The "Church" of Scientology

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Is Scientology a cult? Is it Christian? Does it share any similarities to Mormonism? Watch and find out! Link to article:


Hello, in this video I'm going to be covering the subject of Scientology and how it compares to the
Bible. Scientology, yes this is the religion that's popular among the
Hollywood celebrities. So the reason I'm doing this is because in my other video titled
Kingdom of the Cults, so many people had asked, you know, what about Scientology?
So it seemed that people really wanted me to cover this subject. And then when
I did my study on the cults, the four major cults individually,
I did the religion or the cult of Christian Science and people, they always got the two mixed up.
They thought Scientology and Christian Science were the same thing. So let me just start out by saying that no, they're totally two different, they're both cults but they're two totally different things.
So Scientology, Christian Science, not the same at all. So I realize
Scientology, the Church of Scientology as it's called, it does have a cross on top of their headquarters so it's one of their symbols and I guess that is maybe where some of the confusion comes in.
The Scientologists, at least some of them, will claim that Scientology is compatible with the scriptures but the cults, they typically, you have to understand, they do things like that.
They'll borrow Christian symbols or use biblical terminology or claim that they are in line with the
Bible because that gives them an overall sort of an air of legitimacy when they really have no legitimacy.
So whether it's the Mormons, Christian Science, Scientology, these different cults, they want to claim, at least to some extent, to believe the
Bible or to be in line with the scripture. But anyone who has ever studied the
Bible and understands these religions, false religions, the two do not line up at all.
Scientology has a different view of God, and we're going to get into these things, but they have a different view of God.
They reject the deity of Christ. They deny heaven and hell. They have a different definition for salvation.
So it goes without saying, they're not following the Bible. They believe in reincarnation, so you're seeing how different Scientology is from Christianity.
Yet, if they continue to grow, if they are able to polish up their public image,
I wouldn't be surprised at all if at some point in the future, the Pope or certain televangelists start ecumenical dialogue with the
Scientologists. You say, well, come on, that's never going to happen. Well, I'm not saying that just to poke fun.
I'm just seeing how Mormonism is gaining legitimacy, not only with things like the
Chosen or people like Joel Osteen, but the Mormons have had meetings with the
Pope. So why not Scientology? Because Scientology and Mormonism are actually somewhat similar, at least in a few ways.
I'll explain that too. So the point is, as soon as Scientology, the Church of Scientology, as soon as they are able to kind of shed that cult label, at least in the eyes of the general public, hey, it's all good.
Because that's what's happening with the Mormons. Mormons are starting to be seen as just another denomination.
That's just started recently, but it's definitely happening. Scientology is still viewed as a cult.
Almost everybody views it as a cult. So it's really about public image. I mean, it should be about the truth, but this is the way it goes.
So here's why I would associate Scientology with Mormonism. Because both religions claim that human beings, or our souls, or our spirits, came from alien life forms.
So the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints, aka the Mormons, they teach that the being that we call
God was once an alien being living in outer space near the star
Kolob. You've probably heard me talk about this before, and how he worked his way to Godhood, where him and his polygamist wives created a host of spirit babies, and then those spirits came to earth, and that's where humans came from.
I realize some of you probably don't believe me, but watch my study on Mormonism, and yeah, that's what the early
Mormon leaders taught. That's still what many Mormons believe, but like all the cults, they try and hide what they really think until you're initiated.
And that's the way it is with Scientology. They don't tell you all this up front. You have to be initiated into the cult.
But here is why Mormonism is similar to Scientology. Scientology was started in the 1950s by the science fiction writer
L. Ron Hubbard. He started out as something, Scientology started out as something like a business, but likely for tax purposes, he characterized it, re -characterized it as a religion.
So the idea is that there was, here are the similarities with Mormonism. Scientology, the idea is there was this alien leader who ruled over,
I guess, a federation of planets around 70 million years ago, and he brought alien lifeforms to earth, and he brought their souls to earth.
There's something about a volcano and a nuclear explosion, and their spirits became attached to early man, whether it's the
Neanderthals or whatever. So basically, all of our problems that we have today, they all stem from the past, from former trauma in our former lives, because we've all been reincarnated according to Scientology.
So there are these things called engrams, I think I'm pronouncing that correctly, and the mind is affected by these engrams, and they can only be removed, and therefore your problems can only be solved through this process that Scientologists call auditing.
And of course, you have to pay money for each auditing session, and once a person is free from these engrams, after all that time, years and years, and all the money you spend on the therapy, this of course is your initiation into the cult to prove that you're serious and that you're loyal, that you're willing to spend all that time and money.
If you're willing to do that, you're buying in, obviously. So after that process, once the engrams are removed through the auditing process, you are then given the status of clear, and that's probably where you become an official member.
So okay, that's Scientology. If you want to look into that process further, you can.
And leave a comment. If I got something wrong, leave a comment. But I checked several sources and they all seem to say the same thing.
So I'm not an expert in Scientology. Matter of fact, I'm not interested in it at all.
And it's a cult, it's a false religion. I hate to even call it a religion.
But then again, New Age is called a religion, so to me it seems similar in some ways to Mormonism and New Age, and it's just kind of far out there, and hey, whatever.
But in my video, Kingdom of the Cults, some people were splitting hairs with me because I use this term, cult.
But most people call Scientology a cult. Almost everybody calls it a cult. But people were splitting hairs with me over, you know, what's your definition of a cult?
And I use the term, if you've seen my video, Kingdom of the Cults, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Seventh -day
Adventists, if you watch that video, the definition
I'm running on as far as a cult, I'm talking about a theological cult in that they have unbiblical teachings.
But some people said to me, if you can leave the group, if you can freely leave, then it's not a cult.
Yeah, I understand that because there are different types of cults. When people hear that word, many people, they think of a group living all together on a compound and you're not allowed to leave.
That's the worst type of cult. Not really the situation with Scientology, although, from what
I understand, if you do leave, and especially if you talk about it publicly, there are serious consequences and several celebrities have spoken out about that.
The actress from the TV show, King of Queens, I think it is, I don't know, I don't really watch it, but Leah something, you know, she's big into this and has a podcast about it.
But you can look into that on your own if you want. I, again, I have to admit,
I'm not really interested in this subject. Here's why, because I don't really think that Scientology is a threat to the church.
Maybe someday it will be, but right now, I'm more interested in Catholicism, Mormonism, especially right now
Universalism and Deconstruction. That is much more of an immediate threat to the church.
So I spend most of my time investigating that, talking about that, because that's more of a danger.
Scientology, I mean the average Christian sitting in the pew, they're not going to drop a few hundred thousand dollars going through the auditing process for Scientology.
It's just probably not going to happen. So it's not something I'm all that concerned about. But just to compare
Scientology to the Bible, it sounds like, after reading an article from GotQuestions .org,
which I'll link to in the description for this video, it sounds like that people continue in the
Scientology system of theology, I guess it's, if you can even call it theology, in their system, it sounds like people continue to be reincarnated until they reach salvation.
Now, it's not salvation the way we think of it, eternal life. It sort of sounds similar to Eastern religion, where the goal is not eternal life, the goal is to, what, cease to exist, to reach some sort of stage of nirvana, where you are absorbed back into the oneness of the universe, something like pantheism, and that's what it sounded like to me.
Again, if you know more about it, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section. But here's what
GotQuestions .org says about Scientology in comparison to the
Bible. They say, Though Scientologists will claim that Scientology is compatible with Christianity, the
Bible counters each and every belief they hold to. The Bible, for example, teaches that God is the sovereign and only creator of the universe –
Genesis 1 .1 – and that mankind was created by God – Genesis 1 .27.
The only salvation to man is by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ –
Philippians 2 .8. Salvation is a free gift that mankind can do nothing to earn –
Ephesians 2 .8 -9. Jesus Christ is alive and well and is seated at the right hand of the
Father, even now – Acts 2 .33, Ephesians 1 .20, Hebrews 1 .3.
Jesus is awaiting the time when he will gather his people to himself to reside with him for eternity in heaven.
Everyone else will be cast into a very real hell, separated from God for eternity –
Revelation 20 .15. Scientology categorically denies the existence of God, or at least they deny the existence of the
God of the Bible, because you have to understand, people, oh, I believe in God. Well, what
God? There's a lot of people in the Bible who believed in God, but their
God was Baal, so they didn't really believe in God. So if somebody says they believe in God, that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but Scientology categorically denies the existence of the
God of the Bible. They deny heaven, they deny hell. To a
Scientologist, Jesus Christ was simply a good teacher who, unfortunately, was wrongfully put to death.
Scientology differs from Biblical Christianity on every important doctrine.
Some of the most important differences are summarized below. So here's where Scientology and the
Bible differ on God. Scientologists believe that there are multiple gods and that some gods are above other gods.
This is a pagan belief, of course. Biblical Christianity, on the other hand, recognizes the one and only true
God who revealed himself to us in the Bible and through Jesus Christ.
Those who believe in him cannot believe the false concept of God as taught in Scientology.
Jesus Christ. Okay, here's the difference between Christianity and Scientology regarding Jesus.
Like other cults, Scientology denies the deity of Christ. Instead of having a
Biblical view of who Christ is and what he did, they assigned to him the characteristics of some sort of lesser deity who has obtained legendary status over the years.
The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus was God in the flesh and through his incarnation he could act as a sacrifice for our sins.
It is through Christ's death and resurrection that we can have the hope of eternal life with God. John 3 .16.
Okay, concerning sin. Here is where the Bible and Scientology differ. Scientology believes in the inherent goodness of man.
That's also kind of a pagan, or at least a New Age idea today, right?
And this is what a lot of the modern televangelists like Joel Osteen teach.
That man is basically good. This is liberal theology. The liberal mainline churches, they all teach this.
So Scientology believes in the inherent goodness of man as opposed to Christianity who believes that mankind is depraved or in sin.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The Bible teaches that mankind is sinful and in his condition he cannot please
God. God's grace is necessary, but Scientologists believe that is utterly beneath a person to tell someone that he must repent or that he is sinful.
On the other hand, the Bible teaches man is sinful. Okay, Romans 3 .23, Romans 6 .23.
Salvation. Scientology and the Bible differ on salvation. Scientology believes in reincarnation and that personal salvation in one's lifetime is freedom from the cycle of birth and death associated with reincarnation.
They believe that religious practice of all faiths is the universal way to wisdom, understanding, and salvation, even though they all believe different things,
I guess. But in contrast, the Bible teaches that there is only one way of salvation and that is through Jesus Christ.
Jesus himself said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me.
John 14 verse 6. Comparing the teachings of Scientology with the Bible, we see that the two have very little, if anything, in common.
Scientology only leads away from God and eternal life. Scientology, while sometimes disguising its beliefs in Christian -sounding language, in fact, is diametrically opposed to Christianity on every core tenet.
Scientology is clearly and most definitely not Christian. So that is not only my viewpoint, it's the viewpoint of GotQuestions .org,
it's the viewpoint of any Bible -believing Christian. So there you go. Scientology is definitely not
Christian. I don't even know if you can call them a Christian cult because, well,
I'll explain that in a moment. But here's what the cults do. They'll say, oh no, here's the common retort, oh, what are you saying?
We have to agree with you, we have to agree with everything you believe, otherwise we're not
Christians. Who are you to say? You get that sometimes. Well, no, that's not the way it is.
God forbid any Christian would ever make themselves the standard that you have to agree with me.
That's not the issue. You don't have to agree with me. You do have to agree with Jesus, though.
You do have to agree with the Bible. You can't say I'm a Christian and then reject the Bible. Sure, there are plenty of things
Christians can agree to disagree on, but the major tenets of the faith, no.
And Scientology does not line up with any of the foundational Christian beliefs.
Even something like Catholicism, there's a lot of truth within Catholicism, but it's so mixed with error and the truth is so obscured by man -made tradition,
Catholicism, here's how I would put it, Catholicism is like way out in left field, but something like Scientology, it's not even in the same ballpark.
It's not even in the same zip code. The Jehovah's Witnesses may, at first glance, seem like they're trying to be biblical, but they're not.
They have a corrupted Bible translation called the New World Translation. It's made especially for their followers.
It's totally corrupted. The Mormons have a completely different holy book, quote -unquote holy book, the
Book of Mormon. In some ways, you could say that about the Muslims because they have a totally different book they're going on.
And in some ways, Islam is a Christian heresy because they take the story of the
Bible and they totally change everything around. But like I said, Scientology and also
Christian science. Remember, they're not the same. Christian science founded by Mary Baker Eddy in the late 1800s and Scientology started in the 1950s by L.
Ron Hubbard. Two totally different cults or false religions, but both are, again, not even in the same ballpark.
Not even in the same zip code. They are so radically different than Christianity, there is little to no connection with biblical truth.
So, in conclusion, my advice to you, when searching for truth, you probably know what my advice is.
Read the Bible. Read the 66 books of Scripture.
Believe in Jesus as the Son of God. Get into a good Bible -believing church. How do you know if it's a good
Bible -believing church? They have a sound statement of faith and they teach verse -by -verse through the
Scriptures. They believe in grace alone, faith alone, in Christ alone.
The Scriptures alone are the authority. Get into a good Bible -believing church.
Read the Bible for yourself. That's the only way you're going to get the truth. So, thanks for watching.