F4F | Testing Kathryn Krick's Prophetic Message for the Body of Christ


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This episode is sponsored by the word of the Lord endures forever Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith.
My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God Now we're gonna do another episode today on so -called false apostle apostle
Catherine Crick, this woman is not an apostle of Jesus Christ. God did not send her She's not a prophetess and we're gonna prove that definitively here using one of the biblical tests
And so what we're gonna be reviewing today is a message that she's released not once but twice
Because she wants the body of Christ to see it. So Catherine, I'm part of the body of Christ.
I've seen it We're going to test it the way scripture says to test it and we're gonna demonstrate
That this is not a message from God and everybody needs to recognize you for what you are a false prophetess so yeah, there's your lead -in, but so all of that being said, let me whirl up the desktop and Yeah warmer days
Yeah, that was in Huntington Beach winter has arrived here in North Dakota Unfortunately, but alas, that's not what we're here for.
So let's do this the message in question Like I said, she's released it twice over the past couple of weeks because she really believes that people need to see it
So Sunday services at fivefold Church Titled a prophetic word for the body of Christ So if you are a
Christian you need to hear this and this is a read broadcast from October 29th
So she legitimately hasn't put this out once she's put it out twice and she thinks this is super duper important and you need to hear it
Well, we're gonna do what scripture says to do and in Scripture It says beloved do not believe every spirit
But test the spirits to see whether they are from God for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
We're gonna test Catherine Crick so far every test that we've applied to her. She has failed
Spectacularly not not not it wasn't even close. I mean there was like no doubt whatsoever
She didn't pass any of the biblical tests So one of the things we're gonna be looking for is how she's handling biblical texts herself if she is wrongly using them and She will be she is not a true prophet of God because there's a test in Deuteronomy 13
That applies to everybody claiming to be a prophet today plus we'll throw in a little bit of 1st
Corinthians 14 Just for good measure, but we got some other texts we have to look at along the way. So here's the setup here
And I have to warn you ahead of time This is a longer episode of fighting for the faith because we have a lot more ground that we need to cover and I'm going to try not to interrupt as often as I do
But oftentimes when I Lead off with that intention. I never really follow through with it.
So just keep that in mind So here's the setup listen to what she says here at the beginning of her message
So today I have a prophetic word for you all for the body of Christ All right, so I'm not making this up So back when she originally delivered this she believed that she was delivering a prophetic word for who?
everybody in the body of Christ and When you kind of hear what she's going to be doing in the setup or in the lead -up before she gives that prophetic word
You're going to You might be creeped out. It's not only cringy. It's cultish best way
I can put it, but let's listen a little bit more Yes This is a prophetic ministry.
So there's no such thing as rigid planned sermons But it is led by the
Holy Spirit hmm, one of the the false teachings of the general
Pentecostal movement that somehow God the Holy Spirit is offended and And and is driven off when you actually, you know
Preplan a sermon you have structure in your church service. So, you know, she's claiming that well
This is a prophetic church There's no such thing as a rigid planned sermon, but this church is led by the
Holy Spirit. We give the Holy Spirit free reign Yeah, that's a false doctrine within Pentecostal ism.
In fact, it's part of the original false narrative Behind the Azusa Street revival if you've ever read
Frank Bartleman's book on eyewitness to Azusa Street He talks about the fact that he believed that the
Holy Spirit flat -out left Abandoned the Church of Christ in the you know in the early years after the
Apostles died because the church got organized and the Holy Spirit is driven away by organization and Structure and things like that.
Nothing could be further from the truth God is a God of order not of disorder and I would note already
We you know, Catherine Crick has a big strike against her So we're gonna test what she's saying and already she's failing the test but another way that she's failing the test spectacularly is because of the prohibition in first Corinthians 14 and This is a command not from the
Apostle Paul The Apostle Paul was not one of the original founding members of the he -man woman haters
Club The Apostle Paul said this as in all the churches of the
Saints the women should keep silent in the churches They are not permitted to speak but should or should be in submission as the law also says
If there's anything they desire to learn let them ask their husbands at home It is shameful for a woman to speak in church
Or was it from you that the Word of God came note it continues or are you the only ones it has reached?
so if anyone thinks that he is a prophet and Catherine Crick thinks that she is Or a spiritual and she thinks that she is
Then he and in this particular case, she should acknowledge that the things that the
Apostle Paul wrote They are a command of the Lord Yeah, she's breaking an outright command of Jesus Christ.
It was Christ that commanded that Women should be silent in the churches and the fact that she's up there in a scarlet red dress doesn't really speak
Well to her by the way, and she shouldn't be preaching at all Period this is a church service.
She's not permitted to do that there So this is a command of the Lord and if anyone does not recognize this
He and then her particular case she should not be recognized full stop
That's just how this works So already we can tell by just by what she's doing
She's failing a test beloved Do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God for many false prophets have gone out into the
She's one of them We know this definitively now because she can't be recognized scripture forbids us from recognizing her
This message already fails even before she delivers it But if that's not enough and you want to actually hear the content of her message
We'll slog on so I'm gonna fast -forward a little bit to just to where she's gonna start to make some points
And this is where she's setting the foundation Upon which she's going to deliver her so -called prophetic message and this does this is not good this is
Flat out creepy we continue throughout the Word of God throughout the Bible. There have been several different moves of God revivals or just Something that God is doing
Moves of God that God is doing something specific here in this generation and then later in this generation
God is doing something here something significant for everyone. Not just whoever wants to be a part
Whoever is just there physically. It's for all of God's people, right? So we see this throughout the
Word of God many different moves of God revivals revival deliverance such as the
Millions of Israelites that were delivered out of Egypt. That was a move of God. That was a revival
That was deliverance from death to life from bondage to freedom Hallelujah.
Yeah likening the Exodus to a revival That is that is spreading the
Pentecostal butter really thinly That's not a one -to -one correspondence, which biblical text is she preaching from by the way?
She isn't so note by merely referencing the biblical text not reading them out
She's now hijacking the narrative of Scripture the Exodus itself is an incredible and important story
It is a story definitely of God's deliverance But the reality is is that it's a type and shadow of the deliverance that we have in Jesus Christ if you were to summarize it
When the story opens in the book of Exodus the children of Israel, they are under they are slaved
They've been enslaved by an evil false. God King known as Pharaoh who wears a snake hat go figure he's a stand -in for the devil and God has then decided that he's going to make good on his promises and deliver them and by mighty acts of judgment
Done through a prophet that God raised up Moses God delivers the people of Israel baptizes them in the
Red Sea brings them to Mount Sinai gives them his word and his law and And and so there's some important themes in there and this then is if you would a road map for the story that we find
Ourselves in when you were conceived and born you were born dead and trespasses in sin under the dominion of darkness
Christ has destroyed the works of the devil by coming to earth humbling himself being obedient to the point of death even death on the cross dying and bleeding for your sins and mine and then
Victoriously rising from the grave and ascending into heaven All that being said when you were baptized you were set free from slavery to sin death and the devil and now you are on Your wilderness wandering as you head towards the real promised land, which is the new heaven in the new earth
You know, there's important themes there But she's hijacking the story because she just wants to point out well in the past God did mighty things
Deliverance and revivals and thingies and stuff and there and God always chose important people for those things
Okay We continue That's a move of God in that generation a specific move of God that God was doing in that generation and you know with each move of God that we see in the
Bible from Old Testament to New Testament the move of God is always having a leader a leader of the move of God Because this is how
God has chosen to do it. This is how he has chosen to move through vessels We have to accept that amen
And you can already see where she's going. It's she's telegraphing her punch at this point And I gotta
I gotta say this. I've been doing you know Christian apologetics for decades now and It is this kind of message is rare This is the kind of message that isn't just from somebody who doesn't know how to rightly handle
God's Word this is the kind of message that you hear from somebody like a Jim Jones and Or you know or a cult leader like a legitimate cult leader
You must accept me is kind of the sub line of all of this And if you do not accept me if you reject me you are rejecting
God himself That's legitimately where she's heading but we'll let her continue to spin this out the
Bible says Matthew 1040 anyone who receives you receives me Anyone who receives you receives me.
So Jesus is saying this to the disciples anyone who receives you receives me Powerful why because this is how
God chooses to move through vessels you and here she's twisting an important text
So in Matthew chapter 10 verse 40 We have
Jesus speaking to the men who would become his Apostles Remember the twelve then are no longer just disciples.
They are Apostles of Jesus Christ. They are sent as Apostles of Jesus Christ and with that being the case.
They are Apostles with extraordinary Authority and power and so Christ isn't saying here
Well, anybody I send in the future or whatever is gonna have that same power He says to the
Apostles whoever receives you receives me whoever receives me receives him who sent me
This cannot be applied then today to Catherine Crick this this this doesn't apply to her now
Christ goes on to say the one who receives a prophet because he's a prophet We'll receive a prophet's award or reward but the
Apostles are not mere prophets. They are litigate legitimately men who can give commands for Christ Which is one of the reasons why the
Apostle Paul is able to say if you do not Acknowledge that what I am saying to you is a command of the
Lord Then you should not be acknowledged the reason why
Paul has the authority to say that is because he is an Apostle of Jesus Christ and so there's far more to the authority that the
Apostles have now, there's a Cross reference to this to this in the gospel of Luke Chapter 10 specifically verse 16 if I am not mistaken
Listen to what Christ again says to his Apostles The one who hears you hears me the one who rejects you rejects me the one who rejects me rejects him
Who sent me this is talking about apostolic authority and Catherine Crick?
she is not a true Apostle of Jesus Christ and we know this with certainty because she's twisting
God's Word and Disobeying clear commands of the Lord Jesus Christ given through the
Apostles that Christ actually chose and so she comes to us claiming to be an Apostle because Jer Davies said that she was and Jer Davies is just he's a flim -flam scam artist and a word -of -faith
Heretic, so keep that in mind we continue You can't separate the move of God from God's vessels from his servants leading the move of God.
You cannot separate it This is a principle that we have to accept and so we see in the move of God of deliverance of the
Israelites out of Egypt God sent Moses to lead this move of God and Moses had to be accepted
I'm sent by God to lead a move of God and I have to be accepted. That's what she is saying
In and you have to she you have to accept her just because she says so Despite the fact she doesn't pass any of the tests at all.
I would note something here In this in this context if I were to go to like Acts chapter,
I don't know maybe 17 Yeah, notice what happens here
Acts chapter 17 So Paul had some trouble in Thessalonica, you know more than a little bit
He had to skedaddle, you know in the middle of the night and you know for his own safety leave town so it says this the brothers immediately sent
Paul and Silas away by night to Berea and When they arrived they went into the
Jewish synagogue now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica They received the word with all eagerness
Examining the scriptures daily to see if these things were so Hmm, you'll note the
Apostle Paul doesn't play the God's anointed card with them Literally the Bereans they are they are praised by God as having a more noble character than the
Thessalonians Why? because they tested they tested to see if the message that the
Apostle Paul was bringing them actually comported with Scripture and they Tested the
Apostle Paul in the process because had they rejected the message the Apostle Paul had given they would be
Rejecting him as well. And so they tested his message Paul didn't breeze into town and sit there and go
Well, listen, I'm the Apostle I'm sent by God. You have to accept me and everything. I say no basically, he subjected himself to their biblical scrutiny and You know who isn't doing that this woman, right?
We continue They couldn't go rogue and get delivered their own way They would have missed out on the deliverance.
I've been stuck in Egypt, but the deliverance but the deliverance movement would have continued If you want the move of God if you want to be part of the move of God if you want revival
You also have to accept God's servants leading the revival leading. Oh, you want to be part of the new move of God?
You got to accept God's servants. Of course Catherine Crick being one of them a move of God Moses had to be accepted the move of God that was happening in the time of Elijah was led by Elijah the move about happening in time of Elisha the
Miracles that were taking place was led by Elisha Moses after he passed away
Joshua received anointing from him and he Joshua went into the promised land he led the people into the promised land and So when
Moses left there's needed to be a leader again, Joshua was there and led the people So they got to enter the promised land
Yeah, they wouldn't have been able to enter the promised land if they didn't accept The leaders that God raised up No biblical text actually makes that point
Catherine this revival of promised land With this move of God, but they had to accept their leader
Amen, we see that Peter was leading the revival when
Jesus died and was was crucified and was resurrected and Then it was time for the good news to be spread and people to come into the kingdom
Peter was preaching and thousands came to Jesus that day. He Jesus says Peter You are my rock and on this rock.
I will build my church. I give you the keys to the kingdom Okay. Now here's where we're gonna do a little bit of more nuanced biblical work here
Note here in her portion leading up to the prophetic message, which she'll be giving shortly
She is claiming that Christ built the church on Peter That's not what the biblical text says and you have to know your biblical languages to actually figure this out
So, let's take a look at what she's doing wrong, which by the way also proves that she fails the test here so the the text in question is in the
Gospel of Matthew chapter 16 and This is where the Greek is super important.
Otherwise, you end up in the same error as the as the Church of Rome Which basically says that Peter is the rock that Christ built the church on that is not what
Christ was saying at all And I'll prove it to you So in Matthew 16 starting at 13, it says now when
Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi He asked his disciples. Who do people say the
Son of Man is and they said well some say John the Baptist others Elijah and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets he said to them, but who do you say that I am?
Simon Peter replied you are the Christ the Son of the Living God now keep this in mind.
This is Peter's confession You are the Christ the Son of the Living God Now we're gonna have to pay close attention to how the
Greek works here Otherwise, we're gonna make the same error that Catherine Crick is making so blessed.
Are you Simon Barjona? Jesus says for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you
But my father who is in heaven and I tell you you are Petra's So, let me take a look at the at the the
Greek here. Okay, so here's what's going on So Jesus says but I say to you the day so a
Lego hot tea Sue I say to you a Petra's Kai epitauta tape
Petra Oiko Domei Domei. So, okay Sorry, I have to throw in the moon
Okay, Domei. So sue tainik. Let's see on so this is an important phrase and we have to pay attention to the genders
Because the genders of the Greek words tell us what Jesus is Referencing.
What is he referring to? So he says to him I say to you that you are
Petra's you are Peter Masculine ending you are Petra's Kai epitauta tape
Petra upon this rock feminine Okay, so Epi Kai epitauta tape
Petra Oiko day. So a week odd day May so mu k eclasion upon this
Petra this feminine rock. I will build my church Okay, so here's your problem.
If you say that that Christ built the church on Peter Jesus changes his gender
You are Petra's and on this Petra. I will build my church That doesn't work.
So Peter Petra's is not the one that the church is built on the church is built on tame
Petra upon the rock What's the rock? It's feminine.
It's not masculine so it can't be Peter unless of course Jesus is is into the trans movement and he just Changed Peter's pronouns and turned him into a girl.
It doesn't work, right? So what is the Petra the feminine rock?
Answer it's Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the
Living God This is what Christ builds his church on not Peter but Peter's confession and the fact that Catherine Crick here has twisted this text is
Is is it's a monumental blunder on her part and shows again that she is not a true prophetess
She is twisting the word She is just twisted at the same way The Roman Catholic Church twisted twisted and you can't do it when you know how the
Greek works So now we've got a big problem and that is is that she's failing one of the major tests of a prophet already
She's failed it by disobeying a command of Christ and scripture says we can't even recognize her
But there's another there's another test for a prophet it's found in Deuteronomy 13 if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder in the
Sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass and if he says let us go after other gods Which you have not known and let us serve them
You shall not listen to the words of the prophet or that dreamer of dreams for Yahweh Your God is testing you to know whether you love the
Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul you shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his
Commandments and obey his voice and you shall serve him and hold fast to him
But the prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death because he is taught rebellion against Yahweh Your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of slavery
To make you leave the way in which Yahweh your God commanded you to walk so you shall purge the evil from your midst this is an important test because this is the theological test and even if somebody tells a prophecy
I Prophesize so -and -so is going to win the 2024 election and they turn and it turns out to be true
They still are not considered a true prophet according to God's Word because now you have to look at their doctrine at their
Theology and you're gonna note it begins with let us go after other gods But that's not the entirety of the test because the entirety of the test requires you to test
Whether or not they are going to have you walk after the Lord our God in keeping his commandments and obeying his voice in the scriptures and So when somebody comes to you claiming to be a prophet and they're twisting the biblical texts
They are disobeying this command and they fail this test then of a prophet so Catherine Crick has disobeyed the voice and command of Christ regarding women in the church
And now she's twisting God's Word and although her twists so far are subtle They are twists nonetheless and we must not listen to her
Because we have a clear command of God that when someone doesn't pass the theological test that we are to obey
God's voice in the scripture not the one coming to us claiming to be a prophet even if they give a prophecy that comes true
So we're you know, this this is looking pretty bad already and we haven't even gotten to the prophecy yet Peter had to be accepted all these miracles were happening as people now
I'm gonna back this up so you can hear her what she said In this case where she basically makes Peter the rock rather than Peters confession shows
She hasn't studied and showed herself approved. She doesn't understand what's going on in that passage It says Peter you are my rock and on this rock.
I will build my church. I give you the keys to the kingdom Peter had to be accepted all these miracles were happening as people.
No that Peter's not the rock Peter is It's his confession.
That's the rock the Petra came under the shadow of Apostle Peter If you want to receive the miracles you have to do it
God's way You have to accept God's leader and then the miracles you have to accept God's leader again
This is Jim Jones level of cult kind of talk will happen You will experience revival
Hallelujah Praise God and then as time went on Paul became a leader You had to accept
Paul Yet the Bereans didn't accept him. They tested him before they accepted him
They tested his message against the Word of God before they accepted him or his message weird, huh?
To receive what God was doing in that time. Amen Hallelujah, so this is
God's principle We get we don't get to choose who the servant of God that will lead the move of God will be
We don't get it's not up to us. That's up to God God can choose whoever he wants young old went to Bible school or not male or female connected or God is never going to choose a female who preaches on Sunday because that female is disobeying a clear command of Christ or nobody popular or not
He can choose anyone he wants someone with a stutter or not or someone that's a really amazing speaker
Naturally, he can choose whoever he wants. Amen. We have to accept So if we don't accept we're not accepting
God actually because this is how God wants to move if you don't accept Catherine Crick You're not accepting
God. That's the subtext of this message. So it's a big deal to not accept
God's servants who's leading his move It's something we need to have the fear of God for amen, it's really
I mean God has not changed His principles have not changed. So it's really just as severe as rejecting
Moses and Moses his time rejecting a lie. You reject Catherine Crick It's as severe as rejecting
Moses or Elijah Or even Jesus himself a Joe and Elijah's time rejecting
Elisha and Elisha's time rejecting Joshua and Joshua's time Rejecting Peter and Peter's time rejecting
Paul and Paul's time rejecting Jesus In Jesus's time so to reject
Catherine Crick is to reject Christ himself Let me show you another way in which she fails.
There's a video We're gonna put a link to it down below if you haven't already seen this video.
You need to see it It's put out by my good friend Daniel long and his YouTube channel long for truth
Number one, you know long for truth one and like I said, we'll put a link to it down below and the video in question
I'm very happy that he put this out because I didn't have the time to actually react to this It was a mutual friend of ours
Daniel Chapman who turned us on to a tick -tock video Where this was was being exposed and and Dan long actually, you know
He had the time I was traveling and I wasn't able to get it out But he hunted down the original video source and and critiques it and this is awful
I mean talk about making merchandise of people and teaching them and basically that you know
Basically exploiting people in greed. That's exactly what Catherine Crick does here
So let me set this up for you in this video. We have a small child apparently Manifesting a demon
I have to wonder how much they paid the child to do this You know Is he one of these crisis actors that we've other people and myself have proven that Catherine Crick's ministry has made use of But watch what happens while this child is manifesting she's gonna have a conversation with the woman and Consider then what is going to be required of this woman before her child can be delivered of this demon.
Watch this Enough of your nonsense What is owed speak now
Thank you Jesus God is going to free him completely There are different keys to receive complete freedom and what happens is the more that we entangle ourselves with witchcraft and psychics and things like That it's like a more complex deliverance
So sometimes it's not just about the commanding the demons But there's other keys that need to be unlocked and one of them is to sow seeds.
Did you pay money to the psychic? Yes, how much? So in order for this woman's child to be delivered from a demon she has to basically pay
Catherine Crick For the deliverance. That's what sow a seed means.
It's it's give my ministry money So it's ongoing for years so in the spiritual round there's laws
I've been sowing 10 % of everything that comes through my hand for the last two years. 10 %
God's saying more. More than 10 % you got it. God's saying more you got to give me more
You got to pay me money before this child can be delivered. I can't think of a more disgusting thing that I've ever heard in my life
I can't recall a single time when somebody came to Jesus or brought somebody to Jesus who was demonized and Jesus said nope
Can't do anything until you pay money for that particular Deliverance it this is just blasphemy beyond the pale.
So now we need to sow specifically for his deliverance. You got to pay me so that he can be delivered.
This is sick, I mean this is just absolutely sick.
So we continue with this message that she's been giving rejecting Paul is reject is rejecting
Jesus Rejecting God's leaders of the revival today. That's rejecting Jesus, you know, that's what she's saying again
This is cult leader levels of delusion. It's the same God has not changed.
He's the same yesterday today and forever. God is still moving today God is still bringing just as big moves of God and even greater because we're going glory to glory
Today as he did back then Amen.
So what we also find throughout the Word of God is that there were constantly People who did not want to accept the servants of God who led
God's move Catherine are you aware that God commands us in his word to test
Those people claiming to be servants of God and prophets of God and apostles of God and you fail every single one of those tests personally
And we see Not just anyone not accepting the leaders, but we see this the servants of God that God chose
But we see leaders in that time people of influence in that time people with power in their time
Rejecting the servant of God who was leading God's move To try to stop
God's move Which can never be done, but they try so we're gonna take a look at some examples in the
Word of God and so Joseph Joseph He was not accepted by his brothers.
He received a dream from God he received this dream this vision this promise from God and So this was
God saying I'm choosing you in my move He chose Joseph to rescue and save the people in that time because there was a severe famine coming
Notice what she's not doing She ain't reading the biblical text. This is her summary of it and a highly inaccurate summary at that Let's take a look at the text in question.
Shall we? Genesis 37 Jacob Linda lived in the land of his father's sojournings in the land of Canaan And then it goes on to say these are the generations of Jacob Joseph being 17 years old was pasturing the flock with his brothers
He was a boy with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah his father's wives and Joseph bought brought a bad report of them to their father
Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons because he was the son of his old age and he made him a robe
Of many colors, but when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all of his brothers
They hated him and could not speak peacefully to him Now Joseph had a dream and when he told it to his brothers
They hated him even more and he said to them here this dream that I have dreamed behold we were binding sheaves in the field behold my sheaf arose and stood upright and behold your sheaves gathered around it and Bowed down to my sheaf.
His brother said to him. Are you indeed to reign over us or are you indeed to rule over us?
So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words And then he dreamed another dream and he told it to his brothers and said behold
I've dreamed another dream behold the Sun the moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me
But when he told it to his father and to his brothers his father rebuked him and said to him What is this dream that you have dreamed?
Shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to to bow ourselves to the ground before you and his brothers were jealous of him
But his father kept the saying in mind So here's the thing How this is going to be fulfilled is still way down the line
And if you've read the story, you know it but at the time that Joseph had the dreams It was clear that they were heading in a particular direction
But what was going to be taking place is that that was not it at all? And it was not as if God was saying so therefore
I'm expecting you guys because I've chosen Joseph to be the head of mind of the latest revival and so you have to accept him
That's never part of the story at all So what Catherine is doing here in summarizing it rather than preaching it and teaching it properly she's basically hijacking this text to make it a proof text for you've got to accept me as God's Apostle and prophet and God gave him
God gave God ended up when the promise is fulfilled. He gave Joseph supernatural wisdom
Supernatural wisdom and insight of How to deal with these issues that were happening with the famine
He gave him this wisdom to store away grain store away food
To save some that all people would save some here's the thing Catherine Even Joseph didn't know there was a famine coming at that time
His brothers didn't know anything about a famine coming at that time you're taking the latter part of the story and smooshing it in the first part in order to make your point and That when the famine came there would be food that then they could come and receive that food and they distribute it out
Otherwise people would have died like crazy But God came in this move to save his people and God chose
Joseph to lead this move He didn't leave a lead a move
He led Egypt the country so when
Joseph gets this this dream this word from God, he tells his brothers and his brothers instantly became jealous and And in their jealousy made them want to stop
God's promise from coming to pass in Joseph's life No, they just hated their brother
What are you talking about? So again note she miserably fails The Deuteronomy 13 test regarding sound theology.
She's not a true prophet or apostle at all She's twisting God's Word the way the devil does so they
Try they literally tried to stop it by putting Joseph in a prison or sorry in a pit
To die and then they ended up bringing him out and and selling him to so note how she's reading herself
Into the story of Joseph the story of Joseph. It is about Jesus Christ Yeah, in fact, let me let me show you this because it's it's really wonderful when you understand where the
Bible is Legitimately pointing in the Gospel of Matthew in in chapter 1
It says this the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, there's the name
Joseph again Notice the name of the of the of the not the biological father, but the earthly father of Christ To you when
Mary was betrothed to Joseph before they came together She was found to be with child from the
Holy Spirit and her husband Joseph being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame Resolved to divorce her quietly
But as he considered these things behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream Saying Joseph son of David do not fear to take
Mary as your wife. Oh, look a Joseph who is having dreams
Yeah, do not do not fear to take Mary as your wife for that which is conceived in her is from the
Holy Spirit She will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus For he will save his people from their sins and all this took place to fulfill what the
Lord had spoken by the prophet Behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and they shall call his name
Emmanuel which means God with us when Joseph awoke from sleep. He did as the angel of the
Lord commanded him He took his wife but knew her not until she had given birth to a son and he called his name
Jesus the next part of this is also super important after the visit of the
Magi You know so you got the story of the visit of the visit of the
Magi in the opening portion of chapter 2 and it says this in starting verse 13 now when they had the
Magi had departed behold an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and Said rise take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt and remain there until I tell you for Herod is about to search
For the child to destroy him and he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed
Egypt Departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill.
What was the Lord spoken by the prophet out of Egypt? I've called my son. So here we've got a Joseph with dreams who ends up in Egypt, but this time with the
Messiah Alright, that's really what's going on in the story of Joseph.
This points us to Jesus But who is she making this story about now?
Catherine Crick is making about herself Mm -hmm Slave owners and the slave owners then brought him to Egypt and The story is so beautiful because it shows how people will try to stop influential people your brothers in Christ your brothers and sisters in Christ who are the ones that are supposed to be the most supportive of You and love
God the most so therefore accept what God is doing and doing through you They may try to stop what
God is doing in you stop listen anybody speaking against Catherine Crick is doing so because they know their
Bible anyone who believes this woman's an actual prophetess or an Apostle of Jesus Christ doesn't know the scripture and doesn't know that they're required by God to test this woman and she fails every test
The move of God that's happening in you But they can never stop whatever hallelujah whatever
They meant for harm they meant to stop the work of God But it actually made this move of God Happen be fulfilled promise be fulfilled because by selling him to the slave owners that positioned
Joseph into the place where the king would accept him and The king accepting him led to the promise being fulfilled
God's move of saving the people rescuing the people to take place to happen hallelujah
Mm -hmm. Now, let me fast -forward We're really close to this and then at this point to where she's going to give the so -called prophecy at least deliver
We're gonna listen to a portion of it who you can tell right off the bat. It's false But before we get to that here is where our sponsor today comes into play today's sponsor for fighting for the faith is a
Wonderful podcast the name of the podcast is the word of the Lord endures forever If you need a resource to hear
God's Word rightly exegeted Pointing us to Jesus Christ. This is the podcast
It is a daily podcast and it is chock -full of God's Word And here's the best bit the archives are extensive and they're getting larger
Currently pastor Will Whedon is on the book of Genesis chapters 5 through 11
He's already taught through chapters 1 through 4. He's now doing a series on chapters 5 through 11 and they're brilliant This is going to include the flood of Noah and how that then points us to Christ Who is our ark?
And so you listen you you need this if you do not rightly understand
God's Word You want a crash course on learning proper exegesis and how everything connects to Jesus.
This is your podcast and Stop listening to yahoos like Catherine Crick and others and instead avail yourselves of sound biblical
Exegetes who understand that the Bible is about Jesus This podcast is spectacular and you will not go wrong in listening to this podcast
You will not be led astray into false prophecies and false apostles and nonsense like that instead
Everything's going to exalt and glorify and point us to Jesus It's a wonderful podcast again
If you would like to learn about this go to the word endures org the word endures org will put a link down below in the description so that you can
Put this podcast on your list of podcasts that you listen to you will benefit greatly from it.
All right moving on So now we're about to hear she's gonna be setting up the the last bits of her message in Preparation for delivering the prophetic word that is for the entire body of Christ and she's failed so many tests at this point
We already know this prophecy is false. She's false But let's continue because she's got some more
Bible twisting that she still has left in her bag He had that and Saul forgot that Saul forgets and thinks he's so Saul forgot the
David was a leader that God chosen Saul needed to needed to embrace and recognize that that David was
God's chosen just messing around with a normal person Who's trying to be king or something? No, this was
God's anointed that must be king Must be anointed king for God's plans to go forth
Now if you were to go backwards into this message this is just a complete trainwreck because she's basically saying the reason why
Saul had his demise is Because Saul failed to recognize that David was
God's anointed Which ignores an entire theme in Scripture. So let's do this
We're going to go to here and we're gonna look for the word cave. Okay, and We're going to look it specifically for an instance of a cave about the time of King David Okay, let's see here.
David persuaded his men who did not permit them to attack Saul first Samuel 24 okay first Samuel 24
When Saul returned from following the Philistines he was told behold David is in the wilderness of in Getty You'll note this is the portion of Scripture where Saul is legitimately trying to murder
King David the anointed but not yet Not yet coronated king of Israel and here's what's happening.
Saul wants him dead So Saul took 3 ,000 chosen men out of all of Israel He went to seek
David and his men in front of the wild goats rocks And he came to the sheepfolds by the way where there was a cave and Saul went in to relieve himself
Yeah, that's right. Saul's using the cave for the purpose of using it as a latrine now
David and his men were sitting in the innermost part of the cave So there's Saul reading the
Jerusalem Times and in quite a vulnerable situation He doesn't even know his his day.
His life is in danger and David is there his men See, it's like I we could kill King Saul So the men of David said to him here is the day of which
Yahweh said to you behold I will give your enemy into your hand and you shall do to him as it shall seem good to you
So then David rose stealthily cut off a corner of Saul's robe Afterward David's heart struck him
Because he had cut off a corner of Saul's robe and he said to his men the Lord forbid that I should do this thing
To my Lord Yahweh's anointed to put out my hand against him seeing that he is Yahweh's anointed
So what Catherine Crick is doing here is completely flipping the script The reason why Saul had the kingdom ripped out of his hands was not because he was disobedient to the commands of God But because he failed to recognize that David was
God's anointed But David refused to kill Saul because he recognized that he was the rightly
Anointed King of Israel and far be it from him from taking the life of the rightly anointed
King of Israel Interesting, right? Yeah, Catherine Crick here has completely turned the story of David and Saul on its end
So once again, he's forget that he's fighting against God and today
Today servants of God have been called by God. They have received prophetic words from God And of course, she's one of them in Peter 1 verse 19.
We also have okay now I'm gonna back this up I want you to hear this in context and we're gonna take a look at 2nd
Peter chapter 1 because this is a huge Twisting of God's Word not a small one.
It's huge. Let me back this up. Here we go. And today Today servants of God have been called by God.
They have received prophetic words from God 2nd Peter 1 verse 19. We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable The true prophetic word from a true prophet of God is completely reliable Now it's hard to see what she did there because she ripped a portion of 2nd
Peter out of context But let me tell you this 2nd Peter Peter here in his last epistle before he's about to be crucified
He is not pointing us to more prophets Instead, he's pointing us to the written Word of God.
Let's take a look at it 2nd Peter chapter 1 so 2 Peter chapter 1 and Here's where we need to let the context just dictate what's going on So Peter says in 1st 2nd
Peter chapter 1 verse 16 We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ But we were eyewitnesses of his majesty For when he received honor and glory from God the
Father and the voice was born to him by the majestic glory This is my beloved son with whom
I am well pleased We ourselves heard this very voice born from heaven for we were with him on the holy mountain so Peter is making reference to what's called the
Mount of Transfiguration where Christ was legitimately transformed in front of their eyes and He was as bright as white as it like lightning
Moses and Elijah showed up They were discussing Christ's exodus read the Gospel of Luke accounts in the
Greek of the the Mount of Transfiguration It says they were discussing Christ's exodus And of course
Peter, you know kind of speaking up and maybe a little bit out of turn says Lord It's good that we're here
Should we make a shelter for you and for Moses and Elijah and then the voice of the father says this is my beloved son
And whom I am well pleased Listen to him is what the voice said, right?
So he's referencing that experience but watch where Peter goes from here because he's not saying we need to chase after those kinds of experiences instead he says something very different and we
We have the prophetic word more fully confirmed To which you will do well to pay attention as a lamp shining in a dark place
Until the day dawns in the morning stars rises in your hearts knowing this first of all
No prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man
But men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit Peter isn't pointing us to modern -day prophets
He's pointing us to the Scripture the thing that we're supposed to be paying attention to the prophetic
Word of God found in the Bible That's what
Peter is saying here. Pay attention to the word so what
Catherine Crick has done here is hijacked this text taking a portion out of a portion of it out of context and Completely misappropriated it by applying it to herself
So again watch what she does here now that you know what it says listen again prophetic words from God 2nd
Peter 1 verse 19. We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable The true prophetic word from a true prophet of God is completely reliable Peter's pointing us to the
Scriptures not to you again. Watch the text. Okay? Knowing first of all, no prophecy of Scripture comes from known from someone's own interpretation
So here's the words she read we have the word prophetic Word of God more fully confirmed or reliable and she just stops after reading that much and ignores to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns in the
Storm morning star rises in your heart Knowing this first of all no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation
Peter's pointing us to the Scriptures not to Catherine Crick and Catherine Crick just avoids the part that doesn't jive with her false theology and the message she claims that she's bringing from God and she makes
This text before Peter then is pointing to her rather than to the Bible and that's a complete abomination
We continue no question about it and You will do well to pay attention to it as to a light shining in a dark place and to pay attention to what
Catherine Peter says the Scripture See if that comes out of her face
It probably will but she's totally twist this up at this point to make it about her So the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts
And I relate with this. I too have a prophetic word from my spiritual father prophet. Dr. Joe Davie Sure Davies is a heretic.
I never wanted to be an apostle you're not Congratulations, if you never wanted to be one you still aren't
I never wanted to be a minister I never wanted to you're not be a pastor or church. You're not
I never wanted to preach You shouldn't be at all I never desired to be a brain for people
Never did I desire that or want that? I did not call myself. I did not choose myself
God did not call you you fail every test of a true apostle and prophet. This is not my venture
But this is all God's. I surrendered to God about exactly eight years ago surrendered everything to God including my plans dreams and will and I was positioning myself at that point of surrender to go wherever God wanted me to go and be whoever
God wanted me to be You are not doing anything that God has called anybody to do and do whatever he wanted me to do and so about nine months after I surrendered everything
I Chose to seek God keep seeking him keep seeking him and so there was an invitation to a conference a prophetic healing conference in LA and With hunger of God and feeling
God pulling me to go I went and It was there that I met my spiritual father for the first time where I saw him minister for the first time and where he
Prophesied to me. That's where I received my calling and upon receiving it. My feelings didn't want it.
It was just obedience It was just my obedience that led me here to where I am now
Amen, and so yeah, it's your obedience to a false teacher that has made you a
Disobedient to the clear words of Christ found in the scripture It's it's powerful when you don't call yourself somewhere where you're not like I must have this
I want this because when the storms come You your feathers can get real ruffled
You your emotions can take over you, you know If you're obsessing so much over something you want, but if you're just obeying
God and just doing what he wants You're disobeying God by twisting up the scriptures and preaching in church
Which you're not permitted to do then when the storms come You stand firm you stand strong.
You don't let your emotions take over Because you know that it's God who called you here
You don't you didn't want to be here, but it's God who has placed you here and God will see you through God will make the promises come to pass
God will so you just got to take her word for it This is all God despite the fact that she fails every biblical test every single one of them
All right. Let's get to the part where she releases the the the prophecy. Here we go
Hallelujah Hang on a second. I think I got this a little too fast. Yeah, I do
We'll slow it down just a little bit. There we go. So Now I'm going to to share this prophetic word that God has for the body of Christ And we already know it's a false prophecy already know because she fails all the tests and Has for leaders in the body of Christ.
So the prophecy for leaders I guess that would apply to me as well as all pastors. Okay It is not okay to just sit comfortably in your churches sitting comfortably and not
Supporting what God is doing now Mmm, how dare you sit comfortably in your church and not support
Catherine Crick Not saying anything not Saying even hallelujah
For a new move that God has brought This is not okay. This is not
God's move. God is asking you to say something I Am I'm warning the body of Christ like scripture tells me to do so that people will mark and avoid you and not be swept up into your new cult to stand with God To not fight
God any more if you oppose Catherine Crick, you are fighting God Do not try to stop his move anymore
Like a ceiling that has been put over the move of God Trying to stifle the move of God this move of God is going to reach the entire world
It's not a move of God It's going to every corner of the world it's going to every platform it's going to Break through every barriers this move of God is not optional for the body of Christ It's not optional you either join or you're opposing
God I repeat this move of God is not optional for the body of Christ When the when it was time for God to deliver the
Israelites out of Egypt and then go into the promised land God wasn't asking them if they wanted to come
He was commanding them and calling them come so you got to join Catherine Crick.
God's commanding you to all of you This revival is not just for some denominations
This move of God is not just for those who like revival and who revivals now we like to say this
No, this is the end time revival. No, it's not For the entire body of Christ And so just as it was an a move of God for all of God's people in the times of Moses Just as it was a move of God for all of God's people in the
Acts Church It is a move of God for all of God's people now All of God's people
It is not optional and You cannot ignore what God is speaking you cannot ignore it's clear
When you apply the biblical test that the Holy Spirit put into the Bible God is not speaking through you
Catherine Or what God is doing you cannot sit by comfortably and ignore it
We are to mark and avoid you God will do what he wants to do with or without you
But he's asking you and more than that commanding you To come and be a part.
No way. No way. This is not from God to acknowledge accept support be a part
Why would God want me to acknowledge? Accept and support a woman who fails every biblical test of a true prophet and Apostle God makes it clear.
He wants us to avoid people like you and not listen to you To this this word is for all leaders in the body of Christ Again, this applies to all pastors and I would include me leaders in the body of Christ in America and leaders in the body of Christ across the world and This word is very seriously for the older generation
Leaders in the body of Christ. So if you have gray hair like I do Uh -huh. Yeah, this is this is this a prophetic word from God for guys like me
There's a principle of life and a principle in the kingdom that of passing the baton
So are you saying that every older pastor needs to Abdicate their their pastoral office and turn their congregations over to you
Really God wants the older generation leaders in the body of Christ to pass the baton to the new generation
Yeah, uh -huh her No, honey, that ain't happening it's not acceptable to stay quiet and hold on to the baton and Keep going with the baton when
God is saying I'm calling you to pass it now And what does that look like exactly how does somebody like me pass a baton to you
Huh? How does that happen? How does that happen for a pastor? Who's pastoring a
Congregation in Albuquerque or pastoring a conversation a congregation in New York or pastoring congregations in Minnesota How does somebody pass the baton to you so that they can obey the voice of Christ?
This is nonsense God has called you God had called you.
He gave you a word. He called you. He gave you a word. He gave you a prophetic word He called you. I'm not a prophet.
I have a prophetic word It's called the Bible and I'm supposed to preach that and he gave you the baton when you were younger
But God is still speaking today Yeah, he speaks to his word for sure, but he ain't speaking through you lady.
I didn't end with you God is still speaking today God is
So no, this is the prophetic word portion of her of her message God is just as he spoke to you those in the older generation when you were younger
He's speaking to the new generation. Now. He's calling David's of today and speaking to them his word as he spoke to you when you were younger and You need to pass the baton now.
Okay, so if you're older you got to get it get out of ministry and And hand your congregations over to her
And a lot of people in the body of Christ a lot of leaders a lot of older leaders They think that God they're doing all that God wants to do in themselves
And I don't know anybody who thinks that you're just making that up That's not from God in their churches in their church
Alone, and then if God wants to do anything else, they will do it through them Who are you talking about?
They are the ones up top, you know pride enters a Pastor is a servant of a congregation not the head of it or they will do it in someone in their church
But they don't think that God may want to use someone else outside of your church outside of your stream None of this is lucid.
This is not from God But this is what God is doing Jesus did not
Only call his own personal family. You're gonna be my disciples He didn't call just the people he grew up and grew up in the temple with you're gonna be my disciples
He called fishermen tax collectors people outside his bloodline people outside his stream in the physical realm when you if you
Procreate have children with people inside your family the generation that comes next will be weak
Maybe have deformities. They're gonna be weak in breeding and so biologically we procreate we have children outside of our bloodstream and it
Scientifically makes stronger children a stronger generation So in the same way in the spiritual realm
God needs to go outside of the bloodstream So people need to stop thinking that God can only use you or people in your church
God is using people outside Oh, what is she saying?
Hey, listen lady, I ain't spiritually procreating with you. No way. Oh We we are a body of Christ a body with different parts and we can't be fighting with each other
Actually, we are to fight against you because you are not a true prophet you fail all the biblical tests We can't be fighting with each other in In first Corinthians 12 21
The I can never say to the hand. I don't need you the head can't another twisting of Scripture You haven't proven that you're actually part of the body of Christ because you fail all the tests of a true prophet
You stand outside of the body of Christ Catherine say to the feet
I don't need you if one part suffers all the parts suffer with it and one if and if one part is honored all the parts are glad and so We need to realize that we are one body we have to be united when we fight against each other
Cannot unite with you when we fight against each other when we fight with silence it's like this it's like if you're if you're a leader today in the body of Christ and you are a a hand and Someone who
God is raising up now is the stomach. The stomach is hungry the stomach is very hungry and The brain is
God and the brain is saying to the hand pick up food and put it in the mouth so it can hit the stomach but the hand is silent and ignores and Then the stomach never gets fed and Then the hand will be weak.
You're totally twisting the biblical text again or death can happen And when one part suffers all will suffer
And that's the reality in the body of Christ today, we have the same God your God is the same as my
God We serve the same God. Why are we fighting against each other because you're a false prophet and a false apostle
It's only hurting yourself to fight against God it's hurting the body to fight against God It's keeping people from receiving we aren't fighting against God You are by disobeying his commands in God's move as you put the ceiling overhead of God's move
Now here come the threats gonna be taken to a whole other level Hang on for this. God is speaking this now to to to the older generation leaders in the body of Christ It's time to pass the baton.
God has been speaking this for years now He's been speaking this for years and time is soon running out
It's running out. If you're an older leader in the body of Christ, like I am you got to pass the baton to To Catherine Crick because time is running out
God does not wait forever. If you do not hand the baton to the next generation. God will come and take it by force
Wow So pass the baton over to Catherine Crick all you pastors out there that are over a certain age and you're part of the older Generation.
Otherwise God's gonna come and take your baton by force and then still give it to Catherine Crick baloney
Saul was fighting against David and God gave him time to repent God gave him time to pass the baton that God was asking him to God never asked
Saul to pass the baton. What are you talking about? Which biblical text says that because Saul's time was had passed and now it was
David's time and Saul knew this But Saul was supposed to welcome David even if he was like, oh,
I'm sad that I disobeyed God He was still supposed to pass the baton and say you are anointed now
I suppose totally hijacking this the story of Saul and David for you. We have the same
God when you succeed I succeed But he did not do that what God was asking him to and he fought
David He tried to stop it from happening and God gave him time. He gave him time to repent That's why the fighting was happening for a while It wasn't like he tried which biblical text says that fighting one day and that was it.
God gave him time God gave him time But eventually the time was up God allowed the
Philistines to come to this point where they were about to kill Saul and Saul decides
He doesn't want to be killed by them. He's rather just kill himself. So the Bible says that he fell on his own sword But God allowing that death to happen was so all of that is a warning to you pastors out there
That if you don't pass the baton to Catherine Crick right now God's gonna have you fall on your sword.
I'm taking by force. What Saul was not releasing To the next generation for God's move new move to prevail
Yeah Do I need to go on? I don't think I do This woman's a cult leader
This there's more here than just an airing Bumbling person who doesn't know the
Bible this with this woman is teaching doctrines of demons She fails every biblical test every single one of them for a true prophet
She fails every test regarding somebody can rightly handle God's Word she disobeys clear commands of Christ and she is notably a masterful twister of God's Word the voice that you heard was not the voice of God that was the voice of the devil and Threatening if you don't hand over your church to her and the upcoming generation
Of the people who are supposed to be leading this whatever revival then God's gonna rip your your pastor's
Office away from you and give it to her anyway nonsense you if you if you are a pastor you must by the command of Christ found in the scriptures oppose this woman and Under no circumstance and give her any quarter any
Credibility at all you must speak against her She is a wolf that is doing great damage in the visible church right now
So if you found this helpful all the information and how you can see you can share the video is down below Please share it.
The people need to be warned about this woman She's very very dangerous and I quick shout out
Thank you for all of you who support fighting for the faith financially and you've joined our crew without your financial support
We could not be doing what we're doing here and it's important for us to keep continue this work So you make it possible for us to continue to bring fighting for the faith to you and the world and I want to thank
You if you'd like to join our crew There's a link down below that'll take us take you to our website where you can join our crew
And if you do again, thank you. We can't do what we're doing without your support So until next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ And as if I carry a step on the cross for all of your sins.