Woke SEBTS and Immigrants as a Blessing and a Curse

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Let's analyze a tweet from a woke SEBTS professor. He was a star member of the panel I roasted here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiMqCsdY6Fk Support me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AD_Robles


Jimmy crack corn and I don't care Jimmy crack corn and I don't care How does that how does the rest of that song go?
That's all I know is Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care That's the best part though. I mean who knows Anyway, I have a bunch of videos.
I took out my my idea card here I've got a nice pink index card with a bunch of chicken scratch on it.
These are the different video ideas I've had this week I've got more ideas to do videos than I have time way more ideas for videos than I have time
But I try to I try to do a mix of things that are like immediately relevant and Also things that I think will have longer -term impact
So if you watch my video this week on the wrath of God, hopefully that's one that'll have a longer -term impact and I've got you know, it's it's hard to decide what to do what to go forward with but As I'm looking at my idea card here.
I came across a tweet that people are talking about so I figured Let's strike while they are inside Man anyway,
I was talking to uh, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about you know, all the social justice stuff and Man, it depends on how deep down this rabbit hole you want to go how crazy it gets
But anyway, let's let's stick with this. This is a tweet from Dr. Miguel Echeverria Echeverria It's a great last name.
I like that last name my my my dad We were talking a few few months ago and we were talking about different, you know
Latino last names and you might not know this but Robles is it's a Spanish word. That means oak trees and you know
It's becoming me. It's becoming more common to see people with the last name Robles But he was saying how his favorite
Latino last names are the ones that you don't hear very often You know like Sanchez Lopez Hernandez.
These are very common names. You hear them all the time. But it's a body. Yeah, that's a great one Anyway, this guy he was a prominent figure in one of my old school videos now
If you don't know anything about the history of the 80 Robles YouTube channel, I started off like very
I Was soft core back then. I was responding to this stuff and I was giving you my my take and I was
Disagreeing with you know popular people like Matt Chandler and this and that but but I was I was
I was very you know Very soft spoken, you know, I wasn't really wasn't really saying too many
You know gotcha type things. It wasn't dunking on anybody, you know that kind of stuff But then the
MLK 50 conference came out and there was a panel on that conference That was a doozy.
It was called how not to talk about race and Miguel Echevarria Was one of the main figures in that thing and he said some really stupid things and so I did a video series
I think it was like nine videos called roasting the ERLC panel how not to talk about race
So go back and check it out a lot of you probably haven't seen that because that was before my channel
Started to grow it was very small channel back. It's still small, you know, whatever, but anyway, so that's that Let's read this tweet and talk about it
Miguel. It's a body Joseph and Daniel, here's what he says.
He says Joseph and Daniel are great examples. I'm sorry I added the word great.
I got to learn how to read Joseph and Daniel are examples of how God uses immigrants to bless nations
Would it not then be better to consider immigrants as those who can bless us?
rather than nuisances and threats Miguel Echevarria With his wisdom now a lot of you have decided to respond to this so far
This is a pretty new tweet as far as I understand and a lot of people have had some very interesting
Responses responses that ultimately I would agree with But I'm gonna take a little slightly different approach now now one of the responses
I've seen that that you know It's kind of ironic and interesting and it's a good response
Says that This is interest. This is this is this is not a correct tweet because Joseph and Daniel were not just immigrants
They were slaves. They were in captivity. They were high -ranking slaves. Yes, but they were in captivity
So God used Joseph and Daniel some of his people to bless the nations that they were a part of you know
Joseph was in Egypt. You remember he was sold by his brothers into Egypt and he ended up blessing The the people of Israel because he was in such a high position he was so effective at his job that he ended up saving them the
Bible even says that God meant for his brothers to sell him into slavery so that he could save many people alive all
Calvinists love that passage and all Arminians pretend to love that passage Sorry, Arminians.
I love you guys. I love you guys Anyway, and that's a good point. These were these were slaves.
These were servants. These were not Run -of -the -mill immigrants and you know by this standard all y 'all woke people who were ripping
Ben Carson for calling Africans immigrants because of the slave trade need to apologize either that or you need to cancel
Miguel. I Don't think you want to do that. He's on your side But this is the thing like okay
So if Joseph and Daniel were examples of immigrants and that blessed a nation Then the slave trade was a blessing for our nation because all of those immigrants that came over in the slave trade
Blessed the nation now. Here's the thing. I think you could actually make an argument for that I really do but that's so that's what some people are saying.
They're not really immigrants. They're they're they're they're they're slaves They're servants. They're they're in captivity that kind of thing.
They were forced into a country That's very different than what people are talking about regarding illegal immigration now, and that's correct
It is very different, but that's actually not how I would respond to this and I'm not saying that that's wrong
I think that's a perfectly fine response. In fact, as I said in the beginning I somewhat agree with it But here's what
I would say about this to dr. Miguel So so here's the thing what
Miguel is trying to say is that Joseph and Daniel are examples of immigrants and it's analogous to the immigration situation that people are opposed to today
So the immigrants that people think are nuances are nuisances and threats today
We shouldn't do that because in the past in the Bible We see that immigrants like Joseph and Daniel were not nuisances and threats.
In fact, they were Blessings now what's interesting about this? What's interesting about this is that I don't think
Miguel thought this through very much because it's actually Proving the exact opposite of what he's intending to prove
You see I'm saying so it's actually proving the exact opposite of what he's intending to prove.
So here here's the thing guys Here's the thing first of all There are people that think all immigration is a threat there.
They do exist Don't pretend like they don't exist, but it's a small small minority
He noticed he does not say illegal immigrants. He says immigrants so he's trying to make he's trying to conflate the two you see most people that I know that are that are for the wall that are for You know stronger border protections and things like that.
Most of those people have no problem with immigration in general They just want immigrants to go through the normal process the normal screening procedures the normal situation
And that would be fine because then they become naturalized citizens. They become actual
Natives in other words They become citizens of the United States in the normal way doing all the normal things and all of that And so this this tweet it's it's it takes out the word illegal and that's
I think it's intentional. Dr Miguel Echevarria is a smart guy. No question about that.
So so so let's let's make sure we understand what we're talking about here We're talking most people that oppose
That have problems with the immigration crisis that we have it's all about the illegal immigration
Not just immigration in general now, that's the first thing So so so so he's trying to conflate these two ideas and I just I'm sorry
I'm I'm for fairly open borders. A lot of you guys might not know that I'm for fairly open borders
I think it should be quite easy to sojourn here I don't think you should necessarily have the same rights as citizens
But I think it should be quite easy to become a naturalized citizen there should be some screening process obviously, but but it should be something that should be fairly open as Long as we get rid of the welfare state.
That's another thing as well But but here's the thing. That's not even the most important point. So so yes, dr.
Miguel Echevarria is Confusing the issue, but that's not the most important thing either
Listen to this for a second. This is a verse From Deuteronomy 28 you cannot deny this verse unless you're just gonna deny the scripture.
Okay, this is Deuteronomy 28 God is giving the law to Israel Deuteronomy means second law, right?
So this is the law of God and he what he does is he says look, here's the law Obey it and you'll get these blessings and he lists a bunch of blessings
He says disobey it and you're gonna get these curses and he lists a bunch of curses and we've been through that But the wrath of God being revealed, right?
We talked about that the other day Listen to one of the curses that God says is a curse ready
Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 43 The Sojourner who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you and you shall come down Lower and lower he shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him
He shall be the head and you shall be the tail. What is God saying here?
God is saying definitively infallibly authoritatively that sometimes
Immigrants or sojourners because a lot of the woke people use that term interchangeably. Let's not mince words here
Can be a curse on your nation That doesn't mean that the sojourners that are there are like plotting and saying hey, how can we be a curse for these guys?
No, that's not what it means. That's not what it means. But what God says is sometimes He has sojourners come into your nation and take and plunder your resources and have them rise higher and higher while as the native citizens rise lower and lower getting their stuff stolen from them and taken from them and transferred to the sojourner as a curse as a
Curse now the fact that that's a curse does not give the native -born the right to Abuse the sojourner or to break the law of God against the sojourner or to in Inappropriately bar them from sojourning because I think the
Bible presents a situation where sojourners should be allowed in your country So we can't break the law of God to avoid the curses of God that doesn't work that way because you're getting the curse
Because you're breaking the law of God and so the only way to Avoid the curse of a sojourner coming in and rising higher and higher and you rising lower and lower is to repent in your mind to change your mind about God's law and to start obeying
God and Praying for mercy and asking God to remove these curses and all of that kind of stuff
And so so this is not an excuse to mistreat sojourners. What it actually is is a command
To start repenting for how you're treating sojourners and stuff like that So so when
Miguel says would it not then be better to consider immigrants as those who can bless us? Yes, immigrants can bless you.
No question about it but if they're taking your resources against your will and they're They're they're rising higher and higher as you are rising lower and lower
God says in his word Definitively that that actually is a curse. That is a curse
It is an imminent threat and it's one sent by God And so you better repent and you better start obeying his law
And I think we should look at some of this immigrant crisis when they're when they're consuming so many resources available through the welfare state taken by force
Extracted from native citizens and given to the sojourner that should be seen as what it is a curse from God Which means we need to repent from our sins of how we've treated sojourners in the past or and other things
You know, I think I think it'd be fair to say all the curses that the United States is getting right now
It's for a whole litany of things abortion all this stuff the Flaunting gender confusion and all this kind of stuff all of it all of the disobedience that we've taken violence
Oh, you know the prison system the violence of the justice system the the partiality that has been shown all this kind of stuff
We need to repent of it and we need to change our minds and do things God's way But you see it doesn't even stop there
So I've proven with the scripture that sometimes immigrants can be a curse
And so we need to recognize it as a curse and start doing things God's way Okay, so so I've proven that unless you deny the
Bible. That's that's fine That's actually not fine. But if you want to do that, that's between you and him and I don't think you're gonna win that debate
But look at the examples he uses. I'm gonna take Joseph for a second here Joseph Joseph is an example of how he's blessed
Nations through immigrants at the end of the day.
Did Joseph bless Egypt? I Mean seriously was Joseph's success in Egypt a blessing for Egypt in the end now
Temporarily, yes, it was because Joseph, you know could interpret Pharaoh's dreams and Joseph was effective as a leader
He was able to get them to save Food and resources so that they could survive these lean years because God in his wrath sent a
Drought where they couldn't you know, they couldn't reap they couldn't so all these things and so yes short -term
Joseph's effectiveness and the fact that God was with Joseph and all these things was a blessing for Egypt But what happened in the end?
What happened in the end in? the end Joseph's being there and the
Israelites being there was a curse for Egypt It was a curse the plagues.
I mean, don't you remember the plagues God unleashes his wrath on Egypt that he kills the firstborn I mean, that's a curse
Definitively a curse Egypt was judged and not only did they get the plagues not only were the firstborn killed
Not only did all of this stuff end up being a curse Joseph's existence in Egypt his immigrant status in Egypt Not only did it end up being a curse for them.
But but what happened at the end? They were plundered by Israel Israel plundered
Egypt Resources were transferred from Egypt to Israel and they were plundered
So was Joseph an example of God using an immigrant to bless a nation?
No, it was not It actually was an example of Joseph being used an immigrant being used by God to curse a nation
Egypt was cursed through Joseph being an immigrant if you want to call him that an immigrant in Egypt So so so this actually shows the exact opposite of what
Miguel Echevarria is trying to prove now look I've I've said this many times my
Situation when it comes to the immigration crisis that we have is very complicated
It's nuanced you might say some of you some of you woke TG Sears, man You love that word and so do
I I think nuance is a great word. It's nuance I don't think that it should be extremely difficult to Come to the
United States. In fact, I do think that immigrants can be a blessing You know You come in you sojourn you engage in trade look when people come to engage in trade and work and and and all of this
Stuff and and and establish communities and things like that. I think that's better for everybody for the most part I think that's better for everybody
But what's definitively not better for everybody is when immigrants come here because and and and even if it's not because and they end up getting free stuff that I pay for by force that I don't want to pay for like like for example
Like an immigrant can come here get free health care to kill their own child if they want to That's that's that's a curse that's a curse look if Put it this way
I've gotten undocumented in my family, right? And if they asked for help, I would give them help Even if they weren't my family if I knew an undocumented person and they asked for help
I'd give them help But I think I'm commanded to care for the sojourner I think I am But what
I'm definitely not Commanded to do is to steal from my neighbors in order to care for the sojourner and therefore the welfare state that we have here
Makes it untenable to have an open immigration system like the one that a lot of people want it
The math doesn't work. That would be a curse on this nation. There's just no question about that In fact, it already is a curse on this nation
And so we got to take a step back here and before we start to tweet things that that go along with our political
Ideologies and pretend like the Bible matches it like really think about what you're saying Miguel Yeah, because I think this is an
Extremely effective example of someone who has a political ideology and goes hunting in the
Bible for things that match it instead of someone Who drives their political ideology through the scripture because if you did do that You would have known that Deuteronomy 28 says that sojourners rising higher and higher are plundering taking resources by force
From the native citizens. That's actually a curse on a nation God says so and so we can definitively look at it as a curse
On a nation and start changing our minds repenting from our sins and doing things God's way here so that we will not be cursed
Anymore. I like look again. Let me just say this Definitively, I think immigrants can be a blessing on a nation
But not this way Not this way because what's gonna happen think about this for a second the math of what we do now with the illegal
Illegal immigrants getting all these entitlements and welfare and things like that. The math doesn't work That will destroy our nation.
The math doesn't work. The economy will be over that the math doesn't work, right? and so what are you doing when you're bringing in these immigrants here and You know for a fact that the math doesn't add up and this economy is going to collapse
So that's actually going to mess them up too. That's actually gonna put them in a jacked -up situation, too
That's not loving that's not compassionate and that's actually a curse on all of us
And so you're inviting them to a nation that is Definitively under and going to continue to be under the wrath of God lest we repent from our sins