WWUTT 1000 Q&A Why Do We Sin, Mark of the Beast, Categories of Law?

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Our 1000th episode! Responding to questions from listeners about sanctification, what the Mark of the Beast is, and how we came up with the categories of God's law. Also, the winner of our Christmas and July prize package. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


If in Christ the old is dead and the new has come, why do we still sin? What is the mark of the beast?
And where did we get this division of law into moral, ceremonial, and civil categories? The answers to these questions when we understand the text.
This is the 1000th episode of When We Understand the Text, faithfully teaching from the word of Christ that we may continue our daily pursuit of holiness.
Tell all your friends about our ministry at www .utt .com. Here once again is
Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. 1000 episodes. 1000. You know,
I asked you this a couple of days ago. I don't think we ever got an answer. Okay. Or we came to a...
Conclusion? Yeah. Okay. Which episode did you start joining me on the Friday? Oh, I don't remember.
I still don't remember. I don't remember either. Maybe someone out there has become a podcast guru and knows something about...
Knows more about our podcast than we do. That's right. They're paying attention to what we're doing better than we are.
I would think Sonya might know something like that. Oh, yeah. Probably. Because she was... She's got it down pretty pat.
I don't know if she knows the number. Maybe the date. Yeah. Maybe the date. Or the year, at least.
Narrow it down to the year. I don't even know what year it was. I don't know. You've been in every single episode in some way, shape, or form.
Very true. But... I don't know when you started joining me on the Friday. Actually joining.
Yeah. Because it took at least two years. Oh, my goodness. Before... Well, it took about that long for me to get where I could read all the way through the opening.
No, you were doing fine with that. It took me forever. It was getting her on without getting stage fright with a microphone in front of her.
It took two years to muster up the courage. Yeah. You know,
I still get nervous. It's okay, though. But everybody loves you. Mm -hmm. The Friday broadcasts a disappointment when you're not on.
Aww. You always say that. In fact, we've even got a couple of comments about that today.
Okay. So, since this is the 1000th episode, we got a lot of emails, and I'm not even gonna be able to respond to all the questions we got, but I'm gonna attempt to answer 10 questions today.
10. Let's do it. So, doing 10, I'm gonna try to do it to three minutes per question.
And everybody's going, well, wait a minute. That's just a 30 -minute episode then. Well, I'm gonna fill up the last 20 minutes with outtakes.
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. All of the outtakes. Some of them, I think, have aired, but most of them haven't.
It's Christmas in July. That's it. All right. So, there's a lot of outtakes that have never made it on.
Lots. Lots. And this is, I'm gonna use the 1000th episode, because, you know, like, whenever you got a
TV series on and they get to a certain number of episodes, usually they'll do, like, bloopers.
They'll have, like, a blooper reel or something like that. So, we're gonna do our blooper reel for the 1000th episode. Snap. Now, being
Christmas in July, we've been giving away stuff every Friday, and we've been doing it from the people who wrote in questions, and we responded to those questions that day.
Right. But now we've taken all the questions and put them in a hat, or we've taken all the names that have sent us an email with their name and address.
Everybody's name's gone into a hat. And at the end - Whether or not it was read. Whether or not we read it, right. Right. And so, at the end, we're gonna draw from the hat, and here's what the person will win.
Ooh. They will get an email - Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. But it's a present.
Doesn't matter. All right, fine. Go ahead. Becky's all about this. It needs to be a surprise. It does.
You hate it when I surprise you. I do hate surprises myself, but - When she knows -
If it's Christmas, you kind of get the idea. When she knows I have a gift for her - Oh, it drives me crazy.
I have to tell her. In her mind. I don't. I don't ever tell her.
He tortures me. I say, nope, you've got to wait. You've got to wait. I don't tell her I've got something.
It's not like I hold it over her head. Oh, Becky. No, you don't. I got you again. Yeah, you really don't do that.
I don't do that. But it drives me crazy. But when you know that I've got something - It's constantly on my head, on my mind, on my brain.
And whenever you get me something, you want to give it to me right away. I do. I can't hang on to it. Because usually, usually the case is that I will buy you something and hide it.
And then either A, I will forget where it is. Or B, you won't buy it in that amount of time.
That's probably true. So I do have to give it to you right away. That's right. So there is that.
Well, anyway, this is the biggest prize package we have ever given away. And here's what you will get.
You will get an ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible. Now, I said last week a
Reformation Study Bible. But that's not what I was sent. I was sent an ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible.
So I jumped the gun on announcing that Bible. Ah, check. You will get two hardcover books by John MacArthur.
One of which is Strange Fire. I can't remember what the other one is. So that one's a surprise. But I have it. They're over at the church.
I just didn't bring them home with me. You will get a DVD on the Sermon on the Mount by Sinclair Ferguson.
You'll get two books by J .C. Ryle. Two, when we understand the text, hoodies.
Two, when we understand the text, t -shirts. One for you and a friend. You will get a flash drive with 250 what videos.
The book 25 Christmas Myths and What the Bible Says. The book 40 of the Most Popular Bible Verses and What the
Bible Says. The book 40 Mormon Beliefs and What the Bible Says. And you will get a painting from Becky Hughes.
Woohoo! In addition to the stuff that comes straight from when we understand the text,
I would like to give my thanks to Crossway for the Bible. Ligonier for the J .C. Ryle books.
The DVD from Sinclair Ferguson. And Grace to You for the two hardcover books by John MacArthur.
Thank you to those ministries also for contributing to our 1 ,000th episode giveaway.
Oh, that is wonderful. So nice. And once again, being the Friday episode, we take questions from listeners.
And you can send those questions to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com. The drawing for this big prize package is coming up at the end here.
But first, let's get to our 10 questions slash compliments. All right, let's do it.
So the first one, first one's a compliment. This is from Chuck in Las Vegas. Aww. He says,
Pastor Gabe Hughes, your videos and wisdom has been a resource that I have used often. I thank
God for what he has done in and through you and your ministry. I pray that he continues his work in you to reach more people with the truths of Scripture.
I'm a pastor in Las Vegas, and if you are ever in the area, I would love to buy you lunch and sit down with you and have a chat.
I have never been to Vegas before. Nope, never. Never been to Las Vegas. My dad has been a couple of times.
Has he? Yeah, it was for like a radio convention or seminar would be there in Vegas. He's got a funny story about that, too.
He's never gambled since he became a Christian. Okay. Had never bought a lottery ticket, never gambled, anything like that.
But when he went to a radio seminar there in Vegas, which was held in a casino, he had...
Of course, we're also a host one. Yeah. He went by a nickel slot machine.
And he just had a nickel in his pocket. So he threw the nickel in the slot machine and pulled the lever and he goes,
Well, I didn't win. So it was not God's will for me to win. And that was it. That sounds like your dad.
That's all the gambling that he's done in his...
I don't know how many years he's been a Christian now, over 40. Yeah. But yeah.
That's awesome. There's my Vegas story, which is... Not really yours. That's right. Living vicariously through my dad.
So Chuck goes on. Also, I don't know if you know a guy by the name of Shai Lin. Absolutely, I know
Shai Lin. He is a lyrical theologist who I believe is on point.
And he and his wife did a video with full of eyes ministry on YouTube. And I thought that you would enjoy it.
And he sent me the link to it. So we'll have to watch it later. Oh, cool. I pray you remain close and clean to the
Lord. Thank you so much for that prayer, Chuck. I greatly appreciate that. Next question comes from Blake in Tennessee.
Good friend of ours. We've met Blake before. Yeah, hello. In fact, he came through Junction City just a few weeks back.
Oh. So we went out and got some coffee. You knew that. Yeah. I went out that morning. I think you were sick that day.
Did I miss that day? Yeah, you did. I did. I think it was something like that. This year has been pretty hard.
It has been. Allergies, I think, have been affecting us more than anything else. Yeah, for sure. So Blake says,
Pastor Gabe, I hope all is well. I am thoroughly enjoying the study in John. God's word is so powerful.
My friends and I have been, we've had some theological discussions about sin nature.
The question, do we still have a sin nature after we have repented and believed and been given a new nature?
We see where Paul has said in Romans 6 .6, the old self was crucified with him in order that our body of sin might be done away with so that we would no longer be slaves to sin for he who has died is freed from sin.
But we see where Paul has his eye discourse in chapter 7, starting in 14, where the spirit and flesh wage war against each other.
So follow up questions. Why do we still sin once saved if our nature has changed?
Do we as Christians have dual natures? The new nature obviously being far superior to the old and now sin no longer reigns, but Christ reigns?
Are flesh and sin nature, are the flesh and sin nature synonymous? What was done away with in the old man?
Thank you for taking the time to read my email. Well, Blake, I'm actually going to turn to the
Baptist confession of faith because what said in chapter 13 on sanctification,
I believe summarizes this well. Awesome. In understanding how we who have been redeemed, who have a regenerated heart now that seeks after the
Lord. Previously, we were not seeking after God. That's Romans 3. None seek for God.
No one has any understanding. But now with a new nature and a regenerated heart, the old man is dead.
We're no longer rebelling against God, but we're pursuing God. So here is what the
Baptist confession of faith says in chapter 13 on sanctification. They who are united to Christ, effectually called and regenerated, having a new heart and a new spirit created in them through the virtue of Christ's death and resurrection are also further sanctified really and personally through the same virtue by his word and spirit dwelling in them, the dominion of the whole body of sin is destroyed and the several lusts thereof are more and more weakened and mortified and they more and more quickened and strengthened in all saving graces to the practice of all true holiness, without which no man shall see the
Lord, of course, which is Hebrews 12, 14. Without holiness, no one will see God.
This sanctification is throughout in the whole man, yet imperfect in this life.
There abideth still some remnants of corruption in every part. Whence arises a continual and irreconcilable war, the flesh lusting against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.
So, you know, of course, as we have stated in Galatians 5, 24, those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and its desires.
So we go on, this is the third paragraph of chapter 13, in which war, although the remaining corruption for a time may much prevail, yet through the continual supply of strength from the sanctifying spirit of Christ, the regenerate part does overcome.
And so the saints grow in grace, perfecting holiness in the fear of God, pressing after a heavenly life in evangelical obedience to all the commands which
Christ as head and king in his word has prescribed to us. Amen.
Does that help make sense? Yeah. That a little bit? To me? I hope to Blake too. So more and more through the process of sanctification, we are becoming less and less the old person and more and more the new person.
Which is why whenever you're first saved, you don't, and then you grow a few years down.
You're like, was I really saved? You know? Yeah. Yeah. You're looking back. Yeah. You were so immature. You didn't really believe what you believe now.
Right. Yeah. There is going to be a difference between your maturity in Christ now versus, you know, who you were as a
Christian when you were first baptized. Right. And we're being sanctified by the word of Christ. You know, as Blake mentioned, going through John, we talked about in John 17, the high priestly prayer in verse 17, where Jesus says, sanctify them in your truth.
Your word is truth. Right. So it's in the word of God that we are sanctified and we are grown in holiness and we become more and more knowledgeable and aware of the character of God.
We become more and more disgusted by the human self that we were and are desiring to be more holy as we look to the things of the kingdom of God.
We hate our sin nature. We hate that. Whereas the person who has not received a regenerated heart doesn't hate their sin.
Right. There might be some things that they're frustrated about regarding their destructive tendencies, but they don't actually hate their sin and therefore love
God. But as we're growing in holiness, we have a growing awareness of our sin as God sees it.
Right. And we want to... Your eyes are open. Yes. Yeah. Whoever has ears to hear may hear.
Those who have eyes to see, see and understand. And this, of course, all according to the Holy Spirit of God.
Yeah. So I hope that was helpful for you, Blake. Question number three comes from Jacob.
Hey, Gabe, I teach computer graphics and printing technology to inmates in a jail.
When we don't have work, the students will often read and some of them will read the Christian resources that we have on our shelf.
One of my students asked me about Revelation 13, 18. They want to know what it means when it says a person who has insight, calculate the number and what is the significance of 666.
Of course, as we all know, to be the mark of the beast. Right. Reading straight from the text,
Revelation 13, 18, this calls for wisdom. Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 666.
And this is... That particular number has caused all kinds of superstitions.
Oh, yeah, definitely. Like you don't want to go to Chick -fil -A and order a meal that's going to total $6 .66.
Right. Because then your Chick -fil -A meal will be unholy. $666.
It's not the same. You can't get a number one anymore for $6 .66. I think you're closer to $9.
Yeah. On that number one Chick -fil -A meal now. Yeah, they have gone up in price.
Just because a person gets a tattoo of 666 on themselves, it doesn't mean that they are now marked with the beast.
Right. And they won't be able to ever be forgiven for that. Right. It's not like it's the unpardonable sin.
Although there are certainly some people who play with fire by tattooing themselves with that number.
Yeah. There was a guy down in Florida. I can't remember his name now, but he was actually encouraging his followers.
He claimed that he was Christ. Oh, wow. And he was encouraging his followers to tattoo themselves with 666.
Oh, boy. And so they were going out to the tattoo parlors and doing it. It made the news and everything. Oh, wow. I had no idea.
Yeah. Nationwide news. I think that guy is dead now, affirming that he wasn't the Christ.
Yeah. Right. But he was saying that, like, see, I'm going to prove to you that I'm the
Christ. If you go get 666 tattooed on you, then nothing will happen to you because I'm the one that told you to get that number and it's actually my number.
Oh. I can't remember. I watched the whole news thing on it and how he conned his people into getting that tattoo.
It was ridiculous. But anyway. Well, it's one way to convince them. Right. Nothing will happen to you.
Go ahead. See, go ahead. See, nothing happened to you. Nothing. So you know that I'm the one that's protecting you.
Oh, my goodness. What a way to hedge your bets. Anyway, so the numeric value of the name
Nero Caesar, when you apply a numeric value to each letter in his name and you add that up, it gets to 666.
In Latin, when you translate the Book of Revelation to Latin, that's in Greek.
Okay. So if you add the letters up in Nero Caesar in Greek, you get 666. But if you translate it to Latin and add it up, you get 616.
Oh, okay. So in Rome, you had both languages were dominant.
Greek was the international language. Oh, okay. Koine Greek was supposed to be the common
Greek. It was the language that was written and spoken throughout the empire.
But Rome itself, the Romans valued Latin as their own native language.
So when Revelation was written in Latin, for the numeric value to add up to the name of Nero Caesar, the number had to be changed to 616.
So in Latin, it's 616. In Greek, it's 666. But even in the earliest
Greek manuscripts that we have, the number is 616. And again, it's probably because in Latin, Nero Caesar, the numeric value of his name added up equals 616.
Yeah. Now, does that mean that Nero was the Antichrist? No, he was an
Antichrist. He was a type of Antichrist. And of course, as John says in 1
John 2, 18, children, it is the last hour. And as you have heard that Antichrist is coming, so now many
Antichrists have come. Therefore, we know it is the last hour. So don't read that as, well, all this stuff in Revelation has now been fulfilled.
As I've said on a previous broadcast, what we read in the book of Revelation is a writing style that's called recapitulation.
So John looks at an event from one vantage point, and then he's taken to another place and he sees the same event from a different vantage point.
And to elaborate on this even further, probably one of the best series,
I will say it is the best series that I've ever listened to going through the book of Revelation, is from Votibachum.
And if you go to our website, www .utt .com, and click on links, you'll have a whole list of stuff that we recommend from our ministry, other sermons and things that you can listen to.
And under the category of series, you'll have the Revelation series there from Votibachum.
I think I also have Sinclair Ferguson's Revelation series linked on there as well. But Votibachum's, yeah, that'd be the one that I recommend.
Very cool. All right, next question is from Jeff in Mississippi.
Pastor Gabe and Becky, greetings. Greetings. With the Christmas in July giveaway going on right now,
I thought this would be a great time to ask your opinion. I am the minister to children at our church, and one aspect of our ministry includes what we call
PB &J, the PB &J challenge. That's awesome. Where we challenge our fifth and sixth grade
Sunday school class to spend 150 days from January to July, having personal devotion time with the
Lord consisting of prayer, Bible study, and journaling. Oh, neat. PB &J.
Very cool. I am always on the lookout for better ways slash resources to equip the kids to have success in establishing this routine.
Over the past couple of months, you have mentioned Table Talk Magazine as a devotional resource for your family, so I ended up checking out their free three -month subscription.
I am currently using it as a personal resource, but with you being much more familiar with it,
I wanted to get your opinion on whether you think that this would be a good devotional resource for the fifth through sixth grade age.
I know that you mentioned using it for your family, but I wanted to see if you felt that parental guidance would be needed in using this for this purpose.
If so, do you have any other recommendations on good Bible study resources for older children?
I like to err on the side of spiritual depth for these kids, but I also want to make sure that the things that we provide them are going to be helpful and not over their head.
Please keep doing what you are doing. I am amazed at all that you are able to consistently put out through the
What? Ministry on top of pastoring. Believe me, Jeff, I'm amazed that I managed to pull that off as well, but I am thankful that you do.
I will continue to be a listener and a recommender -er -er in Christ, Jeff.
Okay, so I'm going to put this to you, Becky. Do you think that Table Talk Magazine is a good resource even for fifth and sixth grade kids?
It depends on the vocabulary. Okay. Because there are quite a few big words that we have to define that we have found that even
Annie, who is our eldest and is a really great reader, her concept of definitions for certain words, it…
Sometimes is a little rough. Yeah. Yeah. And we have to make sure that she understood. I mean, and as we break it down for the littles, it just kind of helps her understand too.
Right. Or reaffirms what she thought it meant. So, you know. She has grabbed our
Table Talk and has read the articles. Yep. She's read R .C. Sproul books. Was it Holiness of God she read through?
She's read through a few. Yeah. Yeah. She can grasp that. If you can grasp
Holiness of God by R .C. Sproul, you can grasp Table Talk. Right. And I think even for adults, though, there's going to be times you go through that magazine and you might come into something that you don't quite understand.
It's a pretty straightforward devotional. It is. It's going to give you about a chapter a day to read.
And Jeff, you know that because you've been going through that. Right. And then it gives you the extra commentary, tying things together, showing how this points to Christ.
And then you have that Coram Deo column where it's like, how now do we live this out in the face of Christ in our present day?
That's almost like a catechism in itself, in a sort of way. Anyway.
I think it's a great resource. I think they should be encouraged that if they don't understand something to go to their parents and ask.
So, I mean, you know. Or maybe do the sort of a thing where if you've got some kids in your
PB &J challenge whose parents are not Christians. Oh, yeah. But they're coming to church, their parents aren't
Christians, encourage them to underline something in table talk and then say, you know, bring it back next time you come to lesson.
Tell me what question you had and we'll talk about those things and try to answer those questions together. That's a great idea.
Could be another way to do that. Do I have any other resources that I could recommend? Yes. I encourage you to check out
Founders Ministry and they have all the little different devotional books and the kids catechisms.
And they do have things arranged by age groups or by grade. That's awesome.
Yeah. Check that out at founders .org. I think at Founders Ministry, you'll find it.
You'll be able to locate it. Speaking of founders, Marco from Texas has a question here about something related to Founders Ministry.
All right. He says, hello, Pastor Gabe and Sister Becky. I love and appreciate your ministry and my prayer is that the
Lord will continue to bless it, your family and your church. As you may know, Founders Ministries has released a trailer for their upcoming documentary by what standard?
You may have realized that they received a lot of backlash from the trailer, even from men that are in the documentary.
What is your position on the trailer? What is your opinion? Would love to hear your response. Thank you so much for your wonderful ministry.
May the Lord our God continue to provide for y 'all. You know, he's from Texas. Yes. The Lord Jesus Christ continue to intercede for you and the beloved
Holy Spirit continue in y 'all's sanctification. Soli Deo Gloria. Thank you so much for that message,
Marco. So, last week on the broadcast, Becky and I did give a recommendation for that trailer from Founders Ministry, the documentary entitled by what standard?
Right. The trailer launched on Tuesday. It was an immediate controversy. Oh, yeah.
Now, when we gave our endorsement of the trailer, there was a scene in the trailer that went by me so fast and Becky as well that we did not catch what was going on in that particular scene.
So, it's the portion of the trailer which has now been changed. You won't be able to find it anymore. Right. They've since removed this portion.
But Owen Strand, a professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is viewed saying we're always having the powers, the spiritual powers and principalities exert pressure on us.
That's not new. While he's saying that, there's a blurred image of a woman that shows up and it just shows up very quickly and then disappears.
It's blurred so you can't see exactly who it is. Right. Well, her husband knew exactly who it was.
Jacob Denhollander watched the trailer and he knew that was an image of his wife, Rachel Denhollander, the lawyer and former gymnast most well known for helping to bring serial molester
Larry Nassar to justice. But she's also spoken out against Sovereign Grace Ministry and the sex scandal that happened there.
And she's spoken against some other ministries as well, as well as providing counsel regarding the sex abuse scandal that's going on in the
Southern Baptist Convention. Right. Her image was being shown with Owen Strand saying that there are spiritual powers and principalities that are putting pressure on us.
And then you see this quick blip image of Rachel Denhollander. Because of the context of what
Owen Strand was saying, it made it look like they were depicting Rachel Denhollander as being under demonic influence.
I do have a problem with that. And there were a couple of people that I talked to and I said
I would appreciate if that got taken down. And fortunately, it did. There's a lot of other controversial things related to the trailer.
I didn't have a problem with most anything else. But when I found out that that was Rachel Denhollander's image,
I did have a problem with that. She is a sister in the Lord, and I don't think that it was right or appropriate that she be depicted as being under demonic influence.
If there's something that they want to say in the documentary related to a difference of opinion that they have with Rachel Denhollander, then it needs to be provided in that context.
Right. But showing some sort of image suggesting that she may be under demonic influence.
That was tactless. But I will say that I have a theory as to how that ended up that way.
But I am grateful that Founders has changed that image. Now it's just Owen Strand making his comment with no other added thing in there.
Oh, good. Rachel Denhollander's image. I haven't watched it again. Yeah. Since they did that. It's just been taken out. Yeah. That's been taken out.
I still hope the documentary gets made. Oh, yeah. Me too. I would like to see it. I'm excited about it still.
Yeah. It was unfortunate that it got missed. That has now become a major distraction.
Yeah. Yeah. And I hope that it doesn't affect the number of people that are going to watch the documentary.
But we'll wait and see. We'll wait to see everything in context. What's going to be. Exactly. What they're going to show.
How they're going to talk about all of this. The image that was right before what
I now call the D -Blip. The D -Blip. Because Rachel Denhollander has a long last name.
Yes. Anyway. So, what was the D -Blip? Right before that, they're talking about egalitarianism.
So, women becoming pastors. And right before that, it had showed an image of Nadia Bowles Weber. Who's the woman
Lutheran minister. Who's ridiculously liberal. Okay. Yeah. She's just crazy liberal.
They showed an image of her. And she has nothing to do with the Southern Baptist Convention. So, with Owen Strand saying what he was saying.
I think it would have been better to throw up an image of like, you know, the Revoice Conference. Ah, yeah.
You know, throw some pressure on the PCA. I don't understand why Rachel Denhollander had to be chosen for that.
Now, again, her image is blurred. And I did not know that's who that was. Right.
Until the outcry that came about on Tuesday. I may have said something about it had
I known that. I may have said, you know, I like the trailer. I appreciate what you guys are doing. But this needs to be changed.
Everything from a filmmaker's perspective is intentional. So, that wasn't an accident that that image ended up there.
And I'm glad that Founders Ministry has taken it upon themselves to change that.
And even reach out to the Denhollanders and apologize. Right. But anyway, so there's my take, Marco.
And I still hope the documentary gets made. And I would like to see what comes about as a result of that.
Next question comes from Cassidy. Becky's eyes got big. You see how long this is? Yes.
We're still trying to stay under time here. Yes, let's go. Hello, Pastor Gabe and Becky. Thank you so much for your ministry.
And especially your podcast. I listen to it every day at work. Along with shows like Renewing Your Mind and The Dividing Line, James White.
And it's always encouraging to hear solid, exegetical, verse -by -verse preaching. Given in a very simple, easy -to -understand way.
The biggest arguments or accusations I hear from atheists I interact with are usually centered around the
Old Testament laws. And how we as Christians still hold to laws like do not steal, do not covet, and do not murder.
But we don't hold to the kosher laws. Or the laws about not wearing mixed fabrics or things like that.
I think we've all heard those arguments from atheists before. Yeah. Well, are you wearing a cotton -poly blend?
Then you're sinning, according to the Old Testament. Right. My response in the past has usually been to explain the difference between the three different types of laws.
Moral, civil, and ceremonial. And how we as modern Christians relate to those today. Briefly, that ceremonial laws were fulfilled by Christ.
Civil laws were specifically for ancient Israel as God's chosen people to set them apart from the pagan nations around them.
And that moral laws reflect the righteous and holy character of God and are thus His eternal standard for His people for all time.
Cassidy, I think that's a really good explanation. Yeah. Yeah. According to research, she goes on to say that I have done, this view seems to be the one taken by a lot of apologists.
And at first, I fully believed it. But recently, I began to come up with some questions regarding it.
Questions that I have yet to find answers to. Number one, where did this method slash idea come from?
Or this dividing into categories? Okay. I don't see a basis for it in scripture, but maybe I just haven't looked in the right place.
Jesus split the law into two categories of loving God and loving neighbor, but that doesn't seem to be the same thing.
Number two, if this is a legitimate way to break up the law, how do we tell the difference between the three types?
It's not like the law was given in three distinct parts or is divided in the text between the three categories, so what is our standard?
There are several other very specific questions I have related to this, but since this is already such a long message,
I apologize for that. I will save them for another time. Thank you in advance. Blessings to both of you, your family, and your church.
Thank you. So where did we come up with the distinctions of the law into moral, ceremonial, and civil?
Well, the distinctions between the moral and the ceremonial law came from the Hebrews.
They're the ones that did that. Okay. So the moral laws were called the Mishpatim, or ordinances, and the ceremonial law were called the
Hukim, or the statutes, and they were more specifically the customs of Israel.
They included instructions on regaining or maintaining a right standing with God, and that includes sacrificial law, other rules, and ceremonies regarding uncleanness.
You had the remembrances of God's work in Israel, and that would include the feast and the festival days.
All right. There were the rules meant to distinguish Israel from the pagans, and that includes the dietary laws, the clothing restrictions, which were just supposed to be like pictures of holiness.
You don't mix fabrics because you're supposed to be holy. You're supposed to be pure. Pure, exactly.
That's what that was supposed to symbolize. And how one cut their hair, even the law about tattoos.
Right. That was so you didn't look like the pagans. Right. And there were signs that pointed to the coming
Messiah, and they included laws regarding the Sabbath, circumcision, Passover, consecration of the firstborn among them.
Galatians 3, verse 23. Now, before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed.
So then the law was our guardian until Christ came in order that we might be justified by faith.
But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. For in Christ Jesus, you are all sons of God through faith.
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek.
There is neither slave nor free. There is no male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise that law has been fulfilled in Christ.
Now, where did we then come up with the civil law? Because that's the difference between the moral law and the ceremonial law.
Where did the civil law come from? Well, the Westminster Confession added a third category, and that was the judicial or civil law.
But when it comes down to it, whether you're talking about moral, civil, or ceremonial, all of the law is moral.
Now, what does that mean? Well, it's because whether the command is you shall not murder or you shall not wear mixed fabrics, to disobey that, to disobey either command would be immoral.
So therefore, all of the law is moral. When Christ came and fulfilled the law,
He did indeed fulfill all of the law. And for us, we who were as good as dead because we had transgressed against the law,
God made us alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses by canceling the record of death that stood against us with its legal demands.
This He set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame by triumphing over them in Him.
That's Colossians 2, verses 13 through 15. Christ, who has fulfilled all of the law and the prophets, as well as shed
His blood for the forgiveness of sins for those who had broken the law, we are forgiven our trespasses by faith in Christ.
And we also have this passage in Galatians, chapter 5. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control.
Against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
A passage I read earlier. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the
Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another and envying one another. So we pursue those things that are according to the
Spirit and in so doing we are keeping the law. And doing so in such a way that is pleasing unto
God. And anything contrary to that is against the law. That's right. Now Cassidy said she had some other questions, some follow -up questions.
I'm going to go ahead and cut this short right here. But Cassidy, if you have any other of those follow -up questions, let us know.
Yeah. All right. In the interest of time, I'm going to have to jump to our last email.
Okay. And then I'll just save some of these other questions for next week. And then you can still submit more questions.
Hopefully we'll be able to get more. I knew I wasn't going to get a full 10. I was wondering how you were going to do it in three minutes.
Three minutes each? I was going to applaud. I haven't been watching time. I thought
I could look at the timer on our recorder and it would show me how long I've been spending on each question.
Right. I thought about getting a stopwatch over here. I didn't do it. Yeah. That would have been much more organized.
Would have been much more planned out. So number 10 is from Aaron. Dear Pastor Gabe and Miss Becky, hello from Louisiana.
Hello. I am very grateful to God for your podcast. I immensely enjoy listening to the sound of Bible teaching that you offer each day.
In fact, I have started measuring car trips based on how many, well, what episodes can be listened to on the way.
That's awesome. As most others, I especially love the
Friday Q &A. I listen to it every week while doing my chores and it brightens up those tasks. Aww.
I might think about you guys too much because before hearing this past week's
Friday edition, I dreamed that Becky wasn't on it. Oh no!
I dreamed she wasn't there for it again. I am very thankful for your podcast. It has ministered to this 15 -year -old's heart.
Thank you for all that you do, your sister in Christ, Aaron. Aww, you are so sweet.
Thank you. 15 years old. All right, so that brings us to the end of our emails. I want to allow enough time to throw our gag reel here at the end.
Yeah. So here is our drawing. You hear all that? There's all the names right there.
There they are. And this is, we're drawing out of a bucket and out of a hat. It's a bucket hat.
It's a bucket hat. This is my beach hat. Yeah, it is. All right, so we got all these names in here.
I spilled some. Uh -oh, somebody's out of the contest. They jumped out at you. They're like, me, me, me.
Becky's the one that wrote them all, so she's going to be the one to draw. All righty. All right, reach in there.
Here we go. Ready, and here we go. Oh, what a great name.
Rebecca from Harrisonburg, Virginia. Rebecca from Harrisonburg, Virginia.
You have won our great big ginormous prize package in our Christmas in July giveaway.
I almost said Christmas and July. Well, yes. Maybe. Not quite.
Well, thank you, everybody, for listening, and we'll be back for another 1 ,000 episodes starting on Monday.
Yes, enjoy the outtakes. God bless. All right.
This is the 1 ,000th episode of When We Understand the Text, faithfully teaching from the word of Christ that we may continue our daily pursuit of holiness.
Tell all your friends about our ministry at www .utt .com. Here once again is
Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. You know what I forgot to do before we started recording this episode, so I'm going to go ahead and do it right now.
What's that? We've got to do a selfie. Oh, my goodness. I probably should hand this to you here, because you're the selfie master.
Can you do this? You got it? Maybe. We'll see. All right, here we go. This is our 1 ,000th episode, so we've got to take a picture and say cheese.
Did you get it? I think I got a few. Are we cheesing? Yours doesn't freeze the picture immediately.
Oh, is that what yours does? Yeah, so I kept taking, thinking it hadn't taken yet, so I probably got three or four.
You're looking way up. You're not looking where the lens of the camera is. Keep going. There was one that was really good.
No, there's just one. You only got one. Oh, well, then it wasn't working.
Let me try again. That's all right. Okay, we're going to do this again? Sure, one more time. Here we go. It's always good to take a couple selfies, just in case.
All right, hang on. Let me bring that camera back up. All right, now the lens is down there at the bottom.
Okay. Okay, ready? Ready? And cheese. All right, try that one.
Is that it? We got it? That is blurry as craziness. What? No. I am serious.
That is really blurry. Okay, this is the reason why mine is on automatic, so that way
I can immediately see. Okay, here we go. All right, last time.
Dashing through the snow in a one -horse open sleigh.
You're recording me, so I'm going to stop. Yeah, you got to be careful singing, because you never know, that might end up at the end.
We had enough complaints. No, I had enough complaints. It was complaints about -
That's because they're kind to me. It's complaints about me rapping. So they complain about you, but indirectly.
Because I can take it. That's right, I can't. I can handle it. My thanks.
I must be a tough guy, but inside I'm weepy. Oh, whatever. They don't like my rapping. Whatever.
I wanted to make a career as a rapper. Keep your day job. Yeah. You would embarrass your children.
I embarrass my children now. You are listening to When We Understand the Text, a daily Bible teaching podcast to help you encourage, help encourage -
Help you encourage in time. Yep. Help you encourage to keep your nose in that book.
Anyway. The Bible. Right, I know what you're saying. Okay, good. It's still just cute.
Oh, stop. Like be able to lean back like this, and juggle like this.
Uh -huh. So I'm looking - How many black eyes are you going to have to give me before you -
How many what? Black eyes. Oh, black, black eyes. I thought you said, how many black eyes are you going to -
I was like, what does that have to do with anything? Everything. Suddenly we're getting all like social justice movement here.
No. What is that? I don't know how hard this would be.
I don't want to try it here because it's right in front of my computer. Yeah. And have them like this. Uh -huh. Yeah, I get it.
I get it. Yeah. That looks a little dangerous. I'll try it upstairs. Yeah. These won't hurt.
Now, if I was juggling baseballs - Oh, well, yeah. That's true. That would hit me right in the eye.
They're still heavy. They're solid balls. They're like bean bags. Hacky sacks.
These are fine. But heavier. Yeah, well, yeah. Hacky sacks with vinyl cover on it instead of a -
I've seen them. Yeah, I have, too. But usually they're like the yarn.
The hacky sack is the ball with the - And they're smaller. You can empty them out a little bit so that they're not as firm.
They have a little bit more sag to them. And they'll bounce off your knee and your foot. Or you can catch them on your foot or on the back of your neck or something like that.
You're way into - I used to hacky sack. I used to do it. You were one of those.
Yeah. It actually - And it came from attending Promise Keepers events when I was in middle school and high school.
Yeah. Because between speakers there'd be these circles. Hacky sacks. Of guys that would be - Yeah, like teenagers or young 20s.
And they'd get around and hacky sack. I guess it's better than being on your phone. Yeah, we didn't have smartphones then.
So we hacky sacked. You're not what? On. You're not on?
Uh -uh. How about that? You're not tired either. Nope. Becky, you're not tired.
I'm not tired. I'm not tired. Look into my eyes. As I drool from my mouth. You are not tired.
Well, I had a full cup of orange juice in hopes that I would pep up.
Orange juice doesn't have a lot of caffeine in it. No. Should've had one of those Dr. Peppers. No, because then I would never sleep.
That's right! And fur. Hey, is that mine? One what?
Yeah, your bottle of water? Sweet. Yes. Do you want to see the meme that I made for you about your bottles of water?
No. Stop it. I made you a meme. It's okay. I have a daughter who chooses to go in and steal them all.
Hang on. I'm going to bring it up. I think it's in this folder. Where's the meme I made? Oh, so tired.
I can't find it. Drat! It's here somewhere. I know it is.
Nope, you love me so you didn't do that. Becky's bottle of water meme. It isn't this folder.
I'll have to look it up later. It's fine. You don't have to because you didn't do it. Yes, I did. No. I did it and I saved it.
I even saw it the other day. Because it's out of love. I made it out of love. No. You ain't pulling the wool over my eyes.
I made you a meme. So, you're going to do the podcast by yourself?
Yep. Check. Awesome. This is your cup. Thanks. So is this.
Yes, I know. Fully aware you use more than one cup at a time.
It's because I put them down and I can't find them. And then you get after our kids for doing the exact same thing.
That's different. I can leave mine. And come back to it in a few hours. And it's still fresh.
It's just not as cold as it was. The kids leave milk sitting around. So that's completely different.
You have a little bit of a point there. This is when we understand the text. A daily
Bible stu... A daily Bible study. To those sanctified in Christ Jesus.
Called to be saints together. With those who in every place.
From all over the world. Call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Visit our website. And what's good is past good.
Thank you, Maggie. You're welcome. I'm actually quite tired. I'm sure you are.
Alright. But, um, Justin... Peters?
No. Trudeau? No. Who? McFadden.
McFadden? Yeah. Cowleys. Oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. He said that we sound quite good whenever we're tired.
Okay. Alright. There's something to that, I think. This should be a great show then. Yeah, right?
Because I'm exhausted. Yes. I forgot how he worded it. He worded it better. Why am I getting so tired so early?
I don't know. I think whatever we had has just totally messed up my... We seem to do...
...my biorhythms. ...very well when tired. There we go. Quote, unquote. Okay. Do you need a space heater?
Uh -huh. Alright. So... Why are we still in the middle of Kansas?
We're not. It's kind of more of, like, northeastern... No, it's not. ...north central. East side of north central.
No. Yes. No. That's Junction City. Sure. No. We're still in the middle.
There's Kansas all around us. Everything west of Kansas City is considered the middle of Kansas.
Exactly. Everybody in Kansas City considers
Kansas western Kansas. And Kansas City isn't even all in Kansas.
Nope. I get that a lot. What? Really? Yes. Yes, really.
This is when we understand the text. An online Bible ministry equipping the household of God, his church, to be a pillar and buttress of the truth.
Find all our videos. I had to swallow. That was like hitting a wall.
I had to swallow. And you were making me do it again.
Okay. Well, at least our liveliness is up now. I can flatline very easily.
Yes, you can. There's just a point in the program where I look over at you and your eyes are gone.
Glazed over. I'm looking over, there's toothpicks holding your eyes over the... When did you do that? I didn't even notice you had done that.
Sometimes I sneak your tape. I'm not sure you can see that every time. Tape your eyes open.
My eyelids open. What? It's loud.
It's tapping on the microphone. It's loud. Test. Test. Test. Testing.
I'm going to flick my mic. How did you do that? You're going to what? Oh, do the little...
Yeah. Well, that would hurt. That would hurt your ears too. So I'm not too intimidated. Hang on.
Well, I have my bedtime alarm set for 1045. So even though it's earlier than that, finally,
I think I should still turn it off. But my phone does this for about five minutes where it's just blank. Diddly.
Diddly. I don't know where I'm at. Go away. Sorry. How did
I get to news? Yeah, what are you doing reading news?
Just look. I don't know where I'm at. Tensions with Iran reach point of inevitability.
Oh, there. No, I don't want over. I'm not going to fix it.
There. Okay. I have less luck with your phone than you do. Which is not saying a whole lot.
Okay. That's the sound that whenever you touch something on a touch screen, that's the sound it makes.
And then another tone. If you swipe a lot, it goes.
Oh, dear. Can you hear me?
This is a touch screen on my computer. I never use it, though. Yeah. That's why I never wipe it off.
You yell at me because I'm always trying to clean it while you're working on it. Every program
I'm using flies off the screen like, whoa, whoa. What? What'd I do?
I just tried cleaning. Yeah, you just cleaned my screen digitally and surface.
Hey, at least you don't have as many windows up as I normally do. That's true. That would be devastating.
Catastrophic. I need an Ottoman in here. An Ottoman Empire?
Mm -hmm. Okay. Ottoman Empire. Like a bustard. Sorry. Mm -hmm.
This is when we understand the text. A daily Bible commentary that we may be equipped for every good work in that we may be.
You did it right. Oh, I did. I did not have it typed correctly. And then I was like, wait a second. Does that make sense?
Yep. And then I did. You said it right. I didn't have it typed right. Yep. Stop it.
This is when we understand the text. A daily Bible commentary that we may be equipped, that we may be.
See, now you're going back to the way I had it written. Yep. This is when we understand the text.
A daily Bible commentary that we may be equipped for every good work in Jesus Christ our Lord. Please tell others about our ministry at www .utt
.com. Here once again is Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. We're still in 1
Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 7. As... The...
He could be a lot worse. Every dog could be a lot worse. No, there's some.
All right. This is when we understand the text. Devoted to the sound teaching of the word of Christ. Folly to those who are per...
Perishing. Perishing. Who are perishing. But to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
Tell your friends... Tell your friends about our podcast and our videos at www .utt
.com. Found at. Found at? No. No. And our videos at www .utt .com.
Tell your friends about our podcast and our videos at www .utt .com. Here once again is