Ole AD Doesnt Understand Bitcoin - Also I Expose a White Supremacist

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So yesterday somebody was responding to me mentioning Bitcoin on my on my channel
And they said that the reason I don't like Bitcoin is because I don't understand it And I need to get some lessons in the fundamentals
So I guess it must be a day that ends in why huh? No, I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding now But you do hear that argument a lot like if you know if you're not all -in on Bitcoin typically the response is what you just don't get it you don't get you don't understand
Bitcoin and My response to that is you're probably right and maybe I just am
I'm just too much of a dum -dum to understand Why you would want to digitize your your wealth?
I must just not get it and I'm not I'm not saying this to be funny. I I don't get it
I'm admitting it. I don't understand why I would want to buy Bitcoin in any
You know large amount I like I've said this many times like I'm not anti Bitcoin if you want to you know
Digitize your wealth then that's completely fine by me. I'm doesn't hurt me in any way and all that kind of stuff and I have a little bit of Crypto, which
I'm thinking about dumping even though it's just a little bit I kind of had it almost like a just as it's like fun money like a gamble kind of thing
But I think I might be out. I think I don't want to even participate in any way anymore I just don't get here. I'll be honest about some of the things.
I don't get I don't get how it's all that Decentralized if you know one province in China's electric electric grid goes down and because that one province in China's electric grid goes down the
Price tanked because they didn't have enough mining power or whatever But I probably just don't get it because it's just too complicated for me.
I don't get that. I don't understand that I don't get how it could be such a good idea to have a electric currency or electric wealth
When people are getting canceled left and right? Yeah, you know, you can't track the crypto Yeah, I get you can't track the crypto at least that's what they say
But you certainly can track access to the internet. You certainly can track electricity and stuff like that I I don't like the idea of being that easily cancellable now
I'm not listen, I'm not saying that you know, you can be totally cancel proof with different kinds of assets in your
Portfolio, but I'm just saying I'm trying to make it as hard as possible It's like sure, you know, they could they could you know, round up all of the copies of a certain book and burn them all
I guess if they wanted to but it's a lot easier if your entire library is digitized on Amazon servers to just click the
Cancel this guy's subscription to Amazon button. It's a lot easier to cancel you in that way
So yeah, sure having a hard copy of a book doesn't protect you a hundred percent But it's a lot harder to round up all the copies of the book that they want to cancel than it is to just click
Cancel this guy's Amazon account. I'm just saying like I'm trying to D digitize my life in many many ways
So why would I try to read digitize my life when it comes to my wealth and my finances all
I'm saying? I probably just don't get it. I understand and I'm not against Bitcoin I know some people it's it's like either or you're either for gold or for Bitcoin You can't be both and I'm like, well,
I'm not gonna put any significant wealth Like I said, I have a little bit. I'm probably just gonna die.
I think I might just delete it I think I'm not delete it cash out I think I might just cash out and just you know cancel my wallet and all that kind of stuff
I think I think I'm done. I don't know. I'm not sure you think it is the thing about about this
I'm thinking this through on the on the video Like there's a part of me and this is like a weird part of me that I don't quite fully understand
It's like well, yeah, but but but what if you miss out on those gains, you know what I mean? I'm like, well, what's the big deal? I got if I miss out on the gains
I miss it on the gains Like I don't want to participate in this in this system. I let me tell you I think let me tell you anything I think that digital money is a terrible idea
That's what I think. I think it's a terrible idea that will obviously be abused that will obviously be used as a weapon
That's what I think about digital money. I think it's a horrible idea Considering the kinds of governments that we're dealing with these days.
Oh, well, it's decentralized. It's untraceable. It's on this is all that Yeah, we don't even know who made Bitcoin. Like how do we know it's decentralized?
How do we know it's untraceable? Well, you could see in the code. Okay, fine. It's untraceable, but they can still cancel your electricity if they want to I just don't like that.
I don't think that's a great idea I think there's a reason why people are not having their books only on Amazon servers anymore
People are buying actual book is a reason why people are doing that kind of stuff and I think it's a very good idea to try to analog your life as much as possible, especially if you're a bit of a dissident like if you know
If you're if you're planning on going along with the flow and capitulating to every little, you know Weasel tactic that the
Wizards dream up in their wizard spells and their their meetings then fine You have nothing to worry about go ahead and and digitize everything.
You might as well digitize all of your life, but if you're Planning on not going along with that kind of stuff
Then I would think that it would be a good idea to to maybe consider, you know Getting up and maybe getting a PO box, you know analog.
Yeah, sure. They can cancel your PO box. That's true. They could I just don't think they're I don't think they're gonna be rounding up all the copies of XY book or whatever
Are there gonna be you know going house -to -house to get your bullets or get your gold or stuff like that? I don't think they're gonna do that.
I think it's much When you when you think about tyrants and stuff like that, they just do whatever is the easiest, right?
Whatever is the easiest thing that's what they do, right? So they'll you know, they'll push the Amazon button. They'll do that They'll cancel your electricity.
They'll do that. They'll You know, you know that kind of stuff. I don't know. I'm just rambling here, but I just thought that that was funny
Yeah, that's typically a thing. You don't you don't understand Bitcoin. That's why you don't want to buy it Okay I'm okay with that.
I'm okay with that. I'm not the smartest guy in the world. So maybe it's true I just don't understand why it would be a good idea to digitize your wealth
That's fine. If you get it and you're gonna make I hope you make a lot of money. I really do I hope that it goes to a hundred thousand dollars.
The thing is I'm out. I think I'm out I think I'm gonna sell the small amount of aetherium that I have and I think
I'll be out, you know Yeah, and maybe I'll miss out on some gains. That's the thing You got a war with that that part of you that said well,
I might get those gains This is what I always think about there was like there was a kid. No, it wasn't a kid He was a man, but when
I was a lot younger ten years ago who told me about Bitcoin Maybe it wasn't quite ten years ago But it was a while ago
Told me about Bitcoin and I kind of liked the idea cuz I was you know I was at the time I was a libertarian and stuff like that, but I never bought any
I never bought any I always think about that time because I probably could have gotten it for a couple bucks a coin and Man I could be rich right now.
I could be filthy rich. I Could be that's true, but yeah, you know,
I there's good to me There's got to be an easier way to make money. You know what I mean? There's got to be a way to make money that doesn't involve me.
I Think that I think that Bitcoin is risky. I think that any digital currency would be very risky and so You know, there it is.
I mean, I guess I could make a lot of money, but I'm just not willing to do it. I don't know
Anyway, so yeah, there's that and probably, you know people make some people mad. That's okay I if you guys like Bitcoin, I'm not against Bitcoin.
It's just not for me. I Maybe I'm just not smart enough. I understand I get it. It's okay It's totally fine if I'm not smart enough to own
Bitcoin. All right, anyway Saw this white supremacist here
I thought I'd share this with you Just to just so that we could all just publicly shame this guy because this is this is
I can't think of a more white supremacist statement than this Here's what he says he says
Quote don't be less white Don't be less black
Don't be less of anything that God has created I'm fearfully and wonderfully black if you're white you're fearfully and wonderfully white
Whatever your skin color is you're fearfully and wonderfully made rejoice,
I Mean call up Kyle Howard call up. What's his in Brim? Kendi X Kendi X call him up because this is a white supremacist alert right here this guy
Big time white supremacist. That's what I'm talking about We got to cancel him. It's just that simple
Can anyone check if he has a digital wallet because if so, we should definitely push the cancel digital wallet button
What's funny is actually the guy who told me that I didn't understand Bitcoin he's someone who likes me
So I don't think he was trying to insult me But what's funny was he had actually? Commented on it on what
I thought I intended it to be somewhat of a pro Bitcoin comment
So I was a little confused But I guess he was he had watched some of my content and he just he didn't like what I had said about the mess
Michael Saylor debate, but all I said was that One thing I appreciate about buying
Bitcoin and gold they're both a clear vote of no confidence in the government I agree.
I think a lot of people buy Bitcoin Because they don't trust the government
They don't trust government's monetary policies and things like that and I can sympathize with that because I also don't trust
The government's monetary policies at all. I don't trust it at all. I don't think there's any reason to trust it So I like that about Bitcoin because it's definitely sending a no confidence message
But the problem with with Bitcoin in my I don't trust Bitcoin And why would
I I mean, I don't I don't really know any reasons to trust Bitcoin. But anyway, that's again
I probably just don't get it But anyway, so yeah, there's that and then I was talking to this guy
I was like, well, what do you mean because he had responded that I don't I don't understand Bitcoin But he wasn't responding to this so, you know, it made a little bit more sense
But then he said something that was funny that I had actually thought of that day Here's let me see you can find it here
He said something about how he likes gold better than Bitcoin because in the
New Jerusalem The streets will be paid with gold not Bitcoin and I agree
I had actually thought about that this for the first time that exact day Yesterday morning
I was like, oh, yeah, it'd be a funny thing to tweet out or to gab out is Will our streets be paved in Bitcoin if pick if Bitcoin is like the the the best monetary system
Next to what God would create himself. That's what Michael Saylor said The bitcoins the best and I just don't think so.
I think If it was that our Bibles would say the streets would be paved in Bitcoin, but since Bitcoin isn't actually a
Thing like that I guess it couldn't be paved in Bitcoin because the New Jerusalem will actually be a real place and it'll have real streets and It'll be paved with real gold
Not just you know digits Anyway, but Jake ology, thanks for your comments.
I definitely appreciate it and you're probably right. I I'm not I'm not I'm not making fun Of you. I probably don't understand it enough
But I'm okay with that. There's a lot of things. I don't I've always said this like I suggest not buying things that you don't
Understand we're not signing contracts that you don't understand Because to me that seems to be like the weapon of a trickster
You know what? I mean like to get you to sign on to something that you don't get But if you get it if you understand and you think it's safe then more power to you, you know
I mean, I'm not I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I'm just saying for me. I Don't get it. So I think
I'm out. Yeah, I think I'm out My out Yeah, I'm out. Does anyone want my aetherium? I'll sell it to you, but it's gonna cost you.
Oh, yeah, it's gonna cost you Okay, I'll get I'll get it for you under spot under spot, but it's not gonna be able I'm not gonna
I don't take I'm not gonna take fiat though for it. Maybe I will yeah, I Don't know Anyway, this has just been a bit of a ramble.