Midweek Review #16 (Acts 8:14-40)

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The reality of Spirit-filling should not be assumed, but ought to be experienced in discernible ways. Simon produced discernibly bad fruit. Spirit-filled Christians experience things like 1) desire for and obedience to the Word of God, 2) joyful praise and prayer, and 3) power—Acts 1:8 (manifesting in one or more of the Spirit’s gifts, described in 1 Corinthians 12-14, Romans 12, 1 Peter 4, and Ephesians 4).


through the light of Christ and rescue some. Now that rave scene will continue to go on and the works of darkness will continue, but the light of Christ is able to rescue some people out of it.
In our passage today, we're looking at Acts chapter 8. We're in the 14th verse and we'll take it through the end of the chapter, but the main idea that I want us to see is that there is something called the
Spirit of the Living God. The Spirit of God is alive and he is able to fill us in such a way that we are transformed and we are given spiritual gifts.
We're given power to run into the darkness and bring light. It's one thing to be born again and rescued from our sin.
It's another thing to be empowered to take the gospel to others. So we look now at Acts chapter 8 verse 14 and following.
The reality of spirit -filling should not be assumed. Many people assume they're filled with the
Spirit because they're born again. If that were the case, then why does Ephesians 5 18 says be being filled with the
Holy Spirit? If we're being commanded to remain filled with the Holy Spirit, it's possible that there's times when we're not filled with the
Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4 30, do not grieve the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
So it's possible that you could be sealed with the Holy Spirit, you could have the Spirit, you could be born again, but you're in a season of life where you're not filled with the
Holy Spirit. He's not controlling you. You're not yielded walking in the