has dropped significantly.
And actually, if you follow the work of someone like Ryan Burge of Eastern Illinois University, a sociologist, actually evangelicals are not the most hesitant cohort.
There's hesitancy among young people who have no faith. There's some hesitancy among African -American populations.
But secondly, I do think the reason why there's vaccine hesitancy, and there's a tendency to believe conspiracy theories is twofold.
I think, first of all, there's a deficit of trust in our institutions. And when trust goes down, belief in conspiracies goes up.
Number two, I think many of us are more discipled and catechized by our political pundits and people we prefer on the left and the right than we are by scripture.
And I think we need to return to really being discipled by our faith.
And so there is good news, though. Anecdotally, in my world, a lot of folks who have been very hesitant are getting the vaccine, and I'm hearing from pastors around the country that that's the case as well.
Yeah, it's great news. Great news. They're doing what we want them to do,
Joe. Great news. They're not growing in their faith. I mean, you know, they know less about theology than they ever have before.
But the good news, though, is that perhaps the judgment on our nation will be stayed because we're obeying our
Lord and Savior, Dr. Fauci. This is so disgusting.
But here's the point, though, guys. Dan Darling has his reward. Dan Darling got what he wanted, and so he's feeling pretty good about himself right now.
You know, I wonder about that, actually, though, sometimes. Because I was talking to my brother about Judas, right?
And Judas, when he sells out Christ for 30 pieces of silver—not a whole ton of money,
I mean, it's a decent amount of money, but not life -changing money—he sells him for 30 pieces of silver, and then he hangs himself, right?
Then he hangs himself. And, you know, that reaction, it's like, he obviously wasn't feeling good about it.
And I tend to believe that Judas really thought that he was Jesus's friend, right?
And then when he did what he did, he was tempted by the money or the clout because, you know, the
Pharisees were leaders, and he was kind of thinking maybe he could kind of be power -adjacent, right?
I think that's the kind of temptation that I think Dan Darling is, excuse me, going after here.
He's on MSNBC, and he thinks this is his jumping -off point, and he's gonna be—he's got it made now, right?
I mean, I said everything you wanted me to say, Joe! Everything! You know, yeah, sure, you ripped evangelicals, and I didn't defend them,
I just said there's good news that some of them are now getting the vax! Yep, like, I think he thinks this is his jumping -off point, he's gonna be a celebrity—this schlub is not gonna be any celebrity, are you crazy?
But that's what he thinks, and I think Judas was in that same boat. But I think Judas realized very quickly—and this is just my opinion,
I don't know this, I'm not in the mind of Judas, obviously—but I think Judas realized very quickly that he got his payment, and he wasn't gonna get anything else.
He wasn't gonna be power -adjacent, he wasn't gonna get a regular spot on MSNBC of the time, he just got his 30 pieces of silver, and that was that.
But he found out really quickly that he wasn't going to get the thing he was tempted by, and then he realized how he had betrayed someone that I think he liked.
I think Judas probably liked Jesus. And then he offed himself. And so the truth is here that Dan Darling, as infuriating as this clip is, and the way he's acting here, it's infuriating, guys, don't hear me softening it.
I'm not, there's no excuse for this. But he has his reward now, and it's a pathetic, awful, just ridiculous reward, and he's probably not—very soon, he's probably not going to be feeling very good about this.
And I think that this man seriously needs some prayer. Seriously needs some prayer.
Just to turn his back on the church in this way, all to get a few kudos from the pagans, right?
To get the warm greetings at the marketplace, in the public square of our time, right?
He got it, he got what he deserved, and it's not all it's cracked up to be. And so I would recommend praying for this guy.
I'm furious at him, furious. But I don't want this man to be destroyed, I want this man to repent of what he's been doing.
Tell me about your faith, Dan! And he talks about the vaccine, and about tricking people into getting it. It's sad.
It's really sad. And so I would just ask you to join me in praying for this man.
I can't imagine this feels very good. I can't imagine it feels very good. And if it does, and he's completely reprobate, well then that's another thing, you know?
That's something else. But I don't believe that about most of these people. I believe that they're falling for a temptation, and they're falling hard, and so we ought to pray for them, because that's a scary place to be.