Call to Action: Please Consider Partnering with Us!

Apologia Utah iconApologia Utah


We have very exciting news to announce! We are humbled and honored to announce that Apologia Church is planting a church in Utah! We are so grateful for this opportunity and we would love to have you join us if you are in the area! You can donate and partner with us by going to​. #ApologiaUtah We've seen so many Mormons come to Christ through the outreach ministry given to us. Now we hope to see Utah won to Christ. Join us! Follow us on social media here: Facebook:


Before you check out this video, we'd love for you to go to ApologiaUtah .com. Please consider partnering with us in our efforts to reach the lost in the state of Utah.
You can go to the donate button and donate one time, monthly or annually to help with our efforts to plant a church in the state of Utah.
Thanks, guys. Hey, what's up, guys? I'm Wade Orsini. And I'm Andrew Songkran. We are from Apologia Church.
That's right. Our pastors in our church back in Arizona at Apologia Church have decided to commission and send out us and our families out here to the great state of Utah where we're at now.
The fact is, this state is largely made up of, you guessed it, LDS people, part of the
Mormon Church. The reality is, for every 100 Mormon wards, there's only 2 to 3
Christian evangelical churches. That is just crazy. And a substantial 9 out of 10
Utah residents report that they have never heard the gospel presented to them by an evangelical
Christian. That's right, brother. So we need your help, guys. We need you to partner with us.
Would you consider supporting this work, helping us get started, get our families out here?
We have a general fund that we're working on, and you can go to our website to help donate to that.
Everything from getting our families here to rent for the building that we're renting to bulletins, literature, publications, media kits, everything like that.
We could use your help to get there. So we're gonna go, brother. www .apologiautah .com
And you can learn more about the church plant in general there, but you can also go to the Donate tab. And if you feel led to partner with us, you can donate one time or you can donate monthly.
We are looking at getting a goal of $150 ,000. And if you think about it, that's not that much money in terms of the substantial effect that the gospel will have in the state of Utah for the
LDS people that desperately need the gospel. So please pray for us, right? Partner with us in prayer.
But if you can, also partner with us through going to www .apologiautah .com and clicking that Donate tab and supporting us either one time or monthly.
Amen. Yeah, so we appreciate you guys. We love you. Please pray for our families. Pray for the efforts here.
Pray for more laborers with this great, great harvest that is ripe for the picking.
Come be a part of this and partner with us. We thank you. Go to www .apologiautah .com