A Correction and an Announcement for Texans

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All right, well, one more video before the week is out. I had to get this one out there because I got confronted, corrected, rebuked, set straight, whatever you want to call it, and I want to make sure to tell you guys about it today.
But before I do that, let me just say this. I will be speaking at a free conference in Austin, Texas.
It is called the Resisting Tyranny and Wokeness Conference. It's been put on by Joel Webben from Right Response Ministries, and I will be there and also
John Harris will be there. So this should be a really cool time for us to kind of get to know each other, hang out, and I'll be speaking,
John will be speaking, Joel will be speaking. We'll do a live Q &A, a live podcast, you know, that kind of things.
And so it's completely free, but space is limited. So if you're interested in going, I shared it on my
YouTube. I also shared it on Gab and all of that. And the schedule is here. It's on Saturday, March 12th, and also on the 13th,
John will be preaching on the Lord's Day. So it should be a really good time.
I look forward to seeing some people already have told me they're going. And if you haven't considered it and you live in the
Texas area, I know it's a big area, but this is going to be in Austin, definitely
RSVP as soon as you can. It is completely free, but space is limited.
So go ahead and get that done right away. I'm excited about it, and I hope you guys are as well.
Before we get into my rebuke or the way I got rebuked, I just found out about something really interesting.
So in, this is crazy, in the United Kingdom, apparently there's a policy where if you don't pay like a debt, like, you know, you don't pay your invoices as a small business and stuff like that, the high court can send people to your house and just like take your stuff so you can pay back the debt.
And there's like a show about it. It's like, it's kind of like repo men, but it's like even more intense than regular repo men.
Cause like repo men, they all take your car or whatever when you're not looking, but these guys go into your house and they have every right to be there.
And like, you can't kick them out. And if you try to kick them out, they call the police and then they just inventory your stuff and just take it.
And it's just like, that's, that's crazy to me, but I'll tell you what, that actually sounds like a potentially a legitimate, a legitimate way to go.
Because in Bible times, if you couldn't pay your debts, you became a servant or slave of the person that you owed until you paid it back.
Well, in our times, you know, people have property and things like that. And back in the day you didn't really have too much that you could sell.
So it would make sense to take your stuff, sell it so that you could pay the debt that you owed.
I don't know. I'm kind of interested in this. Like the American in me is like, yeah, but your home's your castle. Like these thugs can't come into your house, but yeah, but you're stealing though.
So like, I don't know. You kind of like give up some of that autonomy once you become a thief.
In any case, um, I wanted to talk about the rebuke. Now this is about the, uh, the, the video
I did, the, the, the, the, the mercy of the wicked is cruel. And it was about the Brian Flores situation.
So I, again, I said in the beginning of that video, I don't pay too much attention to the NFL. So I actually got a big part of that story wrong.
Brian Flores wasn't the coach of the dolphins for one year. He was the coach of the dolphins for three years.
And so they tried him out for three years. They didn't like what they, what they got. And now he's saying racist, everyone's been racist the whole time.
And, but just now, when I happened to get fired, that's when I bring it up, it looks, it's such a terrible look on this
Flores guy. It's so pathetic. Like the, the race card is so ridiculous.
It's like the most sniveling Weasley thing anyone can do. He worked there for three years and allegedly they were racist the whole time.
But now just so happens when he gets fired, uh, he's going to call racism. This actually, it actually hurts the chances of blacks getting hired because people are always going to be worried.
If I, if I happen to want to fire this guy, he just going to say I'm racist. Like, that's not really worth the headache, you know?
So they, they, they, they act like this is doing like a big thing for black people. This lawsuit, you know, it's doing a big thing for Brian Flores at the expense of black people.
This is a disaster for blacks and minorities. But then I got interested. Once this guy corrected me,
I was like, I wonder what his record was on the dolphin. So I looked it up and Brian Flores, he led the team for three years.
And the record of the, over the, over those three years was 24 and 25, just barely under 500 by no means successful, but not a smashing disaster either.
He's not, hasn't been terrible, but he hasn't been good. And you know, this is the NFL. This is what happens in the NFL. I don't happen to like this.
You know, you just change coaches every three years. I think it's consistency is probably important, but this is common.
It's, it's common that you give a coach a couple of years. If he doesn't make it to the Superbowl and when you fire him, a lot of teams do this.
Some teams don't, but a lot of teams do. And so 24 and 25, not really a great record.
And then I, I got further curious because the most, the, the, the coach before Brian Flores was a guy named
Adam Gase, who I know very well because the Jets hired him after he worked for the dolphins and he wasn't good on the dolphins.
So when the Jets hired him, I was like, what's the deal? And he's, of course, he stunk on the Jets too, because he's a loser.
So I wanted to see, what was Adam Gase's record on the dolphins? Adam Gase's record on the dolphins was 23 and 26, a little bit worse, but basically the same as the guy they fired most recently,
Brian Flores. But for some reason, Adam Gase never thought that it was racism or is because I didn't do what they said.
No, no, no. He just assumed it was because I stink. I alienated my team. I didn't do a good job.
And then Brian Flores over here does almost the exact same job as Adam Gase, who was only there for three years.
They fire him after three years, which shows a pattern. If you don't, you know, do that great after three years, the dolphins tend to fire you whether you're white or black.
And now all of a sudden it's racist because I happen to be black, even though they did the exact same thing with the last coach a couple years earlier.
This is so stupid. And this doesn't help black people. I don't understand how you don't see this.
If any, if any like popular black guy who gets fired, just calls racism every single time he gets fired.
It's like, coaches are gonna be like, this is, this is not worth the headache. Because if he stinks and I want to fire him, he's now
I have to like, maybe keep him because he's going to say I'm a racist. It's like, it doesn't do black people or minorities or Latinos any good for every single time you stink.
And then you get fired. You go, Oh, you must be a racist. It's like, and it's so, it's such a handicap too, because it teaches other people that when you get fired for cause, because you stink,
Brian Flores stunk, maybe he will be good one day, but he stunk at Miami. When you get fired for cause and you call racism, you actually don't think that you need to get better.
When you actually do, you actually do need to get better. You got fired because you didn't do a good enough job, Brian. And so now, but you're not, it's racist though.
It's racist. I put up with it for three years, but the minute they fire me, then they're a bunch of racist. I mean,
I guess if you want to be selfish about it, that's how you want to go fine. But I think a better approach, Brian would be maybe
I need to become a better coach. So next time I get hired, I don't get fired after three years.
I mean, that's just me. That's how I would look at it. But you know, look at this Goya refried beans, not refried beans.
I know about refried black beans. Now this, these guys got my number on this advertisement.
Goya refried, rough fried black beans. That sounds delicious. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.