Testimony of Bro. Raymond Bland (09/09/2001)



This morning I've asked Brother Raymond Bland to come and give a testimony of something the
Lord has done in his life, the way the Lord's ministered to him. I've heard a little bit of the story, but I told him
I didn't want to hear all of it. I wanted to hear it from here, and same time you get to hear it.
So Raymond, would you come up, take a few moments, and share this with us?
Good morning out there this morning. I'd like to bring you a story here that I know to be a true story because this story happened to me, and I hope it has an impact on someone's life.
Recently I had a little surgery on a Wednesday, and I got away from the hospital and I went home and was off, and felt good on Friday so I called my office and they gave me a load.
I'm a long haul truck driver. And they gave me a load going to Ontario, California, which is basically a suburb of Los Angeles.
I had to be there at 9 o 'clock Sunday night. So I decided to leave early
Friday morning. I went to bed Friday night and did not sleep at all, which every once in a while for a truck driver, this is not unusual.
This happens quite often. So I got up the next morning and I went to Dallas and I picked up my load of freight and I started in California.
As I was going across West Texas, I got out around El Paso and I called my wife on the phone and told her that I was feeling kind of sick, felt like I was catching a cold or asthma was bothering me, going out across the desert, but I wasn't worried about this.
And I drove a little further and before I got across New Mexico, I was really sick.
I thought I was catching a real severe case of flu. This is all the symptoms it had.
So I continued on toward California and I spent the night in Arizona and didn't sleep any that night at all.
I was really miserably sick and did not sleep any at all. So I got up the next morning about 6 o 'clock and I headed on to California.
And I drove all day and I finally got to Ontario, California about 4 o 'clock that afternoon.
So I was going to call the company and tell them the situation and see if I could unload early. I hadn't unloaded 9 o 'clock that night, which is 11 o 'clock our time, to see if I could unload my load early to where I could go to the truck stop and take me some medication and go to sleep.
Well, I got to the place and they did not open until 9 o 'clock. So I stayed around there and met up with another one of our drivers going to the same location.
And he knew I was sick. So finally they came and I got my load off.
And I went down. It was too late in the morning, about 2 o 'clock in the morning by the time I got unloaded. And I knew
I couldn't take any medication because medication shows up in a drug test if you get stopped on the highway and you can go to jail for it.
So I didn't take any medication. We went back to the truck stop this morning, didn't sleep that night either, went back to the truck stop about 7 o 'clock and got some coffee and I couldn't run my coffee.
And I decided I needed something to eat. I hadn't eaten. So I got me a bowl. They had some soup left over.
I got a bowl of soup and I couldn't eat it. So we sat there that day and they finally got me a load at 12 o 'clock our time.
And so I went down in L .A. to pick the load up, but the load was not there. It wouldn't be there until about 2 o 'clock.
So I laid down in my truck and I managed to sleep for about 2 hours. They came and woke me up. And I got my load.
I had to go count the merchandise as it was loaded. So I sit in a chair and the door,
I felt a little better. A little cool breeze blowing through the door and I felt a little better. And I was real sweaty just like from the flu and I thought
I had sweated the flu out and I was going to get better. And I counted the load and then
I started back. And I drove from L .A. about halfway to the
Arizona line and stopped at a cafe to order me some soup.
I was real hungry. Well, I couldn't eat the soup. It just didn't taste good. And they had a little small steak on, so I ordered the steak and I managed to eat it.
That was all I had to eat. Still no sleep. So I started on the crawl and I got on across New Mexico and I called
Sharon. I told her that when I got to Andrews, Texas, that's a little old town inside of Texas line near El Paso, that I was going to take some
NyQuil and I was going to bed. And if I hadn't called her by 10 o 'clock that night, she would have called the police and I wouldn't have to come and check my trucks if I was all right.
Just how sick I was. Still thinking I had the flu. Anyway, I got there and it seemed like I felt just a little better.
And I still had a few hours to drive on my load. So I came on across. I said I'll stop on across Texas there and get some rest.
Take my NyQuil and get some rest. And I came on across. And I got over to Van Horn and fuel.
And, well, it seemed like I was revived just a little bit so I didn't take it there. So I came on to Cisco, Texas.
I hadn't had but two hours sleep in all this time from Friday morning until Wednesday night.
And I got to Cisco, Texas and laid down at 8 .30. I drank about a half a bottle of NyQuil.
And I managed to go to sleep. Well, it didn't last long.
I woke up at 1 .30 in the morning and sit up on the bed.
I didn't feel anything. No pain. I wasn't sick. While I was sitting on my bed, in the end of my truck,
I saw my angel. My angel looked like a small child.
He was dressed in white. And he had on clothes that looked like you would see on the
Vietnamese. Straight cut, long sleeve. I couldn't see any hands or feet. I could only see his face.
It was very bright and he was very happy. He had the most happiest face
I've ever seen. How big he actually was, I don't know. Because I got off my bunk and I went toward him.
Now my truck is not but 8 foot wide. But it seemed like I walked a long ways and he got bigger as closer
I got to him. So I really can't say how big he was. And behind him
I could see people walking. They were walking on an incline upward.
And I knew where these people were going. And I knew I needed to be in that line.
My angel wouldn't let me shake his head and I'd go back and sit down. And I sat there for a little while and I got up to go get in that line again.
And my angel wouldn't let me. And I actually was getting mad at my angel because he would not let me go.
This happened 3 times and he wouldn't let me go. So I sat on my bunk and finally knew that I needed to see a doctor.
And I needed to come on home. I should have went to the hospital there. But anyway, I got dressed.
And when I tied my shoelaces, he left. I guess he knew that I was going to get on the road.
I got out of my truck to go get some coffee. And when I stepped out of the truck, I fell down. I was that weak.
Two police officers in the parking lot patrolling asked me had I been drinking. I told them no,
I was sick. And they asked me did I need any help. And I said no, if I can make it in a truck stop, I'll be alright.
But if I can't, I'm going to get back in my truck. But I managed to get in the truck stop and got me some orange juice.
And I came back out. And I got in the truck and I started home. And I drove all the way home.
I got in at 2 o 'clock that evening. And when Sharon and my oldest son met me before I was going to park,
I couldn't get out of my truck at all. I was too weak. They had to help me out of the truck. And I finally got to the hospital.
And I had pneumonia, asthma, emphysema, all at one time.
I didn't know I had asthma at all. My throat was completely closed. I could not swallow water. I had to put it in my mouth and it would just have to trickle down.
I couldn't swallow ash. And it took me three days. And what should normally one dose of medication to cure what
I had, it took two full doses to cure me. And what I would like to say is that everyone has an angel.
And the Lord just wasn't ready for me in heaven. He has something for me still to do on this earth.
And He'll let me know when to do it. But one thing I know for sure in my heart, where I am going, the day the
Lord calls me. And I would just love each one of you to understand that you have an angel.
And there is a heaven. I didn't see it. But I saw the people going in that direction.
And I know this was not from Satan. Because if Satan would have not stopped me, he would have took me on to the grave.
This had to be the Lord turning me back. And this angel was from the Lord. So you do have a guardian angel, each and every one of you.
And I want you to know that. And this is a true story. And I'm glad to be able to tell it to you today.
I've been looking forward to it. And I thank you for listening. And I thank you for your prayers while I'm on the road.