DUMPSTER FIRE: Rise of the Skywalkers?!


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Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire. Yeah, we're doing a Dumpster Fire segment today.
It's been a while since we've done one of those. And the idea behind them is that, well, there's some things that we collect up as we're preparing our program that, for lack of a better way of putting it, it's so absurd that it refutes itself.
Yeah, that bad. So there won't be a lot of extensive teaching today. There usually isn't in Dumpster Fire.
We'll hit a couple of biblical passages, but just brace yourself is the best way
I can put it. You might want to get some bendy straws, tinfoil pyramid hat, some duct tape, things like that to protect you from the weird emanations that will be coming from this installment of Fighting for the
Faith's Dumpster Fire. And I don't even know how to just do this.
We're just going to just jump right in. And so let me pull up my desktop.
And yeah, if you have you heard of this guy, Justin Paul Abraham. We got this as a as a viewer suggestion and it took me all of like 30 seconds on his
YouTube channel to realize this guy is cuckoo banana town and one taco short of a combo plate.
And so are you ready for this? Are you ready to become a Skywalker? Yeah, I'm not making that up.
We'll start off with Justin Paul Abraham and Skywalkers. And let's see what
God is apparently telling us about them. Here we go. So tonight I want to talk about Skywalkers like Luke, Leah, the
Skywalkers, because even in things like Star Wars, Rise of the Skywalker is the next film.
And, you know, this is just coincidental. When I wrote this, I didn't even give this a thought. But we are in the time of the rise of the
Skywalker. This is where false prophecy meets science fiction.
Mm hmm. We are in the time of the rise of those who walk in the clouds. We are in the era of well, his head's there already.
But OK, yeah, those where the veil has been rent and their consciousnesses are expanding into a higher dimension.
And anything that we've experienced for the last decade is nothing compared to what the 2020s and beyond are going to do.
Oh, yeah, there's going to be Skywalkers and stuff. Yeah. Have you learned how to Skywalk yet? The last decade, we learned to step in by faith in the coming decades.
We are going to taste and see. All right, so we were stepping in by faith, but now we're going to taste and see.
Uh huh. We are going to taste and see we are going into the promises and there's a company of pioneers who are going to forge.
Oh, it's Jill's army, the company of pioneers. It's uh huh. Yeah, I've been hearing about these guys since I was in the latter.
Right. The future from the unseen and begin to be clothed in truth. They're going to begin to be clothed in truth.
They're not clothed in truth yet. They're just clothed in lies. But they'll eventually be clothed in truth.
They're slowly putting truth on. They'll start with maybe a sock, you know, and then move up to, you know, maybe the other sock.
Uh huh. So I think he's got some kind of intestinal issue here.
Isaiah 60 verse eight says, who are these? Who are these who saw like clouds flying like doves into their portals?
Hold on. We got I've got to look at a biblical text here. Hang on. You're going to duplicate this tab.
Isaiah 60 verse eight. You say Isaiah 60 verse eight portals and things.
OK. All right. Let's see. Who are these that fly like a cloud and like doves to their windows?
Uh huh. Let's see if we can make sense of this particular portion of the prophecy of Isaiah by applying our three rules for sound biblical exegesis context, context, context.
I'm pretty sure this isn't talking about skywalkers and portals and thingies. I don't want to go back.
Arise, shine for your light has come. Verse one. And the glory of Yahweh has risen upon you.
Behold, darkness shall cover the earth, thick darkness. The people, the Lord will arise upon you and his glory will be seen upon you and nations shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.
Who do you think that's referring to? If you thought, well, it sounds like Jesus. Right. That's who we're talking about here.
So lift up your eyes all around and see they are all they all gather together. They come to you.
Your son shall come from afar. Your daughter shall be carried on the hip. A picture of the nations being drawn to Christ on the last day.
Then you shall see and be radiant. Your heart shall thrill and exult because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you.
The wealth of the nation shall come to you. A multitude of camels shall cover you. Talking about Christ, right?
Young camels of Midian and Ephah of those of Sheba shall come and they shall bring gold and frankincense and shall bring good news.
The praises of Yahweh. All the flocks of Kadar shall be gathered to you. The Rams of Nebaioth shall minister to you.
They shall come up with acceptance on my altar and I will beautify my beautiful house.
Who are these that fly like a cloud, like doves to their windows? Now, notice the metaphor and simile.
I always forget how it exactly works, but who fly like a cloud, who like doves.
This is metaphor in this metaphorical talk for the coastlands shall hope for me.
The ships of Tarshish first to bring your children from afar, their silver and gold with them for the name of Yahweh, your
God, and for the holy one of Israel, because he has made you beautiful. Foreigners shall build up your walls and their king shall minister to you.
All right. So we see what's going on here. This is a picture of of God gathering the nations to himself after the judgment, you know, of the new earth, the visible reign of Christ on the earth.
That's what's going on here in Isaiah 60. But Justin Paul Abraham, he's doing something weird with this.
Let me see if I can back this up just a little bit to see what he does with this text again, because apparently this is about skywalkers who are going to begin to clothe themselves in truth.
So as I 60, but it says, who are these? Who are these who saw like clouds flying like doves into their portals?
That's a good portal. Soaring mystical word. Who are the dove company?
See scriptures of the dove company. No, no, this isn't talking about a dove company.
Let me back this up. This is just too bizarre. Clouds flying like doves into their portals. That's a good portal.
Soaring mystical word. Who are the dove company? See, scriptures always had the Holy Spirit came as a dove.
And there's always been this theme of doves and bride and sons, that there's something hidden in scripture which is of a different order and a different quality to me, a
Christianity. A different order. Oh, man, we're not talking about mere Christianity here.
We're talking about glow in the dark Christianity. Yeah. Hey, oh, yeah, you might want to get a doctor to look at a struggle to get through this preach false manifestation of the spirit.
This is all theatrics. Oh. A who you're wasting my time.
Oh, see, we've not understood the gospel, we have not. I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't understand the gospel like at all, understood the gospel.
It doesn't matter how many gospel services you've been to. We have not understood the gospel. No. See, the gospel is this.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. No, actually, that's not the gospel.
It's not. I always like to point this out. The Bible actually gives us the for real bonafide definition of the word gospel.
I always like to point out that the apostle Paul made it very clear that the gospel he preached, he did not learn it from a human being.
He learned it from Jesus Christ. Galatians 1 11 says, I would have, you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel.
Good news. You on Galeon, for I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
So where did Paul get his gospel from directly from Jesus? All right. Having received it directly from Jesus, then does
Paul tell us what the gospel is that he preached? The answer is yes. And if you've seen fighting for the faith for any length of time, you know,
I've gone here before. First Corinthians chapter 15 states, Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel, the good news
I preached to you, which you received, which you stand by, which you are being saved. If you hold fast to the word
I preached to you, unless you believed in vain, for I delivered to you as of first importance what
I also received, that Christ died for our sins. Yeah, so no, this is the gospel he received.
And the gospel is what? Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scripture, that he was buried and he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.
Yeah, that's the gospel in a nutshell. That Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scripture, was raised again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.
He appeared to more than, you know, 500 people at one time. You get the idea.
It's all there in first Corinthians. So the gospel is not what he just said. Let me let me back this up because he's talking about how apparently we don't know the gospel, but apparently he's the one who doesn't know the gospel.
Weird. Let me back this up. Here we go. See, we've not understood the gospel.
We have not understood the gospel. It doesn't matter how many gospel services you've been to. We have not understood the gospel.
Haven't understood it, man. See, the gospel is this. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
Nope, that's not the gospel. Yeah, I just showed it from scripture. It's not a salvation message.
Salvation is the entry porch into it. That's weird. The gospel that Paul preached happens to be a salvation message.
I delivered to you as a first importance that Christ died for our sins. So, well, that's weird because I would note then that the
Galatians 1 does tell us something about those who preach a different gospel. The apostle
Paul writes, grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins.
To deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of God, of our
God and father to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. And he says this, I'm astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.
Not that there is another, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we are an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached, let him be anathema.
That means damned. And as I said before, so I say it again, if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be a curse.
Let him be damned. Anathema. So, yeah, that's weird because, you know, Justin Paul Abraham in his
Skywalker message is claiming that we don't understand the gospel and he's preaching a different gospel because he says that the gospel just gets us in apparently.
Yeah, let me back this up just a little bit. The gospel. See, the gospel is this. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
Nope. It's not a salvation message. Salvation. Yeah, the gospel is a salvation message. Entry porch into another world.
You don't park there, it says your gates will be salvation and praise. You go into a realm of glory upon.
Oh, so the gospel is I go into a glory realm. Glory, grace upon grace where you are now living a new existence.
That's not the gospel, not according to scripture. We parked
Christianity at the porch. We did. I didn't.
We have parked Christianity at the porch. I didn't even know it was a car.
Okay, let me put it like this. You're drowning in the sea. You get saved, put on a lifeboat, but you get taken somewhere.
Yeah, see, it can't be. Oh, you've been saved. No, you've been saved. So this is just your reasonings at this point.
No biblical texts, just reasonings. Got it. Now what's, what are you?
Where are you? What country have you landed on? Where's I'm in the United States in North Dakota. Been here for a while.
This island that you've been taken to North Dakota is not an island. It's a very, very cold portion of the world.
American Siberia. I'm just glad God didn't send me to the salt mines. And the clothes that you've been given and the technology that you've been given.
You were shipwrecked at the cross, but rescued by Jesus into a new. I was shipwrecked at the cross.
What? Existence. Oh, okay. Okay. So it says this in two
Corinthians five 17. Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, what are you reading?
Hey, I just need to listen again. Yeah. Okay.
So it says this in two Corinthians five 17. Now, all right. Two Corinthians five 17.
Let's take a look at that real quick here. I happen to read Greek. So two Corinthians five 17, you say?
All right. Well, let's, let's see. I'd like to give it a little context. All right. From now on, therefore we regard no one according to flesh, even though we once regarded
Christ according to flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is, is in Christ, he is, if he is in Christ.
Okay. All right. Okay. Is so. And Christo, he is a new creation.
God, I don't see anything about it being enfolded there. I do see in Christ and that's what it means there.
Okay. Let's come back. If anyone is enfolded into Christ. Nothing about being enfolded there in that text.
He has become an entirely new creation. Which by the way, is the result of the gospel, but it's not the gospel itself.
All that is related to the old order has vanished. See, everything is fresh and new.
Everything is fresh and new. What translation are you reading from? But we've got to realize that we as Christians have not lived that.
Oh no. Apparently we haven't. So, I mean, here you are. You all knew all, and you just, you refuse to live the new thing.
Okay. We have not lived in a new creation. We've not acted new creation, thought new creation to put it like a
Bill Johnson. Now this next quote is going to basically demonstrate that, um, well, how did the old commercial go?
You remember there was a, there was a frying pan and then somebody put the frying pan onto the fire and then they pulled out an egg and they said, this is your brain.
And then they cracked the egg and then put it in the frying pan and said, and this is your brain on drugs.
And so I think we can make a case here. You'll just whip out a frying pan, put an egg and say, this is your brain and then crack it and put it into the frying pan.
And this is your brain on Bill Johnson's theology. Yeah. We've repented enough to be saved, but not enough to see the kingdom.
We've repented enough to be saved, but not enough to see the kingdom. Wow. I want to hear that again.
I just got to hear that. Creation thought new creation to put it like a Bill Johnson.
We've repented enough to be saved, but not enough to see the kingdom. So how much do
I need to repent if I want to see the kingdom? I mean, I've only repented enough to be saved, and it's not enough, man.
So does that mean that when I die, I won't see Jesus, and I won't see the kingdom of God?
Or when he returns in glory to judge the living and the dead, I won't see the kingdom because I've only repented enough to be saved?
Or to quote Bill again, we will know our minds renewed when the impossible looks logical.
Yeah, that's what Bill says. No biblical text teaches this. His teaching is straight up false.
All right, so enough of the Skywalker message. Did you know that Amanda Wells is back? Yeah, this one's going to be fun.
Hang on to your hats. Like I said, you might want to protect yourself from the emanations of this particular thing.
But here we go. Mentoring with Judith and Amanda.
Hi, I'm Amanda Wells, director and senior lecturer alongside Judith Ellis of Kingdom Catalyst Academy.
Senior lecturer? Wow, that sounds important. Yeah, do you have a
PhD? I mean, are you a fellow? Are you tenured? I'm curious.
Judith and I sensed the Lord saying to us to take a month where we both mentor you for two hours on a
Saturday. I'm pretty sure God didn't tell you that because I won't be being mentored by you or Judith.
Not even for five minutes. Now, don't worry if you can't be present. All you have to do is register and we will send you the videos afterwards.
How convenient. And Judith and I have spent months engaging the Trinity and studying.
And months engaging the Trinity? Months? Yeah. I mean, most people, they only engage the
Trinity for mere minutes. But Amanda and Judith, they've engaged the Trinity for months. We want to share what we've seen and invite you on a journey of encounter with us.
A what? A journey of encounter. Lucy in the sky with Diamond.
The heavens are full of the wonders of God. Heavens display his majesty.
Yeah, that's talking about like the stars and space and stuff. Yeah. God said you and I are more valuable than that.
Why? Because you and I were made from his image. From his?
No, humanity, Adam and Eve were made in the image of God. Made from his essence.
Where does it say I was made from God's essence? You do know that humanity fell into sin.
Have you read chapter three of Genesis? You and I are his DNA, the divine nature of God.
No, no, I'm not a divine nature. And I'm not the divine nature of God, nor am
I the DNA of God. What are you talking about? I love what Lou Engel says.
Another wacker doodle here. We are a dream clothed with a body. That's not what my wife says about me.
God dreamed you and I before we even existed on the earth.
God dreamed me. Wow. I feel so special. I almost feel like a
Care Bear warm, fuzzy hug kind of thingy going on right now. I have this fascination all of a sudden with unicorns.
Yay. This is such a great mystery and cannot be understood until you and I comprehend that we are not human.
Hey guys, it's going to take me some time to recover here. Folks, have you realized that you're not human yet?
That's the special secret mystery thing that God's been trying to tell you. You're not human. Let me back that up.
Oh boy. And this is such a great mystery and cannot be understood until you and I comprehend that we are not human.
We leave human ideas behind and let's journey on a great mystic secret together.
Mystic secret. Oh, you've embraced full on Gnosticism, Amanda. Way to go.
Good job. Yeah, nothing could come of that. So if you want to be mentored on a
Saturday for two hours by Amanda and her friend Judith, there you go.
You'll discover the Gnostic secret that you're not human. You're God.
You're the DNA. You're the essence of God. Let's come back to it. Now, I'm going to wait on Justin one more time.
Bob Jones's widow. Remember Bob Jones, one of the Kansas City prophets?
He died six years ago. Apparently, Bob Jones, he's back talking to his widow.
Yeah, not making that up. Let's listen in. I want to share something with you that, well, it surprised me.
How about that? Valentine's Day this year was the sixth anniversary of Bob's graduation to heaven.
And to my surprise, it was like five o 'clock in the morning on that Friday. And the
Lord said to go in the living room, take my notepad with me. So five in the morning,
Valentine's Day. Got it. God told you to go into the living room with a notepad.
Assumed he was going to speak to me and I would be writing. However, when I sat in my chair, it was
Bob who did the speaking. God sent
Bob to talk to you. You do know that God forbids inquiring and talking to the dead, right?
Yeah, you know, I'm just saying. So let's take a look at a biblical text here, shall we?
Deuteronomy 18, Deuteronomy 18. Let's check again what this says.
Deuteronomy 18, 9. When you come into the land that Yahweh, your God, is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.
So these are abominable practices. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns a son or his daughter as an offering.
Anyone who practices divination, tells fortunes, interprets omens, or is a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a necromancer, or one who inquires of the dead.
If God forbids us from inquiring of the dead and talking to the dead,
I mean, why would I inquire of the dead on behalf of the living? That makes no sense. That's kind of another biblical concept here.
Why is it that I should believe that you're now talking to your dead husband when
God has described the practice that you're engaging in as an abominable practice?
I mean, Saul tried that one and was condemned for it regarding the witch of Endor. So now
I'm supposed to believe that, you know, Bob's talking to you. I see.
And it was very interesting. There's many things that he shared with me.
Some things were personal. Some things were to,
I believe, equip the body. No, that wasn't Bob. That's a demon. So they don't fall into some of the pitfalls that he had to encounter.
And one of the things, one of the most important things that he shared with me was the time that we are in right now.
And that's what I want to talk with you about today. Trust me, it really took me by surprise. I was not...
Oh, I'm sure. But that wasn't Bob. Yeah.
Expecting the visitation by Bob Jones. But he said that we're in the book of Revelation.
He said, you're living in the day of the woman and... Okay, so there you go.
Now in the charismatic movement, full -on necromancy and communication with the dead. Um, yeah.
Okay, let's go back to Justin Paul Abraham, shall we? This is a different message of his.
Enter into heaven. Help us. There's a principle in Hebraic thinking where the third heaven is actually represented by the gimel, which is the third letter of the
Hebrew alphabet. And it means... Who taught you Hebrew? Okay, so just a real quick thing.
I have a degree in biblical languages. Okay, that's how I'm able to read Greek and Hebrew. And I've been doing it for decades.
All that being said, when somebody says, oh, and there's a thing, a symbol in the Hebraic language, and what they do is they take the letters of the
Hebrew language and turn it into a code. And then any word then could have a secondary meaning.
You know, so if there's an aleph, and there's a gimel, and there's a daleth, you know, then what you can do is you can say, well, the aleph means this.
That comes from the ox. And then, you know, the gimel, it means heaven. And so the coded language there is different than the word itself.
They turn the Hebrew language into a code. These people are wackerdoodle. They don't know what they're talking about.
And nobody does this. Okay, that would be like me saying, okay, so the letter
A in its original Phoenician construct actually was symbolic of the ox, which, by the way, is historically true.
And so the letter A represents the ox. And then the letter
B represents a doorway. And then E is for elephants.
Okay, and so if you're named Abe, uh -huh, that means that you are an ox doorway for elephants.
Isn't that just blow your mind crazy stuff, right? Yo, man, you bet you never saw that one coming, did you?
Yeah, that's just nonsense. What he's engaging in here is nonsense. Now, as he's engaging in this nonsense, there are going to be people throwing money at the stage.
Just watch and see. It's the full supply, or that which brings maturity, or the camel hump.
So gimel means the camel hump. Okay. Camel hump is the power to go on and on.
Where did you get this? The gimel represents the power to go on and on. And the way that you access the third heaven according to the break.
Did you see the money flying on the stage there? The maths of the Hebrew alphabet is by becoming the dalet.
The dalet is the fourth letter. I need to become the dalet. Fourth letter.
The four corners of creation are accessed through the dalet, and the dalet means the door. No, it doesn't mean that.
These letters are not code words in and of themselves. By becoming a door, you access the third heaven.
Oh, so I can access the third heaven if I become a door. The time has come, my little friends, to talk of other things.
Shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, and cabbages, and kings. And why the sea is boiling hot, and whether pigs have wings.
Kaloo! Kalay! Come run away. We're cabbages and kings. It means the dal is the poor man.
And as you become the poor man that says of myself, I can do nothing. The Hebrews teach this saying that generosity runs towards you.
What are you saying? So what draws heaven is by going lower, not going higher.
Ooh, he learned the art of pseudo profundity from Bill Johnson. We fall upwards.
We fall into a trance. We fall into love. Fall into love.
Falling upwards. The only one who tried to ascend was
Satan. I will ascend into the hill of the Lord. We only ascend because he's already taken us there.
Because it's impossible to go. So he did it for us. Right. He took us into his body and opened up all the gateways through space and time.
Took us into his body and then opened up all the gateways through space and time. What is the cash value of that sentence?
Which is Jacob's ladder. Jacob's ladder is a human body. No, Jesus is Jacob's ladder. Human body.
That's why bodies are important. That's why you get a resurrection. And that's why some people keep their bodies.
Because they have value. Some get to keep them because they have value.
Only two have. Enoch and Elijah. Great value because of what's contained within it.
Now watch this later. She's going to throw money out the stage. What's contained in it is.
Are they throwing money on the stage to basically say, here's your taxi fare. Get out.
Leave. Aleph's blood. Adam means Aleph's blood.
It's the Aleph. No. No.
No. The Dalet and the Mem. The word dam is blood.
Aleph means Yatevavhe. Aleph is the Lord our God is one.
And the mass of it is 26, which is the. Oh, this is just absurd.
Same as Yodhevavhe. So no, it's not the same. Adam's name literally meant you are
God's blood in creation. No, it didn't. No, it didn't mean that at all. Eve's name is equally interesting.
Chava. Chava means Chet, which is the way of life. So the woman
Eve means the way of life. Vav means connected to a higher dimension.
Hey, to bring awe and wonder. Yeah. Again, now code breaking Eve's name.
So Eve's name means the one who carries the path of life that is connected to a higher dimension.
No, it doesn't mean that at all. It means mother of the living. This is ridiculous.
Disturb with awe and wonder. In Hebrew. And Adam means the one that contains the resonant frequency of the blood of Aleph with.
It does not mean the one who carries the relative. What would you say? Resonant frequency.
What are you talking about? You got this from the new age, right? In this realm. That's why life is in the blood.
And that's why your body has value. That's why Jesus had a body. That's why he not kept his body.
That's why Moses got his body back. That's why Elijah kept his. Notice he's not preaching a single biblical text.
He's just giving us apparent Hebraic word code cracking.
This is just nonsense body. This does not resonate on any of my frequencies.
That's why the saints were raised because we are his body. The visible display of the unseen
God into all the dimensions of creation. And within your body is gates and doors. So in my body are gates and doors.
There's like valves. Are those like gates and doors?
It depends on which way they're flapping, you know. So you are the technology that can transcend geography.
I am. Okay. Even the people there, they don't know if they should clap or amen or all.
They're not even they don't know what he's saying at all. Because he's not saying anything. You are the technology that can transcend the temporary.
This is just pseudo profound bovine scatology. That's all that this guy's phony is a three dollar bill.
Anyway, I think you get the point. We do this from time to time. We collect them up. You know, when
I'm doing my research as we prepare the different programs and segments that we do. Again, these are kind of the outliers that are just way so far gone that you can't do a single segment or episode with them.
But collect them all together and they become a dumpster fire. So we found this helpful. All the information on how you can share the video is down below.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.