Unsolved Mysteries - Jon Harris SHOCK!

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Alright, do you guys remember this show? I gotta say, this is a great show. When I was a kid, I used to always watch this show.
It was weird because my parents, they were pretty protective over what I watched, but they let me watch this, which was kind of strange because this is a pretty intense show.
My favorite were the ones about ghosts, or the ones about aliens, or Area 51, crop circles, stuff like that.
That was my favorite. But it also had true crime stuff, where they would reenact a crime and all that kind of thing.
My wife and I have been watching this show on Amazon. It's been really fun. But man, the worst part of this show were the updates because some of the updates were okay.
You'd figure out what happened and stuff like that, but many of the updates were ridiculous.
All of a sudden, in the update, you'll get a new character introduced. It's like, you can't just do that in a two -second update.
It's like the whole time, it's like, okay, well, who killed this girl? And it's like there's three suspects, and then you hear the music for the update, update, and you're like, okay, great, great, who did it?
And then it's like they introduce a brand new character, like a name you've never heard before. You can't just do that. The updates are almost an unsolved mystery in themselves.
I don't even understand that. I saw one update where this guy was looking for his long -lost daughter or something, and the update, update, came up.
And it said on the screen that the daughter died in an explosion. And I'm like, what kind of an update is that?
If that's the update, don't even give me the update. Like, that's ridiculous. You've got to tell me what that means.
What happened there? Some of the updates were just bizarre, but anyway, I wanted to bring up unsolved mysteries because I have an unsolved mystery of my own.
In 2020, Phil Vischer uploaded a viral video about Race in America.
It was the last time his credibility was ever seen. Oh man, that was stupid, but seriously, guys, have you watched this video by Conversations That Matter?
John Harris. It's called Phil Vischer's Dishonest Race in America, and it's a direct response to the historical claims that Phil Vischer made in that video that went viral.
And predictably, John Harris took this video apart.
And I texted him, I messaged him on Twitter, and I said, hey John, somebody needs to call the police on you because I've got a homicide to report.
An intellectual homicide. This video, I mean, there's no recovering from this.
No recovering from this because Phil Vischer's video, even if you want to dispute everything
John says in this video, that's fine, but Phil Vischer's video presents it as if it's a very one -dimensional open and shut case, like the only factor that matters in America is whether or not you have white skin or dark skin.
It's just all about race. It's only race, and race is the thing. We are the bad guys, you are the good guys, that's what he was saying.
And all of this stuff, and if nothing else, John Harris has utterly decimated that narrative.
It is always more complicated than that. He leaves, Phil Vischer leaves so much stuff out.
He jumps forward in time, he goes backwards in time, he doesn't even read the sources properly a lot of the time.
Like it is complete and utter annihilation from an intellectual perspective.
Now I'm aware, I'm aware that truth doesn't matter in our culture. We live in a post -truth culture.
In Big Eva it doesn't matter, in the general public it doesn't matter, I understand that. But intellectually, that's it.
This is the end of the discussion for Phil Vischer. He's done. There's been a homicide. This is intellectual homicide, and there's no recovering.
There's no recovering. So I think that if you're interested in this topic at all, you should watch this video.
I know it is two hours long. I get it, that is a commitment. But if you're going to talk to your pastors about this stuff, maybe someone of your friends that have shared the
Phil Vischer video, and even if they haven't, a lot of people talk like Phil Vischer about this, oh Redline and Jim Crow, all this stuff, and make it seem like, oh it's just the whites that hate the blacks and that's it.
And it's really not that simple. And you need to be able to articulate at least why it's not that simple, even if you're not going to remember all the historical facts.
This video will help you with it. And so John, somebody ought to call the police on you, because this is just simply not fair.
Anyway, I wanted to say something else as well. Now, one second here.
I wanted to just say this. I cannot tell you, I really cannot tell you how much
I absolutely hate, I hate it, I hate it,
I hate it, the social justice movement in the church and outside of the church. It is so terrible.
I hate it with a perfect hatred and that's just it, I hate it.
It's awful. I can't even imagine how to explain how much I hate it.
I was in my car and I was in there alone, I was just going to run a quick errand, left my kids at home, pick up a few beers because I'm going to make some bratwurst in a little bit and I'm going to boil them in the beer and then
I'm going to have a beer as well while I'm cooking the bratwurst and all that. And I'm listening to Slugs and Bugs, you know,
I love Slugs and Bugs. And my kids weren't in the car so it was a little weird that I'm listening to Slugs and Bugs. I am the vine, you are the branches, shout out to Randall Goodman.
So then I started thinking to myself, it's a little strange that I'm listening to this kid's stuff without the kids and so I changed it to the radio and I came across an
NPR interview about the systemic whiteness in museums and how we need to dismantle the whiteness of our museums and the art world and all of this kind of thing and we need to elevate black and brown voices and it's just all this stuff, we need to dismantle the whiteness of the museum and the street art.
And I switched it back to Slugs and Bugs. I had to do it. I can't get away from it at all, like can't you just please be quiet for just a little bit.
That would be nice if you could just be quiet for just a little bit, that would be helpful.
I don't know if that's just me. That's just me. In any event, watch this video from John Harris.
I hope you find it helpful. There's some thunder outside which is why I'm a little distracted. So I'm going to end this video right now.