Come Out of Her My People / THE VELVET MAFIA

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Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode # 77 -Bombshell new report! Pope Francis Says Pope Benedict XVI Backed Him Up in Supporting Civil Marriages for LGBTQ Couples


Hello, and thank you for listening to the
Testing the Spirits podcast. The title of this episode is Come Out of Her, My People.
We're going to talk about the Velvet Mafia that exists within the Vatican. In the breaking news, according to the
Christian Post, that not Pope Francis, because we already know about him, did a video about him a couple months ago where Pope Francis decreed to his underlings that they were now to bless homosexual unions.
We already know about that. But in this breaking news story, Pope Francis has now declared that his predecessor,
Pope Benedict, you know, the supposed conservative pope, he actually supported same -sex unions as well.
Because a lot of people said that's heresy. And Pope Benedict XVI apparently says, no, it wasn't.
And he supported and defended Pope Francis. Now this is going to surprise a lot of people, but you shouldn't be surprised.
Here's the thing. The Catholic church is not biblical. They are not a Christian church.
It is a blending of worldliness, paganism, and some Christianity.
And here's the thing. Here's why it matters to you. It matters to you because we all know loved ones, neighbors, co -workers who are
Catholic. And they think, well, I'm a Christian because I'm a Catholic. I go to Mass. And do you even know what the
Mass is? This is going to be a real shocker for some people because so many have not had their eyes open to the truth.
Because in the last generation or two, people, Protestants, evangelicals, charismatics, whether it's
Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Kenneth Copeland, they've all said wonderful things about the
Pope. And you know, they'll say, well, Catholicism, you know, it's a little different.
They have robes and stuff like that, but it's really all just Christianity and we all need to unite and hold hands.
Well, that's not what the Bible teaches. So let's just get into the story. I'm going to read from this article from the
Christian Post website. You can check it out for yourself. Today is March, or excuse me,
April 4th. The article is up there today. So remember, we're not talking about Pope Francis.
Francis is that ultra progressive current Pope who a few months ago decreed that Roman priests are now going to bless same -sex unions.
And that, you know, supposedly shocked everybody, but I'm not sure why. I mean, the guy has totally,
Pope Francis has totally, and his, listen, the Pope is not, that's not even a biblical office.
Pope means father. And what did Jesus say? Call no man on earth, father.
Father is not a valid religious title according to Jesus. Matter of fact, Jesus Christ himself in Matthew 23 forbids the title of father, and that's what
Pope means. So his real name is George Bergoglio. But anyways, Pope Francis, as they call him,
George Bergoglio, he's totally bought into the zeitgeist, you know, the spirit of the age, which really the world system is under the control of what?
The prince of the power of the air or who, you know, the God of this age, Satan, the devil.
Basically, if there's some new worldly unbiblical trend, Francis, he's all about it.
Because newsflash, the Roman Catholic church doesn't believe the Bible.
Now, everybody believes certain parts of the Bible. If you read that verse, love your neighbor as yourself, people, oh yeah, oh,
I believe that or first Corinthians 13, love, love, love this, love the people, love and believe those verses, right?
They pick and choose, but they're not really biblical. They don't actually believe the teachings of scripture and they have a different gospel.
So here's the thing about the Catholic church. On paper, they are against sin.
I mean, this is left over from a hundred years ago or hundreds of years ago. But as we have seen with Francis, you know, he says one thing and does another.
And it's the same thing with his predecessor, Pope Benedict the 16th.
You may know him as the older, more conservative German Pope that died a year or two ago.
See, some people have the idea that the Catholic church was more solid back then, but Pope Francis is leading it astray.
No, they've been astray since day one. Okay. So Pope Francis has now come out and stated that his predecessor,
Pope Benedict the 16th, he was moving the church and totally okay with moving the church towards so -called
LGBT acceptance. Here's the article from the Christian post. It says, Pope Francis has reportedly claimed in a new book that his predecessor,
Pope Benedict the 16th, defended Francis's support for legal civil union protections for same -sex couples.
And it goes beyond that because it's not just, you know, so they have the same rights as everybody else because they already did.
The only right they were fighting for or the main right was to get married. And the Catholic church isn't quite there yet.
They say, well, we're not affirming gay marriage. We're just affirming gay unions.
It's like, okay, well, that's the logical next step. And it's basically the same thing, two men living together as if they were married.
I mean, this is semantics at this point. So it says here in the article, excerpts from the
Pontiff's new book and Pontiff, if you follow our revelation study, you know why that's a sinister title.
But the Pope, he's called the Pontiff. Excerpts from the Pontiff's, Francis, his new book, which is titled
The Successor, My Memoirs of Benedict the 16th, which is slated for publication in Spanish on Wednesday.
It maintained that Benedict the 16th defended Francis on the issue in front of an undisclosed group of Cardinals, according to Reuters.
They showed up at his home to practically, they showed up at Pope Benedict's house to practically put
Pope Francis on trial. And they accused Pope Francis in front of Benedict of backing same -sex marriage.
Francis said that the former Pope reportedly helped the Cardinals to distinguish
Francis's views on the issue, explaining to the critics that his position was not heresy, according to Francis's recollection in the book.
So get this, Pope Francis says, okay, the church needs to start blessing same -sex unions.
And some Cardinals were upset and they said, that's heresy. And Pope Benedict defended
Pope Francis and said, no, it's not heresy. And he actually supported this idea of blessing homosexual relationships, homosexuality.
Let's see, Pope Francis who endorsed, this is from the article, Pope Francis who endorsed civil unions for homosexual couples while serving as Archbishop of Buenos Aires became the first pontiff to do so in 2020.
So you can see Pope Francis already did this when he was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, which is, there's a whole conspiracy, which, you know, we don't know all the details that Pope Benedict wasn't going to come out and do this himself.
So basically he was blackmailed and that's why he was the first Pope in 500 years to resign and they wanted him out of the way to bring in Pope Francis because the
Catholic church knew that Pope Francis supported the LGBTQ movement. So out with Benedict, in with Francis, and then
Francis ended up doing this ultra -progressive, implementing these ultra -progressive policies.
But according to Francis, even though Pope Benedict wasn't going to do it himself, he supported it.
I mean, that's what's being reported here. We're talking about people who are living in unrepentant sin and here you have the
Pope blessing that. See, that's the issue. We're not against sinners because we're all sinners, right?
I mean, you have sin too. We all have sin. We all have our struggles.
No Christian should claim they're better than anyone else because we are all in need of the grace of God.
But what I'm objecting to here is the so -called Christian leaders, in this case Catholic leaders, the
Roman Catholic hierarchy, the popes themselves, they are open to this idea and are currently blessing unrepentant sin.
And so, well, they're all children of God anyways. But that's the key word, unrepentant.
If you are blessing someone who is unrepentant, you are now a partaker of their evil deeds.
And let's be honest, it's been long believed that many Roman Catholic priests, bishops, and even popes, the idea that many of them are homosexuals themselves, that's long been understood.
And when they couldn't maintain relationships with adults because, you know, adults tell on them, they manipulate young boys.
We know the history of the Catholic Church. So this is wickedness, okay?
This is wickedness at the highest levels.
But this is the little game that the Catholic Church is playing, that they are blessing same -sex unions, but they say, yeah, but we're not blessing gay marriage, you know, quote unquote.
Yeah, not yet. And when you think you can get away with it, you will. And they will.
If the Lord tarries, they most certainly will. Because people who do this, it has to come in incremental steps.
When a false teacher creeps into a church, he doesn't announce his presence, hey, everybody,
I'm a false teacher, and here's the heresy. He doesn't do that. He never admits he's a false teacher, and he leads people into heresy one little step at a time.
That's the way this works. The devil is very subtle, remember? Remember with Eve, he started out asking just questions, you know, these are just deconstructive questions.
And then comes the blatant lie after he's already got his hook into people.
That's the way it works. By the way, I'm going through the book of Revelation on Wednesday nights.
As of now, I'm up to chapter, let's see, April 4th, I'm up to chapter 14 in my
Revelation series. And just a little spoiler alert, when we get to Revelation chapter 17, we will see that final one world religion known as Babylon or Mystery Babylon.
And according to Revelation 17 .9, I believe it is, it says, according to the
Bible, that it's headquartered in Rome. So in some ways, this is already happening.
I've talked about this before as well, that the Pope of Rome is busy trying to bring all religions, unite all religions together under his umbrella.
And I very much believe that in the end times, either the false prophet or perhaps the
Antichrist himself will be a Pope. I mean, Catholicism is like, first of all,
Catholic means universal. I mean, we're talking about a universal one world religion in the end times that are going to bring all religions together as one.
And you know, each religion will be able to keep their customs. Just one little catch, they have to worship the
Antichrist and take his mark. That's going to be the Catholic system that's going to put that together.
It may not be the Catholic church all on its own. It might be a world council of churches or all religions united under this one man.
But by the way, and I like to point this out to people, this is the standard view of nearly all of the
Protestant reformers. They believe that the papacy was the seat of Antichrist. And obviously you can look at the left behind novels, not that they are a source of authority or anything, but your, even your average run of the mill evangelical, those novels depict the
Pope as being the false prophet of the book of revelation. So none of this is new with me. You know, the idea that the
Catholic church is the whore of Babylon, this has been believed by Protestants for 500 years or more.
So here's the thing. The Catholic church has always been doing things like this, trying to corrupt true
Christianity. And now it's just more obvious where Francis and Benedict are now both of them open to blessing same sex unions.
And of course, Benedict passed away. He can't defend himself. You say, well, I think Pope Francis is lying. Well, okay.
You have two choices. Either Benedict was okay with it and said, it's not heresy, which is bad. Or Pope Francis is just a liar.
Either way, it's, it's proving the point. So let's just recap.
Pope Francis wants all of his priests, the Roman priests to bless same sex unions.
And now he said that Pope Benedict defended that. And he said, it's not heresy. Well, you know what?
It actually is heresy, sir. And now also in this article, it said that some church leaders opposed him.
You say, well, see, there's hope for the Catholic church. There's a lot of cardinals who are upset about that.
Okay. Let's be fair. There are some old school Catholics who actually think
Pope Francis is a heretic. Even from a Catholic point of view, they think he's heretical. So here are just a few more things to remember before I close the podcast.
Number one, not all Catholics are the same and I'm not against Catholics. I'm against Catholicism.
I'm not against Catholics, but not all Catholics are the same. Most Catholics are worldly and they're going along with the zeitgeist because that's what their shepherd is doing and they're following their shepherd,
Pope Francis. We are to follow the good shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, who didn't support any of this, by the way.
Jesus Christ, read it in the gospels, Jesus affirmed everything that Moses said. And we know what
Moses said. There's nothing like this, quite the opposite. But I think it's possible that there are people sitting in the pews of Catholic churches, even last
Sunday and this Sunday, people sitting in Catholic churches, they've heard the true gospel and for whatever reason, they believe the true gospel, but they remain in the
Catholic church. Now, it's always been my belief that people like that will come out of the
Catholic, the Holy Spirit will lead them out of the Catholic church. What's the title of the podcast?
Come out of her, my people. And that's my plea for any person who knows the true gospel, grace alone, faith alone and Christ alone, that the
Bible is the authority and Pope Francis and all of these popes are out to lunch. I think there are
Catholic people who believe that. And there may even be some Catholic people who are saved, but we need to pray they come out of that corrupt system because mark it down at its core.
Roman Catholicism is a blending of Roman paganism with Christianity, Roman paganism, which developed out of Babylonian mystery religion.
You can read the book of Jeremiah, how they worship the queen of heaven. Well, the Catholic church still worships the
Babylonian queen of heaven. They just call her Mary. Mary is the queen of heaven. Well, it's actually a
Babylonian goddess. They just put a Christian label on it. So Catholicism is a blending of truth and error.
So please understand, again, I'll say it again, I'm not against Catholics. I'm against the system and certainly the corrupt hierarchy.
Pope Francis is the biggest false teacher on the face of the earth. So that's the first thing. People need to come out.
Number two, there is a divide in the church. Some Catholic priests and bishops have a decent sense of morality.
I want to be as fair as I can. I'm not saying they're born again, especially the leaders, but clearly many of them oppose what
Pope Francis is doing. So there is a divide in the church. And I'm just going to say it because everyone sort of already knows it's been an open secret for a long time.
Many priests are, you know, they support homosexuality because they themselves are homosexual.
Some speculate even the majority of the priests are homosexuals. It's out in the open and it's been true forever.
It's just not really talked about, just like this, the pedophilia thing. I mean, people knew it was going on, just it was swept under the rug.
So this has always existed. As the apostle Paul said, a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
When you have a sin problem in a church and nobody talks about it or deals with it, it just gets worse and worse and worse.
And now you have the Pope blessing this behavior. Okay. Also, we have a thing in our area called the interfaith council of Franklin County.
Basically all the universalist churches are part of this council. The heretical
Baptist church that I talked about on the podcast last year, they dropped the name Baptist. They joined this interfaith council, the
Unitarian Universalist churches. They're on board the UCC, the Methodist churches, all the churches with the rainbow flag.
They are part of this interfaith council and the Catholic churches in the area, they sit on the council.
Even the local Pentecostal minister sat on this council years ago and he said he only quit when they started allowing
Wiccans to join. So they even allowed witches to sit on the council, which tells you something.
The point is none of these people would know true biblical Christianity if it bit them.
Well, let me revise that. They actually do know what true Christianity is because they've read parts of it in the
Bible. Here's the bottom line. They just reject it. And some of them, the more belligerent ones, they just call it hate.
The truth they call hate. Yeah. And you know, the truth seems hateful when you hate the truth, right?
That's the way it is. But the Pope clearly rejects true biblical Christianity as he works to promote his new world order, the one world false religion, and it's underway right before our eyes.
So the whole system is corrupt. One last thing, I mentioned the Velvet Mafia, you thought, what is that?
Well, I'm not going to get into it too much. If you want to do a deeper dive, which why would you want to do that?
But just so you know, this is a thing. It's all tied together, right?
Yeah. The Velvet Mafia, according to the magazine, the publication,
The Atlantic, which is a progressive outfit,
The Atlantic did an article. This was an open secret that got some attention years ago when the former
Pope Benedict, when he resigned, people thought that he was blackmailed and they wanted to get rid of him to bring in a
Pope who would be more progressive, which is exactly what happened. Pope Benedict was the first Pope in 500 years to step down.
And the idea was that he wasn't leading the church in a progressive direction fast enough.
So we'll push him out and we'll bring in this like Marxist progressive Pope. Here's what The Atlantic wrote.
This is an article from February 22nd, 2013. Pope Benedict XVI has claimed that he's resigning the papacy next week because of old age.
But according to the major Italian newspaper La Repubblica, the real reason he resigned is because he did not want to deal with the repercussions of a secret 300 page
Vatican dossier that allegedly found, among other things, an underground network of high ranking gay clergy, which is known as the
Velvet Mafia within the Vatican, that would hold sex parties and shady dealings with the already scandal ridden
Vatican bank. Here's what we know, says The Atlantic. The Vatican has a
Velvet Mafia and the Velvet Mafia is being blackmailed.
And then it goes on to talk about this powerful gay lobby. Now what Pope Benedict's connection with that?
I don't know. I'm just telling you what The Atlantic wrote, and this was being talked about all over the place when this happened back in 2000, what did
I say, 2013. But the article goes on to talk about how this powerful gay lobby exists within the
Roman Catholic Church at the Vatican in Rome and how some of the most powerful people at the
Vatican, the most powerful people in the Roman Catholic Church, they're homosexuals and they're part of this
Velvet Mafia, as they're called. They have secret meet up spots. They hold sex parties at the
Vatican, maybe even in the churches at night. They have secret meeting spots around the
Vatican and around Rome. And this group is long known to exist and they have a great deal of power within the
Vatican and they maybe even have some power over some power of what the popes do.
So all of that to say this, the things I've mentioned in this podcast, which
I'm citing sources, none of this is from some crackpot conspiracy website.
This is all mainstream sources. The things I've mentioned in this podcast should be more than enough evidence to prove once and for all that the
Roman Catholic Church is exactly that. It's Roman. It's not Christian.
And by the way, have you ever noticed you'll ask someone, hey, are you a Christian? And they'll say, well, no, I'm Catholic.
Right. Okay. You said it, but the Catholic church is not
Christian. The Roman empire, get this, remember the Roman empire is the empire that crucified
Jesus. And then in the book of Daniel, the final one world empire is going to be revived
Rome. The Catholic church is going to be tied into that. And I would argue it already is. And so the
Roman empire crucified Jesus. And today you still have a Roman system all over the world.
Okay. That presidents and Kings and dictators, they all meet with the Pope and bow to him and kiss.
Now I'm not saying the Pope is controlling all these people he did during the dark ages and for a thousand years and the
Holy Roman empire, I'm not saying he does now, he doesn't have that same type of authority, but most world rulers give some obeisance to him.
But you basically have a Roman system right now and it's anything but Christian.
And by the way, it's all revolved around what the ceremony known as the mass.
Do you know what the mass is? Because you never read about anything like the mass in the Bible, you know, Peter held mass today and no, the mass is not in the
Bible anywhere. The Roman mass, get this, you need to understand this. The Roman mass is where a
Roman priest pretends to re -sacrifice Jesus again on a
Roman altar. Bottom line, the Roman empire killed Jesus. These Roman Catholic masses, they are re -sacrificing
Jesus again and again in every single mass. That's what it is. We're drinking his blood.
When Jesus said that in the gospels, you know, this is my blood, newsflash, that was symbolic, but they claim it's the literal blood.
Why? Because they say it's a real sacrifice. They are re -sacrificing Jesus again and again and again.
I seem to remember the first time when Jesus was killed, that was the most sinful thing humanity's ever done.
And what, they're re -doing it again and again in every Catholic service. That's what's happening.
Re -sacrificing Jesus again and again, they say, until the end of the world. Well, the end of the world might be sooner than they think.
But by the way, the book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus died once for all, not the perpetual victim, which is by the way, why
Catholics have the crucifix, because Jesus to them, he's still the perpetual victim being crucified again and again, re -sacrificed again and again until the end of the world.
And by the way, when the end of the world happens, when the events of the book of Revelation began, which honestly it could start today, the coming of Christ, the end times, the
Bible says it's imminent, it's at the door, it's at hand, it could happen. It could start at any moment.
That's why you need to be ready. You need to know Christ as your Lord and savior. But once the events of the book of Revelation start happening,
God is going to pour out his wrath on this corrupt system where the whore of Babylon, Revelation 17 is in bed with the kings of the earth.
And that's exactly what we see with the Pope holding hands and doing dealings with all the world rulers in the one world, new world order government, whatever you want to call it, globalism.
It's all right there. It's like an open secret. So let me end the podcast this way by asking, what's the takeaway?
The Roman Catholic church is a false church led by the biggest false teacher on earth,
Pope Francis. And here's the thing. Number one, his predecessor wasn't any better. This article proves it along with a lot of other things.
Here's why it matters because of the ministries, all the ministries today, you know, started with Billy Graham.
And today it's Rick Warren and Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland and all these Protestants and evangelicals today.
They want to unite with Rome. They praise the Pope. And I am here to tell you that is a satanic deception.
The reformation was real and it happened for real reasons. Rome was and always has, they have always taught a false gospel of works righteousness.
The Catholic church has a false gospel that cannot save anyone. You cannot be saved by praying to Mary or praying these beads or bowing to statues or following the
Antichrist or whatever it is. Catholicism is a false form of Christianity that is leading people straight to the pit.
Yeah. You know, maybe there's one Catholic church off somewhere that's, you know, where there's a rogue priest who actually believes the gospel.
I mean, who knows? But I'm talking about the system as a whole. It's corrupt and you have loved ones.
I have loved and I realize that's a sensitive thing. It's not something you can just blurt out at the table at Thanksgiving, but you need to look for opportunities.
Your loved ones, your neighbors, your coworkers that are in that Roman Catholic system, they need to be saved out of it.
I don't care what Billy Graham and Joel Osteen have to say. The Pope is not fantastic.
He's not a spiritual guide. And if you don't want to take my word for it, that's fine.
Just open up your Bible and start believing what God has to say. We cannot bless.
I mean, the Pope blessing same -sex unions should be more than enough evidence. We cannot bless sin.
Jesus died once for all. The gospel is salvation by grace through faith, not of works, lest any man should boast.
And if you would like more information, if you'd like to talk about this, feel free to leave a comment or better yet, email me.
But let's pray. Can we do that? Can we pray and look for opportunities to tell people, but that people would come out of this false, corrupt version of Christianity?
I'll close with Revelation 18, four and five. Here's what the apostle
John wrote. He says, and I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues.
For her sins have reached to heaven and God has remembered her iniquities.
God is going to destroy this false system. You don't want to be in it when he does.
The coming of Jesus is at hand. So let's pray that people would come out of that church and get saved and get into a good local
Bible believing church that preaches the true gospel, grace alone, faith alone in Christ alone, not universalism.
And how do we know all this? Because the scripture alone is our authority and all
God's people said, amen. Thanks for listening. And until next time, may the Lord be with you and have a great day.