EP 37 POST GAME ANALYSIS OF VP DEBATE #jdvance #walz #maca #jesuschrist


EP 37 – Post Game Analysis for the VP Debate. This week’s episode is a recap of the live post analysis we did for the VP debate earlier this week. It’s almost the same but just the analysis at the end. Thanks! #maca, #maga, #sovereigntyofgod, #MAGA, #makeamericagreatagain, #ChristiansforTrump, #JesuslovesTrump Watch or listen to TEARING DOWN HIGH PLACES every week on the following channels https://tinyurl.com/TDHPonYOUTUBE https://tinyurl.com/TDHPonSPOTIFY https://rumble.com/user/TDHP https://x.com/TearingDownHP NOMINATE YOUR PASTOR FOR THE BLOOD RED CHURCH AWARD EMAIL – [email protected]


And he, he was extra nice. He was everything opposite what they're trying to paint him and Trump to be as, you know,
Hitler and just the threat to democracy. So I don't think he was even trying to like attack.
I think he was just trying to undermine the argument and I think he accomplished that. I think it probably indicates that their internal, internal polling sees that they've got this and did it.
Well, please vote for Donald Trump and whether you vote for me or vote for Tim Walz, I just want to say
I'm so proud to be doing this and I'm rooting for you. God bless you and good night. Senator Vance. Thank you.
And thank you both for participating in the only vice presidential debate of this election cycle.
I'm Margaret. Yeah. Yeah. I thought that was a good closing statement by Vance.
It was. Yeah. That was right on the money. We need change, which is great to use their whole mantra of progress, change.
They have no standards, so it's just always change, change, change. But they've been the ones in office now and they can't run away from that.
And I like that he drilled down on that at the end there. Three and a half years and they've only made the problem worse.
So what's all this talk about on day one? You're 1400 days into it. So I think that was a good closing.
It was. It was kind of like Ronald Reagan. You know, Ronald Reagan's famous closing was, is your life better than it was four years ago?
And of course, the American people knew the answer. We're paying more money for everything. And that was, of course, with Jimmy Carter.
And then the Reagan won big, you know, after that. And then, of course, won again four years after that.
So so, yeah, it's it it's there's there's a contrast here between Trump's presidency and Biden Kamala Harris's presidency.
It's a huge contrast where there was prosperity during Trump's presidency.
And I think people lose sight of that because there was so much chaos because of Trump derangement syndrome.
Yeah, there was a lot of prosperity during his presidency. And then the last four years,
I mean, all of us are poor. I mean, we know what we know about that.
And it was media induced Trump derangement syndrome. Hey, Joe, let me give me my final sign off here.
I actually have to run. But just my overall view of what happened. Yeah. All the
J .D. Vance was trying to accomplish was to make the narrative of the left seem absurd.
And he was extra nice. He was everything opposite what they're trying to paint him and Trump to be as, you know,
Hitler and just the threat to democracy. So I don't think he was even trying to, like, attack.
I think he was just trying to undermine the argument. And I think he accomplished that. I think it probably indicates that their internal internal polling sees that they've got this as long as they pull a little bit from the middle.
You know, the female vote, like just the ones that are still a little skeptical and afraid.
I think he just won him over. I think it was a huge win for J .D. Vance tonight simply because of what
I think his goal was, was to just take the edge off of that argument, which is all they have.
Trump derangement syndrome. They have no policy issue. I think he just he deflected everything.
He was so agreeable the whole time, just smiling, complimenting. And I think he he ruined a lot of Democrats day because they wanted to write the article differently tomorrow.
So that's my view. I think you're really seeing the farce there, Jeff. I think that was a really great observation.
You're spot on. It is a it's all strategic. And yeah, yeah. I mean, but so but were you disappointed that they didn't talk about some of this guy's really craziness, the burning down the city, the you know, the crazy policies in state schools?
Did that bother you? I'm not I think strategically this actually made sense.
Like I said at the very beginning, I think there's a difference between what we know and what they need to do strategically to protect the lives of babies.
They couldn't make abortion the issue the whole time because sadly, this country has drifted so far from Christianity that most people are just fundamentally immoral on the issue of abortion.
And so that's right. Politically, strategically, it made sense not to go all in the way the way any one of us would, because we for Christ, you know, we're not speaking to win an office.
Yeah. We have a very different station. And God, I don't know that either Trump or Vance are born again, but I think they're more like Darius, you know, the
Persian king and those who were favorable to Israel, even though they themselves didn't know the
God of Israel. That's my view of what's happening. Yeah. Yeah, it's right. I mean, watching these things reminds me why
I can never be a politician. I can't do that. I mean, I just bring up the election question.
Oh, yeah, they stole it. I mean, I mean, I don't know. And I think, you know,
I think and I think sometimes pastors can act too much like politicians. And of course, those are the kind of pastors that Jeff and I and Tim and Joe do not like, you know, because we're supposed to be more like the prophets, right?
And the apostles and Jesus. But but yeah, I think sometimes maybe we can set the bar too high for politicians when they a lot of times they're not saved.
They're in the secular arena. So so maybe we could maybe we do set the bar too high where we're like, you know what, if Trump and Vance get in there, things aren't going to fall apart where we as a church, we need to do a better job of influencing our communities in our local communities and statewide and nationally to say, you know what, we need to get
America back to a more moral society. We can't put up with a corrupt media anymore.
We can't put up with corrupt institutions. And it may be gone. I don't know. But the church, the church has not been a witness the way that it's supposed to have been.
And I think that's why we find, you know, the Overton window, right? It keeps drifting further and further.
And and then we look like we look like a bunch of radicals, you know, because the church has not the church has not been a prophetic witness in society.
So so we do look strange. What do you think, Tim? I got to run, but I got to hear Tim's comments real quick before I go.
Oh, man. I just kind of thought, like, was it too mean of me to say that Waltz looked like a sad face emoji?
That a little. I don't know. I just it looked like it looked like Vance is someone just by looking at him, someone that you can trust and have a normal conversation with.
But it looked like Waltz just kind of just looked fake to me. You know what
I mean? And looked like he was more of a liar just by discerning and and observing what they're talking about and just trying to visualize what they're really like off camera and things like that.
My my gut is saying that Vance is more trustworthy overall, just on discernment.
And like Jeff said, I'm not so sure any of them are Christian, but it was really fun.
Honestly, my favorite part of the whole thing was this. The comments. I love love watching
Ivan and everyone comment and Seth's comments. That was a great idea. But as the debate, yeah,
Seth is right on the money. I like for me, it's like I'm jumping out of my skin because it's just like we would love to be on the world stage and be able to answer questions like that the way that, you know,
God would want us to, but dance around those things, which I don't know, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that I got asked those questions and I could actually stand for truth.
And I don't know if I could do the strategic game. Yeah, well, strategic in the way
Jeff put it. I mean, it was just it was it was more of a demeanor than it was the actual things that he said.
I think he probably does believe a lot of the things he said. I think he is a moderate. I don't think he's a very, you know, certainly not as radical as I would like, but I'm glad.
But he's but he's but he but he's he's very good. Very good tonight, Jeff. I really, really thought it was great,
Tim. I think you would have been mean if you called him Admiral Stockdale. Who am I? Why am
I here? That might have been me, if you know the reference there.
That was Ross Perot's running mate years ago, and they kind of reminded me a little bit of that guy.
Joe, what do you think? What do I think? What do I think? You know, it's the
VP race. I think I think Jeff just called it really well. I mean, just from a from a high level looking at the forest,
I got a whole bunch of trees I got problems with, you know, but the trees don't really matter.
It's the forest right now, especially, you know, and this is the end. This is the end of the of the of the final race.
And so what I was going to ask you, Seth or Jeff or Tim, anyway, what do we do to make sure we have higher standards for the next race?
This is when we start thinking about the next race. Let's get those standards up, especially those people who want to come out and say that Donald Trump's the worst since the worst thing in 50 years.
He's really not not even close. He's like the best president since Reagan. But, you know, that being said,
Reagan could have been a lot better, too. Yeah. Yeah, well, it's one of those things where we need to tell the truth.
And like, for example, on the abortion issue, you know, say, you know what? We're pro science.
Everybody talks about wanting to be pro science. Like we are pro science that that baby in the womb is a real human being.
Like, why is it so hard to say that, you know, and say things like, you know what? We don't want we don't want a woman to be in that situation, obviously, in a crisis pregnancy, but there's crisis pregnancy centers that they can help you.
And I used to be on the board at one. Seth, in your state, you're in you're in Wisconsin.
Yeah, thanks. And just getting that right. This. Yeah. Yeah. So are are they in your public schools?
Are they teaching young girls that that baby is just a collection of cells?
Doesn't feel any pain. You know that it's are they are they what are they teaching out there?
Because I'm going to tell you what, New Jersey, it's really bad. Yeah. Yeah. I don't I don't know exactly.
My guess would be, yes, you know, that they are. Of course, our governor would believe that, you know, but we have
I mean, like why the Republican Party used to talk about adoption a lot. OK, so if someone if someone can't if a woman can't take care of the baby, well, there's there's yeah, there's loving parents.
See, Jeff, that's gone. Yep. Yep. See, Jeff. He dropped the mic. Yeah. Yeah. There's loving parents out there.
Who else is there? Yeah. There's loving parents out there who oftentimes don't have any other children who want to adopt a child.
So so why don't we talk about adoption? And so I have an article coming out on TrueScript sometime soon, and it's an open letter to the to Republican lawmakers.
And my plea with them is, you know, I'm complimenting them. I'm saying, you know, you're doing a lot of things right. But I said, you know, we used to be the party of life and we used to be the party of marriage.
Yeah. And both of those have declined. And it's kind of interesting, because even as I say that.
You know, Bush was you know, he held those positions, right? He was strongly pro -life. And he was
George W. Bush. Yeah, he was he was strongly pro -life. And he believed in marriage between one man and one woman.
But Donald Trump, you know, I was was the much better president. And I think that's the case, because what we what we discovered is that the establishment, these establishment candidates were weren't that much different.
You know, Bush really wasn't that much different from Gore. McCain wasn't that much different from Obama. Romney wasn't that much different from Obama.
Do you think that's because of globalism? Yes. Yeah, Trump. Trump is against the establishment, which is he's against the deep state.
Let's call it what it is. Do you think do you think COVID changed how we view globalism?
And do you think it opened the eyes of some of us? Oh, it for sure did.
Yeah. Yeah, it for sure did. Yeah, I think Trump, what Trump has done, you know, Jeff mentioned that God uses flawed men to do good things.
You may see that in the Bible. Cyrus, King of Persia, Artaxerxes, Samson, and Nebuchadnezzar.
Yeah. Yeah. Nebuchadnezzar. Yeah. You see some Old Testament examples of men whom God used for his his for good purposes.
God used Trump to unmask a lot of evil, both both in in government and in the church.
Yeah. I mean, you know, Ray Ortlund is supporting Kamala Harris, for example. Yeah. Well, that shows corruption that we probably would not have otherwise seen.
Yeah, well, I think that's I think it's wonderful that he has come out and said that because his yeah, he's one of those pastors that thinks that it's
OK. Anyway, he probably will listen to Matthew five in the sermon on the mountain.
And hear Jesus say that if you if you lust after another woman, that it's a sin. But then he's going to turn around and say, if you lust after someone of the same sex, it's it's not a sin.
Right. So he's one of those guys that's just inconsistent and arbitrary. And that's not
Christ. Not Christ like. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And Jesus was not a politician, right?
He he had no problem sending the crowds away. Yeah. And of course, there's that scene in John six, right, where Jesus looks to his disciples after the crowds left and says, are you going to leave, too?
And then Peter says to him, you know, only you have the words of eternal life. Yeah. So so it's just yeah, it's it's it's kind of disheartening seeing politicians debate.
But Tim had let me ask. Let me ask Tim something. Tim, Tim, did you do you think?
Well, I said, how do you think we should prepare youth to get involved in politics?
What do you think? How do we how do we raise up some? Spiritual leaders,
I think, like, my gosh, wouldn't it be great? I think Trump's got a great insight, but wouldn't it be great if he actually knew his
Bible or he could say one Corinthians correctly? Well, I think
Joe says this really good comment on their politicians appeal to people. And the reason why
Seth, me or Jeff would really have a hard time appealing to people is because we're not trying to please people.
We're trying to please Christ. And I think. I would love to see and I think there would be a big following of people if someone really did come out as an actual born again
Christian that knew their Bible and started running. I don't know, like who knows what God can do. I'd love to see that way more.
But as far as youth, I think that we could, you know, educate them on seeing things, seeing the forest through the trees like Jeff did, like to educate them on the
Bible. So, you know, the Bible strengthens discernment. And I think that they're not going to know how to discern things from the world.
The world is going to teach them more so to be a Democrat or to see things the way the world does. So really,
I think preparing them with the word of God so that they can think for themselves and have a biblical perspective.
If you have a true biblical knowledge and perspective and we're taught the Bible, there's no be on the wrong side.
How are kids how are kids prepared to to deal with these liberals in college? Do you think do you think they're ready?
Man, I think my wife just had a comment in the background. What'd you say? Come on,
Mayor. Come on on. No, no. She doesn't want to come on. No, I just think that a lot of them are very unprepared in the aspect of their boldness, because they're
I feel like they are too shy majority of the time to voice their opinions to receive any type of or deal with any type of adversity.
And I think that's something that as parents, they should be reinforcing that matter, like no matter what you're doing in life, if you're following Christ, you're never alone.
So too many kids are afraid of losing friends or kind of being outcast or, you know, being targeted.
And it's like, but that's the life of Christ that you're supposed to suffer. And it's not like you're suffering, like in a sense of like, you know, it's bad because you know where you're glorious, like, you know, that you have, you know, an eternity in heaven with Christ.
So that's what I think that there are a lot of them are ill prepared for because they they wrestle too much with compromise.
And I think that needs to be reinforced from the parents, knowing that parents would be proud of a kid to stand up against those lies and against falsehood with the truth and be
OK to identify with Jesus Christ and parents being proud of that and reinforcing that more than, you know, maybe getting a good grade or being popular, things like that.
That's because kids do try to please their parents growing up. And if you have a parent that is following the
Lord and loves to see their kids following the Lord, the kids are going to try to do that. Yeah.
What do you think about making a debate club between the Cornerstone kids and like the public school kids?
Oh, man, I don't know. I would say that the Cornerstone kids win. That would be great.
That'd be great. Love to do that. Yeah. Some kids from church in mind that would would win pretty much any debate.
So I was nice. We have to get them on. Let's have it. Let's get them on. That would be.
Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we need to we need to emphasize that, you know, to be a
Christian means that the world's not going to love you. Right. I mean, think about, you know, Jesus is the only person who never did anything wrong.
And look what the world did to him. They brutally crucified him on a cross. And Jesus said what they did to me, they will do to you.
Right. If the world hated me, then they will hate you as well. And of course, it might it doesn't mean that so we're going to die.
We could, but we will be insulted. Right. There's a spectrum of persecution.
And so we need to teach our children that that you will face persecution. But it but this persecution comes.
I think the connection with politics here is this persecution comes where it comes is it comes through standing in the public square.
It's not so much just preaching the gospel. It's standing for the unborn. It's standing for marriage.
It's standing against the craziness of the transgender movement. It's standing against illegal immigration and being called a bigot.
It's I mean, all these things, you know, the right to defend ourselves. I mean, these are all political issues that we need to stand on because the
Bible supports them. We need to stand on the fact that the government often oversteps its its bounds that God has given it.
Do they even have a right to be in some of these things? Jeff was just preaching a sermon this this weekend on the different types of governments that are established by God, you know, starting starting with self, but then family, church and state are all different types of government.
Right. And our state government, which is really the federal government mostly, but our states as well, they've taken over the church and the family.
And, of course, then that means the self. All we've got is our, you know, left.
Yeah. And that's what they do. They they they think they own our children and they don't.
Right. Yeah. So so you can see where persecution always comes from the government. And persecution comes from being enemies of the state.
It's always been that way. You know, we don't worship their gods. We don't follow their idols.
We don't bow our knee to Caesar. You know, so so we need to remember that, you know, so when people say
Christians can't get political. Well, if you don't get political, if you don't stand for biblical ethics in the public square, then you probably won't get persecuted.
But but you also won't be faithful to Christ. So that yeah. So that's a big point
I want to make, you know, that. Yeah. About a little question from the audience here. I don't know if it's a question.
It's more of a statement. But yeah, Christopher says the state has only taken over churches that allowed them to do so.
Do you guys agree with that? Yeah, go ahead, Tim. I mean, that makes sense if if you allow it.
Right. I don't know. Maybe you would have a better, better answer, Seth. Yes.
I mean, I would say, yes, I agree with Nate. And COVID -19, of course, is the great example of this.
I think most churches in America did not understand the relationship between the church and the state.
And how many people know of the Erastian heresy? You know, not many pastors were equipped in understanding that the
Erastian heresy teaches that government is above the church. But the
Bible doesn't teach that. The Bible teaches that they're side by side and God is above them.
So that the church only obeys the government when the government is within the bounds that God has set, the design that God has put in place.
Right. So most pastors did not understand that in 2020. And therefore, all these churches everywhere compromised.
And yes, I think it's one of those things where churches need to recognize, OK, we did compromise. And if these lockdowns come again, which they probably will at some point, we have a chance to actually do it right this time.
Hey, and I think a lot of that pressure not only came from the state, but came from the media, but also from even the church congregants that thought they knew better than the pastor and thought they wanted to lead the pastor and were recommending shutting it down or, you know, things like that.
And really, the pastor has to be strong enough or the elder board or whatever it is to say, no, you know, this isn't this isn't right.
So you're saying there was a an upswell of fear in the. Yes. Yeah, it was fear.
Yeah. And that could happen again with who knows what what's in store. Yeah. I mean, hey, listen, the first couple of weeks.
I was waiting for like people to drop dead. I thought it was, you know, I was looking out my window.
I was living on Haddon Avenue in Collingswood. I'm looking out the window going, anybody drop dead yet?
Yeah. Well, I was looking out the window like. Like I'm thinking there's no way people are actually going to be wearing these masks.
I look out, they have them on outside and whatnot. And I'm like, no way people are actually doing it.
And then like, you know, after a week, I'm like, no way they're still doing it. The next day, the next day, and then like was like almost a year into it.
And I still see people still wearing the mask. I don't even at this point, they're not afraid. They're just proving a point.
I don't know, maybe virtue signaling with their mask on or whatever it is. Yeah, it was a total virtual signal.
We did those kids on the street say to us that we're wearing the mask. And we're down in Kensington. I couldn't understand what they were saying because they had the mask on.
What? Why you got a mask on? I think they were saying,
I don't know, I'm just comfortable wearing it. I'm like, how could you ever be comfortable wearing that? Yeah, that sounds like it.
Yeah, and we want to we want a president, guys, who is going to actually let us let the church do what do what they want, right, to truly have separation of church and state.
And and of course, in this election, we know, you know, we know what the choice is. The choice is clear.
I was really glad that was I mean, that Vance talked about the First Amendment. That was a very strong ending is a great way to end.
Yeah, it was a good ending. I liked how he kind of took their slogan and was like, yeah, we need we need a change of what's been happening.
And it's true that this has been at least since I've been old enough to view the world. This, I think, has been the most change in one presidential term in the world.
So now it's like, yeah, we now we need a change from that horrible change that happened. Yeah. Amen. And I think that, you know,
I think really looking at the forest, I think Jeff's was really spot on talking about how, you know, how strategic this whole thing was.
And, you know, I look at, you know, I called I called Walt Wentz or Walls, the admiral for Admiral Stockton, which was he couldn't he could barely speak that guy.
But the reality is he was very much on point. He said he said at the very end of that debate, he started he turned he turned it all around on a
Republican saying, you guys are trying to imprison, make political prisoners.
I'm like, wait a minute, didn't I just watch the Democrats for four years try to put Trump in jail?
Like on. Yeah, I'm like the audacity of this man, the sheer the sheer hubris.
Oh, I can't believe that a lot. He said a lot of things, if you listen like carefully, like that was really just talking about them, but they were trying to say the other side was doing that.
That's what he was saying, like he was saying, like the winner. We just want the winner of the election to, you know, act like a winner or something like that.
And we're like, yeah, well, like we want like the win, like the whoever wins to be the winner, too. But that didn't happen the first time.
No, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I think I think with Vance, we look at Vance, you know, he's if Christ's return delays and who knows, it might be soon.
But if there is time in the future, Vance is the kind of guy who people can get behind because he has something that Trump doesn't have.
And that's and that's a sense of decency. And that really came out tonight.
Of course, Ephesians four tells us and I know it tearing down the high places, right? This is what this podcast is all about, speaking the truth and love.
And yeah, Vance did a great I mean, I tell you what, if anybody wants to learn how to speak the truth and love, he did a great job at that tonight.
And so, yeah, so there's like a decency that he had. So if he is the future of the Republican Party, I hope that he maybe gets some stronger convictions on some things.
But I'm going to bite my tongue, but I would say, yeah, I'm going to bite my tongue on that one, but I want to pray that you're right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you saw the decency, right, Joe? Like I said,
I think they were both very strategic, so I don't believe anything that they're doing. You don't think it was sincere is what you're saying.
Well, no, no, no, it's not that it's not that I mean, I believe they think they're good people. You know, they believe that I believe that they believe that they're good people.
Yeah. But you can at least see like more of a sense of self -control from Vance that Trump really doesn't have unbelievably good self -control.
Unbelievably good. So I just don't I just don't like some of his policy, some of the things he said about expanding child care.
And he spoke about some other big government things like and just a little too much.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'll and I'll agree with Nate on this. Nate said there is no decency in politics.
Oftentimes we don't know if they're sincere. Right now, if he is sincere, you know,
God knows, you know, and that's why that's why politics is a dirty game because we know.
Yeah, well, you know, and this is why we've got it. We've got to keep an eye on them. Yeah, real close, real close, you know, yeah.
Trust but verify. And I think it's here's something I tell people when we talk about we'll answer this question in a second.
And I'm already losing my train of thought here. Maybe. OK, let's answer this question about that. I don't know who
Jan Sandmark is, so, yeah, but I'm going to tell you what there are.
So if you talk to people in the John Birch Society, which, you know, I'm already labeling myself as that, which is fine, but I think they're that, you know, people thought they were a little little out there before they were predicting everything that happened during covid anyway.
Yeah, I think he's too close to the deep state. I think we're going to find out. We're going to find out who he is. I think there's there's there's people saying that he is, but we don't know, you know, and there's people attacking him.
You just don't know. And we got to we got to give everybody a fair shot. And what's the connection he has?
So I've heard he's got connections to different globalist groups, and he was funded and somebody in the chat room could probably say say more about this.
Some of his funding came from some people that were questionable, but that doesn't mean anything. Hey, anybody wants to send me money and fund me go right ahead.
I'm not going to look into your your money's green. It's fine. I don't like to check your morals if you're you know what
I mean like that. I mean, but you know how much how much of a relationship did he have with certain people?
Who knows? OK, let me this is this is what I was going to say. It came back to me when we when we judge someone.
OK, what they say does matter. OK, but what's more important than what they say is what they do.
Right, because because you can get someone who's going to fool you by what they say. You know, I hate to bring this up, but like Steve Lawson, for example.
Yeah. You know, this big scandal, this five year affair that he had with a woman much younger than him.
He's he said a lot of good things. He said glorious things. The truth of God's word.
And yet you look at his life and you're like, OK, did this guy even mean anything he said? Because, you know, the book of James says we know someone by their deeds.
Right. We we know someone by their fruits. Jesus said that. So it's when we're judging someone, whether it's a politician or whether it's anybody in life, whether it's a pastor or a layman or someone in the community, what do they do?
Don't be fooled by what they say. What do they do? Look at their actions and then and then make a judgment on someone's character.
Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great if we just if we just had people that really knew the
Bible. But I want to remind people, you know, like we're talking about the spirit of the age, the zeitgeist being anti -Christian right now.
A hundred years ago, the spirit of the age was the complete opposite. We had a lot of people that were not
Christians quoting scripture left and right. So, you know, how do you navigate that?
Well, let's get a Matthew reference in there. I tell you what. I want to know what what he was quoting, because first he started off with,
I'm not a guy that follows my own faith, but Matthew 25 or 24 or something.
And I honestly miss what he said because I started laughing over him. Like, you know, it was it was
Matthew 25 something. And I wasn't that it wasn't in verse 11 because I went and looked it up. And he said, love your neighbor as yourself,
I think. I think we can go back to the tape and see how it comes from Matthew 22.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Jesus has asked the question, what's the greatest commandment? And then he then he says, and the second is like it.
You should love your neighbor as yourself. That's Matthew 22. I'm sure going to Lutheran rainbow flying flag.
Yeah. I mean, not flying, not flying a rainbow flag because of because of Noah. Right.
So. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. So, hey, guys, this was great.
Let's cut it off. I'm going to repost this over the weekend for our weekly podcast. So maybe we'll maybe it'll be interesting to see again for some folks out there.
Thank you, everybody, for coming out. And guys, we got to we got to do it as we do every week.
Hey, let's do it. Come on, Tim. Fall on something. Fuck, dude. Yeah. You see a brother down.