F4F | Do Christians Need Demons Cast Out of Them?


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doors after getting saved but this is a main reason why we need to drive demons out of Christians logically then and if an event if an evangelist does not follow
Phillips pattern of preaching the gospel and then casting out demons which is what Jesus did which is what
Philip did many will believe and be baptized without ever being delivered from demons and this is how
Christians live today they've been to live they've been preached to they've been baptized but they have not been delivered welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith my name is
Chris Roseboro I am your servant in Jesus Christ this is the channel that compares what people are saying and doing in the name of God with the
Word of God big shout out to those of you who are crew members you are the ones who make it possible for us to do the work that we're doing if you'd like to join the fight then information on how you can join our crew is down below so today we are going to talk about can
Christians or do Christians need to have demons cast out of them that's the question do
Christians need to have demons cast out of them we're gonna be listening to Isaiah Saldivar again and this is going to be a long episode we're gonna actually take a hard biblical look at this in order to really really unpack this question so that it'll be a resource for people because there's a movie coming out in March so it's we're just a few weeks away from it it's gonna be in thousands of theaters and it's called come out in the name of Jesus and it's all about casting out demons from Christians again the question do
Christians need to have demons cast out of them that's a that's our overarching question today so let's whirl up the desktop and let me start with our web browser today this is a slide we're gonna be looking at here we're gonna talk about kind of the spectrum of oppression is the best way
I can put it and we'll show you biblically how this works out but if we were to travel to Isaiah Saldivar's YouTube channel there's an upcoming movie called come out in in in Jesus name come out in Jesus name and you know it's got you know false apostle
Pagani and a whole lot of kind of the usual suspects including Greg Locke and this is not a biblical practice and I need to kind of make this clear and that is
I know all about deliverance ministries I've read pigs in the parlor I've had deliverance done on me when
I was in the latter rain movement and I can tell you definitively not only is it not biblical it's quackery and that it and I mean this it the people who are practicing deliverance need to be brought up on like charges of spiritual malpractice because not only can
Christians not be possessed by a demon that we're gonna definitively show that Isaiah Saldivar like when he handles biblical texts he twists them in order to make them appear like they support his concept of deliverance when in reality he's just trafficking in an old practice from the book pigs in the parlor it's been around for a long time decades
I know all about it sought practice had it practiced on me back in the day when
I was in the latter rain movement and it doesn't work cuz that's not the problem okay exorcism by the way is absolutely a necessary thing for those who are truly possessed by the devil and we're gonna provide a resource for you that is actually a sound one if you're if you really think you're dealing with actual demonic oppression and possession where you know somebody who is you know you don't send them to these guys no these guys are quacks and wacker doodles and this is not a and we'll explain it as we go but what we're gonna do today is we're going to we're going to interact with a portion of a video that Isaiah Saldivar put out called can a
Christian be demon -possessed and I'm gonna point this out right now is that in this video he's going to make the claim that Christians cannot be possessed but what he's going to engage in is absolute obfuscation and a twisting of biblical vocabulary and biblical text and we're gonna definitively show that as we walk through this and then along the way we're going to walk through what does the
Bible teach about demonization to be demonized or possessed what does the word diamond needs of my mean would take a look at that we're also going to ask the question what do we do as Christians when we're struggling with particular sins one of the reasons why these guys are able to get traction is because as Christians we still have a sinful nature you know it's true that we are a new creation in Christ but the
Apostle Paul in Romans 7 makes it clear that our sinful flesh is still here until Jesus returns and either resurrects us and gives us a new body or you know or until we die you know we and we're no longer have the flesh to deal with and as a result of it the new person that you are in Christ is in a struggle with the old man the old sinful flesh and as a result of it the normal Christian life is is that you're struggling with particular sins and you know if you're not sure just check the
Ten Commandments and which one of those are you having a card timekeeping that's the one you're that you're you're struggling with and you have to deal with but all that being said let's let
Isaiah Saldivar you know begin the his argument and we're gonna note the techniques that he's using in order to stop people from legitimately opening up the scriptures to test to see if what he is saying is true these are thought -stopping techniques
I think that's the term that that Stephen Cozart came up with techniques like this and yes he's absolutely engaging in thought -stopping techniques and we'll see what what else is going on along the way so here we go hey guys welcome to the channel today we're gonna talk about can a
Christian have a demon this is such an important question when now notice can a Christian have a demon what does that mean to have a demon so no already he's engaging in blurring of definitions what does it mean to have a demon it comes to deliverance before we get into this please hit the like button leave a comment it helps us ride the
YouTube algorithm wave so please make sure you do that I want to answer three specific questions today in this video and that's number one can a
Christian be demon -possessed how could a spirit filled believer have a demon and then Isaiah show me one place in Scripture where a
Christian had a demon so we're gonna talk so notice show me a place in Scripture where a Christian quote had a demon we are blurring definitions already all right we're not dealing with actual sound biblical categories about this first I want to talk to you guys about my experiences
I've been doing deliverance now for 10 years and I've only been doing deliverance on believers friend I'm telling you all right now this is important he's about to make a case that basically says his experiences
Trump Scripture that experience is going to dictate what we are to believe as Christians rather than the
Word of God I kid you not now before he gets to that let's let me do this
I'm gonna I did not cue this particular text up so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna duplicate that tab and we are going to I need to actually search in my
ESV and we're going to look for 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd
Timothy chapter 3 and here's the important text that I want to point out here the
Apostle Paul says all Scripture that that's what we have in the
Bible it is they a new stuff it is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching for reproof for correction for training and righteousness so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work and so you'll note that Paul here writing under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit says Scripture is enough for everything that we need for both doctrine and life and practice and you'll note that there is not a single biblical text where somebody after Pentecost who is a true believer in Jesus Christ is possessed and I'm using that word on purpose you'll see this that is possessed by a demon and therefore has to have a demon cast out of him in fact there are no biblical texts that command
Christians when dealing with temptations or difficulties or whatever to cast demons out of each other if Scripture is sufficient and it contains everything that we need for teaching that would be doctrine and reproof and correction and training and righteousness and that we may be complete and equipped for every good work why isn't there a single epistle in the
New Testament that lays out that the need for us to cast demons out of Christians you'll note that Isaiah Saldivar by beginning with this argument is conceding the fact that there are no biblical texts that command
Christians to cast out demons from Christians nope not a single biblical text that teaches it so we've got a big problem here because his first move is to attack the sufficiency of Scripture and by the way this is a similar argument that those in Rome use okay and this is their justification for bringing in you know doctrines like prayers to the
Saints prayers to the Virgin Mary the perpetual virginity of Mary the doctrine of purgatory and things like this okay this is an argument that is used by those who refuse to abide within the bounds of Scripture and I in fact
I would give a very stern warning to all of you you go beyond what is written you are in danger and I mean dire danger
Scripture makes this clear and the Apostle John writing to the elect lady the elder the elect lady we're not sure who he was who she was but here's what we what we know here and John writes it says
I rejoice greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth just as we were commanded by the
Father and now I ask you dear lady not as though I were writing some a new commandment but one that we have had from the beginning that we love one another and this is love that we walk according to his commandments and this is the commandment just as you have heard from the beginning so you should walk in it for many deceivers have gone out into the world those who do not confess the coming of Christ in the flesh he's talking about the
Gnostics such a one is the deceiver and is the Antichrist now watch yourselves so that you may not lose what we have worked for but may win a full reward everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have
God whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son so note here we have a very firm warning in Scripture to not go beyond what is in Scripture to not you know and to instead we need to abide in the teaching abide in what the
Scriptures say keep that in mind but watch where Isaiah goes I'm gonna back this up just a little bit one place in Scripture where a
Christian had a demon so we're gonna talk about this first I want to talk to you guys about my experiences I've been doing deliverance now for 10 years and I've only been doing deliverance on believers friend
I'm telling you I've had entire weekends of doing deliverance on just pastors and leaders this has been for 10 years of doing deliverance on believers
I pray deliverance over thousands of Christians and I'm telling you guys this a person with an argument is never at the mercy of someone with experience many people let's say mm -hmm no the
Bible is sufficient and let me let me give you another another text here since I mean this is such bad reasoning we're gonna look for the word
Berea now I think it's in Acts 17 yes here we go and let's take a look at what it talks about those in Berea okay and let's see the
Apostle Paul goes to Berea brothers immediately sent Paul to Silas to Berea and here's what it says but when the
Jews from Thessalonica all right well Paul was waiting here we go yeah
Jewish saga now these were here we go my apologies got ahead of myself and got my eyeballs got lost in the text so here's what it says the brothers immediately sent
Paul and Silas away by night to Berea when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue now these
Jews the Jews of Berea were more noble than those in Thessalonica yeah they were far more noble noble why well the
Jews in Thessalonica refused to believe the gospel and persecuted Paul and Silas and and they had to leave
Thessalonica as a result of the threats that they were making and the chance that their lives would have been ended by those folks in Thessalonica so but the the
Jews in Berea they were of a more noble character than those in Thessalonica because they received the word with eagerness and then watch this examining the scriptures daily to see if these things were so examining the scriptures daily and so they would they would hear the preaching the
Apostle Paul and they would say this is great now we need to check to see if what you're saying is actually biblical and they even tested the
Apostle Paul that being the case you'll note that what Isaiah Saldivar is doing here is engaging in a thought -stopping technique in order to basically say well he has experience therefore we really shouldn't test what he's doing against the scriptures it's a way of keeping you from getting into the
Bible to actually examine to see if this is a biblical practice and if he's rightly handling the biblical text if the
Apostle Paul doesn't get a pass and the Church of Berea was commended for examining the scriptures to see if what they were being told by the
Apostle Paul was true then Isaiah Saldivar doesn't get a pass
I don't get a pass nobody does everybody has to be tested according to the
Word of God and let's see if he passes the test but already we're off to a really bad start pastors and leaders this has been for 10 years of doing deliverance on believers
I pray deliverance over thousands of Christians and I'm telling you guys this a person with an argument is never at the mercy of someone with experience many people that say
Christians can't have demons have arguments have head knowledge have I have head knowledge you know head knowledge because they know how to read their
Bibles again thought -stopping technique designed to keep you from actually examining what the
Bible says ideas but don't have experience Isaiah we shouldn't preach based on experience friend the disciples preach on experience in the
New Testament the disciples wrote down the scriptures under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit this was the disciples experience the Gospels were the experiences eyewitness accounts sure yeah the disciples in fact when
John the Baptist doubted Jesus and sent his disciples to Jesus while he's in prison
Jesus said this tell him what you've seen and what you have heard another your experiences do not rise to the level of truth that we are to embrace as doctrine and dogma in the church your experiences do not rise to that level the experiences of the
Apostles in the historical narratives in the scripture they do and so you'll note what he's trying to do is take his experiences and bring them up on par with the experiences of the
Apostles to basically say my experiences they're just as trustworthy as the Bible no they are not the words tell him the experience that you guys have had he didn't say tell him what this says and tell me that by the way
I'm gonna show you Isaiah Saldivar casting a demon out of a Christian he says tell him experience
Jesus said in John 10 if you don't believe my words which they did not believe Jesus is preaching he said believe in the miracles ie the experiences that you've had no the miracles that Jesus performed and there was no doubt that Jesus performed miracles none whatsoever okay your experiences do not rise to the same level as the miracles of Jesus Christ recorded in the
Gospels the hubris of this guy is actually unbelievable too many people are enlisted in the school of theology the school of prophecy yeah school theology that's a bad thing you know because what do they do they read the
Bible school of redundancy but not the school of redundancy look at all of these ad hominem attacks against those who are rightly handling the word of school of experience and when your experience does not match your theology you need to rethink your theology when you know when your experience doesn't match scripture you need to rethink your experience
God's Word is true start praying for genuine believers and they manifest demons you either need to tell them that they're great actors or you need to go back to scripture if a true if somebody who is truly a believer all right and we'll just kind of throw this as a hypothetical is later manifesting a demon
I can only come to one of two conclusions they were a false convert or their apostate and I'll show that to you from the scripture as well and realize that you're missing something there is overwhelming biblical evidence that Christians can have demons
John no there isn't there is no evidence that Christians can quote have demons because he's playing fast and loose with definitions here and he's conflating definitions and distinctions said this if everything that Jesus did was in scripture it would take up the entire world so you have to know that all of the
Bible is in God but not all of God is in the Bible there are many in other words you have to believe my experiences and they rise to the same level as the
Bible no they don't according to scripture that Jesus and the disciples did that we just don't read about so mm -hmm yet the
Apostle Paul again let me come back to this text in 2nd
Timothy chapter 3 the Apostle Paul makes it clear let's read it again all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching reproof for correction and for training and righteousness so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every pun every single good work and yet there are no instructions in the in the
Bible to cast demons out of Christians there are instructions about what to do to resist the devil because demons are real
Satan is real these are not figments of our imagination and Satan is and his demons are a great adversary and a horrible foe and we are in danger every day of our lives as Christians against their deceptions and their attacks and things like this so don't think for a second the devil isn't real or that somehow
I'm poopooing the idea that the devil is a threat and the demons are a threat to the church and to Christians mm -hmm of course they are scriptures very clear but this is quackery this is not a sound biblical approach to dealing with what the scriptures to reveal regarding the demonic threat okay we continue much of what we talk about when it comes to deliverance people say watch this experience yes but you have to understand that experience and revelation will always match up with God's nature and God's will you have that makes no sense okay your experiences do not match up with God's Word remember when
Paul talks about wearing armor when he talks about seducing spirits coming in when he talks about the believers in Galatians that we're gonna come under that came under the power of witchcraft he's writing to spirit -filled believers not the world why would we need armor why would we need to be careful because there is a real war going on yeah there is but Christians cannot be indwelled by demons and we are susceptible to these demonic powers the first question
I want to go over and this is a major one is can a Christian be demon -possessed and the answer is no note what he just said there can a
Christian be demon -possessed he just gave the answer to the question the answer is no and that's an important thing because he's not talking about possessions he's talking about quote having a demon but the reality is is that the way he's defining having a demon is there is no difference between having a demon and being demon -possessed that's the that's the game that he's playing he refuses to make sound biblical distinctions and to use biblical words properly and he's about to be embarrassed and I mean embarrassed here in a second but let's let him spin this question
I want to go over and this is a major one is can a Christian be demon -possessed and the answer is no but here's the problem this single question is the main reason why millions of believers don't believe
Christians can have a demon although not only is there overwhelming biblical evidence that they can I'm gonna show you why
I believe deliverance is for the believer now much of the understanding when it comes to can Christians be possessed has resulted from the
King James Version having trend now pay attention to this I want to remind you I have a degree a college degree university degree in biblical languages okay so and I've been reading
Greek and Hebrew for decades so this argument already is off to a bad start the reason why there's so much confusion is because of the
King James Version of the Bible how many people are reading that thing still okay few if any except for the like that's the you know the
King James Version only crowd right let me back this up listen overwhelming biblical evidence that they can
I'm gonna show you why I believe deliverance is for the believer now much of the understanding when it comes to can Christians be possessed has resulted from the
King James Version having translated the Greek word demon ezo my can't even pronounce it a diamond needs oh my okay diamond needs oh my is how that is pronounced and watch what he does with this he says it's because of the
King James Bible it translates the Greek word diamond needs a my you didn't even spell the transliteration correctly sir and and watch what he says which is possessed with devils that's how we translate that Greek word the problem is that's not the
Greek translation the Greek translation for where we find the word possessed is to be under the power of a demon there is a vast difference between being owned by demons and by having demons friend listen now here's where he's about to get embarrassed all right so we're gonna pull up accordance here and I am going to let's see
I'll just go this direction and we are going to look for the word we're gonna look for a specific word in fact let me do this
I would just use this one right here and we're going to look for the word demon okay demon there we go and let me just pull that back a little bit and here we go in Matthew 15 my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon here's the
Greek verb diamond needs oh my and look at this you're not gonna believe it but according to the world's foremost coin a
Greek lexicon here's the definition of the word diamond needs am I be possessed by a hostile spirit mm -hmm in fact did a word search in in Lagos and here's the interesting bit
Lagos diamond needs am I be dag be possessed by a hostile spirit now Liddell and Scott let's talk about that one
I did you'll note that the the word diamond needs of my litigate Liddell and Scott is a classical
Greek lexicon not a coin a Greek lexicon but a definition number three is to be possessed by a demon or an evil spirit then we just move on Laonida to be demon possessed you know then to be demon possessed to be demon possessed to be demon possessed but possessed by a demon all right when you look at this diamond needs of my mean specifically to be demon oppressed or possessed though there is a distinction and and we can see this from the symptoms of the victims but right off the bat his claim that it's all about the confusion created by the mistranslated word diamond needs of my from the
King James Bible it shouldn't be translated possessed by a demon why does every single going a
Greek lexicon say it that diamond needs of my means to be possessed by a demon this shows you the level of biblical scholarship this guy is capable of in other words he's not capable of it at all he's just believing a false narrative and a false narrative put out by guys like Bob Larson and others who are practitioners of so -called deliverance so let's just back this up so that you can see again this that he just completely embarrassed him
I millions of believers don't believe Christians can have a demon although not only is there overwhelming biblical evidence that they can
I'm gonna show you why I believe deliverance is for the believer now much of the understanding when it comes to can Christians be possessed has resulted from the
King James Version having translated the Greek word demon ease oh my which is possessed with devils that's how we translate that Greek word the problem is that's not the
Greek translation yes it is and I just proved you wrong swing and a miss strike one
Greek translation for where we find the word possessed is to be under the power of a demon there is a vast difference between being owned by demons and by having demons friend listen you're making a distinction that the
Bible doesn't exactly make okay we've got a big problem here where does it talk about Christians quote having demons hmm it doesn't now coming back to this real quick so if we were to take diamond needs of mine we're gonna copy that and what we're gonna do is we're gonna close beat egg and we're now going to do a word search we're gonna do a word search in in the
Greek New Testament and we're gonna look for the word diamond needs of mine and we're gonna note something here that this is not a word that appears very often in the scriptures in fact it doesn't appear anywhere past the
Gospel of John at no point in the New Testament is the word diamond needs oh my applied to somebody who is a post
Pentecost Christian uh -uh diamond needs of my demon possessed to be demonized like this does not appear anywhere past the the
Gospel of John so they've got a problem they've got a big problem because in the
Gospels the only people this word is applied to are those who are legitimately oppressed or truly possessed by a demon and they are not they don't quote have a demon they are possessed by a demon let me give you an example all right and and when in fact let me do this real quick because I'm slightly getting ahead of myself but that's okay when we look at what the scripture reveals regarding demonic activity okay we're gonna kind of put things on a spectrum here and you can be tempted by the devil think of Adam and Eve they weren't possessed by Satan when
Satan came and said to them did God really say and Satan can come along and tempt human beings and tempt
Christians without actually being inside of them okay in fact you'll note that Satan is distinctly outside of them think of Jesus there he is in the wilderness he hasn't had a meal for 40 days and he's being tempted by the devil and the devil says you know if you bow down and worship me
I'll give you all the kingdoms of the earth you know Jesus I know you're hungry make these stones into bread right was
Jesus possessed by Satan nope was did
Jesus quote have a demon no he was being tempted by the devil then you can talk about another level spiritual oppression those who are like being spiritually tormented or mentally psychologically tormented by an evil spirit a good example of this is like King Saul okay now in this particular case that doesn't mean that he was possessed by a demon okay there was no in fact there's no indicator that that that the
King Saul was possessed by a demon but that he was truly oppressed then you can get to something like bodily oppression bodily oppression by a demonic entity or by the devil you think of Job Job was a man who was made to suffer horribly in his body by what satanic oppression okay and then in Scripture there's a there's a woman who has a disease that was brought on by a demon now that is not that is not quote having a demon that's being oppressed by a demon and a demon bodily inflicting injury or sickness upon you possession on the other hand is way different okay diamond needs of my that is when the demon is inside of the person and basically it taking over that person and using them like a puppet okay the body is controlled by the demon the human is no longer in control exorcism is what is needed when when when this is the case and here's the thing there is only people who are possessed who experience exorcism in fact what
Isaiah Saldivar and the so -called demon slayers and Greg Locke and others that are you know in this movie that's coming up come out in Jesus name they are actually engaging in exorcism but calling it deliverance to hide what it really is when in reality they're they're practicing exorcism on people that are not possessed by the demons as Christians then you're gonna note that we are instructed in Scripture how to deal with these things demonic temptation spiritual oppression bodily oppression things like this note that Peter writes be sober -minded be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour resist him firm in your faith knowing the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world as Christians we recognize the demonic threat is real and what are we told to do well we're to resist the devil
James puts it a little bit differently James talks about what we're supposed to do as it relates to the devil hang on a second here's
I think it's James 4 James 4 yeah let's see here yes verse 7 submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you resist the devil and he will flee from you so we know we have two commands as Christians what are we to do with the threat of the demonic resist the devil resist the devil with our faith resist the devil he'll flee from us okay that's what we're instructed to do and I will talk about the other part of this in just a little bit about whatever to do with like temptations related to our flesh because you'll note that guys like Isaiah Saldivar take sins of the flesh and attribute them to the demonic which the
Bible doesn't do so already we got some big and I mean big problems here with Isaiah Saldivar's theology and his shenanigans because he's already been caught in a big whopper of a lie and that is he doesn't even know what the word diamond needs of mine means in fact he denies the actual biblical definition of the word itself that should be a clue that you're dealing with a false teacher possessed is not a biblical principle yes it is and I just proved wrong sir it's not a biblical translation it is a yes it is and every single coin a
Greek lexicon disagrees with you poor translation and this is not just me no it's not a poor translation it's a good one
Bob Larson Don Dickerman Frank Hammett Bob Larson is a quack and these other people are not coin a
Greek scholar and Derek Prince Luster Summerall they all would agree that this is a poor translation and the translation we should be using is to be under the power of demons so I want you to know
I'm gonna go with what the actual coin a Greek lexicons say diamond needs of my means rather than the quacks that you've just listed get the word possessed out of your vocabulary
I know I refuse because the biblical text use the word diamond needs of my and that's what that word means
I want you to get the word oppressed out of your vocabulary these are nope I refuse because again that's an aspect of diamond needs or not biblical definitions yes they are and I just proved you wrong sir so we need to remove these so the proper question is this not can a
Christian be a demon or be under the power of demons kind of Christian have a demon have that's a biblical way to translate that no it isn't you're wrong so note his foundational argument is absolutely scurrilous false on its face and I mean it's embarrassing absolutely embarrassing
I mean diamond needs of my every single coin a Greek lexicon a demon possessed even possessed possessed by a demon every single one of them maybe we should we should pass the hat around and see if we can send him a you know a copy of logos with some actual
Greek resources on there so he doesn't embarrass himself like this in the future and the answer is yes the
New Testament never makes a distinction between being oppressed or being possessed and neither should we remember
Jesus never cast demons off of people he always cast the demons out of people he only cast the demons out of people who were diamond needs of mine they were they were literally possessed by a devil a demon now let's take a look at an example of that shall we it's just bad arguments okay so Mark chapter 5 one of my favorite all right so there came to the other side of the sea to the country the garrisons and when
Jesus had stepped out of the boat immediately there met him a man met him met him there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit and he lived among the tombs and no one could bind him anymore not even with a chain for he had been bound with shackles and chains you're gonna note here that he had an unclean spirit and he's also diamond needs of my demon demonized okay no one had the strength to subdue him night and day among the tombs and on the mountains he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones so note they nobody had the ability to control this guy he's living in a graveyard among the tombs naked cutting himself and he also had great strength we learned from the cross reference that when they tried to with chains he could break the chains okay all classic signs you're dealing with real actual possession okay and when
Jesus when he saw Jesus from afar he ran and fell down before him and crying out with a loud voice he said what have you to do with me
Jesus son of the Most High God you'll note the demons have knowledge that humans just don't have that supernatural knowledge
I adjure you by God not to torment me for he was saying to him come out of the man you unclean spirit and Jesus asked him what is your name he replied my name is
Legion for we are many and he begged him earnestly to send them out of the country now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside and they begged him saying send us to the pigs let us enter him let enter them so he gave them permission and the unclean spirits came out entered the pigs and the herd numbering about 2 ,000 rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea the herdsman fled and told it to the city and in the country and the people came to see what was what it was that had happened and they came to Jesus and saw here we go diamond needs of mine okay the man who had been demon -possessed okay great example and you'll note this you know this this thing that I put together here all right shows here okay he was to the point where his body was in control by demons no longer in the human was no longer in control and he needed it to be exercised and that he is described as having an unclean spirit and being diamond needs of mine demon -possessed none of those terms are ever described ever said of a post
Pentecost Christian believer nope not at all all right let's go back to Isaiah Saldivar okay so when we're talking about deliverance when we're arguing about this
I want you just to completely forget about possessed and oppressed they're completely irrelevant no I won't I refuse to choose to obey you here because I know what the
Bible says and I read Greek I have a degree in biblical languages then they're not biblical translations all yes they are you're lying sir whether you are doing it intentionally or unintentionally doesn't matter this is flat -out misinformation you need to think is being demonized which is under the power of a demon which believers absolutely people write me they say oh this teacher preaches that Christians can't be possessed this teacher preaches
Christians can be forget about the terminology no you can't because God inspired the words of Scripture to be written the word diamond needs of my was chosen by the
Holy Spirit and the word itself means demon -possessed and get into theology and the theology of the Greek word possessed is to be demonized which the
Greek word translates to be under the power of a demon so I don't know not a single lexicon agree reach possession or oppression
I preach being demonized there's no distinction which means you're not preaching something based upon sound biblical definitions you are already failing the test a new testament and that's gonna help you with a lot of this arguing with kind of Christian be possessed by a demon possessed is not a
Greek biblical term okay yes it is number two is how can a spirit -filled believer have a demon now there's no verse in the
Bible guys you have to understand this that says once you receive salvation you're automatically delivered in fact embarrassment number two all right
Colossians chapter 1 I'll start in verse 13 I'm sorry 9 now start in 9 and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding
Colossians 110 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord fully pleasing to him bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might for all endurance and patience with joy giving thanks to the
Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the Saints in light and here it comes he
God he has delivered us from the domain or the dominion of darkness and has transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved
Son in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins listen to what
Isaiah Saldivar just said and note what he said contradicts
Colossians 113 possessed is not a Greek biblical term okay number two is how can a spirit -filled believer have a demon now there's no verse in the
Bible guys you have to understand this that says once you receive salvation you're automatically delivered in yes actually he
God has delivered us from the domain of darkness that would be Satan's kingdom what you just said sir is contradicted by what the
Bible says strike two right this guy is a false teacher and he is wicked and I mean really wicked he's a fast talker who does not do his homework and does not know his
Bible at all and he twists the biblical text and his ignorance of what the Bible actually says is stunning we continue back if we look at Scripture let's look at Acts 8 we see
Philip which is the only evangelist in Scripture who after preaching the gospel the Bible says to the people drove the demons out of them now now so acts 8 so Philip after he preached the gospel drove demons out of them and then we so let's take a look at Acts chapter 8 to see if it actually squares with what this guy is saying how much do you want to bet that it doesn't all right so we're gonna look for hang on a second here
I'm gonna take a look in the ESV and we're gonna go to Acts chapter 8 and let's see
Philip proclaims Christ in Samaria all right now those who were scattered went about preaching the word
Philip went down to the city of Samaria and proclaimed to them the Christ and the crowds with one accord paid attention to what was being said by Philip when they heard him and saw signs that he did for gar in he in in Greek unclean spirits crying out with a loud voice came out of many who had them this doesn't say that he cast demons out of people who already trusted in Christ or had already been baptized it says that while he was preaching they pay attention to him for he was casting out unclean spirits it doesn't say he cast them out after they became
Christians that's strike three Isaiah you twisted acts 8 and he uses acts 8 it's like some kind of a you know this is the this is the pattern that we're supposed to be following but he just twisted it up he's making it look like that Philip engaged in deliverance ministry after people became
Christians when the text says they were paying attention to him because he performed miraculous signs and was casting out demons big difference altogether the text doesn't say what
Isaiah just said let me back it up now there's no verse in the Bible guys you have to understand this that says once you receive salvation you're automatically delivered in fact if we look at Scripture let's look at acts 8 we see
Philip which is the only evangelist in Scripture who after preaching the gospel the Bible says to the people drove the demons out of them now wrong you are absolutely twisting acts 8 if you automatically get saved and every demon leaves then why would fill up spend his time and energy he didn't you twisted acts 8 you're at three strikes how many do you get casting out demons after he preached the gospel it's because you don't automatically get delivered once you get saved that is why again
Colossians 113 he has delivered you from the dominion of darkness it's right there in Colossians 113
Jesus commands us to go drive demons out of people many times when believers are being demonized it's because the demons been there before they got saved now it's definitely possible to open up doors after getting saved but this is a main reason why we need to drive demons out of Christians logically then and if an event if an evangelist does not follow
Phillips pattern of you're twisting Scripture you're making Philip have a pattern that's not actually revealed in Scripture in fact his pattern is not at all what you just said it was preaching the gospel and then casting out demons which is what
Jesus did which is what Philip did many will believe and be baptized without ever being delivered from demons and this is how
Christians live today they've been delayed they've been preached to they've been baptized but they have not been delivered deliverance is 100 % for the church okay no it's not you've twisted everything and I've factually proven you wrong on every single one of your points now he goes on and I'm not gonna cover that here he goes on to basically say that Christians don't have demons in inside of their bodies or their or their spirits but that demons can you know possess a person in their souls here's the thing there is not a single biblical text says that demons inhabit
Christians souls or that's or that is that is even how demon possession works at all okay no biblical text says it
I'm just pointing it out because it's just annoying he just makes up something completely out of whole cloth and inserts it into the scripture it's called isa
Jesus so show me if you think that that demons can inhabit a person's soul please show me the biblical text that actually says demons inhabit a
Christian soul you're gonna look hard there ain't no biblical text that says it not a single one on to the next part then and and here's where I should probably insert a couple of things is that scripture makes it clear that our bodies are the temple of the
Holy Spirit okay and that as as our bodies being the temple of the
Holy Spirit we do not have to worry about demons possessing us because our bodies are we are filled with God the
Holy Spirit now let me see here Lynn what did I do with this Matthew here here we go first Corinthians okay here's what it says flee from sexual immorality scripture says notice it doesn't say if you have a demon of lust to cast it out flee from sexual immorality every other sin a person commits is outside the body but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body or do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit within you whom you have from God you're not your own did you get that hmm
God the Holy Spirit indwells a Christian's body and as a result of that well we can basically say that our bodies are not empty they're filled with the
Holy Spirit body is the temple of the Holy Spirit moving on okay
Jesus here in Matthew 12 I'll point out two bits here that I think are important when a demon oppressed man okay demon oppressed
I Moniz am I was who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus he healed him so that the man spoke and saw and all the people were amazed and said can this be the son of David but when the
Pharisees heard it they said well it's only by Beelzebul the prince of the demons that this man casts out demons which makes no sense by the way knowing their thoughts
Jesus said to them every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste in no city or house divided against itself will stand if Satan's cast out
Satan he's divided against himself how then will his kingdom stand if I cast out demons by Beelzebul by whom do your sons cast them out therefore they will be your judges but it is by the
Spirit of God that I cast out demons then the kingdom of God has come upon you or how can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man then indeed he may be plunder his house the strong man here is defined as is really that's the demon that he's talking about okay so the demon is evicted from his house because Christ bound the strong man and cast him out then
Jesus goes on to say this that when an unclean spirit has gone out of a person it passes through waterless places seeking rest but finds none okay and then it then it says well
I will return to my house from which I came and when it comes it finds the house swept empty empty swept and put in order then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself and they enter and dwell there and the last date of that person is worse than the first so also it will be with this evil generation but note here if a person if a
Christian has a demon before they're before they're Christian if somebody who's demonized has a demon cast out of them and then comes to faith in Christ is their house empty nope not at all instead scripture says your body is the temple of the holy spirit so demons do not come and knock on the door of your of your body and go hey hey hey um you know um can you uh they they look in the window go oh yeah the holy spirit's there that the devil has to find an empty house and all
Christians are filled with the holy spirit again this is the reason why we are never instructed to cast demons out of Christians Christians are instead instructed to resist the devil with their faith and he will flee from them resist the devil right so you'll know that Christ makes it clear that in order for a devil to come inside of a human being the house has got to be empty and all