The Queerness of the Trinity? - Christian Fundamentalist Vs. Woke Church Insanity

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Excuse me, brother, but what we call drugs at the 43rd Street Baptist Church, we call us innocent.
All right, let's jump into it today. I posted this video on my gab over the weekend, and it's from Woke Preacher Clips.
Thank you so much for finding this one as well. This is Michelle Higgins.
Now, Michelle Higgins pretends to be a pastor, and she preaches at some kind of building that pretends to be a church.
And on Father's Day, she decided to preach—well, let me just say the real thing—she decided to speak about, well, the
Revolution. Yeah, what better day to speak about the Revolution than Father's Day? And so I wanted to play this because—and you're going to be, if you haven't seen this, you're going to be shocked by what she says here.
It's blasphemous, it's idolatrous, it's evil, it's sinful, the whole nine yards.
But what I want to make the case here is that this is the ultimate goal, the ultimate end of the woke church movement in toto.
And what I'm not saying is that every single person in the woke church movement is going to go quite as far as Michelle Higgins does here.
But what I am saying is that each and every one of them, from Al Mohler to J .D.
Greer to Tim Keller to whoever you want to mention, Ruslan, they've all already capitulated enough to logically get to where Michelle Higgins is.
They've made the key capitulation. Now, they may not go as far as Michelle Higgins does, let me be clear about that.
But the only reason that they might not is by the grace of God. It's not because of any logical consistency, because this is the logical end of the woke church movement.
It's really just that simple. Now, Michelle Higgins is an imposter, obviously, and she's very good at acting, and she can act like a black preacher, kind of like I was doing just a moment ago.
That was a line from the movie Friday. I used to love that movie when I was a younger man.
Anyway, and so she has this cadence where she kind of fakes being really into it, but she's just speaking nonsense.
She claims to be speaking the word of God, which is very blasphemous, but she's speaking nonsense.
And this is wokeness, and I saw somebody saying, well, this is not wokeness. Not everything that's bad is wokeness.
Yeah, that's true. Not every heresy is wokeness, but this definitely is wokeness. I remember saying early on in my
YouTube career that you'll never be woke enough for the pagans. They always want to push it a step further because their movement, their rebellion, their revolution is not against flesh and blood.
It's actually against God. The woke church's revolution is not against flesh and blood.
It's not against white supremacy. That's all a subterfuge. Their movement is a movement against the
Lord of glory. It's hopeless. There's no way they can win, but they're doing it anyway because they hate
God and they hate the image of God, and so they're going to treat people according to how people who are hateful treat people, and that's against the word of God.
So let's listen to Michelle Higgins pretend to be preaching the pretend word of God.
Let the Lord lead you. Hold on a second. Let me get this.
I always make that mistake. Hold your horses. Here we go. To queer parenting.
Let the Lord lead you to queer parenting. I do it better than she does.
Queerness of the Trinity. Yeah, so Michelle Higgins is on the social justice podcast called
Truth's Table, and it's three women, three black women, and one of them is orthodox -ish, and then two of them are complete heretics, and so Michelle is the worst one by far.
She's the biggest lunatic out of the three of them, but they're all crazy. One of them is Mika Edmondson's wife,
Christina, and she's the most orthodox of the three, I would have to say, but they're all pushing this movement against Christ and against his word.
That's what they're all doing. Our book is coming out under the convergent arm of Penguin Random House, and so we are honored and happy to be writing this book.
Our justice advocacy is a tangible expression of dismantling heresy, as if someone who is denying the
Trinity. Right, so the reason why Woke Preacher Club has put that in there is because they claim to be orthodox, and they're going to come against people that are denying the
Trinity because, you know, white supremacy is just as much of a heresy as the Trinity. Of course, white supremacy is defined by nonsense, like disparities and stupid stuff like that, but whatever.
I mean, you know, false teachers often add to the word of God. It's just that simple, but Michelle Higgins here is now a pretend pastor, and she's going to speak on the
Trinity, and we'll see what she has to say. Long ago in the history of our ancient parents, the
Godhead, the Holy Spirit came down and filled us with the ability to communicate with one another and to understand each other, and so what better season to celebrate that reality than a season of creativity and blackness against all odds?
Stony every road that we trod, the creativity of the writers of this very song that expressed a desire to continue to be more like our heavenly family.
We also celebrate in the month of June pride that is liberated from a whitewashed version of our identities.
What is gender? What is desire? What is orientation in a way that would tell you who you should love when and how?
We have liberated God's pride in a Pentecost of the pride of God to say that however the
Lord made you, however you identify, that is how the Lord would look upon you and smile.
And so, of course, as it is Father's Day, and God the Creator is often known to be called
Father, there is no better time to remind some and inform others that not all fathers are men.
You might not have understood her ridiculous accent, which I think is primarily fake.
This is like the Obama black accent. But she said, not all fathers are men.
Not all fathers are many men men. Not all fathers are men.
And God is sometimes known as Father, often known as Father, but, you know, whatever.
And yeah, you know, whatever you identify as, whatever your orientation is, you know, whoever you love,
God smiles upon it. And I think you can start to see, maybe you're tracking with me here, but our leadership in the evangelical church has already capitulated to all of this.
They may never get to where she gets, only by the grace of God or only by strategic reasons, but they've already capitulated to these words.
Men are daddies. I don't know about you. I don't know about you. Oh yeah,
I don't know about you. Not all men are daddies. That's her big insight.
Not all daddies are men. And not all men are daddies. This is nonsense.
This is a clown. You know how they always say that heretics aren't going to come to you with clown pants? I mean,
I don't know if she's, I can't see her pants, but she looks like a clown and she speaks like a clown, so I don't know.
But I've got a lot of father figures in my life. I actually like this style of preaching, to be honest. I'm kind of poking fun at it, but I actually kind of like it.
I like the cadence. But when it's talking nonsense, I don't know about you.
I really don't like it. It's about the content. I've never parented nobody officially, technically on nobody kind of birth certificate.
I don't know about you, but it's a lot of father figures in my life who got to tell me a thing or two.
And I might have a decade on them. I might have 15 years on these clowns. But somehow the little children are parenting the old folk.
Let the Lord lead you in this month of liberated pride. This is the month of liberated pride.
And your kids be parenting you. I don't know about you, but my kids better not be parenting me.
Because that would be cause for discipline.
The discipline of the
Lord. And not only redefine what is romantic, but what is relational love.
What is your interpersonal love? Let the Lord lead you to queer parenting.
Let the Lord lead you to straight parenting.
It's all better when I do it, right? It's a lot better when I do it. Queer parenting.
Let the Lord lead you to it. Michelle Higgins said, the pretend pastor said. Let the Lord show you the queerness of the
Trinity. In ways that you have not felt welcome to before. I welcome every thought, every question, every part of you that desires to reconnect with your creator.
And maybe, just maybe, it is God. The original non -masculine, non -bodied father who will help you to redefine what fatherhood really is.
God is the original non -masculine, non -bodied father.
Of course, God is a Trinity. And so, we understand that God, Jesus Christ, is fully
God. And Jesus Christ most certainly has a body. He is a man right now.
And he's standing at the right hand of God the Father who is Spirit. But, you know, that's all that white theology, right?
We don't need to worry about that because Michelle Higgins, Michelle Higgins, have you heard?
Have you heard? Michelle Higgins is pretending to be a pastor.
And she's got a word. She's got a word from her master.
Have you heard? The devil, it's the
Trinity that's queer. Have you heard? And so it is the
Spirit that informs us and leads us to understand all of these things, the descending of the
Spirit over us in the presence of a dove. It is a spirit, alright, but it's definitely the spirit of darkness here.
The queerness of the Trinity is what she's talking about. This is unbelievable. In the presence of a mighty rushing wind.
It shows that peace requires power. Now if you're in the movement, you already knew that.
Because we say that without justice there can be no peace. And so if you already knew that line, you're in the very right place because that happens to be what the
God of the Bible thinks. How can there be any peace? Unless power is in the hands of those to whom it belongs.
And the Spirit proves to us that by indwelling your bodies the testimony of the
Holy Spirit is that all power goes to the people. And this my friends, this my loved ones, this my family is the
Word of God. You see here calling it the Word of God, that's actually not what the
Word of God says, but you already knew that. I don't have to tell you that the Word of God assigns all power, ascribes all power, all authority, all majesty, holiness to the
Lord Himself. It doesn't go to the people, it doesn't go to the people.
Now listen, here's the thing though guys, because this is pretty wild, but I made the claim that this is the end of all woke church pastors.
And you got to understand, Al Mohler has already capitulated to the basic lie here, the basic temptation.
Because J .D. Greer and Dan Darling and Russell Moore, Tim Keller, they've capitulated to the fundamental error here.
Now they have not necessarily gone as far as Michelle has gone, but the key error here is that if you want to know what's good, you look to the people, you look to the creation.
You know, if you were born a certain way with certain desires and stuff like that, well that's just,
God smiles upon that. There's an orientation here, there's an orientation towards certain flesh or certain desires, and they really can't deny that kind of stuff.
Al Mohler's capitulated to that, right? Will he go as far as to talk about the queerness of the
Trinity? I doubt it. I doubt it because I can't see how that could be advantageous to him. But if he found it to be advantageous to him,
I think he would. I think he would, because I think what Al Mohler and what Tim Keller and what
J .D. Greer and what Dan Darling are concerned with in Ruslan is appearing reasonable.
And the reality is that the idea of sexual orientation is not reasonable biblically, but it appears reasonable now because that Overton window has shifted so far the other way that the cutting edge of paganism is now pedophilia and things of that nature, and so now the orientation thing seems reasonable, and they don't want to be like those
Christians. We're a very different kind of Christian. You see, that's the fundamental lie. When you start to align yourself against those who take the
Word of God seriously, I don't want to be like one of those fundamentalists, that kind of thing. You've already capitulated at the key moment.
Michelle Higgins has abandoned that a long time ago. But Al Mohler, J .D.
Greer, Dan Darling, these guys are all abandoning that at various different ways, and eventually some of these guys,
I'm not going to make any predictions on who it's going to be, but some of these guys, these big evil leaders, are going to end up pretty much exactly like Michelle Higgins, or they're going to start to talk about the queerness of the scripture, and Jonathan and David, and the queerness there, and all that kind of stuff.
This is a prediction that, it's not specific, so I can't be wrong, obviously, but some of these big evil leaders are going to go all the way.
They're going to go all the way woke, because even remember Matt Chandler on HBO, he wanted to appear so different.
He wanted to be a great man, Obama, great man. Why is he a great man? That guy was a wicked, evil pagan.
There's no question about it, but he really wants to appear reasonable to the pagans. And the problem is that the pagans will push it as far as they possibly can because they hate
Christ, and they hate his image, so they just keep wanting to destroy, destroy, and destroy his image, as much as they possibly want to pervert it to such a degree that it's so disgusting, so grotesque that nobody could love it.
That's what they want to do because they hate Christ. They're daring Christ to love these people that they want to make so grotesque that you can't even fathom
Christ loving them. But see, Christ doesn't work that way. Christ saves sinners. He saves wicked sinners through his grace and his sacrifice alone, his grace alone, by faith alone, through faith alone, and so there's no way they can win this.
You can't make the image of God so ugly that Christ won't love it. But that's what they're attempting to do, so they keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and all of a sudden what's reasonable gets pulled further and further and further left, and all of a sudden we're going to be talking one day about how pedophilia is one of these orientations as well, and how it's really not that big a deal, and then it's going to go further and further and further, and then all these
Christians that are so desperate to appear reasonable to the pagans are going to be pulled further and further and further left, and they're going to eventually all end up like Michelle Higgins.
That's the problem. You've got to nip this one in the bud, right? You've got to nip this one in the bud because the pagans, the ones who hate
Christ and hate his image, they're never going to think you're reasonable, so stop trying to please them.
It's really stupid. It's a terrible idea, and eventually you're all going to realize.
You're either going to realize that you'll never be woke enough for them, so you're going to turn and go back to the Lord, or you're going to go and eventually talk and do a preach a sermon on the queerness of the
Trinity, and you won't sound as cool as Michelle Higgins does with her cadence because you're just a regular preacher who is just going to preach heresy, and it's not going to sound that cool, and they're going to hate you for it because they're already a few steps ahead of where you're at in pushing new wickedness.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. If you're going to be at the conference, I look forward to seeing you. Come say hi, and I guess that's it.