F4F | Does Repentance Mean Return to the Penthouse?


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Welcome to another episode of fighting for the faith here on YouTube. Now if you've ever been told that repentance that the word pent in the word repentance has something to do with like an upper floor or a penthouse go ahead and click the subscribe button you you've been schnookered you've been told falsehoods by somebody who has no clue how actual entomology works so the case in point we're gonna be heading over to venue church and we're gonna be listening to Tabner Smith and a portion of his message titled uphill habits the rhythm of right decisions we're gonna listen to his con comments in context because again context is a vital thing for rightly understanding of somebody's and how to rightly understand the
Bible and in the course of listening to him we're gonna hear him say something like mind -numbingly dumb in fact yeah
I must warn you this episode of fighting for the faith could cause you to lose brain cells
I'm just saying but all of that being said we'll listen to Tabner Smith the rhythm of right decisions he starts off by telling us about the the aftermath of a basketball game where he won the game you know by on the free throw line and the reason why he was so good at free throws and so by the way your life and your experiences do not make up the source of biblical teaching and doctrine yeah in order for a doctrine to be biblical it actually has to be in the
Bible but to Tabner Smith we've picked on him before because he teaches stuff that ain't found in scripture like nowhere this is like his standard operating procedure but here we go the rhythm of right decisions ha but I got to thinking
I didn't hit those shots because I had ice in my veins no
I hit those shots because five years earlier coming out of the seventh grade into the eighth grade my coach gave me a tip that changed my life when it came to my free throws and ended up changing my life when it came to some other things life -changing tip from his junior high basketball coach this is the source of this doctrine not scripture said this he said
Tabner the key to being a good free -throw shooter is finding your rhythm pick one thing and when you find you're ready to try as many things as you want but whatever feels good and it feels like it gets you in a rhythm find that and do that thing every single time you shoot a free throw from now to the day you die so my rhythm was one two bounces one spin two bounces and a shot one two three spin bounce bounce shot one reliving his glory days you know you think of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite here how much you want to make a bet
I can throw a football over the mountains two three spin bounce bounce shot one two three spin bounce bounce shot one two three spin bounce bounce shot the truth is
I didn't have ice in my veins but I could hit that shot with my eyes closed because for five yeah this will change the world right here yeah years
I used to go after practice everybody else would leave and when everybody else would leave I would shoot 300 free throws and 303 pointers before I would go home it's good on you man good good good on you yeah by the way scripture the
Bible is the source of biblical doctrine not your eighth grade basketball coach just saying hey after practice for almost five years
I would go one two three spin bounce bounce shot 300 times literally in that moment if they wasn't a state tournament game
I could have just looked over at their bench and done it like this without even looking at the goal and I could have hit the shot not because I was great because I had developed a rhythm oh yeah man and and you can use this rhythm for like walking on water and stuff apparently yeah what does this have to do with the
Christian sanctification holiness you know things like that I'm you know this isn't taught in scripture now as I was thinking about the message for today
I got to thinking if that works for free throws and this is what changed my life
I wonder if that would work for other areas of our life right yeah I mean this totally changed his life the advice he took from his junior high coach what about other areas of our life what what other you know what other things can
I do bounce bounce spin bounce bounce shot yeah oh it's gonna change everything okay and I got this thought process a long time ago and it began to work in other areas of my life but yet so this is what you think is an appropriate subject for a sermon during a church service because it changed your life you don't need
Jesus for this you just need an insightful junior high basketball coach what if we could get it in our life today at venue church collectively what if we could get this principle to work in one of the most critical areas of our everyday life what if what if he's been cogitating on his sofa oh what if oh we could change the world again not a biblical teaching here are you ready
I'm ready what if we could learn this principle in the area of our decision -making oh oh
I'll never be the same I'm gonna be more like Jesus cuz of bounce bounce spin bounce bounce shot because you know that's where you are in life right now right no right where you decided to be
God didn't put you there God didn't punish you you're not being whipped because he's
I apparently I whatever problems I'm having it's because I haven't employed good rhythm in my decision -making where did you get this did did you graduate from well no there's no way you graduated from seminary college high school we know you graduated from junior high but beyond that it's getting a little fuzzy upset at something you did at the past there are spiritual attacks in our life we do go through hardships and trials sometimes but do you know while every one of us is where we are in life right now because of the decisions we have made yeah the decision that people made to go to venue church rather than an actual real church a good one yeah that that was bad decision clearly they're out of rhythm there aren't we we're so like we're not very consistent in our decision -making either and I'm raising my hand at times in my life because sometimes we make some really good decisions don't we and then sometimes we make some really bad decisions don't we and sometimes you may be like I made a great decision and then sometimes you like I could tell you about this one decision it was a horrible decision again what does this have to do with Christian sanctification holiness the
Bible a biblical teaching a doctor this is just bouncing off of his experience learning how to throw free throws in junior high the reason is because we've not understood what level we're supposed to be asking
I I'm gonna get a headache
I so we were talking about rhythm and now we've changed the subject to level see the reason you're at you're at you're are where you is cuz you don't know which level you're supposed to be asking for decisions and stuff from God where did you get this see
I told you at the beginning of the series that God God's design for us is to think on a higher level the way when he says
God's design for us is to think on a higher level okay got a tax for this repent doesn't mean say
I'm sorry it means re go back pin to the top go back to the top go back to the top the original way
I created human beings to think when I put them on the earth Adam and Eve I cannot believe how utterly clueless this fellow is okay so I'm gonna back this up I have to back it up because I want you to hear it again and then we'll kind of break this down this is a guy who is the pastor the vision casting leader the head dude
Ed honcho over there venue church and he's he don't know what he's talking about here we go again see
I told you at the beginning of the series that God God's design for us is to think on a higher level the way when he says repent doesn't mean say
I'm sorry it means re go back pin to the top go back to the top go back to the top the original way
I create okay now where do you get this from answer he got it from Bill Johnson this is an excerpt from a book that that Bill Johnson wrote you can find this at life supernatural spirit -filled resources news and interviews for your everyday life from destiny image publishing let me put this in reading view so that you can follow along repentance leads to transformation by Bill Johnson and by the way at the bottom of the article it has there's
Bill Johnson of Bethel Church Reading California and here we go the renewing the mind begins with repentance that is the gateway to return to our original assignment on earth
Jesus said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand by the way yes Jesus did say that to many
Christians repentance refers to having an altar call where people come forward and weep at the altar get right with God that's a limit a legitimate expression of repentance but it's not what that word repentance means re means to go back pent is like the penthouse the top floor of a building repent then means to go back to God's perspective on reality not making that up yeah parents he pent means penthouse no no just like no like not at all so by the way
I don't know if you know this but you can type in any word in Google you don't have to go to dictionary dot com you can type in a word and the dictionary oftentimes will be the first thing that comes up on your
Google search report so I typed in the word repent over at google .com
and look it says verb feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin that's the lead definition for repent but take a look at this little feature word origin mm -hmm yes if you're not sure what the word origin of any particular word is you can find it on Google when the dictionary section comes up in your
Google search results click on word origin and here's what we learn so Latin pen pen it
Terry old French pentier old French re so old
French repent here means to repent yeah so middle
English form of old French repent here from expressing intensive force and pentier based on Latin pine penny a
Terry cause to repent nothing there about penthouses that yeah by the way there were not a lot of penthouse suites in the
Middle Ages or in the Middle Middle Age French just or even
Middle Age English penthouses seem to be by the way a modern -day 20th century expression that when they started building high -rise apartments and things like that and by the way in the
Bible if you wanted to look this up you could look this up in the Bible we we can look up the word for repent the verb form is meta not a oh meta not a oh you know to change meta and then not a oh coming off of the the
Greek word for mind now ooze and it literally means to change one's mind to feel remorse to repent to be converted that's what the word means what
Tabner Smith was saying is complete and utter nonsense and the person he got it from was
Bill Johnson because Bill Johnson's the guy who taught this ridiculous nonsensical definition of repentance and of course
Bill Johnson he operates in the supernatural so he would never you know lie or get something wrong like that right no no no no no
Bill Johnson would never do that so here's Tabner Smith just regurgitating without even thinking something he heard from Bill Johnson and it's got to be true you know cuz you know we got to learn rhythm you know bounce bounce spin bounce bounce shot regarding our decision -making so yeah human beings to think when
I put them on the earth all right I'm gonna back this up again I want you to hear it here we go there is that God God's design for us is to think on a higher level the way when he says repent doesn't mean say
I'm sorry it means read go back pin to the top go back to the top go back to the top the original way
I created human beings to think when I put them on the earth Adam and Eve they thought on a different level right there's a there's what level were they thinking on the ground level maybe the 11th floor level no the penthouse there were lots of penthouses in the in the
Garden of Eden Oh a ton of a man I mean in fact they they lived in like like six or seven of them you know they're in the
Garden of Eden it you know they in fact right next to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil right there in the
Garden of Eden was multi multi multi storied high -rise with the penthouse at the top they so Adam and Eve they were totally thinking on a whole nother level and the fact that people believe that this is what the
Bible teaches I hate to say this I mean Tavner is clearly uneducated when it comes to biblical studies sound biblical doctrine and all this kind of stuff but you know what makes somebody like Tavner Smith possible it's the people at venue church they're the ones who are responsible and let me explain why that's the case you can find this in second
Timothy chapter 2nd Timothy chapter 4 and watch where the blame falls on this so Paul writing to young pastor
Timothy in what's known as a pastoral epistle that's what second Timothy is there are three pastoral epistles first second
Timothy and Titus and he writes this to young pastor Timothy who was a pastor of a congregation in the city of Ephesus says
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who's to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be ready in season out of season reprove rebuke and exhort with complete patience and did
I hey that's doctrine you know doctrine is teaching the teaching and doctrine are synonymous for the time is coming when people will not endure sound dido scally us that's again you know it's sound teaching sound doctrine but having itching ears they they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and that's what's happened venue church exists and there is thriving as a little up -and - coming megachurch and and and Tavner Smith is a star a rising star and the seeker driven horizon specifically because the people there at venue church the reason they like him and and reward him with success and things like that is because he's telling them what they want to hear he's not telling him the truth he's not teaching them the
Bible they have accumulated for themselves a teacher to suit their own passion they have turned away from listening to the truth and they have wandered off into myths mm -hmm so if the people at venue church repent in the truest sense change their mind and say that we were wrong in allowing this
Yahoo to teach us this nonsense we repent and drive that guy out and replace him with a biblical teacher which is biblically their obligation to do then we will no longer hear from Tavner Smith but what
I've noticed in the seeker driven movement it doesn't matter what nonsense you spew from the stage you will never be driven out for being a false teacher in a seeker driven you know megachurch or up -and -coming megachurch plant nope never you could teach you could literally you could teach that Jesus was the gingerbread man and and and nobody would blink an eye what it's gonna take in order for them to you know to defrock him is a moral failing mm -hmm and guys like Tavner Smith they have no clue what biblical sanctification is or holiness is so I've noticed over the years there there is a long list of seeker driven vision casting leaders who've bit the dust morally who taught lots and lots and lots and lots of lots of false doctrine leading up to that and he's on track you know to be one of the next guys who fall
I'm not a prophet or nor am I the son of a prophet but I've been doing this job long enough you know more than a decade now that I can see the handwriting on the wall this guy's heading for a fall it's because he doesn't teach the scriptures he doesn't know what biblical sanctification is and in all this false teaching unchecked by the people there at venue church prove that they're not interested in the truth he's telling them exactly what they want to hear sad state of affairs will pray that they repent and change their mind so if you found this helpful please share this be sure to subscribe ring the bell so you can be notified when we post new videos on our
YouTube channel of course if you'd like to support the the work of pirate Christian media and our different venues for getting the word out regarding biblical discernment and sound doctrine you can all the information how to support us is below by becoming a crew member supporting us on patreon and other ways and and so until next time may